CO OP Final - Publication
CO OP Final - Publication
CO OP Final - Publication
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Abstract Keywords
Introduction: Children diagnosed with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) present Goal based, group, motor impairment,
with a variety of impairments in fine and gross motor function, which impact on their activity therapy
and participation in a variety of settings. This research aimed to determine if a 10-week group-
based Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) intervention improved History
outcome measures across the impairment, activity and participation levels of the International
Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) framework. Methods: In this quasi- Received 5 November 2014
experimental, pre–post-test, 20 male children aged 8–10 years (x9y1m ± 9 m) with a confirmed Revised 23 June 2015
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diagnosis of DCD participated in either the 10 week group intervention based on the CO-OP Accepted 4 July 2015
framework (n ¼ 10) or in a control period of regular activity for 10 weeks (n ¼ 10). Outcome Published online 27 July 2015
measures relating to impairment (MABC-2, motor overflow assessment), activity (Handwriting
Speed Test) and participation [Canadian Occupational Performance Measure, (COPM) and Goal
Attainment Scale) were measured at weeks 0 and 10 in the intervention group. Results: Children
who participated in the CO-OP intervention displayed improvements in outcome measures for
impairment, activity and participation, particularly a reduction in severity of motor overflow.
Parent and child performance and satisfaction ratings on the COPM improved from baseline to
week 10 and all goals were achieved at or above the expected outcome. No significant changes
were reported for the control group in impairment and activity (participation was not measured
for this group). Conclusion: The strategies implemented by children in the CO-OP treatment
group, targeted towards individualised goal attainment, show that CO-OP, when run in a group
environment, can lead to improvements across all levels of the ICF.
Occupational Performance (CO-OP) is one such approach the term used throughout this paper and the type of motor
developed for children with DCD, which uses cognitive-based overflow that will be the central focus of this work is contralateral
strategies to improve performance of specific tasks based on child motor overflow, which refers to movements on one side of the
chosen goals. From a motor learning and control perspective, the body while the opposite performs a voluntary movement [24].
theoretical framework for CO-OP is based upon the proposition Considering children with DCD display more pronounced motor
that motor learning is a process of solving movement problems, overflow than children of the same age [25], it is possible that
originally proposed by Bernstein [6]. Further developed by motor overflow could consequently be one of the contributing
Thelen [7], and now known as the dynamic systems theory, it factors toward delayed motor development and reduced fine and
suggests that musculoskeletal, neurological and cognitive systems gross motor proficiency in children with DCD.
all interact with the performance of a task. To facilitate motor While traditionally, intervention methods have focused on the
learning, factors relating to each system must adapt to the task impairment level of the ICF in children with DCD [18], there has
required. CO-OP intervention requires the child to generate been no research investigating whether interventions such as CO-
several alternative ways of ‘‘solving’’ the movement problems to OP, can successfully integrate dynamic neurological, musculo-
overcome these barriers to motor learning and, through guided skeletal and cognitive systems to facilitate improvements in
discovery, determine the most effective solutions to their move- impairments such as motor overflow, and fine and gross motor
ment problems [8]. coordination. In addition, if CO-OP intervention results in
Several studies have found CO-OP to be a successful approach improvements in these impairments, this may benefit outcomes
to learn, maintain and transfer strategies related to the perform- at the activity and participation levels of the ICF. Therefore, this
ance of fine motor skills such as handwriting and cutting, as well research aims to establish if a 10-week group-based intervention
as gross motor skill such as running and basketball shooting, in program, using the CO-OP framework, aids in the improvement of
Disabil Rehabil Downloaded from by on 07/27/15
children with DCD aged 7–12 years [9–12]. To date this outcomes associated with impairment, activity and participation
intervention has been shown to be effective in improving motor levels in children with DCD. It was hypothesised that improve-
performance in individuals and also in a group environment. ment would be seen across outcomes associated with fine and
Given that children with DCD present with fine and gross motor gross motor impairment, motor overflow, performance of
impairments, activity limitations and participation restrictions, activities and participation following the intervention period.
focusing on improving performance through interventions such as
CO-OP, is a vital progression in understanding this disorder. Methods
Using the World Health Organisation’s International
Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) [13] Participants
framework allows for a holistic approach to evaluating treatment
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Table 2. Outcome measures used at week 0 and 10 across the ICF domains of impairment, activity and participation.
