Assignment 2 5th Sem
Assignment 2 5th Sem
Assignment 2 5th Sem
Assignment 2
1. Assume steady-state, one-dimensional heat conduction through the
axisymmetric shape shown below. Assuming constant properties and no
internal heat generation, sketch the temperature distribution on T–x
coordinates. Briefly explain the shape of your curve.
a) Write an expression for the conduction heat rate, qx (𝑥). Use this
expression to determine the temperature distribution T(x) and
qualitatively sketch the distribution for T(0) > T(L).
b) Now consider conditions for which thermal energy is generated in the
rod at a volumetric rate 𝑞̇ = 𝑞̇ 0 𝑒 −𝑎𝑥 , where 𝑞̇ 0 is a constant. Obtain an
expression for qx (𝑥) when the left face (x = 0) is well insulated.
Heat and Mass Transfer
Assignment 2
a) On a unit surface area basis, determine the rate of heat transfer into
and out of the wall and the rate of change of energy stored by the
b) If the cold surface is exposed to a fluid at 100°C, what is the
convection coefficient?
10. A steam pipe is wrapped with insulation of inner and outer radii, 𝑟𝑖 and 𝑟𝑜 ,
respectively. At a particular instant the temperature distribution in the
insulation is known to be of the form 𝑇(𝑟) = 𝐶1 ln + 𝐶2 . Are conditions
steady-state or transient? How do the heat flux and heat rate vary with
11. For a long circular tube of inner and outer radii 𝑟1 and 𝑟2 , respectively,
uniform temperatures 𝑇1 and 𝑇2 are maintained at the inner and outer
surfaces, while thermal energy generation is occurring within the tube wall
(𝑟1 < r < 𝑟2 ). Consider steady-state conditions for which 𝑇1 < 𝑇2 . Is it
possible to maintain a linear radial temperature distribution in the wall? If
so, what special conditions must exist?
Heat and Mass Transfer
Assignment 2
12. Passage of an electric current through a long conducting rod of radius ri
and thermal conductivity kr results in uniform volumetric heating at a rate
of 𝑞̇ . The conducting rod is wrapped in an electrically nonconducting
cladding material of outer radius ro and thermal conductivity 𝑘𝑐 , and
convection cooling is provided by an adjoining fluid. For steady-state
conditions, write appropriate forms of the heat equations for the rod and
cladding. Express appropriate boundary conditions for the solution of these
a) Comment on the relative magnitudes of 𝑞2′′ and 𝑞3′′ , and of 𝑞3′′ and
𝑞4′′ .
b) Comment on the relative magnitudes of kA and kB, and of kB and kC.
c) Sketch the heat flux as a function of x.