Colon TBC
Colon TBC
Colon TBC
& 2012 the American College of Gastroenterology All rights reserved 2155-384x/12
OBJECTIVES: Tuberculosis (TB) is still common in many countries and there has been a resurgence of TB in the developed
nations. Although small bowel is the most commonly affected gastrointestinal organ, increasing numbers of cases are being
described with colon TB. There are limited prospective studies looking at the outcomes of colon lesions, especially after anti-TB
treatment. Our aim was to evaluate the endoscopic features of TB of the colon and to prospectively follow up the endoscopic
response of colon lesions to anti-TB treatment.
METHODS: From October 2004 to December 2010 consecutive patients presenting with colon TB to one tertiary care center
in India were enrolled. Demographic, clinical data, and lesions identified on colonoscopy were recorded. Anti-TB treatment was
started and follow-up colonoscopy was performed within 4 weeks after completion of anti-TB treatment. Post-treatment
endoscopic features and clinical outcomes were noted.
RESULTS: Sixty-nine consecutive patients with colon TB were enrolled (mean age 39.3±14.8 years; male 45, female 24).
Presenting clinical features included abdominal pain 80.6%, weight loss 74.6%, fever 40.3%, diarrhea/constipation 25.4%,
diarrhea 16.4%, blood per rectum 11.9%, abdominal tenderness 37.3%, abdominal mass 13.4%, and lymphadenopathy 1.5%.
Macroscopic lesions on endoscopy were predominantly right-sided (cecum and ascending colon) and primarily ulcers (ulcers
88.0%, nodules 50.7%, luminal narrowing 44.8%, polypoid lesion 10.4%). Majority of the ulcers (87.2%), nodules (84.6%), polypoid
lesions (85.7%), luminal narrowing (76.2%), and ileo-cecal valve deformities (76.5%) resolved with anti-TB treatment.
CONCLUSIONS: TB of the colon predominantly affects the cecum and the ascending colon. Ulceration, nodularity, and stricture
are the prominent endoscopic findings. Majority of the lesions heal with anti-TB treatment.
Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology (2012) 3, e24; doi:10.1038/ctg.2012.19; published online 11 October 2012
Subject Category: Colon/Small bowel
Department of Internal Medicine, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, USA; 2Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Midas Institute, Nagpur, India; 3Division of
Pathology, Midas Institute, Nagpur, India and 4Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
*Correspondence: KS Dua, MD, DMSc, FRCP (Edinburgh), FACP, FRCP (London), FASGE, Professor of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
Medical College of Wisconsin, 9200, West Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53226, USA. E-mail:
Part of this work was presented at the Digestive Disease Week, 2007.
Received 9 March 2012; revised 26 June 2012; accepted 30 July 2012
Endoscopic Features of Colon Tuberculosis Before and After Anti-TB Treatment
Mukewar et al.
December 2010 at one tertiary care center in India. Informed assessing response to treatment as per Paustian criteria with
consent was obtained from all the patients. The study was Logan’s modification.22 Response to anti-TB treatment as a
approved by the local Institutional Review Board. criteria to confirm TB has also been used in other studies.23
Patients Z18 years of age who were suspected or Additional tests like Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) have
confirmed to have colon TB based on clinical evaluation and limited value in regions endemic to TB and are not
endoscopic biopsies were enrolled. Those with ulcerative recommended by the Revised National Tuberculosis
colitis, Crohn’s disease, microscopic colitis, or indeterminate Control Program guidelines from India for diagnosis of
colitis were excluded. Patients presenting with symptoms TB.24 Because of insufficient data, QuantiFeron test is
suggestive of colitis such as bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, relatively contraindicated in the evaluation of active TB as
and fever routinely underwent stool studies, and where active TB can be associated with suppressed interferon-g
indicated additional tests were performed to rule out infectious responses.25,26 Culturing intestinal biopsy specimens is
etiology like salmonellosis, shigellosis, and amebiasis. expensive, and has been shown to be of low yield in
Demographic information, clinical history and physical previous studies. None of the 62 patients studied by Singh
examination findings were noted. Information collected et al.27 were positive on culture and only 3 out of 50 intestinal
included previous history of TB, history of TB in close biopsy specimens in the study by Shah et al.20 showed
contacts, history of HIV, the presence or absence of positive cultures.
abdominal pain, fever, bleeding per rectum, weight loss, loss Analysis of the data collected was performed using
of appetite and altered bowel movements. Clinical examina- Microsoft Excel for Mac 2011, Version 14.1.4.
tion findings including vitals, pallor, abdominal tenderness,
abdominal mass and lymphadenopathy were recorded.
