Task 34 Booklet (Biomass Pyrolysis)

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I E A B io e n er gy : T 3 4 : 2 0 0 7 : 0 1
Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s


I NT R O D U C T I O N 3

P rin ci p l e s o f Fa s t P y ro ly s i s 4
Reactors 6
B u b blin g fl u id b e d s 6
C i rc u l a t in g fl u id b e d s a n d t ra n s p o r t e d b e d 7
A bl a t iv e py ro ly s i s 8
E n t ra in e d fl ow 9
B y - P ro d u c t s 9
P y ro ly s i s L i q u id B io - oil 10
A p p li c a t io n s o f B io - oil 12
Tra n s p o r t F u el s 13
G a s i fi c a t io n a n d f u el s y n t h e s i s 13
H y d ro p ro c e s s in g o f b io - oil
a n d o t h er u p gra din g m e t h o d s 14
C o - fi rin g a n d C o - p ro c e s s in g 15


C O N C L US I O N S 17

R E F ER E N C E S 17


Cover picture
Dynamotive 100 t/d fluid bed fast pyrolysis, bio-oil plant in West Lorne,
Ontario, Canada. (Courtesy Dynamotive and A. Bridgwater)

Biomass Pyrolysis

This feature article provides an overview based on the work of Task 34: Pyrolysis of
Biomass. It was prepared by the Task Leader, Professor Tony Bridgwater, Bioenergy
Research Group, Aston University, UK.

Renewable energy is of growing importance in responding to concerns over the
environment and security of energy supply. Biomass is unique in providing the only
renewable source of fixed carbon, which is an essential ingredient in meeting many of
our fuel and consumer goods requirements. It is also considered the renewable energy
source with the highest potential to contribute to the energy needs of modern society
for both the developed and developing economies worldwide.1,2 Wood, energy crops and
agricultural and forestry residues are some of the main renewable energy resources
available. The biodegradable components of municipal solid waste (MSW) and
commercial and industrial wastes are also significant bioenergy resources, although,
particularly in the case of MSW, they may require extensive processing before

Bioenergy could provide the major part of the projected renewable energy provisions of
the future as biofuels in the form of gas, liquid or solid fuels, or electricity and heat.
There are many ways of providing these biofuels, including thermal and biological
conversion, of which pyrolysis, and particularly fast pyrolysis, forms the focus of this

Of the available biomass conversion technologies for production of more usable energy
forms, fast pyrolysis is the least developed, but offers the benefits of a liquid fuel with
concomitant advantages of easy storage and transport as well as higher power
generation efficiencies than fossil fuelled systems at the smaller scales of operation that
are likely to be realised from bioenergy systems. All the other thermal and biological
biomass conversion processes are commercially available, usually with performance
guarantees, and are steadily being implemented around the world.

Pyrolysis is thermal decomposition occurring in the absence of oxygen. It is also always
the first step in combustion and gasification, but in these processes it is followed by
total or partial oxidation of the primary products. Lower process temperatures and
longer vapour residence times favour the production of charcoal. High temperatures and
longer residence times increase biomass conversion to gas, and moderate temperatures
and short vapour residence times are optimum for producing liquids. Table 1 indicates
the product distribution obtained from different modes of pyrolysis. Fast pyrolysis for
liquids production is currently of particular interest because liquids can be stored and
transported more easily and at lower cost than solid biomass.3,4,5,6

Table 1: Typical product yields (dry wood basis)

obtained by different modes of pyrolysis of wood

Mode Conditions Liquid Char Gas

Fast moderate temperature, around 500°C, 75% 12% 13%

short hot vapour residence time ~ 1 second

Intermediate moderate temperature, around 500°C, 50% 20% 30%

moderate hot vapour residence time
~ 10-20 seconds

Slow (carbonisation) low temperature, around 400°C, 30% 35% 35%

very long solids residence time

Gasification high temperature, around 800°C, 5% 10% 85%

long vapour residence time

Fast pyrolysis occurs in a few seconds or less. Therefore heat and mass transfer
processes and phase transition phenomena, as well as chemical reaction kinetics, play
important roles. The critical issue is to bring the reacting biomass particles to the
optimum process temperature and minimise their exposure to the intermediate (lower)
temperatures that favour formation of charcoal. One way this objective can be achieved
is by using small particles, for example in the fluidised bed processes that are described
later. Another possibility is to transfer heat very rapidly only to the particle surface that
contacts the heat source, as applied in ablative pyrolysis. A critical technical challenge
in every case is heat transfer to the reactor in commercial systems.

