This patent application describes a single-blade helicopter rotor. The rotor uses a counterweight and balancing devices to compensate for the normal lift force of the blade. The position of the rotor's center of mass is determined by the blade's coning angle, which allows the rotor to self-adjust and maintain balance during operation in a stable manner without requiring identical blades.
This patent application describes a single-blade helicopter rotor. The rotor uses a counterweight and balancing devices to compensate for the normal lift force of the blade. The position of the rotor's center of mass is determined by the blade's coning angle, which allows the rotor to self-adjust and maintain balance during operation in a stable manner without requiring identical blades.
This patent application describes a single-blade helicopter rotor. The rotor uses a counterweight and balancing devices to compensate for the normal lift force of the blade. The position of the rotor's center of mass is determined by the blade's coning angle, which allows the rotor to self-adjust and maintain balance during operation in a stable manner without requiring identical blades.
This patent application describes a single-blade helicopter rotor. The rotor uses a counterweight and balancing devices to compensate for the normal lift force of the blade. The position of the rotor's center of mass is determined by the blade's coning angle, which allows the rotor to self-adjust and maintain balance during operation in a stable manner without requiring identical blades.
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (76) Inventor: Vladimiro Lidak, Via Principe Eugenio, 106, 00100-Roma (IT) 2.247,034 A * 6/1941 Pitcairn 2,265,366 A * 12/1941 Hafner (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2,371,160 A *: 3/1945 Everts patent is extended or adjusted under 35 2,471.687 A *: 5/1949 Holmes U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. 2,475,318 A *: 7/1949 Gluhareff 2,742,095 A 4/1956 Pitcairn et al. (21) Appl. No.: 09/857,140 2.944,610 A : 7/1960 Gluhareff (22) PCT Filed: Dec. 1, 1999 * cited by examiner (86) PCT No.: PCT/IT99/00393 Primary Examiner Tien Dinh S371 (c)(1), (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Armstrong, Westerman & (2), (4) Date: Jun. 1, 2001 Hattori, LLP (57) ABSTRACT (87) PCT Pub. No.: WO00/32468 PCT Pub. Date:Jun. 8, 2000 The present invention relates to a single-blade main rotor for helicopters designed So that the component of the blade lift (30) Foreign Application Priority Data normal to the rotational axis of the rotor is compensated by Dec. 3, 1998 (IT) .................................... MC98AOOO110 the inertial force obtained through the self-adjustment of the position of the rotor centre of mass relative to its rotation (51) Int. Cl." ................................................ B64C 27/54 axis, it being provided that the position of the rotor centre of (52) U.S. Cl. .................................. 244/17.25; 24.4/17.11 mass is determined by the coning angle of the blade. (58) Field of Search ........................... 244/17.25, 17.11; 416/19, 149 6 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Sep. 16, 2003 Sheet 1 of 2 US 6,619,585 B1 U.S. Patent Sep. 16, 2003 Sheet 2 of 2 US 6,619,585 B1 US 6,619,585 B1 1 2 HELICOPTER SINGLE-BLADE ROTOR aerodynamic advantages over Similar rotors with a higher number of blades. Moreover, the reduction in the number of The present patent application for industrial invention blades decreases the number of components and moving relates to a Single-blade rotor designed to be used as main parts, leading to the Simple bi-blade rotor with Suspended rotor in helicopters and other types of rotorcraft. The rotor hub connected to the mast with a horizontal hinge normal to Supports the helicopter during hovering and translated flight the rotation axis. and, by means of its controls, allows execution of the Experiments have also been carried out with Single-blade manoeuvres typical of this type of vehicle. rotors in which the blade is balanced by a counterweight, but To this end, helicopters are usually equipped with verti the difficulties in obtaining an acceptable balance between cal axis rotors provided with two or more identical blades the forces and moments acting on Such rotors under various joined by hinges or Similar means to a central propeller hub, operating conditions have not allowed the application and which is in turn fixed to the upper end of a vertical mast diffusion of Such solutions. driven by a System for the transmission of the rotary motion The main purpose of the present invention is to overcome connected to one or more engines. When maintained in rotation at the appropriate Speed, the the inconveniences found in multi-blade and Single-blade blades Support the helicopter because of the upward lift 15 helicopters of known type, by means of a main rotor System produced as a consequence of the relative air Speed with for helicopters consisting of a