Relative Porosity in Aluminium and in Aluminium Alloys

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Relative porosity in aluminium and in aluminium


T.-S. Shih, L.-W. Huang & Y.-J. Chen

To cite this article: T.-S. Shih, L.-W. Huang & Y.-J. Chen (2005) Relative porosity in aluminium
and in aluminium alloys, International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 18:5, 301-308, DOI:

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Relative porosity in aluminium and in
aluminium alloys
T.-S. Shih1*, L.-W. Huang1 and Y.-J. Chen2
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Central University, Chung-Li, Taiwan, 32054, China
Department of Mechanical Engineering, De Lin Institute of Technology, Tu-Cheng, Taiwan, 236 China

Pores are readily formed in aluminium alloy castings.

Density and porosity area fraction are often used
quantitatively to evaluate the quality of aluminium
alloy castings. This study used the relative porosity, the
ratio (dc 2 dr)/dc, where dc is the density of the chilled
sample and dr is the density of the reduced-pressure test
sample, to evaluate the quality of aluminium and Al–
6Si and Al–13Si alloys. The bursting of degassing
bubbles on the free surface of the melt brought debris of
oxide particles into the melt, which were eventually
trapped in the castings after pouring. These particles
were accompanied with air pockets and/or engulfed by
bubbles, resulting in pores shown on the sections of
poured castings. IJC/573
# 2005 W. S. Maney & Son Ltd. Manuscript received 17
July 2004; accepted 29 April 2005.
1 Amount of porosity as function of hydrogen
Keywords: Pore; Relative porosity; Al–Si alloy; Oxide content in Al–7Si alloy systems6,7

determining the pore growth rate and its distribution

Introduction in the end product after directional solidification. The
pore growth rate increases as the initial hydrogen
Oxide particles trapped in aluminium alloy castings content in the melt increases and the pore size
will significantly influence their surface appearance, decreases as the velocity of the solid/liquid interface of
mechanical properties and machining performance. the aluminium casting increases.
More seriously, alloying elements, such as silicon or Several researchers6,7 have investigated the rela-
manganese, added to the aluminium melt will tionship between porosity and hydrogen content in
significantly increase the inclusion particle count, Al–7Si alloys, as shown in Fig. 1. The pore density
leading to the development of a high pore density in increases with increasing hydrogen levels. Indeed,
the solidified castings.1,2 Mohanty and his coworkers3 experimental data are significantly scattered, possibly
assessed the effect of foreign particles on pore
owing to differences in the cooling rates of the
formation in aluminium castings. They found not
samples and/or the amount of inclusions trapped in
only that pores precipitated at the particles but also
the melt and matrix.
that silicon phase engulfed the foreign particles.
The cooling rate is a crucial factor influencing pore
During solidification, an embryo would emerge
formation in cast aluminium alloys.8,9 Porosity is
spontaneously from the crevice of a particle ahead
of the solidification front owing to a reduction in the substantially reduced as the cooling rate increases.
external pressure and ingress of rejected gas. This The pore size can be reduced for a given cooling rate
might eventually be released as a gas bubble. only if the melt has a lower initial hydrogen level. The
Huang and coworkers4 studied the effect of degas- feeding capability of solidified metal is affected by the
sing treatment on the quality of aluminium melts. They solidification mode of the alloys, and consequently
indicated that increasing the silicon content in Al–Si influences the extent of porosity. Therefore, pores
alloys increases the inclusion particle count after a produced in Al–Si alloy castings were affected by the
degassing treatment. The included particles usually silicon contents added to the alloy.10 Pores that form in
contained elements of aluminium, silicon and oxygen the matrix of aluminium alloy castings lead to
and would form mullite or andalusite compounds in significant deterioration in casting quality. To improve
the Al–7Si melt and the casting. the reliability of aluminium alloy castings, understand-
Atwood et al.5 have pointed out that the amount of ing the effect of oxides on pore formation is necessary.
hydrogen in the aluminium melt is the key factor Chen11 used an ultrasonic vibration treatment to
reveal oxide films on the sections of Al–Si alloys in
*Corresponding author, email which the silicon content ranged from 0 to 13%. A

DOI 10.1179/136404605225023135 International Journal of Cast Metals Research 2005 Vol. 18 No. 5 301
302 Shih et al. Relative porosity in aluminium and in aluminium alloys