Anti-TB treatment. Anti-TB medications included Isoniazid,
Results of routine laboratory tests were also noted. Medica-
Rifampin, Pyrizanamide and Ethambutol for 2 months,
tion list was reviewed for immunosuppressive agents.
followed by Isoniazid and Rifampin for 7 months, as per the
Additional investigations including chest X-ray, abdominal
2003 Centre for Disease Control guidelines for treatment
ultrasound and abdominal computerized tomography scan
of TB.28,29 The median duration of treatment was 9 months.
were done when clinically indicated.
Patients were followed up at regular intervals to assess
clinical response.
Colonoscopy and biopsies. All subjects underwent
colonoscopy and were evaluated for lesions in the colon
and terminal ileum. Location of lesion was identified as
present/absent in the terminal ileum, cecum, ascending
colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon,
Patients. Sixty-nine patients (mean age 39.3±14.8 years;
and/or rectum. The type of lesion was recorded as ulcers,
male 45, female 24) were enrolled. Five patients had
nodules, polypoidal and/or luminal narrowing. When a lesion
confirmed diagnosis of TB and 64 were suspected to have
was identified, a minimum of six biopsy samples were
colon TB (Figure 1). Seven patients were lost to follow-up.
obtained (from the edges and bed of the lesion). Biopsy
Two patients did not respond to treatment and were
samples were stained with hematoxylin/eosin and Ziehl/
subsequently diagnosed to have Crohn’s disease. Five
Nielsen. The precise location of the lesion was documented
patients underwent surgery before repeat colonoscopy
(centimeters from the external anal sphincter during
could be performed and seven patients refused follow-up
withdrawal of the endoscope) and multiple pictures were
colonoscopy. The remaining 48 patients (including five with
taken before biopsying the lesion. The luminal diameter of
confirmed TB) underwent a repeat colonoscopy. None of the
strictures was assessed in comparison with the diameter of
patients were positive for HIV or were taking any immuno-
the endoscope used or relative to an open-biopsy forceps.
suppressive medications.
Patients diagnosed to have colon TB were then given anti-TB
treatment and a repeat colonoscopy was performed within 4
weeks of completing the treatment. Biopsy samples were Clinical features and diagnostic investigations. Majority
obtained in a similar manner when a lesion was identified on of the patients presented with weight loss, abdominal pain, or
repeat colonoscopy. altered bowel habit in the form of diarrhea or diarrhea
alternating with constipation (Table 1). Physical examination
Diagnosis of colon TB. Initial diagnosis of ‘‘confirmed revealed an abdominal mass in only 13.4% of patients and
colon TB’’ was made if the biopsy specimen showed lymphadenopathy was even less commonly seen (1.5%).
caseating granulomas and/or acid-fast bacilli. Initial Chest X-ray results were available in 32 patients; it was
diagnosis of ‘‘suspected colon TB’’ was made in patients normal in 21 patients and abnormal in 11 (8 showed changes
on clinical grounds: pyrexia of unknown origin, weight loss, in the apical fields suggestive of previous TB, 2 had minimal
anemia, active or previous pulmonary TB, history of TB unilateral pleural effusions and 1 patient had consolidation).