single blade with central hub, respect to the aerodynamically profiled blades. Moreover, a counterweight and balancing devices, having high flex the blades are Subject to the weight force and, due to ibility and adaptability and characterised by easy rotation, to the centrifugal force. The balance of all these construction, Safe use and efficient operation. forces and their moments with respect to the joints of the The Second purpose of the present invention is to create blades to the rotor hub and the mast, to which the weight of a single-blade rotor System, with working mechanism, in the rotorcraft is applied, determines the geometrical position which the balance of the forces and moments acting on its of the blades, which, with respect to the plane orthogonal to parts is obtained by means of the reciprocal positions the rotation axis, are directed upwards with a normally Small assumed by these parts as the coning angle of the Single coning angle. The entity of the total lift is adjusted by the 25 blade varies. The mechanisms controlling rotor balancing pilot through the collective control lever that acts on the may be kinematic Systems of known type, or other electro blade pitch by means of rods, levers, and rotating mecha mechanical or hydraulic devices. In any case, the horizontal nisms connected with Suitable pitch horns located on the hub component of the lift of the single blade is balanced by an of each blade, coupled in a rotary way to the rotor hub, with identical opposed misbalance of centrifugal inertial forces, rotation axis Sensibly parallel to its own longitudinal axis. obtained by moving the rotor centre of mass relative to its The control mechanisms allow the pilot to change the rotation axis. pitch of each blade with the cyclic control lever, with respect The third purpose of the present invention is to devise a to the average value determined by the collective control, in rotor System, with control mechanisms, which does not order to create pitch differences Symmetrical to this average require blades-tracking to ensure correct operation. value, in positions diametrically opposed to the rotational 35 Last, but not least, another aim of the present invention axis, inducing the rotor disk to tilt, thus causing the heli is to design a mechanism capable of creating and maintain copter to move in the corresponding direction of tilting. ing a stable balance between the elements of the Single-blade Rotors are usually manufactured according to multiple rotor during operation. Solutions, all of which, in order to guarantee correct These and other aims, which will be highlighted in the operation, require the blades to be identical in terms of entity 40 description below, can all be achieved by the present inven and mass distribution and as Similar as possible in terms of tion. shape and aerodynamic behaviour, while the joints at the Further characteristics and advantages of the invention rotor head and the kinematic chain that controls their pitch will become more evident from the following description of must have the same characteristics for all the blades of the three different embodiments, with reference to the enclosed rotor. Therefore, in order to maintain acceptable 45 drawings, which are intended for purposes of illustration and performance, Such rotorS require frequent maintenance not in a limiting Sense, whereby: Works of blades tracking and balance, involving complicated FIG. 1 is a schematic side view of the single-blade rotor procedures and methods and using Special equipment. and the devices used to maintain the balance, normal to the In such multi-blade rotors, the lifting surface is divided rotational axis of the rotor and the longitudinal axis of the between the blades of the rotor. With the same diameter and 50 blade according to a first embodiment; Solidity, in a multiblade rotor each blade has a shorter mean FIG. 2 shows the same embodiment in an exploded chord which, for a given rotor tip, results in a lower value of axonometric view; the ratio between the product of the speed multiplied by the FIG. 2A is a view of the friction devices; chord and the kinematic viscosity of the air (Reynolds FIG.3 and 4 are the same as FIG. 1, with the rotor blade Number). Since this lower value results in an increased 55 inclined at a given coning angle, blade drag coefficient for a given lift, it is therefore conve FIG. 5 is a schematic side view of the single-blade rotor nient to reduce the number of blades. and the devices used to maintain the balance, normal to the Moreover, it must be stressed that the rotation of each rotational axis of the rotor and the longitudinal axis of the lifting blade produces a wake that can disturb the following blade according to a Second embodiment; blade, especially during hovering or low speed flight, with 60 FIG. 6 is a schematic side view of the single-blade rotor negative effects on its performance. The time interval and the devices used to maintain the balance, normal to the between the passage of one blade in a disk area and the rotational axis of the rotor and the longitudinal axis of the following as the number of rotor blades decreases, under blade according to a third embodiment. given conditions, thus reducing the perturbation of the air in The above figures show that the hub (1) of the rotor is which the rotor operates. 