A Moral Philosophy
A Moral Philosophy
A Moral Philosophy
“If only greed be there
For some material feast
How draw a line between
The man-beast and the beast” (The Panchatantra)
With the close of the 20th century we are entering into a period of savagery and barbarism.
With the rise of nationalism, economic rationalism, right wing red neck politics, with greed
and avarice being the normative aspirations of humanity, with bigotry, racism, and
intolerance, with resentment and jealousy being the continual mind states of humanity we
are beginning to inhabit a jungle. Colin Turnbull in his book ‘The Mountain People’
gives a dramatic account of how what we take to our moral values are not inherent in
society but are the luxury of an ordered and safe society Turnbull documents how when
society breaks down individual survival becomes the only law. Love, and kindness for
others are done away with because they to the non-survival of the individual. Turnbull
showed that under extreme hardship society decays to the point that only the most cunning
the toughest survived. In a society where the individual becomes the focus the old are
denied food in order to survive denies by their children. Children die because they are
neglected by the parents who are continually occupied in their individual survival. . Where
love and the need for affection are seen as madness because they lead to the non-survival
of the individual. No you say our society is no jungle. Well I say what about those
children that go into a vicious self-seeking feeding frenzy over the assets or wills of their
dead parents. What about those successful children who live in clover while their
pensioner parents scratch to find enough to get by for the fortnight. What about those
dickheads who rob, rape or murder the old. What about those people who gloat on the
death of popular figures who cannot get enough detail like seeing the mangled bodies of
their idols. What about those people who leave their kids at home alone while they go out
drinking, screwing, partying. What about those middle class people who care more for
money than people. Those middle class who have shares in companies that rape the
environment and exploit third world people. What about those middle class who elect right
wing, red neck governments because they feel that these arseholes will feather their self-
interest. What about the those middle class who seeks to undermine the working
conditions of their employees because by doing so they can increase their profits. What
about those middle class who profit by the misery gambling has on society. One could go
on for ever. If you think a bit you will yourself have to admit examples of the jungle.
Do you think that virtue, goodness, honesty will get you far in life? If you do then you are
a fool. The moral will cry out “you are wrong, look at us, these virtues have led us to the
happy life. What crap! How do you live your personal lives. Do you always tell the truth.
Are you always loving? I say be honest with yourself and you will know the nature of the
jungle and survive.
For those budding politicians or those who just want to know the nature of the beast that
governs them, keeps them under control, read the European Machiavelli’s The Prince’ or
the Indian Kautiliya’s Arthasastra. For those budding philosophers read Dean’s &
Ovenden’s ‘The Nature of Philosophy’. For those seeking to understand the nature of life
read about Nietzsche’s ‘will to power’ or Foucault’s ‘genealogy’. For those seeking to
know about the non-value of virtue read de Sade’s ‘Justine’ or Colin Trunbull’s ‘The
MountainPeople’ For those wishing to know about the value of lying read Nyberg’s ‘The
Vanished Truth’. For those wishing to know the beasts that lurk within our midst’s, sleep
in our beds, lurk at the bar, who are our fiends read B.Hort’s ‘Unholy Hungers. These
books will put you in good sted to survive in the dog eat dog world of humanity. Read the
Indian book ‘The Panchatantra’ over 2000 years old. An apologue dealing with how to
survive in the world of men. How to survive in a world swarming with rogues, rascals, con
artists and arseholes. Read books on behavioural psychology, social psychology, group
sociology, the psychology and sociology of love. Rest assured that the manipulators of
humanity, the advertiser, the sellers of products, love, commodities, status all have read on
these topics. They know how to exploit, manipulate and persuade you to buy what they are
selling. They know how to use your greed, lust, lack of self esteem, powerlessness,
arrogance, bigotry, prejudice racism, ignorance. They know how to use all the human
foibles against humanity. They know how to use ones humanness against you and to their
If one lives in a jungle one needs survival skills. Read on you poor stupid fool. Read on
and learn what should be taught at school. Read on and learn how the real world is. Read
on and protect yourselves from the moral crap your teacher feed you so that you will be
exploited by, and unprepared for, the world their pears. Read on and you will learn how
to be, and detect, an arsehole. Read on and acquire teeth, claws and snakelike, catlike,
spiderlike stealth and cunning. Read on and empower yourselves. Read on and learn how
to disempower the arseholes de-claw them de-fang them.. Read on and learn how out
arsehole the arseholes. Read on and learn how to pick an arsehole. Read on and become
an arsehole.
