ELT Research Proposal Writing Guidelines: February 2015

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ELT Research Proposal Writing Guidelines

Chapter · February 2015


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Parlindungan Pardede
Universitas Kristen Indonesia


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ELT Research Proposal Writing Guidelines1
Parlindungan Pardede
Universitas Kristen Indonesia

For undergraduate or post-graduate students, writing a research proposal is compulsory
because it is the main academic document used to justify their ability to present a case
converted into an idea and the plan proposed to resolve it. The quality of a research
proposal will determine whether or not the students will gain approval to conduct the
research required to complete their study. This article aimed to discuss a research
proposal components and provide some tips for writing a sound proposal. Although all
research proposals basically have a generic nature, different disciplines, advisors, and
committees can expect to vary. Thus, the research proposals are various from one
discipline to another and from one committee to another. This article focuses on the
undergraduate research proposal for ELT. The style and examples used in the
discussion are typical of ELT field.

Key words: research proposal, ELT, introduction, literature review, method,

Based on my several years’ experience in supervising students in writing research
proposals and reviewing the proposals some other students had written, it seemed that
most students encountered difficulties in comprehending and meeting the necessities of
the academic work. Many of them found it hard to organize proper content for specific
sections of the proposal and to position arguments in relation to those of the literature.
To critically evaluate theories, methods, and models; to develop arguments and counter-
arguments, to use evidence to support arguments were also common hindrances for
students. These problems could probably cause by their inadequate knowledge for
writing such works and inappropriate mastery of English academic writing skills. As an
attempt to help students overcoming the problems, this article discusses the nature of

This article was presented in the ELT Research Workshop organized by the English Education
Department of Universitas Kristen Indonesia Jakarta, held on Friday, February 20, 2015.

Proceeding of EED Collegiate Forum 2015-2018 │ ISBN: 978-623-7256-25-0

the research proposal and offers some practical suggestions to write the proposal

What is a Research Proposal?
A research proposal is essentially a written plan for a project that will be submitted to
others for evaluation. At most universities, before conducting a study, anyone conducting
a research must write a proposal which specifically describes what he/she will do and
why it should be done, how he/she will do it, and how he/she will interpret the results. In
short, the proposal specifies his or her plans before the study can be conducted. And
since it is the plan for conducting a study, writing a research proposal is the first step in
conducting and publishing research.
Although it constitutes only the first step in the research process, writing a research
proposal is very important for two reasons. First, a proposal describes the process and
procedures the researcher will use. In the proposal, the whole project crystallizes into a
concrete form. The researcher’s ideas and insights are translated into step-by-step plans
for discovering new knowledge. Sharing it to colleagues or a committee will provide an
opportunity for the researcher to obtain feedback before implementing the study. This
feedback can be useful for improving the proposed study. Second, a research proposal
is the only means a prospective researcher can use to ask for recognition and funding
of a particular project. Since the proposal is the only document through which a
researcher demonstrates that he knows what he is seeking and how to successfully
complete the planned project, it is the only instrument he can use to get approval for
conducting his/her project. In a university context, for instance, students are required to
obtain approval of their proposals from a committee of supervising professors. In
industries, a proposal is a main (if not the only) document one should submit to funding
agencies to obtain grant money to pay for the costs of his research.

Anatomy of a Research Proposal

All research proposals use roughly a generic format. Whether it is prepared by a
student to fulfill the requirements of a research course, a formal undergraduate project,
thesis or dissertation proposal presented to a committee, or a funding request to a
foundation or governmental agency, the general format is much the same. No matter
what research to be conducted, be they are a student satisfaction survey, an action
research, an experimental study of teaching reading strategies, or an error analysis of
students’ paragraph writing, the proposal has the same basic structure and format. The
main point is that readers of research reports (i.e., examiners, decision maker, etc.) will
know exactly where to find the information they are looking for, regardless of the
individual proposal.
Despite the generic format, research proposal may vary due to the different
expectations of different disciplines, advisors, and committees. Some departments
expect students to present a detailed proposal, while some others require a general
preliminary outline only. Some departments necessitate students to present their
proposals at a seminar, other departments are satisfied by circulating proposals among

Proceeding of EED Collegiate Forum 2015-2018 │ ISBN: 978-623-7256-25-0

staff and ask each student to have an interview with one or two potential supervisors. In
spite of these different practices, it is a must for every student to have a comprehensive
knowledge of the sections of a research proposal, what to put in each section, and how
to write them in an acceptable academic style.

