Retinal - Detachment Priciples and Practice 3rd Edition
Retinal - Detachment Priciples and Practice 3rd Edition
Retinal - Detachment Priciples and Practice 3rd Edition
Ophthalmology Monographs
A series published by Oxford University Press
in cooperation with the American Academy of Ophthalmology
Series Editor: Richard K. Parrish, II, MD, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute
American Academy of Ophthalmology Clinical Education Secretariat:
Louis B. Cantor, MD, Indiana University School of Medicine
Gregory L. Skuta, MD, Dean A. McGee Eye Institute
Oxford University Press, Inc., publishes works that further
Oxford University’s objective of excellence
in research, scholarship, and education.
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Printed in the United States of America
on acid-free paper
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PART I Principles
x Contents
Trauma 11
Infl ammation 12
Vitreous Detachment 12
Vitreoretinal Traction 14
Liquid Currents 15
Retinal Breaks 15
Primary and Secondary Breaks 16
Types of Breaks 16
Horseshoe tears 16
Operculated breaks 18
Atrophic holes 18
Dialyses 19
Postnecrotic holes 20
Retinal breaks due to proliferative diabetic retinopathy 21
Macular holes 22
Distribution of Breaks 22
Lesions Associated with Retinal Breaks 23
Congenital anomalies 23
Peripheral cystoid degeneration 25
Degenerative retinoschisis 25
Lattice degeneration 27
Epidemiology of Retinal Detachment 30
Variables Regarding Epidemiology 31
Age 31
Sex 31
Race 31
Heredity 31
Bilaterality 31
Systemic and Genetic Conditions Associated with Retinal
Detachment 32
Classification of Retinal Detachments 32
Pathology of the Detached Retina 33
Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy 33
Intraretinal Macrocysts 35
Demarcation Lines 36
Natural History of Untreated Detachment 36
Summary 37
3 Ophthalmoscopy 41
Characteristics of Indirect and Direct
Ophthalmoscopy 41
Differences in Visualization 41
Magnification and resolution 41
Field of view 43
Illumination 44
Stereopsis and depth of focus 45
Contents xi
PART II Practice
Complications 200
Subretinal Gas 200
Iatrogenic Macular Detachment 200
New Retinal Breaks 200
Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy 201
Comparison with Scleral Buckling 201
Summary 203
Index 249
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History of Surgery
for Retinal Detachment
he evolution of the retinal reattachment operation is one of the most
remarkable chapters in the history of ophthalmology. Gonin’s operation
for repair of the detached retina ranks with Daviel’s cataract extraction,
von Graefe’s peripheral iridectomy, and Machemer’s vitrectomy as one of history’s
most important surgical treatments for blinding eye diseases.
allow the subretinal fluid to pass from the subretinal space into the vitreous cavity,
he attempted unsuccessfully to treat detachments with deliberate incision of the
Girard-Teulon invented the reflecting binocular indirect ophthalmoscope in
1861. This potentially important contribution was generally overlooked by the
profession, and more than 80 years transpired before Schepens developed the self-
illuminating binocular indirect ophthalmoscope.
In 1869 Iwanoff described the entity of posterior vitreous detachment, which is
now recognized as a prerequisite to the development of most retinal detachments.
The following year de Wecker suggested that retinal breaks cause detachment due
to the resultant passage of vitreous fluid through the break into the subretinal
space. Unfortunately, his accurate interpretation was not generally accepted. In
1882 Leber reported his observation of retinal breaks in 14 of 27 retinal detach-
ments, and he correctly inferred the role of vitreous traction in the pathogenesis of
breaks. Unfortunately, he later altered this opinion. In 1889 Deutschmann treated
a detachment by closing the retinal break with ignipuncture. However, the value
of this procedure was not appreciated at the time, and it was discarded for several
Figure 1–1. Jules Gonin, MD, 1870–1935, father of retinal detachment surgery. (Reproduced
with permission from Duke-Elder S, ed: Diseases of the Retina, vol. X of System of
Ophthalmology. St. Louis: CV Mosby Co; 1967.)
1: History of Surgery for Retinal Detachment 5
with a red-hot searing probe, which was plunged into the vitreous cavity. The
probe, manufactured for burning designs in wood, was obtained at a toy store.
He fi rst reported his results in 1923 and subsequently reported the surgical cure
of 20 of 30 cases of retinal detachment. With the publication of 34 papers in var-
ious journals over the ensuing years, and with the 1934 publication of his classic
text, Retinal Detachment, Gonin established his new treatment as the standard
of care, and he has rightfully become accepted as the father of retinal detachment
Gonin’s procedure was markedly improved in the early 1930s when Weve and
Larsson independently developed the use of diathermy in place of the red-hot pen-
etrating technique. This provided a means of treating a wider area around retinal
breaks and avoided the need for ultra-precise localization of breaks required with
the Gonin technique. In 1933 Lindner treated retinal detachment by shortening
the axial length with a full-thickness scleral resection, an adaptation of the scleral
resection originally developed by Müller.
Scleral buckling was first described in 1937 by Jess, but this brief mention in the
literature was overlooked until Custodis developed the procedure 12 years later.
In 1949 Shapland supplanted Lindner’s full-thickness resection with a lamellar
scleral resection. Custodis’ segmental scleral buckle was extended by the develop-
ment of an encircling scleral buckle by Schepens in the early 1950s. His encircling
polyethylene tube was later replaced with silicone rubber to minimize the compli-
cation of scleral erosion. In the early 1960s Lincoff introduced the silicone sponge
for use with segmental buckles described by Custodis, and in 1979 he described
retinal reattachment with a temporary external balloon buckle.
In 1945 Schepens invented the modern binocular indirect ophthalmoscope,
augmented by the use of scleral depression originally introduced by Trantas; this
equipment and technique have represented the standard of care for scleral buckling
since the early 1950s.
First performed by Ohm in 1911, the use of intravitreal air injection for retinal
detachment was developed by Rosengren in 1938. Years later, Chawla, Fineberg,
Vygantas, Norton, and Lincoff brought intravitreal gas into common usage, com-
bined with or following scleral buckling or vitrectomy.
Pneumatic retinopexy is a gas injection procedure for retinal detachment, per-
formed in the office without scleral buckling, vitrectomy, drainage of subretinal
fluid, or conjunctival incision. In 1983 G. Brinton presented the fi rst cases, and
in 1985 Hilton and Grizzard published the fi rst report using the procedure they
named, “pneumatic retinopexy.” This procedure (and a similar one described con-
currently by Dominguez) modified Kreissig’s and Lincoff’s technique for treating
retinal tears in the posterior pole. Tornambe, Hilton, and others brought pneu-
matic retinopexy into the mainstream of retinal surgery.
Custodis E: Scleral buckling without excision and with polyviol implant. In: Schepens
CL, ed: Importance of Vitreous Body with Special Emphasis on Reoperations.
St Louis: CV Mosby Co; 1960:175–182.
1: History of Surgery for Retinal Detachment 7
Gonin J: Treatment of detached retina by searing the retinal tears. Arch Ophthalmol
Hilton GF, Grizzard WS: Pneumatic retinopexy—A two-step outpatient operation without
conjunctival incision. Ophthalmology 1986;93:626–640.
Jacklin HN: 125 years of indirect ophthalmoscopy. Ann Ophthalmol 1979;11:643–646.
Lincoff HA, McLean JM, Nano H: Cryosurgical treatment of retinal detachment. Trans
Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol 1964;68:412–432.
Machemer R, Buettner H, Norton EW, Parel JM: Vitrectomy: a pars plana approach.
Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol 1971;75(4):813–820.
Norton EWD: Intraocular gas in the management of selected retinal detachments. XXIX
Edward Jackson Memorial Lecture. Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol
Norton EWD: The past 25 years of retinal surgery. Am J Ophthalmol 1975;80:450–459.
Schepens CL, Hartnett ME, Hirose T: Schepens’ Retinal Detachment and Allied Diseases.
Second Edition. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000:3–22.
Wilkinson, CP, Rice TM: Michels Retinal Detachment. St. Louis: Mosby; 1997:251–334.
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Pathogenesis, Epidemiology,
and Natural Course of
Retinal Detachment
etinal detachment does not result from a single, specific disease; rather,
numerous disease processes can result in the presence of subretinal fluid.
In early life, the vitreous body is a homogeneous gel consisting of a network of col-
lagen fibrils separated from one another by macromolecules of hyaluronic acid. The
density of fibrils is relatively higher near the retina, called the vitreous cortex, but
is highest at the vitreous base, the zone of fi rm anterior vitreoretinal attachment.
Aging of the human vitreous (synchisis senilis) is characterized by liquefaction
of the gel and the development of progressively enlarging pools of fluid (lacu-
nae) within the gel. These optically empty liquid spaces continue to coalesce
with advancing age, and extensive liquefaction within the vitreous cavity leads
2: Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, and Natural Course 11
to both a reduction in the shock-absorbing capabilities and the stability of the gel
(Figure 2–2). Accelerated vitreous liquefaction is associated with significant myo-
pia, surgical and nonsurgical trauma, intraocular inflammation, and a variety of
additional congenital, inherited, or acquired ocular disorders.
There is abundant evidence that the vitreous gel in myopic eyes has a substantially
increased liquid component compared to emmetropic and hyperopic eyes. This is
associated with reduced vitreous viscosity and stability.
Significant blunt or penetrating trauma can damage the vitreous or retina and cause
immediate or late changes that increase the odds of subsequent retinal detachment.
Blunt trauma can cause accelerated vitreous liquefaction, as well as retinal tears,
dialyses, or postnecrotic holes. In eyes with penetrating trauma, dense fibrocellular
bands may develop within the vitreous gel and result in traction causing retinal
breaks and detachment.
Surgical trauma may contribute to changes in the vitreous that increase the
likelihood of retinal detachment. Because the posterior capsule is left intact in the
majority of modern cataract operations, the vitreous remains relatively undamaged
following uncomplicated surgery. However, subsequent posterior capsulotomy by
Nd:YAG laser accelerates the loss of hyaluronic acid, increasing the incidence of vit-
reous liquefaction and detachment and subsequent retinal tears and detachment.
12 I: Principles
Figure 2–2. Dark-field illumination of the human vitreous. Specimens were obtained by peeling
off the sclera, choroids, and retina. (Courtesy of Jerry Sebag, MD.) (A) A clear central vitreous
is demonstrated in a 33-week gestational age human embryo. This is due to the homogeneous
distribution of collagen and hyaluronan, which minimizes light scattering. (B) The vitreous
from an 88-year-old patient. There is an overall reduction in size and a collapse of the shape of
the vitreous body. Within the vitreous, a dissociation of collagen from hyaluronan has occurred,
resulting in pockets (“lacunae”) of liquid vitreous and thickened fibers of collagen.
Intraocular inflammation may predispose to retinal detachment by causing vitre-
ous liquefaction and detachment or by the development of transvitreal membranes,
particularly cyclitic membranes. In addition, retinitis can cause severe retinal thin-
ning and associated vitreous liquefaction.
Vitreous detachment, usually termed posterior vitreous detachment (PVD), usu-
ally occurs as an acute event following significant liquefaction of the vitreous gel.
The precipitating event is probably a break in the posterior cortical vitreous in the
region of the macula, followed by the passage of intravitreal fluid into the space
between the cortical vitreous and retina (Figure 2–3). Characteristically, this rapid
movement of fluid and the associated collapse of the remaining structure of the gel
result in extensive separation of the vitreous gel from the retina posterior to the
vitreous base, especially in the superior quadrants.
As the vitreous detaches from around the disc, it may pull loose a glial annulus
(Weiss’ ring), which the patient may see as a prominent floater near the visual axis.
This is generally considered to be pathognomonic for posterior vitreous detachment
(Figure 2–4). With collapse of the vitreous gel, the remaining formed vitreous assumes
a position in the inferior aspect of the globe. Because the vitreous remains firmly
attached anteriorly, the pull of the collapsed gel frequently creates a fine circumfer-
ential retinal fold or ridge near the ora at the posterior limit of the vitreous base.
As noted above, the incidence of vitreous detachment is age related. In one
study, slit-lamp examination revealed that 65% of patients older than 65 had vit-
reous detachment. However, vitreous surgical experience has shown that PVD is
frequently misdiagnosed, and in a large series of autopsy eyes, only 22% of eyes
2: Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, and Natural Course 13
Figure 2–3. The rapid evolution of a posterior vitreous detachment usually occurs when
pockets of liquid in the posterior vitreous gel break through the posterior cortex of the vitreous,
separating it from the underlying retina (black arrows).
Figure 2–4. Clinical photograph of a midvitreal annular opacity (Weiss’ ring), which is due to
the posterior cortical vitreous separating from the optic nerve.
had vitreous detachment by age 65. This number increased to 60% by age 75.
Complete and incomplete PVD may cause vitreoretinal traction sufficient to create
a retinal break.
The classic symptoms associated with a PVD are the sudden appearance of “float-
ers” and “flashes.” The former are due to shadows cast by the suddenly collapsed gel,
14 I: Principles
vitreous hemorrhage, or glial tissue. Flashes are termed photopsias and appear to be
due to vitreoretinal traction. The chance of a retinal tear due to PVD in eyes with
these sudden symptoms is approximately 15% to 25%, and there is a direct relation-
ship between the amount of vitreous hemorrhage and the likelihood of a tear.
Following complete or partial PVD, gravitational traction forces are important
and are probably responsible for the predominance of retinal tears in the superior
quadrants. However, rotational eye movements, which exert strong forces on all
vitreoretinal adhesions, are also important causes of vitreoretinal traction. When
the eye rotates, the inertia of the detached vitreous gel causes it to lag behind the
rotation of the eye wall and the retina. The retina at the site of a vitreoretinal
adhesion exerts force on the vitreous gel, causing the adjacent vitreous to rotate
(Figure 2–5). The vitreous gel, because of its inertia, exerts an equal and opposite
force on the retina, and this can cause a retinal break or separate the retina fur-
ther from the pigment epithelium if a break is already present. When the rotational
eye movement stops, the vitreous gel continues its internal movement and exerts
vitreoretinal traction in the opposite direction.
Figure 2–5. Rotational eye movements cause vitreoretinal traction. When the eye rotates (large
arrow), the detached vitreous gel lags behind the rotation of the eye wall and the retina. The
retina at the site of a vitreoretinal adhesion exerts force on the vitreous gel, causing the adjacent
vitreous to rotate (arrow). The vitreous gel exerts an equal and opposite force on the retina,
causing a retinal break or separating the retina further from the pigment epithelium if a break
is already present. Liquid currents within the vitreous gel aggravate the movement of the gel,
whereas those in the subretinal space promote extension of the subretinal fluid (arrows).
2: Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, and Natural Course 15
Continued flow of liquid vitreous through a retinal break into the subretinal space
is necessary to maintain a rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, because subretinal
fluid is continually absorbed from the subretinal space. This flow is encouraged by
rotary eye movements that cause liquid currents in the vitreous to dissect beneath
the edge of a retinal break into the subretinal space (Figure 2–5). Eye movements
also have an inertial effect causing liquid currents in the subretinal fluid, and these
favor extension of the retinal detachment.
Most retinal breaks do not lead to clinical retinal detachment. Several studies of
eye bank eyes and nonselected clinical patients’ eyes have revealed a 5% to 7%
prevalence of retinal breaks in the general population. Most of these breaks are
small atrophic holes covered by the vitreous base near the ora, and they carry a
low risk of subsequent retinal detachment. Equatorial horseshoe tears, which are
associated with higher risk, are much less common.
A break in the retina is an essential feature of rhegmatogenous retinal detach-
ment. In addition, liquid in the vitreous cavity must have access to the break. If
retinal breaks and posterior vitreous detachment are common, why does clinical
detachment of the retina occur so infrequently? Whether or not significant fluid vit-
reous passes through a retinal break depends upon the balance of forces acting at the
16 I: Principles
edge of the break. Forces normally responsible for maintaining retinal attachment
include negative pressure in the subretinal space created by the metabolic pump of
the retinal pigment epithelium and the relatively higher oncotic pressure in the cho-
roid, interdigitation of the pigment epithelial cell processes and the outer segment
of photoreceptors, and mucopolysaccharide “glue” between the pigment epithelium
and the sensory retina. Retinal detachment occurs when forces favoring adherence of
the retina are overwhelmed by forces promoting an accumulation of subretinal fluid.
Retinal breaks may be subdivided into tears, holes, and dialyses (Table 2–1). Tears
are produced by traction on the retina, whereas holes are due to a gradual thin-
ning of the retina (Figure 2–6). Tears usually occur suddenly, with the retina fre-
quently appearing completely normal before the acute event. Atrophic holes appear
to develop slowly, whereas traumatic dialyses probably occur acutely. Most breaks
causing retinal detachment are associated with vitreoretinal traction in the vicinity
of the break(s). Dialyses usually feature traction on the retina immediately poste-
rior to the break, and if traction is confi ned to the retina anterior to the dialysis, a
giant tear is more likely to evolve.
Horseshoe tears
Also referred to as fl ap or U-shaped tears, horseshoe tears occur in most cases at
the irregular posterior margin of the vitreous base during posterior vitreous detach-
ment. The flap thus remains adherent to the posterior vitreous surface following
Figure 2–6. Vitreoretinal relationships associated with retinal breaks. (A) Horseshoe tear with
flap adherent to posterior cortical vitreous. (B) Tear with free operculum adherent to detached
cortical vitreous. (C) Atrophic hole within lattice degeneration. (D) Retinoschisis with holes in
inner and outer layers producing retinal detachment. (E) Retinal dialysis with vitreous adherent
to the posterior edge of the break. (F) Retinal dialysis with vitreous adherent to the anterior
edge of the break (giant retinal tear).
the creation of a tear (Figures 2–6A, 2–7). Essential conditions for the production
of a horseshoe tear are a preexisting vitreoretinal adhesion and traction applied to
this point via the vitreous. Because of the associated vitreous traction, flap tears
frequently lead to detachment. Horseshoe tears are most common in middle age
and appear most often near the equator of the eye.
18 I: Principles
Figure 2–7. Horseshoe tear with flap adherent to posterior cortical vitreous.
Operculated breaks
Operculated breaks are technically tears because free opercula are produced by a
mechanism identical to the one involved in horseshoe tears. However, the flap has
been torn free from the retina at the anterior edge of the flap; therefore, the oper-
culum is separated from the retina and adheres to the posterior hyaloid membrane
(Figure 2–6B and 2–8). Because the vitreoretinal traction is usually no longer
adherent to the surrounding retina, operculated retinal breaks very rarely lead to
retinal detachment unless vitreoretinal traction persists in the vicinity of the tear.
The breaks are caused by isolated areas of vitreoretinal adhesion and are not
contiguous to the vitreous base. Operculated retinal breaks tend to be more pos-
terior than horseshoe tears, and occasionally an operculated break is found poste-
rior to a horseshoe tear in the same meridian.
Atrophic holes
Atrophic holes are due to the gradual thinning of the retina, often in association
with lattice degeneration (Figure 2–6C and 2–9). These small holes occur in the
middle of the lattice patch and are distinguished from the retinal tears that occur
in full-thickness retina at the margin of the lattice patch. The holes are due to
atrophy, but the tears are related to vitreoretinal adhesions, which are universally
found at the margin of lattice patches. Still, a progressive accumulation of subreti-
nal fluid is usually due to vitreoretinal traction on the lattice lesions containing
atrophic retinal holes.
Retinoschisis is frequently accompanied by atrophic holes. Inner-layer holes are
generally small and difficult to see. Outer-layer holes, which are larger and there-
fore more easily seen, are much more significant in the pathogenesis of retinal
detachment (Figure 2–6D).
2: Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, and Natural Course 19
Figure 2–8. Operculated tear with free operculum adherent to detached cortical vitreous.
Figure 2–9. Atrophic retinal hole associated with chorioretinal scarring in the midperiphery.
A retinal dialysis is a circumferential linear tear, the anterior margin of which is
at or near the ora serrata (Figure 2–6E and 2–10). The retina is thinnest and least
20 I: Principles
developed at the ora, especially in the inferior temporal quadrant. Dialyses occur
at any age, but they are particularly common in youth—hence the well-known
clinical entity of inferior temporal dialysis of the young.
About 75% of retinal breaks that occur after blunt ocular trauma are retinal
dialyses. The dialysis is thought to result from the marked deformation of the
globe, which, in association with the relatively inelastic vitreous base, tears the
peripheral retina.
A pathognomonic sign of trauma, avulsion of the vitreous base, is sometimes
seen in these cases. This constitutes a circumferentially torn ribbon of the nonpig-
mented epithelium of the pars plana and the peripheral retina. The ribbon with its
adherent vitreous tends to drape down over the peripheral retina.
Penetrating trauma often causes a dense vitreous band to form along the track
of the injury, and the band may contract, which subsequently detaches the retina.
In dialyses, the vitreous gel generally remains adherent to the posterior edge of the
torn retina, where it exerts some degree of vitreoretinal traction. In this regard, dial-
yses are different from the vast majority of other retinal tears in which the vitreous is
attached to the anterior flap. A dialysis occurring in association with vitreous attached
to the anterior flap (Figure 2–6F) behaves much differently than a routine dialysis,
and such cases frequently extend to become giant retinal tears (Figure 2–11).
Postnecrotic holes
Postnecrotic holes are breaks that develop following retinitis or trauma.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a common cause of infectious retinitis in immunolog-
ically deficient patients, such as patients on immunosuppressive therapy, fetuses in
utero, and patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Patients
with poor immune function due to AIDS may develop CMV retinitis, and of those
who do, retinal detachment occurs in about 17%. These detachments typically
2: Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, and Natural Course 21
Figure 2–12. Retinal detachment associated with CMV retinitis. Retinal breaks typically occur
near edges of atrophic retinal scars. (Courtesy of J.P. Dunn, MD.)
are associated with multiple tiny postnecrotic holes in the thin areas of previous
inflammation (Figure 2–12).
Similar findings may be present with other forms of infectious retinitis, such as
the acute retinal necrosis (ARN) syndrome. Postcontusional retinal necrosis with
breaks also may develop following blunt trauma.
Macular holes
Macular holes may be traction-induced or atrophic, operculated or nonopercu-
lated. Gass has postulated that they often develop as a result of tangential traction
from the vitreous cortex at the margins of the foveal pit, although other studies
have demonstrated a “micro” or “partial” PVD as being responsible. Macular
holes may also be degenerative or may result from coalescence of intraretinal
cystoid spaces. Trauma may also induce macular holes. The rare macular breaks
that produce detachments are usually associated with high myopia or trauma
(Figure 2–14).
The distribution of retinal breaks throughout the quadrants of the fundus is dif-
ferent for each type of break. Horseshoe tears are most common in the superior
temporal quadrant; the second most susceptible site is the superior nasal quad-
rant. Operculated tears are also located most frequently in the superior quadrants,
although they tend to occur more posteriorly than horseshoe tears. Atrophic retinal
breaks are also usually located in the superior temporal quadrant, but the second
Figure 2–13. Retinal detachment associated with proliferative diabetic retinopathy. The retinal
break is not visible, but it lies just peripheral to a site of vitreous traction upon fibrovascular
2: Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, and Natural Course 23
Figure 2–14. Retinal detachment associated with a macular hole in a highly myopic eye.
most common quadrant is the inferior temporal. Dialyses are found most fre-
quently in the inferior temporal quadrant (Table 2–1). The preponderance of supe-
rior temporal breaks in adults is not seen in juveniles because of the relatively high
incidence of inferior temporal dialyses among youths (Table 2–2; Figure 2–15).
In one large series of retinal breaks, 12% were found near the ora, 28% between
the ora and the equator, 45% near the equator, 14% posterior to the equator, and
1% at the macula. In the typical pseudophakic detachment, one or more small
retinal breaks are seen near the ora along the posterior margin of the vitreous
base, whereas equatorial breaks are more common in phakic eyes (Table 2–3). In
approximately 50% of retinal detachments, there is only one break. When there
are multiple breaks, they are found to be within 90 degrees of one another in 75%
of the affected eyes.
Congenital anomalies
Peripheral retinal variations may be associated with vitreoretinal adherence and
traction. Cystic retinal tufts (congenital retinal rosettes, granular patches, and
24 I: Principles
Superotemporal Superonasal
50 47% 50
40 40
30 30
26% 26%
20 20 20%
10 10
50 50
40 37% 40
30 30
20 19% 20
10 10 9% 8%
Inferotemporal Inferonasal
glial spheres) and zonular traction tufts display such attachment, so that a retinal
tear may be produced with or without posterior vitreous detachment. Cystic reti-
nal tufts frequently lie posterior to the vitreous base, and as visible sites of vitreo-
retinal adhesion, they are important locations at which tears occur.
2: Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, and Natural Course 25
Degenerative retinoschisis
Degenerative retinoschisis results from the progression of peripheral cystoid degen-
eration and is usually bilateral. As the glial septa rupture and the small cysts coa-
lesce, a splitting occurs (Figure 2–6D and 2–17). Approximately 5% of the adult
population has been found to have retinoschisis, generally of the flat type. The
splitting may occur in any quadrant but is most common in the inferior tempo-
ral quadrant. Although splitting might extend posteriorly toward the macula, the
most frequent avenue of extension is by circumferential progression around the
The inner layer of the bullous schisis cavity is extremely thin and characteris-
tically exhibits multiple white flecks of uncertain etiology known as snowfl akes.
Blood vessels coursing over the dome of the retinoschisis frequently become scle-
rotic and are recognized by their white color. Inner-layer breaks are difficult to
visualize with the ophthalmoscope; they tend to be multiple and are relatively
small. The less common outer-layer break is more readily seen ophthalmoscopi-
cally because it tends to range from 1 to 5 disc diameters in size and is often found
posterior to the equator (Figure 2–17).
The outer layer usually remains adherent to the retinal pigment epithelium, and
the rods and cones may be relatively well preserved though synaptically disconnected.
As in peripheral cystoid degeneration, a mucopolysaccharide substance exists within
the schisis cavity that has been found to be sensitive to hyaluronidase.
When retinoschisis produces a retinal detachment, the subretinal fluid is derived
from both the schisis and the vitreous cavities. The outer-layer breaks are usually
Figure 2–16. Peripheral cystoid degeneration. (A) Gross photograph of peripheral distribution
immediately posterior to the ora serrata. (B) Photomicrograph. Cystoid spaces typically develop
in the outer plexiform layer. (Courtesy of Hans E. Grossniklaus, MD.)
Figure 2–17. Retinal detachment associated with retinoschisis. Three large outer layer holes
(with rolled edges) are responsible. (Courtesy of H. Richard McDonald, MD.)
2: Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, and Natural Course 27
visible, but there may be tiny inner-layer breaks that are not clinically detectable.
Outer-layer breaks are required for the development of detachment. Such detach-
ments do not depend on the presence or absence of inner-layer breaks.
