Mis & Erp
Mis & Erp
Mis & Erp
Management Information System (MIS) is a study of people, technology, organizations, and the
relationships among them in a broader sense. However in precise terms MIS is a software system that
focuses on the management of information technology to provide efficiency and effectiveness or
strategy decision making. The term is often used in the academic study of businesses and has connections
with other areas, such as information systems, information technology, informatics, e-commerce and
computer science. In this unit, we will discuss the basic concepts in Management Information
System can be defined as a set of elements joined together for a common objective.
A group of interrelated or interacting elements forming a unified whole e.g., business organization
as systems.
A group of interrelated components working together towards a common goal by accepting input
and producing output in an organized transformation process.
By data we mean the facts or figures representing an object, place or the events occurring in the
organization. It is not enough to have data (such as statistics on the economy). Data themselves are fairly
useless, but when these data are interpreted and processed to determine its true meaning, they become
Characteristics of Data
They are facts obtained by reading, observation, counting, measuring and weighing etc. which are then
Data are derived from external and internal sources (activities with firm).
Data may be produced as an automatic by-product of some routine but essential operation such as the
production of an invoice or alternative a special counting or measuring procedure must be introduced
and the result recorded.
The source of data need be given considerable attention because if the sources of the data flawed, any
resulting information will be worthless.
Data Processing
Data or processing systems perform the essential role of collecting and processing the daily transactions of
the organizations. Data processing is necessary to ensure that the day-to-day activities of the organization
are processed, recorded and acted upon. Files are maintained which provide both the current data for
transaction, for example the amount invoiced and cash received during the month for statement preparation,
and which also serve as a basis for operational and tactical control and for answering enquiries.
By information, we mean that the data have been shaped into a meaningful form, which may be useful for
human beings.
Business information systems are sets of inter-related procedures using IT infrastructure in a business
Such systems are designed to support decision making by the people associated with the enterprise in the
The business information system gets data and other resources of IT infrastructure as input from the
environment and process them to satisfy the information needs of different entities associated with the
business enterprise.
There are systems of control over the use of IT resources and the feedback system offers useful clues for
increasing the benefits of information systems to business. The business information systems are sub-
systems of business system and by themselves serve the function of feedback and control in business system.
Features of Business Information System:
1. The business information systems are subject to the dynamics of business environment and need to be
flexible enough to absorb the inevitable changes in the information needs of business. They have to be
efficient to satisfy the demanding and ‘hard task masters,’ the business managers. Thus, there is need to
balance the conflicting objectives in the process of designing business information systems.
2. Business information systems need to be proactive. They should anticipate changes in information needs
of users and accordingly adapt themselves to suit their needs. This has become important because of the fact
that the managers get involved in the routine activities to the extent that the decision making becomes a
matter of imitating what competitors are doing or planning to do, rather than making an informed choice.
3. The purpose of business information system is to cater to the information needs for decision making in
4. The business information systems have to be designed keeping in view the availability of financial and
5. The cost effectiveness is a matter of prime concern in the development and maintenance of business
information systems. Economic justification for investment in IT infrastructure for business information
Information systems can be described by four of their key components which are:
1. Decisions
2. Transactions and processing
It is difficult to observe the decision process through we can see and review the results of a decision.
Transactions are usually more visible, though many current systems use computer programs, which are not
easy to understand, to process transactions. In principle, an observer can see information and its flows.
Individuals can be observed too, but it is not always easy to figure out the information processing functions
they perform.
Information System
Meaning: An information system can be any organized combination of people, hardware, software,
communication software and data resource that collects transformation or screening the information in an
Definition: An information system can be defined as a set of interrelated components that collect (or
retrieve), process, store and distribute information to support decision making, coordination and control
in an organization.
Control involves monitoring and evolving feedback determines whether a system is moving towards the achievement
of its goals. The control function makes necessary adjustments to a system input and possessing components to ensure
1. TPS are used primarily for structured operational, and to a lesser degree, management control
2. MIS are used for semi--structured, management control applications. It also overlaps into the
operational and strategic planning realms as well.
3. DSS are used primarily for unstructured decision-making whether that occurs at the
operational, management and strategic planning levels.
4. ESS is used primarily for structured management and strategic planning applications.
5. OAS are used as a facilitator of office correspondence and communication, underlies all of
this activity.
A typical organization is divided into operational, middle, and upper level. The information
requirements for users at each level differ. Towards that end, there are number of information
systems that support each level in an organization.
Pyramid Diagram of Organizational levels and information requirements
Transaction Processing System (TPS)
Management Information System (MIS)
Decision Support System (DSS)
Artificial intelligence techniques in business
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
Pyramid Diagram of Organizational levels and information requirements
Understanding the various levels of an organization is essential to understand the
information required by the users who operate at their respective levels.
The following diagram illustrates the various levels of a typical organization.
Operational Management Level
The operational level is concerned with performing day to day business transactions of
the organization.
Examples of users at this level of management include cashiers at a point of sale, bank
tellers, nurses in a hospital, customer care staff, etc.
Users at this level use make structured decisions. This means that they have defined rules
that guides them while making decisions.
For example, if a store sells items on credit and they have a credit policy that has some
set limit on the borrowing. All the sales person needs to decide whether to give credit to a
customer or not is based on the current credit information from the system.
What would be the impact of employees' performance if we double the production lot at
the factory?
What would happen to our sales if a new competitor entered the market?
Decision support systems use sophisticated mathematical models, and statistical techniques
(probability, predictive modeling, etc.) to provide solutions, and they are very interactive.