Use of Insar For Monitoring of Mining Deformations

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Use of InSAR for Monitoring of Mining Deformations

Andrew Jarosz(1) and Dieter Wanke(2)

Curtin University of Technology, Western Australian School of Mines, Mine Surveying Program,
Locked Bag 22, Kalgoorlie, WA 6433, Australia,


The reports of current research, on the use of InSAR technology for monitoring seismic events such as earthquakes and
ice motion, validate the application of InSAR for the determination of mining induced surface deformation. Most inves-
tigations confirm high reliability of results from satellite interferometry. The climate conditions of Western Australia
(dry, cloudless weather, minimal rainfalls) are conducive to provide very reliable InSAR interferograms. It is hoped that
this technology can be applied for monitoring of surface deformations, especially in a vicinity of open pit mines, indi-
cating their slope stability. This paper presents the initial results of the research project carried by WASM Mine Survey-
ing Program and supported by the WA mining industry and European Space Agency (ESA, Project Category 1:1123).


Surface deformations and slope stability are very important issues to the open pit mining industry. Slope and batter in-
stability can be a potential source of danger for people and equipment. It may also disrupt mine scheduling and increase
the cost of mining production ([10], [6], [1]). Surface subsidence, which occurs above underground mining and in areas
adjacent to open pit operations, may affect buildings and other man made structures. The effective prediction and man-
agement of mining induced deformations of ground surface should be a key concern for the mining industry.
Existing stability monitoring systems in open pit mining can be divided into two categories, namely, surveying tech-
niques and geotechnical methods ([3], [14], [1]).
Surveying techniques can be used to determine the absolute positions and positional changes of any point on the sur-
face. When using survey techniques, survey instruments such as levels, theodolites, total stations, GPS receivers and
photogrammetric cameras are usually utilised to collect data. Surface deformation monitoring systems employ a level-
ling line or mesh of points to establish vertical movement. Currently, highly accurate total stations and GPS systems are
favoured for their ability to determine all three spatial coordinates (X, Y, Z). Post-processing techniques can determine
the positions of surveyed targets, in relation to a stable references, and further, determine their movements by compar-
ing positions from at least two different surveys.
Geotechnical monitoring methods usually employ specialised instrumentation to measure deformation or displacement
over a relatively short measurement base. Common geotechnical instrumentations used in slope stability deformation
surveys include ([3], [8], [9]): crack measuring pins, extensometers, inclinometers, piezometers, tilt-meters and micro-
seismic geophones.
Surveying and geotechnical monitoring systems are usually established in areas where the likelihood of deformation is
very high. The main advantage of the conventional monitoring techniques used for deformation control is the high accu-
racy of measurements. However, the major disadvantages are a complicated and costly instrumentation, high influence
of field and weather conditions, discrete character of observations and high cost of frequent surveys.
In the resent years the satellite based remote sensing technologies have been utilised for deformation monitoring. Of the
special interest is the method employing a space borne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) system. This method combined
with comparative processing of space radar scans (InSAR) is able to detect relatively small movements (of sub-
centimetre magnitude) occurring on the earth’s surface. So far, the method was utilized to monitor large-scale geomor-
phological processes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and deformation and glacier movements. Initial research was
conducted, to utilize this method to monitor vertical deformations in coalfield areas. The Mine Surveying Program at
WASM initiated a research project that investigates the applicability of the Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry
(InSAR) to determine surface deformations induced by open pit and underground metalliferous mining operations, so
called hard rock operations. Implementing differential interferometry for monitoring of mining deformations could pro-
vide better, continuous coverage. This should lead to determination of more precise deformation models of rock strata
and in effect, increase the safety margins of mining operations. Monitoring of changes in pit depths, heights of stock-
piles and waste dumps, and levels of tailing dumps may provide additional important production data.