Lattice degeneration
Lattice degeneration is the most important visible lesion associated with subsequent
retinal detachment. It initially involves the vitreous cortex and the inner layers of
the retina (Figure 2–6C). As the lesion progresses, the outer layers also become
involved, and there may be sufficient thinning to cause through-and-through reti-
nal holes (Figure 2–18).
The most consistent ophthalmoscopic feature of lattice degeneration is a cir-
cumscribed patch of excavation of the inner retinal surface. The patch is generally
circumferential, oblong, and equatorial or pre-equatorial. Lattice degeneration
varies in extent from a single isolated patch to almost continuous lesions around
the equatorial zone of all four quadrants. There is usually just one plane of involve-
ment between the ora and the equator, but occasionally there are two or three par-
allel rows, or tiers, of circumferentially oriented lattice. Infrequently, the lattice is
radial in its orientation, in which case it is generally in a perivascular distribution
posterior to the equator.
Ophthalmoscopic examination reveals many variations in the appearance of
lattice degeneration. In one form, referred to as snail-track degeneration, the lesion
is completely white and almost reflective, with tiny, dot-like features on its surface
(Figure 2–19). In most areas of lattice, the degenerative process is sufficiently deep
Figure 2–18. Lattice degeneration associated with multiple round atrophic holes. (Courtesy of
Norman E. Byer, MD.)
28 I: Principles
Figure 2–20. Sclerotic retinal vessels passing through lattice lesions are responsible for the
“lattice-like” appearance. (Courtesy of Norman E. Byer, MD.)
Figure 2–21. Horseshoe tears associated with lattice degeneration usually occur along the
posterior and/or lateral edges of the lattice lesions. (Courtesy of Norman E. Byer, MD.)
the eyes, oblique in 25%, and perpendicular in 7%. Lattice oriented perpendicular
to the ora was usually quite posterior. Pigment clumping occurred in 92% of the
lesions, retinal holes in 18%, white vessels in 7%, and retinal tears in 1.4%. The
incidence of myopia in the series was higher than in the general population. As
with myopia, there is a tendency for lattice to run in families. In another series of
104 asymptomatic patients with lattice degeneration, a 5-year follow-up disclosed
30 I: Principles
that 0.2% had retinal detachment. If such a study were continued for 50 years, a
prevalence of 2% could be expected.
90 Trauma
Retrolental fibroplasia
80 Inferior temporal dialysis
Relative frequency (%)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Age (years)
Figure 2–22. Age distribution of five types of retinal detachment. (Redrawn with permission
from S. Karger AG, Basel, from Hilton GF, Norton EWD: Juvenile retinal detachment. Mod
Probl Ophthalmol 1969;8:325–341.)
2: Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, and Natural Course 31
Approximately 60% of detachments occur in males. The incidence remains higher
for males even when data are corrected for ocular trauma, which is much more
common among males than females.
The incidence of detachment is reported to be relatively high among Asians and
Jews, and relatively low among people of African descent. One study of Native
Americans revealed an incidence essentially equal to that of Caucasians.
Primarily because myopia and lattice degeneration have hereditary tendencies, ret-
inal detachment also has some hereditary predisposition. A positive family history
of retinal detachment is a relevant risk factor, but most cases are sporadic.
Approximately 15% of detachment patients ultimately develop detachment in the
second eye. The effect on bilaterality of prophylactic treatment, such as cryopexy
of retinal breaks in the second eye at the time of detachment in the fi rst eye, has not
Aphakia 383
Number of eyes
49 65
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Age (years)
Figure 2–23. Age distribution of retinal detachment patients with small juvenile mode and
prominent middle-age mode. (Redrawn with permission of S. Karger AG, Basel, from Hilton
GF, Norton EWD: Juvenile retinal detachment. Mod Probl Ophthalmol 1969;8:325–341.)
32 I: Principles
as a variety of retinal breaks can coexist in the same case. Atypical rhegmatog-
enous retinal detachments are commonly seen in eyes with proliferative diabetic
The most ominous and clinically significant fi nding in retinal detachment is the
presence of proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR), the process that is responsible
for the vast majority of surgical failures of retinal reattachment surgery. The con-
sequence of cell migration and elaboration of collagen is the formation of mem-
branes involving the inner and outer surfaces of the retina, as well as the vitreous.
In time, and under the influence of mediators of inflammation, the membranes
contract, distorting the retina into folds (Figure 2–24). Localized contracture in
the periphery is referred to as a star fold (Figure 2–25), and a similar process in the
posterior pole is referred to as a macular pucker (Figure 2–26). Two more recent
classification systems for PVR have come into use and, though imperfect, they
have improved our evaluation of retinal detachment and its therapy (see Chapter
5, page 104).
Figure 2–24. Total retinal detachment associated with proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR).
The retina is pulled into fi xed folds by the membranes on the surface of the retina.
Figure 2–25. A star fold located temporal to the macula is due to localized epiretinal mem-
branes that cause surface traction on the detached retina.
Figure 2–26. A “macular pucker” (or “epimacular proliferation”) is due to an epiretinal mem-
brane localized to the central area of the retina.
2: Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, and Natural Course 35
Large intraretinal cystoid spaces may develop over many months in long-standing
retinal detachments (Figure 2–27). They may develop in the posterior pole but
are more frequent in the equatorial zone. Retinal detachments caused by inferior
retinal breaks, such as the classic inferior temporal dialysis of the young, are gen-
erally slow in their progression and thus may be present long enough to develop
Figure 2–27. Intraretinal cysts are a sign of chronic retinal detachment. (A) A large intraretinal
cyst in detached retina. (B) Following reattachment, the cyst has spontaneously resolved.
36 I: Principles
Figure 2–28. Demarcation lines are due to changes in the retinal pigment epithelium at the
borders of chronic retinal detachments that have not progressed rapidly. They can be pigmented,
as demonstrated, or unpigmented.
If the boundary of a retinal detachment remains stable for a long time, pigment
epithelial hyperplasia occurs at the junction between the detached and attached
retina. It is generally accepted that a minimum of 3 months is required to gener-
ate a demarcation line. The to-and-fro undulations of the retina probably have an
irritating effect on the retinal pigment epithelium at the boundary and induce a
proliferative change, which subsequently evolves to fibrous metaplasia.
Most demarcation lines have prominent pigmentation (Figure 2–28), but
occasionally the pigment granules are lost and nonpigmented demarcation lines
result. In rare cases, calcification of the line occurs in long-standing detachments.
Demarcation lines may create a permanent barrier to the further progression of the
detachment, but often the detachment extends through the barrier and progresses
posteriorly. Several concentric demarcation lines may appear, indicating intermit-
tent extension and temporary stability in the course of detachment.
Figure 2–29. A spontaneous reattachment of an old chronic retinal detachment in the inferior
temporal quadrant. This occurs when the retinal reattachment forces are stronger than the fac-
tors promoting extension of subretinal fluid.
Retinal detachments may be caused by traction or by exudation from a choroi-
dal tumor or inflammation, but most detachments are caused by retinal tears
38 I: Principles
Aaberg TM, Stevens TR: Snail track degeneration of the retina. Am J Ophthalmol
Byer NE: The natural history of asymptomatic retinal breaks. Ophthalmology
Byer NE: The Peripheral Retina in Profile: A Stereoscopic Atlas. Torrance, CA: Criterion
Press; 1982; slides 34, 119.
Byer NE: Long-term natural history study of senile retinoschisis with implications for
management. Ophthalmology 1986;93:1127–1137.
Byer NE: Long-term natural history of lattice degeneration of the retina. Ophthalmology
Combs JL, Welch RB: Retinal breaks without detachment: Natural history, management
and long-term follow-up. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 1982;80:64–97.
Cox MS, Freeman HM: Retinal detachment due to ocular penetration, I: Clinical charac-
teristics and surgical results. Arch Ophthalmol 1978;96:1354–1361.
Foos RY: Posterior vitreous detachment. Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol
Foos RY: Tears of the peripheral retina: Pathogenesis, incidence and classification in
autopsy eyes. Mod Probl Ophthalmol 1975;15:68–81.
Goldberg MF: Retinal detachment associated with proliferative retinopathies. Ophthalmic
Surg 1971;2:222–231.
Hagler WS: Retinal dialysis as the cause of a special type of retinal detachment. South Med
J 1965;58:1475–1482.
Irvine AR: The pathogenesis of aphakic retinal detachment. Ophthalmic Surg
Marcus DF, Aaberg TM: Intraretinal macrocysts in retinal detachment. Arch Ophthalmol
Norton EWD: Retinal detachment in aphakia. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc
2: Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, and Natural Course 39
Oh KT, Hartnett ME, Landers III, MB: Pathogenetic mechanisms of retinal detach-
ment. In Ryan SJ, Wilkinson CP (eds): Retina. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Mosby,
Okun E: Histopathology of changes which precede retinal detachment. Bibl Ophthalmol
O’Malley P, Allen RA, Straatsma BR, et al.: Paving-stone degeneration of the retina. Arch
Ophthalmol 1965;73:169–182.
Retina Society Terminology Committee. The classification of retinal detachment with pro-
liferative vitreoretinopathy. Ophthalmology 1983;90:121–125.
Robertson DM, Curtin VT, Norton EWD: Avulsed retinal vessels with retinal breaks: A
cause of recurrent vitreous hemorrhage. Arch Ophthalmol 1971;85:669–672.
Ryan SJ: Traction retinal detachment. XLIX Edward Jackson Memorial Lecture. Am J
Ophthalmol 1993;115:1–20.
Schepens CL, Hartnett ME, Hirose T: Schepens’ Retinal Detachment and Allied Diseases.
2nd ed. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000:43–98.
Sigelman J: Vitreous base classification of retinal tears: Clinical application. Surv
Ophthalmol 1980;25:59–70.
Smiddy WE, Green WR: Retinal dialysis: Pathology and pathogenesis. Retina
Wilkinson CP, Rice TA: Michels Retinal Detachment. St Louis: CV Mosby Co;
This page intentionally left blank
ndirect viewing systems, including the binocular indirect ophthalmoscope
and slit lamp biomicroscopy through an indirect lens, have become the stan-
dard of care for management of retinal detachments. Comparison with direct
ophthalmoscopy illustrates the capabilities of indirect systems. The technique of
indirect ophthalmoscopy with scleral depression is presented.1
Magnification and resolution
The direct ophthalmoscope offers 14X magnification compared with 3X with the
indirect using the usual +20 diopter lens. However, this does not mean the direct
device has an equal advantage in resolution. Resolution is a function of how close
This chapter has been substantially edited and condensed from Highlights of Ophthalmology 1966,
179–257, ML Rosenthal & S Fradin.
42 I: Principles
F N'
Observer Patient
Figure 3–1. (A) Optical principles of direct method of ophthalmoscopy. (B) Optics of indirect
together two points can be and remain distinguished as separate when viewed
through an optical system. The visualization of detail that an optical system per-
mits is a function of its resolving power and not its magnification. Resolution is a
function of the light available at the points to be resolved and of the quality of the
optical components of the system. Magnification plays a role only if the resolution
of the optical system exceeds the resolution of the observing human eye at a given
level of magnification. Too much magnification of a poorly resolved image results
in a loss of detail, such as if one were to examine a halftone newspaper photograph
under a microscope.
With the direct method, the greater the degree of myopia, the higher the magni-
fication of the fundus image and the smaller the field of view. In very high myopes,
the field of view with the direct instrument becomes very limited.
3: Ophthalmoscopy 43
High cylindric errors strongly and adversely affect the image of direct ophthal-
moscopy because the high magnification of the system also magnifies the effects of
refractive errors on the image. With the indirect method, the lower magnification
minimizes this effect. Furthermore, the condensing lens can be tilted slightly to
overcome astigmatic aberrations. Examination of the retinal periphery entails the
travel of light obliquely through the cornea and lens, introducing cylindrical aber-
rations that are likewise problematic with the direct ophthalmoscope and easily
overcome with the indirect.
Due to high illumination, binocular viewing, and high-quality optics, a good
indirect ophthalmoscope and aspheric lens provide good resolution in spite of low
magnification. Substantial advantages gained include a very wide field of view,
stereoscopy, large depth of focus, and dynamic examination capability. During the
early stages of learning indirect ophthalmoscopy, it is essential to accept that one
has to work with a smaller image size; after a time, one ceases to be troubled by it.
After enough experience with indirect ophthalmoscopy, one is rarely aided in an
evaluation of detail by increased magnification. However, if higher magnification
is needed for examining a specific lesion, this can be achieved in several ways:
Magnification is increased by moving the examiner’s head closer to the patient’s
eye (rather than examining at nearly arm’s length as is usual). However, this is dif-
ficult if the pupil is not well dilated. Using a lower power condensing lens, such as a
14 diopter lens, also provides more magnification, but is also more difficult with a
poorly dilated pupil (Table 3–2). The most common way to increase magnification
while maintaining the advantages of indirect viewing is to use a slit lamp biomi-
croscope with a 60- to 90-diopter lens (Figure 3–5). Higher magnification is also
achieved by using a slit lamp with a contact lens with or without reflecting mirrors.
Field of view
Figure 3–2A shows what an observer sees with a direct ophthalmoscope in an
emmetropic eye, in comparison with Figure 3–2B, which shows the field of view
with indirect ophthalmoscopy. This is a 20-fold difference in field size, and it
makes a huge difference in the facility of the instrument, especially for the diag-
nosis and treatment of retinal detachment. The topography of the detached retina
may be complex with multiple folds, and the view with the direct ophthalmoscope
Figure 3–2. (A) Shows single field of view in emmetropic eye with direct ophthalmoscope. This
field is approximately 10° in diameter. (B) Shows single field of view in same eye seen with indi-
rect ophthalmoscope. This field is approximately 37° in diameter. Since the ratio of areas of
these fields is proportional to the square of radii of the fields, it follows that the field in Figure B
covers an area 14 times as great as that in Figure A. The indirect method permits examination
of the disc, macula, and perimacular retinal vessels at one time. Contrast between these two
fields would be even more striking if the eye being examined has 20D of myopia. In such case,
Figure A would show the optic disc occupying the entire field of view, while Figure B would be
unchanged. Ratio of areas seen would therefore be much greater than 14-to-1.
is difficult to interpret. The field of view is so small that one sees only a small part
of the convoluted retina in any one field, and it is difficult to relate each separate
view to adjacent areas.
When examining for retinal detachment, perhaps even more important than
the field of view is the viewable field. Direct ophthalmoscopy permits the study of
approximately 60% to 70% of the total fundus area in a well-dilated, emmetropic
eye (Figure 3–3). In aphakia it may be possible to visualize more than this area,
whereas in myopia less than 60% of the fundus can be seen. Thus, peripheral
examination is very difficult, and as explained above, even when the periphery can
be seen with the direct ophthalmoscope, the image is very blurry. Piecing together
what one sees is even harder, so in practical terms, the direct ophthalmoscope is
rarely used to examine beyond the posterior pole. Since 30% of the retina lies
anterior to the equator, failure to study this region will result in overlooking seri-
ous pathology in many, if not most, cases. Diseases such as senile retinoschisis,
peripheral uveitis, and most retinal tears and detachments defy evaluation by any
other technique.
Image brightness of a direct is low due to limited power output. Direct ophthal-
moscopes operated by batteries provide about one-half watt of illumination.
Instruments operated through transformers deliver several times this amount,
but never more than several watts. Indirect ophthalmoscopes can deliver up to 18
3: Ophthalmoscopy 45
Figure 3–3. (A) Shows area of fundus accessible to view by indirect ophthalmoscopy and scleral
depression: all of retina and posterior one third of pars plana. (B) Shows how much of same
fundus is visible by direct ophthalmoscopy: only about 70% of total fundus area.
With the indirect ophthalmoscope, since the field of view is so much larger, even
a wildly gyrating disc can usually be observed satisfactorily.
Working distance
The working distance of the direct ophthalmoscope from the patient’s eye is only
several inches, while the indirect is used at almost arm’s length, an important
advantage in maintaining a sterile field in the operating room. Children gener-
ally react favorably to the more impersonal distance of indirect examination. The
greater working distance of the indirect also allows the examiner to shift his atten-
tion rapidly from one eye to the other, facilitating a quick and accurate comparison
of the two eyes.
Scleral depression
One of the main advantages of indirect ophthalmoscopy is the ability to perform a
dynamic examination of the peripheral retina using scleral depression, as described
later in this chapter.
the world do not master this technique. The acquisition of proficiency in this
method of examination is admittedly difficult and requires many hours of patient
practice. Instruction in its use is best obtained from an instructor endowed with
great patience. Techniques are presented here to help in developing this important
Choice of indirect ophthalmoscope
Many retina surgeons prefer small-pupil indirect ophthalmoscopes for use with
all patients. When examining the far periphery, the eye is tilted and therefore the
pupillary aperture is tilted and oval, making it in effect a small pupil even if the
patient is well dilated.
Good small-pupil indirect devices have two features that improve the perfor-
mance of the instrument when the pupillary aperture is narrow: First, the size of
the patch of light is adjustable. When viewing through a small pupil, a large patch
of light provides no more illumination of the fundus than a smaller patch, but it
causes additional light reflections that hamper the view.
Second, the proximity of the axis of the incident light and viewer’s line of sight
for each eye is adjustable. To obtain a binocular view, three paths of light must
be able to enter the patient’s pupil simultaneously: the line of sight of the viewer’s
right eye, that of the left eye, and the illuminating beam of light. At the front of the
headpiece of the indirect are three mirrors that direct these three paths of light into
the eye. A satisfactory indirect ophthalmoscope should provide an adjustment that
allows these three mirrors to draw closer to each other for small pupil use or far-
ther apart for use with a well-dilated pupil. In the latter situation, the wide-spread
placement of the mirrors allows a greater degree of stereopsis and minimizes both-
ersome reflections.
adjusting the interpupillary distance of the oculars as needed. With both eyes
open, the light is then adjusted vertically by moving the small knurled shaft that
controls the mirror.
A comfortable, single, binocular view of the patch of light should be obtained
following these adjustments. The sensation of strain from induced phoria due to
faulty adjustment of interpupillary distance causes headaches that might be falsely
attributed to the weight of the instrument. An experienced observer rarely notices
the weight of the instrument, even after long periods of use. If diplopia persists
even after careful attention to the above directions, the examiner should have his
fusional amplitudes checked and improved with exercises if indicated.
Care should be taken in cleaning these lenses. The coatings are easily scratched
by rubbing a dry lens with tissues not made for lens cleaning. Any dirt or fi nger-
prints on the lens surfaces cause great interference with the view of the fundus,
causing more difficulty than if the opacities were present in the vitreous. The con-
densing lens must be kept scrupulously clean and free of fi ngerprints.
Pupillary dilation
The pupil should be dilated to the maximum possible diameter. Mydriatics, such
as 2.5% or 10% phenylephrine, used alone are totally inadequate; the moment
the bright light is projected into the eye, the strong stimulation to sphincter con-
traction will overcome the action of the dilator muscle, and the pupil will become
miotic. On the other hand, cycloplegics used alone, while much more satisfactory
than mydriatics alone, do not give maximum dilation but they do result in a dila-
tion that is not affected by the strong light.
The most satisfactory dilation is achieved by the use of any cycloplegic plus 10%
phenylephrine drops. This combination produces a wide and lasting result. The
choice of a cycloplegic is determined by how long the examiner wishes the pupil to
remain dilated, not by how widely he wishes it dilated.
For routine fundus study, tropicamide 1% plus phenylephrine 2.5% is satisfac-
tory. Cyclopentolate 1% gives longer acting cycloplegia if desired. Scopolamine
0.25%, homatropine 5%, and atropine 1% are less commonly used for routine
50 I: Principles
retinal exams. Phenylephrine 10% can provide a little stronger mydriasis than
2.5%, but the higher concentration is particularly prone to cause an elevation in
blood pressure. Punctal occlusion after instillation is indicated if phenylephrine
10% is used in patients with a history of hypertension.
Maximal dilation may be impossible in some eyes due to posterior synechiae,
secondary membranes, sphincter damage, or other causes. The positioning and
the fi ne movements of the condensing lens become critical in such patients, so they
are not easy subjects for the inexperienced observer to examine. An experienced
examiner can see through a miotic pupil but with increased difficulty.
Dilation in infants
When dilating the eyes of infants or young children, care must be taken to avoid
systemic complications. Repeated use of cyclopentolate can lead to abdominal dis-
tension in infants. Phenylephrine 10% can present high systemic absorption rela-
tive to body size in young children and should be avoided. Dilation in the neonatal
intensive care unit is frequently performed with cyclopentolate 0.2% combined
with phenylephrine 1%.
Medications to be avoided
Nothing that might cause corneal hazing should be put in the eye prior to reti-
nal examination. Topical anesthetics such as tetracaine or cocaine often result
in epithelial edema and may make the appreciation of fi ne detail more difficult.
Ointments of any kind should not be used, as they make the lids slippery and cause
blurring of the image. Indirect ophthalmoscopy should be performed prior to slit
lamp biomicroscopy with a contact lens, especially when Goniosol is used.
Figure 3–6. (A) Correct position of head for beginning examination of fundus. Note that head
is neither flexed nor extended; plane of face is horizontal. (B) Position is unsatisfactory for
general examination of fundus. It would be difficult with head flexed this much to see inferior
periphery. However, sometimes this head position is useful in aiding visualization of superior
periphery. (C) Position is also not good for general examination of fundus. Extension of neck
makes examination of superior periphery of fundus difficult because of interference of chin.
This position is sometimes useful in examining inferior periphery.
reassurance and reminding are necessary to keep the patient from allowing the
opposite eye to close. As he becomes more light adapted, this tendency decreases.
Good cycloplegia is the most important single factor in getting cooperation in this
regard, since the eye with inadequate cycloplegia is more photophobic.
Some patients have poor voluntary control of eye movements. In such cases, it is
advisable to have the patient hold out his own thumb as a fixation object and look
at it (Figure 3–7). The proprioceptive impulses originating from the arm serve to
enable even a blind patient to cooperate.
Figure 3–7. Use of patient’s own hand as target has several advantages over other possible objects.
Patient with sight will then use visual stimuli from his hand for fi xation in addition to propriocep-
tive impulses. The latter are important in case of blind, monocular, or uncooperative patients.
holding the scleral depressor harder. It is frequently advisable to use the writing
hand for the scleral depressor and the other hand for holding the lens because it
may be relatively difficult for most people to use the scleral depressor in the non-
writing hand. Either way, one should consistently use the same hand.
The precise manner of holding the condensing lens is of critical importance
(Figure 3–8). It should be grasped between the tip of the flexed index fi nger and the
ball of the extended thumb. The wrist should be flexed moderately and the third,
fourth, and fi fth fingers should be extended. The extended third or fourth finger is
used to hold the upper or lower lid of the patient—which lid depends on the side of
the patient one is standing on. The scleral depressor or the thumb of the opposite
hand is used to retract the lid not held by the third finger (Figure 3–9).
The extended third or fourth fi nger acts as a pivot that enables the observer to
tilt the lens in all planes merely by rocking the forearm on the tip of the finger. The
lens can be moved with critical control closer to or farther away from the eye (see
Figure 3–8B) by increasing or decreasing the flexion of the index finger. If the lens
is incorrectly grasped between the ball of the index fi nger or the terminal joint of
that fi nger and the ball of the thumb, it is difficult to make the fi ne adjustments in
lens position so essential to critical scanning of the fundus.
Figure 3–8. (A) Lens is grasped between ball of thumb and tip of index fi nger. Wrist is extended,
and third fi nger is extended as pivot. (B) Manner in which lens is moved closer to or away from
eye is shown.
Figure 3–9. Examiner is observing superonasal part of patient’s fundus. He stands to left of
patient, and third fi nger of left hand controls lower lid. Right hand controls head, and thumb of
right hand controls upper lid. To observe temporal half of left fundus, examiner should stand
on right side of patient. Left third finger then controls upper lid, and right thumb retracts lower lid.
head at arm’s length from the lens. The lens is now slowly moved away from the
patient’s eye by increasing the flexion of the index finger. When the lens is at a
proper distance away, it will fi ll with the image of the fundus, which should be
clear and striking in its stereopsis. No matter how often one may perform this
examination, one is struck by the clarity and beauty of the image of the fundus.
Troublesome reflexes
Reflexes from the condensing lens surface may be troublesome (Figure 3–10), par-
ticularly for novice examiners. These reflexes correspond to images of the ophthal-
moscope light bulb formed by the anterior and posterior condensing lens surfaces.
These reflexes can be made to move in opposite directions from each other by slightly
54 I: Principles
Figure 3–10. (A) With condensing lens held perpendicular to visual axis as shown, anterior
reflex and smaller posterior reflex are in center of lens, causing maximum interference with
vision. (B) Lens has been tilted to left, causing anterior reflex to move to right and posterior to
move to left. Observer can look between them. (C) Reflexes can be moved vertically by tilting lens
forward. Anterior reflex always moves in direction of lens tilt, and posterior reflex away from it.
tilting the lens (see Figures 3–10B,C). Thus, they can be moved away from the center
of the lens so that they do not obscure the object being studied (Figure 3–11).
Figure 3–11. (A) Shows observer viewing area of macula. Lens is shown perpendicular to visual
axis. In this position, light reflexes are superimposed and view of macula is obscured. It is nec-
essary to tilt lens with reference to visual axis. (B) Observer is shown viewing equatorial area of
eye. Lens is correctly tilted to eliminate effect of light reflexes. Lens should be tilted at a slightly
more acute angle to visual axis when observing extreme periphery of eye than when viewing
posterior pole to compensate for oblique astigmatism. With experience, this correction is made
automatically to clear image.
Figure 3–12. Alignment of eyepiece, condensing lens, pupil, and scleral depression on visual axis.
it inevitable that large areas of the retina will be missed in this way, but one cannot
also ever gain an overall appreciation of fundus topography, and it makes virtually
hopeless the task of scleral depression. It is therefore essential that the “sweeping”
of the fundus be mastered. To develop this skill, practice following a vessel from
the disc to a point as far anterior as can be seen by the observer’s movements alone
should be attempted. This vessel should then be followed back to the disc.
Figure 3–14. Axis is formed by examiner’s visual axis (split by prisms in headpiece), condensing
lens, patient’s pupil, and area of fundus under study. Fulcrum of this axis is patient’s pupil. In
order to observe another part of fundus, observer’s head must move and lens tilt in such a way
that the new axis also has its fulcrum at the patient’s pupil.
3: Ophthalmoscopy 57
9 3
Figure 3–15. Chart is placed, inverted, on supine patient’s chest. It can be seen that 12-o’clock
position on chart corresponds to 6-o’clock position on patient’s eye. Likewise, 6-o’clock position
on chart corresponds to 12-o’clock position on patient’s eye. However, when fundus is viewed
through condensing lens, inverted image in lens will exactly correspond to orientation of chart.
Information in lens image can be directly drawn on inverted chart.
