Assessment # 3: Author Name SUPERVISOR NAME Course Detail

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Author Name
SUPERVISOR NAME   Course detail
Progress Update....................................................................................................................................1
Basic idea of geopolymer concrete (Week 1-5).................................................................................1
Different types of geopolymer concrete (week 4-7)..............................................................................2
Alkali Activated Slag concrete............................................................................................................2
Fly ash geopolymer concrete.............................................................................................................2
Metakaolin use in Geopolymer.........................................................................................................3
Durability Issues of Concrete (Week 6 – 10)..........................................................................................3
Changes in the milestones.....................................................................................................................4
Risk Associated in the Project................................................................................................................4
Risk to client......................................................................................................................................4
Risk to HSE.........................................................................................................................................4
Risk to supervisor..............................................................................................................................4
Risk to student...................................................................................................................................4
Technical Risk using a Matrix.............................................................................................................5
Sustainability Statement........................................................................................................................5
Ethics Statement...................................................................................................................................6
Demonstration of integrity................................................................................................................6
Practise competently.........................................................................................................................6
Exercise leadership................................................................................................................................7
Promote sustainability...........................................................................................................................7
Adherence to Communications Plan.....................................................................................................7
Progress Update
Following the plan to complete the project, progress is being made according to the Gantt chart
provided in last assessment. More than 50 percent of the literature review has been completed.
Through literature review of many articles and review papers basic idea of the geopolymer has been
understood completely. After getting the idea of the geopolymer concrete reactions next step was to
study the different types of geopolymer concretes and later in next step the detailed geopolymer
reactions are studied in detail. Currently the behavior of conventional concrete as compared to the
geopolymer concrete is being studied and durability problem of conventional concrete is being

Basic idea of geopolymer concrete (Week 1-5)

Before understanding the geopolymer concrete it very important to why and how geopolymer
concrete is produced. Carbon dioxide produced in all over the world is polluting the environment
and is last couple of decades carbon dioxide level in all over the world has been reaches to level
where huge damage is being done to the environment such as global warming and production of
smog. 7 percent of the total carbon dioxide is being produced in the world is result of cement
production [1]. It has also been suggested one way of controlling the amount of CO 2 production is by
treating concrete production plants. Studies also prove that round about 1 ton of carbon dioxide is
being produced when 1 ton on Portland cement is being produced [2]. So, for controlling the
pollution first replacement of cement is being used in the concrete. Fly ash, Ground Granulated Blast
furnace slag, silica fume and rice husk ash has been used. It has been proved that replacement of
slag by percentage of cement can actually produce better concrete having more strength than
conventional concrete [3]. Slag is a by-product produced from the iron and steel industry. Slag itself
is a reactive material but when reacted with water some hydration products are formed and cover
the outer layer of slag by a film when stops the further reaction. But when slag is being used by
some percentage of cement, Portlandite produced from the hydration process of cement reacts with
the slag and produce products when contributes to the strength. Similarly, fly ash has also been used
in as replacement of cement by some percentage with different dosages and was concluded that the
early strength decreased but recover at later stages by curing and durability properties are also
improved [4]. Silica fume has also been used as replacement of cement to reduce the carbon
footprints and positive effect has been seen. Silica fume reduces the porosity of the concrete which
helps in improving the durability of concrete. Silica fume consumes the portlandite which is
produced as the hydration Portland cement. Portlandite which is also known calcium hydroxide
which play key role in alkali aggregate reactions and sulphate attack. When using the silica fume
portlandite will react with portlandite and produces the C-S-H gel which further improves the
strength. Study showed that replacing OPC by 36% by silica fume and lime powder can reduce the
amount of cement and giving high strength to concrete [5]. Another study shows that we can
substitute the cement with silica fume and volcanic ash with Portland cement in concrete without
reducing the strength [6]. Rice husk ash is the byproduct from the agriculture industry which is rich
in alumina and silica. Rich husk ash also produces the C-S-H gel by consuming the portlandite, hence
improving the concrete strength. It has also been shown by the study that using 15% rice husk can
dense the concrete matrix which will show great resistance against the sulphate attack [7]. All these
above attempts we used to reduce the consumption of the Portland cement but none of these
attempts were used to fully replace the Portland cement with some other cementitious material.

