SMR - Mine Management Legislation and General Safety: Page1of21

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No. of Questions: 100

Duration in Minutes: 120

1) The distance between two holes in the same row is called as ------- .

A) Diagonal
B) Spacing
C) Pull lenght
D) cut length
E) Burden

2) Which one of the process generates dust duirng operation of ----.

A) Grinding
B) Froth Floatation
C) crushing
D) thickening
E) None of these

3) Who is not a member of the Safety committee ?

A) 5 officials or competent persons of the mine nominated by the chairman

B) 5 Workmen nominated by the workmen.
C) Safety Officer
D) Manage of the mine
E) Regional Inspector of Mines

4) The explosive shall be transported to the site of blasting not more than .......... commencement of the charging of

A) None
B) 1 hr
C) 30min
D) 40min
E) 45min

5) Which one of theses is not a mode of communication ?

A) Fcae book
B) Telepathy
C) Email
D) Log book
E) Telephone

6) After returning to employment in Opencast workings after an absence of exceeding one year refresher traing to be
given as per-------.

A) Third schedule
B) second schedule
C) First schedule
D) Fourth schedule
E) none of these

7) Fatal accident involving 9 persons is termed as -----.

A) Disaster
B) Reportable accident
C) Major accident
D) None
E) Dangerous occurrence

8) Which of the following is a reason for introducing a matrix management system ?

A) Because it allows for an easily understdd functional responsibility chart to design

B) The management can increase the use of delegation withing the organization
C) A more centralised system of control is required
D) The senior management wants to develop a clearly defined set of responsibilities
E) None of the above

9) The person nominated as workmen’s inspector shall undergone an orientation training course consisting of not less
than ---- lectures and demonstrations, each of two hours’ duration.

A) Thirty
B) Fifty
C) Ten
D) Twenty
E) Forty

10) What the shortform 'AFDSS' stand for ?

A) Automatic Fire and dust supression system

B) None
C) Automatic Fire detection and supression system
D) Automatic Fire dealing supply system
E) Automatic Fire danger and signalling system

11) Operator's seat in HEMM should be ----- Designed to have adequate comforts while drving continuously?

A) Manually
B) None
C) Technically
D) Scientifically
E) Ergonomically

12) What is the goal system study and safety audit carried out in a mine ?

A) zero accident potential in mines

B) zero risk status of safety in mines
C) zero harm potential in mines
D) zero harm status in mines
E) zero harm status of safety in mines

13) Which of the following is NOT CORRECT with reference to a committee constituted by Central Govt under Sec
12(1) of the mInes Act, 1952.

A) Functions under chairmanship of persons in Govt service but not CIM

B) gives it's opinion on prposals to make rules and Regulations
C) Is a standing committee constituted by Central Govt
D) None of these
E) To inquire into causes and circumstances attending a major accident or disaster

14) In what order do managers typically perform the managerial function ?

A) Organising, leading, planning , controlling

B) planning, organising, leading,, controlling
C) None of the above
D) Organising, planning, controlling, leading
E) planning, organising, controlling, leading

15) The fine for contravenes of any regulation or bye-law is --------.

A) Rs 200
B) Rs 3000
C) Rs 500
D) Rs 1000
E) None

16) What is the period of practical experience and training in Metalliferous mine is required to be obtained by the
candidate to appear at any examination for Mate's certificate ?

A) 1
B) 3
C) 2
D) 4
E) 5

17) What is the unit of light emitted by a light source ?

A) Lumen
B) Glare
C) Lux
D) Ohm
E) Jule

18) what is the purpose of slope stability Radar used in mines ?

A) For real time monitoring of displacement of strata or dumps

B) To measure bench slopes
C) To measure Dump slopes
D) For real time monitoring of displacement of strata.
E) For real time monitoring of displacement of dumps

19) The limitation of hours of work above ground is -----.

A) 48 hrs per week.

B) 9 hrs per day or 54 hrs per week.
C) 9 hrs per day
D) 9 hrs per day or 48 hrs per week.
E) 8 hrs per day or 48 hrs per week.

20) Motion sickness condition can be caused by the ------.

A) Work at height
B) Travelling in a vehcle
C) Fall from height
D) None of these
E) All of the these

21) Periodical medical examination to be carried out once every 5 years for -----.