in close contacts and biopsy showing non-caseating granu- Forty-four patients underwent ultrasound of the abdomen—
loma and chronic inflammation. Although patients with non- 10 patients had normal scan and the scan was abnormal in
caseating granulomas could have inflammatory bowel 34 (25 with bowel thickening in right flank, 12 with abdominal
disease, empiric immuno-suppressive therapy was avoided lymphadenopathy and 8 with ascites). Among eight patients
and anti-TB treatment was started as all patients came from with ascites, seven had minimal ascites not amenable to
areas endemic for TB. Diagnosis of colon TB was made by paracentesis. One patient underwent paracentesis. Although
69 patients:
5 confirmed and
64 with suspected
colon TB enrolled
1 : died in car
6 : unable to contact
Number of Percentage of
patients patients (%) 70
acid-fast bacilli were negative, ascitic fluid was positive for Termina Cecum Ascending Transverse Descending Sigmoid Rectum
ileuml colon colon colon colon
adenosine deaminase.
Figure 2 Frequency (%) of colon sites involved with tuberculosis.
Index colonoscopy. On index colonoscopy, macroscopic
lesions were predominantly identified in the right colon caesating epitheloid granulomas and Langhans giant cells in
(Figure 2). Thirty-one patients had single-site involvement mesenteric lymph nodes. Another patient, a 55-year-old
and 36 patients had multiple sites involved. Lesions included female patient, on colonoscopy had severe narrowing at
ulcerations, nodularity, polyps, and luminal narrowing. hepatic flexure and subsequently underwent right hemi-
Ulceration was the most common lesion (88.0%) seen colectomy. Histology showed multiple caesating epitheloid
(Table 2). These ulcers were predominantly linear/fissured, granulomas and Langhans giant cells. A third patient, a 42-
transverse or circumferential and covered with dull-white/ year-old female with a palpable right lower quadrant mass,
yellow exudates. The mucosa around the ulcers showed underwent surgery within 2 weeks of starting anti-TB
inflammatory changes in the form of edema, erythema, or treatment. Surgical specimen showed caesating epitheloid
nodularity. No aphthous ulcers were observed. Twenty-three granuloma and Langhans giant cells with TB lymphadenitis. A
patients (32.8%) had deformed ileocecal valve. Polypoid TB fourth patient, a 32-year-old male, presented with bowel
lesions in the colon mimicked colon cancer. Luminal narrowing obstruction within 1 week of starting anti-TB treatment and
could not be negotiated in 18 patients—11 in the cecum, 3 in underwent surgery. Histology showed caseating epitheloid
the ascending colon, 3 in the transverse colon, and 1 in the granulomas and Langhans giant cells. Another patient
descending colon. Among these 18 patients, 4 subsequently underwent surgery for a polypoidal mass mimicking colon
underwent surgery for acute bowel obstruction. An 18-year-old cancer. Histology showed caseating granulomas.
male patient was started on anti-TB medications but within 2
weeks developed sub-acute bowel obstruction requiring Histology. As shown in Figure 3, various forms of granulo-
surgical resection of a large mass in the distal one-third of mas were identified in 50 patients (73.1%). Caseating
the transverse colon. Resected specimen showed multiple granulomas were seen in the biopsy specimens of two
Figure 3 Colon tuberculosis histology. (a) Caseating epitheloid granuloma, (b) caseating granuloma with Langhans giant cell, (c) well-defined epitheloid granuloma,
(d) Langhan’s giant cell, (e) ill-defined epitheloid granuloma.
Table 2 Type of lesions noted on index colonoscopy Forty-eight patients underwent follow-up colonoscopy with-
Type of lesion Number of Percentage of in 4 weeks after completing anti-TB treatment. Follow-up
patients patients (%) colonoscopy in majority of the patients showed either healing
of previously seen mucosal lesions (Figure 4) or mild mucosal
Ulcers 60 88.0 irregularities at the site of the previously seen lesions. As seen
Nodules 34 50.7
Luminal narrowing 30 44.8 in Table 3, 87.2% ulcers, 84.6% nodules, 85.7% polypoid
Polypoid lesion 7 10.4 lesions, 76.2% luminal narrowing, and 76.5% ileo-cecal valve
deformities resolved with anti-TB treatment. Seven patients
had residual lesions (Table 4): deformed ileocecal valve (three
patients and were also seen in all the resected specimens in patients), superficial terminal ileal ulcer (one patient), nodu-
those who underwent surgery. Other types of granulomas larity in terminal ileum (one patient), cecal stricture (one
seen were well-defined non-caseating epitheloid granuloma, patient), polypoidal lesion in ascending colon (one patient),
epitheloid granuloma with Langhans giant cells, and ill- and residual narrowing in ascending colon and cecum (one
defined non-caseating epitheloid granuloma. Other findings patient). Biopsies taken from these lesions did not shown
included non-specific chronic inflammation and loosely changes suggestive of TB.
