A. Nouns B. Personal Pronouns
A. Nouns B. Personal Pronouns
A. Nouns B. Personal Pronouns
Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan nouns dalam bahasa Inggris.
2. Mahasiswa dapat mengidentifikasi dan menggunakan nouns dalam kalimat berbahasa
3. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan personal pronouns dalam bahasa Inggris.
4. Mahasiswa dapat mengidentifikasi dan menggunakan personal pronouns dalam kalimat
berbahasa Inggris.
Although nouns can be grouped into many categories, this chapter focuses on four classes
that are important to business writers: concrete, abstract, common, proper, countable,
uncountable/mass, and collective noun.
Types of Nouns Definition Example
Concrete They name persons, places, river, plane, guitar
and things you can actually
see, hear, feel, taste, or smell.
Abstract They name qualities, feelings, freedom, happiness, memory
and concepts that are difficult
to visualize.
Common They name generalized airline, student, printer
persons, places, and things.
Proper They name specific persons, Garuda Indonesia, Ron, Canon
places, and things.
Countable The nouns that can be counted. computers, books, pens
Uncountable/mass The nouns that cannot be love, sand, happiness
Collective The nouns for a group of government, family
things, people, or animals, etc.
We can make plural form of regular nouns by adding –s/–es. This is the basic rule
for forming plural nouns. Most regular nouns, including both common and proper nouns,
form the plural with the addition of “–s”. Nouns ending in s, x, z, ch, or sh form the plural
with the addition of “–es”.
Ending in “–s” Ending in “–es”
advantage – advantages business – businesses
book – books tax – taxes
contract – contracts blintz – blintzes
hotel – hotels lunch – lunches
reservation – reservations dish – dishes
Irregular nouns form the plural by changing the spelling of the word. This change
of spelling affects word pronunciation. Often the plural sound is very different from its
singular sound. Dictionaries show the plural forms of irregular nouns, but you should be
familiar with the most common irregular noun plurals, such as the following:
Singular Plural
child children
foot feet
man men
tooth teeth
mouse mice
Nouns ending in “f” or “fe” do not follow any standard rules in the formation of
plurals. These are examples of nouns ending in “f” and “fe” as stated by Guffey and Seefer
(2011: 65).
Add “–s” Add “–es” Both forms recognized
brief – briefs half – halves calf – calves – calfs
belief – beliefs knife – knives dwarf – dwarfs – dwarves
chief – chiefs leaf – leaves scarf – scarves – scarfs
Add “–s” Add “–es” Both forms recognized
staff – staffs shelf – shelves wharf – wharves – wharfs
Bab ini merupakan bagian yang mencakup ulasan terperinci mengenai nouns. Dalam
bab ini dijelaskan penggolongan kata benda berdasarkan kuantitasnya, pola penjamakannya,
serta pengecualian pola penjamakan pada beberapa kata. Pembagaian kata benda tersebut
meliputi: concrete, abstract, common, proper, countable, uncountable/mass, dan collective
noun. Kata benda yang mengikuti peraturan umum dalam penjamakan disebuat sebagai kata
benda regular, sedangkan kata benda yang tidak megikuti aturan umum disebut kata benda
Abstract noun : words used to name qualities, feelings, and concepts that are difficult
to visualize
Collective noun : words used to name the nouns for a group of things, people, or
animals, etc
Common noun : words used to name generalized persons, places, and things
Concrete noun : words used to name name persons, places, and things you can
actually see, hear, feel, taste, or smell
Countable noun : the nouns that can be counted
Irregular noun : the nouns that form the plural by changing the spelling of the word
Proper noun : words used to name specific persons, places, and things
Regular noun : the nouns that form the plural by following the rules
Uncountable noun : the nouns that cannot be counted
Daftar Pustaka
Eastwood, John. (2012). Oxford learner’s pocket grammar. Oxford: Oxford University
Guffey, M. & Seefer, C. (2011). Business English (10th ed). Mason: Cengage Learning.
Select the letter for the correctly spelled plural noun.
1. We received two confirmation (a) fax, (b) fax’s, (c) faxes this morning.
2. Investors purchased numerous rare Chinese (a) tea, (b) tea’s, (c) teas.
3. Most manufacturers employ (a) children, (b) childs, (c) childrens to test new toys.
4. Wachovia has three (a) branch, (b) branches, (c) branch’s in that neighborhood.
5. The economic downturn has affected many (a) business, (b) business’s, (c) businesses.
6. The condition will not change unless Congress passes a law with (a) tooths, (b) teeth, (c) teeths
in it.
7. One administrative assistant may serve six (a) bosses, (b) boss’s.
8. Our state legislators passed several new (a) tax’s, (b) taxs, (c) taxes to meet the budget deficit.
9. French carmaker PSA Peugot Citroën builds the cleanest (a) car’s, (b) cars sold in Europe.
10. I have never seen so many (a) klutzes, (b) klutzs, (c) klutz’s on one dance floor!