Title Page: (Write this in accordance with the specification provided by the university or organization to
which the proposal is addressed).


A. Introduction
1. Identify the general topic in the first sentence.
2. In the second sentence, provide the background to the research problem.
3. Next, state the research aim and the research problem and justify why it needs to study.
B. Literature Review
In one or two paragraph, the major schools of thought on the topic and very briefly review the
relevant current studies main findings reported on the chosen topic. End this section by restating
the research question to show how it fits into this larger picture.

C. Conceptual Framework
This section, sometimes called the Proposed Theoretical Model) links the findings in the literature
with the writer’s ideas to show the expected contribution of the research to the topic under study,
state the hypotheses to be tested).

D. Method
Describes the research design (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods), population and
sample, instruments, and data analysis technique.

E. Expected Outcomes
Outlines the expected results, how they will be interpreted, and how they will enrich the present
knowledge (i.e. literature) concerning the topic.

Timeline and Budget

Lists all sources cited in the proposal.

Figure 1. Typical Preliminary Research Proposal

As it is previously mentioned, a research proposal is a plan for a project. Later,

when the project is finished the researcher should report it in what is called with research
report or research paper. A research paper usually has five chapters with well-
established sections in each chapter. The use of such a standardized format will help
readers easily find specific types of information they look for in the chapters and sections.
In general, all research reports begin with the information provided in its proposal.
That is why the proposal is similar to the first three chapters of the research paper; except
that it is written in future tense. In the proposal, the researcher might write something

Proceeding of EED Collegiate Forum 2015-2018 │ ISBN: 978-623-7256-25-0

like “A set of questionnaire and semi-structured interview will be used to collect the data “,
while in the report, it would be changed to “A set of questionnaire and semi-structured
interview were used to collect the data.” In other words, with the exception of tense, the
proposal is identical with the first three chapters of the research report.
Since a research proposal is identical to the first three chapters of the research
report, it will be a significant help for a researcher to report his study. He needs just to
convert the materials in the proposal (to write the first three chapters), add the “results
and discussion” section (in which the results of the completed study are presented and
analyzed), and put the conclusion and recommendation at the end.

Research Proposal Models

Research proposal could be generally classified into two major models: the preliminary
model and the standard model. The preliminary research proposal, as suggested by the
name, is typically written before creating the longer standard one. Thus, writing a good
preliminary proposal opens the doors to proceeding with the project and digging deeper
into the planning.
Although a preliminary proposal is very brief (usually written in five to six
paragraphs, in two pages) it typically contains much of the same information as the
standard version. The difference lies just in the fact that it's a lot less detail than the
standard one. The preliminary research proposal is generally used to attract other
people’s interest, the members of the committee. To evaluate a new research proposal,
a faculty sitting in a committee often prefers reading a preliminary proposal for its brevity.
As shown in Figure 1, a preliminary proposal includes only the main points of what
the author will do, why it should be done, how he will do it, and how he will interpret the
results with minimum supporting detail. Written in a brief paragraph, the introduction
section describes the general topic area to be studied, the background to the research
problem, the research purpose and problem, and justification for studying the problem.
The literature review, written in one or two paragraphs, presents the major schools of
thought on the topic a brief review of the relevant current main findings reported on the
chosen topic, and restatement of the research problem (question) to show how it fits into
this larger picture. Next, in a short paragraph called “Conceptual Framework”, the writer’s
ideas and findings in the literature are linked to show how the research problem will be
handled and what the research results will contribute to the topic under study. This
paragraph is ended with the hypotheses to be tested. In the last two paragraphs, the
research design, population, sample, instruments, and data analysis techniques are
briefly described. The last paragraph is used to outline the expected results, how they
will be interpreted, and how they will fill the gaps or enrich literature. In the standard
proposals the expected outcomes subsection is placed in Chapter I called Research
Significances (see Figure 2). This subsection focuses on the implications of the
proposed study, such as how the study’s results will affect future research, theory,
counseling, policy, etc. Thus, this section is written focusing on how the results of the
study will benefit others. This subsection is also used to pinpoint any weaknesses of the
proposed research and why they were not addressed.