arranged epitheloid cells without and with fibrosis. Acid-fast Except for the four patients with luminal narrowing
bacilli were seen in three patients (6.4%). described above who required surgery, the lesions in all the
other patients including nine with non-negotiable narrowing on
index colonoscopy resolved with anti-TB treatment, thereby
Treatment duration. Thirty-eight patients were treated for 9
suggesting that luminal obstruction from these lesions was
months. Ten patients did not come for their follow-up
predominantly secondary to inflammatory edema, ulcerations
colonoscopy as scheduled and continued taking anti-TB
and masses rather than fibrosis that resolved with treatment.
drugs for a longer duration (one patient for 10 months and
nine patients for 12 months). None of the patients reported
Patients diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease.
any side effects from anti-TB drugs. Liver function tests were
Two patients with suspected diagnosis of colon TB were
routinely checked while patients were on treatment and none
later diagnosed to have Crohn’s disease. One patient was
of the patients had any elevation in liver enzymes.
a 25-year-old male presenting with chronic abdominal pain,
diarrhea, low-grade fever, loss of appetite and weight loss.
Follow-up colonoscopy. Seven patients refused follow-up Colonoscopy revealed ulcers in the terminal ileum and
colonoscopy. Five of these patients had index colonoscopy cecum. Biopsy showed non-granulomatous chronic inflam-
and while on anti-TB treatment developed acute bowel mation, negative for acid-fast bacilli. TB PCR was negative
obstruction. Four of these patients had luminal narrowing and and test for anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies was
one had a polypoidal mass mimicking colon cancer. Thus, negative as well. Chest X-ray was normal and computerized
4 of 30 (13.3%) patients with luminal narrowing and 1 of 7 tomography of the abdomen revealed terminal ileal thicken-
(14.3%) patients with a polypoidal mass on index colono- ing with abdominal lymphadenopathy. He was started on
scopy underwent surgical intervention for colon obstruction. anti-TB treatment. Three months later the patient presented
Endoscopic dilatation to relieve obstruction was offered but with worsening symptoms, lower gastrointestinal bleeding
the patients and the referring doctors preferred surgery and stomatitis. Colonoscopy revealed deformed and ulce-
secondary to the acuteness of the clinical presentation. rated ileocecal valve with multiple, patchy, deep ulcerations
Figure 4 Healing of tuberculosis lesions with anti-tuberculosis treatment as shown on follow-up colonoscopy.
Routine analysis Initial number Complete healing Incomplete healing Surgery Percentage with
of patients of lesions of lesions complete healing (%)
Ulcers 47 41 2 4 87.20
Nodules 26 22 2 2 84.60
Luminal narrowing 21 16 1 4 76.20
Polypoidal lesions 7 6 0 1 85.70
Deformed ileo-cecal valve 17 13 2 2 76.50
Ulcers 60 41 19 68.30
Nodules 34 22 12 64.70
Luminal narrowing 30 16 14 53.30
Polypoidal lesions 7 6 1 85.70
Deformed ileo-cecal valve 23 13 10 56.50
throughout the colon with normal intervening mucosa. Biopsy patient was suspected to have Crohn’s disease and was
again showed non-granulomatous chronic inflammation. started on prednisone, azathioprine and mesalamine with
The patient was suspected to have Crohn’s disease and significant improvement of symptoms. Repeat colonoscopy
was started on prednisone, azathioprine, and mesalamine, showed healing of ulcers.
resulting in improvement of symptoms. Follow-up colono-
scopy revealed significant resolution of inflammation.