Principles of fast pyrolysis

In fast pyrolysis, biomass rapidly decomposes to generate vapours, aerosols, gases and
some charcoal. After cooling and collection, a dark brown mobile liquid is formed that
has a heating value of about half that of conventional fuel oil. While it is related to the
traditional pyrolysis processes for making charcoal (see Table 1), fast pyrolysis is an

advanced process that is completed in seconds, with carefully controlled parameters, to
give high yields of liquid. The essential features of a fast pyrolysis process for producing
liquids are:
• Very high heating and heat transfer rates at the reaction interface, which usually
requires a finely ground biomass feed.
• Carefully controlled pyrolysis reaction temperature of around 500°C and vapour
phase temperature of 400-450°C. The effect of temperature on yields and product
spectrum is discussed in the section on pyrolysis liquid below.
• Short hot vapour residence times of typically less than two seconds.
• Rapid cooling of the pyrolysis vapours to give the bio-oil product.

The main product, bio-oil, is obtained in yields of up to 75% by weight (wt) on a dry-
feed basis, together with by-product char and gas, which are used within the process to
provide the process heat requirements, so there are no waste streams other than flue
gas and ash.

A fast pyrolysis process includes drying the feed to typically less than 10% water in
order to minimise the water in the product liquid oil, grinding the feed (to around
2 mm particle size in the case of fluid bed reactors) to give sufficiently small particles
to ensure rapid reaction, fast pyrolysis, separation of solids (char), and quenching and
collection of the liquid product (bio-oil).

Virtually any form of biomass can be considered for fast pyrolysis. While most work has
been carried out on wood because of its consistency and comparability between tests,
nearly 100 different biomass types have been tested by many laboratories, ranging from
agricultural wastes such as straw, olive pits and nut shells to energy crops such as
Miscanthus and Sorghum, forestry wastes such as bark, and solid wastes such as
sewage sludge and leather wastes.

A typical fast pyrolysis process is depicted in Figure 1 showing the necessary

preparation steps, alternative reactors, and product collection.

Figure 1: Conceptual fast pyrolysis process


At the heart of a fast pyrolysis process is the reactor. Although it probably represents at
most only about 10-15% of the total capital cost of an integrated system, most
research and development projects have focused on the reactor. Increasing attention is
now being paid to control and improvement of liquid quality and improvement of
collection systems. The rest of the process consists of biomass reception, storage and
handling, biomass drying and grinding, product collection, storage and, when relevant,
liquid upgrading. The key aspects of these peripheral steps are described later. A
comprehensive survey of fast pyrolysis processes for liquids production that have been
built and tested in the last 10-15 years has already been published.4

Bubbling fluid beds

Bubbling fluid beds - usually referred to as just ‘fluid beds’ as opposed to ‘circulating fluid
beds’ - have the advantages of a well-understood technology that is simple in construction
and operation, good temperature control and very efficient heat transfer to biomass
particles arising from the high solids density. Fluid bed pyrolysers give good and consistent
performance with high liquid yields of typically 70-75% wt from wood on a dry-feed basis.
Small biomass particle sizes of less than 2-3 mm are needed to achieve high biomass
heating rates, and the rate of particle heating is usually the rate-limiting step.