The modern open pit and underground mining operations usually have significant areas of extent. They can also influ-
ence relatively large portions of terrain adjacent to the crest of an open pit or above longwall or room-and-pillar extrac-
tion areas. The significant extent of mining operations is an important factor that suggests that InSAR based subsidence-
monitoring techniques may be applicable.
Initial research efforts have focused on the application of InSAR for monitoring of mining induced subsidence over the
coalfields ([13], [11]). The research suggests that the method can produce valuable and accurate results. In the report
by [13] authors conclude, “… Mining subsidence can be detected using 35 day repeat SAR data and SAR interferome-
try techniques, and that this subsidence can be measured at the very least to an accuracy of few centimetres. However,
there would appear to be a central dilemma in applying this technique. A balance needs to be found between a usable
temporal separation between images (in terms of interferogram coherence) and allowing a suitable length of time to
lapse for measurable amount of subsidence to occur.”
Taking the above into account and very favourable weather and ground conditions of Western Australia, it seems rea-
sonable to assume that InSAR technology may be successfully used for deformation (subsidence) monitoring inside and
in the vicinity of large open pit mining operations (Fig.1). The results of InSAR processing may indicate early ground
movement of pit walls and prompt more detailed monitoring (using classical surveying or geotechnical methods) or
other actions preventing loss of life and equipment due to wall failure.

Figure 1: Large surface deformations next to an open pit mine.


At the start of 2002 the Mine Surveying Program of WASM (Curtin University) was able to obtain some industrial sup-
port for “pre-feasibility” study focused on application of InSAR for monitoring of subsidence in the vicinity of large
open pit operations. The project also gained support from European Space Agency (ESA) and is classified as a Project
Category 1 (1123), that provides discounted prices for satellite radar imaginary. Three test sites have been chosen for

Jarosz A. and D. Wanke Page 2 ESA-Fringe2003

initial InSAR processing. The primary focus of the research was the Leinster (WA) site with further studies at Kalgoor-
lie (WA) and Eastern Pilbara region (optional).
The selection of the primary test site was determined by the existence of large-scale surface deformations in the prox-
imity of its open pit. The large surface deformations (subsidence) are caused by underground extraction (using a sub-
level caving method) of an ore-body that has followed the open pit phase of mining. Also, an important factor in choos-
ing the test site is the availability of deformation monitoring data that has been collected using classical survey and GPS
methods. Existence of such data will provide a reference base for assessment of results obtained from InSAR.


A search of an ESA On-Line Catalogue (EOLI from for available interferometry data for the
Leinster region produced the following results that could be used for this project.

No. Frame Orbit Baseline Satellite Date
1 4164 22650 0 ERS1 1995-11-14
2 4164 2977 515 ERS2 1995-11-15
3 4164 8488 318 ERS2 1996-12-04
4 4164 9991 -199 ERS2 1997-03-19
5 4164 34039 ? ERS2 2001-10-24
6 4164 35041 630 ERS2 2002-01-02

The usefulness of data was determined on the bases of date (in relation to development of deformations), satellite base-
line and weather conditions. However, the quality of the above data and the baselines significantly reduced the number
of scenes that were utilised for DinSAR processing. Particularly, the tandem pair from November 1995 (No.1 and 2)
and one 490-day repeat (No. 4) were used for processing and were bases of the preliminary results. Unfortunately, these
results could not include any significant deformations as the extensive underground mining extraction started in 1997.
Due to data acquisition problems researchers were not able to obtain any new scenes during 2002.

The archival data sets were extended by data from newly planned missions between December 2002 and April 2003.
The planned missions are listed in Table 2. The SLC frames for these missions were provided by ACRES (Australian
Centre for Remote Sensing) after consultation and ESA approval.

No. Frame Orbit Baseline Satellite Date
7 4164 40051 ERS2 2002-12-18
8 4164 40552 ERS2 2003-01-22
9 4164 41053 0 ERS2 2003-02-26
10 4164 41554 65 ERS2 2003-04-02

After collection of data it was realised that the baselines for different combinations of scenes from the above series were
characterised by relatively large values (above 600m). Only one combination (Feb2003 – April2003) yielded successful
differential interferogram representing mining related deformations.