Geopolymer concrete is a type of concrete in which silicate-alumino material reacts with alkalis to
produce inorganic polymers which are named as the geopolymer [8]. When material having oxides
of aluminates and silicates reacts with the alkalis, they produce the 3D polymerized chains forms
which helps in strength. As in OPC concrete C-S-H gel is produced, in geopolymer concrete due to
alkali activation A-S-H gel is produced which gives concrete strength. Geopolymer concrete has
variables which needed to be studied. Use of type of cementitious materials plays a key role for
different characteristics of alkali activated concrete. alkali activated concrete using slag, fly ash
geopolymers, metakaolin based geopolymer and rice husk based geopolymer concrete are one of
the few examples of cementitious material that can be used for geopolymer concrete. Basic
difference between conventional concrete and geopolymer concrete is replacement of cement and
use of alkali solution instead of the water. Use of type of material and alkali solutions varies for
every type of geopolymer concrete.

Different types of geopolymer concrete (week 4-7)

Different types of geopolymer concrete and their properties will be discussed in this section in
details. Depend on the type of the geopolymers fresh properties, hardened properties, chemical
reactions, physical properties and machinal properties varies.

Alkali Activated Slag concrete

Slag is the by-product produced by the steel industry which is rich in aluminates and silicate oxides.
Slag is highly reactive material and in contact with water it starts to hydrate, and a thin layer of
hydration product covers slag particle which stops the reaction and that is the reason alkali solution
is used to produce the alkali activate concrete. Different types of alkali solution can be used to
activate the slag but sodium silicate in combination of sodium hydroxide are the best options [9].
Sodium silicate alone can be used to for activation of the slag, but problem is that we need elevated
temperatures [10]. Therefore, sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) with combination of sodium hydroxide
(NaOH) is used for activation of slag. Higher molar solution of sodium hydroxide can cause high early
strength of the alkali activated slag concrete but reduces the ultimate strength. Sodium silicate is
sticky liquid and have low viscosity and high amount of sodium silicate can reduce workability of the
concrete. Sodium silicate is responsible of ultimate strength if used is optimum amount. Volume
required for the alkali solution to obtain required strength also depends on the number of solids in
the water solution. When high molarity of sodium hydroxide is used more volume of sodium
hydroxide is required to hydrate all particles of concrete due to a greater number of solid contents in
the solution. Similarly, when number of solid are more in the sodium silicate required amount of
solution to hydrate all particles will also increase. 60.4 MPa was produced by activation of slag by
using 14 molar solution of sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate to sodium hydroxide ratio of 2.5
[11]. Setting time of concrete was very short due to high molarity of sodium hydroxide and high
reactivity of slag. For increasing the setting time slag can be replaced with fly ash, silica fume or rise
husk ash.

Fly ash geopolymer concrete

Fly ash geopolymer concrete is the type of concrete in which fly ash is activated by the alkali
solutions to produce the A-S-H gel which gives concrete strength. Fly ash is the waste product of coal
industry and due to chemically rich in aluminate and silicate oxides it is also very suitable candidate
to be used in the geopolymer concrete as the binder. Just like alkali activated slag concrete, strength
geopolymer concrete having fly ash also depends on molarity of sodium hydroxide and ratio of
sodium silicate to sodium hydroxide. Fly ash reaction is slow as compared to the slag. In ambient
conditions it takes long time to achieve the maximum designed strength. Heat curing is required for
fly ash geopolymer concrete to achieve the maximum strength earlier. Heath curing is done at
elevated temperatures which accelerates the rate of reaction. Heat curing is done at the
temperatures of range 40 to 70 degrees centigrade. Study form literature shows that 63 MPa
strength is achievable by using fly ash based geopolymers [12]. Silica fume can also be used in the fly
ash geopolymer concrete for further improving the porosity of the geopolymer concrete. It has been
confirmed by the latest study that reduction in weight loss as been seen because of acid attack on fly
ash geopolymer concrete when silica fume is used to improve the porosity [13]. Fly ash geopolymer
concrete having no silica fume also have better resistance that conventional OPC concrete [13]. Fly
ash need high molarity of sodium hydroxide for the proper activation because of the low reactivity of
the fly ash. Up to 14 molar solution of sodium hydroxide has been used for better strength [14].
Using such a high concentration of sodium hydroxide in field condition without the degrading the
safety is also a challenge. Molarity of sodium hydroxide more than 14 can also precipitate the A-S-H
gel produced by geopolymer reactions which can degrade the strength. Similarly, amount of sodium
silicate is also decided based on number of solid particles available as compared to the water in the
solutions. Sodium silicate use can also make concrete mix sticky, so it is very important to use
optimum amount of sodium silicate in the geopolymers in fly ash geopolymer concrete.