A) every persons employed in mine - permanent, temporary or contractual

B) every operators of HEMM , persons working in crushing plants
C) every persons who have been working in the mine for last 4 years

D) None of these
E) every permanent employee

22) As per the tenth confeence on safety in mines, the potability tests of drinking water supplied to the mine employees
is made mandatory at source once in ----.

A) 18 months
B) 12 months
C) 3 months
D) 6 months
E) 24 months

23) The periodicity of white-washing or colour washing inside the rooms and passages of a canteen is ----.

A) once in every four months

B) twice in a year
C) once in every two years
D) once in a year
E) once in every three years

24) Normally instructions are given to the persons employed in a mine by ----.

A) a Competent person
B) All of the above
C) Assistant manager
D) Foreman
E) An official

25) For dealing with fire, which is not a correct provision of statute ?

A) Foam type extinguisher shall not be used for electrical fires

B) A competent person shall once in 3 months shall examine every fire extinguisher
C) Soda acid type extinguisher shall be used for oil fires
D) Emergency plan shall provide for mock rehearsals at regular intervals
E) Water shall not be used to for fighting electrical fire

26) What shall be minimum distance of points of drinking water from any washing place, urinal, latrine ?

A) none of these
B) 10m
C) 6m
D) 9cm
E) 15m

27) Rest shelter having flat roof, the height of the lowest part of the roof shall be ------.

A) 1.8m
B) 2.5m
C) none of these
D) 3m
E) 2.4m

28) Which of the following activities is covered by Disaster Management before, during or after a disaster?

A) All of these
B) Emergency response
C) None of these
D) Reconstruction and Rehabilitation
E) Mitigation

29) Rest shelter having sloping roof, height of the lowest part of the roof shall be --------.

A) 2.5m
B) 1.2m
C) none of these
D) 3m
E) 1.8m

30) The danger sign of skull and bones is to be provided under which of the following condition?

A) Whenever voltage installations are for more than 11KV

B) Whenever voltage installations are for more than 440V
C) Whenever voltage installations are for more than 550V
D) Whenever voltage installations are for more than 250V
E) Whenever voltage installations are for more than 110V

31) What is the first step of first aid for open bleeding wounds ?

A) Add bulky dressings to reinforce blood soaked bandages

B) Depress the wound
C) Apply pressure at the pressure point
D) Elevate the wound.
E) Apply direct pressure with a clean or sterile dressing.

32) Every canteen shall be situated not less than ------ from any laterin & urinal.

A) 8 mts
B) 6mts
C) 15mts
D) 20mts
E) 25mts

33) In case of an opencast mine, on or before ____ of January, April, July and October in every year, correct return in
respect of the preceeding quarter shall be submitted.

A) 14th day
B) 10th day
C) 20th day
D) 24th day
E) 21th day

34) When one party perceives that the other party has negatively affected, or is about to negatively affect, something
that the first party cares about, it leads to ------.

A) Conflict
B) Mismanagement
C) tension
D) Suspension
E) Demotion

35) Who amongst the following is not an owner of a mine ?

A) Owner or the soil and not interested in the minerals of the mine
B) Occupier
C) Contractor
D) Immediate proprietor
E) Lessee

36) Labelling of all chemical transport vehicles is ---.

A) None of these
B) All of the these
C) Not manadatory
D) Mandatory
E) Not important

37) Child means a person who has not attained --------- year of age

A) 16th year
B) 15th year
C) 18th year
D) 20 years
E) 17th year

38) After loading operation, the blasting can be done by ---.

A) Any competent person

B) By an holder of Degree in Mining engineering
C) As far as possible the blaster who charges the hole
D) By any other blaster working in the shift
E) By the Manager of the mine

39) The term MIS commonly used by mining companies stands for-----.

A) Management information System

B) None of these
C) Management integration System
D) Mine Integration System
E) Most informed System

40) By what virtue is the discretion conferred on people to use their judgement to make decision and issue instructions

A) Option A & C
B) promotion
C) delegation
D) Decentralisation
E) Division of work

41) When a Chief Inspector or an Inspector wants the survey to be done during emergency in any mine, they shall give
a clear notice of --- days to the owner, agent or manager

A) 4 days
B) No notice is required
C) 1 day
D) 3 days
E) 2 days

42) The Statutory restriction line shall be shown in the plan within a distance of ------of any body of water.