Get your mother to tell you how she caught your father and got him to marry her. Ask your
father to tell you how he got your mother to sleep with him for the first time. Get him to
tell you how he got her interested in him. Get your mother to tell you why she was
interested in your father. Don’t accept the crap of ‘ Oh he was to good looking’. I bet if he
was ‘Oh so good looking’ and belonged to an unacceptable social group he would not
have had Bucklys chance of laying her. Get your mum and dad to tell you about all the real
reasons they married. Get your mum to tell you about all the mercenary reasons about all
the real practical reason in which love plays little part. Get your dad to tell you the same
things. Once you are informed on the real reasons people like each other the better you will
be equipped to pull a mate/root and see through the crap some seducer lays on you. Ask
your politician about all the arseholery that was required for him/her to get where he/she
is. Get your lawyer to tell you how the arseholes of the business world, tax world, criminal
world, political world legally avoid the law. Get some feminist lawyer to tell you how a
women predators can shaft it to her ex; get his money, stop him from seeing his kids. Get
some executive to tell you how to move up the corporate ladder, how to be an arsehole
without being an arsehole. Get some female successful in a man’s world to tell you about
the art of coquetry, about cock teasing about the value a man’s sex drive has for
advancement. Get some bouncer to tell you how to deal with and exploit a man’s
arrogance, aggression ego. Get an army officer to tell you how to program some one to
hate, to kill. Get him to tell you how to ingratiate oneself with the powers that be. Get an
artist to tell you what is required to get your work noticed. Get an artist to tell you the
value knowing the right people. Get an artist to tell you how to get to know the right
people. Get a dole bulger to tell you how to work the system such that the system does not
arsehole you for being virtuous. Get a dole bulger to tell you just how far honesty will get
you. Get a shammer, shyster, streetwise arsehole to tell you how to survive in the every
day jungle. Get them to tell you the value of deceit and lying in a world of racism, bigotry,
intolerance and inhumanity.
Don’t get me wrong I am not advocating that one should become an arsehole, but only
that if one finds one exorable enmeshed in a jungle then one should acquire fangs and
claws or else you will not survive. In the jungle of the warring state period of China (475-
221BCE) “treachery and intrigue were wide spread among government officials. On could
certainly lose one’s life by playing the dangerous game of politics, but being virtuous and
loyal did not guarantee safety... What could one do?”( E.Wong, Lieh-Tzu, Shambhala
1995, p.4.) Later it was a time when being virtuous and loyal could not save you...what
could one do?” (ibid, p.6). In the times such as these there is a path for those who don’t
want to pay the price of wealth and renown. There are other paths for those who don’t
want to be useful citizens, or functionaries who in order to acquire status, wealth, and
renown must become beasts. What could one do” the Chinese asked. The Taoists replied
“withdraw, abandon the social world.” The Panchatantra offers a different solution to
those who :
For those who these solutions are inappropriate then if you are being arseholed, ripped of
then read on. You may find in these pages the reasons for your plight. If you for some
reason have to live in the jungle then read on. You may find some methods to enhance
your survival.
“....the most innocent-looking, the prettiest and gentlest little creature
ever conjured out of a magic egg by a fairy wand...Before the gaze of
these two poets she succeeded in illuminating, by some sinister allegory,
an unknown aspect of human life, as she exhibited, in contrast, a picture
of cold, sadistic corruption, irresponsible enough to commit a crime and
hard-headed enough to do it with a laugh; the picture of a heartless
demon to which she herself is insensible, who can always produce a smile
of venal love, shed tears over the coffin of her victim and jump for joy the
same evening at the reading of the will (Balzac ‘The Wild Ass’s Skin’,
Penguin, p.83-84.)
“Now are they come nigh to the Bowre of bliss
Upon a bed of Roses she was layd
As faint through heat, or dight to pleasent sin
And was arayed, or rather disarayed,
All in a vele of silk and silver thin
That hid no whit her alabaster shin
But rather shewed more white, if more might bee:
More subtile web Arachne cannot spin,
Nor the fine nets, which oft we wouen see
Of scorched deaw, do not in th’air more lightly
Flee” (Spencer TheFaerie Queen, Book 11, canto x11,
For all Christs work this venus is not quelled
But reddens at the mouth with the blood of men,
Sucking between small teeth the sap o’ the veins,
Dabbling with death her tender lips-
A bitter beauty, poisonous-pearled mouth...