58 I: Principles
Figure 3–16. Left eye is being examined, with inverted image shown. In drawing this image, it
should be copied just as it is seen onto an inverted drawing chart. Inverted image is drawn on
inverted chart, thus preserving normal relationships.
Fundus charts
Drawings of the retinal fi ndings have obvious clinical and legal importance.
Standard fundus drawing charts can be obtained from many sources. These charts
often include three concentric circles representing the equator, the ora serrata, and
the anterior limit of the pars plana (Figures 3–19).
An inherent misrepresentation on any drawing results from reduction of the
three-dimensional eye to a two-dimensional drawing. The more peripheral the
lesion is, the more substantial this inaccuracy becomes.
Colored pencils or electronic medical record systems capable of capturing color
drawings are useful in giving a clear, concise reproduction of fundus pathology.
3: Ophthalmoscopy 59
11 1
10 2
6 7
4 8
2 10
1 12 11
8 4
7 5
Figure 3–17. (A) Fundus of right eye is shown. Fundus is seen directly as if cornea was removed,
and lesions are shown as they actually are in fundus. We can see two fields of interest: localized
retinal detachment with demarcation line and horseshoe tear at 11-o’clock position, and patch
of lattice degeneration of retina at 1-o’clock position. Beneath eye we see two fields as seen in
condensing lens of indirect ophthalmoscope. It should be noted that in each case we see the
field of view inverted. As we move in fundus from view of 11-o’clock lesion toward 1-o’clock
field, 12-o’clock and then 1-o’clock areas come into view from left side of condensing lens. (B)
Large circle represents inverted fundus chart upon which we will draw. Smaller central circle
is direct view of eye from previous figure. Numbers around smaller circle show true meridians
in that fundus. Drawings in two lower circles represent fields at 11-o’clock and 1-o’clock posi-
tions, respectively, as seen in condensing lens. These views in condensing lens should be drawn
directly on chart from position at which examiner stands to see field. Therefore, field seen at
1-o’clock position, since it is observed while standing at 7-o’clock position with respect to
patient, is drawn at 7-o’clock position on inverted chart as shown. Note that inverted meridians
on drawing chart are disregarded at fi rst. However, if one now considers true meridians, it will
be noted that if chart is turned right side up, field drawn will be in precisely the correct place.
The colors used for various lesions are not universally standardized, and prac-
tices vary from surgeon to surgeon, but each surgeon should establish a consis-
tent color coding practice. Table 3–3 is an attempt to outline some of the most
commonly used color codes. Because a color can have more than one meaning
and because of variations in the color code, it is important to label items in a
retinal drawing.
9 3
b a
a 3 9
a b c 12
Figure 3–18. In large figure on top we note direct view of right fundus, which includes
superotemporal retinal detachment. Small circles within larger one represent three fields to
be studied with indirect ophthalmoscope; labeled a, b, and c. Three circles below large fig-
ure (labeled A, B, and C) show appearance in condensing lens of respective fundus fields with
image inverted. In large figure on bottom, it should be noted that in view C, ora serrata is
found in lower part of lens, since it is most peripheral, and in view A, disc is found in upper
part of lens, since it is most posterior. These fields are drawn on an inverted fundus chart as
Figure 3–19. Chart contains three concentric circles. Inner circle represents equator, middle cir-
cle represents ora serrata, and outer circle represents region of ciliary processes. Band between
middle and outer circles is pars plana. Small circle in center of chart represents disc. Chart for
right eye is usually drawn to the left and chart for left eye is usually drawn to the right, since
this represents how the examiner sees the patient, and keeps the relationships of the two draw-
ings anatomically correct relative to each other.
3: Ophthalmoscopy 61
or the presence of an iris-fi xated intraocular lens implant may prevent adequate
dilation. In an intensive care setting in which observation of pupillary reactions for
neurological monitoring is required, pharmacological dilation of the pupil may be
contraindicated. Lack of time or medications to dilate the pupil well can necessi-
tate examination through a constricted pupil.
Other conditions can mimic the circumstance of a small pupil. A pseudophakic
eye with a small clear aperture through capsular opacities can necessitate small-
pupil examination techniques, even though the pupil dilates well. In the presence
of irregular media opacities, such as corneal scars, posterior subcapsular cataracts,
and patchy vitreous hemorrhage, small-pupil examination techniques can be of
great assistance. When examining in the far periphery, visualization must occur
through a very tilted pupillary aperture, which also mimics the condition of a
small pupil.
Only when the student has mastered the technique of fundus drawing is he/she
ready to attempt scleral depression. If the student has not mastered the problems
3: Ophthalmoscopy 63
Figure 3–20. Flap of retinal tear, clearly seen as it arises from crest of mound created by scleral
indentor. (Reproduced with permission of Medcom, Inc., from Conor O’Malley, MD, FACS,
and Patrick O’Malley, MD, FACS: “The Peripheral Fundus of the Eye.”)
64 I: Principles
Figure 3–21. Lattice degeneration with small retinal break and limited retinal detachment, seen
more clearly in Figure B with scleral depression than in Figure A without scleral depression.
thumb and index finger, or it can be placed upon the index or middle finger as
shown in Figure 3–23.
Figure 3–23. Two techniques for manipulating thimble scleral depressor are shown. (A) Shows
method that is easier to learn for most people because it closely resembles the way pencil or
ophthalmic surgical instrument is held. (B) This method is better when third fi nger is needed
to hold patient’s lid.
Figure 3–24. (A) Shows depressor being applied to posterior tarsal margin of patient’s upper
eyelid, with patient looking down. (B) With patient looking up and depressor introduced, exam-
iner is in position to see superior periphery.
66 I: Principles
Figure 3–25. (A) Depressor being applied to upper lid at posterior tarsal margin while patient
looks down. No pressure is being applied to eye at this time. (B) Patient is asked to look up,
and depressor is advanced into orbit alongside globe. (C) Tip of instrument is now depressed
gently, producing mound in fundus. Note that at all stages, shaft of depressor is approximately
tangential to globe and is inserted well back in orbit, minimizing danger of excessive pressure
at the limbus with subsequent pain.
The depressor now lies against the globe, but no pressure is being applied to
the globe. The light from the ophthalmoscope is projected onto the fundus supe-
riorly, the condensing lens is interposed, and the fundus at the equator is brought
into view (Figure 3–24B). The depressor is now gently pressed against the globe at
the equatorial region and, if it is applied in the correct meridian, a grayish mound
comes into view from the lower part of the lens. A small adjustment in the lens
should bring into clear focus the image of this indented part of the fundus. Slowly,
the depressor is slid anteriorly under direct visual control. The ora serrata should
slide into view in the inferior part of the lens.
Causes of discomfort
The amount of pressure used for scleral depression is about the same as that used
when estimating intraocular pressure by taction. Most beginners use excessive
pressure. When poor alignment precludes a view of the depressed retina, the nov-
ice usually presses more vigorously, resulting in patient pain and lack of cooper-
ation. Instead, the examiner should assess the alignment of the depressor with
the other elements of the optical system. If the depressor is aligned correctly, lit-
tle or no intentional pressure on the eye is needed to visualize the mound of the
depressor. Too much pressure causes discomfort to the patient, who subsequently
3: Ophthalmoscopy 67
squeezes the eyelids, and visualization may become impossible. A person who is
skilled with this technique can examine even young children without causing sig-
nificant discomfort.
Frequently the beginner applies his depressor too far anteriorly. This causes con-
siderable discomfort to the patient and, of course, will not permit visualization of
the retina.
Figure 3–26. (A) Shows the approximately six positions of depressor on lids sufficient to provide
view of entire periphery, with exception of 9- and 3-o’clock positions. (B) Shows how, in most
patients, it is possible to drag upper lid down enough to visualize nasal horizontal meridian.
(C) Shows how it is usually possible to drag upper lid down enough to examine temporal
horizontal meridian.
68 I: Principles
Figure 3–27. In cases where lids are tight, or patient tends to excessively squeeze eyelids, it
may be necessary to apply depressor directly to globe in order to examine the 9- and 3-o’clock
meridians. Topical anesthesia is usually applied. With patient looking straight ahead, depressor
is introduced into lateral or nasal fornix tangential to globe. Patient is then asked to look to
right or left (as case may be), and depressor follows eye back.
somewhat less than that necessary to see the inferior periphery due to the some-
what greater thickness of the inferior lid.
Figure 3–28. Retinal tear interrupts white line of posterior vitreous base.
70 I: Principles
Figure 3–29. Elevated lesion seen in (A) is confi rmed to be a retinal tear by moving the depressor,
as seen in (B).
break and increased the contrast between the edges of the break and the subjacent
Figure 3–30. (A) Appearance of retinal lesion without use of scleral depression. (B) Shows view
of fundus in condensing lens, with scleral depressor in place. Crest of mound thus produced is
posterior to round red lesion seen on mound. Round gray disc floats in vitreous over mound in
fundus and casts shadow on retina. Exact nature of red lesion cannot be discerned in this view.
It could be either hemorrhage in retina or retinal break. (C) Shows change in appearance, which
occurs when depressor is moved anterior enough to position lesion precisely on crest of mound.
In this view, sharp edge of lesion identifies it as retinal break. Small gray disc in vitreous is now
identifiable as operculum—piece of retina torn out of break by vitreous traction. If red lesion in
this example were a cyst rather than a tear, it would appear on mound as a little lump. If it were
merely flat hemorrhage, no change in surface contour would be detected.
he/she has shifted position to stand at the top of the patient’s head as the patient
looks down. As he/she starts to examine inferonasally, the patient’s head is turned
about 30 degrees in a nasal direction, with the patient still looking down rather
than down and right. The 9-o’clock meridian is examined with the patient looking
straight ahead, with the examiner standing to the left of the patient’s head. The
patient looks up for the superonasal exam, and when exam is completed back to
12 o’clock, the examiner is standing to the left of the patient’s legs. He/she is then
in position to begin examination of the right eye, starting at 12 o’clock and moving
temporally to 9 o’clock. The exam continues as with the left eye, this time turning
the head to the left to examine the nasal periphery. When examination of the right
eye is completed, the examiner is back at the right of the patient’s legs where the
process began.
If the primary pathology is in the left eye, it may be preferable to begin with the
exam of the right eye, allowing time for the examiner to dark adapt and the patient
to get used to the exam.
and a burn on the sclera results. If the retina was not too highly detached, a retinal
burn will also result, corresponding exactly to the scleral burn.
Indirect viewing systems present an inverted image but enable high-resolution,
wide-field binocular imaging extending into the far periphery of the retina. With
appropriate techniques and equipment, excellent visualization may be possible,
even with poor pupillary dilation or media opacities.
Mastery of the skill of binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy with scleral depression
is essential for examining the peripheral retina, and diagnosing and treating retinal
detachment. The dynamic technique of scleral depression, how to examine through
a small pupil, and ways to ensure patient comfort and cooperation are presented.
Rosenthal ML, Fradin S: The technique of binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy. Highlights
Ophthalmol 1966;9:179–257.
Rubin ML: The optics of indirect ophthalmoscopy. Surv Ophthalmol 1964;9:449–464.
Schepens CL, Hartnett ME, Hirose T: Schepens’ Retinal Detachment and Allied Diseases,
Second Edition. Boston:Butterworth-Heinemann; 2000; pp. 99–102.
Wilkinson CP, Rice TA: Michels Retinal Detachment. St Louis: CV Mosby Co; 1997;
pp. 335–374.
This page intentionally left blank
Evaluation and Management
valuation of a patient for retinal detachment includes a thorough history
and a complete ocular exam, including measurement of visual acuity, exter-
nal examination, ocular motility testing, testing of pupillary reactions,
anterior-segment biomicroscopy, tonometry, and binocular indirect ophthalmos-
copy with scleral depression. Posterior-segment biomicroscopy, perimetry, and
ultrasonography are also sometimes required.
Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment is a diagnosis generally made by clinical exam-
ination of the retina alone, but a full history, ocular examination, and sometimes
selected ancillary tests are also important parts of the evaluation (Figure 4–1).
Flashes of light
The perception of light flashes, or photopsia, is due to the production of pho-
sphenes by pathophysiologic stimulation of the retina. The retina is activated
by light but is also capable of responding to mechanical disturbances. In fact,
the most common cause of light flashes is posterior vitreous detachment. As the
76 I: Principles
vitreous separates from the retinal surface, the retina is disturbed mechanically,
stimulating a sensation of light. This perception is more marked if there are focal
vitreoretinal adhesions. Generally, vitreous separation is benign and may almost
be regarded as normal in the senescent eye. In approximately 12% of symptomatic
posterior vitreous detachments, however, a careful search of the periphery reveals
a tear of the retina.
If the flashes are associated with floaters, it is wise to assume that a retinal
tear exists, until proved otherwise. These symptoms demand a prompt and careful
examination of the periphery with binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy and scleral
indentation. The patient’s localization of the photopsia is of little value in predict-
ing the location of the vitreoretinal pathology. If no breaks are evident in the fi rst
examination after symptomatic vitreous detachment, they rarely appear at a later
If there is no associated hemorrhage or other pathologic condition, the patient
needs counseling only. However, if pigment or blood is detected in the vitreous, a
follow-up examination is often required. It is prudent to forewarn patients about
the symptoms of retinal detachment. Flashes alone or floaters alone are less signifi-
cant than if they occur together, in which case they are more likely to be associated
with a retinal break.
The light scintillations of an ocular migraine are correctly identified by the
typical history. However, ophthalmoscopic examination may be required to rule
out a retinal cause.
While a few floaters (muscae volitantes) are experienced almost universally by the
general population, the acute onset of new floaters requires careful examination.
A patient describing hundreds of tiny black specks is virtually pathognomonic of
vitreous hemorrhage. The sudden appearance of one large floater near the visual
axis is ordinarily caused by posterior vitreous separation in which the glial annulus
4: Evaluation and Management 77
(Weiss’ ring) of the posterior vitreous has pulled loose from its peripapillary loca-
tion. The appearance of numerous curvilinear opacities within the visual field gen-
erally indicates vitreous degeneration. Small vitreous collagen fibrils resulting from
degeneration coalesce into large, coarse fibers, which cast curvilinear shadows on
the retina.
The most significant cause of floaters is vitreous hemorrhage, and the charac-
teristic numerous tiny black dots may be followed in a few hours by “cobwebs” as
the blood forms irregular clots. The cause of acute vitreous hemorrhage must be
assumed to be a retinal tear, until proved otherwise. There is a direct relationship
between the amount of vitreous hemorrhage and the likelihood of a retinal tear
being present.
If the superior fundus cannot be adequately visualized, bilateral patching should
be considered. The patient should be provided with patches for both eyes and told
to apply them with tape when going to bed. They should not be removed until
the patient returns for reevaluation the following morning, so a caregiver must be
involved in this process. The eye should then be promptly dilated, and the patch
should be immediately reapplied after the drops are instilled. Examination is car-
ried out following adequate dilatation. This practice will usually allow blood to
sufficiently settle so that the superior half of the retina can be adequately observed;
this is where the great majority of breaks occur.
Although examination by ultrasonography is frequently recommended in this
situation, detection of a retinal tear without detachment is a genuine art not per-
fected by most. If a retinal detachment is discovered in an eye with a poor view
that prevents discovery of a retinal tear, the eye should be managed with vitrec-
tomy. Otherwise, continued patching should be considered, but if this is unsuccess-
ful after another 24 hours, serial ultrasound studies can be considered.
The patient should be queried about a history of trauma, either accidental or sur-
gical. The examiner should carefully record the details of trauma in the patient’s
chart, remembering that it is a legal document that might later be reviewed. The
time, place, and nature of the accident should be entered. Direct trauma to the
globe should be clearly differentiated from any indirect trauma to the head or
elsewhere in the body. Details of previous surgery should be noted, particularly
cataract extraction, Nd:YAG capsulotomy, intraocular foreign body removal, and
retinal procedures. Frequently, a patient denies any trauma during the initial exam-
ination but recalls some remote trauma a few weeks later. The denial and recollec-
tion should be recorded under the date that each is reported by the patient.
Ocular diseases
The history must include questions regarding previous ocular diseases, such as
uveitis, vitreous hemorrhage, amblyopia, glaucoma, or diabetic retinopathy. Any
symptom of retinal detachment can be mimicked by other disease processes. Light
flashes might be due to posterior vitreous detachment, floaters might be due to
age-related vitreous degeneration or uveitis, and visual field defects might be due
to vascular occlusion or vitreous hemorrhage.
Systemic diseases
A careful history of the patient’s general health includes specific questions about
systemic disorders that are sometimes associated with retinal detachment, includ-
ing diabetes, tumors, angiomatosis of the central nervous system, sickle cell dis-
ease, leukemia, and eclampsia.
Family history
Although most retinal detachments occur as sporadic events, certain families are
susceptible to retinal detachment. A family history of retinal detachment is a clue
to prognosis and frequently indicates the need for examination of other family
members. The history influences decisions regarding prophylactic treatment of ret-
inal breaks.
4: Evaluation and Management 79
External examination
The examiner should record the status of the brows, lashes, and lids. Accurate
recording of the preoperative state of these structures is a requisite base for post-
operative evaluation of the external anatomy. The early postoperative period may
be characterized by pseudoptosis, lid edema, chemosis, and, rarely, permanent
Ocular motility
Retinal reattachment surgery is occasionally accompanied by temporary changes
in the function of the extraocular muscles, and in rare cases the alterations are per-
manent. Therefore, a preoperative record of the state of ocular motility is impor-
tant. Although there are many tests of motility, the cover test and versions usually
suffice. But when the vision of one or both eyes is poor, the cover test is not reliable.
In such a case, the examiner should simply note the position of the light reflection
of the flashlight with reference to the visual axis of each cornea (Hirschberg test).
Each millimeter deviation of the corneal light reflex from the visual axis is equiva-
lent to approximately 12 prism diopters (∆). This test can be refined by selection of
the appropriate prism to restore the light reflex to the normal visual axis (Krimsky
Pupillary reactions
Pupillary reactions should be noted, and the size of the maximally dilated pupil
recorded. Subtle differences in the direct light reflex might not be apparent unless
a comparison is made between the two eyes with a swinging flashlight (Marcus
Gunn test), by which the direct pupillary reflex is studied in comparison to the
consensual reflex. A test result is positive when the pupil dilates as the light is
directed into it, indicating that the direct reflex is weaker than the consensual. A
defect in the afferent pupillomotor system, including retinal detachment, resulting
in a positive test result is referred to as an afferent pupillary defect.
80 I: Principles
The intraocular tension should be recorded for both eyes before the pressure is
artificially lowered by the massage effect of scleral indentation (scleral depression).
Usually, an eye with retinal detachment is relatively hypotonic, and the pressure
may be as much as 10 mm Hg less than the unaffected eye. Occasionally, the
hypotony is so profound that no tension can be recorded. Still rarer is the patient
who has a paradoxically elevated intraocular pressure in the presence of retinal
detachment (Schwartz syndrome). Either of these extremes is usually relieved by
retinal reattachment.
field of view, high illumination, depth of focus, stereopsis, and especially its ease
of use with the scleral depressor. The technique of binocular indirect ophthalmos-
copy and scleral indentation is discussed in Chapter 3.
Figure 4–2. Goldmann’s three-mirror lens. (Reproduced with permission from Cockerham
WD, Schepens CL: Technique of vitreous cavity examination. In: Symposium on Retina and
Retinal Surgery [Transactions of the New Orleans Academy of Ophthalmology]. St Louis: CV
Mosby Co; 1969:66–89.)
82 I: Principles
Figure 4–3. Diagram of fundus areas visible with Goldmann’s three-mirror lens. (Redrawn with
permission from Havener WH, Gloeckner S: Atlas of Diagnostic Techniques and Treatment of
Retinal Detachment. St Louis: CV Mosby Co; 1967.)
Figure 4–4. Examination of a peripheral retinal lesion using slit lamp biomicroscope, mirrored
contact lens, and scleral depression. Enables the determination of whether small retinal lesion
represents a full-thickness retinal defect.
Most cases of retinal detachment can be evaluated adequately without perimetry,
but there are certain instances in which it is helpful, and others in which it may be
important. The visual fields should be examined by confrontation, and if there is
any question about the correlation of the field defect with the detachment, formal
perimetry may be helpful. Perimetry is particularly indicated if there is antecedent
disease of the optic nerve, particularly glaucomatous cupping.
Perimetry may also be helpful in the differential diagnosis of retinoschisis.
Relatively flat retinoschisis can be readily differentiated from shallow retinal
detachment in that the former invariably causes an absolute field defect, while the
latter causes only a relative defect. Perimetry is less specific for bullous detach-
ment, because an absolute field defect could be found in either detachment or
retinoschisis. Perimetry may be helpful with a miotic pupil. As previously men-
tioned, perimetry only discloses disease posterior to the equator.
When confronted with opaque media, the physician can obtain valuable informa-
tion with ultrasonography—both A-scan and B-scan. The technique can reveal
both rhegmatogenous and nonrhegmatogenous detachments, such as those sec-
ondary to malignant melanoma of the choroid (Figure 4–5). Retinal tears in the
absence of retinal detachment can often be detected as well.
84 I: Principles
l fa
Retinal detachment
Retinal Malignant
detachment melanoma
A detached retina always remains attached at the optic nerve. This feature of
insertion at the shadow of the optic nerve is easily observable with B-scan and
helps distinguish retinal detachment from posterior vitreous separation or vitreous
hemorrhage (Figure 4–6). A standardized A-scan can also be helpful in making
this distinction.
Laser test
The distinction between retinal detachment and retinoschisis can usually be made
by retinal examination alone. However, at times this can be a difficult diagnosis
to make; especially when retinal detachment and retinoschisis coexist, it can be
difficult to tell the extent of each.
The laser test can be helpful in this instance. Laser intensity is adjusted to create
a medium-intensity laser spot in normal retina. This same intensity is then applied
to the area of the retina in question. Where retinoschisis is present, a white spot
will result, but where retinal detachment is present, there will be no visible reaction
to the laser.
4: Evaluation and Management 85
Figure 4–6. Pediatric patient with bilateral total retinal detachments. B-scan ultrasounds show
that detachments insert into optic nerves. (A) Right eye. (B) Left eye.
Once the diagnosis of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment has been made and full
examination has been performed, the patient and family are counseled regarding
the nature of the diagnosis and its planned treatment. Informed consent is both a
medical and a legal requirement, and an informed patient is apt to be more coop-
erative and better reconciled to the therapeutic options and outcome.
86 I: Principles
Figure 4–7. Bullous retinal detachment threatening to detach the macula (M). (Reproduced
with permission from Pneumatic Retinopexy: A Collaborative Report of the First 100 Cases:
Hilton et al. Ophthalmology 1987;94:307–314.)
4: Evaluation and Management 87
tears. However, even large dialyses in the young tend to progress slowly. Bullous
detachments tend to progress more rapidly than shallow ones.
If there is a risk that a currently attached fovea may soon detach, prompt surgi-
cal intervention is in order. Pneumatic retinopexy has a possible advantage in this
instance since, as an office-based procedure, it can usually be performed sooner
than an operating room procedure. Also, pneumatic retinopexy offers the oppor-
tunity to use the injected gas bubble to press the detachment away from the fovea
by appropriate positioning (see “Steamroller” in Chapter 8, page 196).
Until surgery can be performed, progression of the detachment can be slowed,
halted, or even reversed by having the patient stay at bed rest with both eyes
patched. Some surgeons believe that if the detachment is superior, the head of
the bed should be flat and the patient’s head should be turned to the side that
makes the detachment lowermost. Such measures can buy some needed time while
preparations are made for surgery. If a nondrainage procedure is being considered,
bilateral patching before surgery may also be helpful to encourage the absorption
of subretinal fluid.
Normal visual acuity rules out the existence of a detached macula, but poor
vision does not prove that the macula is detached. Poor vision may also be due to
antecedent macular or optic nerve disease, amblyopia, or opacities of the media.
Subtle degrees of macular detachment are best evaluated stereoscopically with the
slit lamp and contact lens and with ocular coherence tomography (OCT) if nec-
essary. The luteal pigment of the macula, xanthophyll, is not readily apparent in
the normal macula, but becomes more evident as a yellow color against the back-
ground of intraretinal edema when detachment includes the macula.
Macular detachment is not usually due to or associated with macular holes.
Macular breaks as a cause of retinal detachment are usually seen in association
with the staphyloma of high myopia or following trauma (Figure 4–8).
If the macula is already detached, the urgency is not high, but slow deterioration
of the detached retina occurs over time. Extent and elevation of the detached ret-
ina also usually progress, potentially making the surgical procedure more difficult.
Some cases are chronic and less urgent, but for most macula-off retinal detach-
ments we prefer to schedule surgery within a week.
Corneal opacities
Corneal opacities are rarely sufficient to preclude retinal surgery, but kerato-
plasty should be considered, if necessary. The corneal and retinal surgery may
be performed at the same time, facilitated by use of a temporary keratoprosthesis
during the retinal procedure. Edema of the corneal epithelium can substantially
impair visualization, but this can be resolved simply by scraping this layer during
Limited opacities of the lens are common in patients with retinal detachment, but
the binocular indirect ophthalmoscope usually enables adequate examination. The
most common site of cortical opacities is in the inferior nasal quadrant where, for-
tunately, retinal breaks occur least frequently. The obscuring effect of a moderate
degree of nuclear sclerosis can be overcome with the indirect ophthalmoscope at
maximum voltage. One can often see around limited central posterior subcapsular
(PSC) opacification with the indirect, but when PSC is diffuse, adequate visualiza-
tion may be impossible.
If, in the presence of a significant cataract, a fairly adequate ophthalmoscopic
examination is possible and reveals that the distribution of the subretinal fluid is
4: Evaluation and Management 89
Vitreous opacities
Vitreous opacities, especially hemorrhage, are rather common with retinal detach-
ment, but usually adequate examination of the retina is possible. Vitreous hemor-
rhage may be somewhat cleared by binocular patching and positioning the patient
to allow blood to settle away from the area of the suspected retinal break, as men-
tioned earlier.
If a retinal break that explains the detachment is seen, it is frequently best to
proceed with scleral buckling instead of vitrectomy in a phakic eye. In an aphakic
or pseudophakic eye, vitrectomy may be the procedure of choice.
If the fundus cannot be seen in spite of patching, the eye should be examined
by ultrasonography. If a retinal detachment is demonstrated, the surgeon should
proceed with a pars plana vitrectomy and repair of the detachment.
External disease
Retinal surgery is not recommended in the presence of infection. Most retinal
detachments can be deferred for several days until external infection is brought
under control with appropriate antibiotic therapy. Postponement may not be nec-
essary for mild blepharitis.
Preoperative gonioscopy is indicated when a history or signs of elevated intraoc-
ular pressure exist. The presence of open-angle glaucoma prior to retinal detach-
ment generally poses no problem. Miotics should be withheld prior to surgery.