Residence times of solids and vapours are

controlled by the fluidising gas flow rate
and are higher for char than for vapours.
As char acts as an effective vapour
cracking catalyst at fast pyrolysis
reaction temperatures, rapid and effective
char separation is important. This is
usually achieved by ejection and
entrainment followed by separation in one
or more cyclones, so careful design of
sand and biomass/char hydrodynamics is

The earliest pioneering work on fast

pyrolysis was carried out at the University
Figure 2: Dynamotive 100 t/d fluid bed fast
of Waterloo by Scott who published
pyrolysis plant in West Lorne, Ontario, Canada extensively.7,8,9 The largest plant currently
operating is that of Dynamotive in West
Lorne, Ontario, Canada, which has a 100 tonnes per day (t/d) dry biomass feed
demonstration plant, with plans for further plants up to 400 t/d 10 (Figure 2). A 2.5
MWe gas turbine is also provided on site for generation of power for local use and for
export to the grid. There are research units at universities and research institutions
around the world including State University of Iowa, USA, RTI Canada, IWC Germany,
Aston University UK, VTT Finland, and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory
(NREL), USA. A typical 1 kg/h laboratory unit is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Laboratory fluid bed fast pyrolysis units: Aston University 1 kg/h (left) and Iowa State
University 5 kg/h (right)

Circulating fluid beds and transported bed

Circulating fluid beds (CFB) have many of the features of bubbling beds described
above, except that the residence time of the char is almost the same as for vapours and
gas, and the char is more attrited due to the higher gas velocities, which can lead to
higher char contents in the collected bio-oil. An
added advantage is that CFBs are potentially
suitable for very large throughputs even though the
hydrodynamics are more complex - this technology is
widely used at very high throughputs in the
petroleum and petrochemical industry. However, heat
transfer at higher throughputs has not been
demonstrated and offers some challenges.11 Heat
supply is usually from recirculation of heated sand
from a secondary char combustor, which can be
either a bubbling or circulating fluid bed. In this
respect, the process is similar to a twin fluid bed
gasifier, except that the reactor (pyrolyser)
temperature is much lower and the closely integrated
char combustion in a second reactor requires careful
control to ensure that the temperature and heat flux
match the process and feed requirements. VTT has a
20 kg/h process development unit shown in Figure 4.

A variation on the transported bed is the rotating

cone reactor, invented at the University of Twente 12
and implemented by BTG in the Netherlands. In this
configuration, the transport is effected by centrifugal
forces rather than gas. A 50 t/d plant has been built
in Malaysia and was commissioned in summer 2005 Figure 4: 20 kg/h fast pyrolysis
(Figure 5). process development unit at VTT

Ablative pyrolysis
Ablative pyrolysis is
substantially different in
concept from other methods of
fast pyrolysis.13 In all the
other methods, the rate of
reaction is limited by the rate
of heat transfer through the
biomass particles, which is why
small particles are required.
The mode of reaction in
ablative pyrolysis is like
melting butter in a frying pan -
the rate of melting can be
significantly enhanced by
pressing the butter down and
moving it over the heated pan
surface. In ablative pyrolysis,
heat is transferred from the
hot reactor wall to ‘melt’ wood
that is in contact with it under
pressure. The pyrolysis front
thus moves uni-directionally
through the biomass particle. Figure 5: BTG 50 t/d rotating cone fast pyrolysis plant
As the wood is mechanically in Malaysia
moved away, the residual oil
film both provides lubrication for successive biomass particles and also rapidly
evaporates to give pyrolysis vapours for collection in the same way as other processes.
The rate of reaction is strongly influenced by pressure, the relative velocity of the wood
and the heat exchange surface and the reactor surface temperature. The key features of
ablative pyrolysis are therefore:
• High pressure of particle on hot reactor wall, achieved due to mechanical force
(Aston University) or centrifugal force (NREL).
• High relative velocity between particle and reactor wall.
• Reactor wall temperature less than 600°C.

As reaction rates are not limited by heat transfer through the biomass particles, large
particles can be used and in principle there is no upper limit to the size that can be
processed.The process in fact is limited by the rate of heat supply to the reactor rather than
the rate of heat absorption by the pyrolysing biomass, as in other reactors.There is no
requirement for inert gas, so the processing equipment is smaller and of potentially lower
cost. However, the process is surface-area-controlled so scaling is a linear function of the
heat transfer area and thus does not benefit from the economies of scale of other systems
such as fluid beds. In addition, the reactor is mechanically driven and is thus more complex.
PyTec has recently started operating a 50 t/d demonstration plant in north Germany 14,
(Figure 6); and a small research unit operates at Aston University 13, (Figure 7).