Ah, fair love
Fair Fearful Venus made of deadly foam,
I shall escape you somehow with my death (Swinburne Chasteland v. 11)
“There agelong she dwelt, an evil thing in spider-form.... Shelob...and she
served none but herself, drinking the blood of Elves and men, bloated
and grown fat with endless brooding on her feasts, weaving webs of
shadows; for all living things were her food and her vomit darkness”
(Tolkien ‘The Lord of The Rings’)
“[she spins] a web of importing vulnerability, a web that is as fragile in
appearance and as resilient in realty as a spiders web covered with
droplets of mist. The deceptive fragility of [her] web lures many of us
into a sticky tangle of heroism and guilt...we long to touch the delicate
lace. We carefully touch the shimmering strands, dazzled by the
glistening dewdrops that cling to them...we stir to leave but we find that
the web cannot bear to let us go- it clings to us with a powerful adhesive
of adoration and need... [after ages] we awaken to the presence that
lurks on the edge of the gossamer wheel. While we had previously seen
nothing but silken rainbows, we now realise that something else is on the
web...Now the presence is moving onto the web from which we cannot
break free. Softly, deliberately, she is coming, picking her way across the
lacy mandala, bearing her great mass gently upon her bent spindly legs.
She is savouring her moment, for she knows that we have entered into an
endgame that we’ve already lost...she delicately edges towards us we
realise with sinking horror the truth of who she is...” (B.Hort Unholy
Hungers, Shambhala, 1996, pp.135-136.)
Who is she? She is your prey!!!!
KNOW YOUR PREY Women preadators derive their life force from feeding on men.
The satiate their desires, needs and wants by plunging their fangs into the throat of men.
From men women predators extract the sap of men she drains man of his essential fluids
and turns him into a hideous, disfigured shell. Women predators through their methods of
enchantment entrap and enthral . Through their guiles they encase in webs of soft caressing
blandishments. KNOW YOUR PREY. (Take note victims)
And all that while, right ouer him she did hong’
With her false eyes fast fixed in his sight,
As seeking medicine, whence she was stong,
Or greedily depasturing delight;
And oft inclining downe with kisses light,
For feare of waking him, his lips bedewed,
And through his humid eyes did suck his spright’
Quite molten into lust and pleasure lewed;
Where with she sighed soft, as if his case she rewed. (Spencer The Faerie Queen, book 11,
canto x11, verse 73)
KNOW YOUR PREY Women predators are of varied types. There are: eggheads;
airheads; bimbos; serious; or lighthearted; shy; introverted and extraverted.. Don’t be deep
with an airhead or bimbo. Don’t be silly with an egghead, or serious type. Don’t be
morbid with a lighthearted type. These types have sub-categories. Some women predators
are just looking for a GOOD FUCK. There are gold diggers. There are those seeking to
feather their nest. There are those in search of image. And those in search of power. Those
looking for men and those looking for boys, snags, wimps, or in other words cow-men- the
domesticated type. There are those looking for ‘bad-boys’. Some women predators have
low self-esteem. Some are vain. Some are egotists. Some are sadists and some are
masochists Depending on which type you want, or are dealing with at any particular time
accommodate yourself to the type. Adopt the style or image of the type you want. If you
want a hippy don’t dress like a bikey, or punk. If you want a conservative don’t dress like a
hippy. Go to venues where the type your after hangs out. So how to get to first base. Well
if some bird is interested she will furtively look at you. So lookout for birds looking at you.
They think that you may have something they want. At a bar sit at the bar this allows the
bird who is interested to find a means to get near you so that a conversation may eventuate.
Also it allows you to ideally talk to birds who come to the bar in a non-threatening manner.
This ploy allows you to test the water in conversation. If the bird is willing to keep up a
conversation then you have caught her eye she sees something that fits in with what she
wants. But be careful she might be setting you up for a reason to get her boyfriend jealous.
So the moral is spend some time overviewing the place where you are at before you start
predatorying. Ascertain the couples ,the single birds ,the groups and just spend some time
seeing the lay of the land. Women predators in groups are hard to fuck because they don’t
want their fiends thinking that they may be sluts. Two women predators are easy if you
have a mate to keep the other bird busy. Women predators are like men they don’t like it
that they are missing out while their friend is getting it. So watch and see whose looking at
you. Watch and see who has a boyfriend. Look for two women predators who are just
standing their not talking this is a sure sigh that they may be interested in some one
approaching them. Avoid those women predators who are gas bagging these two are
probable out for a girls-night out and would be pissed off if they where intruded upon. So
there she is the one who has been looking at you standing next to you. So now what? (Take
note victims)
Women predators like talking about themselves so start out asking them questions about
themselves; in the appropriate speak. While you are doing this take note of what they say
and how they say it. Then tailor your replies to be in argument with what they are saying.