Proceeding of EED Collegiate Forum 2015-2018 │ ISBN: 978-623-7256-25-0

Title Page: (Write this in accordance with the specification provided by the university or organization
to which the proposal is addressed).

Chapter I: Introduction
A. Background
B. Statement of topic area
C. Statement of research problem and justification for studying it
D. Research Objectives
E. Research Significances
F. Research Scope
G. Operational definitions

Chapter II: Literature review

A. Summary and synthesis of the major schools of thought s on the topic and a review of the relevant
current main findings reported on the chosen topic.
B. Conceptual framework (links the research variables which has been specified based on the
findings in the literature so that the research questions and hypothesis could be explicitly stated
in the next subsection. It also shows how the present proposed research could provide solutions
to the problems so that the expected contribution to the topic under study (research significances)
can be stated.
C. Specific research question(s) and hypothesis to be tested.

Chapter III: Method

A. Research design
B. Participants
1. Who? How many?
2. Characteristics (male/female, proficiency level, native language, etc.)
3. Sampling Technique
C. Materials
1. What equipment? What Setting?
2. What data collecting instruments?
D. Procedures
1. How is the treatment to be administered?
2. How/when is the testing to be conducted?
3. What analysis techniques to be employed?
Timeline and Budget

Figure 2. Typical Standard Research Proposal

Some institutions may expect the description of the timeline and budget. The
proposal is ended with the reference, in which all sources cited in the proposal body are
listed using a certain style, e.g. APA, MLA, Harvard, etc.
The content of a standard research proposal is essentially similar to those of a
preliminary proposal (see Figure 2). The only difference is that the points in the standard
research proposal are supported with more factual data, relevant citations, and
arguments. Therefore, if a preliminary proposal is commonly two pages long, a standard
research proposal could cover more than ten pages.

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Outline of Chapters and Sections
In the following subsections, each element of a standard research proposal is described
briefly to provide a more comprehensive idea.

1. Title
In a standard research proposal, the title is written on the title page (together with the
name and other required information about the author). The proposal title should be short
and explanatory. A good title gives a clear and concise description of the scope and
nature of the research. A title could be stated in one of the four types: nominal,
compound, full sentence, and question, but the most usual used is the nominal title.
The title should not exceed 16 words and must include keywords which allow
bibliographers to index the study in proper categories. As a general guide, the words
forming the title should indicate (1) major variables or theoretical issues to be considered
in the study; (2) nature of research (descriptive, correlational, experimental, survey, or
action research); and (3) target population. Pardede (2015), for instance, titled his study
using the nominal type: “Pre-Service EFL Teachers’ Perception of Edmodo Use as a
Complementary Learning Tool”. This title indicates that the study focuses on pre-service
EFL teachers’ perception of Edmodo use as a complementary learning tool (major
variable), it could be a descriptive survey because it deals with perception (research
nature), and concerns with pre-service EFL teachers (population).

2. Table of Contents
The table of contents should locate each section and major subdivision of the proposal.
In most circumstances the table of contents should remain simple; no division beyond
the first subheading is needed. If the body of the proposal contains illustrations, graphs,
or tables, they, too, should appear in the list of tables/graphs/illustrations which is
incorporated into or follows the table of contents.