Figure 6: PyTec 50 t/d ablative pyrolysis demonstration plant

Figure 7: Aston University ablative plate fast pyrolysis reactor (left) and unit (right)

Entrained flow
Entrained flow fast pyrolysis is in principle a simple technology, but most developments
have not been as successful as had been hoped, mostly because of the poor heat transfer
between a hot gas and a solid particle. High relative gas velocities and high turbulence
are required to effect sufficient heat transfer. This requires large plant sizes and high
gas flow rates, which results in more difficult liquid collection from the low vapour
partial pressure. Liquid yields have usually been lower than fluid bed and CFB systems.


Charcoal and gas are by-products, typically containing about 25% and 5% of the
energy in the feed material respectively. The pyrolysis process itself requires about 15%
of the energy in the feed; and of the by-products, only the char has sufficient energy to

provide this heat. The process heat requirement can be derived by burning the gas and/or
the charcoal by-product. More advanced configurations could gasify the char to a lower
heating value (LHV) gas and then burn the resultant gas more effectively to provide
process heat, with the advantage that the alkali metals in the char can be much better
controlled and avoid potential slagging problems from direct char combustion. There are
many other ways of providing the heat.11

Pyrolysis liquid bio-oil

Crude pyrolysis liquid or bio-oil is dark brown and approximates to biomass in elemental
composition. It is composed of a very complex mixture of oxygenated hydrocarbons with
an appreciable proportion of water from both the original moisture and reaction
product. Solid char may also be present. The product spectrum from fast pyrolysis of
aspen poplar wood, and the high dependence on temperature, are shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Variation of products from aspen poplar with temperature 15

The liquid is formed by rapidly quenching and thus ‘freezing’ the intermediate products
of flash degradation of hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin. The liquid thus contains many
reactive chemicals, which contribute to its unusual attributes. Bio-oil can be considered
a micro-emulsion in which the continuous phase is an aqueous solution of holocellulose
decomposition products, which stabilises the discontinuous phase of pyrolytic lignin
macro-molecules through mechanisms such as hydrogen bonding.

Bio-oil has a higher heating value (HHV)of about 16-17 MJ/kg as produced with about
25% wt water that cannot readily be separated. It is composed of a complex mixture of
oxygenated compounds that provide both the potential and challenge for utilisation.
There are some important characteristics of this liquid that are summarised in Table 2
and discussed briefly below, of which the most significant is that it will not mix with any

conventional hydrocarbon-based fuels. Typically it is a dark brown, free-flowing liquid.
Depending on the initial feedstock and the mode of fast pyrolysis, the colour can be
almost black through dark red-brown to dark green, being influenced by the presence of
micro-carbon in the liquid and chemical composition. Hot vapour filtration gives a more
translucent red-brown appearance owing to the absence of char. High nitrogen content
can impart a dark green tinge to the liquid.

The liquid has a distinctive odour - an acrid smoky smell due to the low molecular
weight aldehydes and acids - which can irritate the eyes on prolonged exposure. The
liquid contains several hundred different chemicals in widely varying proportions,
ranging from formaldehyde and acetic acid to complex high molecular weight phenols,
anhydrosugars and other oligosaccharides.

Table 2: Typical properties of wood-derived crude bio-oil

Physical property Typical value
Moisture content 25%
pH 2.5
Specific gravity 1.20
Elemental analysis C 56%
H 6.5%
O 37.5%
N 0.1%
Ash 0%
HHV* as produced 17 MJ/kg
Viscosity (40°C and 25% water) 50cp
Solids (char) 0.1%
Vacuum distillation residue up to 50%
*HHV: Higher Heating Value

• Liquid fuel
• Ready substitution for conventional fuels in many stationary applications such as boilers,
furnaces, engines, turbines
• Heating value of 17 MJ/kg at 25% wt water, is about 40% that of fuel oil/diesel
• Does not mix with hydrocarbon fuels
• Quality needs definition for each application