Experimental procedure
An induction furnace (3000 Hz, 150 kW) equipped
with a SiC–graphite–clay crucible was used to melt
20–25 kg batches of aluminium alloy. A master alloy
of Al–50Si was added to the melt in order to bring the
silicon content to the desired levels. Different batches
of pure aluminium (99.86 wt-%), Al–6Si and Al–13Si
were sequentially degassed by nitrogen gas via a lance
diffuser for 1800 s. The lance was porous and made of
graphite, and was 50 mm in diameter. After the
degassing treatment, the molten metal was held at
973 K for 600 s. The hydrogen content of the molten
metal was then tested using BOMEM ALSCAN
(model F-HMK 100D) at 973 K. After the hydrogen
content had been tested, the molten melt was poured
into a spoon made of ceramic fibre, and then poured
to make the chilled and the reduced-pressure samples
respectively. A residual pressure of 76 mmHg was
employed in making the reduced-pressure samples.13
The hydrogen content of the melt was checked again
following the increase in holding time. One melt could
provide 5–6 sets of 50 mm diameter and 10 mm thick
samples poured into a chill mould. After polishing,
the constituents of the samples were analysed by
spectrometer (see Table 1).
The samples were removed and their density
measured by Archimedes’ method. Chilled samples
possess a rapid solidification rate, about 4.5 K s21,
2 Foggy marks on polished specimen surface vibra-
tion treated for 300 s in 500 ml of tap water: a alu-
and tend to produce a sound matrix. On the other
minium ingot; b A356 boat ingot; c A356 boat hand, the reduced-pressure sample solidifies under the
mould; d A356 tensile bar from ASTM B 108 condition of reduced pressure and has a relatively low
mould; e A356 squeezed mould; f A356 aluminium cooling rate, 0.3 K s21, which promotes the growth
wheel casting; g wrought 6061 bar12 and coalescence of pores. Both samples originating
from the same spoon of melt possess a similar level of
hydrogen content, inclusion particle content and/or
microjet impact eroded the oxide film on the polished oxide film content. Differences in the densities and the
surface of the specimen, and consequently the treated pore morphologies were influenced by the different
specimen displayed visible ‘foggy marks’, as shown in cooling rates and the reduced pressure.
Fig. 2.11 These foggy marks may be in the form of After the spectrometer tests, the chilled samples
spots, strips or clouds. Increasing the silicon content were polished again. The pore counts were then
to 6% increases the so-called ‘foggy’ spots but reduces measured via an optical microscope equipped with an
the extent of foggy strips or leaves. Further increasing image analyser. Each sample was measured 10 times
the silicon content to 13% slightly decreases the and the average of the total pore counts and average
number and size of the foggy leaves. In addition, after area per pore were obtained. After measuring the
ultrasonic treatment for a short period of time, for the pore counts, the chilled samples were polished again
pure aluminium specimen the eroded oxide film shows and placed in an ultrasonic cleaner filled with 500 ml
mostly concave depression, while for the Al–6Si alloy of tap water. The samples were then treated by
the eroded surface shows a combination of concave
ultrasonic vibration for 1800 s to reveal foggy marks
depression and plate-like cavities and for Al–13Si the
on the samples. All the foggy marks were photo-
whole eroded oxide shows plate-like cavities (see
graphed. The constituents and the morphology of the
Fig. 3).12
marks on the test specimens were observed and
In brief, porosity is formed and distributed in
the matrix of the casting. The pore counts of different analysed by electron X-ray probe microanalyser
Al–Si alloys were affected by the solidification modes (EPMA), optical microscopy (OM) and scanning
of the alloy, the amounts of oxide film and/or particle electron microscopy (SEM) with EDAX equipment.
inclusions, the cooling rates, atmospheric pressures
and the hydrogen levels of the melt. This paper Table 1 Chemical compositions of different
focuses on the effect of inclusion (oxide) particles aluminium alloys used in this study
on porosity formation and the density of chilled
and reduced-pressure samples. The relative porosity Main element Si Fe Al
(dc 2 dr)/dc, where dc is the density of the chilled
Pure aluminium 0.08 0.11 Bal.
sample and dr is the density of the reduced-pressure
Al^6Si 6.06 0.14 Bal.
sample, was used to assess the quality of poured Al^13Si 13.9 0.18 Bal.