A) 50m

B) 150m
C) 75m
D) 90m
E) 60m

43) As per 11th NSC the contractor shall not employee or terminate his worker without the knowledge of ----.

A) Regional Inspector of Mines

B) Mine Management
C) Chief Inspector of Mines
E) None

44) If the workers offer to run the canteen themselves through a co-operative society, financial assistance is to be
obtained from -------.

A) The donations are to be collected

B) The management
C) employees contribution
D) The equal contribution of the canteen management committee
E) To earn profits first and then invest

45) Dressing and bandages are used to…

A) Reduce the victim's pain.

B) make victim to feel easy
C) Make it easier to take the victim to the hospital.
D) Reduce internal bleeding.
E) Help control bleeding and prevent infection.

46) A tall organisation structure has a ------.

A) No span of management
B) Narrow span of management
C) None of these
D) Less levels of management
E) Wide span of management

47) As per Personal risk assessment procedure advised through DGMS Circular-2 of 2014 points to be looked for in the
points like‘hot or cold surfaces’, ‘hot or cold liquids’, ‘steam’, ‘friction’ etc, are covered under head ------.

A) Ergonomics
B) Pressure conditions

C) Hot and cold conditions
D) Thermal aspects
E) Environmental

48) Which are the protective devices of conveyors ?

A) Pull Chord
B) All of the above
C) None of these
D) Zero Speed Swicth
E) Belt sway

49) Wedge failure occurs due to ------.

A) None
B) Tension at two different directions
C) Tension in multiple direction
D) Linear Tension
E) Overloading of benches

50) What type of fire extinguisher shall be used in explosive ?

A) Option A & B
B) Foam Type
C) CO2 type
D) CTC type
E) Option A & C

51) The discount rate that makes the net present value of investment equal to zero is ----.

A) Profitability Index
B) None of these
C) Pay back period
D) Average discounting return
E) Internal rate of return

52) What is the minimum illumination level ( in Lux) required at work place of operator's cabin of machines ?

A) 15 H
B) None of these
C) 25 V
D) 25 H
E) 20 V

53) What is a conduit?

A) A non metallic tube into which a cable or cables are drawn for the purpose of mechanical protection
B) When some cables are protected from mechanical damage by placing them together with the help of a non-
conducting material like plastic rope.
C) A metallic tube used to pass cables through it for protecting it from mechanical damage
D) A metallic tube used for protecting the cables passing through it and also acts as common Earth
E) A tube either metallic or non-metallic used for cables or a cable to pass through for protecting them from
mechanical damage when placed inside

54) Span of management refers to ------.

A) Number of members in top management

B) Length of term for which a manager is appointed
C) Number of subordinates under a manager
D) None of these
E) number of managers

55) Register of overtime wages is maintained in ------.


56) Enterprise Resource planning -----.

A) Data Redundancy
B) Helps with fast and easy access of accurate information
C) All of these
D) Reduces paper work
E) None of these

57) Rest shelter having sloping roof, height of the highest part of the roof shall be --------.

A) 2.4m
B) 1.5m
C) 3m
D) 2.5m
E) none of these

58) How many number of committee are formed in 11th National Safety Conference?

A) None
B) 4
C) 3
D) 5
E) 2

59) A notice of intention to discontinue working of the mine is to be given if period of discontinuance exceeds ---.

A) 4 months
B) 3 months
C) 90 days
D) 6 months
E) None of these

60) All welding machines must be equippped with -------.

A) proper earthing
B) proper connection
C) All of the these
D) None of these
E) proper cover

61) ‘‘The principle of scientific management'' was authored by -----.

A) Henri Fayol
B) Frederick Winslow Taylor
C) Peter F. Drucker
D) Henri Winslow Taylor
E) Frederick William Taylor

62) Why the schedules of Vocational Training is replaced by new modules ?

A) Because size of mines and equipment increased

B) New types of machineries introduced
C) Option B & C
D) None of these
E) because mines were in govt sectors

63) What could be motivating for employees ?

A) Sending employees on paid trip to Singapore

B) All of these
C) Giving them pizza parties
D) Introducing performance linked bonus
E) Rewarding excellent performance

64) Persons engaged in the process of mining or milling of asbestos shall undergo periodical medical examination once
in every -----.

A) 3 years
B) 4 years
C) 2 years
D) 5 years
E) 1 years

65) In case of accidental touch of any chemical to eye, what should be done?