The liquid usually forms a stable single-phase mixture when the feedstock is clean
wood. It contains varying quantities of water ranging from about 15% by weight (wt%)
to an upper limit of about 30-50 wt% water, depending on the feed material, how it was
produced and subsequently collected. A typical feed material specification is a
maximum of 10% moisture in the dried feed material, as both this feed moisture and
the water of reaction from pyrolysis, typically about 12% based on dry feed, both end

up in the liquid product. This results in a liquid with around 25% water. Water levels
above 35-40% from high feed moisture or vapour cracking can result in instability and
phase separation. Water addition reduces viscosity, which is useful; reduces heating
value, which means that more liquid is required to meet a given duty; and can improve
stability. The effect of water is therefore complex and important. It is miscible with
polar solvents such as methanol, acetone, etc., but substantially immiscible with
petroleum-derived fuels.

The density of the liquid is very high at around 1.2 kg/litre, compared with light fuel oil
at around 0.85 kg/litre. This means that the liquid has about 42% of the energy content
of fuel oil on a weight basis, but 61% on a volumetric basis. This has implications for
the design and specification of equipment such as pumps and atomisers in boilers and

Pyrolysis liquids cannot be completely vaporised once they have been recovered from the
vapour phase. If the liquid is heated to 100ºC or more to try to remove water or distil
off lighter fractions, it reacts firstly by polymerisation followed by thermal cracking and
eventually produces a solid residue of around 50 wt% of the original liquid and some
distillate containing volatile organic compounds and water. Bio-oil has been successfully
stored for several years in normal storage conditions in steel and plastic drums without
any deterioration that would prevent its use in any of the applications tested to date.
However, there is a gradual increase in viscosity over time and in extreme cases of wide
temperature fluctuation, phase separation can occur.

Applications of bio-oil

Bio-oil can substitute for fuel oil or diesel in many static applications including boilers,
furnaces, engines and turbines for electricity generation.16 Figure 9 summarises the
possibilities. A range of chemicals including food flavourings, specialities such as

Figure 9: Applications for products of fast pyrolysis

hydroxyacetaldehyde 17, resins 18, agri-chemicals, fertilisers, and emissions control
agents can also be extracted or derived from bio-oil. For power generation, at least 400
hours operation has been achieved on a 250 kWe specially modified dual fuel engine 19
and substantial experience has been gained on a modified 2.5 MWe industrial gas

Transport fuels

As biomass is the only renewable source of fixed carbon, there is considerable interest in
the production of transport fuels and other commodity chemicals via synthesis gas or
syngas as it is usually known. Syngas provides the raw material for production of
virtually every fuel and chemical in use today, including conventional and
unconventional transport fuels, commodity chemicals and speciality chemicals. Some of
the possibilities of considerable topical significance for production of hydrocarbon
transport fuels are shown in Figure 10.

There are two main routes to transport fuels that are currently being considered:
gasification of bio-oil followed by synthesis; and hydro-processing of bio-oil or separated
bio-oil. These are shown in Figure 10.

Gasification and fuel synthesis

Syngas is a mixture of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H2). There are usually
other components arising from gasification such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane
(CH4), higher hydrocarbons such as ethylene and ethane, propane and propylene, and
nitrogen from air gasification. Generally these act as diluents, but different generic and
specific processes have different levels of tolerance for each component. There will also
be trace contaminants containing sulphur (e.g. H2S), chlorine (e.g. HCl, COCl) and
nitrogen (e.g. ammonia NH3) in a range of compounds. The concentrations of these
trace components will usually require reduction to a few parts per million for most
catalyst systems used in synthesising alcohols and hydrocarbons, and each catalyst has
its own limitations and tolerances.

Figure 10 includes gasification of solid biomass as well as bio-oil from fast pyrolysis.
The dispersed nature of biomass in Europe and the environmental cost of collection and
transport are often considered to limit the size of solid feed processes to around
100,000 t/y or 20 MWe, except in Scandinavia. However, in North and South America
this upper limit is usually considered to be much higher. Transport fuel synthesis
becomes uneconomic at such small scales of operation, but a decentralised fast pyrolysis
network feeding bio-oil as an energy carrier is not limited, and commercially viable
scales of operation can then become feasible, even with the small loss of efficiency in
the pyrolysis step. In addition, a liquid feed to a pressurised oxygen blown gasifier is less
complex and thus lower cost than solid biomass. Partial upgrading of bio-oil into a
conventional refinery feedstock is another option that is being widely considered.