Although retinal detachment usually produces a modest degree of hypotony,
in rare cases the detachment causes secondary elevation of the intraocular pres-
sure, which tends to be refractory to any treatment until the retina is reattached
(Schwartz syndrome). In the absence of significant trabecular damage from uveitis,
the intraocular pressure normalizes postoperatively.
A minimal degree of flare and cells in the anterior chamber is common in retinal
detachment and requires no medical treatment. Marked uveitis, however, should
be vigorously treated with cycloplegic drops, as well as topical and/or systemic
90 I: Principles
Choroidal detachment
Retinal detachment must always be differentiated from choroidal detachment,
especially in patients who have recently undergone intraocular surgery or expe-
rienced other ocular trauma. However, rhegmatogenous retinal detachment and
choroidal detachment occasionally coexist. The choroidal detachment is generally
associated with hypotony, which induces further choroidal detachment, perpetu-
ating the cycle. Such eyes often have significant uveitis as well.
The anatomic results of retinal reattachment surgery in the presence of choroi-
dal detachment and uveitis are relatively poor, due to a relatively high incidence
of postoperative proliferative vitreoretinopathy. In such cases, treatment with sys-
temic and topical corticosteroids for 1 or 2 weeks is sometimes beneficial, but
prolonged deferment of the retinal surgery is not recommended. If the choroidal
detachment is not in the area of the retinal break, the surgeon should simply pro-
ceed with retinal surgery. If, however, the choroidal detachment is in the area of
the retinal break or in the area where subretinal fluid must be drained, the sur-
geon should begin the operation with drainage of the suprachoroidal fluid. Normal
intraocular pressure can be maintained during drainage with use of a pars plana
cannula for the continuous infusion of a balanced salt solution into the vitreous
cavity. The surgeon may then proceed immediately with conventional retinal reat-
tachment surgery.
At the time of discharge after surgery, it is useful to supply the patient with written
postoperative instructions. The majority of patients probably would have a satis-
factory surgical result without most of these restrictions. However, imposing them
routinely seems justified because they can be important for the occasional patient.
If gas has been injected into the vitreous, the patient must be warned not to fly
until the bubble is relatively small. Specific positioning of the head to place the
causative retinal breaks uppermost is prescribed. Longer restrictions on activity
may be called for, particularly if a long-acting gas bubble is used.
Patients who have had general anesthesia may have nausea and vomiting for a time
after surgery. An antiemetic, such as promethazine, droperidol, or prochlorpera-
zine, may be helpful.
Pain is rarely a problem for retinal patients. Meperidine, 50 to 100 mg, is seldom
required beyond the fi rst postoperative day. Propoxyphene napsylate with acet-
aminophen is an adequate analgesic thereafter. Unexpectedly severe or increasing
pain calls for prompt evaluation to rule out endophthalmitis, scleral abscess, or
markedly increased intraocular pressure.
Antibiotics and corticosteroids, either topical or systemic, are not mandatory
for routine cases, but many surgeons prefer a combination of drugs such as neomy-
cin, polymyxin B, and dexamethasone (Maxitrol) three times a day. Topical sco-
polamine 0.25% or homatropine 5% help prevent posterior synechiae formation
and add comfort in the presence of inflammation. These may be particularly help-
ful in pseudophakic eyes, especially in diabetic patients. Daily use of a cycloplegic
and an antibiotic–corticosteroid combination for 2 weeks is sufficient. In the occa-
sional case in which significant inflammation is noted, appropriate corticosteroid
medication should be prescribed.
As a rough guideline, the routine patient should be examined on the first or second
postoperative day, at 1 and 3 weeks, and at 2 and 6 months, after which annual
examinations are recommended. However, more frequent examinations are fre-
quently necessary following pneumatic retinopexy, for giant retinal tears, or other
high risk cases, and particularly if complications develop. Therefore, no firm
guidelines can be recommended and follow-up examinations are scheduled on a
case-by-case basis. Examination should include an interval history, best corrected
visual acuity, tonometry, biomicroscopy, and thorough binocular indirect ophthal-
moscopy. Annual examinations help assure the discovery of such asymptomatic
problems as new retinal breaks, peripheral detachment, erosion of the implant, or
Following an encircling scleral buckle, a refractive shift is often noted, which
generally stabilizes within 2 to 3 months and, if indicated, a permanent spectacle
lens may be ordered at that time.
Figure 4–9. Postoperative photocoagulation. (A) Inferior leakage of subretinal fluid, anteriorly
from horseshoe break and across buckle in inferior temporal quadrant. (B) Photocoagulation
around horseshoe tear and at 3:30-o’clock position. (C) Reattachment of retina after
94 I: Principles
If there is more than minimal postoperative nonsettling subretinal fluid around
the leaking break, photocoagulation or cryopexy will likely not be successful. If
the leaking break is in the superior eight clock hours of the retina, one may con-
sider pneumatic retinopexy (see Chapter 8). Pneumatic retinopexy can provide a
simple salvage for selected failing scleral buckling procedures, avoiding the need to
revise the buckle or perform vitrectomy. If pneumatic retinopexy is not appropri-
ate, reoperation with scleral buckling (Chapter 7) or vitrectomy (Chapter 9) can be
considered. If the break has remained open for more than a few days after surgery,
supplemental cryopexy or photocoagulation should be applied around the break.
Knowledge of the patient’s health status along with a thorough evaluation of the
eye and retina provide an important basis for the diagnosis and treatment of reti-
nal detachment. Principles of preoperative and postoperative patient management
focus on detecting, avoiding, and treating potential complications.
Patients at risk for retinal detachment should be told to be seen promptly if
new-onset flashes, floaters, or visual field defects develop. If examination shows
detachment likely to extend soon into the macula, prompt surgery is indicated,
possibly with preoperative bilateral patching and positioning.
Burton TC, Arafat NL, Phelps CD: Intraocular pressure in retinal detachment.
Int Ophthalmol 1979;1:147–152.
4: Evaluation and Management 95
McMeel JW, Wapner JM: Infections and retinal surgery. Arch Ophthalmol
Michels RG: Scleral buckling methods for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. Retina
Schepens CL: Diagnostic and prognostic factors as found in preoperative examination.
Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol 1952;56:398–412.
Schepens CL, Hartnett ME, Hirose T: Schepens’ Retinal Detachment and Allied Diseases.
Second Edition. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann; 2000; pp. 221–234.
Wilkinson CP, Rice TA: Michels Retinal Detachment. St Louis: CV Mosby Co; 1997;
pp 335–390, 517–538, 907–934.
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Establishing the Diagnosis
he differential diagnosis of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment includes
secondary (nonrhegmatogenous) retinal detachment and other entities that
may simulate a retinal detachment. Nonrhegmatogenous detachments are
categorized as exudative (serous) and tractional detachments. Conditions that may
be mistaken for retinal detachment include retinoschisis, choroidal detachment
or tumors, and vitreous membranes. Sometimes benign fi ndings in the peripheral
retina are mistaken for retinal breaks.
Choroidal vasculature
In a darkly pigmented fundus, the choroidal vessels in the posterior pole can be
obscured from view, but in an eye with minimal pigment, they are readily visible.
98 I: Principles
The venous tributaries of the choroid that make up the vortex veins are usually
easily seen. The most prominent features of the choroidal venous system are the
vortex ampullae, of which there are usually four (but sometimes more). They are
located approximately in the 1-, 5-, 7-, and 11-o’clock meridians, just posterior
to the equator. The horizontal meridians are usually identifiable by their radially
oriented, long posterior ciliary nerves, and infrequently the long posterior ciliary
artery can be seen adjacent to the nerve. The nerve is relatively broad and has a
yellow color, and the artery is identifiable by its red color. The artery is usually
inferior to the nerve temporally, and superior to it nasally (Figure 5–1).
Ora serrata
The ora serrata is the anterior limit of the sensory retina. It is characterized nasally
by prominent ora teeth, which point anteriorly. Between each pair of teeth is an
ora bay. There are approximately 48 ora teeth per eye. The pattern of serration is
not present temporally, where the ora teeth are small or absent (Figure 5–2).
Occasionally, a white line is evident on the retina just posterior to the ora ser-
rata, representing the posterior limit of the vitreous base. A similar circumferential
white line representing the anterior limit of the vitreous base is occasionally visible
in the middle of the pars plana.
The normal fusion of the sensory retina and retinal pigment epithelium along
the ora serrata is referred to as retinochoroidal adhesion. This zone is 3 or 4 mm
Vortex ampullae
Long ciliary nerve
Long ciliary
Vortex vein
Inverted vortex vein
Cystoid degeneration
Anatomic vertical meridian Short ciliary nerves
Figure 5–1. Normal fundus with principal structures labeled. (Reproduced from Rutnin U,
Schepens CL: Fundus appearance in normal eyes. Am J Ophthalmol 1967;64:821–852,
1040–1078. Published with permission from the American Journal of Ophthalmology.
Copyright by the Ophthalmic Publishing Company.)
5: Establishing the Diagnosis 99
Figure 5–2. (A) Temporal ora serrata. (B) Nasal ora serrata.
wide in the temporal periphery, but less than 1 mm wide in the nasal periphery.
It is pigmented, a feature easily demonstrated by transillumination. The anterior
progression of a retinal detachment is generally halted by this adhesion, but occa-
sionally the subretinal fluid breaks through to create a detachment of the pars
plana, in which there is separation of the nonpigmented and pigmented epithelial
layers. Detachment of the pars plana is more common on the nasal side, apparently
because of the narrower retinochoroidal adhesion. Detachment of the pars plana
epithelium is an important feature, and the pars plana must be carefully examined
with scleral indentation to detect the presence of breaks in the area, particularly
along the anterior limit of the vitreous base.
The periphery of the fundus extends from the equator to the anterior limit of the
pars plana, constituting about one third of the total fundus. It is the most impor-
tant area as far as detachment-producing lesions are concerned.
The equator is an important landmark for the recording of retinal fi ndings, but
the beginning ophthalmoscopist might have difficulty identifying it. It is helpful to
recall that the distance from the ora to the equator is approximately 4 disc diam-
eters and that the equator is just slightly anterior to the vortex ampullae.
Proceeding forward from the tip of an ora tooth, the examiner may find a faint
line extending anteriorly into the corresponding valley of the pars plicata. Such
lines are known as striae ciliares. The transition axis between the deep nasal ora
bays and the shallow temporal bays is a line that extends approximately from the
100 I: Principles
11- to the 5-o’clock position in the right eye and from the 1- to the 7-o’clock posi-
tion in the left. A fold of redundant retina is commonly associated with the ora
teeth, particularly in the superior nasal quadrant. Often found in an ora bay, these
meridional folds are usually benign, but occasionally there is an associated retinal
break, in most instances at the posterior limit of the fold.
Variations of the morphology of ora teeth include forked teeth, bridging teeth,
giant teeth, and ring-shaped teeth (Figure 5–3). Occasionally, an ora bay is sur-
rounded by retinal tissue, and such an enclosed bay must be differentiated from
a true retinal break, which it mimics. Sometimes, a deep ora bay is seen nasally
at the horizontal meridian. A dense, shiny-white spherical structure is sometimes
seen near the ora serrata. Known as an ora pearl, it has no clinical significance
despite its remarkable appearance (Figure 5–4A).
Tufts of redundant glial tissue at or near the ora are called cystic retinal tufts,
but also have been termed congenital retinal rosettes, glial spheres, and granular
tissue. Rarely, an elevated tuft of retinal tissue points toward the anterior segment.
This malformation is due to traction from a zonule and is therefore called a zonu-
lar traction tuft. Changes in the fundus thought to be clinically insignificant in the
production of retinal detachment include chorioretinal degeneration near the ora,
reticular pigmentary degeneration, equatorial drusen, paving-stone degeneration,
whitening of the retina, pars plana cysts, retinal erosion, and pigment clumps (see
Figure 5–4).
Chorioretinal degeneration
Chorioretinal degeneration is the term for a stippled salt-and-pepper type of pig-
ment alteration that often occurs adjacent to the ora. Infrequently, degeneration is
also found more posteriorly toward the equator and, when located between the ora
and the equator, it apparently halts the posterior progression of more anteriorly
located peripheral cystoid degeneration (see Figure 5–4B).
Equatorial drusen
Drusen are more common in the equator than in the macula. Equatorial drusen
may be associated with reticular pigmentary degeneration and are most often
found in the elderly. They usually occur in the nasal periphery and are either punc-
tate or geographic (Figure 5–4D).
Cobblestone degeneration
Also known as paving-stone degeneration or peripheral chorioretinal atrophy,
cobblestone degeneration is frequently found in the fundus periphery, usually in
Figure 5–3. Morphologic variations of ora serrata region in normal fundi. (A) Nasal periphery with
marked cystoid degeneration near horizontal meridian, giant tooth, and deep ora bay over long cili-
ary nerve. (B) Temporal periphery with marked cystoid degeneration near horizontal meridian, deep
ora bay over long ciliary nerve, with forked tooth (above) and tooth with pearl at its base (below).
(C) Upper temporal periphery with bridging tooth covered with cystoid degeneration; granular
globule (above) and white granular patch with large cystoid cavity on its anterior border (below).
(D) Nasal periphery near horizontal meridian, with marked cystoid degeneration; ring tooth (closed
ring). (E) Temporal periphery near horizontal meridian; deep ora bay over long ciliary nerve; tooth
above deep bay had part of tip broken off; ring tooth (hole-in-the-tooth; above). (F) Nasal periph-
ery, near horizontal meridian, with ring tooth (open ring) and deep ora bay over long ciliary nerve.
In next bay (below), two tiny tags. (Reproduced from Rutnin U, Schepens CL: Fundus appearance
in normal eyes. Am J Ophthalmol 1967;64:821–852, 1040–1078. Published with permission from
the American Journal of Ophthalmology. Copyright by the Ophthalmic Publishing Company.)
5: Establishing the Diagnosis 103
the inferior periphery (Figures 5–6 and 5–4E). These lesions consist of circum-
scribed areas of atrophy in which there is loss of the outer layers of the retina,
retinal pigment epithelium, choriocapillaris, and most of the choroidal vessels.
Therefore, in an ophthalmoscopic examination of these lesions, the white sclera is
revealed, with perhaps a few intact choroidal vessels crossing the defect. Clumps
of pigment may be noted at the margin of each lesion.
An isolated lesion is 1 or 2 disc diameters in size, but adjacent lesions may
coalesce to form an elongated lesion with a scalloped margin parallel to the ora.
Sometimes the posterior edge of a large area of confluent paving-stones creates the
impression of a serrated dividing line and consequently has been called a pseudo-
ora (Figure 5–6). Rare secondary retinal breaks at the site of paving-stone lesions
have been reported, but this form of degeneration is not a significant cause of pri-
mary retinal breaks.
Retinal whitening
A common condition, whitening of the retina is ordinarily apparent without
pressure from the scleral indentor, and this fact is referred to by the notation
Figure 5–4. Changes of fundus periphery thought to be clinically insignificant. (A) Composite
picture of temporal periphery shows size, shape, and location of pearls. (B) Chorioretinal
degeneration at ora serrata. (C) Reticular pigmentary degeneration. (D) Equatorial drusen. (E)
Paving-stone degeneration. (F) White-with/without-pressure. (G) Pars plana cysts. (H) Retinal
erosion. (Reproduced from Rutnin U, Schepens CL: Fundus appearance in normal eyes. Am
J Ophthalmol 1967;64:821–852, 1040–1078. Published with permission from the American
Journal of Ophthalmology. Copyright by the Ophthalmic Publishing Company.)
104 I: Principles
Retinal erosion
Isolated areas of loss of substance in the inner retinal layers are referred to as ret-
inal erosion. These focal lesions are curiosities and do not predispose to retinal
detachment (Figure 5–4H).
5: Establishing the Diagnosis 105
Figure 5–7. White-with-pressure with pseudohole. (Reproduced with permission from Norman
E. Byer, The Peripheral Retinal in Profile, A Stereoscopic Atlas.)
Figure 5–8. Fundus photograph of pars plana cyst. (Courtesy of Norman E. Byer, MD.)
Pigment clumps
Small pigment clumps frequently noted in the peripheral fundus are generally
insignificant. Occasionally, however, a vitreoretinal adhesion associated with pig-
ment clumps does appear, and this adhesion may produce a retinal tear. The prog-
nosis for pigment clumps without tears is good, and prophylactic therapy is not
106 I: Principles
Hemiretinal differences
The temporal periphery is the most common site of lattice degeneration, retinal
breaks, pars plana cysts, dialysis of the young, and degenerative retinoschisis. The
nasal periphery is the most common site of prominent ora teeth, meridional folds
at the ora, granular tissue, and detachment of the pars plana.
Figure 5–10. Most probable site of retinal break as suggested by distribution of subretinal fluid.
(Courtesy of Charles L. Schepens, MD.)
While breaks may be found in any area, the distribution of the subretinal fluid is
a clue to the most likely location of a primary retinal break (Figure 5–10). If one
superior quadrant is detached, the break is apt to be near the upper edge of the
detachment. When the superior half of the retina is detached, the break is most
likely near the 12-o’clock meridian. An inferior quadrantic detachment usually has
the break near the upper edge of the detachment or in the meridian bisecting the
area of detachment. If the inferior half is symmetrically detached, the break could
108 I: Principles
be anywhere within the detachment, but when the fluid is higher on one side of an
inferior detachment than on the other, the break is usually on the higher side.
In a total retinal detachment, the break is often between the 10- and 2-o’clock
meridians. If there are inferior bullae, the examiner should assume that a retinal
break is above the horizontal meridian. In the presence of a demarcation line, the
break is often found in the meridian that bisects the demarcated area.
The history may provide a clue to the location of a break. When the detachment
has progressed rapidly, the break is usually superior, fairly large, and probably
located nearer the equator than the ora. If the history suggests slow progression of
the detachment, a small, inferior, or extremely peripheral break should be sought.
The quadrant of fi rst detectable field loss is a valuable indication of the location of
the primary break, particularly if the detachment has become total. Special atten-
tion should be paid to all areas of abnormality, particularly lattice degeneration,
meridional folds, pigmentation, opercula, and hemorrhage.
Figure 5–11. Proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) grade A, pigment clumps. (Reproduced with
permission from Retina Society Terminology Committee: The classification of retinal detach-
ment with proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Ophthalmology 1983;90:121–125.)
The most common cause of failure in retinal surgery is the presence of intravitreal,
preretinal, or subretinal membranes. The various gradations of proliferative vit-
reoretinopathy (PVR), as published by the Retina Society Terminology Committee
in 1983 (see Selected References), are summarized in Table 5–1, and Figures 5–11
through 5–17. An updated classification, published by Machemer and associates in
1991 (see Selected References), offers several advantages, including recognition of
anterior PVR (Tables 5–2 and 5–3). The 1991 classification has been used in sev-
eral research publications, but most clinical papers and clinical practices continue
to employ the 1983 classification.
The presence of a preretinal membrane can be subtle and may not be directly
observed, but its presence can be inferred from the finding of fi xed retinal folds—
folds that do not undulate with eye movement (Figure 5–18). These folds may
be circumferential or meridional. Frequently these folds radiate out in all direc-
tions from a central nidus, called a star fold (Figure 5–19). Posterior rolling of
the posterior edge of the retinal break is another sign of periretinal organiza-
tion (Figure 5–20). Far-advanced PVR is recognized by contraction of the retina
toward the visual axis, with numerous fi xed folds centered about the optic disc
(Figure 5–21) and sometimes totally obscuring its view, constituting a D3 PVR
(Figure 5–22).
Some long-standing detachments develop subretinal fibrosis. This is clinically
recognized by linear, curved, or angular yellow-white lines on the retroretinal sur-
face of the detached retina (Figure 5–23). Severe subretinal fibrosis may form a
tight colarette around the optic nerve (Figure 5–24), necessitating a retinotomy
with removal of the subretinal band.
Figure 5–13. Proliferative vitreoretinopathy grade C. (A) Grade C-1, one quadrant of full-
thickness retinal folds. (B) Grade C-2, two quadrants of full-thickness retinal folds. (C) Grade
C-3, three quadrants of full-thickness retinal folds. (Reproduced with permission from Retina
Society Terminology Committee: The classification of retinal detachment with proliferative
vitreoretinopathy. Ophthalmology 1983;90:121–125.)
Figure 5–14. Proliferative vitreoretinopathy grade D-1. (A, B) Four quadrants of full-thickness
retinal folds with wide retinal funnel configuration. (Reproduced with permission from Retina
Society Terminology Committee: The classification of retinal detachment with proliferative
vitreoretinopathy. Ophthalmology 1983;90:121–125.)
Figure 5–15. Proliferative vitreoretinopathy grade D-2. (A, B) Narrow retinal funnel con-
figuration. (Reproduced with permission from Retina Society Terminology Committee: The
classification of retinal detachment with proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Ophthalmology
Figure 5–16. Proliferative vitreoretinopathy grade D-2. If the anterior entrance to retinal funnel
can be visualized within 45° field of +20 D indirect ophthalmoscope lens (Nikon or equivalent),
but optic nerve can be seen, funnel is designated as “narrow.” (Reproduced with permission
from Retina Society Terminology Committee: The classification of retinal detachment with
proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Ophthalmology 1983;90:121–125.)
Figure 5–17. Proliferative vitreoretinopathy grade D-3. (A, B) Closed funnel, obscuring view of
optic nerve head. ([A] reproduced with permission from Retina Society Terminology Committee:
The classification of retinal detachment with proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Ophthalmology
1983;90:121-125. [B] courtesy of Stephen Gordon.)
5: Establishing the Diagnosis 113
The presence of PVR in conjunction with retinal detachment may rule out pneu-
matic retinopexy as the procedure of choice, and significant PVR may necessitate
Figure 5–18. Mild fi xed fold.
Figure 5–20. Rolled posterior edge of retinal break (proliferative vitreoretinopathy grade B).
Figure 5–21. Severe proliferative vitreoretinopathy.
Figure 5–23. Subretinal fibrosis. (A) Diffuse sheet with strands. (B) Multiple strands. (Courtesy
of Elaine L. Chuang, MD.)
116 I: Principles
118 I: Principles
to changes in head position; it does not mean movement of the fluid within stable
detachment borders. Shifting fluid is common in exudative detachments, and in
rare instances is also seen in old rhegmatogenous detachments.
Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment usually has a characteristic undulation
or “tobacco-paper wrinkle.” Usually there is a visible distinction between the
5: Establishing the Diagnosis 119
detached and nondetached portions of the retina (unless total retinal detachment
is present or the view is quite poor). With serous retinal detachment, the exact
extent of the detachment is not distinct, and shifting of the borders of the detach-
ment should be sought.
Figure 5–25. Retinal detachment associated with malignant melanoma. (Courtesy of Devron
R. Char, MD.)
120 I: Principles
Figure 5–27. Capillary hemangioma with dilated, tortuous feeder vessel in von Hippel’s disease.
Elevation of the retinal surface may be due to retinoschisis instead of retinal detach-
ment. Retinoschisis constitutes splitting of the sensory retina into two sheets, like
separating the two plies of a tissue. It differs from retinal detachment in that the
outer retina is still attached to the eye wall. (See also Chapter 2, page 25.)
Retinoschisis can also coexist with retinal detachment, called schisis detach-
ment. When retinoschisis accompanies detachment, it predates the onset of
detachment. An attempt should be made to record the extent of the schisis cav-
ity, as well as the area of detached retina. Determining the extent of each where
there is overlap is often difficult, but this becomes better defi ned during cryopexy.
A diagnostic feature of retinoschisis is the “white Swiss cheese” appearance of the
outer layer of the schistic retina as it is frozen. In contrast, the retinal pigment
epithelium deep to an overlying detached retina appears dull orange when viewed
during cryopexy.
Type 1 schisis detachment refers to detachment that does not extend beyond the
area of retinoschisis, whereas type 2 schisis detachment extends beyond the schisis
(Figure 5–29). Type 2 schisis detachments generally require retinal detachment
repair, whereas type 1 generally do not. Type 2 schisis detachments accompanied
5: Establishing the Diagnosis 123
by extensive schisis generally have a poorer prognosis for surgical repair than
detachments without schisis.
Surgical repair of schisis detachments focuses on closing outer layer breaks and
full-thickness retinal breaks. Inner layer breaks do not require treatment.
Retinoschisis is classified as flat or bullous. As a rule, flat retinoschisis is not
progressive or slowly progressive. Occasionally, bullous retinoschisis will progress
and threaten to involve the macula.
Intraretinal macrocysts
Intraretinal macrocysts, which are defi ned as focal secondary retinoschisis, may
mimic degenerative retinoschisis. They occur only in areas of long-standing retinal
detachment. Intraretinal macrocysts are usually 2 or 3 disc diameters in size and
are most often found in the periphery. Macrocysts require no special treatment and
disappear after retinal reattachment. (see Figure 2–27)
Choroidal detachment
Choroidal detachment is usually bullous, with a smooth rather than undulating
contour. Nasal or temporal bullae tend to be larger than superior and inferior
bullae. Usually, the brown choroid can be seen immediately beneath the ret-
ina, and the translucent appearance seen with a retinal detachment is lacking
(Figure 5–30).
In the deep valleys between choroidal bullae, the choroid is tethered to the
sclera by the vortex veins or along the course of the long posterior ciliary artery
and nerve. The result is a characteristic “hour glass” configuration to the bul-
lae (Figure 5–31). The tethering effect tends to limit the posterior extension of
the detachment, and therefore the posterior pole is often spared. While retinal
detachment usually extends anteriorly only as far as the ora serrata, detachment
of the choroid extends anteriorly to the scleral spur. There may be folds in the
retina, but usually there is little or no retinal detachment associated with choroidal
Most choroidal detachments are serous, but occasionally a hemorrhagic detach-
ment is seen. Serous and hemorrhagic detachments can be readily differentiated
by scleral transillumination. There are many causes for choroidal detachment, but
the most common is hypotony following intraocular surgery, especially trabeculec-
tomy and sometimes cataract surgery.
124 I: Principles
Figure 5–31. Typical configuration of choroidal detachment with limited serous retinal
Choroidal tumors
Occasionally, elevated choroidal lesions are confused with retinal detachments. An
experienced observer can tell the difference between a choroidal detachment or
choroidal mass and a retinal detachment. The choroidal lesion appears more solid,
lacking the translucent appearance of a retinal detachment. Choroidal lesions
also tend to be smooth in contour, lacking the undulations of retinal detachment
(Figure 5–32). However, secondary serous retinal detachment may also be present,
which can make the distinction more difficult (as discussed above).
Vitreous opacities
When the view is cloudy, vitreal membranes or hemorrhage may mimic retinal
detachment. In contrast to retinal detachment, vitreal membranes are avascular or
have abnormal neovascularization, unlike normal retinal vasculature. With cloudy
media, ultrasound may be helpful in making the distinction. Sometimes retinal
detachment cannot be ruled out. Serial observations can rule out progression, or
a vitrectomy may be indicated to clear the media and allow treatment of retinal
detachment if present.
