P E D S S D R: by Michael C. Constantinou Tsu T. Soong Gary F. Dargush
P E D S S D R: by Michael C. Constantinou Tsu T. Soong Gary F. Dargush
P E D S S D R: by Michael C. Constantinou Tsu T. Soong Gary F. Dargush
by Michael C. Constantinou
Tsu T. Soong
Gary F. Dargush
Copyright © 1998 by the Research Foundation of the State University of New York
and the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research. All rights
a. makes any warranty, express or implied, with respect to the use of any
information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report or that
such use may not infringe upon privately owned rights; or
b. assumes any liabilities of whatsoever kind with respect to the use of, or
the damage resulting from the use of, any information, apparatus, method, or
process disclosed in this report.
University at Buffalo
Red Jacket Quadrangle
Buffalo, NY 14261
Phone: (716) 645-3391
Fax: (716) 645-3399
email: mceer@acsu.buffalo.edu
world wide web: http://mceer.eng.buffalo.edu
ISBN 0-9656682-1-5
Cover photographs provided by MCEER, Taylor Devices, Inc. and the University
at Buffalo.
F o r e w o r d
Earthquakes are potentially devastating natural events which
threaten lives, destroy property, and disrupt life-sustaining services and
societal functions. In 1986, the National Science Foundation established
the National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research to carry out
systems integrated research to mitigate earthquake hazards in vulner-
able communities and to enhance implementation efforts through tech-
nology transfer, outreach, and education. Since that time, our Center
has engaged in a wide variety of multidisciplinary studies to develop
solutions to the complex array of problems associated with the develop-
ment of earthquake-resistant communities.
Our series of monographs is a step toward meeting this formi-
dable challenge. Over the past 12 years, we have investigated how
buildings and their nonstructural components, lifelines, and highway
structures behave and are affected by earthquakes, how damage to these
structures impacts society, and how these damages can be mitigated
through innovative means. Our researchers have joined together to share
their expertise in seismology, geotechnical engineering, structural engi-
neering, risk and reliability, protective systems, and social and eco-
nomic systems to begin to define and delineate the best methods to
mitigate the losses caused by these natural events.
Each monograph describes these research efforts in detail. Each
is meant to be read by a wide variety of stakeholders, including acade-
micians, engineers, government officials, insurance and financial ex-
perts, and others who are involved in developing earthquake loss miti-
gation measures. They supplement the Center’s technical report series
by broadening the topics studied.
As we begin our next phase of research as the Multidisciplinary
Center for Earthquake Engineering Research, we intend to focus our ef-
forts on applying advanced technologies to quantifying building and
lifeline performance through the estimation of expected losses; devel-
oping cost-effective, performance-based rehabilitation technologies; and
improving response and recovery through strategic planning and crisis
management. These subjects are expected to result in a new monograph
series in the future.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the National Sci-
ence Foundation, the State of New York, the State University of New
York at Buffalo, and our institutional and industrial affiliates for their
continued support and involvement with the Center. I thank all the au-
thors who contributed their time and talents to conducting the research
portrayed in the monograph series and for their commitment to further-
ing our common goals. I would also like to thank the peer reviewers of
each monograph for their comments and constructive advice.
It is my hope that this monograph series will serve as an impor-
tant tool toward making research results more accessible to those who
are in a position to implement them, thus furthering our goal to reduce
loss of life and protect property from the damage caused by earthquakes.
