RC - Artifacts Table
RC - Artifacts Table
RC - Artifacts Table
- Name of Artifact
- Appearance (+/- image)
- Explanation
- How to fix it OR clinical importance
Side Lobe Artifact Incorrectly placed echoes Off axis low energy Recognize
overlap anechoic beams (side lobes), “pseudosludge” / artifact,
(From side lobes OR structures received by transducer -- seen more with linear
grating lobes - which are assumed to be from main transducers
another form of off axis beam (when strong
energy) reflector outside of main
Beam Width Artifact Classic is peripheral In far field, diverging Adjust the focal zone to
echoes in bladder beam beyond margins of area of interest, place
transducer -- return and transducer at centre of
assumed to be from main image
Comet Tail Artifact Tapering Triangle Form of reverb, with Small crystalline / calcific
objects placed very close -- adenomyomatosis,
together (space less than small calculi (renal, cbd,
½ SPL, i.e. less than the pancreatic, testicular
axial resolution) → microlithiasis, surgical
displays as triangle rather clips), biliary hamartoma,
than linear lines due to thyroid colloid nodules
attenuation of later
Ring Down Artifact Linear, continuous deep Tetrahedron of bubbles Due to GAS
to structure with small fluid trapped
within → nearly
continuous sound wave
Mirror Image Artifact Mirror image at liver lung Reflected between Classically shown at liver
most commonly reflector and adjacent / lung interface
structure -- incorrectly
thought to be another
copy deep to the reflector
Increased through Stronger beams distal to Structure attenuates Often cystic, but some
transmission a structure beam less than solid (i.e. lymphoma, FA)
surrounding structures can demonstrate
posterior acoustic
Doppler Related
Aliasing High velocities displayed Doppler shift frequency Increase PRF, increase
as negative on spectral, greater than NYQUIST scale, decrease doppler
blue and red adjacent to FREQUENCY. shift (i.e. lower freq
each other on colour (NYQUIST LIMIT in khz transducer, increase
= ½ x PRF). Aliasing angle closer to 90
occurs if v > ½ PRF degrees), lower baseline
(pulse repetition
CT Artifacts:
Types of artifacts include: Streaking (inconsistent single measurement), Shading (group of views deviating
gradually from the true measurement), Rings (detector malfunction), Distortion (helical reconstruction).
Partial Volume Partial volume effect Two densities in a voxel Decrease voxel size (i.e.
(intermediate density in a → averaged to an thinner slices, larger
voxel) is basic. But can intermediate density. Can matrix, smaller FOV). If
also affect in other ways also cause shading noise is a problem can
artifacts adjacent to acquire thin slices and
i.e. dense object lying off dense objects generate thicker by
axis --> shading artifact adding together.
Dense Object off axis
protrudes into the
diverging beam on one
side (but not the other) --
will result in inconsistent
measurements → artifact
Photon Starvation Streaks between dense High attenuation areas → Automatic Tube Current
objects and near metal photon starvation/ Modulation (increased
insufficient photons deep dose through dense
(very noisy due to photon areas -- by increased mA
starvation → magnified at appropriate times only)
on reconstruction → Adaptive Filtration -
(Aside: Adaptive horizontal streaks) smooth the data --
Filtration) software correction to
reduce streaking (see L)
Metal Artifact Severe Streaking artifact Several mechanisms: Remove metal (or avoid
beam hardening, partial on imaging if possible)
volume, aliasing, too high
density to be handled. Increase kVP (sometimes
works), Use thinner slices
Metals with high Z (Fe, (to reduce volume
Pl) have more than lower averaging)
Z (Ti)
Interpolation software
(metal artifact reduction
software, beam
hardening reduction)
Helical Artifact in Axial Distortion @ skull, For helical scanners, if Reduce variation in Z
Plane: Single Section diaphragm (where scanned a cone would be direction (low pitch)
anatomy changing rapidly distorted and not perfect
in Z direction) + worse at circles given path of 180 degree interpolator if
higher pitches helical scanner. See this this is an option
at top of skull and
diaphragm/liver as well Thin sections
Axial scanning (head
CTs often done this way
Multiplanar: Stair Step Stair step at edges of With wide collimation of Thinner slices! (mostly
reformats (i.e. skull) non-overlapping intervals. gone in modern
Less severe with helical scanners), less with