A) All of the above

B) Rinse eye with cold water
C) Rinse eyes with warm water
D) Apply eye lotion
E) None of these

66) The Mining-Non-Statistical category includes any accident that----.

A) Occurs due to any operation outside the area of mine in any non-mining operations
B) Occurs due to any operation outside the area of mine
C) Both the above
D) Occurs due to any operation that is incidental to mining operations in an area outside the boundary of the mine
E) None of the above

67) The Mines Act has authorized the ----- to frame Rules and Regulations on specifice subjects.

A) None
C) Mine Management
D) State Govt.
E) Central Govt.

68) What is the minimum illumination level ( in Lux) required on the surface of the haul roads for trucks and dumpers ?

A) 15.0 H
B) 3.0 H
C) 2.0 H

D) 10.0 H
E) 5.0 H

69) The latrines and urinals shall be cleaned with suitable detergents and disinfectants once in----days

A) Seven
B) Ten
C) Six
D) Eight
E) Nine

70) Which of the following statements is true?

A) A person is said to be “employed” in a mine who works for wages

B) A person is said to be “employed” when he visits the mine.
C) None of the above.
D) Any of the above
E) A person is said to be “employed” in a mine who works for wages or not.

71) Which of the following statement pertaining to ABC analyis is true?

A) ordering frequency is low for A - type inventory

B) Option B and C
C) low control is for C-type inventory items
D) Rupee volume is high for B-type inventory
E) safety stock for A-type inventory item is very very low

72) Any death that occurs due to natural cause within mine boundary shall be treated as ---.

A) Reportable accident
B) Mining accident
C) None of the above
D) Serious accident
E) Non-Mining accident

73) The purpose of a permit to work is to -----.

A) Ensure that potentially dangerous work is done safetly

B) Ensure that emergency procedures are in place
C) All of the above
D) Ensure that the correct tools and equipments are used on a job
E) Ensure that only competent workers undertake the job

74) Mine Closure plan is divided in to how many parts?

A) 5
B) 3
C) 4
D) 2
E) 6

75) What shall be done in the case of an opencast working, where any permanent building or structure of permanent
nature, not belonging to the owner, lies within 50 meters?

A) Blasting can be done with all safety precautions

B) Blasting can be conducted and information shall be given to inspector
C) Permission shall be obtained from the owner of the mine
D) Irrespective of the amount of charge blasting shall not be done without previous permission
E) None of the above

76) What is the minimum illumination level ( in Lux) required at place of operation of electrical apparatus/equipment

A) 15H, 15 V
B) None of these
C) 100H, 50 V
D) 15H, 20 V
E) 10H, 25 V

77) Which is the ergonomic hazard?

A) None of these
B) Lack of skill
C) Repetitive motion
D) Negetive behaviour
E) Taking shortcuts

78) Which of the following safety provision runs along the length of a conveyor belt system to stop it in case of any

A) Fuse box
B) Emergency stop button
C) Pull chord
D) All of the these
E) None of these

79) What are the precautions to be taken during blasting opencast mine in case of approach of electric storm?

A) All the persons shall be withdrawn from danger zone.

B) All of these.
C) Neither explosives nor detonators shall be handled.
D) The charging shall be diccontinued till the storm has passed.
E) All the exposed wires shall be coiled up and placed in the mouth of hole and kept covered by incombustible

80) A boy has a foreign object in his eye, you should…

A) Attempt to remove the object carefully

B) Leave the object and shift him to hospital
C) Wrap sterile gauze around the head covering both eyes.
D) Flush the eye with cool water or milk.
E) Pour cool water in the affected eye

81) Unless otherwise permitted, in alluvial, the sides shall be sloped at an angle of safety not exceeding ----.

A) 45°
B) 60°
C) 35°
D) 55°
E) 30°

82) The Mining-Non-Statistical category includes any accident that occurred in an area outside the boundary of the
mine, whether the persons involved are ----.

A) Employees of the mine

B) All the above
C) out siders only
D) employees or not
E) Non-employees of the mine

83) The committee constituted under Sec. 12 of the Mines Act, 1952 by Central Govt to consider proposals to make
Rules, Regulations, functions under the Chairmanship of ---.

B) None of these
C) Chairman Coal India
D) A qualified Mining Engineer appointed by Central Govt
E) Inspector of Mines

84) Common non financial incentive to motivate a person are -----.

