Chemical Engineering Journal: A B C D e e C
Chemical Engineering Journal: A B C D e e C
Chemical Engineering Journal: A B C D e e C
2 3
by an in-situ reaction.
• The heterostructure significantly en-
hanced the photoreduction of CO . 2
Keywords: Interface engineering is a very important issue in achieving high efficiency in heterojunction photocatalysts.
SnFe2O4 Herein, we report an originally designed heterojunction photocatalyst with seamless contact. Its novelty includes
CO2 reduction the following two respects: (1) two Fe-based oxides, i.e., SnFe2O4 and hematite Fe2O3 (α-Fe2O3), with suitable
Seamless contact band structures were selected to promote charge separation, and (2) a seamless contact was achieved at the
interface taking advantage of the commonly shared Fe element, i.e., converting partial of the Fe ions on the
surface of micro-octahedrons SnFe2O4 nanocrystals into α-Fe2O3 through thermal treatment (Octa-SnFe2O4/α-
Fe2O3). Characterization results confirmed the formation of seamless contact with large area at the interface, and
the significantly enhanced Z-scheme charge separation efficiency. The seamless Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 het-
erojunction could deliver a higher CO2 photocatalytic reduction activity with production rates of 2.87 μmol/g/h
for CO and 0.64 μmol/g/h for CH4, which is 13.7 times and 6.4 times higher than Octa-SnFe2O4, and 2.3 times
and 5.3 times than those of conventionally prepared SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 composite counterparts. This work in-
dicated that the ferrite-based close-contacted heterojunctions can be further investigated as promising photo-
catalysts in the environmental and energy applications.
1. Introduction unlimited solar energy to produce hydrocarbon fuels has been con-
sidered as one of the most promising solution for overcoming the global
Semiconductor photocatalytic reduction of CO2 utilizing the energy crisis and serious environmental pollution [1,2]. Since the first
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C. Liu).
Received 1 June 2020; Received in revised form 25 June 2020; Accepted 5 July 2020
Available online 11 July 2020
1385-8947/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y. Jia, et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 402 (2020) 126193
report of using TiO2 as a photocatalyst, many semiconductor materials well-defined octahedral morphology as the starting material instead of
have been investigated as applicable candidates for CO2 photocatalytic irregular nanoparticles, then converting partial of the Octa-SnFe2O4
reduction [3]. Nevertheless, it is well known that single materials suffer surface into α-Fe2O3 through thermal treatment. Through our ap-
from limited light absorption and fast recombination of the photo- proach, we were able to achieve not only close contact at the Octa-
generated electron-hole pairs, which lead to an unsatisfactory photo- SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 interface, but also large area surface contact instead
catalytic efficiency [4]. Well-designed composite photocatalysts can of point contact. The structural, optical, and electrochemical char-
effectively overcome the above-mentioned issues, and various compo- acterization confirmed the effective separation of photo-generated
site photocatalysts have been reported for improved CO2 reduction ef- electrons and holes through a Z-scheme charge transfer at the Octa-
ficiency [5,6]. SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 interface, which led to a much improved photo-
To maximize the performance of the composite photocatalysts, the catalytic CO2 reduction activity.