65 joined to the support (14) of the blade (8) and made up of a In View of the above considerations, whenever possible, vertical pair of plates (1a and 1b) Symmetrical to the mast the adoption of a reduced number of blades can give (7). The blade (8) is joined to the support (14) by a pitch US 6,619,585 B1 3 4 hinge of known type, So that the blade can rotate around its axes R-R, X-X, T T using known calculation methods longitudinal axis A-A, changing its geometrical pitch of known type and considering the masses and positions of through joints and devices of known type, very Similar to the relative barycentres of the blade, counterweight and the those generally used in helicopter rotors, applied to the pitch other components of the rotor and the mutual joints, it is horn (9) of the blade, controlled by the rod (10). possible, within the normal range of coning values to set up The blade (8) is also fitted with a hinge, of virtual type a Sufficiently approximate and Stable balance which remains also, with axis B-B in vertical and eccentric position with constant on variating the coning angle and is practically respect to the axis Y-Y of the mast which allows it to independent of the rotational Speed of the rotor, Since the assume an angular position in the plane orthogonal to the forces that act on the rotor-whether due to lift or inertia rotational axis Y-Y, the Said hinge being equipped with a all proportional to the Square of the rotational Speed. damper or Similar known devices. The pitch variations, caused by the pilot acting on of the The two plates (1a and 1b) making up the hub (1) contain cyclic control from the pilot or determined by the asymme two holes (1c) on the same axis R-R in which the cylin try of the air flow investing the blade during horizontal drical body (2) is coupled in a rotary way, the said body flight, cause the rotational plane of the counterweight to tilt, being centrally hollow and coupled in a rotary way also to 15 with consequent tilting of the entire rotor around the axis the top of the mast (7) by means of a pair of opposing pins X-X, as illustrated in FIG. 4, thus allowing the helicopter (7a), appropriately provided with friction devices 30, 31, to be moved and controlled. with axis X-X normal to the same mast. The two opposite FIG. 5 illustrates a second embodiment-but not last-of sides of the cylindrical body (2) also house two rotating the present invention in which the displacement of the rotor centre of mass relative to the rotational axis Y-Y and coaxial cylinders (3) with axis T Teccentric to the other axis R-R and X-X in a rotary way. The cylinders (3) are along the direction C-C, in order to balance the horizontal housed in an opposing coaxial pair of eccentric holes (2b) component of the lift, is carried out by an electromechanical located in the aforementioned hollow body (2), which fea actuator (15) acting between pins (16) and (17), respectively tures another opposing coaxial pair of holes (2.a), housing joined to the hub (1) of the rotor and the cylindrical body (2), the pin (7a) mentioned above. 25 which is in turn coupled in a rotary way with the hub, These cylinders (3) are in turn connected through revolv electrically controlled by a control box (18) according to the ing eccentric pins (4) to two pairs of identical levers (5) of value detected and transmitted with electrical Signals by the the hub (11) of the counterweight, comprising the hub (11) telescopic detection device (19) of known type of the placed at the end of an arm (12), featuring a profiled mass relative distance assumed by the points (20) and (21), in (13) at the other end. relation to which the detector (19) is respectively hinged to The hub (11) is hinged in a rotary way to the rotor hub the hub (11) of the counterweight and the hub (1) of the (1) by conaxic hinges (6) with appropriate friction devices, rotor, as the coning of the blade (8) changes. normal to the longitudinal axis of the counterweight; the In fact, the control box is designed and programmed joining of the centre of the pins (6) with the barycenter of the using known calculation methods and construction Systems, counterweight (13) determines a direction C-C. The hinges 35 So that for each coning value of the blade, as measured by have threaded ends (6a). the detector device (19), the actuator (15) causes the cylin More exactly, the hinges (6) are housed in two opposite drical body (2) to rotate around the hub (1) so that the rotor coaxial holes located on the plates (1a and 1b) of the hub (1) centre of mass relative to the rotation axis, passing through along an axis W-W parallel to, but underlying, the axis X-X, assumes the correct