George C. Lee
Director, Multidisciplinary Center
for Earthquake Engineering Research
C o n t e n t s
Foreword ....................................................................... vii
Preface .......................................................................... xiii
Acknowledgments ......................................................... xvii
Abbreviations ................................................................. xix
1 Introduction ...................................................................... 1
1.1 Seismic Design ..................................................................... 1
1.2 Motion Control Systems ......................................................... 4
2.7 Energy Dissipation Devices as Elements of Seismic
Isolation Systems ................................................................. 59
2.8 Menshin Design .................................................................. 62
6 Guidelines for Analyzing Structures with
Passive Energy Dissipation Systems ..................... 219
6.1 Tentative Requirements of SEAONC .................................. 220
6.2 1994 NEHRP Recommended Provisions ............................. 220
6.3 Applied Technology Council Project 33 ............................ 221
P r e f a c e
Historically, aseismic design has been based upon a combina-
tion of strength and ductility. For small, frequent seismic disturbances,
the structure is expected to remain in the elastic range, with all stresses
well below yield levels. However, it is not reasonable to expect that a
traditional structure will respond elastically when subjected to a major
earthquake. Instead, the design engineer relies upon the inherent duc-
tility of buildings to prevent catastrophic failure, while accepting a cer-
tain level of structural and nonstructural damage. This philosophy has
led to the development of aseismic design codes featuring lateral force
methods and, more recently, inelastic design response spectra. Ulti-
mately, with these approaches, the structure is designed to resist an
‘equivalent’ static load. Results have been reasonably successful. Even
an approximate accounting for lateral effects will almost certainly im-
prove building survivability.
However, by considering the actual dynamic nature of environ-
mental disturbances, more dramatic improvements can be realized. As
a result of this dynamical point of view, new and innovative concepts of
structural protection have been advanced and are at various stages of
development. Modern structural protective systems can be divided into
three major groups:
• Seismic Isolation
Elastomeric Bearings
Lead Rubber Bearings
Combined Elastomeric and Sliding Bearings
Sliding Friction Pendulum Systems
Sliding Bearings with Restoring Force
• Semi-active and Active Systems
Active Bracing Systems
Active Mass Dampers
Variable Stiffness and Damping Systems
Smart Materials
structures throughout the world. This monograph introduces the basic
concepts of passive energy dissipation, and discusses current research,
development, design and code-related activities in this exciting and fast
expanding field. At the same time, it should be emphasized that this
entire technology is still evolving. Significant improvements in both
hardware and design procedures will certainly continue for a number of
years to come.
Our work in this technical area has been supported since 1986
by the National Science Foundation and the State of New York under the
auspices of the National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research.
This continuing support is gratefully acknowledged. Industrial participa-
tion and contributions were also important to the success of some re-
search efforts reported in this volume. We are grateful to the 3M Com-
pany, Taylor Devices, Inc., MTS Systems Corporation, Moog, Inc.,
Takenaka Corporation and Kayaba Industry, Ltd. for their support and
contributions to many projects dealing with research, design and imple-
mentation of passive energy dissipation systems and semi-active control
It is a great pleasure to acknowledge the significant contribu-
tions made to this monograph by a number of our colleagues and former
students. They include Dr. K.C. Chang of the National Taiwan Univer-
sity, Dr. C. Kircher of Charles Kircher and Associates, Dr. A.M. Reinhorn
of the University at Buffalo, Dr. M. Symans of Washington State Univer-
sity, Dr. P. Tsopelas of the University at Buffalo and Dr. A.S. Whittaker of
the Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California at
Berkeley. We wish to thank Mrs. Carmella Gosden and Mrs. Linda
Mudd, who efficiently typed several early drafts of this manuscript and
helped organize many aspects of the project.
An early draft of this monograph was used as a text for the
NCEER/EERC short course on Passive Energy Dissipation for Seismic/Wind
Design and Retrofit, which was offered in Seattle in September, 1996,
San Francisco in October, 1996, and Los Angeles in February, 1997.
Participants as well as instructors at these locations made numerous com-
ments on the course contents and suggestions for improvement, which
have led to substantial revision and improvements to this monograph.
We are grateful for their contributions.
It is also a pleasure to thank NCEER staff for their efforts in
producing this monograph. In particular, we are indebted to Mr. Hector
Velasco for his artwork and to Ms. Jane Stoyle for her careful reading of
the manuscript and her superb editorial efforts.
Finally, we are grateful to our families for their help, encour-
agement and endurance. They provided unwavering support to this writ-
ing project.