component materials should be carefully selected to realize not only
wide-band solar light absorption but also effective charge transfer and 2. Experimental section
separation at the heterojunction interface. Firstly, the component ma-
terials should possess suitable energy bandgap energy and band edge All reagents in this work were of analytical purity and were used
positions, so that wide band light absorption and a Z-scheme charge without further purification. In a typical synthesis, 0.322 g of SnCl2 and
transfer can be achieved [7]. Secondly, closed contact is highly desir- 0.656 g of FeCl2·4H2O were first dissolved in 50 mL ethylene glycol to
able at the interface of the heterojunction to efficiently promote the form a transparent solution. Then 10 mL NaOH solution (50 wt%
migration and separation of the electron-hole pairs [8]. Besides com- NaOH) was added to the above solution, and the mixture was stirred
posites that consist quite different materials, heterojunctions that are vigorously for several hours before being transferred to a Teflon-lined
made from materials with comment elements have recently emerged as stainless-steel autoclave (100 mL capacity). The autoclave was placed
an effective approach to achieve close contact at the interface. For ex- in a furnace held at 200 °C for 15 h. After the autoclave was cooled
ample, SnS2/SnO2, Cs2SnI6/SnS2, Zn2SnO4/SnO2, and Li2TiO3/TiO2 down to room temperature naturally, the resulting precipitate was
with close contacts have been reported as effective visible light re- centrifuged, washed with anhydrous ethanol for several times, and fi-
sponse photocatalysts for boosting photocatalytic CO2 reduction nally dried in oven at 80 °C for 12 h. The precipitate was then calcined
[9–12]. Obviously, sharing a common metal element by the two ma- at 250, 300 and 350 °C for 3 h to obtain Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 with
terials in the hybrid heterogeneous complex can effectively prolong the different compositions, respectively. According to their X-ray diffrac-
charge carrier lifetime and increase the carrier density [13]. tion (XRD) results, the content of α-Fe2O3 in Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3
Spinel tin ferrite (SnFe2O4) has recently been frequently reported in were determined to be 8.13 wt%, 12.45 wt%, and 16.52 wt%, respec-
various photocatalytic systems [14]. SnFe2O4 has a band gap energy of tively. The α-Fe2O3 nanoparticles were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich
1.9 eV with a conduction band edge potential of −1.45 V vs NHE, Chemicals Co. Ltd.
therefore SnFe2O4 is suitable for visible light absorption and its con- For comparison, the contrastive SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 composite was
duction band electrons possess strong reduction ability [15]. In addi- prepared by a hydrothermal route (sample denoted as SnFe2O4/α-
tion, the room temperature magnetization of SnFe2O4 can enable easy Fe2O3 (H)). In detail, Octa-SnFe2O4 were dispersed into 50 mL of dis-
magnetic separation and recycle of the used photocatalyst. As a com- tilled water with sonication for 30 min. Then, Fe(NO3)3·9H2O was
ponent material, SnFe2O4 has been used in various composite photo- added to the above solution and vigorously stirred for 1 h to obtain a
catalysts to utilize the above advantages, such as SnFe2O4-graphitic homogeneous suspension. NH4OH was added to the above solution
carbon nitride, sulfur-doped SnFe2O4/graphene and SnFe2O4/SnO2/ under continuous stirring to adjust the pH value (about 9). After being
PANI composites [16–18]. On the other hand, due to the difficulty in stirred for 30 min, the solution was transferred into a 100 mL Teflon-
controlling the crystallinity and morphology, satisfactory close con- lined stainless-steel autoclave. The sealed tank was heated to and
tacted interface between SnFe2O4 and the partner materials remains a maintained at 150 °C for 15 h. Finally, the SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 (H)
challenge, which inhibits the further improvement of the activity of the composite was obtained with 12.45 wt% α-Fe2O3. Furthermore,
SnFe2O4-based composite photocatalysts. SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 composite was also synthesized by mechanically
In this work we select α-Fe2O3 to couple with SnFe2O4 to form the mixed method (sample denoted as SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 (M)). Briefly,
seamless heterojunction for CO2 reduction. α-Fe2O3 is a narrow purchased α-Fe2O3 powders and Octa-SnFe2O4 were grinded for
bandgap (Eg = 1.68 or 1.69 eV) semiconductor that has also been ex- 30 min. In this manner, SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 (M) with 12.45 wt% α-Fe2O3
plored as a photocatalyst due to its low synthesis cost, high stability, was obtained.
and environment-friendly feature [19,20]. α-Fe2O3 has two advantages The detailed of characterization, photocatalytic measurement, and
for coupling with SnFe2O4. Firstly, the valence band (VB) edge positions electronic structure calculation are given in the Supporting
of α-Fe2O3 is at 2.48 V, which implies a strong oxidation capability of Information.
