Application Letter - Ict Activity 1
Application Letter - Ict Activity 1
Application Letter - Ict Activity 1
Function: F-2 Electrical, electronic and control engineering at the operational level
Competences/s : A-III/6.F2.C5: Electrical, electronic and control engineering at the operational level
KUP: A-III/6.F2.C5.KUP 1: Understanding of:
1. Main features of data processing and use of computer networks on ships
3. bridge-based, engine room-based and computer use
References/s 1. STCW 1978, as amended-Table A-III/6-Specification of minimum standard of competence
for electro-technical officers
2. Instrument Engineers Handbook: Software and Digital Network, Bela G. Liptak
3. Marine Ship manager Technical Software (any brand)
Learning Objective: At the end of activity, the students are able to create and save a file.
Briefing: I hereby that I was briefed on the activity and skills to be assessed. The performance by which my
competency will be determined.
Mabinay Street
Mr. Ryan Brylle Luzon
2. Use the following font attributes:
Ideas are very well Ideas are organized Ideas are not well Ideas are not well No idea stated.
organized with with at least 1 to 2 organized with 3 to 5 organized with 6 to
Organization appropriate cohesive inappropriate inappropriate 10, inappropriate
of Ideas devices used and with cohesive used and cohesive used and cohesive device
clear focus and few supporting details. few supporting used and with
supporting details details. much disorganized
supporting details.
TITLE: Creating and Storing Files
Demonstrate full Demonstrate full Demonstrate Fails to No idea stated.
knowledge of the topic knowledge of the topic knowledge of the demonstrate full
and gives a thorough with minimal topic but does not knowledge of the
Content and justification, and justification though still give sufficient topic and does not
Knowledge remains to hold the holds the reader to justification which give a thorough
readers interest to continue reading. make readers not so elaboration and
read the content interested to read. explanation.
Consistently applies Usually applies Sometimes applies Rarely applies No idea stated.
knowledge of English, knowledge of knowledge of knowledge or
grammar, structure, grammar, structure, grammar structure, grammar,
Grammar and proper usage and proper usage and proper usage and structure, proper
Proper Usage mechanism writing. mechanics in writing. mechanics in writing. usage and
mechanics in
Consistently applies Usually applies Sometimes applies Rarely applies No idea stated.
appropriate of ideas appropriate appropriate appropriate
Coherence of presented. connective markers connectives, markers connectives,
the Ideas connectives, markers and expressions. It and expressions. markers and
and expressions. It sometimes shows expression.
also shows brevity unconciseness ideas.
Student Rating:
DEBRIEFING: (15 minutes) Results of evaluation is clearly discussed with the students.
I acknowledge to have been debriefed and accepts the result of the assessment.
_________________________ ____________________________
Instructor Name & Signature Student Printed Name & Signature