Indian Economy On The Eve of Independence
Indian Economy On The Eve of Independence
Indian Economy On The Eve of Independence
By the time India won its independence, the impact of the two-
century long British colonial rule was already showing on all
aspects of the Indian economy. The agricultural sector was
already saddled with surplus labour and extremely low
productivity. The industrial sector was crying for modernisation,
diversification, capacity building and increased public
investment. Foreign trade was oriented to feed the Industrial
Revolution in Britain. Infrastructure facilities, including the
famed railway network, needed upgradation, expansion and
public orientation. Prevalence of rampant poverty and
unemployment required welfare orientation of public economic
policy. In a nutshell, the social and economic challenges before
the country were enormous.
India would be a socialist society with a strong public sector but also with
private property and democracy; the government would plan for the economy
with the private sector being encouraged to be part of the plan effort. The
‘Industrial Policy Resolution’ of 1948 and the Directive Principles of the Indian
Constitution reflected this outlook. In 1950, the Planning Commission was set
up with the Prime Minister as its Chairperson. The era of five year plans had
A plan should have some clearly specified goals. The goals of the five year
plans are: growth, modernisation, self-reliance and equity.
The GDP of a country is derived from the different sectors of the economy,
namely the agricultural sector, the industrial sector and the service sector. The
contribution made by each of these sectors makes up the structural composition
of the economy.
Land Reforms: At the time of independence, the land tenure system was
characterised by intermediaries(variously called zamindars, jagirdars etc.) who
merely collected rent from the actual tillers of the soil without contributing
towards improvements on the farm. The low productivity of the agricultural
sector forced India to import food from the United States of America (U.S.A.).
Equity in agriculture called for land reforms which primarily refer to change in
the ownership of landholdings.
Land ceiling was another policy to promote equity in the agricultural sector.
This means fixing the maximum size of land which could be owned by an
individual. The purpose of land ceiling was to reduce the concentration of land
ownership in a few hands.
The Green Revolution: The stagnation in agriculture during the colonial rule
was permanently broken by the green revolution. This refers to the large
increase in production of food grains resulting from the use of high yielding
variety (HYV) seeds especially for wheat and rice. The use of these seeds
required the use of fertiliser and pesticide in the correct quantities as well as
regular supply of water; the application of these inputs in correct proportions is
vital. The farmers who could benefit from HYV seeds required reliable
irrigation facilities as well as the financial resources to purchase fertiliser and
The portion of agricultural produce which is sold in the market by the farmers is
called marketed surplus. A good proportion of the rice and wheat produced
during the green revolution period (available as marketed surplus) was sold by
the farmers in the market.