the VB holes [7]. Therefore, the relative band edge positions of α-Fe2O3
and SnFe2O4 are suitable for inducing the Z-scheme charge transfer at 3. Results and discussion
the heterojunction interface, so that the redox activity of the electrons
and holes can both be preserved. Secondly, since SnFe2O4 and α-Fe2O3 The Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 were prepared through a two-step
share a common element Fe, it is possible to form ‘zero distance’ het- method that included a solvothermal process followed by thermal
erojunction as demonstrated by several recent reports [9–12]. Although treatment (Scheme 1). The first step (solvothermal process) led to the
there are quite a few composite photocatalysts with similar components formation of the Octa-SnFe2O4. Then some of the Fe ions on the surface
reported in the literature, most of these composites were fabricated by of the Octa-SnFe2O4 were oxidized to α-Fe2O3 by calcination at a higher
physical mixing or stepwise solvothermal methods, wherein the het- temperature (≥250 °C). As shown in the X-ray diffraction (XRD) pat-
erojunctions are mainly formed randomly in the composite with irre- terns (Fig. 1), Octa-SnFe2O4 matched well with those of Fe3O4
gular morphology [7,16–18]. In this case, a high resistive interface can (PDF#19–0629) and SnFe2O4 reported in the literature [8–11]. In ad-
be expected, which can significantly limit the separation of the pho- dition, typical diffraction peaks of α-Fe2O3 were observed from Octa-
togenerated charge carries and thus the photocatalytic performance. SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3, confirming the existence of α-Fe2O3. The α-Fe2O3
Herein we report for the first time a seamless contact micro-octa- content in the Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 composite was found to be de-
hedrons SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 (Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3) heterojunction pendent on the calcination temperatures. For comparison, Octa-
with high photocatalytic CO2 reduction efficiency. The seamless close SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 with 8.13, 12.45, and 16.52 wt% of α-Fe2O3 were
contact was made possible by preparing SnFe2O4 nanoparticles with synthesized through calcination at 250, 300 and 350 °C for 3 h,
Y. Jia, et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 402 (2020) 126193
(Fig. 3a). In the high-resolution Fe2p spectrum (Fig. 3b), the binding
energies at 710.1 eV, 712.2 eV, and 724.1 eV were from Fe 2p3/2 and Fe
2p1/2, respectively, suggesting Fe3+ mainly existed on the surface [21].
Besides, the shakeup satellite peak at 717.eV was the characteristic of
Fe3+ in purchased α-Fe2O3, Octa-SnFe2O4 and Octa-SnFe2O4/α-
Fe2O3[22]. The Sn 3d spectrum of the Octa-SnFe2O4 and Octa-SnFe2O4/
α-Fe2O3 were shown in Fig. 3c. The two peaks at 485.8 eV and 494.4 eV
in the XPS spectrum of Sn can be assigned to Sn2+ [16]. The other two
peaks at 486.2 eV and 496.0 eV are from the lattice Sn (Sn4+ oxidation
state) [23]. Therefore, the XPS results confirm that both Sn2+ and Sn4+
ions exist in Octa-SnFe2O4 and Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3. As shown in
Fig. 3d, the O 1s spectrum could be fitted to three peaks at 529.6 eV,
531.2 eV and 532.0 eV. The first two peaks can be attributed to lattice
oxygen and oxygen vacancies [24]. The later at 532.0 eV may belong to
the adsorbed H2O [25]. The peak area percentage attributed to oxygen
vacancies is smaller in Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 than Octa-SnFe2O4, in-
dicating that the Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 possess less oxygen vacancies
and hydroxyl species. The calcination process performed in air could
lead to the filling of some oxygen vacancies on the surface of Octa-
Fig. 1. XRD patterns of Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3. SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 [26].
