Apparatus Criticus - Symbols in and Under The Text

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[...] Square brackets, or in recent editions wavy brackets "{...},” enclose words etc. an editor thinks should be
deleted (see "del.").
[...] Square brackets in a papyrus text, or in an inscription, enclose places where words have been lost
through physical damage. If this happens in mid-line, editors use "[...].” If only the end of the line is missing,
they use a single bracket "[..." If the line's beginning is missing, they use .”..]" Within the brackets, often each
dot represents one missing letter.
[[...]] Double brackets enclose letters or words deleted by a copyist.
(...) Round brackets are used to supplement words abbreviated by the original copyist; e.g. in an inscription:
"trib(unus) milit(tum) leg(ionis) III"
<...> diamond brackets enclose words etc. that an editor has added (see "suppl.")
† An obelus (pl. obeli) means that the word(s etc.) is irreparably corrrupt. If only one word is corrupt, there is
only one obelus, which precedes the word; if two or more words are corrupt, two obeli enclose them. (older
editions sometimes dagger several words using only one obelus.)
a dot under a letter (used for papyrus texts, inscriptions) means that an "a,” for example, seems to be an "a,”
but the traces are very faint and it could conceivably be some other letter.


(Latin neuter adjectives (alia, alterum, etc) agree with implied verba or verbum)
A B C (etc.) = the signs (sigla) of most important MSS labelled sequentially; thus in West’s Iliad, “A” = the
10th-c Venetus. E.g."δέ A B: τε C" = "the capital MSS A and B have δέ and C has τε. (" : " separates the
readings). But often a MS (in older editions, any; in recent editions, a rarely used MS, too unimportant to
have a siglum) is represented not by a siglum but by an abbreviation of its name, e.g. Laur. = (codex)
Laur(entianus), or Vat. 226 = codex Vaticanus 226.
a b c (etc.) = either (a) less important MSS, or else (b) families of MSS. (In a "family,” all its MSS tend to have
the same or similar errors; so they seem descended from a common exemplar.)
α β γ (etc.) = (usually) lost "hyparchetypes" (alias "proarchetypes,” alias "proexemplars"), i.e. conjectured lost
MSS, from which the best ours seem to derive. So e.g. perhaps A B D descend from α, F M from β -- etc. (in
older editions these Greek letters are also used for manuscript "families"; or occasionally for extant MSS.)
A1 A2 A3 (etc.) = the main copyist's hand in A, a 2nd hand in A, a 3rd hand in A. Such a 2nd or 3rd hand is
usually that of a corrector; so A2 or A3 is sometimes called Acorr..
A1 A2 A3 (etc.) Subscript numbers usually mean not mere correctors but actual copyists when there were more
than one. I.e. one can discern that A1 copied everything till a certain page; then A2 took over; etc.
Af B fm (etc.) often refer to scholia (see below, "Σ"); often named for the MSS in which they appear in their
fullest form. So e.g. "δέ codd.: τε Af" might mean that in this place all the MSS (including A) read δέ, but in
A, the f scholia (i.e. the ancient notes which F has in their fullest form) quote our passage and have τε.)
a.c. = ante corr. = ante correctionem = before correction; e.g. "δέ] τε A a.c." means: "all copies (including A)
have δέ, but A has τε before correction."
ad = "at" or "on.” Usually used in citing ancient or modern commentary; so e.g. "Porfyrio ad Hor. c.4.29" = "see
Porfyrio's commentary on Horace, Ode 4.29; there Porfyrio quotes our passage.”
add. = addidit = added (tends to mean the same as "suppl.,” on which see below)
addub. = addubitavit = "has doubted"
al = alii or = alibi = elsewhere
alii = others, i.e. (usually) other editors, or other manuscripts.
alii alia = "here some (conjecture) some (words); others, other (words)"--us. written when no conjecture seems
alterum τε = "the other τε” = "the second of the two τε 's.” (For example, see under "del." For its opposite see
ante = before (both in time and space), e.g. "τε ante corr." = τε before correction.
ap. = apud = at. See "ad"
a.r. = ante rasuram, before erasure.
ca. = circa = about, approximately.
cf. = confer = compare. "Cf." is often followed by the number of a passage, in which you will find a usage
similar to that which the editor posits here. (In old editions you sometimes see "cp." = "compare")
ci. = cj. = conj. (q.v.)
cod(d). = codex (codices) = mss. = manuscripts. E.g. "τε codd." = all MSS have this, but it seems wrong. Cf.
coll. = collato codice (pl. collatis codicibus) = lit. "with that MS collated" (i.e. after collating that MS); or else =
collato loco (pl. collatis locis) = lit. "with that reading compared.”
conj. = conicit (coniecit, conieci) = 'conjectures' ('conjectured', 'I conjecture'). So e.g. "te conj. Wil." =
"Wilamowitz conjectured te.” Or e.g. "τε conieci" = "I have conjectured τε" (i.e. "τε is my conjecture").
cont. = contulit, compared.
corr. = correctio = correction.
deest or pl. desunt = word(s) missing. E.g. "τε deest L" = τε is missing in L. ("Om." is normally used when the
modern editor feels certain that the omission was made in error; "deest,” when he feels less certain of this.
