Framework For Local Government To Implement Integrated Water Resource Management Linked To Water Service Delivery

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Framework for local government to implement integrated water

resource management linked to water service delivery

EH Haigh, HE Fox and HD Davies-Coleman*

Institute for Water Research, Rhodes University, PO Box 94, Grahamstown 6140, South Africa


The Water Services Act (No. 8 of 1997) of South Africa states that water service delivery is the responsibility of local
government as Water Services Authorities. The principal legal responsibility is to complete a Water Services Development
Plan (WSDP) every 5 years with annual review. The WSDP encapsulates all the responsibilities and tasks required in water
service delivery. However, it does not spell out local government’s role in water resource protection or its responsibilities as
far as integrated water resource management is concerned. It is well known in South Africa that there is a challenging level
of inadequate capacity in technical and administrative skills in local government to adequately fulfil water service delivery.
This paper highlights the consequences of this incapacity for municipalities and their difficulties in fulfilling their responsi-
bilities as service providers. A framework is provided within which improvements can be brought about, with guidance on
how to engage in the practice of integrated water resource management (IWRM) in the context of the legal framework for
water services. The additional tasks and changes required to practise IWRM are set in the context of the WSDP. The frame-
work provides a guide for a municipality to first accomplish an adequate WSDP, and then to gradually implement IWRM.
A discussion on the skills needed to accomplish, firstly, a comprehensive WSDP, and secondly, IWRM, is included.

Keywords: local government mandates, water service delivery, water service planning, integrated water
resource management, skills and training needs, water resource management, solid waste management

Introduction 1997) water service delivery is a core responsibility for local

government, whether as a water services authority or as a
Internationally, in recent years, a more integrated approach water services provider. Carrying out this responsibility
to the management of natural resources has been advocated. faultlessly and lawfully should be the goal. IWRM would
Integrated water resource management (IWRM) is such a require a general review of management practices. From
process and it promotes the co-ordinated development and our observations, municipal officials tend to function within
management of water and land so as to maximise economic their directorates without sufficient cross-directorate inter-
and social welfare without compromising the sustainability action. Municipal officials are traditionally pre-occupied
of vital ecosystems (Global Water Partnership, 2000; DWAF, with delivering water and sanitation to households and
2004a). One of the aims of IWRM is to improve all aspects of generally do not want to consider the health of rivers and
water resource management progressively – the way we col- wetlands as part of their sphere of responsibility. In order to
lect water, store water, distribute water, conserve water and practice IWRM, they will have to adopt a holistic and inte-
keep water pure. IWRM thus aims to find a balance between grated approach to water service delivery and water resource
the social, environmental and technological perspectives of management.
water resource management.
The South African National Water Act (Act 36 of 1998) The IWRM plan guidelines for local authorities
(NWA) promotes an integrated catchment-based approach
to water resource management. The law promotes a more In 2007 a report entitled Integrated Water Resource
equitable and sustainable use of our water and makes water Management Plan Guidelines for Local Authorities was pub-
‘everybody’s business’. Since we all have a right to water, we lished under the auspices of the Water Research Commission
also have a right to participate in the way it is managed and (WRC) (Burke, 2007). This guideline sets out a new integrated
allocated – with participation being organised in terms of approach to the management of water resources and water
catchments (NWA, Chapters 2 and 7). Local government (LG), services for local government. If the guideline is to be imple-
being strategically located between the national policy-making mented, municipal management structures will have to be
level and water consumers, has a significant role to play in extensively reviewed. This task and a new approach to manage-
water management and in engaging local communities to par- ment would be a daunting prospect to a constituency already
ticipate in IWRM processes. failing to comply adequately with the Water Services Act
According to the South African Constitution (Act No. mandates, under present management systems and with current
107 of 1996) and the Water Services Act (Act No. 108 of available capacity.
This paper examines how local government can engage in
the practice of IWRM in the context of the legal framework
* To whom all correspondence should be addressed. for water services. The framework presented here provides a
 +27(46) 603 8055; fax: +27(46) 603 8822; more consolidated guide for local government officials on how
e-mail: to improve water service delivery with water resource manage-
Received 11 June 2009; accepted in revised form 31 May 2010. ment, in line with the tasks mandated in the WSDP, without