The content of α-Fe2O3 in the composite has been found to affect the
respectively. photocatalytic CO2 reduction efficiency, as shown in Fig. 4a. The main
The hydrothermally prepared SnFe2O4 showed well defined octa- products of the CO2 photocatalytic reduction were CO and CH4. No
hedron shape, with a quite uniform size about 300 nm (Fig. S1a). The noticeable CO and CH4 were produced for purchased α-Fe2O3, and
different calcination temperature did not affect the SnFe2O4 mor- Octa-SnFe2O4 showed the average CO and CH4 production rate of
phology (Fig. 2a and 2b, Fig. S1b and c). Especially, it is noted from the 0.21 μmol/g/h and 0.10 μmol/g/h, respectively. Notably, the in-
TEM image that the surface of the micro-octahedrons composite was corporation of α-Fe2O3 significantly boosted the catalytic activity of
quite smooth, with no protrusion or particles observed (Fig. 2c). Ele- Octa-SnFe2O4, and Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 with 12.45 wt% of α-Fe2O3
mental mappings of Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 revealed the uniform dis- showed the best performance, reaching 2.87 μmol/g/h for CO and
tribution of Fe, O and Sn in the composite (Fig. 2d-2f). The existence of 0.64 μmol/g/h for CH4, which were about 13.7 and 6.4 times higher
α-Fe2O3 has been confirmed through detailed TEM analysis. Typically, than that of Octa-SnFe2O4. Higher content of α-Fe2O3 deteriorated the
the high-resolution TEM (HRTEM) images of the two locations labelled photocatalytic CO2 reduction performance, which can be ascribed to
as 1 and 2 in Fig. 2g are shown in Fig. 2h-2i and Fig. 2j-2 k, respec- the excessive α-Fe2O3 acting as the recombination center for the elec-
tively. Fig. 2h and 2i showed that a thin layer (~2 nm) of α-Fe2O3 were trons and holes [27]. The discussion hereafter will be focused on Octa-
formed at some parts of the Octa-SnFe2O4 surface. Distinct lattice SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 with 12.45 wt% of α-Fe2O3. The Octa-SnFe2O4/α-
spacings of 0.486 nm and 0.250 nm were clearly observed, which can Fe2O3 showed stable performance in recycled usage with magnetic re-
be indexed to the SnFe2O4 (1 1 1) plane and the α-Fe2O3 (1 1 0) plane, collection. Only ~ 10% deactivation was observed after three con-
respectively. The fast Fourier transform (FFT) of the corresponding area secutive cycles, as shown in Fig. 4b. Furthermore, there were almost no
also showed consistent result (inset of Fig. 2h). In Fig. 2j, an obvious change in phase (Fig. 4a), morphology (Fig. 4b and Fig. S2a), and
large area of α-Fe2O3 nanocrystalline was grown on the surface of the surface chemical composition and chemical states (Fig. S2b–e) observed
Octa-SnFe2O4. In this region, different lattice spacings of 0.245 and in the recycled samples, certifying its favorable photostability.
0.265 nm were observed, which corresponds to the (2 2 2) plane of Various characterizations revealed that the coupling of α-Fe2O3
SnFe2O4 and (1 0 4) plane of α-Fe2O3, respectively (Fig. 2k). The SEM with Octa-SnFe2O4 can effectively improve the surface activity and the
and TEM analysis revealed that nanocrystalline α-Fe2O3 covered part of separation efficiency of the photogenerated charge carriers, which re-
the Octa-SnFe2O4 surface with large contacting interface, and there was sulted in the enhanced CO2 reduction performance. Fig. 5a shows that
no other interfacial layer between α-Fe2O3 and Octa-SnFe2O4. There- the composite has superior CO2 adsorption ability as compared with
fore, improved charge migration across the seamless heterojunction either α-Fe2O3 or Octa-SnFe2O4. At P/P0 = 1.0, the CO2 adsorption
interface can be expected as compared with other composites with ability of α-Fe2O3, Octa-SnFe2O4, and Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 is 0.34,
normally observed point contact between surface decorated nano- 0.57, and 0.83 cm3/g, respectively. Therefore, the better CO2 adsorp-
particles and the host materials [16–18]. tion can directly lead to higher CO2 reduction performance [28]. Fur-
XPS was further employed to investigate the surface chemical thermore, the temperature programmed desorption (TPD) measure-
composition and chemical states of purchased α-Fe2O3, Octa-SnFe2O4 ments of CO and CH4 indicated that these reduction products were
and Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3, wherein Fe2p, Sn3d and O1s were detected more easily desorbed from the Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 composite
Y. Jia, et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 402 (2020) 126193
Fig. 2. FESEM (a, b) and TEM (c) images of Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3, and its corresponding elemental mapping images (d–f), HRTEM image of Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3
(g) and corresponding enlarged HRTEM images of point 1 (h, i) and point 2 (j, k). The corresponding FFT pattern is shown in the inset of (h).