The other patient was a 29-year-old male presenting with
chronic abdominal pain and weight loss. Colonoscopy M. tuberculosis infection is endemic in many countries
revealed deep ulcer at the ileocecal valve. Biopsy showed and there has been a resurgence of TB in the Western
granulomatous colitis, negative for acid-fast bacilli. Chest world.9 The annual global incidence of TB is estimated to be
X-ray was normal. The patient was started on anti-TB 9.4 million cases.1 A report from a panel of TB experts and
medications. Although the patient had symptomatic relief, a epidemiologists from more than 40 countries showed that
repeat colonoscopy after 9 months revealed a deformed and an estimated 1.87 million (1.4 million–2.8 million) people died
stenosed ileocecal valve with active ulcerations in the terminal of TB in 1999.30 The global case fatality rate was 23%
ileum. Biopsy again showed granulomatous colitis. Anti- and exceeded 50% in some African countries with high
Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies were negative. The HIV prevalence rates.30 The resurgence of TB in many
Ulceration, nodules and narrowing in ascending colon and deformed Ileocecal valve remained deformed, ascending colon lesions resolved
ileocecal valve
Cecal ulceration and terminal ileal ulceration, nodule and narrowing Small superficial ulceration noted in terminal ileum, complete resolution
of cecal ulcers
Ulcerations and nodules in cecum, ascending colon Polypoid lesion in ascending colon, complete resolution of cecal ulcers
Cecal ulceration and nodularity Cecal narrowing
Cecal and terminal ileal ulceration and nodularity Minimal nodularity of terminal ileum, complete resolution of cecal ulcers
Multiple ulcerations in ileo-cecal valve and terminal ileum Healing ulcers with distortion of ileocecal valve and stricture
Multiple ulcerations with narrowing of hepatic flexure, scope could not Complete healing of previously seen ulcers, narrowing present in
be negotiated ascending colon and cecum, scope could be negotiated
developed countries has been attributed to higher migrating of the patients. Less than half of the patients in this study had
population, deteriorating social conditions, cutbacks in fever. Abdominal mass on physical examination was noted in
public health services and increasing prevalence of only 6.4% of the patients. The number is significantly less
immuno suppressed/HIV-positive individuals.3–9 In the United compared with the study by Palmer et al.40 in which 43%
States, this escalation peaked in 1992 and since then there patients developed abdominal mass comprising either inflam-
has been a steady decline, with TB now being diagnosed matory intestinal lesions or enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes.
mostly in the migrant population.8,9 The difference is likely due to the fact that their series had
Gastrointestinal TB, although not as commonly seen as predominantly small bowel involvement (40 of 42) compared
pulmonary TB, can be a source of significant morbidity and with only 4.7% showing isolated TB affecting the colon.
mortality as it can mimic other conditions and tends to be Bleeding per rectum was observed in 20% of patients in the
diagnosed late. Less than 25% of patients with gastrointest- present series, but none of these was severe enough to
inal TB have concomitant pulmonary TB.9 Hence diagno- require surgical or angiographic intervention. In the series by
sing gastrointestinal TB requires a high index of suspicion, Misra et al.35 10% of patients required surgery for massive
especially in countries where TB is not endemic. Some of lower gastrointestinal bleeding. Similar to previously pub-
these patients are misdiagnosed as having inflammatory lished series,11,21,35 in our study, the predominant lesions
bowel disease and may get immunosuppressant medications identified on colonoscopy were ulceration and nodularity. The
resulting in dissemination of TB. right colon (ileocecal valve, cecum, and ascending colon)
The intestinal tract is usually affected by swallowed was significantly more affected compared with the left. Nagi
bacterium, spread from adjacent organs or via hematogenous et al.17 on the other hand found the transverse colon to be the
spread. Secondary to abundant lymphoid tissue and the most commonly affected site and strictures the predominant
relatively longer contact time of intestinal contents with the lesion. However, their study was based on radiological
mucosa, the terminal ileum has a higher predilection for TB evaluation and not colonoscopy.