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undertaking immediate restructuring. This paper aligns Results
the WSDP and the IWRM Plan Guidelines (Burke, 2007),
identifying tasks common to both, thus offering municipal Overview of the legal framework for LG
officials a way to incorporate IWRM tasks into water service
delivery. The paper then highlights those additional tasks that The powers and functions of the spheres of government are
are required when practising an integrated system of water enshrined in the Constitution. In pursuit of the constitutional
resource management. mandate of a developmental local government, the White Paper
To achieve an excellent level of water service delivery a on Local Government was formulated in 1998, with the subse-
step-by-step approach for improvement is needed. Suggestions quent promulgation of a suite of local government legislation
are offered on how to achieve such a phased approach. The within a financial framework afforded by the annual Division
approach takes into account the responsibilities that municipal of Revenue Act.
officials already have as well as advocating greater overall The division of such powers and functions is developed
integration of management systems. upon in the Municipal Structures Act (Act No. 117 of 1998),
At the municipal level, the impact of human activity on the the Municipal Systems Act (Act No. 32 of 2000) and the sub-
environment is especially noticeable, particularly in planning sequent Amendment Act (Act No. 33 of 2000), particularly
development. For this reason, improved environmental man- in respect of local government spheres (local and district
agement and water should be placed at the heart of all develop- municipalities). This suite of legislation further includes the
ment decisions (DWAF, 2005). Municipal officials involved Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act (Act No. 13 of
in environmental management should be encouraged to take 2005) the Municipal Demarcation Act (Act No. 27 of 1998),
a more broad-based approach than the narrow ‘public health’ Local Government Finance Management Act (Act No. 56 of
focus that officials tend to adopt. Among the issues that need 2003), Local Government Property Rates Act (Act No. 6 of
to be considered are the environmental impact of land man- 2004) and the Disaster Management Act (Act No. 57 of 2002).
agement such as zoning for recreational spaces and water use; The Development Facilitation Act (Act No. 67 of 1995)
stormwater management; waste disposal; the preservation of states that an integrated development plan (IDP) must be
wetlands and green open spaces as soak-aways; the monitoring prepared to ensure proper co-ordination and integration of
of the downstream effects of effluent, in particular greywater; development. IDPs are the most important mechanism avail-
and finally the equitable distribution of water resources through able to government to transform structural differences in South
catchment management. Africa’s previously divided society. The IDP process is also
one of the primary means of developing a community through
Research area the promotion of public participation in its analyses and plan-
ning phases (Geyer, 2006). This process, a legal requirement
Makana Municipality was chosen as the pilot study because of LG, prepares officials and politicians for the requirement of
it represented a Category B Municipality, with Rhodes integrated planning and management (Act No. 32 of 2000; Act
University, Grahamstown, conveniently located in its No. 36 of 1998). However, as the IDP is presently set out in
midst. Makana is one of 9 municipalities in the Cacadu the Municipal Systems Act (No. 32 of 2000), it is not required
District Municipality in the Great Fish River Catchment, that water availability and demand be considered during all
of Water Management Area 15: Fish to Tsitsikamma. The parts of development planning, and neither does the IDP
Municipality includes 3 urban settlements and 8 rural process demand a discussion of how development will impact
villages/centres. natural resources. In addition, the IDP deals separately with
those services that impact water resources such as solid waste
Research methods management, stormwater management, and water service and
sanitation. This is not conducive to IWRM.
The overall research approach comprised the following: Given the cross-sectoral nature of water, all legislation has
• Municipal mandates relating to environmental management at least some application to water resources and service man-
and service delivery, particularly where related to water, agement. The National Environmental Management Act (No.
were tracked through all the relevant acts (National Water 107 of 1998) and the National Water Act direct the components
Act, Water Services Act, Municipal Systems Act, and of the municipal IDP, reviewed annually. The Integrated Waste
National Environmental Management Act). Management Plan and the WSDP are subsets of the IDP. At
• The need for water resource protection in relation to water- present there is no statute that prescribes the duties of LG in
related services (e.g. the provision of water supply and sani- terms of IWRM.
tation; and stormwater management) and IWRM provisos As Water Services Authorities, municipalities are ulti-
was examined and linked. mately accountable for the delivery of water service and sanita-
• The considerable challenges to LG to undertake responsible tion to consumers, whether or not they fulfil the provider func-
WSD, particularly where capacity and financial resources tion. Four tasks are identified for the Water Services Authority
are limited, were examined in the context of IWRM. The (WSA). They need to:
lack of municipal and water management area boundaries • Adapt internal arrangements and put governance mecha-
coinciding was noted as an added challenge. nisms in place to effectively regulate water service by
• Using Makana Local Municipality as a case study, present developing and implementing policies such as by-laws and
levels of compliance to existing legislated norms and regulating competence.
standards were compared, through interviews with relevant • Take on the cost-effective and sustainable management and
stakeholders and by examining the Makana WSDP. A operation of water service infrastructure through determin-
number of recommended actions were drafted according ing tariffs, managing equitable share allocation, service
to these findings and were published in 2008 in a WRC level planning, capital infrastructure investment prioritisa-
research report (Haigh et al., 2008). tion and implementation.

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• Make appropriate arrangements for the sustainable, effi- Strategy (DWAF, 2007a). In terms of the Constitution, addi-
cient and effective provision of water services across their tional roles may be allocated to local authorities if resources are
areas of jurisdiction through a Water Services Provider available.
under contract or by themselves (Municipal Systems Act All the strategies and planning tools are aligned to and
No. 32 of 2000, Section 78). The provider function relates supported by business plans that must be reviewed annually by
to practical implementation including day-to-day opera- the LG. In turn, the business plans should be aligned to and be
tions. Apart from providing safe potable water, water serv- mutually informative of the provincial IDPs for both municipal
ices include providing sanitation, treating wastewater and and regional entities.
effluent, effecting repairs together with preventative and
major maintenance as well as revenue collection and related The Water Services Development Plan, management
financial management. In addition, provider functions tools and plans
extend to customer relations and communication, including
information on the service being delivered as well as health The WSDP (DWAF, 2001) deals with planning for water
and hygiene awareness. Related and linked services that are service provision, water demand management and wastewater
the responsibility of LG include managing solid wastewater treatment. To develop a strong plan, up-to date information
and stormwater in ways that ensure a healthy environment. from the municipality’s records is required. Billing systems and
• Draft and adopt a WSDP every 5 years, with annual review, associated records become critical. If the municipality does not
as part of its IDP. This is the principal legal responsibility have the capacity to draft a WSDP, then the local municipality
of LG under Act 108 of 1997 (Sections 12-15). The WSDP is responsible for providing information to the designated con-
encapsulates all the responsibilities and tasks required of sultant drafting the plan and to the District Municipality and
LG in water service delivery and forces a WSA to consider the Catchment Management Agency. The WSDP is essential
each aspect. for the completion of the province’s IDP and must be aligned
with this. Drafting a WSDP reveals the gaps and problems
Compliance experienced in water service delivery, although it does not
reflect information on solid waste management or planning
Many municipalities, however, fail to comply with the pre- procedures.
scripts of the WSDP mainly because of ignorance and lack of The WSDP consists of 10 business elements (see Table
capacity both in experienced staff and data systems. They fail 1). To understand each business element, resources, systems,
to manage their infrastructure adequately, have poorly run and service, laws, and infrastructure already in place must be
inadequate sewage treatment plants and overlook adequate identified. Each business element requires a description
stormwater management in semi-formal and high-density (called a ‘profile’) including the following, listed here for
suburbs (Schreiner, 2007). All of these ultimately result in referral:
river pollution. Few municipalities ensure that the rivers are • SOCIO-ECONOMIC PROFILE: The social aspects of
kept clear of alien vegetation. Most municipalities fall short the population served by the municipality. This includes
of maintaining an environment that supports the health of municipal demographics with income and employment pat-
citizens, especially when it comes to the discharge of effluent terns and the status of health service, sanitation and water-
from waste-water treatment plants, and most do not monitor the borne diseases.
health of their water resources (Schreiner, 2007). • SERVICE LEVEL PROFILE: An overview of water
and sanitation services in place as well as any plans for
The Strategic Framework for Water Services improvement. The following are required: an assessment of
the quality and level of service reaching the people in the
The Strategic Framework for Water Services (DWAF, 2003) municipality, including management of all wastewaters;
addresses the full spectrum of water supply and sanitation and the service and management for waste removal includ-
issues, thus serving as an umbrella framework for the entire ing dry waste from industry. Industries producing toxic
water service sector. It gives a set of overall IWRM goals and effluent (‘wet industries’ such as tanneries) need special
outlines an institutional framework as well as operational attention.
frameworks (financial, planning and implementation) that need • WATER RESOURCE PROFILE: The quality and quantity
to be set or be in place to achieve these goals. This Strategic of water available to the municipality (both surface and
Framework encompasses a number of tiered planning strate- groundwater).
gies that are inter-linked so as to inform one another; and • WATER CONSERVATION AND DEMAND
incorporates a national implementation strategy which covers MANAGEMENT (WC/DM): Quantities required, with
both the management and allocation of water. Essentially the programmes required to set targets for the use and con-
implementation strategy is described in 2 pieces of legislation: servation of water. Conservation includes education of
the National Water Resource Strategy (DWAF, 2004a) and the consumers, keeping track of leaks, metering water use, and
Catchment Management Strategy (DWAF, 2007a). In its man- control of alien vegetation.
agement of local water resources, LG must ensure compliance • WATER SERVICE INFRASTRUCTURE: Assessment,
with both. maintenance and management of water and sanitation
Officials working in the areas of water service delivery infrastructure including water storage structures such as
need to ensure that the WSDP and the IWRM Plan are in align- reservoirs and dams, an evaluation of the water service
ment with the Catchment Management Strategy. In water man- assets, and such related elements as staff expertise.
agement areas where a Catchment Management Strategy has • WATER BALANCE: The quantities of bulk water, includ-
not yet been developed, the WSDP and IWRM plan should be ing volumes treated for consumers, and volumes entering
aligned with the National Water Resource Strategy. These plans and being released as effluent from water treatment works.
should inform the development of the Catchment Management • INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS: The laws and

