Data Analysis in Research
Data Analysis in Research
Data Analysis in Research
Assignment # 2
2nd Assignment
Data Analysis in Research
All praises to Almighty Allah, the most Gracious, the most Beneficent and
the most Merciful, who enabled me to complete this assignment.
I feel great pleasure in expressing my since gratitude to my teacher, for
his guidance and support for providing me an opportunity to complete my
My special thanks and acknowledgments to Mr. Ishtiaq Ahmed for
providing me all relative information, guidance and support to compile
the practical study at Serwis shoes.
I will keep my hopes alive for the success of given task to submit this
report to my honorable teacher Sir Mohammad Younis, whose
guidance; support and encouragement enable me to complete this
2nd Assignment
Data Analysis in Research
Acknowledgement 02
Table of contents 03
SWOT Analysis 26
Findings 28
Recommendations 29
Conclusion 30
References 30
2nd Assignment
Data Analysis in Research
Data Analysis
Analysis of data is a process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data with the goal
of highlighting useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision making. Data
analysis has multiple facets and approaches, encompassing diverse techniques under a variety of
names, in different business, science, and social science domains.
1. Data Mining
Data cleaning is an important procedure during which the data are inspected, and erroneous data are
—if necessary, preferable, and possible—corrected. Data cleaning can be done during the stage of
data entry. If this is done, it is important that no subjective decisions are made. The guiding principle
provided by Adèr (ref) is: during subsequent manipulations of the data, information should always
be cumulatively retrievable. In other words, it should always be possible to undo any data set
alterations. Therefore, it is important not to throw information away at any stage in the data cleaning
phase. All information should be saved (i.e., when altering variables, both the original values and the
new values should be kept, either in a duplicate dataset or under a different variable name), and all
alterations to the data set should carefully and clearly documented, for instance in a syntax or a log.
2nd Assignment
Data Analysis in Research
Quality of data
The quality of the data should be checked as early as possible. Data quality can be assessed in
several ways, using different types of analyses: frequency counts, descriptive statistics (mean,
standard deviation, median), normality (skewness, kurtosis, frequency histograms, normal
probability plots), associations (correlations, scatter plots).
Checks on data cleaning: have decisions influenced the distribution of the variables? The
distribution of the variables before data cleaning is compared to the distribution of the variables
after data cleaning to see whether data cleaning has had unwanted effects on the data.
Analysis of missing observations: are there many missing values, and are the
values missing at random? The missing observations in the data are analyzed to see whether
more than 25% of the values are missing, whether they are missing at random (MAR), and
whether some form of imputation (statistics) is needed.
Analysis of extreme observations: outlying observations in the data are analyzed to see
if they seem to disturb the distribution.
Comparison and correction of differences in coding schemes: variables are compared with
coding schemes of variables external to the data set, and possibly corrected if coding schemes
are not comparable.
The choice of analyses to assess the data quality during the initial data analysis phase depends on
the analyses that will be conducted in the main analysis phase.
Quality of measurements
The quality of the measurement instruments should only be checked during the initial data
analysis phase when this is not the focus or research question of the study. One should check
2nd Assignment
Data Analysis in Research
Initial transformations
After assessing the quality of the data and of the measurements, one might decide to impute
missing data, or to perform initial transformations of one or more variables, although this can also be
done during the main analysis phase. Possible transformations of variables are:
Square root transformation (if the distribution differs moderately from normal)
Log-transformation (if the distribution differs substantially from normal)
Inverse transformation (if the distribution differs severely from normal)
Make categorical (ordinal / dichotomous) (if the distribution differs severely from normal,
and no transformations help)
dropout (this should be identified during the initial data analysis phase)
2nd Assignment
Data Analysis in Research
Item nonresponse (whether this is random or not should be assessed during the initial
data analysis phase)
Treatment quality (using manipulation checks).
In the case of non-normals: should one transform variables; make variables categorical
(ordinal/dichotomous); adapt the analysis method?
In the case of missing data: should one neglect or impute the missing data; which
imputation technique should be used?
In the case of outliers: should one use robust analysis techniques?
In case items do not fit the scale: should one adapt the measurement instrument by omitting
items, or rather ensure comparability with other (uses of the) measurement instrument(s)?