Benign peripheral retinal findings are important to recognize in order to distinguish
them from retinal detachments or tears and their potential precursors. Findings in
early retinal detachment may be subtle and may include loss of choroidal details,
slight undulation of the retina, minimal separation of the retina from the mound of
the depression, and shadowing of retinal vessels. Scleral depression is important in
consistently detecting retinal detachments and breaks. The presence and severity
of PVR should also be assessed.
Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment is to be distinguished from serous and
tractional retinal detachment, since the management is very different. In nonrheg-
matogenous detachments, underlying etiologies should be sought. Retinal detach-
ment is also to be distinguished from retinoschisis, and from choroidal detachments
and tumors.
Brockhurst RJ: Nanophthalmos with uveal effusion: A new clinical entity. Arch Ophthalmol
Gass JDM: Bullous retinal detachment: An unusual manifestation of idiopathic central
serous choroidopathy. Am J Ophthalmol 1973;75:810–821.
Gass JB, Jallow S: Idiopathic serous detachment of the choroid, ciliary body, and retina
(uveal effusion syndrome). Ophthalmology 1982;89:1018–1032.
Griffith RD, Ryan EA, Hilton GF: Primary retinal detachments without apparent breaks.
Am J Ophthalmol 1976;81:420–427.
Machemer R, Aaberg TM, Freeman HM, et al.: An updated classification of retinal detach-
ment with proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Am J Ophthalmol 1991;112:159–165.
Marcus DF, Aaberg TM: Intraretinal macrocysts in retinal detachment. Arch Ophthalmol
Phelps CD, Burton TC: Glaucoma and retinal detachment. Arch Ophthalmol
Retinal Society Terminology Committee: The classification of retinal detachment with
proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Ophthalmology 1983;90:121–125.
Rutnin U, Schepens CL: Fundus appearance in normal eyes. Am J Ophthalmol 1967;64:
821–852, 1040–1078.
Schepens CL, Hartnett ME, Hirose T. Schepens’ Retinal Detachment and Allied Diseases.
Second Edition. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000. pp. 201–220.
Seelenfreund MH, Kraushar MF, Schepens CL, et al.: Choroidal detachment associated
with primary retinal detachment. Arch Ophthalmol 1974;91:254–258.
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Prevention of Retinal Detachment
etinal detachment is an uncommon disease, affecting approximately 1 in
10,000 people in the general population per year. However, the incidence
of retinal breaks is relatively high, affecting 5% to 7% of the population.
Obviously, many retinal breaks have minimal, if any, risk for the possible develop-
ment of a retinal detachment. This includes macular holes that occur as a degener-
ative process, and asymptomatic, small, round atrophic holes near the ora serrata.
However, equatorial horseshoe tears with relevant symptoms progress to retinal
detachment in most cases.
Probably all surgeons would agree that a large horseshoe tear near the equa-
tor in the superior temporal quadrant, with new-onset symptoms of flashes and
floaters and associated vitreous hemorrhage, should be treated prophylactically to
avoid retinal detachment. In contrast, most would not advise treatment of a small,
round atrophic hole near the inferior ora serrata in an asymptomatic patient with
no history of prior detachment. Between these two obvious examples lies a broad
spectrum of retinal breaks for which the surgeon must exercise judgment about
instituting prophylactic treatment.
Most of the breaks reported in surveys of asymptomatic patients or in autopsy
series are of the atrophic type, and only a small proportion are horseshoe tears.
Although there are no specific rules for the selection of patients for treatment, and
each case has to be judged on its own characteristics, the application of evidence-
based medicine to this topic has modified the opinions of many regarding the gen-
uine value of prophylactic therapy for most retinal breaks.
The American Academy of Ophthalmology has used this approach in developing
a Preferred Practice Pattern (PPP) entitled “Posterior Vitreous Detachment, Retinal
Breaks, and Lattice Degeneration,” the latest version of which was published in
130 II: Practice
2008. The evidence base described in this PPP will be employed in the following
Patients are considered symptomatic if they describe suddenly increased vitreous
floaters and/or photopsia associated with an acute posterior vitreous detachment.
Approximately 15% of eyes with an acute symptomatic PVD develop retinal tears
of various types. The risk of retinal tears is directly related to the amount of vitre-
ous hemorrhage, and the finding of pigmented cells in the vitreous is a sign asso-
ciated with a particularly high chance of associated retinal tear(s). In symptomatic
eyes, retinal tears associated with persistent vitreoretinal traction are especially
likely to cause retinal detachment.
Retinal tears resulting from a symptomatic PVD should be distinguished from
preexisting retinal breaks detected after the PVD but not caused by it. Thus, atro-
phic retinal holes within areas of lattice degeneration are not considered “symp-
tomatic,” even if they were fi rst observed during an examination prompted by
symptoms of an acute PVD. Symptomatic retinal tears are subdivided into those
with persistent vitreoretinal traction and those in which all traction in the region
of the retinal defect has resolved (Figure 6–1).
Figure 6–1. Horseshoe tears are associated with persistent vitreoretinal traction upon the flap
of the tear (white arrow), whereas operculated tears no longer have traction forces acting upon
them (dark arrow) unless there is a nearby vitreoretinal adhesion.
and both were associated with persistent vitreoretinal traction on nearby retinal ves-
sels. In unusual cases in which an operculated retinal hole is the only retinal break
associated with a clinical retinal detachment, it is presumed that anomalous persis-
tent vitreoretinal adhesions are located in the vicinity of the retinal tear. Treatment of
these breaks may be recommended if the presence of a nearby vitreoretinal adhesion
cannot be ruled out (Academy PPP evidence level A:III). Failures following treatment
of operculated retinal holes have not been reported.
Asymptomatic eyes include those with and without additional risk features. Cases
in which lesions are diagnosed in a second (“fellow”) eye following a detachment
in the fi rst eye are discussed in a separate section below.
Stickler syndrome
Individuals at risk for Stickler syndrome due to family history or systemic fi nd-
ings should have a thorough retinal evaluation. Vitreous liquefaction and vitreous
membranes are characteristic. Retinal pigmentation in lattice-like patches, retinal
tears, and detachments are also common.
Early diagnosis is important, since Stickler patients have about a 50% lifetime risk
of retinal detachment. In addition, these patients have a poorer than usual prognosis
with surgical repair of detachment. Therefore, all new retinal tears should be treated,
and some clinicians recommend prophylactic treatment for all areas of lattice-like
degeneration as well, in spite of a lack of data supporting the value of this therapy.
Frequent examinations, at least every six months, are recommended, and patients
should be well-educated regarding the symptoms of PVD and peripheral field loss.
the most important. Both lattice degeneration and cystic retinal tufts can be sites
of retinal tears resulting from vitreoretinal traction at the time of PVD. Atrophic
retinal holes commonly occur within areas of lattice degeneration and also in the
outer layer of degenerative retinoschisis. However, these holes are a relatively infre-
quent cause of progressive retinal detachment.
Figure 6–2. Subclinical retinal detachments are frequently defi ned as those associated with
subretinal fluid extending more than one disc diameter from the break, but not posterior to
the equator.
136 II: Practice
Four asymptomatic tractional retinal tears were observed in three of these 423
eyes at the initial examination, and symptomatic tractional tears without clinical
detachment developed in five additional eyes during follow-up periods of 1.5 to 18
years. Three of five symptomatic and all asymptomatic breaks occurred adjacent to
lattice lesions. All symptomatic breaks were successfully treated; no asymptomatic
tractional tears were treated, and none changed over follow-up periods of 7, 10,
and 15 years. Clinical retinal detachments developed in three of the 423 eyes. Two
were due to round retinal holes in lattice lesions of patients in their mid-twenties,
and one was due to a symptomatic tractional tear.
These figures clearly indicate that patients with lattice degeneration in a phakic
non-fellow eye should usually not be treated prophylactically unless symptoms
occur (Academy PPP evidence level A:III). However, retinal detachments associ-
ated with vitreoretinal traction upon lattice lesions containing atrophic retinal
holes are relatively common in eyes with significant amounts of myopia. A discus-
sion regarding self-examination of peripheral visual fields and periodic follow-up
examinations are in order in myopic patients to reduce the chances of macular
involvement by slowly progressive detachments resulting from round holes in lat-
tice lesions.
and horseshoe-shaped tears were present in 45 cases. Acute PVD occurred in nine
eyes without adversely affecting the preexisting breaks, although new horseshoe-
shaped tears developed in three cases, and these were promptly treated. Subclinical
retinal detachments were observed in 19 eyes (8%). Modest extension of subretinal
fluid required therapy in two of these cases, and in a third case a peripheral clinical
retinal detachment slowly developed after 14 years of observation.
Prophylactic therapy for asymptomatic retinal breaks in phakic non-fellow eyes
is usually not recommended (Academy PPP evidence level A:III). An occasionally
observed exception to this rule is an inferior retinal dialysis. These breaks can
cause slowly progressive retinal detachments that frequently become symptomatic
only after macular involvement.
Figure 6–3. Adequate treatment of lattice lesions does not prevent the development of retinal
tears at sites of invisible vitreoretinal adhesions.
6: Prevention of Retinal Detachment 139
Figure 6–4. Some surgeons have recommended prophylactic therapy featuring the production
of laser or cryotherapy burns over 360° of the peripheral retina.
fellow eyes that are nonphakic (aphakic or pseudophakic) or that are scheduled to
undergo cataract extraction.
was not reported. The literature regarding the value of treating round holes unas-
sociated with lattice lesions is not clear. Treatment can be expected to prevent ret-
inal detachment resulting from the identified break but not detachment resulting
from breaks in other areas of the retina. Treatment of asymptomatic horseshoe-
shaped tears in aphakic fellow eyes and in fellow eyes scheduled to undergo cata-
ract extraction is usually recommended, despite the absence of supportive data.
Tanks of compressed gas are connected to a pressure regulator, and tubing directs
the gas under pressure to the cryoprobe. The gas is allowed to expand at the tip of
the cryo probe, which causes the probe to freeze. When the probe is pressed onto
the scleral wall, the freeze will extend into the interior of the eye and achieve the
desired thermal burn in the retina and retinal pigment epithelium. Cryotherapy
can also be applied directly to the retina through the interior of the eye during vit-
rectomy, although this practice has rarely been employed since the development of
contemporary laser equipment and techniques.
Good anesthesia is obtained by supplementing topical 4% lidocaine with
an injection of subconjunctival 1% or 2% lidocaine in the involved quadrants.
Retrobulbar anesthesia may be necessary in some patients, but the patient then
loses the ability to position the eye in accordance with the surgeon’s instructions.
To apply cryotherapy for a retinal break near the ora, the surgeon instructs the
patient to move the eye in the direction of the break. Breaks near the equator are
most easily indented with the cryoprobe when the eye is approximately in the pri-
mary position. Breaks posterior to the equator can often be reached with the cryo-
probe if the patient is instructed to move the eye away from the meridian of the
6: Prevention of Retinal Detachment 143
Figure 6–5. Prophylactic treatment should be limited to flat retina and extend only to the
margin of the subretinal fluid.
break and slightly toward the surgeon, who is positioned in the meridian opposite
that of the break. More posterior lesions can be reached by a small incision in the
conjunctiva but are more easily treated by laser.
A number of applications should be used to surround the break completely with
an adequate margin, and treatment of horseshoe tears should extend anteriorly
into the vitreous base (Figure 6–5). Treatment should be limited to flat retina and
extend only to the margin of the subretinal fluid. Freezing of the exposed pigment
epithelium within the tear should particularly be avoided, because this will encour-
age the migration of retinal pigment epithelial cells into the vitreous cavity. In a
patient with lattice degeneration, the treatment should include not only the lattice
patch but also adjacent normal retina on all sides of the patch.
If there is significant subretinal fluid associated with the break(s), the patient is
generally restricted in activities until some pigmentation appears around the focal
detachment; this generally occurs within 7 to 10 days. Extension of subretinal fluid
before an effective chorioretinal adhesion develops may be more common follow-
ing cryotherapy than after laser photocoagulation, because the adhesion forms
more quickly after laser.
For various reasons (including the more rapid development of an adhesive reaction
and avoiding any liberation of viable retinal pigment epithelial cells), laser therapy
has become a more popular means of creating an adhesion. A laser photocoagula-
tor provides an excellent viewing system, with either the laser indirect ophthalmo-
scope (LIO) or the binocular biomicroscope and slit lamp used in association with
144 II: Practice
Figure 6–6. Laser burns surrounding a retinal tear and focal retinal detachment.
The efficacy of prophylactic treatment obviously depends on the relative risk of
detachment before and after treatment. If a retinal detachment ensues within a
few days of a prophylactic procedure, it might be argued that the treatment actu-
ally precipitated the detachment. But the detachment could very well be due to
progression of the disease despite treatment. If the detachment develops several
weeks later, it is more likely due to the ongoing, progressive nature of the basic vit-
reoretinal disease, and is not to be regarded as an iatrogenic complication. While
some detachments are caused by the treated breaks, in most cases detachment sub-
sequent to treatment is due to a new break in a different meridian.
Reports of prophylactic therapy results are all somewhat incomplete, as most
do not describe information about important variables, including the refractive
error, the status of the crystalline lens, the status of the posterior vitreous surface,
the type of retinal breaks, and whether there had been a detachment in the fellow
eye. In addition, long-term follow-up information is lacking in most reports. In
one important study, it was demonstrated that new retinal breaks continued to
occur long after the initial prophylactic therapy. In symptomatic eyes that were
treated, new retinal breaks were observed in 13% of cases after 3 months, and in
21% of cases 2 years postoperatively. The outcomes in this report were not strat-
ified as a function of the type of retinal break. Another study demonstrated that
most detachments that occurred after prophylactic therapy were associated with
progression of an incomplete initial PVD.
6: Prevention of Retinal Detachment 145
Flap tears
Horseshoe-shaped tears are most responsible for clinical retinal detachment.
Symptomatic horseshoe-shaped tears are much more likely to cause retinal detach-
ment than are asymptomatic tears, but many studies have not distinguished
between these groups. However, failure of treatment appears to be more common
following therapy of symptomatic cases. Early failures usually are due to vitreo-
retinal traction forces that cause an accumulation of subretinal fluid before the
establishment of an adequate chorioretinal adhesion, or are due to incomplete or
inadequate therapy. Treatment should be placed in flat retina immediately adjacent
to the location of subretinal fluid, and treatment should extend well anterior to the
“horns” of the tear and into the vitreous base.
Lattice degeneration
There are many difficulties in analyzing results of treatment of lattice degenera-
tion, as mentioned earlier. Most new tears following therapy occur in areas not
previously treated.
Retinal holes
The prognosis for round holes after treatment is substantially better than that
for flap tears with persistent vitreoretinal traction. As noted earlier, round holes
unassociated with persistent vitreoretinal traction or with lattice degeneration are
usually not treated.
Retinal detachments that occur despite prophylactic therapy are a result of either
inadequate adhesion around a retinal break or a new retinal break. Extension of
the detachment is considered a complication of therapy if the treatment is inade-
quate in extent or intensity, and a particularly common cause of failure in treating
horseshoe-shaped tears is the absence of an adequate chorioretinal adhesion sur-
rounding the anterior margins of the break, where vitreoretinal traction persists.
New retinal breaks are a complication of prophylactic therapy if the treatment
causes excessive damage to the retina, resulting in a break at that location, or if it
aggravates vitreous degenerative changes and vitreoretinal traction, causing a tear
Epiretinal proliferation that causes macular pucker has been considered a
potential complication of prophylactic therapy, but the association between treat-
ment and membrane formation is uncertain. Symptomatic retinal tears are almost
always due to a posterior vitreous detachment, and a PVD is present in more than
146 II: Practice
Although prevention of retinal detachment is an important goal, the genuine value
of prophylactic therapy for most vitreoretinal lesions remains unknown because
of a lack of appropriate trials. Treatment of symptomatic flap tears is an accepted
method of preventing clinical retinal detachments, because the natural course
of these breaks and the results of therapy are well documented. In most other
instances, treatment of visible abnormal vitreoretinal lesions is of limited value,
even in eyes with additional risk features such as high myopia, pseudophakia, and
history of retinal detachment in the fellow eye.
This chapter attempts to summarize briefly the literature on this topic (Table 6–2).
Specific decisions regarding prophylaxis for a given eye should be made on the basis
of the features of the case and expanding medical knowledge. Patients with high-
risk features should be made aware of symptoms of posterior vitreous detachment
and loss of visual field, and any patient with such symptoms should be promptly
evaluated. In addition, periodic evaluations may be indicated.
American Academy of Ophthalmology Retina Panel. Preferred Practice Pattern® Guidelines:
Posterior Vitreous Detachment, Retinal Breaks, and Lattice Degeneration. San
Francisco, CA: American Academy of Ophthalmology; 2008.
6: Prevention of Retinal Detachment 147
nflammatory detachments are usually treated medically. Some serous detach-
ments, such as choroidal hemangioma, respond to photocoagulation or pho-
todynamic therapy (PDT). Selected traction detachments, such as diabetic or
post-traumatic detachments, may be cured with intraocular microsurgery (vitrec-
tomy). Radiation therapy is often used for detachments secondary to metastatic
tumors. This chapter is confined to the surgical management of rhegmatogenous
detachments with scleral buckling. Alternative methods of repair are discussed in
Chapters 8 and 9, and the three techniques are compared in Chapter 10.
Controversy exists regarding the details of the surgical technique, but surgeons
generally agree on the three basic steps in closing retinal breaks and reattaching
the retina:
If the surgeon follows these basics and applies modern surgical techniques, reti-
nal reattachment may be expected following a single operation in more than 85%
of uncomplicated primary detachments, and in more than 95% following addi-
tional procedures.
150 II: Practice
The traditional scleral buckle has served very well since the 1950’s. However,
more recent developments have produced a more comprehensive menu for retinal
reattachment surgery from which the surgeon may select the appropriate proce-
dure for each case. By the turn of the millennium, surveys had demonstrated that
scleral buckling alone was no longer the most popular means of repairing uncom-
plicated primary retinal detachments. Still, it is a valuable technique that is indi-
cated in many situations.
Temporary scleral buckling can be performed with scleral infolding, gelatin, or
orbital balloon. The term scleral buckling without a qualifying adjective is gener-
ally recognized as referring to a “permanent” scleral buckle with the implantation
of a foreign material usually made of silicone.
Successful scleral buckling depends upon a thorough understanding of the ana-
tomical and physiological effects of the procedure. These are substantially differ-
ent from those associated with Pneumatic Retinopexy (Chapter 8) or Vitrectomy
(Chapter 9).
These effects are probably synergistic, and are also important in drainage cases.
Although contemporary scleral buckling procedures routinely include the crea-
tion of a chorioretinal burn, such an adhesion is not always necessary to maintain
retinal reattachment.
6.7 40 240
278 9 Clip
40 0.75
10.0 277 50 250
20 286 9 51 52
4.0 7.0
6.6 Boat
6.0 60
7.2 287
9 70 270
ID = 1.0 ID = .76
32 OD = 2.1 OD = 1.65
9.2 289 71 72
5.0 ID = 1.0 ID = 1.6
12 OD = 2.2 OD = 2.4
41 0.75 10.0
1.25 279
42 11
5.9 103 22
4 9.0
219 4.0
280LG 6.0 10.5 4.0 8.0
10.0 112 190
6.0 78G
12.0 12.0 5.0 10.0
26.0 137 14
Figure 7–1. A wide variety of solid silicone and silicone sponge materials are available for
scleral buckling. (Courtesy of MIRA, Inc.)
Circumferential extent of
vitreoretinal pathology
Figure 7–2. The circumferential extent of vitreoretinal pathology usually indicates the type
and extent of the buckle that will be employed.
The internal changes caused by scleral buckling are determined by the size,
shape, and consistency of the buckling material, the width of the suture bites
placed to attach the silicone to the sclera, the tightness of the tied sutures, and the
extent to which an encircling element is tightened.
A scleral buckle is associated with a significant displacement of intraocular
volume. In order to avoid a large increase in intraocular pressure, drainage of
subretinal fluid, paracentesis, or removal of liquid vitreous is usually necessary in
cases in which an extensive buckling effect is desired. This is particularly true in
eyes with compromised aqueous outflow and in those in which recent anterior seg-
ment surgery has been performed.
Figure 7–3. A 360-degree peritomy 2–3 mm behind the limbus. The four rectus muscles have
been exposed and isolated on large sutures. Depending upon surgeon preferences, peritomies
can be limited in extent and/or located at the limbus.
7: Scleral Buckling 155
Figure 7–4. The dark linear zones represent significant scleral thinning, and are termed “radial
examination reveals significant changes that have developed since the preoperative
A localizing mark is made on the sclera overlying the posterior edge of the retinal
break(s) with a scleral marking device. The tip of the scleral marker is fi rmly pressed
against the eye for a few seconds, and the pressure creates a temporary black mark
on the sclera by dehydrating the sclera. Alternatively, a flat diathermy probe can
be used, yielding a light burn. The localization site is immediately touched with
a marking pen, because the pressure effect or light scleral burn disappear quickly
(Figure 7–5).
If a break is large, marks should ideally be placed at the posterior, anterior, and
lateral margins (Figure 7–6). For smaller, routine tears, some surgeons prefer to
localize with a single mark placed at the center of the anterior edge of the tear,
preferring this location because (1) the anterior edge is the usual site of persistent
vitreoretinal traction, (2) the anterior edge is always easier to mark than the poste-
rior border, (3) a buckling effect extending from the anterior edge into the area of
the vitreous base is desirable, and (4) it is relatively easy to estimate the amount of
buckling effect required more posteriorly to support the respective break(s). Other
surgeons prefer a single mark placed at the center of the posterior edge of the tear
to help ensure that no part of the tear falls too far back on the posterior slope of the
buckle. When positioning the buckle relative to the mark, the surgeon must keep in
mind whether the posterior or anterior edge of the tear was marked.
Accurate marking is easily performed if the detachment is sufficiently flat to
allow the retinal pigment epithelium to be pressed inward against the sensory ret-
ina. If the detachment is highly bullous, this is not possible and the surgeon must
try to compensate for the parallax effect. With bullous detachments, the tendency
is to localize the break too far posteriorly. If the surgeon is aware of the problem,
an adequate anterior compensation can be made.
156 II: Practice
Figure 7–5. Retinal breaks are located precisely with a variety of devices, and a marking pencil
is usually employed to document the locations.
Figure 7–6. The anterior and posterior margins of a large retinal break have fi rst been localized
and then marked with a marking pencil.
Diathermy, cryotherapy, and laser photocoagulation have been employed to irri-
tate the choroid and pigment epithelium so that they form chorioretinal adhesions
to seal retinal breaks. Cryopexy is most commonly used with scleral buckling.
The use of cryotherapy has gained wide acceptance since its reintroduction in
1964. A survey of retinal surgeons revealed that the vast majority of surgeons now
employ it for most buckling cases. Although it is possible to apply cryotherapy
beneath partial-thickness scleral flaps, it is not necessary to do so.
The goal of cryotherapy is to apply contiguous lesions completely surround-
ing each retinal break and areas of vitreoretinal degeneration. A single row of
7: Scleral Buckling 157
Figure 7–7. Cryotherapy is applied by the surgeon under direct visualization with indirect
confluent freeze spots is generally sufficient, although more than one row may be
required anteriorly to extend the future adhesion into the vitreous base.
Cryotherapy should be applied while observing the fundus with the ophthal-
moscope, using the cryoprobe in place of a scleral depressor (Figure 7–7). A
prominent white change develops at the area of retinal freezing. The freezing is
generally terminated soon after the surgeon observes the appearance of an ice ball
in the plane of the neurosensory retina. In bullous detachments, the ice ball is not
allowed to reach the retina itself, and the freezing of the retinal pigment epithelium
is discerned by a change of color to dull orange or gray. If portions of the break
remain highly elevated during scleral depression with the cryoprobe, treatment can
be postponed until some of the subretinal fluid is drained.
A challenge with using cryotherapy is the inability to see what areas of the ret-
ina have been treated for many minutes to days following treatment. This can lead
to overtreatment if sequential freezes overlap much, and this excessive therapy
should be avoided. However, an inadequate adhesion will result if the burns are
not confluent in appropriate areas. Thus, the surgeon must form an optimal visual
image of the precise limits of prior applications of cryotherapy, and considerable
experience is usually required to master this technique.
Cryotherapy burns should extend only to the edges of medium and large reti-
nal breaks from retina surrounding them. If the pigment epithelium lying beneath
158 II: Practice
Figure 7–8. Cryotherapy applied directly beneath a large retinal break will push exploded RPE
cells into the vitreous cavity; this practice should be avoided.
Diathermy is no longer employed by most surgeons. It should only be applied
through thinned sclera, beneath partial-thickness scleral flaps, to avoid full-
thickness destruction of sclera and achieve a more uniform intraocular reaction.
The surgeon may apply the diathermy while inspecting the retina with the oph-
thalmoscope, limiting the intensity to that required to produce a moderately white
lesion in the retina. Alternatively, an experienced surgeon can apply diathermy
without ophthalmoscopic control, predicting the probable ophthalmoscopic result
on the basis of the scleral reaction. Diathermy burns are spaced approximately
1.5 mm apart, producing intermittent pigmentary changes in the fundus that have
been referred to as “leopard skin.”
Various materials have been used for scleral buckling, including fascia lata, pal-
maris tendon, plantaris tendon, knee cartilage, donor sclera, dura mater, polyviol,
polyethylene, encircling nonabsorbable and absorbable sutures, gelatin, hydrogel,
and silicone. By far the most popular, silicone, is a soft, synthetic rubber material
that is nontoxic and nonallergenic. Readily available, it is produced in a variety
of molded shapes that can be modified by the surgeon and used in either solid
or sponge form (Figure 7–1). Implants can be placed within the sclera or on its
surface. Although they are not technically “implants” in the latter position, the
term has persisted for decades and will be employed in this monograph. Episcleral
implants are currently employed in the vast majority of cases. These can be seg-
mental or encircling. Silicone implants are safe and very different from the silicone
materials used for breast implants.
Figure 7–9. For a meridional segmental buckle, broad and long mattress sutures are placed per-
pendicular to the limbus in an effort to place the intended silicone sponge directly beneath the
marked and treated retinal break.
edges, and the needle is passed so that the knot can be tied posteriorly (Figure 7–9).
The size and type of the retinal break usually dictate the width and length of the
exoplant. In general, the width of the silicone element should be at least as wide as
the edges of the break marked on the sclera, and the buckle length should support
both the posterior end of the break and the vitreous base anterior to the break.