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regulations that govern the management and allocation of In Table 1 each of the business elements outlined above is col-
water must be understood. our coded according to the WSDP. For each business element,
• CONSUMER SERVICE PROFILE: People are receiving local authorities complete the following 4 processes:
the service to which they are entitled. People education, • A situation assessment: infrastructure, available water,
protective by-laws, and opportunities for consumer com- income and management are critical. The associated data
plaints are required. collection system requires a person able to analyse the
• FINANCIAL PROFILE: The financing of the different information.
water-related services. • Future trends and goal: particularly trends in terms of
• LIST OF PROJECTS: Lists of projects currently underway population growth and economic development. These
or planned in the future, and the means by which their should be aligned with the IDP.
development can be tracked. • Strategic gap analyses: water service needs.
• Implementation plans: how the needs will be addressed
with priorities listed.

Links between the tasks as set out in the WSDP and the Integrated Water Resource Management Plan
(IWRMP) as suggested by Burke (2007)

The numbering systems of the 2 original documents – i.e. the WSDP and IWRMP, have both been retained, leaving the numbering sequence in Table 1 uncon-
ventional but allowing cross-reference to the original documents.
The business elements and tasks of the WSDP v.12 are in the left column and the related tasks of Burke’s IWRMP on the right. While the wording in the IWRMP
is at times slightly different, the content and message are the same. All new tasks to fulfil IWRM criteria are highlighted in red. Red borders around cells indicate
tasks that need more information, or that have been added to the existing business areas of the WSDP. Tasks referring to the Integrated Waste Management
Plans are coded brown (DWAF, 2004b).
WSDP business elements and tasks IWRMP tasks
SECTION E. IDP and WSDP Goals and Integration 8.1 Introduction to local authority IWRM objectives
E1. IDP priority issues related to water service
E3. IWRM sub-goals
Water resource protection & WC/DM
SECTION D. Background to the area 8.2 Local authority details
D1. Location, maps, etc. 8.3.2. Locality plan – organogram & contact details person/ champion/
coordinator for IWRM
D2. Maps and descriptions of water services authority, settlements,
infrastructure for public and economic activities
D3. Physical perspective: topography, climate, natural environmental 8.3.1 Baseline information – topography, climate, GIS maps and
status demographics.
8.5.2. Dry weather and peak flows (WR90 or WR2005) location of flood
lines for 1:50 and 1:100 year storm events (WR2005 = water resource fact
books and maps from DWA)
8.5.2. Hydrology: flow data, mean annual runoff (WR90)
8.5.1. Description of catchment(s), water management area and resource
class; overview of geology of area
8.3.4. Regional (CMA) perspective
F1. Socio-economic profile (Demographics, employment and 8.2. & 8.3.3 Demographics
Current consumer profile, including wet and dry industrial consumer
units and commercial units
Present and projected population
Demographic trends, age and gender profiles
Employment profile and household income 8.10. Work creation and poverty alleviation
Economic profiles and trends 8.9.3. Risks to human health
Health-service profile
Water-borne diseases and sanitation access
F2. Service level profile 8.7 Water use and management
(targets set must align with IDP)
Residential consumer units for water and sanitation according to 8.7.2 Surface water users (sectors, etc.)
service levels 8.6.4 Groundwater users
Sanitation systems 8.7.4 Sewage
Greywater management 8.7.6 Greywater (urban runoff from under-serviced/unserviced area)
Pit emptying and sludge disposal 8.10.7 Pollution control
Public institutions, dry industries 8.8.2 Industrial, any other waste (sanitation)
Wet industries’ water needs, effluent permits and sanitation needs 8.8.1 Waste management
Raw water consumers 8.7.10 Recreational water uses
8.7.5 Stormwater management