infection.9,11,14 Hence, in an appropriate clinical setting On the basis of the above, the symptoms and the endoscopic
(for example, an immunosuppressed patient or immigrant findings of colon TB can be non-specific and hence diagnosing
population), TB is always in the differential diagnosis if there is TB of the colon can be difficult. We had six patients with
an ulcer, stricture or an inflammatory mass in the terminal previous pulmonary TB as seen on chest X-ray and one patient
ileum. However, diagnosing TB of the colon requires a high with ascites had positive adenosine deaminase test. Histology
index of suspicion as colon is not the most commonly affected was supportive of TB in 73% of the patients. Three patients
site and symptoms are non-specific. In a study by Nagi et al.,17 showed positive acid-fast bacillus on histology; granulomas
only 10.8% of the 684 cases with abdominal TB had TB were the predominant finding in other patients, but as reported
affecting the colon. Case reports and small retrospective case previously,35 caseating granulomas were rarely seen. In the
series have been published describing the endoscopic current series, caseating granulomas were present in two
features of TB of the colon.11–18,20,21,31–38 These features patients and in all the five resected specimens of those who
can be non-specific and mimic inflammatory bowel disease or underwent surgery. Majority of the patients presented with
malignancy. As follow-up colonoscopy is not routinely suspected TB and diagnosis was confirmed by response to
performed after completion of anti-TB treatment, there are anti-TB treatment. Response to anti-TB treatment as a criterion
limited data on predicting the outcomes of TB lesions, namely, to confirm TB has also been used in other studies.23 Although it
resolution of, lack thereof, or scarring or stricturing of the will be difficult to justify empiric anti-TB treatment for patients in
lumen after healing. developed countries, this has been an acceptable approach in
In this study, we report on one of the largest cohorts of countries where TB is endemic. Park et al.41 compared the
patients with colon TB who were followed prospectively with outcomes of anti-TB treatment in patients with non-specific
colonoscopy examination after completing anti-TB treatment. ileocecal ulcers. They showed that 3 months of trial of anti-TB
Similar to previously reported case series,11,21,35,39 majority of treatment can be sufficient to assess response to treat-
the patients had non-specific symptoms, with weight loss and ment and thus differentiate between colon TB and Crohn’s
abdominal pain being the predominant symptoms in over 80% disease. Our study results are consistent with this, as majority
of the patients had significant clinical improvement within microgranulomas and the distribution of chronic inflammation
4–6 weeks after initiation of anti-TB treatment. Skin Purified being useful to distinguish between the two diseases.
Protein Derivative (PPD) and QuantiFeron tests can be used Luminal narrowing was noted in 30 patients in the current
as supportive evidence in regions non-endemic for TB, but series. Four patients (13.3%) with luminal narrowing on index
their utility in endemic areas is questionable. Hence Purified colonoscopy and one patient with an obstructing polypoidal
Protein Derivative (PPD) test is not recommended by the mass mimicking colon cancer required surgery. We were
Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program guidelines unable to assess the efficacy of endoscopic dilatation in these
from India for diagnosis of TB.24 QuantiFeron test is relatively patients as they were taken to surgery before endoscopic
contraindicated in the evaluation of active TB, as active intervention could be applied. In a previous series, endoscopic
TB can be associated with suppressed interferon-g dilatation of colon strictures was performed and was shown to
responses.25,26 M. tuberculosis culture from intestinal biopsy be effective and safe.35,54 In the remaining patients, the
specimen is expensive and previous studies have shown narrowing resolved with anti-TB treatment, thereby suggest-
variable yield.12,27,35,42 In a study by Singh et al.,27 none ing that these strictures were inflammatory in nature. Majority
of the 62 patients showed positive cultures and only 3 out of of the other types of lesions (ulcers, nodularity, and polyps)
50 intestinal biopsy cultures in a study by Shah et al 20 showed also resolved with anti-TB treatment, as confirmed on follow-