In the case of (too) small subgroups: should one drop the hypothesis about inter-group
differences, or use small sample techniques, like exact tests or bootstrapping?
2nd Assignment
Data Analysis in Research
In case the randomization procedure seems to be defective: can and should one
calculate propensity scores and include them as covariates in the main analyses?
Several analyses can be used during the initial data analysis phase:
Univariate statistics
Bivariate associations (correlations)
Graphical techniques (scatter plots)
It is important to take the measurement levels of the variables into account for the analyses, as
special statistical techniques are available for each level:
2nd Assignment
Data Analysis in Research
Exploratory data analysis should be interpretative carefully. When testing multiple models at
once there is a high chance on finding at least one of them to be significant, but this can be due to
a type 1 error. It is important to always adjust the significance level when testing multiple models
with, for example, a bonferroni correction. Also, one should not follow up an exploratory analysis
with a confirmatory analysis in the same dataset. An exploratory analysis is used to find ideas for a
theory, but not to test that theory as well. When a model is found exploratory in a dataset, then
following up that analysis with a comfirmatory analysis in the same dataset could simply mean that
the results of the comfirmatory analysis are due to the same type 1 error that resulted in the
exploratory model in the first place. The comfirmatory analysis therefore will not be more
informative than the original exploratory analysis.
Stability of results
It is important to obtain some indication about how generalizable the results are. While this is
hard to check, one can look at the stability of the results. Are the results reliable and reproducible?
There are two main ways of doing this:
Crossvalidation: By splitting the data in multiple parts we can check if analyzes (like a
fitted model) based on one part of the data generalize to another part of the data as well.
Sensitivity analysis: A procedure to study the behavior of a system or model when
global parameters are (systematically) varied. One way to do this is with bootstrapping
2nd Assignment
Data Analysis in Research
Statistical Methods
A lot of statistical methods have been used for statistical analyses. A very brief list of four of the
more popular methods is:
General linear model: A widely used model on which various statistical methods are
based (e.g. t-test ANOVA ANCOVA MANOVA). Usable for assessing the effect of several
predictors on one or more continuous dependent variables.
Generalized linear model: An extension of the general linear model for discrete
dependent variables.
Structural equation modelling: Usable for assessing latent structures from measured
manifest variables.
Item response theory: Models for (mostly) assessing one latent variable from several
binary measured variables (e.g. an exam)
2. Taxonomy
A sophisticated typology with multiple levels of concepts. Higher levels are inclusive of lower
levels. Superordinate and subordinate categories.
• Consistencies between codes (similar meanings or pointing to a basic idea) reveals categories. So
need to categorize specific events.
• We used to cut apart copies of field notes, now use computers. Processor can do this. Lofland says
qualitative research programs aren't all that helpful and I tend to agree. Of the qualitative research
programs I suspect that NUD*IST probably the best.
• Memo on the comparisons and emerging categories.
• Eventually category saturates when no new codes related to it are formed.
• Eventually certain categories become more central focus - axial categories and perhaps even core
4. Analytic Induction
Look at event and develop a hypothetical statement of what happened. Then look at another similar
event and see if it fits the hypothesis. If it doesn't, revise hypothesis. Begin looking for exceptions to
hypothesis, when find it, revise hypothesis to fit all examples encountered. Eventually will develop a
hypotheses that accounts for all observed cases.
6. Quasi-statistics
Often enumeration is used to provide evidence for categories created or to determine if observations
are contaminated.
7. Event Analysis/Microanalysis
Emphasis is on finding precise beginnings and endings of events by finding specific boundaries and
things that mark boundaries or events. Specifically oriented toward film and video. After find
boundaries, find phases in event by repeated viewing.
2nd Assignment
Data Analysis in Research
8. Metaphorical Analysis
Usually used in later stages of analysis. Michael Patton, Nick Smith Try on various metaphors and
see how well they fit what is observed. Can also ask participant for metaphors and listen for
spontaneous metaphors. "Hallway as a highway." Like highway in many ways: traffic, intersections,
teachers as police, etc. Best to check validity of metaphor with participants - "member check".
