The Faith of Our Founding Fathers: Join, or Die
The Faith of Our Founding Fathers: Join, or Die
The Faith of Our Founding Fathers: Join, or Die
The Faith of Our Founding Fathers
that the Pope must “beware of miracle workers, for the time has
come for the most astonishing wonders to take place on the earth
and in the air.”
It would be foolish to look for miracles in the Catholic sense.
The wonders our Lady speaks of can only be marvels of the
natural order. They will be scientific, in the deepest and truest
meaning of the word. Didn’t the great Bossuet say, “The very
things God has revealed happen in ways we could never have
The Great Work is, above all things, the creation of man
by himself; that is to say, the full and entire conquest which he
effects of his faculties and his future. It is, above all, the
perfect emancipation of his will, which assures him the
universal empire of Azoth, and the domain of magnetism, that
is, complete power over the universal Magical agent. This
Magical agent, which the Ancient Hermetic philosophers
disguised under the name of ‘Prima Materia,’ determines the
forms of the modifiable Substance; and the Alchemists said by
means of it they could attain the transmutation of metals and
the universal medicine.
anything out of nothing. It will not admit that even God can do
that, for God must “evolve” like the rest of the universe. Pike
quotes Bl. Raymond Lulle, who postulates that even to make gold,
one must start with some gold, for “Nothing is made out of
nothing.” The regeneration of man Alchemy seeks through the
perfection of matter is a glorification of matter, in complete accord
with classical Marxism and the false theory of evolution on which
Communism depends.
Masonry’s mystical theologian J.D. Buck writes:
God grant, that not only the love of liberty, but a thorough
knowledge of the rights of man, may pervade all the nations of
the earth, so that a philosopher may set his foot anywhere on
its surface and say, ‘This is my country.’
the masons (!) toil.” Let him who reads understand where and by
whom the dream of a man-made world government is nourished.
Franklin’s religion does not have to be conjectured. Not only
do we know he assisted David Williams in his Apology for
Professing the Religion of Nature (complete with liturgy!), but he
also left in writing his own “Articles of Belief,” a document
conveniently overlooked by those who would like to regard him as
a Christian. Stirred by Newton’s novel theories of the universe, he
espoused the cosmic spiritualism of Alchemy based on
hierarchies, much as described by Dr. Taylor.
He says furthermore:
Franklin concludes from this that his God might like some
praise after all. “Let me then not fail to praise my God continually,
for it is his Due, and it is all I can return for his many Favours and
great Goodness to me.”
Clearly this created God with human passions, one among
many, who made man merely one of the animals, is not the God of
the Christians, but only Franklin’s. Bernard Fay notes, “It is
difficult to affirm that Franklin’s credo was the Freemason’s
The Faith of Our Founding Fathers 17
The United States had been only too well prepared for such
regrettable leadership. Like Franklin, most of its Founding Fathers
were not Christians. Although they often made references to the
Deity, the God they invoked was their God, the alchemical God of
nature in Christian dress. In fact the most influential among them
were not so much deists as thoroughgoing pantheists, for, being
avowed rationalists, they looked for divinity only in nature.
Themselves products of the Enlightenment, they could hardly have
been anything else.
In Alchemy, a Green Dragon signifies the Great Work in its
beginnings, and it cannot have been coincidence that the
Revolution was planned and carried out by men who met regularly
in a Boston tavern of that very name. So diligently did they
promote the serpent’s cause that America today finds herself
immersed in a sea of neo-Gnosticism so pervading and controlling
her moral, intellectual and political life that, by comparison, the
Albigensian heresy which once ravaged the whole of Christendom
now looks like a harmless childhood disease. God preserve us
22 Star-Spangled Heresy: Americanism
from the Red Dragon, alchemical sign for the Great Work in its