Ser Item Description Material Qty Cost
Ser Item Description Material Qty Cost
Ser Item Description Material Qty Cost
1. Wall Cabinet fitting and fixing 3mm thick Plain Metal MS square 1112 Sq. ft
16 in Depth, Sheet, 8 mm thick transparent Glass 16" Bar,
8 ft height depth and Duco/ heat Paint over primer Metal Sheet,
coat, putty, racking out joints fixed with 8 mm Glass
18mm square MS solid bar cabinet etc.
all completed as per design.
2. Counter display fitting and fixing 8 mm thick transparent 18 mm Ply/ 15 Pcs
10 ft x 3 ft Glass on 3’ depth Counter table made MDF,2x2
of 18mm MDF board with 2x2 ft Wooden
wooden frame section and Duco Paint frame, 6 mm
over primer coat, putty, racking out Glass
joints etc. all completed as per design.
3. Display Panel LED display panel - 3 Nos
4. Seating Wooden section with Foam and Artificial 20 Nos
Arrangements artificial leather cushion over 2x2 inch Leather
MS box frame as per design Cushion with
MS frame
5. AC Cassette type as per design (per unit 3
6. Fan 56 inch Ceiling fan 10 Nos
7. AC Duct cover 2mm Metal Sheet U type duct cover as Metal Sheet 180 ft
per design
8. Floor tiles 24 inch x 24 inch Ceramic/ Marble floor Marble Floor area
9. Water fixtures As per requirement including Water - -
fountain and fittings
10. Electric works LED focus lights, Strip lights for - -
decorating purpose, Under water lights,
Floor focus lights, Wall mounted LED
lights, Ceiling mounted LED panel lights
and focus lights with wiring, installation,
switch boards and other electric
11. Labor cost - - -
12. Transportation - - -