3. Chapter I – Introduction
The Introduction section consists of four subsections: (a) background; (b) statement of
topic areas, covering the problem in a broad scope; and (c) specific problem to be
studied, reasons why it was important to study (e.g. by showing gaps in research), and
how it applied to the larger field of research, (d) research objectives, (e) significances of
the study, (f) research scope, and (g) definition of operational terms.
The background information is used to identify and describe one or more of the
contexts (philosophical, historical, social, economic, temporal, political, technological,
gender, etc.) required by the reader to understand the research problem and its
significance. Sufficient background information reflects the author’s understanding of the
research problem to be studied and stimulates confidence in the overall quality of the
analysis and findings.
A research topic is “the broad subject matter addressed in a study” (Creswell,
2012, p. 60). Thus, the statement of the topic area is the statement problem in a broad
context. To make this statement convincing, it is usually supported with a summary of
previous research. Pardede (2018), for instance, identified “the use and effectiveness of

Proceeding of EED Collegiate Forum 2015-2018 │ ISBN: 978-623-7256-25-0

Edmodo as a complementary learning tool in EFL classes” the topic of his study. This
topic is supported with various a précis of several previous studies (see Appendix 1).
A research problem is “the educational issue—a difficulty or conflict to be
eliminated; a condition to be improved; a concern to handle; a troubling question, a
theoretical or practical controversy (or a gap) that exists in scholarly literature—
addressed in a study. For instance, continuing with the topic he identified, Pardede
(2015) looked at the perception of pre-service EFL teachers towards the use of Edmodo
as a complementary learning tool in EFL classes. The problem is that very little attention
has been given to students’ perception of the use and effectiveness of Edmodo as a
complementary learning tool in EFL teacher education so that there is no appropriate
empirical data to prepare the ground for a more reasoned use of the online learning tool
in pre-service EFL teachers’ classroom. By researching this problem, such necessitated
data could be obtained.
The research problem is then stated specifically in the form of questions. In this
subsection, a qualitative study and action research usually uses the term ‘research
question’ while quantitative research uses the term ‘problem statement’. This sub-
section is the focal point of a research proposal because this is the place where writer
identifies and clearly and precisely states the specific problem to be investigated. The
question(s) should be SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely).
The objective (or purpose) is a single statement or paragraph that explains what
the study intends to accomplish. The objective statement should be directly based on
the identified and formulated problem(s) in the previous section, so that readers are able
to realize immediately that the purposes are directly related to those problem(s). The
objective statement should be phrased in line with the nature of the problem. This is
done by communicating the purpose using ‘action verbs’, such as describe, compare,
develop and investigate, which accurately indicate your research objectives.
The significance of the study sub-section creates a perspective for looking at the
problem. It points out how the study relates to the larger issues and uses a persuasive
rationale to justify the reason for the study. It makes the objective worth pursuing. The
significance of the study points out the benefit(s) to get if the study is done and to whom
it is important.
The next subsection of the introduction, research scope, describes the limitation
and finite scope of the study which is often imposed by time and budget constraints. The
limitation could also be caused by administrative, geographical, ideological, and other
restrictions. The boundaries cover the issues (or variables). The limitation of the study
precisely describes the sample/participants and the method and data to be collected and
describe the extent to which he believes the limitations degrade the quality of the
The operational definitions sub-section is used to clarify the meaning of special
terms used in the research. Thus, this section is included in a proposal only if it uses
terms that are unique to the field of inquiry or that might not be understood by the general
reader. A common example is: “For the purpose of this research, improvement is
operationally defined as a posttest score minus pretest score”.

Proceeding of EED Collegiate Forum 2015-2018 │ ISBN: 978-623-7256-25-0

The introduction (Chapter I) is essentially a ‘mini-version’ of the much larger review
of the literature (Chapter II) and can be thought of as highlighting certain segments or
pieces of it. That is why some researchers prefer to write the introduction after they have
actually completed much of their literature review. This section can certainly be written
early in the research process, but the researcher should revisit it after he has completed
his literature review to ascertain that both sections are consistent one to another.
The length of an introduction depends on the complexity of the research topic. The
introduction section of an undergraduate research proposal should ideally be shorter
than those of a post-graduate research proposal. However, it is generally around 400-
500 words. Thus, it must avoid unnecessary background information and repeating the
same information. Exaggerating the importance of the work and claiming novelty without
a proper literature search should also be avoided. Appendix 1 on which Pardede (2015)
conducted his study reported in the research article, illustrates an introductory section of
a research proposal.