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Shih et al. Relative porosity in aluminium and in aluminium alloys 303

3 Fractured surfaces of different Al–XSi alloys after 15 s ultrasonic vibration treatment at 46 kHz in
500 ml of tap water: a pure aluminium showing concave cavities; b Al–6Si alloy showing concave
cavity; c Al–6Si alloy showing plate-like cavity; d Al–13Si alloy showing plate-like cavity11

Experimental results alloy possessed a lower pore count than the Al–6Si
alloy. Pores in the Al–13Si alloy are more rounded
Particle inclusion and pore
than those in the Al–6Si alloy, resulting in a
Before ultrasonic treatment, the chilled samples were significantly reduced total area (Table 2).
polished and observed optically to obtain the pore In order to identify the relationship between pores
count (see Table 2). The pure aluminium samples and inclusion particles, slim pieces of chilled samples
show the lowest pore count among all the samples and reduced-pressure samples were cooled in liquid
studied. Increasing the silicon content increased the nitrogen and fractured, and the fracture surfaces were
pore count of chilled samples, although the Al–13Si observed. A piece of oxide film trapped in the pore is

Table 2 Experimental data of densities and pore counts for samples of aluminium and Al–6Si and Al–13Si
Density of Hydrogen
Main chill sample, RPTS, Relative content, Pore count, Section area,
element Number g mL21 g mL21 porosity, % ml per 100 g Al mm22 mm2

Pure 1 2.705 2.703 0.07 0.119 36 768

aaluminium 2 2.707 2.700 0.27 0.170
3 2.706 2.700 0.22 0.226
4 2.705 2.704 0.05 0.251
5 2.707 2.702 0.19 0.312
Al^6Si 1 2.689 2.648 1.52 0.119 106 2075
2 2.683 2.621 2.30 0.123
3 2.686 2.615 2.66 0.156
4 2.687 2.538 5.54 0.204
Al^13Si 1 2.649 2.634 0.57 0.087 74 1053
2 2.652 2.630 0.80 0.091
3 2.646 2.619 1.02 0.138
4 2.642 2.566 2.88 0.172

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304 Shih et al. Relative porosity in aluminium and in aluminium alloys

4 SEM and EDAX analyses on stringer-type oxide film accompanied with pore observed on fracture sur-
face of Al–6Si sample4

visible, as shown on the fracture surface of the Al–6Si Al–7Si chilled sample tends to protrude into the
chilled sample in Fig. 4. This leaf-type oxide film is crevice, as indicated by the arrow in Fig. 6b.
engulfed by a pore and contains mainly alumina and However, for the pure aluminium chilled sample,
some mullite or andalusite, together with small the surface of the oxide particle is smooth and
amounts of Na, Cl and K contaminants. The contains shallow concave depressions, as indicated by
experiment did not use flux during melting. Therefore, the arrow in Fig. 7. SEM observations show that the
the oxide may have originated from the ingot and was oxide particles are indeed fully engulfed by the pores;
consequently trapped in the chilled sample after that is, little or no matrix protrudes into the crevice as
pouring. occurred in the Al–Si alloy. It has also been confirmed
Figure 5 shows an apparent gas hole and some from SEM observations that oxide particles tend to
inclusion particles trapped in the hole on the fracture shift in pore cavities if pure aluminium specimens are
surface of an Al–6Si reduced-pressure sample. Oxides tilted.
trapped in the Al–Si alloy may be leaf type or particle In summary, for the pure aluminium, both the
type and they may be engulfed by a pore. In addition, chilled sample and the reduced-pressure samples were
it is possible that the individual pores may coalesce to macroscopically sound (no apparent gas holes
form a more substantial gas hole. Experimental occurred even after the samples had been solidified
observations also show that, for the Al–7Si alloy, under reduced pressure). However, metallographic
the oxide particles often contain mullite or andalusite study indicated that air pockets could be observed to
and their surface is ragged and contains plate-like attach to the oxide film, as shown in Fig. 8 of the pure
crevices, as indicated by the arrow in Fig. 6a drawing aluminium sample. For the Al–Si alloy, the pore
comparison with the similar cavities shown in Fig. 3c. counts were significantly increased in the chilled
SEM observations indicate that the matrix of the samples. For the reduced-pressure samples, gas holes
were apparent and their sizes were affected by the
hydrogen content and solidification rate.