position to ensure balance X-X. 40 between the aerodynamic and inertial forces acting on the rOtOr. When the blade rotates without lift (FIG. 1), it rotates in FIG. 6 illustrates a third embodiment of the present almost the same horizontal plane as the counterweight , whose axis is formed by extending the axis A-A. invention, in which the actuator (15) controlled by the When the pilot increases the geometrical pitch of the control box (18) radially displaces the mobile mass (22) that rotating blade with the collective control, the lift inclines the 45 Slides on the rod (12) of the counterweight, according to the blade upwards at a coning angle (B) Such that the lift coning angle measured by detector (19), thus changing the balances with the other forces and moments acting on the position of the rotor centre of mass relative to the rotational axis of the rotor. blade (FIG.3). When executing this movement the blade (8) The actuator (15) is joined by hinging pins (16 and 16a) drags the hub (1) to which it is joined, which rotates around the axis (R-R) of the cylindrical body (2) at a correspond 50 to one of the plates of the hub (1) and to the mobile mass ing angle (B). (22). The rotation also takes place with respect to the In this construction version the two plates of the hub (1) counterweight, which maintains its longitudinal axis only show two opposing holes (23) located along the same orthogonal to the rotation axis Y-Y" of the rotor. Thanks to axis X-X perpendicular to the rotational axis Y-Y of the this relative motion, the cylinders (3) linked by the revolving 55 rotor. The holes (23) house the pins (7a) located at the top eccentric pins (4) to the levers (5) of the counterweight and of the mast (7). the cylindrical body (2), coupled in a rotary way to the hub What is claimed is: (1) rotate around each other, determining a new position of 1. Single-blade rotor for helicopters of the type compris the hub (1) relative to the rotational axis Y-Y, along the Ing: direction C-C, passing through X-X that is, a different 60 a mast (7) with vertical rotation axis Y-Y provided with position of the rotor centre of mass with respect to the an opposing coaxial pair of pins (7a) along an axis rotational axis. Since the lift is perpendicular to the blade, X-X, orthogonal to the rotation axis Y-Y; the mast the coning of the blade involves a horizontal component of (7) having a top: the lift, directed towards the centre of rotation. The hori a hub (1) of the rotor joined to the mast (7) and provided Zontal force composes with the inertial forces affecting the 65 with a support (14) for a blade (8); blade and the counterweight. By appropriately dimensioning a single blade (8)-operated by conventional means (10) the relative positions of the pins (4), the hinges (6) and the connected to a suitable lever (9) of the blade (8)- US 6,619,585 B1 S 6 joined to the Support (14) by a pitch hinge that allows 4. Single-blade rotor for helicopters, according to claim 2, Small rotations around the blade's longitudinal axis characterized in that the means that determine the rotation of A-A, the cylindrical body (2) inside the hub (1) of the rotor and a counterweight (13) made up of a profiled mass located around the axis WW comprise: at one end of an arm (12) which terminates, at the other 5 an electromechanical actuaor (15) having actual move end of the same arm, with a hub (11) of the counter ments and having hinging pins (16 and 17) respectively weight (13) used to hinge the said counterweight to the hub (1) of the rotor, wherein said rotor rotates around joined to the hub (1) of the rotor and to the cylindrical an axis Y-Y"; body (2); pins (6) for hinging the hub (11) of the counterweight (13) a telescopic device for linear detection (19) being hinged to the hub (1) of the rotor, wherein the joining of the at one end (21) to the hub (1) of the rotor and at the centre of the pins (6) with the centre of mass of the other end, to the hub (11) of the counterweight (13) the counterweight (13) determines a direction C-C. char hinging pin at the end (20) of the telescopic device is acterized by the fact that: eccentric with respect to the hinging pin of the hub (11) a) the hub (1) of the rotor can rotate around the axis 15 of the counterweight (13); X-X; b) the hub (11) of the counterweight (13) is hinged to a control box (18) that controls the actuator (15) accord the hub (1) of the rotor with the possibility of ing to the distance between the two opposite ends (20 oscillation, with friction, around an axis W-W and 21) of the telescopic device (19) distance which is parallel to the axis X-X, underlying it; detected and transmitted by the telescopic device (19) c) the inclination of the hub (1) of the rotor around the itself; axis X-X-caused by a variation of the blade's wherein coning angle 3-does not determine the correspond ing inclination of the counterweight (13), whose an upwards inclination of the hub (1) of the rotor rotation plane remains orthogonal to the rotation