If after half an hour she has not asked you a question about yourself then don’t buy her a
drink because she is not interested. A women predators will only start asking you questions
about yourself if she perceives that you could be her type. The questions being the
screening process to see if you are. So note what she has said and fit in with this. The
moral is
the play ground, at home they learn how to be cunning. Just watch girls at play. Where
boys are into creating laws, or rules of the game to deal with male competition, girls play
upon emotions; they use psychology to get their way; where boys use rules. So the moral is
use their cunning against them. When they are screening you to see if you are what they
want then give them what they want. Take note a women predators spends the first five
minutes sizing you up; working out if your are her type. In this time she makes up her
mind whether she could fuck you. If she decides not to she will give you little attention, no
matter what you say it want work; don’t wast your time with this one they are two much
work. On the other hand if she could fuck you she will pay you attention in this case it will
not matter what you say you will be in. (Take note victims)
Give women predators what they want. There are those who are into power let them think
they have power over you. There are those who are into fawning men loll out your tongue
and wag your tail for her. All women predators are vain. Feed it. If her vanity is around
intelligence tell her how bright she is. If her vanity is around beauty tell her how beautiful
she is. If her vanity is around etc, etc. So find out what her self image is based upon and
use it. (Take note victims)
Now women predators are like moths they are attracted to the glare. So once you have
found out what she is into be a very good example of this. Namely if she is into
aromatherapy be an aromatherapist. If she is into philosophy you should either be a
lecturer in it or doing a Phd. If she is into music be a lead singer in a group which is her
taste in music. If she likes bikes then own the coolest bike she is into. If she is into football
then either play for her club or have something to do with it. If she is an environmentalist
then be a radical ‘ I have chained my self to a tree type’. If she is into hippies then have
the longest hair. If she is into American Indian spiritualty then be an American Indian
healer. I think you get my point. If you can do this then she will feel really proud of you in
front of her girlfriends. Take note it is very important what her girlfriends think as all girls
are in competition with each other. She will love to make her friends envious and stick it
to them that she has ‘glary’ fuck. And be assured once you are in the good books with her
friends if you break up with her you will probably score with them too. A fact of life is
most friends in a group will have fucked each other overtime. This is because women
predators tend to fuck within their groups than without. So if you can make fiends with
your women predators’s girl-friends you are made. You have a harem. So don’t be
despondent if she wants you as friend before she fucks you ,you will get to know her
friends and you are set. (Take note victims)
Spend some time finding out certain details. Ask her friends observe.
A sure way to size up your prey and lay out your method of attack is find out what pet she
has. It is interesting that pets say something about the psychology of their owners. One
very interesting fact is that humans as predators have generally predators as pets. The pet
a women predators has, and for that matter man as well, indicates what she is looking for
in her man at an unconscious level. It also say something about her own unconscious and
the type of bird she is. .A rule of thumb is cats are female and dogs are male. If she has a
dog then she is looking for a male male. If she has a rockwealer then she is looking for a
blokey bloke male. She is probably butch herself. If she has a male rockwealer then she is
looking for a muchismo, Tarzan male male. If she has a female rockwealer then she is
looking for a more moderate maley maley. On the other hand if she has a female poodle
then she is looking for a real girlie male. Now if she has a male cat then she is looking for
a male with female energy. If she has a female cat then she will probably find males too
male and be for ever pissed off at them; in this case follow the golden rule agree with and
elaborate upon her ideas. If she hates men then you likewise find fault with them. Use
your own imagination to ascertain what type of male her pet says she is looking for. Once
you have asked her that, then you now have a very good piece of information to exploit
with. Just become the male her pet represents and you are home an hose. (Take note
There four stages a women predators goes through. The twenties are into image. The
thirties are golddiggers; out to feather their nest’ to drop their eggs. The forties want their
loved ones around them. The fifties plus just want to be listened to.