M. tuberculosis. Hence, we elected not to culture the biopsy up colonoscopy.
specimens. The findings of our study have important implications. As
Two patients who did not respond to anti-TB treatment were majority of the patients had resolution of the colon lesions with
eventually diagnosed to have inflammatory bowel disease. anti-TB medications, follow-up colonoscopy may not be
None of the patients received any empiric immunosuppres- required in patients with colon TB if they are asymptomatic
sant medications before anti-TB treatment on the assump- after treatment. Majority of the luminal narrowing as noted on
tion that they have inflammatory bowel disease, for fear index colonoscopy also resolve with anti-TB treatment and
of dissemination in case they had TB. Differentiating TB hence these strictures appear to be inflammatory rather than
ulcer from Crohn’s disease ulcer has always been fibrotic in nature.
challenging.19,34,43–49 In this series, TB ulcers were linear, This study had several limitations. First, few tests were
fissured, transverse, or circumferential. Similar to as reported performed owing to patients concerns regarding the cost
by others,11,20,50 we also observed that the mucosa surround- involved and hence small bowel enterography and computer-
ing TB ulcers was abnormal, showing features like erythema, ized tomography/US of the abdomen were not performed in all
edema, mucosal irregularity or nodularity. In Crohn’s disease, the patients. Second, we did not perform culture for TB as
the ulcers are usually surrounded by normal-looking mucosa. previous studies have shown variable yield.27,35,41,42,55 We
Moreover, aphthous ulcers as seen with Crohn’s disease were could have performed Mycobacterium culture in the two
not observed, except in the patient who subsequently was patients who did not respond to conventional anti-TB
diagnosed to have Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s patients can treatment to evaluate for drug-resistant TB. However,
present with significant gastrointestinal bleeding.51 None of follow-up colonoscopy features were suggestive of Crohn’s
the patients in the current series had any significant colonic disease and these patients responded to prednisone.
bleeding. However, this feature cannot be used as suggestive Although the prevalence of Crohn’s disease is low in India,
of TB as in a previous case series 10% of patients with colon there is always a chance of falsely labeling a Crohn’s disease
TB required interventions for massive gastrointestinal bleed- patient as having colon TB with resolution of lesions
ing.35 Multiple studies have attempted to identify features to secondary to the anti-inflammatory effect of anti-TB medica-
differentiate between TB and Crohn’s disease. A study by tions. However, a study by Park et al.41 demonstrated that
Makharia et al.23 attempted to calculate a scoring system patients with suspected inflammatory bowel disease treated
based on the following features—weight loss, absence of with anti-TB medications did not have any significant lasting
sigmoid colon involvement, absence of blood in stool and improvement in symptoms or resolution of lesions seen on
absence of focal colitis to differentiate between Crohn’s and colonoscopy. Eventually, while on anti-TB medications these
TB. Another study by Lee et al.49 evaluated various other patients may present with ongoing active disease, as was
endoscopic features to differentiate between Crohn’s disease seen in the two patients with Crohn’s disease in
and colon TB. Four parameters—anorectal lesions, long- our study. The findings of our study are not applicable to
itudinal ulcers aphthous ulcers and cobblestone appear- HIV-positive or immuno-compromised patients as none of
ance—were significantly more common in patients with the patients in our study were HIV-positive or immuno-
Crohn’s disease than in those with intestinal TB. Four other suppressed.
parameters—involvement of fewer than four segments, a In summary, patients with TB of the colon present with non-
patulous ileocecal valve, transverse ulcers, and scars or specific symptoms and hence diagnosis in countries where
pseudopolyps—were more frequently observed in patients TB is non-endemic involves a high index of suspicion (migrant
with intestinal TB than in those with Crohn’s disease. population, immuno-suppressed individuals). Abdominal pain
However, there have not been any large population-based and weight loss are the predominant symptoms. Ulceration,
studies to validate these findings. A study by Gan et al.52 nodularity, and luminal narrowing are the prominent endo-
showed that PCR can be useful in distinguishing between scopic findings mostly affecting the right colon. Histology is
Crohn’s and TB. Pulimood et al.53 described histological helpful in ruling out other conditions, but TB-specific findings
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