Goal Setting system (PEGS) [20] (Table 1). Each group session All 20 participants completed impairment and activity out-
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was conducted once a week for approximately 1 h in duration, come measures, with the CO-OP group also completing additional
along with 15 min/day of home activities, and run by two measures of participation, prior to and at the conclusion of the 10-
Occupational Therapists trained and experienced in the use of week intervention. All outcome measures were completed with an
the CO-OP intervention. Both therapists were blinded to the independent therapist blinded to intervention status. Each out-
specific outcome measures of the study but were aware of the come measure and its domain within the ICF framework is
children’s goals. All children involved in the intervention outlined in Table 2. Parents of children allocated to the CO-OP
program were required to have a minimum of two fine motor group also completed a satisfaction survey at the completion of
related goals for inclusion in this study. All children identified the 10-week intervention period.
fine motor goals of handwriting speed and legibility, other fine
motor goals included using scissors and cutlery appropriately.
Sessions were focused on the global problem solving strategy,
described as the Goal-Plan-Do-Check method [26], to create Contralateral motor overflow was quantified in the inactive non-
strategies to improve the child’s functional performance and goal dominant hand while the dominant hand executed three upper
achievement. The group program was developed to address at limb movement assessment tasks; finger sequencing, clip
least 2–3 goals for each child and was themed as a Police pinching and the pegboard task, before and after the intervention
Detective Club. The therapists used a Police Detective puppet to period. All tasks were selected due to their use in previous
introduce the ‘‘Goal-Plan-Do-Check’’ strategy to help solve research into motor overflow [21,22,27]. Movements pertaining to
(performance) problems. Goal is the task that the child wishes to motor overflow, quantified as range of motion about the inactive
perform (e.g. handwriting). Plan refers to how the child will limb, were collected via three-dimensional motion analysis
tackle the goal (involving specific strategies). Do refers to the using a twelve camera Vicon MX system (Oxford Metrics,
performance of the task, requiring the child to practice. Check is Oxford, UK) capturing at 250 Hz. Thirty-eight, 15 mm diameter,
the child’s evaluation of the strategies employed and whether retro-reflective markers were affixed to the body, in accordance to
they were successful [26]. During each session, children were the UWA Upper Limb Assessment Protocol [28].
encouraged to develop and modify individual plans to achieve Contralateral motor overflow was also measured using gloves
their identified goals and then perform the do and check tasks as equipped with flex sensors, to detect movement of the non-
a group to decide which strategies were successful and which dominant inactive hand, during the finger sequencing task. This
were not. While children worked on common goals throughout movement was measured as mean amplitude of displacement of
the sessions, the level of difficulty was graded to meet the needs each finger of the inactive hand. To standardise the timing of
of the individual child. Children allocated to the control group finger sequencing between participants, a metronome was set at
received no intervention, and were encouraged to participate in 50 bpm, with participants instructed to tap their thumb to each
activities as they normally would for the duration of the 10-week finger in time with the metronome and complete five sequences of
period. Due to time and funding restrictions, it was not possible the task at this speed. Data were collected at 100 Hz during the
for children within the control group to be offered the CO-OP finger sequencing task, using LabView Signal Express for DAQ
intervention at the conclusion of the 10 weeks and instead, they software (LabView, National Instruments, Austin, TX) and
were offered access to a remedial movement program run by the processed using customised MATLAB script (MATLAB, The
coordinating institution. MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA).
4 A. Thornton et al. Disabil Rehabil, Early Online: 1–8
The MABC-2 [29] was administered by a trained movement finger sequencing task, significant differences were seen
specialist blinded to the individual’s group allocation and used to between groups for range of motion about the shoulder during
determine movement proficiency prior to and at the conclusion of abduction/adduction (Z ¼ 3.78, p ¼ 0.001), at the elbow in
the CO-OP intervention. Test–retest reliability for this assessment flexion/extension (Z ¼ 3.55, p ¼ 0.001) and pronation/
is reported to be 0.80 [29]. supination (Z ¼ 3.38, p ¼ 0.001) and wrist abduction/adduction
(Z ¼ 3.59, p ¼ 0.001), with the intervention group displaying
Activity and participation lower range of motion than the control group in all instances.