9. Domain Analysis
Analysis of language of people in a cultural context. James Spradley Describe social situation and
the cultural patterns within it. Semantic relationships emphasize the meanings of the social situation
to participants. Interrelate the social situation and cultural meanings. Different kinds of domains:
Folk domains (their terms for domains), mixed domains, analytic domains (researcher's terms for
• select semantic relationships
• prepare domain analysis worksheet
• select sample of field notes (statements of people studied)
• look for broad and narrow terms to describe semantic relationships
• formulate questions about those relationships
• repeat process for different semantic relationship
• list all domains discovered
Usually use tapes so they can be played and replayed. Several people discussing, not individual
person specifically. Find patterns of questions, who dominates time and how, other patterns of
12. Semiotics
(Science of signs and symbols, such as body language) Determine how the meanings of signs and
symbols is constructed. Assume meaning is not inherent in those, meaning comes from relationships
with other things. Sometimes presented with a postmodernist emphasis.
13. Content Analysis
Look at documents, text, or speech to see what themes emerge. What do people talk about the most?
See how themes relate to each other. Find latent emphases, political view of newspaper writer,
which is implicit or look at surface level - overt emphasis. Theory driven - theory determines what
you look for. Rules are specified for data analysis.
Standard rules of content analysis include:
• How big a chunk of data is analyzed at a time (a line, a sentence, a phrase, a paragraph?) Must
state and stay with it.
• What are units of meaning?, the categories used. Categories must be:
1. Inclusive (all examples fit a category)
2. Mutually exclusive
• Defined precisely: what are properties.
• All data fits some category (exhaustive) Also note context. Start by reading all way through, then
specify rules. Could have emergent theory, but usually theory-driven. After determine categories, do
the counting - how often do categories occur. Most of literature emphasizes the quantitative aspects.
14. Phenomenology/Heuristic Analysis
Emphasizes idiosyncratic meaning to individuals, not shared constructions as much. Again, try to
bracket self out and enter into the other person's perspective and experience. Emphasizes the effects
of research experience on the researcher-personal experience of the research. How does this affect
me as researcher. Much like hermeneutical analysis, but even more focused on the researcher's
experience. Some use the term "phenomenology" to describe the researcher's experience and the idea
that this is all research is or can ever be.
15. Narrative Analysis
2nd Assignment
Data Analysis in Research
The story is what a person shares about self. What you choose to tell frames how you will be
perceived. Always compare ideas about self. Tend to avoid revealing negatives about self. Might
study autobiographies and compare them.
• context-situation
• core plot in the story told about self
• basic actions
2nd Assignment
Data Analysis in Research
Servis Group employs close to 8000 people in its Group Companies. SIL is a
public limited company listed on the stock exchanges of Pakistan. It has annual
revenue of USD 80 million. It is the largest manufacturer of footwear and tyres
& tubes for two-wheelers, and has been the largest exporter of footwear
from Pakistan for the last 10 years. The company employs more than 5,000
people in its facilities located in Gujrat and Muridke. The company's products
are exported primarily to Germany, Italy, France and UK.
Vision Statement:
To be a market leader providing quality footwear, tyres & tubes and allied
products. To strive for excellence and global recognition by continuous
improvement, innovation, dedication and growth.
Mission Statement:
Introduction of Sole:
2nd Assignment
Data Analysis in Research
Sole Collections (Pvt.) Ltd. is a Pakistani ladies footwear brand that aims to
provide a one stop shopping facility regarding quality footwear and accessories.
Sole Collections is not just about selling quality footwear, it wants to be
identified with providing the ultimate shopping experience to our customers.
Sole Collections plans to spread its network all over Pakistan and reach out to
all the major areas of this region and be known as ‘The # 1 Choice in the Ladies
Footwear Brands of Pakistan’. Sole Collections is all about fusing the exotic and
colorful local aesthetics with international shoe standards. The design range at
Sole Collections is not restricted to a particular segment of the Pakistani
consumers, both in its versatility and its affordability.
Situation Analysis:
Sole Collection has entered into the ladies footwear. Being in the shoe industry
they had no presence in ladies footwear previously and a big market chunk was
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Data Analysis in Research
Retail Tax:
Before 2006 the government of Pakistan was charging 15% retail tax on ladies
shoes. Sole Collection did not enter into the market before 2006 due to this
retail tax because it was making it 15% expensive from the market. The
government weaved off the retail tax in 2006 and SERVIS group of industries
found this situation workable and finally decided to enter ladies shoe market.