axis determined by the lift of the blade (8)-around the Y-Y" of the rotor; 25 axis X-X and with respect to the counterweight d) means for causing the displacement of the rotor (13), causes a variation of the distance between the centre of mass with respect to the rotation axis two opposite ends (20 and 21) of the telescopic Y-Y" and along the direction C-C according to device (19); said variation, by means of the control the inclination of the hub (1) of the rotor around the box (18), determines corresponding displacements axis X-X with subsequent balance of the lift of the hinging pin (17) of the actuator (15) with component-normal to the rotation axis of the rotor respect to the hinging pin (16) of the actuator (15) Y-Y-of the blade (8) and the inertial forces; and Subsequent rotations of the cylindrical body (2) e) friction devices positioned between the hub (1) of the that cause the displacement of the rotor centre of rotor and the hub (11) of the counterweight (13) mass relative to the rotation axis Y-Y' of the rotor; assure that the inclination of the rotation plane of the 35 the control box (18) is made-such that a univocal blade (8) around the axis X-X-caused by a cyclic angular position of the cylindrical body (2) deter variation of the pitch of the blade (8)-determines a mined by the actuator (15) that operates the variation Simultaneous corresponding inclination of the rota of the distance between the hinging pins (16 and 17) tion plane of the counterweight (13), with Subse of the actuator (15) corresponds to each value of the quent inclination of the rotation axis Y-Y" of the 40 coning angle f. rOtOr. 5. Single-blade main rotor for helicopters, according to 2. Single-blade rotor for helicopters, according to claim 1, claim 1, characterized in that the means provided to cause characterized by the fact that the means for displacement of displacement of the rotor centre of mass with respect to the rotor centre of mass with respect to the rotation axis rotation axis Y-Y' comprise: Y' Y comprise a cylindrical body (2) having a longitudinal 45 a mobile mass (22) that slides on the arm (12) of the axis R-R parallel to the axis X-X; said cylindrical body counterweight (13); (2) is housed in the hub (1) of the rotor and is free to rotate around the axis X-X and features a deep hollow, into which an electromechanical actuator (15) having axial move the top of the mast (7) is inserted, and an opposing coaxial ment and, having hinging pins (16 and 16a) respec pair of pins (7a) housed in two corresponding eccentric 50 tively joined to the hub (1) of the rotor and to the holes (2.a) of the cylindrical body (2); means being provided mobile mass (22); that determine the rotation of the cylindrical body (2) inside a telescopic device for linear detection (19) being hinged the hub (1) of the rotor and around the axis W-W with at one end (21) to the hub (1) of the rotor and at the Subsequent displacement of the rotor centre of mass along other end to the hub (11) of the counterweight (13) the the direction C-C. 55 hinging pin at the end (20) of the telescopic device (19) 3. Single-blade rotor for helicopters, according to claim 2, is eccentric with respect to the hinging pin of the hub characterized in that the mans that determine the rotation of (11) of the counterweight (13); the cylindrical body (2) inside the hub (1) of the rotor and a control box (18), that controls the actuator (15) accord around the axis WW comprise: ing to the distance between the two opposite ends (20 revolving cylinders (3) housed in an opposing coaxial 60 and 21) of the telescopic device (19), distance which is Second pair of eccentric holes (2b) located on the detected and transmitted by the telescopic device (19) cylindrical body (2); itself; levers (5) located on the hub (11) of the counterweight wherein (13) and fixed to the cylinders (3) by means of eccentric an upwards inclination of the hub (1) of the rotor pins (4); 65 determined by the lift of the blade (8)-around the the pins (6) for hinging the hub (11) of the counterweight axis X-X and with respect to the counterweight (13) to the hub (1) of the rotor. (13), causes a relative displacement between the two US 6,619,585 B1 7 8 opposite ends (20 and 21) of the telescopic device an opposing pair of Symmetrical plates (1a and 1b) joined (19) that, by means of the control box (18), deter to each other by the Support (14)—featuring one opposing mines corresponding displacements of the hinging pair of holes (1c) and a second opposing pair of holes (1d), pins (16 and 16a) of the actuator (15) with Subse where the first pair of holes (1c) houses the cylindrical body quent displacement of the mobile mass (22) and of (2), while the Second pair of holes (1d) houses the hinging the rotor centre of mass with respect to the rotation pins (6) of the hub (11) of the counterweight (13). axis Y-Y' of the rotor. 6. Single-blade rotor for helicopters, according to claim 2 characterized in that the hub (1) of the rotor is composed of