Figure 10: Transport fuels via bio-oil and biomass gasification (MTG: Methanol To Gasoline;
MOGD: Methanol to Olefins, Gasoline and Diesel)

Hydro processing of bio-oil and other upgrading methods

Conversion of bio-oil into hydrocarbons requires removal of oxygen. Oxygen rejection
from bio-oil can be as water by reaction with hydrogen or as carbon dioxide.
Hydroprocessing or hydrotreatment was extensively studied at Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory (PNNL) in the USA and the University of Louvain in Belgium in
the 1990s, and a comprehensive review of this work has been published.20 This early
work focused on conventional hydro-treating catalysts as used for hydrodesulphurization
based typically on Co/Mo or Ni/Mo. While some success was obtained in producing a
naphtha-type product in a two-stage high pressure process, catalyst instability problems
in the high water content bio-oil and poor economics with low crude oil prices caused
interest to wane.21

More recently, high oil prices and other pressures have led to a resurgence in interest
and hydroprocessing optimization is being carried out at the PNNL on a bench-scale
fixed-bed continuous-flow reactor to produce partially upgraded petroleum refinery
feedstock with the intent to displace imported petroleum. This is funded by the US
Department of Energy as part of a cooperative project with UOP LLC and the NREL.

The alternative of rejection of oxygen as carbon dioxide is based on atmospheric

cracking of pyrolysis vapours over zeolite catalysts, which was pioneered at NREL.22
The inherent attraction is that it is a low pressure process that is integrated into the
fast pyrolysis process, and thus offers potential cost savings. However the lower yields

and complexity from the requirement to constantly regenerate the coked zeolite
catalysts has inhibited interest in this route. The two routes summarized here have been
compared technically and economically.23,24 Other possibilities for upgrading bio-oil
have been reviewed.16

Co-firing and co-processing

Co-processing of biomass with conventional fuels is potentially a very attractive option

that enables full economies of scale to be realised as well as reducing the requirements
for product quality and clean up. The opportunities are summarised in Figure 11. At
present, co-firing offers the best opportunities for market penetration of biomass as the
overall costs are relatively low because the power cycle in the coal-fired power plant is
already there. Bio-oil is particularly attractive for co-firing because it can be more
readily handled and burned than solid fuel, and is cheaper to transport and store.
Limited trials of co-firing bio-oil in gas fired power stations 25 and a coal-fired power
station 26 have also taken place.

Figure 11: Opportunities for co-processing biomass and biofuels in conventional heat and power

After many years of production of chemicals from bio-oil, the concept of the biorefinery
has suddenly become recognised and accepted. A biorefinery is where fuels and
chemicals are produced optimally according to technical, economic, environmental and
social criteria.27 Other similar definitions and explanations have been reported, and Task
34 of IEA Bioenergy has recently produced the definition in Table 3.

Table 3: Definition of a biorefinery 28

A biorefinery processes and upgrades a renewable raw material (i.e. biomass a)

into several marketable products b, emphasising fuels and chemicals.
a. It is important to consider complete use of raw material, optimisation, efficiency,
effectiveness, economics and environment.
b. The term ‘marketable’ includes value, standards, usefulness, environmental acceptability,
economics, sustainability and legislation.

Examples of a biorefinery with fast pyrolysis include utilisation of heavy residues from
liquid smoke production for co-firing in a power station and production of hydrogen by
steam reforming of the aqueous residues from recovery of phenolics for resin
production.29 The key feature and objective is optimum utilisation of products, by-
products and wastes as shown in Figure 12. Some of the alternatives for achieving this
optimum for production of transport fuels and chemicals are shown in Figure 13.

Figure 12: Biorefinery concept

Figure 13: One biorefinery system with processing options for fuels and chemicals

There is substantial and growing interest in thermal processing of biomass for biofuels,
to make both energy and chemicals. Fast pyrolysis is a relatively new thermal
conversion technology for biomass that has benefited from extensive development in the
last 30 years. It offers the key advantage of directly producing a liquid fuel in high yield
that can be stored and/or transported to the point of use. This provides considerably
more flexibility and allows greater use to be made of economies of scale for power
generation, and transport fuel synthesis.

