The Effect of Weight Fraction, Silanization and Size of Fillers On The Mechanical Properties of An Experimental Sio Dental Composite
The Effect of Weight Fraction, Silanization and Size of Fillers On The Mechanical Properties of An Experimental Sio Dental Composite
The Effect of Weight Fraction, Silanization and Size of Fillers On The Mechanical Properties of An Experimental Sio Dental Composite
Background: This research studied mechanical properties of silica-based nanocomposite as a strong restorative material through
flexural test method.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of weight fraction, silanization and filler size on the flexural prop-
erties of silica-based dental nanocomposite.
Methods: The prepared composites were made of light-cured copolymer based on Bisphenol A glycolmethacrylate (Bis-GMA) and
Triethylene glycoldimethacrylate (TEGDMA) at proportion of 50:50 which reinforced by silica filler. The effect of silanization and
weight fraction of the filler was studied with samples containing 10 wt% (n (10)), 20 wt% (n (20)) and 30 wt% (n (30)) nanosilica filler.
Samples silanized with (γ -MPS) were also tested. Flexural properties were evaluated with Three-Point Bending test. Flexural strength
of the nano SiO2 based composites were also compared to micro silica glass composites. Flexural data were analyzed with one-way
analysis of the variance.
Results: The sample with 10 wt% (n (10)) had equal strength as the sample with 30 wt% (n (30)) nanosilica filler. Modulus of the
sample n (30) was higher than the other samples, but its toughness was significantly lower. Silanization had not expected positive
effect on the flexural properties.
Conclusions: Adding low amount of nanosilica improved mechanical properties of the resin composite. Silanization of the parti-
cles enhanced workability of the paste, but mechanical properties decreased significantly. Reduction in the size of the filler to nano
scale caused better flexural strength in comparison to micro glass silica composites.
Copyright © 2017, Iranian Journal of Orthodontics. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0
International License ( which permits copy and redistribute the material just in noncommercial usages, provided the
original work is properly cited.
Khaje S and Jamshidi M
2. Methods
2.1. Materials
The used resin system was based on triethyleneg-
lycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) and 2, 2 -Bis- (4-
(methacryloxypropoxy)-phenyl)-propane (Bis-GMA)
which were procured from Sigma- Aldrich company
(Germany). Photo initiation system which consisted of
Camphorquinone (CQ) and Ethyl4-(dimethylamino) ben-
zoate (4EDMAB) was also purchased from Sigma-Aldrich.
Silanization process was conducted by N-propylamine
and (3-Mercaptopropyl) trimethoxy silane (γ -MPS) which
was provided by Merck and Sigma-Aldrich companies,
respectively. Nanosilica particle was provided by Nutrino
(China). Glass silica was obtained by crushing quartz.
Figure 1 shows microscopic shape of both nanosilica and
glass silica. Properties of the used fillers are presented in
Table 1. Sample codes are provided in Table 2.
Table 2. Sample Code, Filler Type and Content 2.5. Data Analysis
Mechanical properties were analyzed to find outliers.
Sample Code Sample Description Each sample consisted of 5 specimens. Average and stan-
n (10) Bis-GMA/TEGDMA(50:50) containing 10 wt%, un-silanized dard deviation of these specimens were calculated. Then
nanosilica the numbers out of average ± standard deviation were re-
n (20) Bis-GMA/TEGDMA(50:50) containing 20 wt%, un-silanized moved. Average and standard deviation of the remaining
data were calculated and approved as a reliable data in the
n (30) Bis-GMA/TEGDMA(50:50) containing 30 wt%, un-silanized
n-s (10) Bis-GMA/TEGDMA(50:50) containing 10 wt%, silanized
3. Results
n-s (20) Bis-GMA/TEGDMA(50:50) containing 20 wt%, silanized
Figures 2 and 3 presents flexural strength and flexu-
n-s (30) Bis-GMA/TEGDMA(50:50) containing 30 wt%, silanized ral modulus of composites containing 10, 20 and 30 wt%
nanosilica respectively. Flexural strength decreased when
SG5 (10) Bis-GMA/TEGDMA(50:50) containing 10 wt%, 5 micrometer
silica glass filler amount increased from 10 to 20 wt%. Contrarily, it in-
creased when weight fraction increased from 20 to 30 wt%.