Deest and desunt are used especially for inscriptions and papyri; see e.g. under "ll.")
def. = defendit = defends, or (perf.) has defended. E.g. "τε def. Hude coll. 7.21.3" = "Hude defends τε here,
comparing its use in that passage with its use here."
del. = delevit = "deleted,” or dele vi = "I have deleted,” e.g. "alterum τε del. Wil." = "Wil. deleted the 2nd τε"
dett. = deteriores (codices) = inferior MSS.
dist. = distinxit = has punctuated. Often refers to a period; e.g. "post τε dist. Hude" = "Hude punctuates with a
full stop after τε."
dub. = dubius = doubtful or dubiter = doubtfully.
e or ex = "from" or "on basis of.” E.g. "ὅμως ὢν] ὁμοίως Leutsch e schol." = " MSS have ὅμως ὢν; Leutsch,
unlike us, emends to ὁμοίως on the basis of the scholium.” Or e.g. "-βρόντα ] -βρέντα conj. Snell e Pae.
12.9" = "Snell conjectures -βρόντα in MSS is a corruption of -βρέντα, which occurs in Paean 12, line 9"
edd. = editores = editors. edd. vett. = editores veteres = old (usually 15th or 16th-century, and Italian) editors
or editions. So e.g. "alterum τε del. edd.vett." = "earlier editors deleted the 2nd τε.” (These "edd. vett." are
sometimes cited because they may have used good MSS now lost.)
em. = emend. = emendavit (emendat) = emended (emends) clearly corrupt place in MS. E.g. in his text an
editor prints ... τε..., and in his apparatus says: "τε] δε codd. (emend. Wil.)" = "the best MSS have δε; the τε
which I print is an emendation, probably right, by Wilanowitz.”
exp. = expunxit: has deleted.
fort. or fors. = fortasse or forsan = perhaps; conceivably. (I.e. the editor stresses that he is guessing.)
fr. = fragmentum = fragment
γρ. or gr. = γράφεται (pl. γράφονται) = (lit.) "is written" ("are written"); applies to variants so-labelled in the
MS itself, usually by this same abbrev. E.g. "δέ] τε γρ. Α2" means that next to δέ a second hand in A has
written "γρ. τε" (or "τε γράφεται"), meaning he has seen that variant reading in another MS. (When the
variant is not thus labelled in the MS itself, apparatus has not "γρ."but "v.l.,” for which see below.)
i.m. = in margine (see 'marg.')
inf. = infra = below.
init. = initium or ad initium = "near the beginning" (of the line, of the word, etc.)
inscr. = inscriptum (or -a) = written into
interl. = inter lineas = "this word is interlinear,” written between the lines.
i.r. = in rasura (see "ras")
i.t. = in textu = in the text, in the text itself.
inf. = inferior = inferior, lower, later; or = infra = below.
ins. = inseruit = inserted
lac. = lacuna = lacuna, i.e. a gap in the transmitted text.
lect. = lectio = reading, i.e. (usually) the word(s) that a MS has in this place.
loc. = loco citato = in the passage cited
lit. or in lit. = in litura = "on top of an erasure,” or a blot (see "ras.")
ll. = litt. = litterae = letters. E.g. "desunt ca. 15 ll.,” "about 15 letters are missing.”
loc. = locum or locus = place (in a work), e.g. loc. coll. = (lit.) "with (that) place compared.”
m. = manus = hand, i.e. copyist
M = before correction
M = after correction
M = 2nd hand
marg. or mg. = margen = margin. "τε in mg." = "τε (was written) in the margin.”
ms(s) = manuscripts (no difference between this and "codd.")
m.r. = manus recentior = a more recent copyist
mut. = mutavit = has changed
nonnulli = nonnulli editores = some editors
om. = omittit or omisit = omits or omitted. E.g. "τε om. A" = τε is missing in A (lit. "A omits τε.”