There are technical and economic challenges. Technical challenges lie in scaling up the
endothermic pyrolysis reactor, particularly concerning heat transfer, and in improving the
quality and consistency of the bio-oil. Economic challenges lie in reducing the capital
cost, partly from scaling up and partly by developing and improving the technology.
Scaling must consider that, with a few exceptions, bioenergy systems will always be
small relative to fossil fuel options and must therefore be technically and economically
competitive at much smaller scales of operation than the process and power generation
industries are used to handling. It is this ability to improve economies of scale in
applications for bio-oil that provides one of the best justifications of fast pyrolysis,
whereby bio-oil from decentralised fast pyrolysis plants can be readily transported to
central process plants.


1 European Commission, Communication from the Commission: Energy for the Future: Renewable
Energy Sources-White Paper for a Community Strategy and Action Plan, COM (97) 599, Final
of 26.11.97, EC, Brussels. (1997)

2 IEA World Energy Outlook 2000, IEA, Paris. (2000)

3 Bridgwater AV, Biomass fast pyrolysis, Thermal Science 8: (2)17-45 (2004)

4 Bridgwater AV, Renewable fuels and chemicals by thermal processing of biomass, Chem Eng J.
91: 87-102 (2003)

5 Bridgwater AV and Peacocke GVC, Fast pyrolysis processes for biomass, Renewable and
Sustainable Energy Reviews, 4: 1-73 (1999)

6 Bridgwater AV, The production of biofuels and renewable chemicals by fast pyrolysis of biomass,
International Journal of Global Energy Issues, in press.

7 Scott DS, Piskorz J and Radlein D, Liquid products from the continuous flash pyrolysis of
biomass, Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev. 24: 581-588 (1985)

8 Scott DS and Piskorz J, The flash pyrolysis of aspen poplar wood, Can. J. Chem. Eng. 60: 666-
674 (1982)

9 Scott DS, Legge RL, Piskorz J, Majerski P and Radlein D, Fast pyrolysis of biomass for
recovery of speciality chemicals, Developments in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion
Bridgwater AV and Boocock DGB (Eds.) Blackie Academic and Professional, London, UK, 523-
535 (1997)

10 Bridgwater AV, Sidwell A, Colechin M, Shanahan G and Sharman P, DTI Global Watch Mission
Report: Bioenergy - a scoping mission to the USA and Canada, February/October 2005, UK
DTI, London, PERA, Melton Mowbray, UK (2006)

11 Bridgwater AV and Maniatis K, The production of biofuels by the thermochemical processing of

biomass, Molecular to Global Photosynthesis, Archer MD and Barber J, (eds), IC Press, 521-
612 (2004)

12 Prins W and Wagenaar B.M. (1997), Review of rotating cone technology for flash pyrolysis of
biomass, Biomass Gasification and Pyrolysis, Kaltschmitt MK and Bridgwater AV, (eds.), CPL
Scientific Ltd. Newbury, UK, 316-326 (1997)

13 Peacocke GVC and Bridgwater AV, Ablative plate pyrolysis of biomass for liquids, Biomass and
Bioenergy 7: 147-154 (1994)

14 Meier D, Schoell S and Klaubert H, New Developments in Ablative Fast Pyrolysis at PYTEC,
Germany, Aston University Birmingham, ThermalNet Newsletter 1: 4 (2005)

15 Scott DS and Piskorz J, The continuous flash pyrolysis of biomass, The Canadian journal of
chemical engineering, 62: 404-412 (1984)

16 Czernik S and Bridgwater AV, Applications of Biomass Fast Pyrolysis Oil, Energy and Fuel, 18:
590-598 (2004)

17 Piskorz J, US Patent 7,094,932 B2 22 August 2006

18 Amen-Chen C, Pakdel H and Roy C, Production of monomeric phenols by thermochemical

conversion of biomass: a review, Bioresource Technology 79: 277-299 (2001)