4. Chapter II – Literature Review Conceptual Framework and Hypothesis

Chapter II of a research proposal includes three sub-sections, i.e. literature review,
conceptual framework, and specific research questions and hypothesis.
A literature review is a search, summary, and evaluation of the available past and
current literature related to the research problem. Thus, a literature review should not
only list a number of cited information and ideas. It should evaluate and synthesize the
information obtained from current studies and link them to the topic to be addressed so
that it places the research being planned on the stage of what is already known about a
topic and what others had done in the research area. The literature can include articles,
abstracts, reviews, monographs, dissertations, other research reports, textbooks, and
electronic media, and since ELT is very dynamic due to the progressive accelerating
number of publications, the sources included in a literature review should be quite recent
so that the research article will not become out-of-date when it is published. In general,
the reviewer should include sources published in the last 10 years. The only exception
here is in situations when authors literally cannot access recent texts.
Literature review has some types, e.g. narrative, historical, integrative,
argumentative, methodological and systematic literature review. Among those types,
integrative or systematic review seems to be the best choice to use in an ELT
undergraduate thesis. It should be noted that whatever type is used, it should be
structured like an independent essay by organizing it into three main sections:
introduction, body, and conclusion.
In a research, the conceptual framework describes the researcher’s consideration
of how the interconnection of the particular variables in his study. In other words, the
conceptual framework identifies the variables required to address the research question.
In relation to this, McGaghie et al. (2001) stated that conceptual framework contributes
to a research report in at least two ways because it (1) identifies research variables, and
(2) clarifies relationships among the variables. Linked to the problem statement, the
conceptual framework ‘‘sets the stage’’ for presentation of the specific research
question.” The conceptual framework is placed between the literature review and the

Proceeding of EED Collegiate Forum 2015-2018 │ ISBN: 978-623-7256-25-0

research question and hypothesis subsection, because the identified variables should
first be clarified by the conceptual framework before they are used to state the research
questions and to formulate the hypothesis.
The research question stated after the conceptual framework is essentially similar
to those stated in Chapter I, part C. However, since the question stated after the literature
review has been enlightened by a greater number of current research findings and the
relationship between the variables has been clarified in the conceptual framework, it
must be more precise than the one previously stated in Chapter I. In this case, the
research question in part C of Chapter I should be replaced by the one obtained after
the conceptual framework.
A research hypothesis is a prediction of the expected outcome of the study. The
presence of this section depends on the research method proposed. Only experimental
researches, causal-comparative, correlational studies, and some action researches
have hypothesis. In those researches, this section states the hypothesis in the form of
the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. The hypothesis section is placed comes
directly after the review of literature because hypotheses are based on and consistent
with the findings reported in the literature review.
A good hypothesis contains two variables, i.e. the “independent” and the
“dependent.” The independent variable is the one the researcher controls, and the
dependent variable is the one he observes and/or measures the results. In an
experimental study, the hypothesis is written this way: “If ____ [the independent variable
is provided] _____, then _____ [the dependent variable] _____ will happen.” For
examples: “If my reading class is taught using the SQ3R method [teaching using SQ3R
is the independent variable], it will significantly increase the class reading achievement
in reading comprehension [reading achievement is the dependent variable] will increase.
Based on this, the hypotheses are formulated as follows:

Ho: The use of SQ3R method will not significantly increase the class reading
achievement in reading comprehension
Ha: The use of SQ3R method will significantly increase the class reading achievement
in reading comprehension

In a correlational study, the hypothesis is written this way: “There is a significant

correlation between ____ [the independent variable] and _____ [the dependent
variable]. For example:

Ho: There is no significant correlation between the time-length of using the internet with
the level of the students’ interest in using blogs to develop writing
Ha: There is a significant correlation between the time-length of using the internet with
the level of the students’ interest in using blogs to develop writing

Appendix 2 on which Nazara (2015) conducted his study reported in the research
article, illustrates the literature review (Chapter II) of a research proposal.