Metakaolin use in Geopolymer

Metakaolin is a product which is obtained by the calcination of the China clay which is rich in
alumina and silica. Clay is passed in through sieve 200 and heated at 800 degrees centigrade for 2
hours. Clay having kaolinite great than 80% is very efficient for achieving the good strength.
Metakaolin is used in the geopolymer concrete by 20 percent replacement and found that it
improves strength and durability of the concrete [15]. Like above discussed geopolymer concrete
same alkali activators are used and different replacement is used for clays having different kaolinite
contents. Due to fine particles of calcined clay amount of activator used is also affected. Because
when more fine particles are used in the design mix more amount of alkali solution is required for
fully wet the particles for achieving the required consistency of the concrete.

Durability Issues of Concrete (Week 6 – 10)

Concrete is one of the mostly used concrete, but some durability issues has been reported
worldwide. Following are the few common durability issues in conventional concrete.

 Freeze and thaw

 Acid attack
 Alkali aggregate reaction
 Sulphate attacks
 Delayed ettringite formation.

All above-mentioned problems are common durability problems and therefore not discussed in
detail. Freeze thaw problem is related to the freezing of water in the pores of solutions which
expands of freezing and thus damages the concrete. Acid attack is the related to the exposure of
concrete to the acids which degrades its strength. Alkali aggregate reaction has two basic reactions
which are alkali silicate reaction and alkali aggregate reaction. It is a reaction between reactive
aggregates and alkalis in the concrete which produces the expansive gel which causes the damage in
the concrete. Sulphate attack is attack in which due to sulphates expansion in the concrete occurs
and concrete is degraded. Delayed ettringite is also kind of sulphate attack in which ettringite
produced at the very early stages of hydration of cement is broken into ions due to high
temperature and later when concrete is hardened ettringite reforms when sulphates are available.
Due to expansive property of ettringite when it formed when concrete is hardened damage is
manifested in the concrete.
Changes in the milestones
New milestone which is necessary for this project has been identified form the detailed literature
review. This milestone identifies the ways to tackle with the durability issues in the geopolymer
concrete which has also been caused in the conventional concrete. This task requires to identify the
durability issues in the geopolymer concrete and finds the reasons why these durability issues has
been caused in the geopolymer concrete. This part of projects also explain how durability issues in
conventional concrete can be eliminated using the geopolymer concrete.

Risk Associated in the Project

Risk to client
 Late completion of project
 Increase in cost of project
 Results not applicable in the project

Project delays is commonly seen and can happen due to many reasons. Proper literature review,
combinational channels and scheduling is required to avoid this. Cost overhead is caused by the
improper estimation of whole project. Budget for hidden cost of project should also be reserved for
such incidents. Cost overheads can also be caused due to the delay in the project. Geopolymer
concrete is complex concrete and involves the risk using chemical of high concentration and for
safety reason proper training is required for use of geopolymer concrete. So, this put the risk of
project to be implemented in the field.

Risk to HSE
 Use of high concentrated chemical
 Risk of equipment damage

Health and safety are the priority in the project and due to use of highly concentrated sodium
hydroxide in lab as well as in field conditions put at risk to the workers. And use of chemicals in huge
amount further enhances the risk. To minimize the risk proper precautions and proper training is
required. Use of chemicals in the geopolymer can also damage different equipment in the lab and in
the field. Use of high concentration more than recommended guideline shouldn’t be used.