surface. As shown in Fig. 5b and 5c, weak (100–200 °C), medium is benefit for CO and CH4 liberation from the catalyst. Therefore, the-
(300–450 °C) and strong (500–800 °C) basic sites were observed from oretical calculations demonstrated that Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 pos-
Octa-SnFe2O4, implying that the strong CO and CH4 adsorption ability sessed improved CO2 adsorption activity and better CO and CH4 lib-
of Octa-SnFe2O4. On the contrary, after the introduction of α-Fe2O3, no eration ability, being consistent with the experimental characterization
CO desorption peak and only CH4 desorption peaks can be identified in results.
less than 450 °C from the composite. This result suggests that the gas To determine the charge flow and the energy level of the Octa-
products desorb more easily from the surface of Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3, SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 heterojunction, UPS measurement was performed
which should be helpful in sustaining the active sites and the CO2 re- (Fig. 6a). The upper onset and secondary onset in the UPS spectra for
duction reaction at the surface [29]. SnFe2O4 were found as 17.00 and 5.00 eV, respectively. The work
Moreover, the CO2 adsorption energies on α-Fe2O3, SnFe2O4, and function (φ) of SnFe2O4 is 4.72 eV vs vacuum as obtained by formula
SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 surface were calculated. As shown in Fig. 5d, pure 1[30]:
SnFe2O4 exhibits a stronger CO2 (−0.478 eV) affinity than α-Fe2O3 φ = 21.22 − Δ E− 4.5 (1)
(0.018 eV). Because the conduction band potential of SnFe2O4
(−1.27 V vs NHE) is more negative than CO/CO2 (−0.53 V vs NHE) where ΔE is the energy distance from the upper onset to secondary
and CH4/CO2 (−0.24 V vs NHE), CO2 can be easily converted to CO onset (Fig. 6a), the excitation energy of He I UPS spectra is 21.22 eV,
and CH4. Moreover, the adsorption energy of CO2 on the SnFe2O4/α- the work function of the detector is 4.5 eV. Therefore, the Fermi level
Fe2O3 surface (−0.694 eV) is higher than the others. As represented in (Ef) of SnFe2O4 is −4.72 eV vs vacuum. As shown in Fig. 6b, the XPS
Fig. 5e and 5f, the adsorption energies of CO and CH4 on surface of valence band spectrum shows that the valence band level (EVB) of
SnFe2O4 (−0.677 eV and −0.536 eV) are stronger than α-Fe2O3 SnFe2O4 is 0.45 eV versus vacuum level below Ef. As a result, the EVB of
(0.025 eV and −0.076 eV), indicating that the desorption of CO and SnFe2O4 is −5.17 eV vs vacuum. The band gap energy (Eg) value is
CH4 from α-Fe2O3 are easier than that on SnFe2O4. Moreover, the ad- 2.00 eV for SnFe2O4 from UV–vis diffuse reflectance spectra (Fig. 6c).
sorption energies of CO and CH4 on the SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 surface show Therefore, the conduction band (ECB) of SnFe2O4 is located at −3.17 eV
remarkable decrease, indicating that introducing α-Fe2O3 into SnFe2O4 vs vacuum level. Similarly, as shown in Fig. 6a-6c, Ef, EVB, Eg and ECB of
α-Fe2O3 are −5.72, −6.92, 2.25, and −4.67 eV vs vacuum level,
Y. Jia, et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 402 (2020) 126193
Fig. 3. Survey XPS spectra (a), high-resolution XPS spectra of Fe 2p (b), Sn3d (c), and O 1s (d) spectra of purchased α-Fe2O3, Octa-SnFe2O4 and Octa-SnFe2O4/α-
respectively. These energy values (vs vacuum) in electronvolts are Fe2O3 interface enabled the Z-scheme migration of charges, so that the
converted into normal electrode potential (vs NHE) in volts, using the photo-generated electrons and holes were effectively separated in the
formula 2[31]: CB of SnFe2O4 and the VB of α-Fe2O3, respectively (Fig. 6f). As a result,
the redox capability of both component materials was preserved to
E vacuum (eV) = −ENHE (V) − 4.44(298K) (2) improve the photocatalytic efficiency.