To pull a bird in her twenties adopt an image which fits the type you want. Dress like a
hippy, punk, disco grover, conservative, yuppie, sports type etc. If you are unsure what
type she is don’t be fooled by her dress. Look at the men she hangs around with. Look at
what her boyfriend looks like this is a more certain indicator of what she is into than her
own dress. Adopt the dress of her men-friends. On this point if you cannot score strait
away try and become her friend. This really means being her girl friend. Listen with
attentive ear to her problems. Support her through her issues. Feed her vanity, her
narcissism. Get her to call you friend. For if a women predators calls you her friend it
basically means your in. For women predators only call some one a friend who they could
at a pinch fuck. Once you have a network of a women predators friends you will not be
short of a fuck. Women predators like to get their lays from their friends because women
predators are not very adventurous. If a women predators introduces someone as her friend
rest assured, she has fucked him, or wants to fuck him. Rest assured that if she wants a
fuck she will look for it amongst her fiends. So if you cannot fuck her within a short time
do spend some time being her friend. It will pay of. (Take note victims)
Now there are two types of twenty year olds. The first type wants to please mum. The
second type is out to shaft mum, upset mum, give mum the shits This is the rebel. The first
type looks for a cow-man, a nice clean cut lad. A tame domesticated type of male who
mum would really like. To pull this type look nice, do nice things, be a bit submissive,
passive and just down right ‘an all round good bloke’. Have a nice job. Do socially
acceptable things. To pull the second type be some one that mum would hate. Be a ‘bad
boy’ Being a ‘bad boy’ will shaft it to mum. The girl will love it that mum doesn’t like
you. She will relish in the fact that her mother is upset. To be this type is to be anti-social.
In the sixties they had long hair and smoked dope. In the seventies they had cropped hair
and pins in their noses. Musicians, bikes, artists, dole bulgers, ferals, etc are good
examples to draw upon. Women predators have looked to these type for ever to give mum
the shits. But as I said modify your approach to suite whether she is an egghead, bimbo etc.
Those girls who have low self esteem. Those who been told that they are no good, useless,
bad will tend to have boyfriends who reaffirm all the crap that they have been accused of.
Look at her boyfriend if he is an abuser, drunk, dickhead then if you want to fuck her
become like her boyfriend. The moral is girls/women predators tend to pick the same type
of male to fuck. So find out what type she has been fucking and become that type. (Take
note victims)
Women predators in their thirties are generally out to feather their nests. Around their
thirties women predators piss of the dickheads of their twenties and abondon what ever
idealisim that they may have had. So if you find yourself with a women predators
approacing her thirties, who has no kids, or stable long term enviroment watch out you
rbabley want lastr long. Women predators in their thirties are looking for someone to have
a family with or a long term relationship with. In other words they are golddiggers. Around
thirty women predators notice that they are loosing their charms ie their tits are getting
flabby, their arse is dropping and as such they cannot compete with the girlies any more.
At around thirty they get the urge to have babies, and need to built a nest. So at this age
you will find that they will not be fucking the males they fucked in their twenties. To some
degree the males they fuck now they would not have looked twice at in their twenties.
Around thirty those that rebelled are now moving closer to the values and ontology of their
parents. So if she is a working class golddigger she will be looking for a good stable
employed type. Self-employed tradesmen are good models to adopt to pull this nest
builder. If she is a middle class golddigger she will be looking for the small businessman
type but all her dreams will come true if she can find a professional ie accountant, lawyer,
doctor, naturopath, policeman, etc. Women predators in their thirties, and for that matter
all the goddigger tpyes are like female bower birds. Female bower birds pick their mate
based upon how substantial the male bower birds bower is. A male bower fills its nest with
all sorts of objects, objects which attract the female bower. The male bower bird with the
best bower gets the mates. Now in the human world of gold digging human feamal bower
birds the human male bower bird that attracts the atttention of the female is the one with a
ggod bower. In human terms a good bower comprises things the female bower values; for
some these such things are : fancy vehicle,; good cloths; a range of peripheral
commodities; and of course a good well paid job, such that you can keep the human female
bower in the life style that she thinks she is entitled too
;So you budding predatory take note of one fellow Homme Fatal:
But beware your prey may be not that dumb. For all your cunning and arseholery you may
find that you still end up her meal rather than her yours She may reply to all your
blandishemts with a sweet sigh, with a glint in her eye; just as:-
Up under dress my arse he pinched
One hand on tit the other caressed and softly clinched
"I love you !" he sighed
As he eased my gusset to one side
"I love you !" he sighed
As to the bed we did hurriedly glide
"I love you !" he sighed
As his jocks dropped by
And the condom upon his cock did slide.
How oft has the cock I lick been smeared in the mensus of some randy
How oft hast thou shafted some local town bike
With "I love you !" muffling her orgasmic delight
When thou sigh "it is only I thou love" with such passions fire
Is it me or my cunts sweet lips thou dost really desire
Are my tits thy mothers to hang off or do thy belong to I
Are you cunt struck or do you really love I
Dost thou think me some fool to melt and to swoon
At such words with soft croon
Enough of the crap lets go and spurt thy sap
Keep thy shit to get the next lay sprawled in thy lap. (Dean ‘Poisionous
Flowers’, Gamahucher Press, 1997.)