For the clip pinching task, range of motion was significantly
The PEGS [20], a tool used to set and prioritise goals, was
lower in the intervention group at week 10 than the control
administered by an occupational therapist independent to the
group at the shoulder in flexion/extension (Z ¼ 2.86, p ¼ 0.004)
study, as a process that would provide participants with the
and internal/external rotation (Z ¼ 3.02, p ¼ 0.003) and at
opportunity to reflect on their strengths and abilities for daily
the elbow for flexion/extension (Z ¼ 3.02, p ¼ 0.003) and
tasks in the school, home and community settings and to establish
pronation/supination (Z ¼ 3.10, p ¼ 0.002). No differences
goals for the intervention period. The top four tasks each child
were noted between groups at week 10 for the pegboard task.
chose as a result of the PEGS were used as prompts for both the
Within group comparisons of motor overflow in the inactive
child and parent to identify occupational performance problems
non-dominant limb (Table 3), demonstrated no significant
on the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM)
differences in range of motion at any joint across all tasks over
[30]. As all children identified handwriting as a primary goal, the
the control period. During the finger sequencing task, range of
Handwriting Speed Test (HST) was used as an outcome measure
motion decreased at week 10 in the intervention group for wrist
of activity with the outcome of handwriting speed and legibility
abduction/adduction (Z ¼ 2.80, p ¼ 0.005), with thorax lateral
Disabil Rehabil Downloaded from by on 07/27/15
Control CO-OP
Segment Movement Week 0 Week 10 Z p CO-OP Week 0 CO-OP Week 10 Z p
Finger sequence
Thorax Flex/Ext 5.63 (4.86) 6.17 (2.70) 1.274 0.203 6.11 (5.30) 4.25 (4.63) 0.255 0.799
Lat Flex 3.46 (1.67) 4.15 (1.76) 0.764 0.445 3.82 (1.53) 1.42 (3.25) 2.599 0.009
Rot 5.64 (6.29) 6.40 (6.50) 0.459 0.646 3.50 (.87) 0.81 (2.40) 2.803 0.005*
Shoulder Flex/Ext 30.58 (27.95) 28.95 (17.14) 0.357 0.721 25.88 (20.02) 16.78 (5.42) 1.478 0.139
Abd/Add 27.47 (8.68) 54.27 (13.10) 0.051 0.959 22.32 (6.60) 15.30# (10.92) 2.701 0.007
Int/Ext Rot 30.02 (25.02) 28.05 (16.09) 0.153 0.878 29.31 (21.03) 24.82 (5.08) 1.886 0.059
Elbow Flex/Ext 10.91 (2.42) 15.57 (10.98) 1.183 0.237 11.02 (9.96) 8.31# (8.41) 2.666 0.008
Pro/Sup 14.14 (9.74) 16.81 (7.63) 0.000 1.00 14.33 (6.89) 8.57# (3.46) 2.666 0.008
Wrist Flex/Ext 20.90 (10.48) 18.81 (10.14) 0.420 0.674 25.13 (16.14) 14.86 (7.67) 1.274 0.203
Abd/Add 11.78 (11.37) 13.03 (6.47) 0.140 0.889 15.19 (11.20) 6.22# (10.91) 2.803 0.005*
Clip pinch
Thorax Flex/Ext 8.39 (4.73) 9.11 (4.35) 0.357 0.721 9.86 (5.23) 2.97 (8.07) 2.701 0.007
Lat Flex 6.01 (2.49) 5.88 (1.63) 0.459 0.646 5.63 (1.53) 2.08 (1.63) 2.395 0.017
Rot 9.43 (5.97) 9.94 (6.44) 0.153 0.878 10.31 (6.51) 1.75 (8.06) 2.395 0.017
Shoulder Flex/Ext 11.50 (6.32) 12.56 (8.38) .059 0.953 11.11 (5.82) 6.25# (3.42) 2.547 0.011
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Abd/Add 11.50 (5.99) 13.63 (8.96) 0.178 0.859 13.44 (7.98) 8.67 (5.90) 1.955 0.051
Int/Ext Rot 19.82 (18.66) 19.15 (14.31) 0.533 0.594 22.25 (18.89) 4.10# (14.12) 2.310 0.021
Elbow Flex/Ext 22.22 (31.04) 16.95 (14.11) 0.415 0.678 23.77 (32.26) 6.86# (3.80) 2.310 0.021
Pro/Sup 33.68 (39.44) 26.51 (9.01) 0.770 0.441 36.41 (43.01) 21.57# (19.34) 2.599 0.011
Wrist Flex/Ext 19.55 (14.55) 15.54 (12.57) 1.070 0.285 17.91 (13.72) 3.55 (13.33) 1.886 0.059