scanner with overlap helical
MRI Artifacts:
Aliasing (wrap-around) Wrapping of anatomy Occurs in phase Make FOV bigger (cost =
from under-sampled encoding direction (note poor spatial resolution)
portions if 3D, there are 2 phase Flip PE/FE dir (cost =
encoding directions) increased table time)
Surface coils (minimizes
Question may ask - which signal from tissue
direction is phase outside)
encoding? Look for Sat bands (eliminate
aliasing as a clue signal from outside FOV)
Chemical Shift Bright on one side, dark Different precessional Increased bandwidth
on the other (@ Fluid-Fat freq of fat and water is (rBW) (Decreases shift)
Interface) 220 Hz at 1.5T → Swap PE/FE if helps
misregistration in the Fat Suppression (STIR)
“Type 2” is india ink frequency encoding
artifact -- only occurs with direction
GRE -- to fix just change
TE to in phase
Partial Volume Volume averaging Overlap in signal voxel Make voxels smaller
(decrease FOV,
increased matrix,
decrease slice thickness)
Motion Artifact Ghosting, Smearing (in Voluntary and involuntary Stop voluntary motion
phase encoding direction movements Breath Holding
most frequently) Cardiac or Resp Gating
Phase encoding Fat Sat Band (over abdo)
Pulsation artifact (phase direction (most Switch PE/FE if possible
encoding direction) - see frequently but can occur BLADE/PROPELLER -
next as well (flow) in both) radial sampling methods
like helicopter to
Pic shows ghosting oversample centre of k
artifact with head space
movement Faster acquisition (i.e.
Magic Angle Signal on T1 and PD, @ 55 degrees with main Higher field strength
GRE at 55 degrees along magnetic field on SHORT (greater shortening of T2
tendons TE sequences (T1, PD) -- times)
often with tendons
Long TE sequences (T2)
RF Related
Cross Talk Band of signal loss Pulses are not Increase gap btw
horizontal across the rectangular (RF, Fourier sections
image! (i.e. axial lower Transform/FT pulses) → Interleave slices (odds
lumbar spine!) can get excitation of then evens)
neighboring sections 3D images don’t have this
leading to partial - entire volume excited
saturation and lower
Zipper Artifact Zipper of high signal Random/Stray RF signals Closing door if open
across phase encoding → zipper of high signal Remove all electronic
direction (1-2 pixels in across image in phase devices from room (pulse
width) encoding direction. ox left on is classic
Often hardware or Repair faulty RF
software issue, seen in all shielding (call tech
image series people)
Inhomogeneous Fat Inhomogeneities -- failure Field inhomogeneities → Use STIR, especially with
Suppression in fat sat mimics edema fat precesses at different metal
frequencies → areas can
resist chemical fat Aside: Shimming is
suppression process to improve field
homogeneity in a magnet
when buy it and btw pts
(p 302 physics - passive
when buy and active btw
Gradient Related
Eddy Current Distortion (contraction or When gradients are Optimize the sequence of
dilation of image, rapidly turned on and off gradient pulses
stretch/smear) (i.e. EPI) → eddy currents
are generated ⇒
Most severe on DWI distortion (contraction or
(EPI) - i.e. stretch and dilation of image,
smear at brain-bone shift/smear)
Errors in Data
Dielectric Effects / Dark signal central RF pulse wavelength in Worse with stronger
Standing Wave Effects abdomen over left lobe of the body is reduced magnet (reduce magnet
liver (classic appearance) (tissues have a strength to help)
dielectric constant that
Usually @ 3T and in the reduces wavelength). Worse when wider body
abdomen This is worst at higher (i.e. with ascites, large
magnet strengths (i.e. RF bellies)
pulse @ 3T → 200
something cm in air → 26 Apply dielectric pads
cm wavelength in the Parallel RF
body). If the length of the transmission (gives you
body > wavelength in longer pulse)
body → constructive and
destructive interference
result in signal loss
Standing waves created
as radio wave
approaches length of
body part.
- With balanced SSFP sequences (now used for abdominal imaging due to fast GRE acquisition)
- Get DEPHASING of Bo from gradients during each TR -- susceptible due to non-uniformity of Bo →
bandlike losses of signal (usually peripherally or near areas with inhomogeneity - but bands are separate
from susceptibility artifact)
- Banding occurs at intervals of 1/TR -- so HIGHER TR = occurs at shorter intervals = MORE BANDING
- Also occurs more at higher field strengths
- To FIX = LOWER TR (half fourier transform), LOWER MAGNETIC FIELD