If a circumferentially oriented segmental buckle is required, suture limbs are
placed parallel to the limbus. The anterior bite is usually placed just anterior to the
posterior margin of the vitreous base, a location estimated as lying about 2–3 mm
posterior to an imaginary line drawn between the muscle insertions (and forming
a portion of the spiral of Tillaux). A silicone element of sufficient width to support
both the anterior and posterior edges of the retinal break(s) or other pathology is
used, and the posterior suture bite is placed in a position that will produce an opti-
mal buckling effect.
Figure 7–10. Encircling silicone bands are traditionally fi xed with a single mattress suture
located in the center of each quadrant. Some surgeons prefer scleral “belt loops” for this
movement of the band, particularly if the sutures are pulled tight. Wider bites will
allow the band to move anterior to its desired location when its ends are joined. In
its proper position, the band is usually intended to support breaks in the region of
the posterior edge of the vitreous base, and these are marked and treated before
suture placement. In quadrants without retinal breaks, the vitreous base margin
can be marked, or its location can be estimated and the anterior suture bite placed
about 2–3 mm posterior to the imaginary line mentioned earlier.
When using segmental scleral buckles produced by circumferentially oriented
silicone materials, suture bites are always placed in the location overlying the
responsible retinal break(s), because the maximum buckle height is produced in
this spot. However, with encircling buckles, if additional height may be required
in a localized zone, the sutures over the band should be placed elsewhere so that
additional elements can easily be inserted beneath the band in that location. If an
increased buckling effect is needed in only a small area, a radially oriented piece
is used in this situation. If a grooved segment of silicone tire is required because of
a need for more extensive circumferential augmentation of the buckle, additional
sutures may be required, depending upon the characteristics of the specific case.
If a high, broad 360-degree encircling scleral buckle is required, two broad
mattress sutures are placed in each quadrant to accommodate a silicone tire of
at least 7 mm width and an overlying silicone band. The anterior suture bite is
placed at the estimated location of the ora serrata, and the posterior bite is placed
far posteriorly, at a spot dictated by the width of the tire, the desired amount of
indentation, and the location of tears. Frequently, this distance is equal to twice the
distance from the anterior bite to the marked posterior edge of the retinal break(s)
(Figure 7–11). If a vortex vein must be avoided with the posterior suture bite, two
small circumferential passes can be made on either side of the vessel.
162 II: Practice
Figure 7–11. If a high and broad buckling effect is desired, a broad silicone element is employed.
(A) Two broad mattress sutures are placed in each quadrant in which such a buckling effect is
needed. (B) An encircling band is usually placed in the groove of a wide silicone element.
The ends of an encircling band are joined with a silicone Watzke sleeve, suture,
or tantalum clip. Tantalum clips are less popular than the sleeve or suture, primar-
ily because of the extra time required for their use, particularly if later adjustment
of the length of the band is required. Some degree of twisting of the band near the
elastic sleeve can occur when the band is tightened, and this can be avoided by
grasping each end near the sleeve and by keeping the ends flat against the periscleral
portion already in place. The ends should be rejoined if twisting causes a narrow
edge of the band to indent the sclera, as this can lead to later intrusion problems.
Since even minimal twisting of the sleeve can affect the inner morphology of the
buckling effect, the sleeve should be located in a quadrant relatively free of signif-
icant vitreoretinal pathology.
Alternatively, a 5-0 synthetic suture tied in a single loop around the overlapped
ends of the encircling band minimizes twisting while allowing adjustment. To
7: Scleral Buckling 163
Figure 7–12. Ideally, the treated retinal break(s) should lie on the posterior visible crest of the
increase the tension on the band, traction is placed on the two cut ends of the band,
while a needle holder grasps the suture and allows it to slip. To decrease tension on
the band, traction is placed on the two encircling ends instead.
The final result is a custom-fitted encircling indentation, with all retinal tears
mounted on or just anterior to the crest (Figure 7–12). Indentation is modest in
the uninvolved meridian of the retina and more pronounced as needed in areas of
The most common problem requiring a modification in technique is the presence
of thin sclera. When this is encountered, scleral suture bites must be placed in
positions that are less potentially hazardous. In most such situations, this can be
accomplished with suture passes on either side of the ectatic sclera and/or with the
use of a wider piece of silicone buckling material. More exotic means of manag-
ing thin sclera with donor sclera or tissue glue have been described, but pneumatic
retinopexy or vitrectomy without scleral buckling is usually employed if scleral
suturing appears to be impossible.
Rarely used today, intrascleral buckles involve lamellar dissection to create a par-
tial-thickness scleral bed. They usually involve only a limited part of the circum-
ference of the globe, but can vary in length from one to twelve hours of the clock
and in width from 4 mm to 12 mm. An encircling band is usually used, attached
directly to the surface of the sclera in the areas not undermined, and the ends are
joined together with only moderate tension. The implant is placed in the bed of the
undermining, and the flaps are then closed over the top with sutures. This “trap-
door procedure” creates a satisfactory buckle (Figure 7–13).
164 II: Practice
Figure 7–13. Creation of scleral flaps for a segmental “trap door” buckling procedure. Buckling
procedures featuring scleral dissection have become much less popular over the past three
drainage, and use drainage in a smaller percentage of scleral buckle cases. Still,
drainage and non-drainage techniques play a major role in the management of a
routine series of cases, and familiarity with both techniques is essential.
Non-drainage technique
Some surgeons perform drainage of subretinal fluid in a large majority of cases,
whereas other surgeons drain infrequently. The most common indication for a
non-drainage technique is a retinal detachment due to a single break that can be
approximated close to the pigment epithelium by scleral depression.
Following the placement of appropriate sutures, the scleral buckle is elevated
to the desired height, and the proximity of the retinal break to the surface of the
buckle is reevaluated. If the break is not perfectly positioned, the scleral buckle
must be adjusted. The breadth of the buckling effect can be extended with addi-
tional sutures placed anterior or posterior to those already holding the buckle. If
the posterior edge of the break is not positioned on the center of the buckle crest,
at least one arm of the mattress suture must be repositioned.
Drainage technique
Drainage of subretinal fluid is performed at a site determined by the configuration
of the retinal detachment, where sufficient subretinal fluid allows for safe drainage.
Factors considered in the selection of a drainage site include (1) the distribution of
subretinal fluid when the eye is in a position at which drainage will be performed, (2)
the location and size of the retinal break(s), (3) the location and configuration of the
buckle, (4) the vascularity of the choroid, (5) features of vitreoretinal and epiretinal
membrane traction, and (6) the ease of exposure of the proposed drainage site.
The optimal locations for drainage are usually just above or below the lateral
rectus muscle, because major choroidal vessels are avoided and exposure of sclera
is excellent. Choroidal vessels are also avoided by draining on either side of the
three remaining rectus muscles, but exposure is frequently more difficult. If pos-
sible, drainage is usually performed some distance from retinal breaks (especially
large retinal breaks) so that the passage of vitreous through the break(s) and out
of the eye can be minimized. The scleral depression effect provided by the buckle
or by a cotton-tipped applicator can help prevent this occurrence. In unusual situ-
ations in which a large buckling effect is required and very little subretinal fluid
exists, drainage can be performed immediately beneath a large tear to allow both
subretinal and intravitreal fluids to exit the globe.
Drainage is performed prior to tightening the scleral buckling elements onto
the eye, since a high intraocular pressure at the time of drainage increases the risk
of complications. A site is usually selected at or slightly anterior to the equator; a
location that will ultimately be closed by the exoplant is always preferred. This
avoids the need for a preplaced suture at the sclerotomy site, and it facilitates sub-
sequent management of drainage complications, as is noted later. In the situation
in which drainage cannot be performed optimally at a site intended to be covered
by the buckle, a preplaced suture is employed to close the scleral incision follow-
ing drainage. This suture is placed after the sclera incision is made, but before the
choroid is penetrated.
A 3–4 mm radial incision through the sclera is then performed so that the center
of the sclerotomy will be at the appropriate location. All scleral fibers are carefully
divided until subtle prolapse of uveal tissue is observed (Figure 7–14). The choroid
is then closely inspected for prominent choroidal vessels, using loupes and/or the
20 diopter condensing lens and indirect ophthalmoscope. If large visible vessels
cannot be avoided during penetration, a second site nearby is selected, and another
scleral incision is performed. If the area of exposed choroid is free of prominent
vessels, it is lightly treated with a flat diathermy probe. This causes minimal retrac-
tion of the edges of the sclera to improve visualization, and it may reduce the risk
of hemorrhage.
All significant traction upon the eye is eliminated to reduce intraocular pressure
as much as possible. The choroid is then penetrated with a sharp-tipped conical
penetrating diathermy electrode or suture needle. Modest pressure is used to insert
the device perpendicular to the surface of the sclera until the subretinal space is
If the conical diathermy electrode is used, this event is usually heralded by a
sudden, subtle “pop,” which is usually perceived by touch or observation. Because
7: Scleral Buckling 167
Figure 7–14. Traditional drainage of subretinal fluid is performed through a scleral incision
that exposes bare choroid. A penetrating diathermy pin, suture needle, or other sharp instru-
ment may be employed for this purpose.
granules suspended in the draining subretinal fluid usually indicates that the last
of the subretinal fluid is exiting the eye. When drainage ceases, the sclerotomy site
is closed by temporarily tying the sutures over an exoplant or by pulling together
the ends of an encircling band. If the buckling material does not adequately close
the sclerotomy, the scleral incision is closed with a suture prior to significant eleva-
tion of intraocular pressure with the buckle.
The eye is quickly inspected following closure of the sclerotomy site and pre-
liminary adjustment of the scleral buckle. The site of drainage is fi rst evaluated for
signs of subretinal bleeding, retinal incarceration, and iatrogenic hole formation;
management of these relatively unusual intraoperative problems is discussed later.
The amount of persistent subretinal fluid is then determined, and the need for fur-
ther drainage is considered. Significant subretinal fluid is allowed to persist if the
optimal amount of buckling nearly closes the retinal break(s).
If drainage of additional subretinal fluid is required, the initial sclerotomy site
must be closely evaluated with mobile scleral depression, in which a cotton-tipped
applicator is rolled circumferentially beneath the area of drainage. If the pigment
epithelium is clearly not in contact with the retina, the sclerotomy site can be
reopened by reducing intraocular pressure and/or removing the portion of the exo-
plant that covers the scleral incision. Additional drainage usually occurs spon-
taneously, or it can be initiated by gently manipulating the edges of the sclerotomy
with applicators or forceps. In some cases, particularly those with exceptionally
viscous subretinal fluid, the retina may flatten completely at the site of the sclero-
tomy, while large amounts of subretinal fluid persist elsewhere. In this situation,
additional sclerotomies must be performed if additional drainage is required to
produce an adequate buckling effect.
An alternative and increasingly popular method of draining subretinal fluid is
to insert a small 25–27-gauge needle into the subretinal space under direct visu-
alization with the indirect ophthalmoscope (Figure 7–15). The needle is usually
attached to a tuberculin syringe from which the plunger has been removed. Digital
pressure is exerted on the eye or significant intraocular pressure is maintained with
traction sutures as the subretinal fluid passively exits the eye. The needle is dynam-
ically positioned to remain within subretinal fluid, and it is slowly retracted as the
retina approximates its tip.
Figure 7–15. The “Charles technique” of draining subretinal fluid. A 25–27-gauge needle,
attached to a tuberculin syringe from which the plunger has been removed, is inserted into the
subretinal space under direct visualization.
Although scleral buckles are successful in producing a functional closure of reti-
nal breaks in most cases, their effectiveness can be enhanced with accessory tech-
niques, including intravitreal fluid and gas injections, gas–fluid exchanges, and
postoperative laser photocoagulation. The first option, injection of a balanced salt
170 II: Practice
site of injection is made uppermost so the bubble will tend to remain at the site of
the needle tip, to avoid formation of multiple small bubbles. Using indirect ophthal-
moscopy, passage of the needle tip through the pars plana epithelium may be con-
firmed. The needle is then withdrawn enough to leave about 3 mm of the needle
in the eye. The predetermined volume of gas is injected moderately rapidly.
The optic nerve is then inspected to document perfusion of the retinal vessels.
If pulsations are visualized in a patient with normal blood pressure, no tension-
lowering manipulations are performed. If pulsations are not observed and can-
not be produced with digital pressure, the intraocular pressure is lowered with a
paracentesis if pulsations have not resumed after several minutes. The height of
the buckle can also be reduced or some of the gas can be removed if necessary to
restore patency of the central retinal artery.
Gas–fluid exchange
When a relatively large volume of gas is required and intraocular pressure cannot
be adequately lowered by any other means, fluid can be removed from the vitreous
cavity prior to gas injection. This is commonly performed during vitreous surgery,
but rarely during routine scleral buckling operations. If a total posterior vitreous
detachment has been documented preoperatively, and the retina is relatively flat,
fluid can be aspirated from the space behind the posterior hyaloid with a 25-gauge
needle inserted via the pars plana. It is helpful to have a very small volume of bal-
anced salt solution in the syringe. When the needle is in place, 0.1 ml of solution
should be injected. This displaces vitreous gel at the tip of the needle and thereby
facilitates the aspiration of fluid vitreous. Alternatively, a vitrectomy-cutting instru-
ment can be used under indirect ophthalmoscopic control. This alternative has the
advantage of reducing possible vitreoretinal traction, but involves extra cost and
time for setting up equipment. Gas is injected after the eye has been softened by
either technique.
After placement and adjustment of the scleral buckle have been completed, any
excess silicone or relatively sharp edges should be carefully trimmed, especially
with very anterior buckles. Irrigation of the operative field with an antibiotic solu-
tion is usually performed. Approximately 5–10 ml is drawn into a syringe, and the
field is then irrigated using a blunt-tipped needle. The irrigation should be deep in
the plane between Tenon’s capsule and the sclera in all opened quadrants. Before
any implant material is used, it should be soaked in the same antibiotic solution.
172 II: Practice
Limbal peritomies are frequently associated with two relaxing incisions perpen-
dicular to the limbus. Each can be closed with one or two interrupted sutures or a
running suture. Some postoperative suture discomfort can be eliminated by bury-
ing the suture knots in Tenon’s space. Both Tenon’s capsule and the conjunctiva
may be closed together.
Pupillary complications
Infrequently, there is minimal bleeding into the anterior chamber. As the blood
settles onto the anterior lens capsule, the view of the fundus is obscured. A clear
view can be regained by pushing the blood into the chamber angle by means of an
intracameral injection of sodium hyaluronate.
Intraoperative miosis is due most commonly to hypotony. Intravitreal gas that
comes in contact with the iris can also cause miosis. If the pupil does not dilate
with cycloplegic and mydriatic drops, intracameral epinephrine and/or iris retrac-
tors may be considered.
Bacterial endophthalmitis is an exceptionally rare but potentially devastating com-
plication following retinal detachment surgery. Possible routes of infection include
the perforation site for draining subretinal fluid, accidental penetration or rupture
of the globe, and intraocular injections. Lengthy procedures, extensive scleral sur-
gery, reoperation, and multiple drainage attempts also increase the risk of bacterial
contamination and postoperative endophthalmitis.
The earliest clinical symptoms and signs, developing by the third to fi fth post-
operative day, are pain, chemosis, lid edema, the appearance of localized vitreous
opacification or petechial hemorrhages, and acute subretinal exudate at the level of
the scleral buckle, noticeable in an examination by indirect ophthalmoscopy. The
prompt recognition of such symptoms and signs, even if relatively subtle, is critical
to proper management of endophthalmitis, for retinal damage is rapid, and soon
the vitreous becomes opaque with inflammatory reaction.
The contemporary management of genuine endophthalmitis is beyond the scope
of this chapter. A related condition, “scleral abscess,” usually presents as a sterile
vitreous inflammatory reaction combined with evidence of severe presumed infec-
tion of the sclera. When this rare syndrome is recognized, the buckling material is
removed, and prompt and intense periocular, and sometimes intraocular, antibi-
otic therapy is instituted.
Choroidal detachment
Some degree of choroidal detachment develops in approximately 5% to 10% of
scleral buckling procedures. The fluid is assumed to be a transudation from the
choroid. Its formation is related in part to advanced age and in part to surgical
factors, such as thermal treatment, trauma to the choroid, hypotony, and obstruc-
tion of vortex vein outflow (particularly with very broad buckles), with resul-
tant increased intravascular pressure throughout the choroidal vascular system.
Although care is taken at surgery to minimize the procedural factors, choroidal
detachment is not entirely avoidable.
In a majority of cases, the overlying retina remains in satisfactory apposition
to the treated retinal pigment epithelium, and because of eventual spontaneous
176 II: Practice
Figure 7–16. A large piece of silicone tire and the encircling band have become exposed
Epimacular proliferation
Epiretinal membranes that distort or cover the macula are a relatively common
cause of disappointing visual acuity following successful scleral buckling surgery.
The reported incidence of this problem varies considerably due to varying criteria
employed for its diagnosis. Macular puckers have been reported in 2%–17% of
successfully buckled cases.
Although the precise cause of macular pucker following reattachment surgery
is unknown, it is likely that many epiretinal membranes develop from pigment
178 II: Practice
epithelial cells that pass through the retinal break(s) into the vitreous cavity. The
cells then become attached to the surface of the retina in the posterior pole and
subsequently proliferate and contract (Figure 7–17). The development of macular
puckers may be associated with a variety of factors, including vitreous hemorrhage
and intraocular inflammation associated with preoperative problems and/or oper-
ative techniques.
Removal of epiretinal membranes with vitrectomy techniques is the only effec-
tive means of treating macular puckers. Surgery is advisable in cases of significant
epimacular fibrosis in which relatively poor postoperative visual acuity is associ-
ated with a history suggesting a potential for relatively good macular function.
Proliferative vitreoretinopathy
Proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) is the only common cause of ultimate failure
following retinal reattachment surgery. Unless this occurs, the vast majority of ini-
tial failures can be successfully repaired. This cell-mediated process is associated
with the production of fibrocellular membranes on the posterior vitreous surface
and on both surfaces of the retina (see Chapter 5, page 109). Subsequent contraction
of the membranes causes significant shortening of the retina, which prevents reat-
tachment or causes recurrence of detachment, even if all retinal breaks are closed.
Factors which cause a significant breakdown in the blood–aqueous barrier and
which allow an increased number of pigment epithelial cells to enter the vitreous
cavity are also associated with an increased incidence of PVR. Although cryo-
therapy has been experimentally implicated as a possible cause of PVR, a positive
relationship in appropriately managed cases has not been demonstrated. Still, pre-
operative intraocular inflammation is clearly related to the incidence of postopera-
tive PVR, and relatively atraumatic surgical techniques are employed in an attempt
to reduce the likelihood of postoperative PVR.
Figure 7–17. A “macular pucker” following retinal reattachment surgery is due to cellular pro-
liferation and subsequent membrane formation and contraction upon the central retina.
7: Scleral Buckling 179
Some degree of extraocular muscle imbalance can occur in up to 50% of patients
undergoing scleral buckling procedures. Most of these abnormalities are tempo-
rary and due to intraoperative muscle damage. Nevertheless, some degree of per-
manent muscle imbalance is observed in approximately one-fourth of patients after
primary buckling operations.
Causes of strabismus include the following: (1) abnormal adhesions between the
muscle and the sclera or Tenon’s capsule, (2) injury to the muscle from surgical
180 II: Practice
trauma, (3) mechanical disturbances due to the location and shape of buckling mate-
rials, and (4) problems associated with disinsertion or repositioning of a muscle.
Factors associated with postoperative muscle imbalance include placement of a buckle
beneath a muscle, size of buckling material beneath a muscle, and reoperations.
Therapy for patients with good bilateral vision usually includes an attempt to
prescribe prisms to restore fusion. If this is unsuccessful, surgery is considered.
Avoiding postoperative muscle imbalance is a major benefit attributed to alterna-
tive reattachment procedures.
Scleral buckling repairs retinal detachments by indenting the sclera under the ret-
inal breaks. Retinal breaks are localized, cryopexy or other thermal treatment is
applied to establish a permanent seal around the breaks, and silicone is usually
sewn onto the scleral surface. Subretinal fluid may be drained, and gas or fluid may
be injected into the eye. Scleral buckling can also be combined with vitrectomy.
Failure to permanently repair the detachment, often with the development of
proliferative vitreoretinopathy, is a possible outcome. Potential complications
include endophthalmitis, choroidal detachment, increased intraocular pressure,
and diplopia.
American Academy of Ophthalmology: The repair of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment.
Information Statement. Ophthalmology 1990;97:1562–1572.
Griffith RD, Ryan EA, Hilton GF: Primary retinal detachments without apparent breaks.
Am J Ophthalmol 1976;81:420–427.
Hilton, GF, Grizzard WS, Avins LR, et al.: The drainage of subretinal fluid: A randomized
controlled clinical trial. Retina 1981;1:271–280.
Lincoff H, Coleman J, Kreissig I, et al.: The perfluorocarbon gases in the treatment of ret-
inal detachment. Ophthalmology 1983;90:546–551.
Lincoff H, Kreissig I: Advantages of radial buckling. Am J Ophthalmol 1975;79:955–957.
Michels RG: Scleral buckling methods for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. Retina
Norton EWD: Intraocular gas in the management of selected retinal detachments. XXIX
Edward Jackson Memorial Lecture. Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol
Robertson DM: Delayed absorption of subretinal fluid after scleral buckling procedures.
Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 1978;76:557–583.
Schepens CL, Hartnett ME, Hirose T. Schepens’ Retinal Detachment and Allied Diseases.
2nd Edition. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000; pp. 303–324.
Wilkinson CP, Rice TA: Michels Retinal Detachment. St Louis: CV Mosby Co; 1997,
pp. 537–594.
Williams GA, Aaberg TM Jr.: Techniques of scleral buckling. In Ryan SJ, Wilkinson CP
(eds): Retina. St Louis: CV Mosby Co; 2005; pp. 2035–2070.
Pneumatic Retinopexy
neumatic retinopexy (PR) is an office-based, sutureless, no-incision alter-
native to scleral buckling or vitrectomy for the surgical repair of selected
retinal detachments. Cryotherapy is applied around the retinal break(s) to
form a permanent seal. A gas bubble is injected into the vitreous cavity, and the
patient is positioned so that the bubble closes the retinal break(s), allowing resorp-
tion of the subretinal fluid (Figure 8–1A–F). As an alternative to cryotherapy, laser
photocoagulation can be applied after the intraocular gas has caused the retina to
Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is the gas most frequently used with pneumatic retin-
opexy. Perfluorocarbon gases such as perfluoropropane (C3F8) are sometimes used,
and success has also been reported with sterile room air.
In selecting a gas, it is important to understand the longevity and expansion
characteristics of the gases. SF6 doubles in volume within the eye, reaching its max-
imum size at about 36 hours. It will generally disappear within about 10–14 days,
depending on the amount injected. Perfluoropropane nearly quadruples in volume,
reaching maximum size in about three days. The bubble will last 30–45 days in the
eye. Room air does not expand, but immediately starts to reabsorb. The air bubble
will be gone within just a few days (Table 8–1).
Figure 8–1. Pneumatic retinopexy procedure. (A) Volume of subretinal fluid is determined by
inflow of fluid vitreous (green arrow) and outflow through retinal pigment epithelial pump
into the choroid (red arrow). (B) Area of retinal break is treated with contiguous applications
of transconjunctival cryotherapy. (C) With pars plana injection site uppermost, gas bubble is
injected into vitreous with 0.5-inch, 30-gauge needle. (D) Head is positioned to place retinal
break uppermost, thereby sealing break with intravitreal gas bubble. (E) With break closed, ret-
ina is usually reattached by fi rst postoperative day. (F) Gas bubble is spontaneously absorbed.
(Published with permission from Hilton GF, Grizzard WS: Pneumatic retinopexy: a two-step
out-patient operation without conjunctival incision. Ophthalmology 1986;93:626–641.)
8: Pneumatic Retinopexy 183
The initial expansion of SF6 and C3F8 is due to the law of partial pressures and
the solubility coefficients of the gases involved. A 100% SF6 bubble injected into
the eye contains no nitrogen or oxygen, but these gases are dissolved in the fluid
around the bubble. Due to the law of partial pressures, nitrogen and oxygen will
diffuse into the gas bubble. SF6 also starts to diffuse out of the gas bubble into the
surrounding fluid which contains no SF6. However, nitrogen and oxygen diffuse
across the gas–fluid interface much more quickly than SF6 because of the rela-
tive insolubility of SF6. The net result is an initial influx of gas molecules into the
bubble, expanding its size until partial pressures equilibrate, net influx equals net
egress, and maximum expansion is reached. Then the bubble gradually reabsorbs
as the SF6 is slowly dissolved in the surrounding fluid. The diameter of the bubble
shrinks at an approximately constant rate until the gas is gone. C3F8 expands more
and reabsorbs more slowly because it is even less soluble than SF6.
The choice of type and amount of gas depends on the following considerations.
Figure 8–2. Computerized tomography scan of gas bubble in eye. Surface tension results in
rounding of bubble, decreasing arc of retina covered by bubble.
1. Surface tension allows the gas bubble to occlude a retinal break instead of
passing into the subretinal space. The surface tension of any gas is much
higher than that of other substances in the eye. Once the break is occluded,
8: Pneumatic Retinopexy 185
the retinal pigment epithelial pump can reabsorb the subretinal fluid
(Figure 8–1D).
2. Buoyancy of the gas provides the force which pushes the uppermost retina
back against the wall of the eye. Apposition of the retina against the retinal
pigment epithelium is necessary in order that an adhesion can occur, just as
two surfaces to which glue has been applied must be clamped together while
the glue dries (Figure 8–1E). When the gas is gone, a permanent seal remains,
preventing reopening of the tear (Figure 8–1F).
Good preoperative evaluation is vital to the success of pneumatic retinopexy. PR is
not a good procedure for surgeons lacking in excellent retinal examination skills,
for three reasons:
1. Breaks larger than one clock-hour or multiple breaks extending over more
than one clock-hour of the retina.
2. Breaks in the inferior four clock-hours of the retina.
3. Presence of proliferative vitreoretinopathy grade C or D.
4. Cloudy media precluding full assessment of the retina.
5. Physical disability or mental incompetence precluding maintenance of the
required positioning.
6. Severe or uncontrolled glaucoma.
Subsequent experience has demonstrated that selected cases that do not strictly
meet these criteria can be successfully treated with pneumatic retinopexy, subject
to certain limits.
Extent of breaks
Clearly, breaks spanning more than one clock-hour can be treated with pneumatic
retinopexy. Single or multiple tears or dialyses spanning three clock-hours pose no
particular problem. Detached tears six clock-hours apart are difficult to fi x with
pneumatic retinopexy, although alternating positioning has been used successfully.
Even detachments with giant retinal tears have been cured with pneumatic retin-
opexy, but it is rarely the procedure of choice. The size of the gas bubble should
generally reflect the size of the problem, although it is not always necessary to
cover all breaks simultaneously with a single bubble.