Abd/Add 13.16 (10.50) 10.50 (10.92) 0.968 0.333 12.17 (9.84) 1.28 (10.47) 1.784 0.074
Thorax Flex/Ext 7.57 (2.17) 11.53 (9.57) 0.051 0.959 6.88 (4.93) 4.07 (10.07) 2.803 0.005*
Lat Flex 9.18 (2.70) 6.19 (5.36) 1.274 0.203 6.38 (2.82) 4.19 (5.41) 2.803 0.005*
Rot 10.86 (1.91) 9.25 (6.12) 0.153 0.878 8.13 (2.94) 4.62 (3.13) 2.701 0.007
Shoulder Flex/Ext 7.17 (3.86) 7.49 (8.33) 1.836 0.066 14.22 (13.45) 7.64 (8.16) 2.380 0.017
Abd/Add 10.70 (5.17) 19.37 (16.80) 1.362 0.173 13.67 (8.21) 25.98 (16.32) 1.120 0.263
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Int/Ext Rot 13.44 (6.28) 17.38 (5.29) 0.77 0.441 18.71 (12.16) 11.07 (9.12) 2.380 0.017
Elbow Flex/Ext 13.69 (9.00) 15.63 (9.54) 1.836 0.066 20.34 (18.39) 10.13 (6.50) 2.100 0.036
Pro/Sup 17.57 (8.24) 10.51 (13.39) 1.007 0.314 19.56 (7.19) 9.11 (7.09) 2.521 0.012
Wrist Flex/Ext 14.77 (7.26) 7.26 (3.21) 0.357 0.721 15.93 (3.21) 7.48 (4.03) .561 0.575
Abd/Add 7.59 (3.71) 4.71 (9.15) 1.682 0.093 12.63 (10.92) 2.87 (10.85) 2.803 0.005*
Flex/Ext, flexion/extension angle, Lat Flex, lateral flexion angle, Rot, rotation angle, Abd/Add, abduction/adduction angle, Int/Ext Rot, internal/
external rotation angle, Pro/Sup, pronation/supination angle.
Table 4. Mean (SD) amplitude of the inactive fingers at 0 and 10 weeks in the control and CO-OP groups.
Control CO-OP
Week 0 Week 10 Z p Week 0 Week 10 Z p
Finger 1 3.41 (1.29) 3.95 (0.54) 1.59 0.112 3.59 (0.21) 3.87 (0.21) 2.52 0.012
Finger 2 3.65 (0.51) 3.88 (0.51) 2.32 0.020 3.57 (0.27) 3.84 (0.27) 2.52 0.012
Finger 3 3.77 (0.61) 4.01 (0.63) 2.32 0.020 3.68 (0.32) 3.95 (0.32) 2.52 0.012
Finger 4 3.73 (0.67) 3.97 (0.66) 2.32 0.020 3.66 (0.37) 3.94 (0.32) 2.52 0.012
clinically significant changes of two points or greater in both participated in the CO-OP intervention, with no change demon-
areas. All children in the CO-OP group showed improvement in strated by the control group. These results suggest that CO-OP
GAS scores from week 0 to week 10, with mean achieved scores intervention has aided the suppression of motor overflow in the
(x64.30, ± 9.66) at week 10 significantly higher than baseline more proximal segments of the body. This is a promising finding,
scores (x40.80, ± 13.71) at week 0 (t(9) ¼ 5.27, p ¼ 0.001). given that previous research into the suppression of motor
overflow in children with DCD found no improvement over an 8-
week training period [35]. This previous intervention program
focused on the specific task of running, with an emphasis on
This research aimed to determine if CO-OP intervention approach correcting inefficient movement patterns to decrease impairment.
facilitated improvements across levels of the ICF framework in This is different to the CO-OP approach, where the focus is
children with DCD. Consistent with our hypothesis, children who on utilising a global problem solving method to improve
undertook the 10 week intervention program experienced task performance, rather than concentrating directly on the
improvements in impairment, activity and participation. impairments that limit task performance. Evidence suggests
In terms of impairment, levels of motor overflow (measured by intervention protocols that make use of global problem solving
range of motion of the inactive limb) decreased in children who training strategies are an effective way of remediating
6 A. Thornton et al. Disabil Rehabil, Early Online: 1–8
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