يوــــيــــــلعلا Note 1 Acc451 Accounting Information Systems AIS: An Overview
يوــــيــــــلعلا Note 1 Acc451 Accounting Information Systems AIS: An Overview
يوــــيــــــلعلا Note 1 Acc451 Accounting Information Systems AIS: An Overview
The (1) larger and (2) more complicated a system, the more difficult it is to achieve goal
Data are Facts that are collected, recorded, stored, and processed
by an information system.
Organizations collect data about:
1 -Events that occur
2- Resources that are affected by those events
3 -Agents who participate in the events
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Acc451 Chapter 1 Note العلــــــيــــوي
Information is different from data.
➢ Information is data that have been organized and
processed to provide meaning to a user.
➢ more information and better information translates into
better decisions.
when you get more information than you can effectively assimilate (adapt), you suffer from
information overload.
Example: Taking investment decision! Or When you’ve reached the overload point, the
quality of decisions declines while the costs of producing the information increases.
Value of Information: Is the benefit produced by the information minus the costs of
producing. (Should be Positive Value)
However, Costs and benefits of information are often difficult to quantify, but you need to try
when you’re making decisions about whether to provide information or not.
Users of Information
External Users
External Users: primarily use information that is either:
1- Mandatory information: Required by a governmental entity
Example: income information for tax authority
2- Essential information: Required to conduct business with
external parties
Example: information about financial position when the company apply for a loan.
In providing mandatory or essential information, the focus should be on:
1 Minimizing costs.
2 Meeting regulatory requirements.
3 Meeting minimum standards of reliability and usefulness.
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Acc451 Chapter 1 Note العلــــــيــــوي
Internal Users
AIS: is a system that collects, records, stores, and processes data to produce information
for decision makers.
It can:
- Use advanced technology; or
- Be a simple paper-and-pencil system; or
- Be something in between.
AIS Components:
1- The people who operate the system.
2 -The procedures and instructions use to operate the system
whatever it is manual or automated.
3 -The data about the organization.
4 -The software used to process the data.
5 -The information technology infrastructure (communication), roads and networks.
6 -The internal control and security measures.
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Acc451 Chapter 1 Note العلــــــيــــوي
While organizational strategy affects the design of the AIS, it’s also true that the AIS affects
organizational strategy.
An AIS can influence an organization’s culture by controlling the flow of information within an
organization. For example, an AIS that makes information easily accessible and widely
Adding Value: making the value of the finished component greater than the
sum of its parts.
It may mean:
1. Making it faster Delivery Services
2. Making it more reliable Broadband Services
3. Providing better service or advice Airline
4. Providing limited supply Bentley & Porsche
5. Providing enhanced features Apple Laptops
6 .Customizing your product Wedding Party Planer
7. Providing something in limited supply O-negative blood
Primary activities
For Example: a medicinal company, this activity might involve handling incoming chemicals
and elements that will be used to make their drugs.
For Example: the medicinal company, this step involves combining the
raw chemicals and elements with the work of people and equipment to
produce the finished drug product that will be sold to customers.
For Example: the medicinal company, this step involves packaging and
shipping the goods to drug stores, doctors, and hospitals.
For example :A pharmacy representative may visit with drug stores, doctors,
etc. to inform them about their products and take orders.
For Example: The pharmaceutical company is more likely to be providing advisory services
to pharmacists.
Support activities
4- Firm Infrastructure (Services): Accountants, lawyers, and
administration. Includes the company’s accounting
information system.
For example: the medicinal company, these activities would include research and
development to create new drugs and modify existing ones.
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Acc451 Chapter 1 Note العلــــــيــــوي
Information Technology can significantly impact the efficiency and effectiveness with
which the preceding activities are carried out.
An organization’s value chain can be connected with the value chains of its customers,
suppliers, and distributors.
For Example
The inbound logistics of Medicinal, Inc., links to the outbound logistics of its suppliers.
The outbound logistics of Medicinal, Inc., links to the inbound logistics of its customers.
The linking of these separate value chains creates a larger system known as a Supply
Information technology and these linkages can facilitate improve the performance of each
company’s value chain.
Example: issue purchase order if the inventory reaches specific amount. Deciding
whether to write an auto insurance policy for a customer with a clean driving history
2. Semi-structured decisions
- Incomplete rules
- Require subjective assessments
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Acc451 Chapter 1 Note العلــــــيــــوي
3. Non-Structured decisions
- Non-repetitive and non-routine
- Require a great deal of subjective assessment
Example: Deciding whether to begin selling a new type of insurance policy or
The scope of a decision effect:
- Occupational control decisions (operational)
• Relate to performance of specific tasks
• Often of a day-to-day nature
Example: Budgeting
- Strategic planning decisions: The “what do we want to be when we grow up” look
at the future
Involves establishing
o Organizational objectives
o Policies to achieve those objectives
Example: Deciding whether to diversify the company into other product lines
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