19 Leech J, Running a dual fuel engine on pyrolysis oil, Biomass Gasification and Pyrolysis,
Kaltschmitt, M. and Bridgwater, A.V. (Eds.), CPL Press, Newbury, 495-497 (1997)

20 Maggi R and Elliott D, Upgrading overview, Developments in Thermochemical Biomass

Conversion, Bridgwater AV and Boocock DGB Eds. (Blackie Academic & Professional, London,
pp. 575-588 (1997)

21 Bridgwater, AV, Catalysis in thermal biomass conversion, Applied Catalysis A, 116: (1-2), 5-47,

22 Diebold JP and Scahill JW, Conversion of wood to aromatic gasoline with zeolite catalysts,
Energy Progress, 8(1): 59-65, (1988)

23 Elliott DC, Beckman D, Bridgwater AV, Diebold JP, Gevert SB and Solantausta Y, Developments
in direct thermochemical liquefaction of biomass: 1983-1990, Energy and Fuels (Eds.), ACS,
Vol. 5, 399-410 (1991).

24 Diebold JP, Beckman D, Bridgwater AV, Elliott DC and Solantausta Y, IEA techno-economic
analysis of the thermochemical conversion of biomass to gasoline by the NREL process,
Advances in thermochemical biomass conversion, Bridgwater, AV (Ed), 1325-1342, Blackie

25 Venderbosch RH et al., PyNe Newsletter Issue 19: 2-3, (2006), included in ThermalNet
Newsletter Issue 1. Aston University UK

26 Sturzl, R, The commercial co-firing of RTPTM bio-oil at the Manitowoc Public Utilities power
generation station, available at http://www.ensyn.com.

27 Kamm B, Gruber PR and Kamm M, Biorefineries - Industrial Processes and Producers, Wiley-
VCH, Germany (2006)

28 IEA Bioenergy Task 34 Pyrolysis. Minutes of September 2006 meeting in Glasgow. See

29 Czernik S, French R, Feik C, Chornet E, Hydrogen by catalytic steam reforming of liquid

byproducts from biomass thermo-conversion processes, I & EC Research 41: 4209-4215 (2002)

Key Contacts In Task 34

Website: www.pyne.co.uk

Task Leader:
Tony Bridgwater
Bio-Energy Research Group
Aston University
Aston Triangle
Birmingham B4 7ET
Phone: +44 121 359 3611
Fax: +44 121 304 3680
Email: a.v.bridgwater@aston.ac.uk

Operating Agent:
Kyriakos Maniatis
DG Energy and Transport
European Commission
Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 200
B-1049 Brussels
Phone: + 32 2 299 0293
Fax: +32 2 296 6261
Email: Kyriakos.Maniatis@ec.europa.eu

National Team Leaders

Country National Team Leader Institution
Austria Maximilian Lauer Joanneum Research
European Commission* Tony Bridgwater Aston University
Finland Anja Oasmaa VTT Energy
France Philippe Girard Cirad Forêt
Germany Edmund Henrich FZK
Dietrich Meier IWC
Italy Columba Di Blasi University of Naples
David Chiaramonti University of Florence
The Netherlands Wolter Prins BTG
Norway* Morten Gronli University of Trondheim
UK Tony Bridgwater Aston University
USA* Doug Elliot PNNL
* Formal participation is through IEA Bioenergy

IEA Bioenergy Secretariat

Website: www.ieabioenergy.com

John Tustin
PO Box 6256
New Zealand
Phone: +64 7 348 2563
Fax: +64 7 348 7503
Email: jrtustin@xtra.co.nz

Technical Coordinator:
Adam Brown
Energy Insights Ltd
1, St Hilda's Close
Oxfordshire, OX11 9UU
Phone: +44 (0)7723 315441
Email: adam.brown@energyinsights.co.uk

IEA Bioenergy Newsletter Editor:

Niki Carling
PO Box 6256
New Zealand
Phone: +64 7 348 2563
Fax: +64 7 348 7503
Email: nikicarling@clear.net.nz

This paper was produced by the

Implementing Agreement on
Bioenergy, which forms part of a
programme of international
energy technology collaboration
undertaken under the auspices of
the International Energy Agency.

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