Online Games Played Frequency Percentage
Online Games Played Frequency Percentage
Online Games Played Frequency Percentage
Dota 76 5.07 %
Roblox 12 0.80 %
As shown in table 9, among the 1,500 respondents (n=1500), Valorant got the
highest percentage of most played online games which has 21.73% (n=326)
respondents. Followed by Call of Duty with 19.73% (n=296),Mobile Legends with
18.87% (n=283),Among us with 14.80% (n=222), PUBG with 12.67% (n=190).And the
online game that got a lowest percentage of respondents is Stumble with 0.60%
(n=9) respondents.
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Happiness Level Frequency Percentage
Unhappy 113 8%
1 240 16%
2 150 10%
3 315 21%
4 225 15%
5 255 17%
6 150 10%
7 165 11%
As shown in Table 11,among the 1500 respondents (n=1500), The 3 Hours Consumed
Playing Online Games got a highest percentage of 21% (n=315), followed by hours 5
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and 1 with 17% (n=255) and 16% (n=240) consumed by respondents.The low
percentage among the others,are the hours 2 and 6 with 10% (n=150).
Table 12. Mean, standard deviation, and variance of the respondents’ Hours
Consumed Playing Online Games
Table 12 reveals that the average hours the respondents consumed while playing
online games is 3.81, with a standard deviation of 1.89 and a variance of 3.58. This
result indicates that the typical hours the respondents consumed playing online
games ranges from 2 to 6 (n=1020, 68%). Furthermore, 95% of the respondents’
(n=1425) hours consumed playing online games ranges from 0 to 8. The distribution
shows normality with a small amount of variation. This outcome means that only
roughly 0.3 percent of respondents differ from the average (Mean=3.18) by less
than 5 respondents with hours consumed playing online games, with 0.15 percent
differing by less than an hour or neither playing online games to more than 7 hours
of playing.
Group No. 3
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