Risk to supervisor
 Communications risk towards client and student
 Funding risks

Communication between the student and supervisor is very important for the smooth progress of
the project. Wrong interpretation of information by student and client can lead to delay in project
and in some cases leads to the failure of the project. Delay in the funding form client can also lead to
delay of the project. To eliminate the communication risks proper meeting should be done between
all parties should be scheduled. For better utilization of money proper attention is required on the
cost of the project.

Risk to student
 Delay in experiments
 Wrong interpretation of results
 Errors in the experimentations
 Improper testing facilities
Proper scheduling is required for each, and every experiment required to be performed in the
project. Procedure in case to delay should also be discussed in advance with the supervisor to
reduce the delay risks. To avoid wrong interpretation of the results obtained from the
experimentation, every result should be discussed with the supervisor. Proper specified standard
guidelines should be followed to avoid the errors in the experimentation. To avoid testing on
improper testing machines proper checks should be applied by student.

Technical Risk using a Matrix

Sr. Risks Occurrence Financial Responsible role
1 Late completion of project High High Owner/supervisor/student

2 Increase in cost of project Medium High Owner/supervisor/student

3 Results not applicable in Low Very high Student/Supervisor

the project

4 Use of high concentrated High Low Student


5 Risk of equipment Medium High Supervisor/Student


6 Communications risk Low High Owner/supervisor/student

towards client and

7 Funding risks Medium High Client/supervisor

8 Delay in experiments Medium Low Student

9 Wrong interpretation of Medium Medium Supervisor/Student


10 Improper testing facilities Low High Student

11 Errors in the Low High Student


Sustainability Statement
 A lot of information about geopolymer is used form the literature and standards. Based on
the research of different researcher’s further research is conducted in the project. Proper
citation is done when using some research.
 Geopolymer concrete is durable concrete and is very long-lasting material. Structures
produced by the geopolymer concrete usually last more than couple of decades. But
geopolymer concrete can also be used in production of recycled concrete that makes this
project producing long lasting and recyclable concretes.
 Producing and designing geopolymer concrete is system-based project in which different
guidelines and standards are followed and different checks are followed to ensure the safety
and strength. Normally when designing the concrete normally there are no intentions to
produce the concrete that is recyclable concrete. But recent studies are showing that
concrete can be used as recyclable material.
 Many checks are used in the production of geopolymer concrete that makes it durable.
Increasing freeze and thaw resistance, porosity reduction, AAR resistance and sulphate
resistance makes it very durable. But no effort is being done to make a concrete durable
because doing so reduces the strength very badly.
 Using fly ash and slag in making concrete not only uses the waste products but also reduces
the carbon footprints. Geopolymer concrete inspires the reduction of carbon dioxide and
uses the material which produces the pollution. Fly ash when dumped causes lot of pollution
and by using it in the concrete play great role in reduction of pollution.
 Concrete production produces a lot of carbon dioxide and use of geopolymer concrete helps
us in the reduction of carbon footprints because every material we are using are by products
of industries except use of natural aggregates. To minimize the pollution caused by the
production of crushed aggregates natural aggregates or recycle concrete aggregates can be
used which further reduces the damage to environment. But in my research, I am not suing
recycle aggregates because geopolymer is relatively new technology and lot of research is
needed for the incorporation of recycle aggregates.
 Concrete technology is very developed technology and have multiple ways to get the desired
results. For example, if we want workable concrete, we can use plasticizers and if less
consistency is required, we can use water reducers. In case of geopolymers by changing the
concentration and volume of alkali activator solutions desired results can be easily obtained.
 Proper checks, proper guideline, tests, standards, and detailed research approve the use of
geopolymer concrete to minimize the environmental effects and ensure maximum safety.
Safety factors are also applied in the designing of concrete for further safety of the people
and environment.

Ethics Statement
Demonstration of integrity
 Every effort in this project is done to produce a product which is well designed for the well
being of people. All rules, standards and precautions are checked and followed to the best of
knowledge and are proved by the experimentations.
 Proper citation and credits will be given at the end of project to researchers because based
on their knowledge and efforts, a lot of guidance was available to complete the project. All
findings form my research will be well supported with the help of experiment results
according to the standards and codes.
 Every project member is being treated with the proper respect. Nothing in my project
relates any thing with any religion, race, or any nationality.

