Shiva Swarodaya / Swara Yoga: Shiva Swarodaya Is An Ancient Sanskrit Tantric Text. A Comment and
Shiva Swarodaya / Swara Yoga: Shiva Swarodaya Is An Ancient Sanskrit Tantric Text. A Comment and
Shiva Swarodaya / Swara Yoga: Shiva Swarodaya Is An Ancient Sanskrit Tantric Text. A Comment and
Introduction to swaras and their effects
Recommended deeds during particular flow of swaras
Signs of forthcoming death
Shiva with Parvati
The script starts with the conversation between Parvati and Shiva, where Shiva starts introducing the scripts
and explaining about the need for maintaining secrecy and also stating astrological value of the text.[3] Its
fundamental application is to realize the breath as being the medium of cosmic life force, through practising
"Swara Yoga" (special mode of analysis & practising of breath). According to Mukti Bodhananda, the book
enables us to understand nature of breath and its influence on the body as different modes of breathing leads to
different types of actions; physical, mental and spiritual.[4] Guruji Prem Nirmal says Swara yoga is an ancient
science that correlates the breath with the sun, moon and the five elements, helping us to control moods, heal
ailments and be attuned to the cosmic rhythm.[5]
Vata, Pitta and Kapha Doshas (imbalance) cause diseases and these can be balanced through Swara Yoga.
Following are some of the specific activities which should be initiated when left or right nostrils are active.
Some activities are listed under both the modes, which the aspirant may select based on the functional /
piousness of the activity. In general for pious activities are initiated during currency of left nostril. One must
change mode of breathing suitably at the time of initiating specific desired activity. When breath is flowing
from both the nostrils, the time is beneficial for worshipping & devotional activities only; all other activities
must not be then initiated. Most of the practicing astrologers have observed that compliance to the dictums of
'Swar Shaastras' is more efficacious than omens, and even a suitable time selected through astrology.
It is beneficial / auspicious in initiating long distance travels; charity; donation; wearing of clothes and
ornaments; treaty and agreement; installation of Murti; practicing Yoga; oblation of fire for peace; worshipping;
recitation of holy books; initiation of Mantras; leaning of futurity knowledge; marriage; administering of
medicine, treating of difficult illness, removing poison; starting of education-singing-dancing-playing musical
instruments; discussion on dance - drama; stationary and fixed works; mental and creative works; entering into
house - city - village; coronation, seeing king (high official, master, employer); sweet and friendly activities,
making friends; women to participate in sexual relations; auspicious deeds; teachings; collection of domestic
items - wealth and grains; purchase of jewelry; starting of water tank-pond-well; peaceful and developmental
works; trade (give and take by the hand presenting the mode of breathing); agriculture works, sowing seeds,
buying agricultural land, drinking water.
Currency of breathing through right nostril is auspicious / beneficial for performing accurate & difficult / hard
works; writing alphabets; learning and practicing use of arms and weapons; destruction of enemy war, attack,
encounter; enmity; inflicting punishment; breaking / splitting; gambling; bathing; taking food; sleeping; sex by
male, visiting women & prostitutes, enchanting females, attracting others; creating fear, cruel works; short
distance travel; entry into house; boarding ship / big boat; drinking intoxicants, administration of poison,
removal of poison; usage of Mantras; study of holy books; study & teaching of difficult & destructive branches
of knowledge climbing mountains & forts; risky and heroic feats; riding on horse / elephant and transports;
physical exercise; sale of animals; agriculture; crossing pond-river; taking medicine; giving donations; sale-
purchase; grinding of bricks-stones-wood-metals; conduction of 'Six-Works': "beating, charming, hindering,
enmity, vexing & subduing".[7]
1. Mukti Bodhananda, 1999 Swara Yoga, Nesma Books India
2. Satyananda Saraswati, 1999 Swara Yoga, Nesma Books India P 5-10
3. Mukti Bodhananda, 1984, "Swara yoga: the tantric science of brain breathing", Bihar School of
Yoga, p 100–150
4. Mukti Bodhananda, 1984, "Swara yoga: the tantric science of brain breathing", Bihar School of
6. Mukti Bodhananda, 1984 "Swara yoga: the tantric science of brain breathing",Bihar School of
YogaP 120-180
7. Satyananda Saraswati, 1999 Swara Yoga, Nesma Books India P 176
8. Satyananda Saraswati, 1999 "Swara Yoga", Nesma Books IndiaP -198
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