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F3. Water resources profile 8.5 & 8.7.2 Surface water situation assessment
Water source situation assessment surface and groundwater volumes 8.5 Surface water situation assessment
used and projected for 5 years 8.6. Groundwater situation assessment
Water quality profiles – raw and treated urban and rural and effluent 8.5.6-9. Surface water monitoring programme – quality
discharged (water use as specified in NWA S.21f,g,h) 8.5.10. Overview of surface water quality, quantity and river health
Linked to Integrated Waste Management Plan (IWRM) 8.6.5 Groundwater quality, monitoring programme (quality and quantity)
and location of stations
8.6.7 Overview of groundwater quantity and quality
Pollution contingency measures 8.7.5 Stormwater
Sanitation systems 8.10 Pollution control
8.10.7. Surface water quality
Chemical and biomonitoring programmes
Monitoring systems report
F4. WC/DM (also touches public participation (PP) and education) 8.10.3 Water conservation /water demand management
Situation assessment detailing targets and management programmes 8.12.2 Operation and management systems.
and resources for reduction of pressure and water loss as well as 8.12.4 Education and awareness
consumer education
Record of leaks and illegal connections
Leak and meter repair programmes
‘Working for water’ and artificial aquifer recharge
F5. Water services infrastructure 8.7.2 Water supply
Situation assessment of existing infrastructure for both water (bulk 8.7.3 Reservoirs, wastewater treatment and stormwater plans
and reticulation) and sanitation; including history, ownership, type, 8.7.4 Sewage
values, capacity and operational status (functionality) for both sur-
face and groundwater
Operational and separate maintenance plans for each component 8.7.1 Legal framework – summary of NWA Section 21 water uses regula-
Asset management assessment and programmes tions within Local Authority and Regulation 704 (mining) or any other
applicable regulations Operation and management
This falls under many different categories in WSDP
Database structures for institutional status, asset assessment, type Database of abstraction and monitoring boreholes; aquifer parameters
and capacity for each element and aquifer test data
Dam safety measures, risk assessment and management policies, 8.7.5 Stormwater
emergency procedures 8.10.10 Emergencies and contingencies
Staffing levels, educational status, capacity building and training, 8.12.3 Records of staff training
budgeting, availability of manuals
F6. Water balance (operational) 8.7.11 Water balance (8.7.2)
Bulk water utilised annually, treated water supplied to consumers by
Volume received at treatment works and effluent released to water
F7. Water service institutional arrangements (also section on 8.10 Management Systems and Strategies to Implement IWRM
administration) 8.12 Operational Management
WSA and WSP policies, by-laws, WC/DM plans 8.9.6 Performance monitoring (legally required by IDP)
8.10.3 WC/DM

Indigent policy, tariff structures, procurement policy, credit and debt 8.12.2 Operation and management procedures, including staff training
collection policy; performance management system 8.12.5 Partnerships with residents, NGOs and business
Representation on CMA or Water Board 8.10.2 Catchment management
8.10.4 & 6 Environmental management i.e. land, river and wetland man-
agement strategies
Includes operational strategies, stakeholder participation 8.10.7 Pollution control strategy
8.12.1 Project planning, implementation & management
8.9.4 Key performance areas (KPAs), key performance indicators (KPIs)
and monitoring plan
8.12.7 Records of correspondence with other regulatory authorities
8.12.9 Auditing and reporting (internal and external auditing)
F8.Consumer service profile 8.12.4 & 6 Communication, including education and awareness (service
and pollution control)
Complaints and breaks register and follow-up record for urban and 8. Recording and reporting of incidents
rural water, and sanitation problems. 8.10.9. Emergencies and contingencies
Assurance of supply, supply interruptions and what type of water 8.10.9 Emergencies and contingencies
quality for urban and rural.
Education and awareness and public participation for water supply 8.11.4 Work creation and poverty alleviation
and sanitation 8.10.9 Community/stakeholder participation strategies
Billing systems and access to pay points 8. Records of partnerships with residents, NGOs, business, etc.
Are by-laws in place?

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F9. Financial profile No separate category for finances, budget provision and alternative
funding sources
Capital expenditure on new connections for water and sanitation and Budget provision and alternative funding sources
sources of income i.e. MIG
Operating costs for water and sanitation
Operating income from tariffs and equitable share
Tariff structures for all types of consumers.
F10. List of projects 8.11 Prioritisation of projects.
Annual water and sanitation project list 8.11.1 Methodology and selection criteria.
Sustainability projects 8.11.2 Rehabilitation and mitigatory measures: management options to
mitigate impacts and risks
8.11.4 & 5 Work creation, poverty alleviation – identified projects list
8.11.6 Timeframes for implementation
8.12.1 Project planning, implementation and management
12. IWMP 8.8.1 & 2 Waste management
8.8.3 & 4 Hazardous waste
12. IWMP 8.3 Identification of boreholes of concern (quantity and quality) and
potential pollution sources
12. IWMP 8.2 Domestic, industrial, any other wastewater
Bridges, stormwater infrastructure (NWA Section 21 c,i) 8.7.7 Diversions, alterations and river crossings
Same category as greywater 8.7.8 Potential emergency/contingency discharges
8.9.1 Risk assessment including impacts and risks to aquatic environ-
ment, and cumulative risk assessment
Alignment with provincial and national government 8.10.8 Co-operative governance strategy
Attendance at relevant forums
Linked to IDP and zoning regulations 8.10.6 Land use
8.10.5 Groundwater protection and recharge
F3.2.1.6 8.10 Identification of areas of concern and potential pollution sources –
not for Category B 8.5.8 Air quality monitoring programme

Implementing IWRM through the WSDP for improvement.

After a WSDP has been completed and implemented, the IWRM: Move from current approaches in municipal man-
development and implementation of an IWRM plan is possible. agement to more integrated and effective management.
Table 1 links the water service delivery (WSD) tasks to the
IWRM Plan developed by Burke (2007). Burke’s IWRM Plan Outline of phased approach
is an excellent information and resource document and should
be used as the technical supporting document when application PHASE 1 – SITUATION ASSESSMENT
for water use authorisation is made.
At present the completion of the WSDP is generally out- STEP 1: Collection of data and development of a
sourced to consultants. The authors believe that it should be an functional and analysable database (spreadsheet)
in-house planning process. This is potentially a bottleneck to
the implementation of IWRM, but not impossible if undertaken Purpose: Improvement of the levels and storage of information
in phases. The ‘Self Appraisal Needs Analysis for Municipal available for completing the WSDP and enabling the comple-
Water and Sanitation Service Delivery’ (DWAF, 2007b) is a tion of the WSDP (see WSDP Section F2.1.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5,
useful tool in this regard. Section F3.1.1.1 and 2, and Section F9, Table 1).
We suggest the following phases:
• PHASE 1 – SITUATION ASSESSMENT: Get the basics Note: All municipalities have a basic register for billing but
right. Set systems in place to do a comprehensive situation many cannot be analysed. If the database is electronic but not
assessment. Collect data and generate information from the analysable, a system must be devised where information that is
dataset. already collected can be downloaded and stored in Microsoft
• PHASE 2 – WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT: Excel and Access before the end of each month when the bills are
Discharge permits must be made public and acknowledged prepared. To be truly useful each erf and water meter number
by officials; water use by-laws to be promulgated; and a should have geographic coordinates assigned in the database for
monitoring system to track compliance with permits and possible incorporation into a GIS system. A GPS will have to be
by-laws to be in place. Liaison with the Ministry and or purchased to accomplish this and meter readers trained to use it.
Catchment Management Agency is essential.
• PHASE 3 – DEVELOP OPERATION, MAINTENANCE Task: Decide on information to be collected and structure of
AND REHABILITATION STRATEGIES: Improve the database. Information must include:
short and long-term management plans and systems for the
mandated responsibilities to ensure sustainability. Consumer profile:
• PHASE 4 – MONITORING AND REVIEW OF SERVICE: • Location of residential metered households, their demand
Assess service quality, identify areas of concern and plan and the generated revenue. Metered public institutions,