Hydrogen content and relative porosity

Figure 9 shows the effect of hydrogen content on the
relative porosity of the different alloys studied. When
the relative porosity is small, the alloy sample does
not have visible pores or has only a minor amount of
microporosity, and vice versa. Increasing the silicon
content decreases the hydrogen absorbed in the Al–Si
melt. In the present study, the pure aluminium melt
can absorb hydrogen as much as 0.312 ml per 100 g
Al, but the Al–13Si alloy is limited to 0.172 ml per
100 g Al. The relative porosity of pure aluminium
ranges from 0.05 to 0.22%, following an increase in
hydrogen content from 0.119 to 0.312 ml per 100 g
Al. Compared with pure aluminium, the Al–6Si and
5 Inclusion particles with pores on fractured Al–13Si alloys develop more than 10 times the relative
surface of thin plate of Al–6Si chilled specimen porosity even at lower hydrogen contents (see Fig. 9

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Shih et al. Relative porosity in aluminium and in aluminium alloys 305

6 SEM micrographs showing fractured surface of Al–7Si alloy chilled sample: a oxide particle trapped in
matrix, along with EDAX analyses; b oxide particle trapped in matrix, showing ragged surface of oxide
associated with column of matrix protruding into crevice, as indicated by arrow

and Table 2). The pure aluminium chilled sample is influenced by the solidification mode and the hydro-
macroscopically sound, while the reduced-pressure gen contents. When all the alloys possessed a low
sample has some micropores when the hydrogen hydrogen content, y0.1 ml per 100 g Al, the relative
content is high, as illustrated in Figs. 10a and b. porosity was low and differed slightly; that is, the
The Al–6Si alloy possessed the highest pore count. effect of silicon on the relative porosity was minor.
Figure 9 indicates that the porosity is significantly The relative porosity was substantially scattered when

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306 Shih et al. Relative porosity in aluminium and in aluminium alloys

7 SEM micrograph showing fracture surface of pure aluminium chilled sample, including fractured oxide
particles along with concave cavity

all melts (pure aluminium, Al–6Si and Al–13Si) oxide film, mainly composed of alumina, shows a
possessed high hydrogen contents. concave depression on its eroded surface (Fig. 3a),
Interestingly, the relationship between hydrogen but it displays a plate-like cavity on the Al–13Si alloy
content and relative porosity showed a similar trend sample, as shown in Fig. 3d after ultrasonic treatment
for the Al–6Si and Al–13Si alloys. This means that the for 15 s.12
effect of the silicon content on the relative porosity of
the Al–6Si and Al–13Si alloys is similar, differing only
slightly in magnitude owing to the difference in the Discussion
solidification mode. For a given hydrogen content, The relative porosity of aluminium alloys is greatly
the Al–6Si alloy shows a slightly greater relative affected by the solidification mode and hydrogen
porosity than the Al–13Si alloy. content of the melt. When the solidification front
For the pure aluminium, containing only 0.08%Si, approaches an oxide particle, the particle experiences
the ratio of the relative porosity was very low the hydrogen-rich environment produced by the
regardless of the amount of hydrogen absorbed, rejection of gas from the advancing solid. The ingress
0.12–0.32 ml per 100 g Al, and its associated oxide of gas by diffusion into the air pocket in the crevice of
particles or oxide film mainly comprised alumina. The the oxide particle expands the pore. The pore may
oxides in the Al–6Si or Al–13Si alloys contain a high grow to such a size that it engulfs the complete
fraction of mullite or andalusite as a possible result of particle. This is likely if the particle is poorly wetted
the alumina reacting with the melt and covering it by the melt, and if the freezing rate is slow, giving time
with some fractions of mullite or andalusite. The for hydrogen to diffuse into and enlarge the pore. For
conditions of rapid solidification, the growth of the

8 SEM micrograph indicating pore attaching at 9 Relationship between relative porosity and
oxide film in less pure aluminium sample hydrogen content measured in aluminium, Al–
(99.86%Al) 6Si and Al–13Si melts

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10 Optical micrographs indicating pores in sections of reduced-pressure test samples from different melts
and hydrogen levels: a pure aluminium with hydrogen level of 0.226 ml per 100 g Al; b pure alumi-
nium with hydrogen level of 0.312 ml per 100 g Al; c Al–6Si with hydrogen level of 0.204 ml 100g Al21;
d Al–13Si with hydrogen level of 0.172 ml per 100 g Al