Majority of private brands and small industry players don’t pay taxes. The
corporate strategy of Servis Group of industries include paying all the taxes
Government applies 3.5% of the whole purchases as with holding tax. Sole
collections buy on 3.5% higher then the other market in order to maintain the
corporate strategy of their moral duty to pay all the taxes. Other market players
don’t pay this 3.5% tax, which makes them sale, their products less expensive.
However Sole collection purchases with tax but they have to maintain their
selling prices in balance with the competitors, which give fewer profit margins.
Industry/Market Summary:
Pakistan’s footwear industry manufactures some 120 million pair annually for
local consumption and it exports 2 million pair per annum roughly and the
average price charged for each pair stands around $10. Its share in Pakistan’s
total exports is about to touch the figure of $200 million. Out of all only 25%
shoe market is with SERVIS and Bata. Other individual players hold the rest of
the market share of overall shoe industry. Ladies footwear industry is a 50
billion market where 80% shares lie with the individual players. SC has captured
good information regarding their market and knows a great deal about the
common attributes of the most prized customers. The will leverage this
information to better understand who should be served, their specific needs,
and how they can better communicate with their customers.
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Data Analysis in Research
2007 521,117
2008 1,509,422
2009 5,339,976
2010 9,117,068
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Data Analysis in Research
Target Markets:
Target market is a female of all ages. Females are 51% of the total population
of Pakistan.
63,478,59 1,524,28 35,526,92 14,342,30
8,654,709 3,059,379 370,996
3 4 3 2
32.5 16.9 2.7 31.3 48.8 23.9 65.7
Entry barriers are high however exit barriers are low. High investments and
capital is required to enter this industry .On the other hand technical
knowledge, expertise and availability of skilled work force makes entry barriers
high. National and international level competitors are competing at the same
platform with minor variations.
Market Demographics:
2nd Assignment
Data Analysis in Research
The profile for Sole Collection’s customer consists of the following geographic,
demographic, and behavior factors.
The initial plan was to capture the most footfall market areas. Though a deep
market analysis the following four outlets were planned in the first phase of
2nd Assignment
Data Analysis in Research
Behavior Factors:
• No brand loyalty
• Fashion conscious.
• Subscribe to, or at least read, several women's magazines that are fashion
Market Needs:
Sole Collection is providing the market with a wide range of fashionable shoes
with an unprecedented selection.
• The patron will be impressed with the degree of care that they receive.
2nd Assignment
Data Analysis in Research
The market trend for women's fashionable fancy and casual shoes is toward a
wider selection of common design elements. Over the last few years, there has
been a proliferation of several design variations from a base design. A base
design is released and then there are many different spurs that have common
elements but include a few distinctive characteristics. The market trends follow
weather change and occasions. The following occasions affect the overall
design, color combinations and materials.
Weather Division:
Market trends are also being derived through Indian movies and especially from
star plus dramas. Color pallet is being assessed by the movies. Trends in the
fashion footwear market are evolving and the style mantras of the past are no
2nd Assignment
Data Analysis in Research
longer applicable. There are new fashion icons and trends governing consumer
choices now. Sole Collections makes sure that its customers always get the
cutting-edge fashion footwear that they desire, be it formal shoes with the
finest embellishments. We ensure that Sole Collections a brand that caters to
local needs but also finds a place for itself on the international platform. The
buying habits for fashion-conscious women consist of typically buying at least
one pair of shoes per month. Women generally purchase a pair of shoes to go
with a specific dress. Once the woman purchases the dress she will then begin
the long search for the perfect pair of shoes.
Market Forecast:
It is a 50 billion market and the focus of the CS management is to capture the
10% of market for its brand.
Market Growth:
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SWOT Analysis
The following SWOT analysis captures the key strengths and weaknesses within
the company, and describes the opportunities and threats facing SC.
2nd Assignment
Data Analysis in Research
• Experienced management
• Late entrant
2nd Assignment
Data Analysis in Research
During my research I have found following things,
I recommend following things on the basis of my research,
The topic which was assign to me was “Data analysis in
research”, during my study I have conclude that there are
many advantages and disadvantages of data analysis. If we
look the advantages of the data analysis then, current
situation, position according to competitors, market share and
much other important information can get through data
2nd Assignment
Data Analysis in Research