ISO 26000 Tool Implementation Matrix
ISO 26000 Tool Implementation Matrix
ISO 26000 Tool Implementation Matrix
SOURCE: - NEN handbook 'The implementation of SR, Best practices and tools for ISO 26000
ready #
Steps Deliverables year Q1-4 Y/N Mgt HRM Sales Purch Comm Fin Prod Log QHSE Puller person days
1 Communication/stakeholder plan, sphere of influence and reporting X Comm. Mgr.
1.1 Identification of stakeholders Stakeholder map 2013 Q1 Y X X X X X X X X X Head of Departm. 3
1.2 Determine forms of communication (per stakeholder category) Comm./Stakeholder Plan (matrix) 2013 Q3-4 N X X X X X Comm. Mgr. 5
1.3 Analysing stakeholder interests Stakeholder interests 2013 Q2-4 N X X X X X X X X X Head of Departm. 20
1.4 Analysing sphere of influence (SOI) - inside & oustide value chain Spehere of influence 1st analysis 2013 Q4 N X X X X X Chairman SR group 5
1.5 Determine communication of SR icons SR Icon comm. (in corp.comm.plan) 2013 Q3-4 N X X X X X Comm. Mgr. 2
1.6 Determine way(s) of SR reporting Repporting structure (f.e. GRI?) 2013 Q4 N X X X Finance Mgr. 3
= Example for step 1
2 SR issues and actions: determine Relevance, Significance and Priority X X
2.1 Issue matrix: determine relev-signif. (own analysis) of SR issues Issue matrix (own analysis)
2.2 Update issue matrix after stakeholder consultations Issue matrix (incl. stakeholder-consult.)
2.3 Determine SR level of ambition and priority for action (for relevant issues) SR priorities
2.4 Determine SR front and back garden; choose SR Icons SR front and back garden; SR Icons
2.5 Define and update action plans SR action plans
7 Verify SR performances X X
7.1 Verify SR performances by employees, workers and mgt. (internal stakeholders) Internal verification
7.2 Verify SR performances by customers, suppliers, NGOs etc. (external stakeholders) External verification
7.3 Produce a Self Declaration ISO 26000 with practical examples and evidence ISO 26000 Self Declaration