When deciding whether a case is amenable to pneumatic retinopexy, recognize
that there is a difference between attached and detached breaks. In cases where an
attached break is present on the opposite side of the eye from the detached breaks,
alternate positioning would not be needed. The attached break should probably
be treated with laser prior to the gas injection. Care should then be taken, such as
by using the steamroller technique (described below) if necessary, to prevent the
bubble from pushing the subretinal fluid into the attached break and causing it to
8: Pneumatic Retinopexy 187
detach. By following these two steps, multiple flat breaks may be ignored in posi-
tioning and in determining bubble size.
Inferior breaks
Most cases with breaks in the inferior four clock-hours of the eye have been dif-
ficult to treat with pneumatic retinopexy. Even for limber patients, it is very dif-
ficult to tilt the head below the horizontal for very long. As a rule, a detached
break in the inferior four clock-hours represents a contraindication to pneumatic
Proliferative vitreoretinopathy
Since pneumatic retinopexy does not relieve traction like scleral buckling or vit-
rectomy can, significant preoperative traction on a retinal tear is a relative con-
traindication to the pneumatic procedure. When a tear is adjacent to a star fold,
pneumatic retinopexy is usually not the procedure of choice. Mild to moderate
proliferative vitreoretinopathy which is distant from any retinal breaks does not
necessarily contraindicate pneumatic retinopexy. More severe PVR usually calls
for vitrectomy and scleral buckling.
Cloudy media
It is important to the success of pneumatic retinopexy that all retinal breaks be
identified and treated. Opacities such as peripheral vitreous hemorrhage represent
relative contraindications to pneumatic retinopexy. Since pneumatic retinopexy
does not seem to jeopardize an eye for future scleral buckling if needed, it may not
be unreasonable to use the pneumatic procedure even when opacities obscure part
of the attached retina, but this represents a calculated risk.
Glaucoma has proven to be relatively unimportant as a contraindication to pneu-
matic retinopexy. The large majority of glaucoma patients can be treated with
pneumatic retinopexy without problem. Patients with quite severe glaucoma, such
as with splitting of the macular field due to glaucoma, might suffer noticeable dam-
age (even from brief elevations in intraocular pressure), but pneumatic retinopexy
can be performed in a manner to avoid elevations in pressure. Except in cases of
severely impaired trabecular outflow facility, serial measurements of intraocular
pressure following gas injection are not necessary.
188 II: Practice
Lattice degeneration
In several series, patients with extensive lattice degeneration tended to do rather
poorly with pneumatic retinopexy. It does not appear that mild to moderate lattice
should be considered a contraindication.
In some series, aphakic/pseudophakic eyes did poorly with pneumatic retin-
opexy, but in other reports this was not the case. These eyes, prone to multiple
tiny far-peripheral holes, require an especially careful preoperative examina-
tion. With peripheral capsular opacities frequently present, the view of the
peripheral retina can be quite limited. Such cases should probably not be treated
with pneumatic retinopexy. If the peripheral retina can be adequately examined,
aphakia and pseudophakia are not contraindications to pneumatic retinopexy.
Experience has shown that eyes with an open posterior capsule tend to develop
breaks more frequently than eyes with the capsule intact. Like severe lattice
degeneration, aphakia/pseudophakia with an open posterior capsule warrants
extra caution.
Filtering blebs
If a functioning filtering bleb is present, or if an eye may need a filtering procedure
in the future, pneumatic retinopexy should be considered to minimize conjunctival
scarring and inflammation.
8: Pneumatic Retinopexy 189
Cosmetic concerns
Scleral buckling is associated with a higher risk of ptosis, enophthalmos, and stra-
bismus than that seen after pneumatic retinopexy.
The technique detailed here is essentially the same as that originally described by
Hilton and Grizzard in 1986, with a few modifications. The operation is usually
performed in an outpatient department or in the surgeon’s office.
Pneumatic retinopexy can be accomplished with topical, subconjunctival, or ret-
robulbar anesthesia, depending on the surgeon’s and patient’s preferences. Sensitive
patients may do better with a retrobulbar injection.
An injection into the anterior muscle cone will usually produce anesthesia with-
out akinesia initially. This has the advantage of allowing the patient to position his
eye to cooperate with cryopexy. After the retrobulbar anesthetic is given, cryopexy
is administered promptly before the eye becomes akinetic.
Rarely, general anesthesia (avoiding the use of nitrous oxide) may be indicated
if the patient is very young and/or apprehensive.
Pneumatic retinopexy is generally performed in one session with cryopexy applied
to the retinal breaks prior to gas injection (Figure 8–1B). An alternative technique
involves a two-part procedure, utilizing laser instead of cryotherapy. The first
part of the procedure consists of injection of a gas bubble into the vitreous cavity.
The patient maintains appropriate head positioning at home, with follow-up in the
surgeon’s office. Once the break is reattached, usually the next day, laser treatment
is applied.
The photocoagulation is greatly facilitated by use of the laser indirect ophthal-
moscope (LIO), which makes it easy to position the patient’s head to move the gas
bubble away from the break(s). Treatment can also be applied with a slit lamp laser
delivery system by tilting the patient’s head as needed. It is generally best not to
attempt to laser until the retina is completely reattached in the treatment area.
Although one can treat the breaks through a moderately large gas bubble, one
must be careful not to overtreat. Gas has an insulating effect, conducting heat
away from the laser spot at a slower rate than vitreous, which may result in exces-
sive thermal burns with retinal necrosis and hole formation.
Figure 8–3. Methods for drawing low-pressure gas into syringe. (A) Balloon system. (B) Valve
system. (C) Syringe system.
The intended paracentesis site should be sterilized with Betadine solution as
described above. A 30-gauge, 1/2-inch needle on a 1 ml syringe with the plunger
removed is passed obliquely into the anterior chamber through the limbus, staying
over the iris with the bevel up. Fluid will flow passively into the syringe. As the
flow of fluid slows, gentle pressure on the sclera with a cotton-tipped applicator
will facilitate fluid egress. Remove as much fluid as can be obtained, up to about
0.45 ml. Fluid flow can be quite slow at the end, and it may take a few minutes
with the needle in the eye to remove sufficient fluid.
If the posterior lens capsule is absent or open widely, paracentesis should not be
performed through the limbus to avoid incarceration of vitreous in the limbal nee-
dle tract. With plunger in place, pass the needle through the pars plana, then angle
it through the posterior capsular opening into the anterior chamber.
Ocular massage
If after paracentesis and gas injection the pressure is too high, the eye may be
massaged to reduce intraocular volume. Retropulsion of the eye into the orbit
dehydrates the orbital fat, but is less effective at reducing the intraocular volume.
8: Pneumatic Retinopexy 193
Instead, a scleral depressor is placed against the temporal equator, and the eye is
pressed fi rmly against the bony nasal orbital wall. Firm pressure is applied for
45 seconds, then relaxed for 15 seconds to allow perfusion of the retinal vascu-
lature. This cycle is repeated until the intraocular pressure is low enough. This
maneuver causes egress of fluid from the eye, and also stretches the scleral fibers,
allowing more ample intraocular volume. Preoperative medications for reducing
the intraocular pressure do not help much.
Figure 8–4. Injecting gas into eye with injection site uppermost.
194 II: Practice
Figure 8–5. Procedure of injecting gas into eye. (A) With injection site uppermost, needle is
pushed 6–8 mm into eye to ensure tip is deep in vitreous. (B) Needle is withdrawn until 3 mm
of needle remains in eye. Gas is then injected semi-briskly, creating a single bubble.
eggs”). Before performing the injection, a caliper can be set to the correct
distance to help estimate when the needle is withdrawn to the proper point. We
do not recommend trying to visualize the needle tip in the eye with an indirect
With the needle in the correct position, a moderately brisk injection of the entire
volume of gas is performed. This facilitates formation of a single bubble at the nee-
dle tip (Figure 8–1C). The injection should not be so brisk as to force bubbles of gas
deep into the vitreous before their buoyancy can make them rise. Inject smoothly
and fairly quickly, but not with excessive force. Hold the plunger down until the
needle is withdrawn to prevent escape of gas back into the syringe.
Because some gas may escape instantly upon removal of the needle, a cotton-
tipped applicator can be used to occlude the perforation site. The applicator must
be pressed against the shaft of the needle and rolled immediately over the hole
as the needle is withdrawn. The head is then rotated 90 degrees to move the gas
away from the injection site, and the applicator is removed. Escape of gas into the
subconjunctival space is not harmful, but may not leave sufficient gas in the vitre-
ous cavity.
Alternatively, the patient’s head may be rotated 90 degrees to the opposite side
before withdrawing the needle. This allows the bubble to float away from the injec-
tion site and prevents gas from escaping through the needle tract. This maneuver
should be rehearsed with the patient prior to inserting the needle to ensure smooth
coordination. With only 3 mm of the needle in the eye, this maneuver is unlikely
to injure the lens. When the needle is then withdrawn, liquid vitreous will some-
times escape through the needle tract into the subconjunctival space, which may
eliminate the need for additional paracentesis or massage. Vitreous incarceration
in the pars plana injection site probably occurs, but is not known to cause clini-
cally significant complications.
8: Pneumatic Retinopexy 195
Figure 8–6. Multiple small intravitreal gas bubbles (“fish eggs”) with subretinal gas.
196 II: Practice
If bullous subretinal fluid extends almost to the macula (Figure 8–7A), placement
of a bubble against the bullous detachment may cause a macular detachment
(Figure 8–7B). This complication can be easily avoided by using the “steamroller”
Following injection of the gas bubble, the patient’s head is turned to a face-
down position in such a way as to cause the bubble to traverse the attached retina
en route to the macula (Figure 8–7C). Over one to five minutes, the patient’s head
position is very gradually changed until the retinal break is uppermost, causing the
bubble to roll toward the retinal break, pushing the subretinal fluid back into the
vitreous and flattening the retina (Figure 8–7D).
Subretinal fluid will be expressed through the retinal break into the vitreous
cavity at a rate depending in part on the size of the break. Since cryopexy causes
liberation of pigment epithelial cells, which may cause proliferative vitreoretin-
opathy if they get in the vitreous cavity, it is recommended that cryopexy not be
performed prior to steamrolling.
Whether steamrolling is necessary to prevent macular detachment depends on
several factors:
1. How close the detachment is to the macula. Only detachments well within
the arcades usually need steamrolling.
2. How bullous the detachment is.
3. How large the gas bubble is.
Figure 8–7. Steamroller maneuver for prevention of iatrogenic macular detachment: (A) Bullous
retinal detachment threatening to detach a normal macula (M). (B) Gas bubble may force fluid
posteriorly, causing detachment of macula. (C) To prevent iatrogenic macular detachment, the gas
bubble is brought to the macula through attached retina. This frequently causes subretinal fluid
to pass through the break into vitreous (blue arrow). (D) Patient’s head is slowly moved incremen-
tally along the meridian between macula and retinal break (red arrow), ending with retinal break
uppermost. Subretinal fluid is usually forced into vitreous by the steamroller effect of the bubble.
Multiple small gas bubbles (“fish eggs”—Figure 8–8) are usually due to a faulty
injection technique. In probable order of importance, the following steps will
usually prevent this occurrence:
1. Make sure that the needle is shallowly within the vitreous at the time of
2. Make sure that the injection site is uppermost.
198 II: Practice
Figure 8–8. Multiple small intraocular gas bubbles (“fish eggs”) with increased risk of sub-
retinal gas. (Published with permission from Hilton GF, Tornambe PE: RD Study Group.
Pneumatic retinopexy: An analysis of intraoperative and postoperative complications. Retina
If fish eggs do occur, keep the patient strictly positioned to keep the bubbles
away from retinal breaks. If all retinal breaks are small, this may not be necessary,
but keep in mind that breaks can stretch a little. The bubbles will usually coalesce
spontaneously within 24 hours, and then the patient can adopt a position with the
retinal break uppermost.
Some authors recommend inducing fish eggs to coalesce by flicking the eye with
a cotton-tipped applicator or gloved finger. Turn the eye so that sclera without
underlying retinal breaks is uppermost, and flick this site moderately fi rmly.
If there is one large bubble with just a few smaller bubbles, usually the above
measures are not necessary, but caution is called for in the presence of large
small amount of sterile saline, with the plunger removed. The injection site is posi-
tioned uppermost and the needle is passed vertically into the bubble. Sometimes it
takes a little manipulating to break the surface tension of the bubble and get it to
escape. Most of the gas will escape, bubbling up through the fluid in the syringe.
At another site, reinject the gas deeper into the vitreous, with 4–5 mm of the
needle in the globe.
The following constitutes a typical order of events:
Acetaminophen (Tylenol) may be helpful for postoperative pain control. We rec-
ommend a considerable restriction in activity initially, liberalizing day by day as
the retina reattaches, the chorioretinal scar matures, and fi nally the gas bubble
reabsorbs. The patient is allowed to return to work two weeks after the procedure,
and should be advised not to fly until the bubble is quite small.
If all retinal breaks are closed, the subretinal fluid usually reabsorbs within
24–48 hours. If the fluid is not reabsorbing, a new or missed break exists, the bub-
ble is too small, or the patient has not been positioning properly.
Ensuring proper patient positioning requires considerable effort. It is help-
ful to explain to the patient why positioning is important, and to demonstrate
the position which allows the bubble to close the breaks. The neck strain of an
oblique head position can be eased by explaining that sitting with the head tilted
45 degrees to the left is the same as lying on a couch with the head tilted 45 degrees
to the right.
Patient positioning is maintained during waking hours for five days; however,
three or four days may be adequate. The patient should not sleep face-up, to
avoid gas–lens contact in the phakic eye, or ciliary-block glaucoma in the apha-
kic eye.
Depending on the response to treatment, the patient may be seen on the fi rst
postoperative day, then in three days, one week, two weeks, one month, and so
200 II: Practice
forth. Frequent postoperative exams are indicated, primarily to look for new
retinal breaks or detachments. These breaks do not jeopardize the outcome if
close follow-up results in early detection and treatment. At least half of these
can be cured with an additional office procedure without resorting to scleral
Inferior subretinal fluid or loculated pockets of subretinal fluid sometimes
persist for weeks or months. As long as the fluid is not increasing and the macula
is attached, reoperation is not necessary.
Subretinal gas in the absence of fish eggs at the time of injection is rare. If fish eggs
are noted following injection, one should examine carefully for the presence of sub-
retinal gas. Once the gas bubble expands, it may be more difficult to get it back out
of the break it passed through. If a gas bubble does get beneath the retina, it gives
the detached retina a pearly, dome-shaped, reflective sheen (Figure 8–9A). Attempt
fi rst to massage the bubble back toward the retinal break by scleral depression,
assisted by positioning as needed. If this fails and the amount of subretinal gas is
large, prompt surgical removal with vitrectomy may be required.
Smaller subretinal bubbles can be managed conservatively (Figure 8–9B). In
spite of a small subretinal bubble, the larger intravitreal gas bubble can usually
seclude the break from liquid vitreous with strict positioning, and subretinal
fluid will reabsorb. The smaller subretinal bubble will reabsorb before the larger
vitreous bubble and the detachment can be repaired, injecting additional gas if
Figure 8–9. Subretinal gas. (A) Large subretinal bubbles. (B) Small subretinal bubble. (Published
with permission from Hilton GF, Tornambe PE: RD Study Group. Pneumatic Retinopexy:
An Analysis of Intraoperative and Postoperative Complications—Retina 1991;11:285–294.)
Pneumatic retinopexy does not appear to increase the incidence of proliferative
vitreoretinopathy (PVR). In the multicenter clinical trial, PVR occurred in
5% of eyes following scleral buckling, and 3% of eyes following pneumatic
outside the United States, who perform the procedure rarely. Also, microinci-
sional vitrectomy is becoming increasingly popular for treatment of primary
retinal detachments (particularly in pseudophakic cases), including patients who
may be candidates for pneumatic retinopexy.
Pneumatic retinopexy is an alternative to scleral buckling or vitrectomy for the
surgical repair of selected retinal detachments. A gas bubble is injected into the
vitreous cavity, and the patient is positioned so that the bubble closes the retinal
break(s), allowing resorption of the subretinal fluid. Laser photocoagulation or
cryotherapy is applied around the retinal break(s) to form a permanent seal. The
procedure can be done in the office, and no incisions are required.
Pneumatic retinopexy may be appropriate to consider in selected cases without
inferior or extensive retinal breaks and without significant proliferative vitreo-
retinopathy. In selected cases appropriate for PR, lower morbidity, fewer cataracts,
decreased expense, and possibly better visual results may be achieved in exchange
for a lower single-operation success rate and the need for precise postoperative
positioning and close follow-up care.
Brinton DA, Lit ES: Pneumatic retinopexy. In: Ryan SJ, Wilkinson CP (eds). Retina.
St Louis: CV Mosby Co; 2005: pp. 2071–2084.
Hilton GF, Grizzard WS: Pneumatic retinopexy—A two-step outpatient operation without
conjunctival incision. Ophthalmology 1986;93:626–640.
Hilton GF, Tornambe PE: The Retinal Detachment Study Group: Pneumatic retinopexy: An
analysis of intraoperative and postoperative complications. Retina 1991;11:285–294.
Schepens CL, Hartnett ME, Hirose T: Schepens’ Retinal Detachment and Allied Diseases.
2nd Edition. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000; pp. 292–298.
Tornambe PE: Pneumatic retinopexy. Surv Ophthalmol 1988;32:270–281.
Tornambe PE, Hilton GF: The Retinal Detachment Study Group: Pneumatic retinopexy:
A multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial comparing pneumatic retinopexy
with scleral buckling. Ophthalmology 1989;96:772–784.
Tornambe PE, Hilton GF: The Retinal Detachment Study Group: Pneumatic retinopexy:
A two-year follow-up study of the multicenter clinical trial comparing pneumatic
retinopexy with scleral buckling. Ophthalmology 1991;98:1115–1123.
Tornambe PE, Hilton GF, Kelly NF et al.: Expanded indications for pneumatic retinopexy.
Ophthalmology 1988;95:597–600.
Wilkinson CP, Rice TA: Michels Retinal Detachment. St Louis: CV Mosby Co; 1997;
pp. 596–611.
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Vitrectomy for Retinal
ollowing the introduction of closed vitrectomy techniques by Robert
Machemer in the early 1970s, complicated retinal detachments became
one of the important indications for vitreous surgery. Most of these were
due to proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) or to proliferative vitreoretinopa-
thy (PVR), frequently following failure of routine scleral buckling procedures. As
experience in vitreoretinal surgery expanded, the advantages of these techniques
in the management of more routine types of retinal detachment became apparent.
The popularity of vitrectomy for primary retinal detachments continues to grow,
particularly with regard to pseudophakic cases.
Indications for performing a vitrectomy rather than a scleral buckle or a pneu-
matic retinopexy are summarized in Chapter 10. Virtually all authorities note that
a vitrectomy is required (along with a broad scleral buckle) in eyes with severe
PVR, and the technique is also clearly indicated for cases due to PDR, detachments
associated with major vitreous hemorrhage or scarring from penetrating trauma,
and those with giant retinal tears. On the other hand, few would suggest a vitrec-
tomy to repair a very shallow and small retinal detachment due to a single break
that could be easily closed with a scleral buckle or pneumatic procedure. Between
these two extremes, indications remain a matter of personal choice of the surgeon,
and they are influenced by his or her training and experiences with a variety of
techniques. Most surveys demonstrate a growing popularity of vitrectomy for an
increasing percentage of cases.
The goals of vitrectomy for retinal detachment are to
The usual sequence of events includes removal of vitreous gel and epiretinal
membranes, identification of retinal breaks, internal removal of subretinal fluid,
laser therapy to all responsible breaks and areas of significant vitreoretinal degener-
ation, and placement of an internal tamponade with gas or silicone oil. Vitrectomy
is frequently combined with placement of a scleral buckle.
Opening incisions
If a 360-degree buckle is anticipated, a 360-degree conjunctival peritomy is made
(as described in Chapter 7). If only a vitrectomy is planned, a temporal conjuncti-
val incision from mid-quadrant to mid-quadrant is created at the limbus. Some add
a radial incision near the lateral rectus muscle. Smaller incisions are also made in
a similar manner nasally. If small-gauge (23- or 25-gauge) instruments are used,
no conjunctival incisions are made, and the trochars are inserted directly through
the conjunctiva.
Sclerotomies are placed 4 mm posterior to the limbus in phakic eyes, and
3.0–3.5 mm posteriorly in pseudophakic or aphakic cases. A 20-gauge myrin-
gotomy knife is employed to make the three routine 20-gauge sclerotomies. An
infusion cannula is usually sutured to the globe if a routine 20-gauge vitrectomy
system is to be employed. The infusion site is traditionally in the inferior temporal
quadrant, just below the lateral rectus muscle insertion. Two additional incisions
are made just superior to the horizontal rectus muscle insertions, one for a fiberop-
tic light pipe, and the other for the cutting/aspiration probe, intraocular scissors or
forceps, or other instruments.
Few surgeons place trochars at each incision site in 20-gauge cases, but these
are routinely employed with smaller gauge systems. The operation is performed in
a dark room. Optimal visualization of the posterior segment requires accessory
9: Vitrectomy for Retinal Detachment 207
Figure 9–1. A standard three-port vitrectomy procedure. The infusion cannula, located at the
site of the third incision, is not shown on this illustration.
208 II: Practice
Figure 9–2. The posterior vitreous surface is initially incised where there is ample separation
between the vitreous and the underlying retina.
After the posterior vitreous gel has been removed, more peripheral vitreous is
cautiously excised, and the vitreous base is approached. Vitreous gel adherent to
the margins of the break(s) is removed. Sometimes the traction is best relieved by
excising the flaps of horseshoe tears. As the vitreous base is approached, its visual-
ization can be enhanced with external scleral depression, usually by the assistant.
Alternatively, if a scleral buckle is planned, the encircling band can be tightened to
provide an indentation similar to that achieved with scleral depression.
Figure 9–3. Heavy perfluorooctane (PFO) is injected into the vitreous cavity over the posterior
retina. This forces subretinal fluid peripherally and out the retinal break(s) (large arrow), press-
ing the retina against the wall of the eye.
Figure 9–4. It is safer to trim vitreous close to the mobile peripheral retinal and to excise large
tear flaps if the retinal detachment has been stabilized by PFO.
marked with internal diathermy, which leaves a visible white burn in the retina at
the edge of the break(s). Since air infusion is often performed before the breaks are
treated, it is important to mark the breaks before this step, as they are much more
difficult to see in air-filled eyes.
210 II: Practice
Air infusion
Vitrectomy for routine retinal detachment usually includes infusion of air to inter-
nally tamponade the retina. Some surgeons begin the air infusion while the PFO
remains posterior to the equator and/or retinal breaks. In this situation, the air
pushes residual subretinal fluid toward the equator from the front of the eye, while
the PFO pushes it toward the equator from the back, forcing it out of the equato-
rial break(s). After the anterior retina is completely flat, the PFO is aspirated as the
air bubble expands to fill the vitreous cavity (Figure 9–5). A disadvantage of this
technique is that small, residual PFO bubbles are relatively difficult to see through
an air bubble, and some PFO may inadvertently be left in the eye. By reinstilling
some saline fluid, the remaining PFO may be visualized and removed, followed by
removal of the saline.
A decision is made about the type of gas to leave in the eye. Tamponade of all
retinal breaks is desirable for several days minimum, so that a mature adhesion
will evolve around each of them. In relatively simple cases with superior breaks,
air alone may suffice, but in more complicated cases, especially those with large
breaks located inferiorly, a larger, long-acting bubble is desirable. In these situ-
ations, a dilute mixture of either sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) or perfluoropropane
(C3F8) is exchanged for the air. Mixtures with 20% sulfur hexafluoride or 15%
perfluoropropane are usually used for a total gas fill since these are nonexpansile
mixtures. In very complicated cases, silicone oil is sometimes substituted; this is
discussed later.
Figure 9–6. Laser therapy is applied to flat retina to surround all retinal breaks.
212 II: Practice
buckle is planned, it is frequently placed beneath the four rectus muscles (as noted
in Chapter 7) prior to beginning the vitrectomy.
Proponents of a scleral buckle for routine cases believe that it is useful in reduc-
ing the chances of later retinal detachment. Others use buckles primarily when
inferior breaks are encountered and there is concern about the gas bubble provid-
ing a tamponade for a sufficient time for an effective adhesive scar to form around
the breaks. Those who do not routinely employ buckles cite the lack of data docu-
menting their value and express concern about adding the complications of buck-
ling to those of vitrectomy.
Figure 9–7. Proliferative diabetic retinopathy and traction retinal detachment. The taut post-
erior vitreous surface causes anteroposterior traction on the areas of vitreoretinal attachment,
and usually remains attached at each area of posterior fibrovascular proliferation.
Figure 9–8. Photograph of typical proliferative diabetic retinopathy and traction retinal detach-
ment. The white curvilinear zones represent locations of fibrovascular proliferation with
adhesions to the posterior cortical vitreous surface.
Fibrovascular tissue growth and secondary changes in the vitreous gel can cause
further complications, including hemorrhage, traction retinal detachment, retinal
breaks, and rhegmatogenous detachment.
The posterior vitreous surface is therefore of great importance in the pathogen-
esis of PDR and its secondary complications. Complete removal of the posterior
214 II: Practice
cortical vitreous and all attached fibrovascular tissue is the major goal in vitrec-
tomy for PDR. If this can be accomplished, retinal reattachment, using the tech-
niques described earlier, can usually be achieved.
The steps in vitrectomy for retinal detachment associated with PDR usually
involve an initial partial vitrectomy, removal of the posterior cortical surface and
fibrovascular tissue, and treatment of retinal breaks, if they are present.
Figure 9–9. Some surgeons prefer to remove as much of the cortical vitreous as possible, except
for the anterior portion adjacent to the vitreous base and posterior remnants near areas of
vitreoretinal attachment.
9: Vitrectomy for Retinal Detachment 215
Figure 9–10. Following vitreous removal, the fibrovascular islands are removed with bimanual
216 II: Practice
Figure 9–11. Some surgeons prefer an “en bloc” method of vitrectomy in which the fibrovascu-
lar zones are removed, along with the vitreous gel attached to them.
Figure 9–12. Unimanual diathermy is applied to sites of persistent bleeding (other than the
optic nerve).
similar from case to case. A standardized terminology and classification have been
developed based on the description of the anatomic changes.
The basic pathologic process in eyes with PVR is growth and contraction of cel-
lular membranes on both sides of the retina, on the posterior vitreous surface, and
within the vitreous base. Most variations in clinical appearance among cases are
due to differences in the anatomic location and severity of the proliferative process.
Contraction of membranes on the inner retinal surface causes distortion and fold-
ing of the retina. Early changes due to localized epiretinal membranes are recog-
nized as star folds; if these occur in the macula,they constitute macular puckers.