The efficient separation of the photo-generated electrons and holes
Therefore, the band positions of SnFe2O4 are −1.27 and 0.73 V vs across the close contacted heterojunction resulted in improved optical
NHE, those of α-Fe2O3 were calculated at 0.23 and 2.48 V vs NHE. and photo-electrochemical properties, as confirmed from the photo-
Accordingly, the estimated band positions for α-Fe2O3 and SnFe2O4 luminescence spectra (PL), time-resolved PL spectroscopy, and photo-
matched well with the requirement for direct Z-scheme system. electrochemical characterizations. Apparently, the emission of Octa-
Furthermore, the Z-scheme charge transfer in Octa-SnFe2O4/α- SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 was strongly quenched compared with that of the
Fe2O3 were confirmed through ESR measurement. Since the band edge purchased α-Fe2O3 and Octa-SnFe2O4 (Fig. 7a). Meanwhile, time-re-
position of ECB in α-Fe2O3 (0.23 V vs NHE) is at more positive potential solved PL spectroscopy revealed that the average emission lifetime of
than that of O2/%O2− reaction (−0.33 V vs NHE) [32], no %O2− radical Octa-SnFe2O4 (2.98 ns) was prolonged to 5.49 ns after forming Octa-
signal can be detected from α-Fe2O3, as shown in Fig. 6d. However, the SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 heterojunction (Fig. 7b). Therefore, the efficient se-
DMPO-%O2− signal from Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 has stronger char- paration and migration of interfacial charge carriers were achieved in
acteristic peaks than Octa-SnFe2O4 under visible light irradiation. Si- the Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3. Besides, Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 had the
milar observation was obtained in the DMPO-%OH spectra (Fig. 6e). highest photocurrent in the transient photocurrent spectra (Fig. 7c),
There was no DMPO-%OH signal observed from Octa-SnFe2O4 because suggesting the enhanced generation and transfer of photogeneration
the potential of the EVB band edge position of SnFe2O4 (0.73 V vs NHE) electron-hole pairs in the photocatalyst. Also, EIS tests (Fig. 7d) re-
is more negative than that of OH−/%OH (1.99 V vs NHE) and H2O/%OH vealed that Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 manifests the smallest semicircle in
(2.34 V vs NHE) reactions [7]. Contrarily, Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 Nyquist plots, suggesting the lowest charge transfer resistance which
showed DMPO-%OH signal with stronger characteristic peaks than α- facilitates the transport and separation of photoexcited electron-hole
Fe2O3. The ESR measurement evidenced that the Octa-SnFe2O4/α-
Y. Jia, et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 402 (2020) 126193
Fig. 4. Average CO and CH4 production rates of various Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 (a), recycling performance of Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 (b), the XRD patterns (c) and
TEM (d) for the fresh and used Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3.
pairs [24]. To further confirm the charge transfer process, the cyclic 600 nm (Fig. S3b).
voltammograms curves were recorded for determining the flow direc- The close contact showed significant effect in enhancing the elec-
tion of electron-hole in samples (Fig. 7e). The higher oxidation and trochemical properties of the composites. Charge separation behaviors
reduction potential were observed in Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 than that of those three heterostructures were characterized by time-resolved PL,
in purchased α-Fe2O3 and Octa-SnFe2O4, implying enhanced oxidiz- surface photovoltage (SPV) and electrochemical impedance spectro-
ability and reducibility of the α-Fe2O3 decorated Octa-SnFe2O4. If Octa- scopy (EIS). Evidently, the average lifetime of the photogenerated
SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 is a conventional heterojunction, the redox ability charge carriers in Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 (5.49 ns) was strikingly more
would be declined due to the migration of excited electrons downward prolonged than that of SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 (M) (0.68 ns) and SnFe2O4/α-
and holes upward. Therefore, the formation of Z-scheme charges Fe2O3 (H) composites (3.41 ns) (Fig. 8c). It is well-known that a longer
transfer pathway in Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 is further confirmed by the lifetime of electrons and holes implies a high probability for partici-
cyclic voltammograms examination. All these results illustrated that pation in photocatalytic reaction and improved activity [33]. As shown
Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 should be the optimal photocatalyst in separa- in Fig. 8d, no significant SPV signals were observed in the SnFe2O4/α-
tion and transfer of the photo-induced charges. Fe2O3 (M) due to the rapid charge carrier recombination. In contrast,
The determinant role of the close contact in the heterojunction can the most intensive SPV response was observed in Octa-SnFe2O4/α-
be demonstrated by comparing SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 composites prepared Fe2O3, suggesting that the as-prepared close contact heterostructure
through other approaches (Fig. S3a). Fig. 8a and 8b shows the typical had a relatively low recombination rate of photogenerated electrons
SEM image of SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 prepared by mechanically mixing Octa- and holes. Therefore, it can be reasonably inferred that the in-situ
SnFe2O4 with purchased α-Fe2O3, which is labelled as SnFe2O4/α- formed close contact interfaces during calcination benefited the accel-
Fe2O3 (M), and by hydrothermal processing of Octa-SnFe2O4 with Fe eration of the charge transfer between α-Fe2O3 and SnFe2O4. Also, EIS
(NO)3·9H2O, which is labelled as SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 (H). Obviously, curves revealed that Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 manifested the smallest
these samples exhibited separated or aggregated α-Fe2O3 particles from semicircle in the Nyquist plots (Fig. 8e), suggesting the minimum the
Octa-SnFe2O4, showing quite different morphologies from the Octa- charge transfer resistance at the Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 interface [34].
SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3. The SEM images directly evidenced the importance Those results were further confirmed in the PL and photocurrent ana-
and uniqueness of the procedure employed in this work to construct the lysis (Fig. S4). The above characterization confirmed that our approach
close contact between α-Fe2O3 and Octa-SnFe2O4. In addition, despite in preparing close heterojunction interface is indeed effective in redu-
the similar phase composition, Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 showed much cing the charge transfer resistance and promoting charge separation in
enhanced light absorption, especially for wavelength longer than the photocatalyst [35].
Y. Jia, et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 402 (2020) 126193
Fig. 5. CO2 adsorption isotherms (a), CO-TPD (b), and CH4-TPD (c) profiles, optimized geometry structures and binding energies for CO2 (d), CO (e) and CH4 (f)
adsorption on α-Fe2O3, SnFe2O4, and SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3.
As a result of the improved structural, optical, and the electro- photocatalyst, in addition to choosing component materials with ap-
chemical property, Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 can deliver higher evolution propriate band structures, the realization of a low resistance close
rate of CO(2.87 μmol/g/h) and CH4 (0.64 μmol/g/h), with 14.35-fold contact at the heterojunction interface favoring the charge migration
and 7.11-fold enhancements compared with SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 (M), and and separation is equally critical.
with 2.33-fold and 5.33-fold enhancements compared with SnFe2O4/α-
Fe2O3 (H) (Fig. 8f). The above comparison results indicated that to
achieve high charge carrier separation in a heterojunction
Y. Jia, et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 402 (2020) 126193
Fig. 6. UPS spectrum (a), XPS valence spectrum (b), and bandgap energies (c) of purchased α-Fe2O3, Octa-SnFe2O4. DMPO spin-trapping ESR spectra recorded for %
O2− (d) and %OH (e) for purchased α-Fe2O3, Octa-SnFe2O4, and Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 under visible light, the band energy alignment and Z-scheme photocatalytic
system (f).
4. Conclusions two component materials but also significantly boosted the charge
transfer and separation in the photocatalyst. As a result, the seamless
In summary, for the first time the Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 hetero- Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 heterojunction showed much improved photo-
junction photocatalyst with close contact has been successfully con- catalytic CO2 reduction activity as compared to either SnFe2O4, α-
structed by a facile solvothermal method and subsequent thermal Fe2O3, or conventional SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 composites. This work pro-
treatment. Structural, optical, and photoelectrochemical characteriza- vides a facile and effective method for the in-situ preparation of close
tions demonstrated that the large area close contact at the Octa- contacted Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 heterojunctions, which may sig-
SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 interface not only preserved the redox ability of the nificantly stimulate the synthesis of various seamless spinel ferrite-
Y. Jia, et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 402 (2020) 126193
Fig. 7. PL spectra (a), time-resolved PL decay (b), transient photocurrent spectra (c), EIS (d), and cyclic voltammograms (e) of purchased α-Fe2O3, Octa-SnFe2O4 and
Y. Jia, et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 402 (2020) 126193
Fig. 8. SEM images of SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 (M) (a) and SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 (H) (b) composite, time-resolved PL (c), SPV spectra (d), EIS (e), and average CO and CH4
production rates (f) of SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 (M), SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3 (H) and Octa-SnFe2O4/α-Fe2O3.