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hospitals, businesses and industries (with wet or dry classi- comprehensive database of all infrastructure.
fication attached). A start can be made on recording infor- • Record current management strategies for customer serv-
mation about household meters. ice, complaints registration and response, as well as infra-
• Type of sanitation and status of each category of consumer structure maintenance and rehabilitation. This will enable
• Presence/absence of on-site rainwater tanks and stormwater the identification of gaps in management protocols.
disposal method of each district; and note illegal stormwa- • Organogram and staffing levels. Status of staff complement
ter routing (posts and appropriate competency) of the WSA and the
WSP for both water and sanitation service.
Water resources profile: • Draft a recruitment and skills development plan for the
• Origin, volume and quality of raw water available from water services sector.
each source.
• Volume of discharged used water and estimate of storm­ OUTCOMES OF PHASE 1
water discharge.
• Capacity of downstream receiving streams. Calculation of the following is now possible:
• Water balance – and therefore an assessment of unaccounted
Financial profile: for water. This is the first step towards developing Water
• Develop a financial profile for water and sanitation service Conservation and Demand Management plans (DWAF, 2007c).
consisting of total monthly income from water sales and • Financial plan detailing income and expenditure and the
expenditure on chemicals, plant operations (electricity, derivation of unit costs of service.
staff) and maintenances. This information is needed to gen-
erate budgets for the service and ensure a savings structure Once Phase 1 is in place and carried out successfully for 1 year,
for large maintenance projects. Ideally, this service should the completion of the major business elements in the WSDP
then be ring-fenced to ensure adequate finances available may begin; an initial self-assessment and gap analysis can be
for operations and management (National Treasury, 2006). completed; key indicators for performance assessment and a
plan for the improvement of infrastructure management and
Task: Develop and implement a staff recruitment campaign. service can be developed.
According to Naidoo (2007) the establishment and imple-
STEP 2: Information generation mentation of an automated and well-run complaints and faults
system is an efficient way to monitor service quality, identify
Purpose: Generation of information that will form the basis faulty infrastructure and monitor staff performance (DWAF,
for the WSDP and enable the calculation and drafting of a 2001; WSDP Section F8).
water balance profile (WSDP Section 6. Development plans, for
example housing) and thus service delivery goals will therefore PHASE 2 – WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT
be more realistic and feasible.
STEP 1: All necessary NWA Section 21 water use
Tasks: permits are in place and registered, and relevant by-
• Provide a summary of monthly demand for bulk-water and laws exist or are under development
of realised income from volume of purified water supplied
that can be computed to annual demand and monthly and Purpose: Enable the completion of WSDP Section 7, Section
annual deficits or surpluses. 3.2, Section 2.6, and Section; the monitoring of perform-
• Compute total monthly output into wastewater treatment ance of WSA responsibilities; the measurement of compliance
plant to annual discharge. Inability to provide this informa- with NWA Section 21 water use permits; and the compilation
tion indicates inadequate metering infrastructure, which of reports on these. The DWA staff will assist in accomplishing
should be addressed (planned and budgeted for) to improve these tasks. The water use permits will vary according to the
data collection. businesses and industries present in the regional municipal area.
• Develop a financial profile. The ability to cost water service By-laws to regulate water service and wastewater discharge must
delivery on a monthly basis and then to calculate an annual be developed, promulgated and adopted.
financial profile of water service delivery will gradually
develop as each area is progressively brought into the sys- STEP 2: Establish an electronic chemical monitoring
tem. Running parallel systems may be necessary for a year database to capture water quality data from the
or two and careful planning is required. following units: incoming bulk water, potable water,
water entering wastewater treatment plant, and
STEP 3: Lay the groundwork for operational plans discharge water
• To monitor water quality and ensure compliance with
Purpose: Enable the completion of WSDP Sections F5, F7 and water use specification and permits is critical to IWRM.
F8. This work may be accomplished in tandem with Step 2. Information generated in this task will enable the Water
Service Provider to track the efficacy of the operational
Tasks: Water infrastructure and service profile procedures; refine the chemical dosages for purification;
• Comprehensive description (type, size, age & status) and and be alerted to malfunctioning wastewater treatment
geographical location of all infrastructure for surface plants and accidental spills. This information is an essential
water, groundwater and sanitation including a present prerequisite for risk assessment. All information generated
state assessment including all bulk meters. Gradually must be forwarded to the central database of DWA (www.
improve the recorded information on the household meter- in collaboration with an official
ing system and include in the system. This will result in a who the Department will recommend.

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• Work towards establishing a regular microbiological moni- The need for further by-laws and regulations will become
toring system. evident during this process.
• Improve the household and bulk metering infrastructure to
enable water balance and therefore a Water Conservation/ STEP 2: Draft any outstanding by-laws and regulation
Demand Management plan. according to available protocols to ensure adequate
implementation of all water service delivery
OUTCOME OF PHASE 2 functions

An efficient and dependable monitoring system for municipal OUTCOME OF PHASE 3

functionality, and improved public credibility for municipal
management with improved levels of payment for service. Improvement in the management of wastewater treatment
plants results in improved quality of water resources, and mini-
PHASE 3: OPERATIONAL, MAINTENANCE AND mises water-borne diseases. Currently the water loss in munici-
REHABILITATION STRATEGIES pal areas is unacceptably high (Schreiner, 2007). Management
of this problem would assist considerably in managing water
Sustainable management practices ensure the maintenance scarcity and improve the lifespan of infrastructure. The per-
of a healthy environment by providing quality potable water, formance management system will also be refined. Once all
and cleaner rivers and wetlands (water resources); they ensure management plans have been successfully implemented, capital
longer life for infrastructure and they enable the completion projects such as major extension and refurbishment of over-
of WSDP Section 4, Section These are all mandated extended infrastructure can be properly budgeted.
STEP 1: Draft operational and procedural plans
Purpose: Undertake strategic gap assessments and lay the
Purpose: Create reference documents to ensure operational groundwork for development of implementation strategies to
sustainability despite staff changes. bridge these gaps.

