Allocation of Remote Controlled Switches
Allocation of Remote Controlled Switches
Allocation of Remote Controlled Switches
Paper 1228
Reliability, as a measure of quality of supply of the DISTRIBUTION NETWORK PLANNING
customers, is one of the most important criteria in medium
voltage distribution network planning. This paper Objective of long-term medium voltage distribution
provides description of reliability analyses based on network planning is a provision of an adequate investment
application of the exact continuity of supply indicators plan that takes into account following analyses [2]:
related to expected values of the number (SAIFI) and
duration (SAIDI) of power supply interruptions. For three 1. Safety analysis – minimal investments in terms of
defined zones (urban, mixed and rural) quality standards, current load and voltage drop,
defined as maximum acceptable values in specific sections 2. (N-1) criterion analysis – investments due to
of the network, are applied. When defining the quality (N-1) criterion analysis of availability of
standards, both the values achieved in more developed distribution network,
countries, as well as realistic goals influenced by the 3. (N-1) criterion analysis with distributed
current status of Croatian networks, have to be taken into generation – investments due to (N-1) criterion of
account. Taking into consideration relatively high availability of distribution network including the
requirements regarding the input data, the applied contribution of distributed generation,
methodology is limited to the most important indicators: 4. Reliability analysis – investments to provide
the average number and the average duration of long continuity of supply standards to customers, and
power supply interruptions by the network user. Finally, 5. Economic assessment – investments that are
the economic assessment of investments is provided based economically justified.
on the benefit/cost ratio methodology.
INTRODUCTION Three groups of continuity of supply standards for long
Reliability as a measure of quality of supply of the interruptions (longer than 3 minutes) are used for this
customers is one of the most important criteria in medium analysis. Continuity of supply standards are defined as:
voltage distribution network planning. Improvement in guaranteed standards (GS), setting maximal accepted
reliability does not only increase customer satisfaction, but values for a single customer, and overall standards (OS),
,can also bring reduction in costs related to power failures setting maximal acceptable average values by specified
[1]. Installation of remote controlled switches (RCS) has parts of the network. Both types of standards are referring
been proven as one of the most effective ways to improve to annual values of SAIDI (system average interruption
distribution network reliability. Three main functionalities duration index) and SAIFI (system average interruption
of these devices include: isolation of failed components
and faults, reconfiguration of the network and system frequency index) within three quality of supply zones:
reliability. urban (1), suburban (2) and rural (3), as shown in Table 1.
Spatial distribution of these zones is shown in Figure 1.
This paper provides brief explanation and application of a
methodology used for allocation of RCS as a part of the Table 1 Continuity of supply criteria and defined standard
medium voltage distribution network planning. This levels
methodology takes into account both technical and Quality of supply
economic aspects of distribution system automation. Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3
First part gives an overview of the methodology of SAIDI 120 240 360
distribution network planning, with special emphasis on SAIFI 2 4 8
applied reliability analysis and quality of supply criteria.
SAIDI 180 360 540
Following, the methodology for allocation and dynamics GS
of installation of RCS is described, as well as guidelines SAIFI 6 12 24
for installation of RCS depending on the type of feeders in
the network. In the end, an example study for allocation of
RCS in the Elektra Vinkovci, distribution network area in
eastern part of Croatia. is provided.
Paper 1228
Figure 1: Quality of supply zones: urban (blue), suburban Dynamics of installation of RCS is chosen on the basis of
(red) and rural (orange) economic analysis using benefit/cost methodology:
Adequate continuity of supply analysis requires a lot of • in terms of reducing the cost of energy not
accurate data on technical characteristics of the network supplied, or
and operating events during the period of several years: • in terms of reducing the fees and/or penalties for
not providing the defined level of continuity of
• medium voltage network model for load flow supply.
and voltage drop analyses
• very accurate load model and number of Guidelines for installation of RCS depending on the type
customers per 10(20)/0,4 kV substation of feeders:
• correct or average data on frequency of
interruptions and time of restoration of supply: • combined cable and overhead feeders (loop or
o frequency of long interruptions on radial): one RCS for isolation of overhead part of
overhead lines (0,14/km/year) and on the feeder from the cable part,
cable lines (0,07/km/year) • long and/or more loaded radial feeders: one (or
o average time of restoration of supply: more) RCS for isolation of the part of the network
by remotely controllable devices connected with the fault,
(10 min) and by manually operating • loop feeders: three or more RCS on two
devices (60 min) interconnected feeders with following
o time required to repair failure: on requirements
overhead lines (300 min), o the maximum part of the network
on cable lines (960 min) foreseen to be supplied by the
neighbouring connecting feeder
METHODOLOGY FOR ALLOCATION OF (reconfiguration of the network) is
REMOTE CONTROLLED SWITCHES determined based on the power flow
analysis for peak load condition,
There are two main obstacles to achieving required
o may require combining with the
continuity of supply levels [3]:
investments in 10(20) kV network (new
connecting lines or increase of cross-
• technical limitations in the network (e.g. high sections of existing lines, new lateral
loads of lines and hence low capacity margin for lines, 20/10 kV transformation),
backup supply of neighboring feeders), and, o possibility of installation of more than 3
• deficiency of RCS in the network which should RCS (higher loads and/or longer
enable efficient isolation of a smallest possible feeders).
share of the network connected with the fault.
Paper 1228
Paper 1228
Cost [€]
cost/benefit analysis is static, because it only takes into
account year of commissioning. Dynamically is not
possible to separate the contributions of individual
investments, because they cannot be observed 10 kV
independently from other investments. Economically connecting 11,000 1 -278 0 -178 -4.1
line 1
justified is considered an investment that has the
10 kV
benefit/cost ratio higher than the discount rate (8%). A connecting 14,000 1 34 0 502 3.8
negative value means that the observed investment does line 2
not bring profit, but losses, and a value between 0% and 8 RCS 64,000 1 0 0 11,067 17.3
8% means that gains are not sufficient to consider the
1 RCS 8,000 16 0 0 2,976 37.2
investment as economically justified.
TS 20/10 kV 88,000 19 0 -1,558 89 -0.8
The cost includes six RCS (unit price 8.000,00 €), and the
benefit of the investment is reducing the annual cost of
energy not supplied by 15,547 €. Benefit-cost ratio is 32%,
which is higher than the discount rate (8%) - therefore the
investment is economically justified.
Paper 1228
This paper briefly describes one possible methodology for
locating remote controlled switching devices in medium
voltage network and its application in one area of Croatian
medium voltage distribution network. For each location it
is possible to determine contribution of technical
indicators of reliability of supply (SAIDI and SAIFI) and
give an assessment of economic justification, based on
which it is possible to determine optimal spatial and
temporal dynamics of remote control devices installation
in the network.
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