P. (PP.) = Π (pl. ΠΠ) = Pap. (pl. papp.) = papyrus. E.g. e.g. "τε P.Oxy. 1356" = the Oxyrrhynchus papyrus
1356 has τε,” or "τε Πcorr " = "in the papyrus τε was written by the corrector.”
p.c. = post correctionem = after correction (see under "a.c.").
p.r. = post rasuram, after an erasure
pler. = plerique = very many or most (editors or MSS).
plur. = plures = most (editors or MSS).
post = after
pot. qu. = potest quoque (?) = "it could be also"; e.g. (re a papyrus reading) "Ν] pot. qu. Λ" = "the letter seems
to be a nu, but it might be a lambda."
prius (or prior) = the earlier (of the two); e.g. "prius τε" = the first τε (for its opposite, see "alterum").
pro = instead of, in place of, e.g. "δε pro τε A" = "A has δε instead of τε.”
prob. = (ad)probavit = has agreed, has approved (or = the present participle probante); e.g. "τε coni. Hude
prob. Wil." = "Hude conjectured τε ; Wilamowitz agreed" (or abl. 'with Wil. agreeing').
ras. = in ras. = in rasura = on, on top of, an erasure, e.g. "τε in ras. A" = "A has τε (written) over an erasure.”
recc. = recentiores, lit. "later (MSS).” For Latin MSS this usually means 15th, 16th-century Italian; for Gk. it
means late Byzantine.
recte = rightly. Usually used when the editor is citing someone else's conjecture, which he thinks right.
rell. = reliqui = the other (MSS), the remaining (MSS)
schol. (pl. scholl.) = scholium (scholia), or (sometimes) scholiast. (See below under Σ).
scripsi = "I have written"; e.g. "τε scripsi: de codd." -- i.e. "τε is my emendation; the MSS have δε .”
s. = saec. = saeculum = century.
sc. = scil. = scilicet = no doubt, certainly.
s.s. = sscr. = suprascr. = suprascriptum (pl. suprascripta) = this word (or words) written above the line.
s.l. = supra lineam = above the line (in effect, means the same as "s.s.")
secl. = seclusit = has bracketed as corrupt (usually, but not always, refers to actual square brackets which an
editor has put round a corrupt place)
sim. = similia = similar (words); see "vel sim."
sq. = sequens (pl. sequentia) = following; e.g. (a note by Snell, referring to a blank space in line 3 of a
papyrus): "3 sq. fort. ς" = "the following letter perhaps is ς."
subscr. = subscriptum (pl. subscripta) = this word (or words) is written below the line.
sup. = supra = above, or superior.
suppl. = supplevit (or supplet) = in effect "supplied.” E.g. in my text I print in diamond brackets a word that the
MSS omitted, e.g. "<τε>,” and my apparatus says "τε suppl. Wil." = "τε supplied by Wil."
suprascr. -- see "s.s."
s.v. = sub voce = under the word or heading; e.g "τε Suda s.v. Ἀρχέλαος,” i.e. the Suda (a Byzantine
encyclopedia) has τε where it quotes this passage in its entry for Archelaos.
tent. = tentavit = (lit.) attempted, tried. "tent." marks a conjecture that could be right, but is very uncertain.
transp. & transt. = transposuit & transtulit = transposed (i.e. changed the word order or line order).
v el = or.
v el sim. = vel simile, pl. uel similia (or -es) = "or some similar word(s)"; "or some similar conjecture(s)"
(usually applied to mere conjectures that are plainly not worth much).
v ett. = veteres (codices | editores | editiones) = old (MSS | editors | editions) (See above under "edd.")
vd. = vide = see (imperative).
vid. = videtur = seems; usually in the form "ut vid." = as it seems; apparently.
v. (pl. v v.) = versus = verse(s). Often used not for "verse" in our sense but just for a "line" of writing.
v.l. (pl. v v.ll.) = varia lectio (variae lectiones) = variant reading(s) in the MSS. Usually they are rather
unimpressive variants that look like mere conjectures, perhaps ancient, perhaps Italian renaissance. (There
is a difference between this and "γρ." on that see "γρ.").
vit. = vita = life, referring to an ancient biography; e.g. "vit. Thuc. 3" referring to the third paragraph of the
ancient life of Thucydides.
vox (pl. voces) = word(s). (In classical Latin, this is the normal word for "word.”)
vulg. = vulgo = commonly. Often refers to the corrupt, and much contaminated, 'vulgate' text of the
X sometimes = Σ.
Σ (pl. ΣΣ) = scholium (pl. scholia), i.e. Hellenistic or Byzantine note(s). Many originated in ancient
commentaries published separately from the text like modern commentaries. In the early middle ages, they
ceased to be copied (so that few survive), but remarks taken from them were written in the margins of the
texts. Scholia sometiems quote or reflect the text as it was in ancient times, perhaps in a purer state.
: colon in the apparatus separates different variants and / or conjectures
] single square bracket in the apparatus separates the reading printed in the text (= usually that given by
most MSS) from the variants and conjectures. For examples, see under "e or ex" and "emend."

[adapted from University of Dallas Classics Dept.]

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