Chausie: Cat Breed Profile: Characteristics, History, Care Tips, and Helpful Information For Pet Owners
Chausie: Cat Breed Profile: Characteristics, History, Care Tips, and Helpful Information For Pet Owners
Chausie: Cat Breed Profile: Characteristics, History, Care Tips, and Helpful Information For Pet Owners
Updated on 07/12/21
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The Chausie cat is a relatively new cat breed that was created in the 1990s in the United States.
The Chausie (pronounced “chow-see”) was developed by breeding domestic cats and a wild cat
species called the Jungle Cat (felis chaus). In appearance, the Chausie looks wild, but this fully
domesticated breed is a sociable, affectionate and good-natured house pet.
In form and function, the Chausie is meant to closely resemble its wild ancestor. It has a long,
sloping forehead, high cheekbones and a long muzzle, with a full, slightly rounded chin and wide
nose with puffy nose leather. It is large and tall with long legs and a deep chest, but it is not a
bulky cat. The Chausie’s athletic, lanky, lean body is built for running and jumping—the breed
standard compares their body type to that of a basketball player or Olympic long jumper.
The triangular ears are tall, large, and wide, with rounded tips and preferably ear tufts—tiny bits
of hair that stick up from the tips of the ears. The tail may be shorter than a typical cat tail,
ranging in length from three-quarters to full length, with preference being given to a slightly
shorter tail.
The Chausie’s short, slightly coarse coat comes in three colors: brown ticked tabby (sandy gray
to reddish gold with two to three bands of dark ticking around each hair and preferably tabby
barring on the tail, upper inside of the front legs and to the hock on the back legs); black grizzled
ticked (a pattern inherited from its Jungle Cat ancestors, the hair shaft is banded with lighter
coloration at the skin, alternating dark and lighter bands of ticking and ending with a dark tip);
and black (solid black).
The Chausie is a highly active and playful cat that needs lots stimulation and company. This is
not the best breed for people who are away from the house many hours a day. Confident,
assertive and outgoing, Chausies are loyal and affectionate with their human families, getting
along well with people of all ages, including respectful children. They can live peacefully with
dogs and other cats when introduced properly and raised with them.
Breed Overview
WEIGHT: About 15 to 25 pounds
In the 1990s, some breeders set out to create a domestic cat breed that closely resembled the
Jungle Cat. Many different breeds of domestic cat were used in the early Chausie breeding
program, including the Abyssinian and the domestic shorthair (mixed-breed shorthaired cats).
Eventually, the breeders succeeded in their quest to develop a new breed and christened it the
Chausie, basing the moniker on the Latin name for the Jungle Cat (felis chaus). The Chausie has
been recognized by the International Cat Association since 1995. In 2013, the breed was granted
championship status by TICA, which allows cats to compete in cat shows for titles.
Chausies are extremely active and inquisitive cats. Always in motion, Chausies love to play, run,
jump, climb, and explore, and many even like water. They are known to open cabinets and
rummage through their contents—child locks might be helpful to prevent especially curious
Chausies from making a mess of things. Provide a variety of acceptable surfaces for scratching,
which is a natural and enjoyable feline behavior. Scratching posts or cat trees are great for cats
that like to scratch vertically. Cardboard or sisal scratchers that lie on the ground are good for
cats that like to scratch horizontally.
Highly intelligent, Chausies love learning new things. Described as “dog-like,” some Chausies
like to play fetch and even like wearing a harness and leash and going for walks outside. In
general, the breed is easy to live with and fun to be around. They are extremely social cats and
need a family that can be home with them a lot to provide engagement and companionship. Most
Chausies reliably use a litter box, though occasionally some Chausies that have more wild blood
might be more prone to spraying or litter box issues.
• Easy-care coat
• Intelligent and active
• Friendly with people and pets
• Bengal
• Savannah Cat
• Toyger
Otherwise, check out all of our other cat breed articles to help you find the perfect cat for you
and your family.
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