Tasks: Of the essential municipal functions, the following are Tasks:

the most important to becoming IWRM compliant. Mandated • Annual review of service achievements and failures ena-
functions of municipalities as water users include: bled by previous development of benchmarks.
• Effective operation and maintenance of wastewater treat- • Introduction and maintenance of a performance appraisal
ment works and ensuring compliance with licence condi- system as demanded by law (Municipal Systems Act, No.
tions for discharge. Currently there are significant pollution 32 of 2000).
problems arising from poor management of these facilities • Red-flagging consistent payment defaulters in various
by municipalities (Schreiner, 2007). categories.
• Effective operation and maintenance and refurbishment • Institute an environmental biomonitoring programme with
plans of infrastructure such as pipes, reservoirs, pumps assistance from citizens (CSIR, 2008).
and meters to minimise real water losses. This is now
feasible due to the database established in Phase 1. During These tasks form the basis of a sound service delivery strategy
this task the maintenance history of each element will be and should be reviewed annually to highlight gaps in service
established. delivery. All municipalities should be managed according to
• Control of alien invasive plants on the commonage and agreed performance criteria. Risk assessment could be an out-
municipal dams. Municipal by-laws can be used for this come of the review process. DWA has developed several guide-
purpose, or an assigned authority. Examples of how this lines for environmental best practice monitoring and auditing,
can work have already been established. accessible from the DWA website (
• The formulation of by-laws and regulations to facilitate A feedback system will track all performances of the
the management of water, waste and related functions service departments; enable the adequate rewarding of compli-
(Schreiner, 2007). ant staff; report service excellence to the customer base, i.e. the
citizens of the town; red-flag weaknesses in infrastructure; and
Thus the tasks should be as follows: create the ability to develop a rehabilitation strategy ranging
• Publish procedures for purification, distribution, wastewa- from urgent to long-term.
ter treatment, infrastructure inspections and maintenance
plans, financial backlog eradication plans, and water con- PHASE 5 – IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES FOR
servation and demand management plans. IWRM
• Introduce a recorded complaints registration and response
system. The links between mandated WSD and IWRM tasks are
• Assess the gaps and needs as the procedures are imple- strong (Burke, 2007). Solid waste management and stormwater
mented and keep a record of implementation completion, management are already mandated municipal management
thus allowing regular reviews. responsibilities. Practising IWRM as a service provider, there-
• Introduce an environmental impact monitoring sys- fore, requires some realignment of institutional structures and
tem, such as soil erosion, bank stability, the presence of the adding of a few important new responsibilities to already
exotic vegetation, to assess impact of operations on local existing directorates. If Phases 1 to 4 are implemented, the
environment. implementation of IWRM is achievable.

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ISSN 0378-4738 (Print) = Water SA Vol. 36 No. 4 July 2010
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STEP 1: Create an integration forum STEP 4: Review the IDP procedures and place water
requirements at the heart of each sectoral plan
Purpose: To create institutional support for altering the exist- outline
ing institutional framework so that there is greater integration
and cooperation between the different sections. Purpose: The development of the IDP is the ideal venue for
pushing integration to the fore. However, the planning pro-
Tasks: cedures do not as yet require that all plans include an evalua-
• Appoint an integration champion at a sufficiently high level tion of the water impacts of the plan. Risk assessment should,
so that the realignment and coordination of relevant depart- therefore, form part of the process.
ments can proceed.
• Create a post for an Environmental Officer responsible for STEP 5: Complete the following new tasks required
sustaining and overseeing the integration of all environ- by the IWRM plan in order of importance
mentally related functions.
Monitoring systems and reports:
STEP 2: Realign operational areas • Develop a GIS-based data capture system to record and
interrogate surface, groundwater and water users’ informa-
Purpose: To move all functions that impact on water and envi- tion and monitoring points and draw maps of the area.
ronment into 1 entity where people have to meet and discuss • Keep records of correspondence with other regulatory
management issues on a regular basis. authorities.
• Initiate and/or improve auditing and reporting procedures
Tasks: Improve integration and cooperation between the (internal and external auditing).
operational areas of waste management, stormwater man- • Develop bio-monitoring programmes in collaboration with
agement and further the process of completing and updating DWA and DEA (Department of Environmental Affairs),
the IDP. the Catchment Management Agency and/or District
Waste management: • Make regular contact with DWA and DEA, the Catchment
• Link waste collection and transportation strategies to the Management Agency, provincial and local government and
consumer database. the housing department and record these meetings.
• Record the location and description (including geology)
of waste handling and storage site needs, with the poten- Management strategies:
tial impacts on both surface and groundwater resources • Develop and promulgate all appropriate by-laws and regula-
identified. tions for each of the different categories of Section 21 water
• Classify waste and put in place class-appropriate treatment use with monitoring strategies for the Pollution Control
protocols for disposal and recycling, paying special atten- Strategy (Section 8.12.5; 8, 10.9).
tion to a hazardous waste register (including medical and • Develop a community engagement and information
veterinary waste). strategy. Record partnerships with residents, NGOs and
• Link area cleaning of streets, lanes and parking lots to business.
stormwater management. • Improve the performance management strategy, to include
• Drive community involvement and a communication key performance areas and key performance indicators for
system to prevent excessive littering that focuses on schools environmental and water resource management.
and ward-based environmental clubs. • Develop rehabilitation and mitigatory strategies, which
outline management options to mitigate impacts and risks
Stormwater management: (Table 1).
• Create management and maintenance plans that account for • Develop an economic development strategy for creating
effects of urbanisation, waste management and an urban employment and alleviating poverty.
run-off strategy. • Develop a co-operative governance strategy which includes
• Develop appropriate waste traps and wetland systems, liaison with the CMA and other Water Services Authorities
especially near high-density areas. (Table 1).
• Pay attention to zoning areas for green lungs and • Project planning – review the project planning strategy
soak-aways. and ensure that it follows the suggested outline from the
• Collaborate with land management experts to coordinate an IWRMP, with headings.
environmental management plan. • Develop a methodology and selection criteria for new
projects with timeframes for implementation procedures
STEP 3: Maintain a healthy environment and management protocols.
• Risk assessment – identify potential emergency/con-
Purpose: To comply with the constitutional mandate of provid- tingency discharges referring to the Pollution Control
ing a healthy environment for citizens. Strategy. Identify possible impacts and risks to the envi-
ronment and complete a quantitative and cumulative risk
Tasks: Draft environmental management plans for catchment, assessment (see Table 1, Section 8.9) with assistance from
river and wetland management and rehabilitation for water the District Municipality.
resource security (alien clearing of catchments) as well as
parks and gardens, development of green lungs, soak-aways Additional information needed for the area description:
and maintenance of existing areas (paying attention to public • Regional (CMA) perspective from the strategy of the
health, including the inspection of public places). WMA.