Epiretinal proliferation is usually most severe in the posterior pole and the equa-
torial part of the inferior quadrants, probably because free pigment epithelial cells
in the vitreous cavity become attached to the most dependent parts of the ret-
ina. Growth and contraction of membranes may be extensive, causing total retinal
detachment and marked distortion and immobilization of the entire retinal surface.
Ultimately, the retina assumes a narrow funnel shape in the center of the vitreous
cavity (Figure 9–13; see also Figures 2–24 and 10–12).
The process is particularly severe if cellular invasion and contraction occur
within the vitreous base and over the adjacent pars plana. This usually occurs in
the two inferior quadrants, and causes elevation and anterior displacement of the
peripheral retina. In extreme cases the retina is dragged onto the pars plicata, and
sometimes the retina becomes adherent to the posterior surface of the iris. This
results in relative foreshortening of the retina elsewhere, and the retina cannot flat-
ten against the eye wall, even after release of transvitreal traction and removal of
posterior epiretinal membranes. This far anterior proliferation may also cover the
ciliary processes or cause traction on the ciliary body, contributing to the chronic
hypotony that occurs in some cases, despite successful retinal reattachment.
Figure 9–13. Proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR). The posterior retina exhibits fi xed folds
due to contraction of cellular membranes upon its surface.
9: Vitrectomy for Retinal Detachment 219
The basic surgical goals in eyes with retinal detachment complicated by PVR
are to relieve as much vitreoretinal and epiretinal membrane traction as possible,
to close the retinal breaks, and to relieve remaining anterior vitreoretinal traction
using a broad scleral buckle.
Removal of vitreous
The vitrectomy probe is fi rst used to excise the central part of the vitreous gel. The
typical taut transvitreal sheet representing the posterior vitreous surface is excised
up to the circumferential junction between this membrane and the retina.
Figure 9–15. PVR membranes are usually removed with vitreous forceps. Frequently, PFO is
injected to immobilize the posterior retina during the dissection.
removed. Care is taken when applying traction on epiretinal tissue to avoid causing
a retinal break. This is especially important when removing epiretinal membranes
that are attached near the center of the macula, or membranes in the midperiphery
where the retina is thin and easily torn.
9: Vitrectomy for Retinal Detachment 221
Figure 9–16. A relaxation retinotomy or retinectomy can be used to allow complete settling of
the retina if substantial traction and shortening of the retina persist after extensive removal of
membranous tissue.
proliferation and contraction. All subretinal fluid is removed during complete flu-
id–gas exchange. It is essential that the retina flatten completely against the eye
wall after the vitreous cavity is filled with gas. If enough residual traction persists
so that air passes through an elevated retinotomy into the subretinal space, the
retinotomy must be extended until the retinotomy edges and the retina become
completely flat. When the posterior and lateral edges of the retinotomy are in fi rm
contact with the pigment epithelium, laser photocoagulation is used to create a
confluent zone of chorioretinal adhesion around the edges.
it does not lose volume in the postoperative period. In some difficult cases in which
an inferior retinectomy has been performed, heavy PFO liquids have been left in
the eye for several days prior to their removal.
Figure 9–18. After vitrectomy and removal of any epiretinal membranes, PFO is injected onto
the retina in the posterior pole to push the peripheral retina outward until it lies against the
retinal pigment epithelium.
9: Vitrectomy for Retinal Detachment 225
Figure 9–19. Laser therapy is applied to flat retina along the edges of the giant retinal tear.
base contraction at the ends of the giant tear and on the opposite side of the eye
that cannot be fully relieved or that recur. A lensectomy is performed in phakic
eyes with giant tears and PVR, unless there is no anterior component to the epireti-
nal proliferation. After lensectomy, a complete anterior vitrectomy is performed,
with excision of as much tissue in the region of the vitreous base as possible.
Meticulous removal of all epiretinal membranes is then performed in a posterior-
to-anterior direction to make the retina as mobile as possible. This may be facili-
tated by injecting a small bubble of perfluorocarbon liquid on the posterior retina
to partially reposition it and facilitate identification of epiretinal membranes for
easier removal.
Subretinal scar tissue on the exposed outer surface of the retinal flap is also
removed to increase the mobility of the retinal flap so that it can be unfolded into
a more peripheral location. However, the flap may occasionally remain stiff and
infolded, and in some cases excision of the peripheral part of the posterior retinal
flap with the vitrectomy cutter is necessary to allow retinal flattening.
Results of vitrectomy for retinal detachment vary considerably, depending upon
case selection. Durable retinal reattachment following vitrectomy for routine
retinal detachments ranges from 65% to 100% in various reports, and averages
approximately 85%, a figure that is quite comparable to that expected in scleral
buckling surgery. One recent prospective randomized, controlled trial comparing
these techniques has been performed. However, the results were quite complex and
inconsistent with some additional non-controlled data.
Visual results are comparable to those seen following anatomically successful
surgery with scleral buckling or pneumatic retinopexy, with the vast majority of
patients with macula-off detachments experiencing a significant improvement in
vision. Of the multiple factors impacting postoperative vision, preoperative vision
is the most important, and ideal trials comparing the postoperative vision obtained
with various techniques have not been performed.
In phakic eyes, the most important and common complication is that of progres-
sive nuclear sclerosis; this can be expected to occur in the vast majority of cases.
Importantly, the complications of altered refractive error and strabismus are quite
unusual following vitreous surgery, with the exception of nuclear-sclerotic-induced
myopia. Scleral perforation with a suture needle, complications of external subreti-
nal fluid drainage and intravitreal gas injections, fish-mouthing of retinal breaks,
and of course implant extrusion (all potential problems with scleral buckling) also
do not generally occur with vitrectomy. Increased intraocular pressure, endophthal-
mitis, PVR, epimacular proliferation, recurrent retinal detachment, and choroidal
9: Vitrectomy for Retinal Detachment 227
detachment all may occur with vitrectomy as well as with scleral buckling. These
complications are discussed in Chapter 7.
The most important causes of anatomical failure following retinal reattachment
surgery are iatrogenic retinal breaks, new breaks, missed breaks, and PVR. The
latter three problems can also be considered to be complications of the disease pro-
cess that caused retinal detachment. By far the most serious of these is PVR. Severe
PVR following vitreous surgery is more likely to feature a serious anterior loop
component than PVR after a scleral buckle or pneumatic procedure.
Vitrectomy techniques represent an elegant means of repairing retinal detachments,
and are increasingly employed in the management of routine retinal detachments,
particularly nonphakic cases. They are invaluable in the repair of complicated
detachment cases, and with microincisional techniques they represent a low-
impact method for treatment of less complicated cases. The procedure features
endoillumination, high magnification, wide-angle viewing, and vitreous cutting
abilities to allow removal of opacities and membranes, unfolding of giant tears,
and intraoperative retinal reattachment with the help of gas or perfluorocarbon
liquids. Postoperative intraocular tamponade with a total gas fill or with silicone
oil is made possible with vitrectomy techniques. Cataracts frequently develop
following vitrectomy in phakic eyes.
Ah-Fat FG, Sharma MC, Majid MA et al.: Trends in vitreoretinal surgery at a tertiary
referral centre: 1987 to 1996. Br J Ophthalmol 1999;83:396–398.
American Academy of Ophthalmology: The repair of rhegmatogenous retinal detach-
ments. Ophthalmology 1990;97:1562–1572.
Brazitikos PD: The expanding role of primary pars plana vitrectomy in the treatment of
rhegmatogenous noncomplicated retinal detachment. Semin Ophthalmol 2000;15:
Brazitikos PD, Androudi S, D’Amico DJ et al.: Perfluorocarbon liquid utilization
in primary vitrectomy repair of retinal detachment with multiple breaks. Retina
Brazitikos PD, D’Amico DJ, Tsinopoulos IT et al.: Primary vitrectomy with perfluoro-
n-octane use in the treatment of pseudophakic retinal detachment with undetected
retinal breaks. Retina 1999;19:103–109.
Campo RV, Sipperley JO, Sneed SR et al.: Pars plana vitrectomy without scleral buckle for
pseudophakic retinal detachments. Ophthalmology 1999;106:1811–1815.
Chang S: Low viscosity liquid fluorochemicals in vitreous surgery. Am J Ophthalmol
Escoffery RF, Olk RJ, Grand MG et al.: Vitrectomy without scleral buckling for primary
rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. Am J Ophthalmol 1985;99:275–281.
Heimann H, Hellmich M, Bornfeld N et al.: Scleral buckling versus primary vitrectomy
in rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (SPR Study): Design issues and implications. SPR
Study report no. 1. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2001;239:567–574.
228 II: Practice
ost rhegmatogenous retinal detachments are blinding disorders unless
they are successfully repaired. They were regarded as incurable until the
seminal work of Jules Gonin in the 1920s, when an anatomical success
rate approaching 50% was fi rst described (see Chapter 1). Anatomical results for
routine retinal detachments slowly improved through several decades, reaching
the current 85%–90% single-operation success figure for scleral buckling by the
1980s. Unfortunately, a similar improvement in visual results has not occurred
because of the profound influence of preoperative macular detachment.
Scleral buckling, once the sole standard of care for uncomplicated cases, has
become much less popular worldwide with the development of alternative options
starting in the mid 1980s. The most enduring of these are pneumatic retinopexy
(PR) (described in Chapter 8) and vitrectomy (described in Chapter 9). Vitrectomy
was originally reserved for complicated detachments but became popular for more
routine cases as experience and equipment improved. Today, particularly in the
United States, scleral buckling, PR, and vitrectomy are standards of care that are
widely employed in the management of “routine” or “uncomplicated” retinal
detachment, but how frequently each is used varies among different demographic
groups. For instance, the popularity of PR varies by geographical location and
scleral buckling appears less popular in the hands of relatively young vitreoretinal
It can be useful to discuss objective clinical criteria that may favor one tech-
nique over another. Demarcation, scleral buckling, PR, vitrectomy, and vitrectomy
plus scleral buckling have relative indications and contraindications (Table 10–1),
as well as limitations and complications. In this brief chapter, clinical factors that
may influence the choice of one technique over another, for the types of cases
230 II: Practice
in which scleral buckling, PR, and/or vitrectomy are neither mandatory nor
contraindicated, are discussed. However, it appears clear that we will never uni-
versally agree on the “best” operation for a given case, just as a single ice cream
flavor will never be favored by all.
The relative indications and contraindications in Table 10–1, the common types
of uncomplicated retinal detachments listed in Table 10–2, and the variables con-
tained in Table 10–3 frequently dictate the selection of a specific reattachment pro-
cedure. The most important considerations include the location, number, and type
of retinal breaks and vitreoretinal degenerative lesions; the relationship between
the posterior cortical vitreous and the retina; the clarity of the vitreous cavity; and
the status of the crystalline lens.
Scleral buckling can be employed in the vast majority of cases in which the retina
can be adequately visualized (see Chapter 7). The diminished popularity of this
technique is not due to limitations in anatomical success but rather due to the
development of alternative techniques that provide acceptable reattachment rates,
fewer or different complications, and additional advantages in selected cases.
The most common complications of scleral buckling (other than anatomic fail-
ure) do not usually follow PR and vitrectomy. PR offers additional advantages
of an office procedure and reduced postoperative discomfort. Vitreous surgery
provides a remedy for the most common relative contraindications of buckling,
significant vitreous opacification, and posterior retinal breaks.
232 II: Practice
The classic “ideal” uncomplicated retinal detachment for a pneumatic procedure
(PR) is associated with a retinal break or group of breaks located in the upper eight
clock-hours of the eye and extending no more than one clock-hour in circumfer-
ence (see Chapter 8). Although the technique can be employed successfully when
breaks are not located either superiorly or close together, fewer surgeons would
select the procedure in these instances. Additional features that add to the attrac-
tiveness of PR include an apparently total PVD, absence of lattice degeneration and
vitreous hemorrhage, and phakic lens status.
PR is associated with approximately a 10% reduction in single-operation ana-
tomical success rate when compared to scleral buckling, but ultimate success fol-
lowing reoperation is not compromised. It, therefore, is a procedure that represents
a legitimate standard of care as an option to other forms of reattachment surgery.
Interestingly, this operation is considerably more popular in the United States than
in Europe or the United Kingdom.
Advantages of vitrectomy
The primary advantages of vitrectomy include the elimination of media opacities
and transvitreal and periretinal membranous traction forces, improved visualization
and localization of retinal breaks, internal intraoperative reattachment of the retina,
and precise application of adhesive therapy. These steps can usually be accomplished
without the complications that are relatively common following scleral buckling.
Disadvantages of vitrectomy
In phakic eyes, the development of nuclear sclerotic cataracts represents a major
disadvantage. There is increasing evidence that open-angle glaucoma may develop
in pseudophakic vitrectomized eyes over decades following surgery. The costs of
this alternative are substantially higher than with PR or scleral buckling. Failure
of vitrectomy may be associated with the development of relatively severe forms of
PVR, although considerably more research is needed to evaluate this phenomenon.
There is a lack of information regarding precise causes of failure following vitrec-
tomy, and as additional data accumulate in regard to this relatively new technique,
more answers will hopefully be forthcoming.
1. Quadrantic detachment with one break. Figure 10–1 shows an excellent candi-
date for PR, in the absence of contraindications not related to the eye. PR avoids
placement of a scleral buckle under a vertically acting muscle. It also affords the
opportunity to promptly protect the macula from impending detachment, and the
“steamroller” technique should be used in this case.
If the tear causing a quadrantic detachment is present elsewhere in the upper eight
clock-hours of the periphery, PR is still an excellent choice, although positioning for
tears in the oblique and lateral meridia will be more difficult than for a 12-o’clock
tear. If the tear is in the inferior four clock-hours, PR is usually contraindicated.
If scleral buckling is used, a silicone sponge is sutured to the surface of the
globe, creating a segmental scleral buckle. This is usually placed radially, although
if the tear lies under a vertically acting muscle, a segmental circumferential buckle
of solid silicone may be preferable. Drainage of subretinal fluid is not usually
necessary, but if the break remains widely open after buckling, the surgeon may
release the fluid by untying the sutures to restore normal intraocular pressure and
then draining the fluid. If significant fish mouthing occurs, a gas injection may be
employed with the buckling procedure if the break is located in the superior two-
thirds of the fundus.
2. Total detachment with one break. If a single tear is found and there are no other
suspicious areas, and if the fundus can be thoroughly examined, PR is still an
excellent choice if the tear is in the upper eight clock-hours (Figure 10–2).
Scleral buckling technique differs from case number 1 in that most surgeons
prefer to drain subretinal fluid, although many cases have been managed satisfac-
torily without drainage. An encircling (instead of segmental or pneumatic proce-
dure) should be considered if any of the following conditions is present:
3. Detachment with multiple breaks at same distance from ora. PR is an option only if
all open breaks are within a several clock-hour arc in the upper eight clock-hours
of the eye. Vitrectomy is a reasonable choice in a pseudophakic eye (Figure 10–3).
If scleral buckling is chosen, an encircling buckle is recommended. If the breaks
are of average size, they can be adequately managed with a 4-mm silicone band
without any additional silicone implants. However, if one or more of the breaks
are larger than average, the surgeon may supplement the buckle with a wider
piece of silicone placed beneath the band. Each break should be surrounded with
Figure 10–3. Retinal detachment with multiple retinal breaks located the same distance from
ora serrata.
10: Selection of Surgery 237
cryotherapy and localized on the sclera. The sutures should then be oriented so as
to place the posterior edge of the breaks on the crest of the buckle. Subretinal fluid
is usually drained if an encircling procedure is performed.
Figure 10–4. Retinal detachment with multiple retinal breaks located different distances
from ora.
238 II: Practice
often with two) broad mattress sutures per quadrant over its extent, and the band
is routinely anchored to the sclera in the remaining quadrant(s). Subretinal fluid is
usually drained. Another approach to this problem is to use a wide silicone sponge,
7.5–12 mm, in a circumferential orientation to create a wide buckle.
Figure 10–5. “Aphakic retinal detachment” with multiple small retinal breaks located upon the
posterior insertion of the vitreous base.
10: Selection of Surgery 239
6. Detachment with peripheral break and macular hole. Macular holes in this instance
are usually secondary cystic changes and not causally related to the rhegmatog-
enous retinal detachment. These cases are generally managed with no treatment
to the apparent macular hole. If, however, fluid reaccumulates around the poste-
rior hole in the early postoperative course, a second procedure—usually PR—is
required to close the hole (Figure 10–6).
Figure 10–6. Retinal detachment with a peripheral retinal break and a macular hole.
240 II: Practice
posterior staphyloma, or in cases of ocular trauma. These breaks are often dif-
ficult to visualize. They may be small and irregular or slit-like in configuration,
and are usually not located in the center of the fovea, but somewhat eccentrically
(Figure 10–7).
PR can be recommended. After 1 day of face-down positioning with gas in
the eye, the retina will usually be reattached and the break may be treated with
extrafoveal laser photocoagulation. Vitrectomy with fluid–gas exchange may be
performed instead of PR, or if PR fails.
If that also fails, the surgeon might use a scleral buckle at the macula, but this is
rarely required. A Y-shaped buckle is created from a 3×5-mm sponge, and the ends
are sutured near the equator in three quadrants. Alternatively, an implant may be
sutured to the sclera of the posterior pole. Drainage of subretinal fluid is usually
9. Detachment with giant break. A giant break is generally defined as a break span-
ning 90 degrees or more. Especially where a rolled-over flap exceeding 180 degrees
is present, vitrectomy with or without a low, encircling scleral buckle is the pro-
cedure of choice (See Chapter 9). The use of heavier-than-water perfluorocarbon
liquid greatly facilitates this procedure. After removal of all adherent vitreous and
peeling of all membranes, the infolded retina is flattened against the wall of the eye
with perfluorocarbon liquid. Photocoagulation is applied entirely surrounding the
break. Then a gas–fluid exchange is performed on top of the perfluorocarbon, tak-
ing care to remove all water at the edge of the break. Perfluorocarbon is carefully
replaced with air while continuing to desiccate the edge of the break and prevent-
ing it from slipping posteriorly. Critical postoperative positioning is required is
required for 5–10 days (Figure 10–9).
10. Detachment with no apparent break. If no retinal break can be found, a secondary
retinal detachment (due to uveitis, tumor, or other entities) should be carefully ruled
out prior to surgery. Contiguous cryotherapy is applied in one or two rows starting
just posterior to the ora in all detached quadrants. This is because most “unseen”
breaks are probably located anteriorly along the posterior margin of the vitreous
base, where they tend to be smaller and can be harder to see. Depending on the
extent of detachment, subretinal fluid is usually drained, and an encircling 4-mm
scleral buckle is typically placed between the ora and the equator (Figure 10–10).
Some surgeons prefer vitrectomy in this situation, in both phakic and pseudopha-
kic cases, because installation of heavy vitreous substitutes causes the subretinal fluid
to exit the subretinal space via the break(s), which can thus be identified. As a rule, PR
is not considered in cases in which the causative break cannot be found, but an excep-
tion to this might be made if the gas can cover the entire span of the detachment.
11. Detachment with outer-layer break in retinoschisis. Minimal subretinal fluid requires
no treatment. Moderate subretinal fluid (two to four disc diameters) may frequently
be managed with cryotherapy or photocoagulation alone. If there is a clinical retinal
detachment, each of the outer-layer breaks should be carefully treated with cryother-
apy and closed with scleral buckling. Subretinal fluid can be drained as indicated.
These maneuvers generally cure the retinal detachment. If the surgeon also wants
to collapse the retinoschisis cavity, additional cryotherapy can be applied to cover
the entire retinoschisis area. With such cryotherapy, the retinoschisis cavity usually
partially collapses after several weeks, and occasionally totally collapses. Inner-layer
breaks require no treatment and can safely be ignored (Figure 10–11).
Most surgeons reserve vitrectomy for those cases in which outer-layer breaks
are far posterior and their buckling would be difficult. PR generally has a lower
rate of success in schisis detachments.
12. Detachment with PVR . This most difficult problem has a limited prognosis
and is the most common cause of ultimate failure to reattach the retina, even
Figure 10–12. Retinal detachment with proliferative vitreoretinopathy, (Grade D-2 PVR).
after multiple surgeries. Grade C1 or C2 PVR (see Table 5–1) can frequently
be cured with a high encircling buckle. For grade C3 or greater, vitrectomy is
recommended and is the mainstay of treatment for PVR. PR is contraindicated
unless just mild PVR is present and it is well away from the causative break(s)
(Figure 10–12).
Detached tears Yes Quite posterior
spanning >2–3 tears?
clock hours?
No No
Extensive lattice Yes Ultra–thin sclera?
Yes Yes
Traction or PVR Yes Degre of PVR?
around tears?
None to
Minimal mild
No No
Able to maintain Phakic?
algorithm, and it provides only rough guidelines. Again, the concepts presented in
this book must be thoroughly understood in order to make an appropriate selec-
tion of a surgical procedure. This algorithm reflects only the opinion of the authors
and does not establish the standard of care for a given case.
Some limited detachments may need only delimiting laser or cryopexy treatment.
This is usually done with a laser indirect ophthalmoscope, but cryopexy can be
used as well. There is no consensus regarding which small detachments only need
delimiting treatment rather than surgery for the detachment to resolve. Generally,
new retinal tears are delimited even if a small area of subretinal fluid surrounds
them. Also, a shallow, asymptomatic, or chronic retinal detachment that doesn’t
extend posterior to the equator and has a limited circumferential extent would be
demarcated rather than repaired. Sometimes such detachments prove to be not
Assuming that defi nitive repair is required, the algorithm then goes through a
list of contraindications to PR. Typically, if there are no contraindications to PR,
this may be the procedure of choice since it is the least morbid procedure and may
yield the best visual outcome. However, the surgeon or the patient may choose
another approach.
If PR is contraindicated or is not selected, the algorithm goes through fi ndings
that may suggest vitrectomy as the procedure of choice. Lacking those, scleral
buckling is often the selection. However, preferences vary greatly, and the choice
depends on the surgeon and the patient.
The fundamental goal of all forms of surgery for retinal detachment is the identi-
fication and closure of all responsible retinal breaks; if this can be accomplished
without complications, the development of new retinal breaks, and/or the develop-
ment of PVR, the procedure will be successful. Currently, reattachment surgery is
performed using one of the three techniques, or combinations thereof, described
in this chapter.
There is relative agreement among surgeons in regard to the use of vitrectomy
with or without scleral buckling for complicated retinal detachments. Vitrectomy
is also increasing in popularity for noncomplicated pseudophakic retinal detach-
ments, particularly using microincisional techniques. PR may have advantages in
the relatively simple cases for which it is an option, although there is wide variation
in how broadly that category is defi ned. Scleral buckling can be useful in a wide
spectrum of cases, but the degree to which it is used depends very much on the
surgeon’s preference.
There are many factors discussed in this book that may influence the selec-
tion of one procedure over another, but we still differ widely in our preferences.
Hopefully these issues will be clarified by the development of more meaningful
evidence bases in the future.
248 II: Practice
Aylward GW: Optimal procedures for retinal detachments. In: Ryan, SJ, Wilkinson CP,
eds: Retina (Volume 3, 4th Edition). Philadelphia: Elsevier Mosby; 2006:2094–2105.
Barrie T, Kreissig I, Holz ER, Mieler WF: Debate: Repair of a primary rhegmatogenous
retinal detachment. Br J Ophthalmol 2003;78:782–790.
Heimann H, Ulrich Bartz-Scmidt K, Bornfeld N et al.: Scleral buckling versus primary
vitrectomy in rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. A prospective randomized multi-
center clinical study. Ophthalmology 2007;114:2142–2154.
McLeod D: Is it time to call time on the scleral buckle? Br J Ophthalmol
Schepens CL, Hartnett ME, Hirose T: Schepens’ Retinal Detachment and Allied Diseases.
2nd Edition. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000. pp. 347–353.
Sharma S: Meta-analysis of clinical trials comparing scleral buckling surgery to pneumatic
retinopexy. Evidence-Based Eye Care 2002;3:125–128.
Wilkinson CP, Rice TA: Michels Retinal Detachment. St Louis: CV Mosby Co; 1997;
pp. 595–640.
Note: Page numbers followed by ‘f’ and ‘t’ denote figures and tables, respectively. Drugs are
listed under their generic names; when a drug trade name is listed, the reader is
referred to the generic name.
250 Index
“Trap door” buckling procedure, 163, 164f indications and contraindications, 230t
Trauma, 11, 20, 78, 223 segmentation technique of, 215–216
Tropicamide, 49 sclerotomies and peritomies, closure of,
Ultrasonography, 77, 83–84, 84f, 85f, subretinal fluid, internal drainage of,
89, 119 210, 210f
Uncomplicated retinal detachment. See also vitreous gel, removal of, 207–208, 207f,
Retinal detachment 208f
indications and contraindications, 230t Vitreoretinal degeneration, 152, 153
types of, 231f Vitreoretinal traction, 14–15, 14f, 16, 18,
variables associated with, 231f 28, 122, 131, 150, 152
Untreated detachment, natural history of, precursors of retinal breaks and, 132
36–37 symptomatic atrophic retinal holes
U-shaped tears. See Horseshoe tears and, 132
Uveitis, 37, 80, 89–90 symptomatic horseshoe-shaped tears
peripheral, 44 with, 131
symptomatic operculated retinal tears
Visual acuity, 79, 80, 86, 87, 177 with, 132
Visual field defects, 77 symptomatic round tears with, 131–132
Vitrectomy, 5, 6, 88, 89, 90, 91, 122, Vitreous cortex, 10, 27, 82
205–228 Vitreous gel, removal of, 207–208, 207f,
air infusion, 210–211, 210f 208f
complications of, 226–227 Vitreous hemorrhage, 14, 15, 76, 77, 89,
delamination technique of, 215, 215f 127, 171, 181, 199
draping, 206 Vitreous infusion suction cutter (VISC), 6
en bloc technique of, 215, 216f Vitreous liquefaction, 10–11, 12, 12f,
giant retinal tear with edges folding, 130, 134
223–226, 223f, 224f, 225f Vitreous opacities, 89, 125
goals of, 205–206 Vitreovascular attachments, 15
indications and contraindications, 230t Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome, 115,
opening incisions, 206–207 116f
for PDR and retinal detachment, 214, 214f von Hippel’s disease, 120f, 121
perfluorocarbon liquids, installation of,
208, 209f Warfarin, 90, 91
prepping, 206 Weiss’ ring, 12, 13f, 77
for primary retinal detachment: White-without-pressure, 102f, 104, 125.
advantages of, 232 See also Retinal whitening
disadvantages of, 232 White-with-pressure, 102f, 104, 105f,
for PVR and retinal detachment, 125, 140, 142. See also Retinal
219–221, 220f whitening
results of, 226
retinal breaks: YAG laser, 11, 30, 78, 88, 133, 140. See
identification and marking of, 208–209 also Laser
laser treatment of, 211, 211f
with scleral buckling, 211–212 Zonular traction tufts, 24, 100