After reviewing the available software for InSAR processing it was decided that DORIS InSAR Processor developed by
the Delft Institute for Earth-Oriented Space Research (DEOS), Delft University of Technology [7] was to be used in the
initial phase of this project. DORIS is free software (for non-commercial scientific purpose) that runs on UNIX/Linux
platforms. It can generate interferometric products and end-products from Single Look Complex radar data provided by
ESA. Scenes generated by ERS1, ERS2 and Envisat satellites can be processed.
Interferogram unwrapping was performed using the SNAPHU software developed by Curtis W. Chen [2] and integrated
as module with DORIS.
GRASS free GIS software was used for data integration and visualization (

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The tandem pair of ERS SLC satellite radar images from 14/15 November 1995 with a base of 515 m were used to gen-
erate the reference interferogram that includes topographical effects only. It is assumed that it has not included any ef-
fects of deformations as the underground mining had just started. The topography interferogram was compared with 9”
DEM obtained from Geoscience Australia yielding good correlation results.
The 490 day repeat interferogram was generated using scenes from 14-November-1995 and 19-March-1997 with a
baseline of -199 m. A small section of the interferogram is presented in Fig. 2. The presented area is limited to the vi-
cinity of Leinster mining operation. The data was filtered and multi-look processed to improve phase statistics. The in-
terferogram has horizontal resolution at the ground level of about 20 m.
The initial review of the results suggests very good coherency between both SLC images despite the very long time
base (490 days). This suggests that Western Australian conditions are ideal for long-term interferometry analysis and
the InSAR technology should be able to detect the long-term and slow ground movements.
The interferogram, itself, does not yield any conclusive results, as there was minimal subsidence movement during the
investigated period. Underground mining was initiated at the end of 1996 and any meaningful subsidence results were
detected (using classical surveying methods) in the second half of 1997.

a) Coherence b) Interferogram (with topo)

Figure 2: Interferogram of Leinster area.

The further investigation based on 2002 – 2003 datasets (No. 9 and 10) is showing significant subsidences inside the ac-
tive mining operation. A small section of coherence and unwrapped interferogram is shown in Fig. 3 and 4. The pre-
sented area is limited to the vicinity of Leinster mining operation. The data was filtered and multi-look processed to im-
prove phase statistics. The interferogram has horizontal resolution at the ground level of about 20 m.

It has to be realised that no initial knowledge of baselines was available before processing of the four planned missions
from 2002 – 2003. Therefore, only one pair with suitable baseline was able to co-register. This baseline had a distance
of 65m, when all other combinations were larger than 600m. It will be an advantage to have knowledge about the base-
line parameter on planning stage to minimize acquisition of unsuitable data.

Jarosz A. and D. Wanke Page 4 ESA-Fringe2003

a) Coherence b) Unwarped interferogram (deformation)
Figure 3: Coherence and Interferogram of Leinster area.

Figure 4: NVIZ (GRASS) 3D representation of mining subsidence


InSAR can play an important role as an initial method allowing to determine the subsidence active area and further plan
for other monitoring methods employing usually “classical” surveying techniques. It can be also used as complementary
method providing accurate monitoring of vertical component of rock strata movements.

The real production environment requires significant improvement of consistency of InSAR raw data before they can be
used for real time deformation monitoring. From the planned and obtained four data sets only one combination was util-
ised. Others had baselines that were too large for interferometric processing.

Jarosz A. and D. Wanke Page 5 ESA-Fringe2003


The European Space Agency's (ESA) ERS-1 and ERS-2 satellite(s) have been used to collect the interferometry data.
The data were obtained as a part of ESA Cat-1 Project (No.1123).
The interferometry processing in this project was performed using the freely available Doris software, developed by the
Delft Institute for Earth-Oriented Space Research (DEOS), Delft University of Technology
Data integration and georeferencing were performed using the GRASS the free GIS software


1. Bromhead, E. N., (1992) The Stability of Slopes, Blackie Academic & Professional, 2 ed., London, UK, pp. 1-
2. Chen C. W. and H. A. Zebker, (2002) Phase unwrapping for large SAR interferograms: Statistical segmenta-
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10. Lilly, P., Xu, D. and Walker, P., (2000) Stability and Risk Assessment of Pit Walls at GHP Iron Ore’s Mt
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tralia, [CD-ROM], pages unavailable.
11. Perski, Z., Krawczyk, A., (2000) Application of Satellite Radar Interferometry on the Areas of Underground
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12. Rihaczek, A. W., Hershkowitz, S. J., (1996) Radar Resolution and Complex-Image Analysis, Artech House,
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