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• Hydrology: flow data, mean annual runoff obtainable water resource management. These skills are linked to the
from the WR90 series of information book supplied by establishment of monitoring systems for water and air, as
the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (now the well as compiling a more general environmental monitor-
Department of Water Affairs). ing plan. All of these skills link to data collection and
• Description of the catchment/s, Water Management Area analysis, as monitoring without being able to determine
and resource Class (from DWAF, 2004a). trends is a futile exercise.
• Overview of the geology of the area (geological maps). • Skill 4: Familiarity with the legal framework for water
resources and service management serves is a valuable aid to
Skills and training needs understanding roles, responsibilities and ensuring compliance,
especially in the field of drafting by-laws and regulations.
The skills needed for the practising of IWRM may be some- • Skill 5: Management systems and implementation pro-
what different from those generally required in local govern- cedures such as financial management (understanding
ment (Table 2). In addition, current municipal employees the importance of revenue collection as a factor in water
may require additional in-service training to master the new service delivery is of cardinal importance).
approach to management. The skills shortages in South
African local government will not be overcome in the next Specialist skills that may have to be outsourced include hydro-
3 to 5 years despite increased efforts at training. Unless each logical modelling; groundwater and borehole flow analyses;
municipality shows the foresight and determination of offering risk assessment; sustainability analyses, monitoring systems
in-service training and training scholarships to able school- and adaptive management.
leavers, this period will be even longer. In our opinion, the
training of councillors must be made mandatory before they Conclusion
are inducted. A further suggestion that has been discussed is
that the political parties should ensure that their candidates are The process set out in this guideline for finding simple, work-
offered training courses in the year prior to an election. able solutions to complex problems is intended to be a working
document. Although the solutions proposed are simple they are
Essential skills areas for district and local municipal not without difficulties. Finding and training staff with adequate
management skills will require dedication and resources. A team with vision,
determination and sufficient support from politicians should be
• Skill 1: Electronic data management. Ability to set up basic able to accomplish these 5 phases in 2 years. Phase 1 of the plan
data capture systems in Windows Excel and to manage may take several years to accomplish, but several of the steps can
these data in an accessible form is a first-level skill essen- be tackled simultaneously once the database structure has been
tial for developing data management systems. Building, established. The latter may be completed within a year while the
operating and maintaining a Geographical Information customer and financial profiles are being developed.
Systems (GIS) database system is an essential tool for Similarly Phase 2 can be tackled as soon as the correct staff
effective municipal management. It is versatile and can have been engaged and the database structure has been settled.
be employed to store most inventories as well as produce Establishing the NWA Section 21 authorisations required can
maps. Data analyses and information production are top- be accomplished before any of the more time-consuming tasks
level skills needed for reporting to councillors in order to such as recruitment are undertaken.
facilitate the making of informed decisions. A most useful Phase 3 tasks, on the other hand, could not be completed
combination of skills consists of a basic understanding successfully without either a database or the correctly trained
of civil engineering, specialising in GIS. Councillors and engineering staff. We suggest the ground work could be laid
municipal managers should understand the value of having by establishing a list of documents required and instituting
a person with these important skills on the staff. a system for storing and tracking them. Drafting the strate-
• Skill 2: Water resource management training, specifi- gies and developing the manuals may require the assistance of
cally knowledge based on an understanding of the natural consultants. While Phase 3 may be complex, the establishment
environment (catchment processes – the geology, climatic of monitoring systems required during Phase 4 should be put in
conditions, topography of the area and groundwater) is a place concurrently and is relatively straightforward.
valuable asset in a municipal employee. If these charac- Failure of data management and development of manage-
teristics are generally understood then disasters such as ment plans/strategies are the bases of poor governance. The
flooded neighbourhoods and emergency evacuations can be truism of ‘you cannot manage what you don’t understand’
avoided. Understanding the geology and groundwater dis- and ‘knowledge is power’ should be the maxims by which
tribution of an area is important for the siting of solid waste water service delivery implementers do business. Whether the
disposal sites as well as the availability of emergency water approach to management is one of separation of operational
resources. Although a basic degree in the natural sciences areas or integration of similar operation areas, correct and
is useful, knowing where to find the information can be accessible information is the key to success in our opinion.
equally valuable. Basic graduate education also enhances IWRM demands a change in systems approach, and for
an understanding of sustainable management practices. water service delivery to incorporate such unallied tasks as
Postgraduate training in WRM would be the ideal. solid waste management and housing development the integra-
• Skill 3: Training to improve water resource management tion of municipal functional units is the first requirement. In
includes tertiary level education in the physical sciences, Phase 5 the appointment of an integration forum is advocated.
importantly chemistry, biochemistry or microbiology. For this group to be successful the benefits that these substan-
Water chemistry is important specialist knowledge since tial changes in management bring must be clearly understood,
it is essential in the management of water quality, a core well put forward and possible conflicts pre-empted by careful
function of local government in both water service and planning and exploring of all possible potential problem areas.

