Module 9
Module 9
Module 9
The six Gestalt principles namely: Law of Proximity, Law of Closure, Law of Good Continuation, Law of
Pragnanz and Law of Figure/Ground guides a person as he/she makes a perception. Every Law or
Principle signifies every kind of perceptions that a person draws based on a certain situation. Simply this
six Gestalt principles are the ways on how a person collect , process and restructure information.
2. List at least five ways to apply gestalt psychology in the teaching and learning process.
- Gestalt psychology gives importance to visual perception, so visual aids must be integrated in the
teaching- learning process.
- Teachers should organize topics according to their relevance to come up with organized flow of
is an active process the involves perception. Learners do not just collect information; they actively
restructure information to gain comprehension. The way how a learner perceived information is guided
by different cognitive principles. Gestalt psychology's on teaching and learning process is that:
experience is the source of learning. So this idea asserts that learners should beengaged in his own
learning process. There should be a Give and Take of ideas between the teachers and student. Learning
is a continuous process, and everyone can learn from each other.