A) option A & B
B) Increment
C) Job enrichment
D) Acknowledgement and recognition
E) Perquisites

85) The time interval between placement of order and supply of material is known as ----------.

A) Lead time
B) None
C) Lag time
D) Cylce Time
E) Inventory control

86) Which of the following colour is used for radiation hazard?

A) Purple
B) Orange
C) Red
D) Green
E) Brown

87) Which of the following chemical can create carcinogenity hazard ?

A) None of the these

B) Sulphuric Acid
C) Benzene
D) Sodium Cynide
E) Lime

88) What are the benefits of MIS ?

A) All of these
B) It helps in dissemination of information
C) It helps in managing information
D) It helps planning and control
E) None of these

89) The total number of days of leave which may be accumulated by any person shall not exceed -------.

A) Twenty days

B) No limit on accumulation,
C) Thirty days
D) Forty days
E) Fifteen days

90) What is meant by 'DGPS' in DGPS based survey equipment?

A) Differential Global Positioning set

B) Differential Global Positioning system
C) Data Geometrical Positioning system
D) Digital Geo Positioning system
E) None

91) What is the permissible peak particle velocity (ppv) at the foundation level of structures not belonging to the owner,
in mining areas for frequency of 8-25 Hz. for domestic Kuccha houses due to blast induced ground vibration ?

A) 12 mm/s
B) 5 mm/s
C) 10 mm/s
D) 8 mm/s
E) 15 mm/s

92) If there is conflict between a manager and his subordinate, what is the solution?

A) take action against the subordinate

B) Take action against manager
C) Do nothing
D) None of these
E) Take action against the manager and subordinate

93) A person holding manager's permit may be appointed as a manager of the opencast mine having average
emplyment of -----.

A) All of the above

B) Less than 150
C) None of these
D) More than 400
E) More than 150 but less than 400

94) What is the colour of DA gas cylinder ?

A) Yellow
B) None of these

C) Black
D) Maroon
E) Green

95) Shock is a condition where---.

A) The respiratory system fails to deliver air to the lungs.

B) The circulatory system fails to deliver blood to brain
C) The cardiovascular system fails to deliver blood to the heart.
D) Either A or B
E) The circulatory system fails to deliver blood to all parts of the body.

96) Employees exposed to radation should undergo blood cound at least once in every ----.

A) 1 Year
B) 2 Years
C) 3 Years
D) 12 months
E) 6 months

97) Every canteen shall be constructed in accordance with plan and specifications approved by the ------- or an -----.

A) CIM , Inspector
B) Agent,Manager
C) Owner,Engineer
D) Manager ,Inspector
E) None

98) Overtime entitled to a person shall be calculated on the basis of -----.

A) four times of ordinary rate of wages

B) three times of ordinary rate of wages
C) equal of ordinary rate of wages
D) none of these
E) two times of ordinary rate of wages

99) Which of the following earnings is not included in the Ördinary rate of wages "of mine employees?

A) Basic Wages
B) Bonus including Incentive for production
C) compensation in cash
D) Dearness Allowance
E) Bonus excluding Incentive for production

100) Under which of the following legislation in India, the Environmental Imapact Assessment is mandatory?

A) Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981

B) Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
C) India Forest Act, 1927
D) Wildlife Protection Act, 1972
E) None of the above

Question Paper No: 76_3

Answer Key

1. B 31. E 61. B 91. C

2. C 32. C 62. C 92. D
3. E 33. C 63. B 93. B
4. C 34. A 64. E 94. D
5. B 35. A 65. B 95. E
6. D 36. D 66. D 96. A
7. C 37. A 67. E 97. A
8. D 38. C 68. D 98. E
9. A 39. A 69. A 99. E
10. C 40. A 70. E 100. B
11. E 41. B 71. B
12. E 42. E 72. E
13. C 43. B 73. E
14. B 44. B 74. D
15. D 45. E 75. D
16. B 46. B 76. B
17. A 47. D 77. C
18. A 48. B 78. C
19. D 49. B 79. B
20. B 50. A 80. B
21. A 51. E 81. A
22. B 52. B 82. D
23. D 53. E 83. D
24. B 54. C 84. A
25. C 55. D 85. A
26. C 56. C 86. A
27. B 57. D 87. C
28. A 58. B 88. A
29. E 59. A 89. C
30. D 60. A 90. B


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