Practise competently
 Review in detail literature is done in this project to develop understanding and expertise in
geopolymer concrete which helped in developing the knowledge and helped me in achieving
my goals professional manner.
 Whole project goals will be achieved by following proper codes and standards and no illegal
practice will be done to complete the goals.
Exercise leadership
 Advocation of ethical practices can’t be done in this project because whole project is based
on the literature review and based on that recommendation for using geopolymer concretes
are given.
 Diversity in engineering is promoted by describing different concretes and their different
 Proper communication between supervisor and client is planned during the progress of

Promote sustainability
 Based on the study on the properties of alkali activators, it was found out that alkali
activators can be dangerous and should be used by following proper instructions. It will be
informed in the report that using geopolymer can be dangerous if proper instructions are
not followed.
 Future environmental consequences are dealt by reduction of carbon footprints by using the
geopolymer concrete because replacement of cement because production of cement
involves emission of carbon dioxide. Almost 7 % of total carbon dioxide in the world
associated with production of cement [1].

Adherence to Communications Plan

Communication with supervisor is need of this project for smooth progress. Progress of the project is
discussed and communicated in the form of assessment reports in which brief details of each part of
literature is discussed. Feedback from supervisor helped my in avoiding the major mistakes which
could mislead the project results.

1. Benhelal, E., et al., Global strategies and potentials to curb CO2 emissions in cement
industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2013. 51: p. 142-161.
2. Malhotra, V.M., Global warming, and role of supplementary cementing materials and
superplasticisers in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the manufacturing of portland
cement. International Journal of Structural Engineering, 2010. 1(2).
3. Malipeddi, R. and S. Adiseshu, Study of dissolution parameter of ground granulated blast
furnace slag as cement replacement on mechanical properties of mortar. Materials Today:
Proceedings, 2021. 44: p. 642-650.
4. Rashad, A.M., A brief on high-volume Class F fly ash as cement replacement – A guide for
Civil Engineer. International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, 2015. 4(2): p. 278-306.
5. Campos, H.F., et al., Low-cement high-strength concrete with partial replacement of
Portland cement with stone powder and silica fume designed by particle packing
optimization. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020. 261: p. 121228.
6. Kupwade-Patil, K., et al., Use of silica fume and natural volcanic ash as a replacement to
Portland cement: Micro and pore structural investigation using NMR, XRD, FTIR and X-ray
microtomography. Construction and Building Materials, 2018. 158: p. 574-590.
7. Hu, L., Z. He, and S. Zhang, Sustainable use of rice husk ash in cement-based materials:
Environmental evaluation and performance improvement. Journal of Cleaner Production,
2020. 264: p. 121744.
8. Davidovits, J., Geopolymer Chemistry and Applications. Vol. 171. 2008.
9. Fernández-Jiménez, A., J.G. Palomo, and F. Puertas, Alkali-activated slag mortars:
Mechanical strength behaviour. Cement and Concrete Research, 1999. 29(8): p. 1313-1321.
10. Altan, E. and S.T. Erdoğan, Alkali activation of a slag at ambient and elevated temperatures.
Cement and Concrete Composites, 2012. 34(2): p. 131-139.
11. Hadi, M.N.S., N.A. Farhan, and M.N. Sheikh, Design of geopolymer concrete with GGBFS at
ambient curing condition using Taguchi method. Construction and Building Materials, 2017.
140: p. 424-431.
12. Ding, Y., C.-J. Shi, and N. Li, Fracture properties of slag/fly ash-based geopolymer concrete
cured in ambient temperature. Construction and Building Materials, 2018. 190: p. 787-795.
13. Okoye, F.N., S. Prakash, and N.B. Singh, Durability of fly ash based geopolymer concrete in
the presence of silica fume. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017. 149: p. 1062-1067.
14. Nath, P. and P.K. Sarker, Effect of GGBFS on setting, workability and early strength properties
of fly ash geopolymer concrete cured in ambient condition. Construction and Building
Materials, 2014. 66: p. 163-171.
15. Singh, K., Experimental study on metakolin and baggashe ash based geopolymer concrete.
Materials Today: Proceedings, 2021. 37: p. 3289-3295.

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