SG5 (30) Bis-GMA/TEGDMA(50:50) containing 30 wt%, 5 micrometer
silica glass Flexural modulus had the same trend.
SG14 (10) Bis-GMA/TEGDMA(50:50) containing 10 wt%14, micrometer
silica glass
SG14 (30) Bis-GMA/TEGDMA(50:50) containing 10 wt%, 14 micrometer
silica glass 35
Flexural Strength (MPa)
rate of 0.75 mm/min until fracture occurred. The load
and the corresponding deflection were recorded and used
to calculate the flexural modulus (GPa) and the strength 15
(MPa) (10): 10
3 3
Es = Fl /4bh d 5
where F, l, b and h are maximum load, length span, 0
sample width and sample height, respectively. d is deflec- n (10%) n (20%) n (30%)
tion corresponding to the load F. The flexural strength was Fillers Code
calculated using the following equation (11):
Figure 2. Flexural Strength of Un-Silanized Silica Nanocomposite
Flexural Strength = 3.F.l./2b.h2
Where F is maximum load at the point of fracture, l is Figure 4 shows toughness of the un-silanized samples.
length span, b is the width of the sample and h its height. By addition of the filler from 10 to 20 wt% the toughness
Fracture strength is the resistance of a material to frac- didn’t change, but for the sample n (30) it decreased sig-
ture and toughness is an indication of the amount of en- nificantly from 1.8 kj/m2 to 1 kj/m2 .
ergy necessary to cause fracture. The total area under the γ -MPS was used as silane coupling agent to bridge be-
elastic and plastic portions of a stress-strain curve repre- tween the matrix and inorganic nanosilica in the resin
sents the toughness of a material. Stress/Strain curve was and also to disperse the silica particles uniformly. Flexu-
already provided by three point bending test results (i.e. ral strength, flexural modulus and toughness of silanized
load deflection curve). samples are shown in Figures 5 - 7.
800 600
700 500
300 200
200 100
100 0
n-s (10) n-s (20) n-s (30)
n 10 n 20 n 30
Sample Code
Fillers Code
Figure 6. Flexural Modulus of Silanized Silica Nanocomposite
Figure 3. Flexural Modulus of Un-Silanized Silica Nanocomposi
Toughness, kj/m2
2 1
Toughness, kj/m2
0.5 0.2
0 n-s (10) n-s (20) n-s (30)
n (10) n-s (20) n-s (30) Sample Code
Sample Code
Figure 7. Toughness of Silanized Silica Nanocomposite
n (10%) n (20%) n (30%)
Silanized 2 Silanized
Toughness, Kj/m2
0 0
n (10%) n (20%) n (30%) n (10%) n (20%) n (30%)
Fillers Fillers
Figure 8. Comparison Between Mechanical Properties of Silanized and Un-Silanized Nanocomposite Containing 10, 20 and 30 wt% Nanosilica
Flexural Strength (MPa)
Flexural Strength (MPa)
15 n (30) SG5 (30) SG14 (30)
10 Sample Code
5 Figure 10. Comparison Between Flexural Strength of the Samples Containing 30 wt%
n (10) SG5 (10) SG14 (10)
Sample Code 4. Discussion
Figure 9. Comparison Between Flexural Strength of the Samples Containing 10 wt% 4.1. Mechanical Properties
The main objective of this research was to investigate
the mechanical properties of dental composite in which
nanosilica was as the filler.
Figure 11. A, Nanocomposite containing 30 wt% nanosilica; B, Nanocomposite containing 20 wt% nanosilica ;C, Nanocomposite containing 10wt% nanosilica
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