Gta ArchRad Poster A2 05
Gta ArchRad Poster A2 05
Gta ArchRad Poster A2 05
The exhibition Cloud ’68—Paper Voice pays homage to the architecture
and thinking of European radical movements that flourished between the
1950s and 1970s producing a wide range of experimental expression.
Cloud ’68—Paper Voice spans two collections from that period, which
open up different readings of Radical Architecture. From the personal
collection of the Chilean architect Smiljan Radić, a selection of 173 graph-
ic pieces—lithographs, drawings, original etchings, and ephemera—will
show the horizon of meaning of the diverse architectural approaches
from those years: works by Constant Nieuwenhuys, Guy Debord, Asger
Jorn, Haus-Rucker-Co, Archigram, Utopie, and Superstudio, among oth-
ers, will meet in 33 panels that recall Aby Warburg’s Mnemosyne Atlas.
The second part of the exhibition comprises a series of 14 video record-
ings and transcriptions of interviews by the critic and curator Hans Ulrich
Obrist, who interviewed the protagonists of said architecture.
The exhibition has been curated by Smiljan Radić and Patricio Mardones
and will be presented for the first time at gta exhibitions, ETH Zurich on
the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the May ’68 Social Revolution.
The exhibition is supported by the Department of Architecture; Christian Kerez. Chair of Architecture and Design, ETH Zurich; Welti-Furrer Fine Art AG,
Fundación de Arquitectura Frágil, Consejo Nacional de la Cultura—Gobierno de Chile, Hunter Douglas, Chile; and the sponsoring partner of gta exhibitions:
Swiss Re, Ernst Schweizer AG and LUMA Foundation.