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Table 2
Summary of training needs of municipal staff and councillors to enable IWRM
Subject Officials Councillors Purpose
Introduction to aquatic Interested and affected mem- Yes, unless the person Gives sound understanding of functional
ecosystem and environmental bers and engineering staff already has a suitable aspects of water as a resource and under-
functioning background (biology, sci- standing of reasons for many laws and
ence /geography teacher) regulations
Water Act: Chapter 2, 3 & 4. All officials in water service, Introduction needed for allIntroduces South African philosophy of water
Interpretive, guided discus- and municipal managers and members resource management and protection, licens-
sion of relevant sections executive mayors to be tested ing and obligations of citizens
National Water Resource All officials in water serv- Interested parties only This is the implementation strategy of the
Strategy – guided seminars on ices, municipal managers and NWA and introduces approaches and strate-
relevant sections only executive mayors gies in various sectors. It is also a valuable
information resource. An introduction to
WRM 2005 should be included
Water Services Act Chapter All officials in water service, All councillors need this This is the framework that outlines water
3 & 4. Interpretive, guided municipal managers and exec- for service on portfolio service responsibilities and guides all actions
discussion of relevant sections utive mayors – to be tested committees and by-laws
Water Services Development Water service staff involved Portfolio Committee Will ensure that correct people are appointed
Plan - together with IWRMS in planning and the financial members in posts and that skills requirements are
manager understood
Integrated management Planning department, all Portfolio Committee mem- Ensures the understanding of change needed
systems and adaptive manage- directors and deputy directors bers and interested parties to undertake IWRM
ment principles
Introduction to data manage- Finance, water, waste, and Interested parties To ensure all members understand the value
ment and storage human resources departments of information generation and application
Computer literacy All plant operators All councillors with no Essential in the modern world
previous skills
Data management systems, Selected employees in desig- Develops new skills
spreadsheet and relational nated posts with basic skills
data storage systems
Management systems Junior staff with no training in Councillors
Sewage plant operation All councillors Understand roles and responsibilities
and wastewater quality
Potable water preparation, All councillors Understand roles and responsibilities
water quality and drinking
water quality regulations

Essential WSD & IWRM source materials Acknowledgements

The listed documents should be in the council libraries and This research was funded by the Water Research Commission,
offices of all officials working in environmentally-linked direc- Pretoria, South Africa, under the programme framework for
torates in local government: Local Government to Implement Integrated Water Resource
• The Water Services Development Plan (Version 12) (www. Management Linked to Water Service Delivery (Project K5/16881). We wish to thank the Water Research Commission
• Self Appraisal Needs Analyses for Municipal Water and Steering Committee for guidance, especially J Burke. Thanks
Sanitation Services Delivery. Also available from the above to D Anderson of Makana Municipality for cooperation.
• Burke J (2007) Integrated Water Resources Management References
Plan Guidelines for Local Authorities. WRC Report No
TT304/07. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South BURKE J (2007) Integrated Water Resource Management Plan
Africa ( Guidelines for Local Authorities. Water Research Commission
• Guidelines for Catchment Management Strategies (2007) Report No. TT 304/07. Water Research Commission, Pretoria,
South Africa.
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Pretoria, South
CSIR (2008) The River Health Programme. URL: http://www.csir.
Africa. ( (Accessed 4 February 2008).
Websites that can provide useful resources for officials and Facilitation Act (Act No. 67 of 1995), Republic of South Africa.
councillors alike include: URL: (Accessed 25 February 2007).
• DISASTER MANAGEMENT ACT (2002) Disaster Management Act
• (Act No, 57 of 2002), Republic of South Africa. URL: http://www.
• (Accessed June 2008).
GOVERNMENT, SOUTH AFRICA) (1998) White Paper on Local

Available on website 485

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ISSN 1816-7950 (On-line) = Water SA Vol. 36 No. 4 July 2010
za (Accessed 23 November 2009). (2005) Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act (Act No. 13
SOUTH AFRICA) (2001) Water Services Development Plan (Accessed 26 May 2007).
(Version 12), Guidelines for Water Services Authorities. URL: LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE MANAGEMENT ACT (2003) (Accessed 23 November Local Government Finance Management Act (Act No. 56 of 2003),
2009). Republic of South Africa. URL: (Accessed
SOUTH AFRICA) (2003) Strategic Framework for Water Services LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROPERTY RATES ACT (2007) Local
– DWA, DPLG, NT, SALGA. URL: Government Property Rates Act (Act No. 6 of 2004), Republic of
dir_ws/WSDP/?curRes=1024 (Accessed 23 November 2009). South Africa. URL: (Accessed 27 February
SOUTH AFRICA) (2004a) The National Water Resource Strategy MUNICIPAL DEMARCATION ACT (1998) Municipal Demarcation
(including a strategy for Urban Water Conservation and Demand Act (Act No. 27 of 1998), Republic of South Africa. URL: http://
Management. URL: ( (Accessed (Accessed 27 February 2007).
23 November 2009). MUNICIPAL STRUCTURES ACT (1998) Municipal Structures Act
DWAF (DEPARTMENT OF WATER AFFAIRS AND FORESTRY, (Act No. 117 of 1998), Republic of South Africa. URL: http://www.
SOUTH AFRICA) (2004b) Guide framework and Checklist for the (Accessed 27 February 2007).
Development of a Water Services Management Plan. URL: http:// MUNICIPAL SYSTEMS ACT (2000) Municipal Systems Act (Act No. (Accessed 23 32 of 2000), Republic of South Africa. URL:
November 2009). za (Accessed 27 February 2007).
SOUTH AFRICA) (2004c) Water Conservation and Water Demand Systems Amendment Act (Act No. 33 of 2000), Republic of South
Management Strategy for the Water Services Sector. URL: Africa. URL: (Accessed 27 February 2007). NAIDOO S (2007) Personal communication, 11 July 2007. Consultant,
WCWDMWaterServicesAug04.pdf (Accessed 23 November 2009). Biwater (Pty) Ltd, P.O. Box 12753, Nelspruit 1200, Mpumalanga,
SOUTH AFRICA) (2005) Guidelines for Integrated Environmental NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ACT National
Management URL: (Accessed 19 Environmental Management Act (Act No. 107 of 1998), Republic of
April 2007). South Africa. URL: (Accessed 16 February
SOUTH AFRICA) (2007a) The Catchment Management NATIONAL TREASURY (2006) A Guide to Municipal Finance
Strategy. URL: Management for Councillors. URL:
CMSGuidelineFeb07 (Accessed 23 November 2009). (Accessed 17 May 2007).
SOUTH AFRICA) (2007b) Self Appraisal Needs Analyses for 1998), Republic of South Africa. URL:
Municipal Water and Sanitation Services Delivery. URL: http:// (Accessed 25 January 2000). SCHREINER B (2007) Personal communication, 16 August 2007.
Analysis%20for%20Municip (Accessed 20 July 2008). Deputy Director General, Policy and Regulation, Department of
GEYER Y (2006) Integrated Development Planning – Handbook for Water Affairs and Forestry, Pretoria, South Africa.
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10 July 2008). of South Africa (Act No. 107 of 1996), Republic of South Africa.
GLOBAL WATER PARTNERSHIP (2000) Integrated Water URL: (Accessed 25 January 2007).
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486 Available on website

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ISSN 1816-7950 (On-line) = Water SA Vol. 36 No. 4 July 2010

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