Days of The Week, Month, Seasons Lesson Plan
Days of The Week, Month, Seasons Lesson Plan
Days of The Week, Month, Seasons Lesson Plan
Objective: After this lesson the students will be able to;
-names and order days of the week/months/seasons
Worksheets for exercises
1. Teach the days of the week vocab
Start off by looking at a calendar with everyone (an English one, if possible). Have some fun with the
calendar first: ask students to point at days such as Christmas and to point out their birthdays. Ask what day
their birthdays are on this year and point to the day's row at the top of each month. Start to teach / elicit the
English words for the days as you discuss their birthdays. Ask what day it is today.
2. Play "Put the days in order"
Before class, prepare some colored rectangles of card and write the days of the week in thick marker pen on
each rectangle of card. You’ll be putting students in pairs so make enough sets for each pair. Also, if each
day can be written on a different colored card it will help the students to quickly identify each day.
Put your students in pairs and give each pair a set of mixed up cards. By referring to the calendar, have the
pairs put the days in order on the floor or table. Then get everyone to touch each card and repeat after you as
you chorus the days of the week paying special attention to the first letter of each word (e.g. "Th" for
"Thursday"). Run through a few times, getting faster and faster. Finally, get the pairs to mix up the cards and
tell them they are going to race to see which pair can put their cards in order first. Say "Ready, steady, go!"
and let the students put the cards in order. The winner pair finished first with the correct order.
3. Play "Wall Touch"
Give each pair some Blue-Talk or something to stick the cards on the wall with. Ask everyone to randomly
stick the cards all over the walls around the room. Then bring everyone into the middle of the room. Shout
out "Monday" and everyone has to race over to a Monday card and touch it. Then "Tuesday" and so on (in
the correct order) until you make it through all the week days. Play another round, this time faster!
Days of the week worksheet HARIZI.C
Task one:
Fill in the missing letters:
7. _______________________
Unscramble these words, read the instructions and color the week flower:
Summer Autumn
Spring Winter
Can you colour the days in red and the months in blue?
What days make up the weekend? _____________________________ Can you write the months of
the year in the correct order?
What day is it today? ______________________________________
What day is it tomorrow? ___________________________________
What day was it yesterday? _________________ -----------------------------------------