pore will be expected to be arrested prematurely as it castings. Shih and coworkers used water simulation
is engulfed by the advancing solid. Factors leading to to observe the dynamic behaviour of degassing
the formation of an engulfing bubble include the size bubbles.15 The fine bubbles floated to the subsurface
and shape of the oxide particle and any crevices, the and coalesced in the area near the diffuser, and then
solidification rate, the hydrogen content and the exploded at the free surface. The coarse bubbles
wetting capability of the melt and oxide particles. floated and moved in the outer field of the bubble
For the Al–6Si alloy, pores were scattered through- stream, at a distance from the diffuser. These bubbles
out the reduced-pressure samples (see Fig. 10c). For moved along the subsurface to the area near the wall
the Al–13Si alloys, the eutectic solidification released of the crucible. They coalesced and then exploded,
a great amount of latent heat. Pores grow and generating debris consisting of particles that fell back
coalesce following the moving solid–liquid interface into the transient liquid crater and finally sank into
and migrate to the last solidified zone. In summary, the melt.
for Al–Si alloys, air pockets ahead of the solid–liquid The surface tension of pure aluminium is about
interface grow in size and increase the possibility of 0.86 N m21. Adding 1–12 %Si into the aluminium
engulfing bubbles being formed. SEM observations melt slightly decreases its surface tension to
confirm that pores tend to be round in the Al–13Si 0.82 N m21.16 The surface tension of the melt affects
alloy samples and may therefore have progressively the interaction of gas bubbles with the melt surface.
coalesced to form significant gas holes in the reduced- Hahn and Neuschutz17 studied the ejection of steel
pressure sample, as shown in Fig. 10d. and slag droplets from gas stirred steel melts. When a
Mohanty et al.3 surmised that the viscous pressure single bubble reaches the melt surface, it eventually
drop and the equilibrium gas pressure behind the disrupts the bubble film, causing many small film
particle would favour the nucleation of minute droplets to form. Hahn and Neuschutz adjusted the
bubbles and make it feasible for bubble embryos to surface tension of the steel melt by changing its
grow and release gas bubbles from the crevices in the oxygen content and found that raising the surface
alumina particles. Campbell14 has stated that a large tension of the melt increased the quantity of drops
contact angle makes the decohesion of liquid from collected. In the present study, the pure aluminium
solid easier, but most inclusions are complex so that it melt possesses a higher surface tension and therefore
is extremely difficult to generalise about the mechan- produces a larger amount of fragments after the
ism of a gas bubble nucleating from the inclusion. He bubble has burst on the surface of the melt. The
mentioned that non-classical initiation of pores, such droplets fall into the crater of the melt and become
as pre-existing suspension of bubbles and/or pore trapped as inclusions. It is assumed that, for the
initiation on bifilms, which are effectively the same aluminium and Al–Si alloy melts, the fragments of
mechanism, should be considered on the basis of exploded bubbles form different oxides instanta-
the impossibility of meeting the fracture pressure neously by reaction with the surrounding air atmo-
criterion for the formation of a bubble embryo.14 sphere. The particles fall into the melt, which is
The present study focused on experimental obser- accompanied with air adhering in crevices, forming
vations of the bursting of outgassing bubbles on the air pockets in the melt. These air pockets preserve
free surface of the melt and its effect on the pore their stable size in the melt, which is affected by the
formation in castings. surface energies of the liquid and oxide particles (or
the wetting capability). Each particle, with its
Bursting of outgassing bubbles associated crevices and tiny air pockets, moves in
Degassing treatment is necessary for improving the the melt following the convection loops developed
quality of aluminium alloy casting and it has been during degassing and holding. Particles are finally
commonly adopted in producing aluminium alloy trapped in the casting after pouring.

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308 Shih et al. Relative porosity in aluminium and in aluminium alloys

mullite. Micro air pockets in the crevices of alumina

grow as air pockets attached to particles. In the Al–Si
alloy, air pockets in the crevice of particles grow to
form engulfing bubbles.
The lowest relative porosity was observed for pure
aluminium. Increasing the silicon content in the
aluminium melt increases the pore counts, and
oxide particles consisting of mullite and/or andalusite
are increased. For the Al–Si alloys, pores reside in the
chilled samples and increase the relative porosity. For
the Al–13Si alloy, the pores are mostly rounded in
11 Comparison of embryos residing at crevices of
the chilled sample but seemed to coalesce to form
particles after bubble or air pocket has
detached from particle larger gas holes, especially in the reduced-pressure
Effects of oxides on growing air pockets
The droplets from the bursting bubbles accompany
air into the liquid, attached as air pockets. After Acknowledgements
holding, pouring and solidifying, the oxide particles The authors would like to express their appreciation
are trapped in the matrix of the casting. Microbubbles to the National Science Council of the Republic of
grow from the air pockets owing to the ingress of China for their financial support of this work (NSC
diffused gas during solidification. The surface tension 91-2216-E-008-002).
of the aluminium melt is greater than that of the Al–Si
melt. The average size of concave depression on the
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International Journal of Cast Metals Research 2005 Vol. 18 No. 5

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