Proceeding of EED Collegiate Forum 2015-2018 │ ISBN: 978-623-7256-25-0

5. Chapter III – Research Method
This chapter or section describes the basic plan of the proposed research. It usually
begins with a few short introductory paragraphs that restate purpose and research
questions. The phraseology should be identical to that used in Chapter I. The wording
of the research questions should be kept consistent throughout the document. After that,
research design, participants (population and sample), materials (including settings,
equipment, and data collection instruments) and procedures (treatment, testing, and
data analysis) are described.
This chapter begins with the restatement of the research purpose and research
question (problem) because they are the most essential elements of a study so that all
other elements should be in agreement with them. By placing them at the beginning of
Chapter III, readers will be able to easily relate the research purpose and research
questions to the research method.
Research Method (Design) subsection briefly but concisely describes the research
design to be used. One or two sentences will suffice for this. The subsection of
Participants (Population and Sample) describes the population accurately and explains
what technique is used to determine the sample. Usually, one sentence is sufficient to
define the population, but the sampling procedure needs to be described in extensive
detail. Describe in minute detail, how you will select the sample. Use specific groups,
places, times, etc. Don’t omit any details. This is extremely important because the reader
of the paper must decide if the sample will sufficiently represent the population.
Materials subsection describes the place and time setting, the equipment (e.g.
Edmodo, short stories, etc.) and the instruments to be employed to collect the data. Each
of these elements needs to be described in details so that future researchers willing to
do the same study will find no difficulty with the specifications. While describing the data
collection instruments, include their feature and how they will be administered. Describe
also how their reliability and validity were measured. If the instrument to be used was
designed by someone else, then describe the previous validity and reliability. In
qualitative research and action research, this section is entitled with triangulation.
The Procedures section briefly but concisely describes the treatment, testing, and
data analysis technique. If the study is an experiment of using song to develop students’
pronunciation, describe what songs and how they are used in the experiment. Describe
also how many times and when tests are administered. Finally, describe what analysis
technique will be used to analyze the obtained data, descriptive analysis or the statistical
analysis (e.g. t-test. This subsection also describes any special procedures that will be
followed (getting permission to enter the research site from the authority, presentation of
an informed consent form, conducting the research, and writing the report).
To see how these elements are included in a real proposal, see Appendix 3 and
4. The first one belongs to Pardede (2011) which represents a mixed methods study,
while the second belongs to Nazara (2015) representing experimental research.

Timeline and Budget

Some institutions may expect the description of the timeline which shows how the author
plans to complete the study by the due date. It is important to make sure that the timeline

Proceeding of EED Collegiate Forum 2015-2018 │ ISBN: 978-623-7256-25-0

is realistic, flexible, and allows extra time for the diversions and changes that often take
place in a study. If the study will be financed by an institution, the budget description is
also necessary. But if the study will be financed by the author, a budget description is
not necessary.

The proposal is ended with the reference, in which all used factual material that does not
belong to the author is listed using a certain style, e.g. APA, MLA, Harvard, etc. ELT field
generally employs APA Style for citing and referencing.

Editing the Research Proposal

Just like the production of other pieces of writing, the writing of a research proposal is a
process involving a series of steps to follow up to the production of the final work. When
the first draft of the proposal is finished, it is necessary to make sure that the followings
are fulfilled. First, the proposal has the chapter of Introduction, Literature Review, and
Methodology, plus the section of the Timeline and References. Second, the quality of
writing is appropriate. Thus, edit the common errors by breaking very long sentences
into some shorter ones, dividing a very long paragraph to one or three shorter ones,
correcting and replacing awkward and informal expressions, appropriately paraphrasing
citations and mentioning the sources to avoid plagiarism, and adopting the citation and
referencing style using the suggested style. Finishing the first editing, it is still necessary
to make the second and third editing to make sure the proposal is of high quality.

For undergraduate or post-graduate students, writing a research proposal is compulsory
because it is the main academic document used to justify their ability to present a case
converted into an idea and the plan proposed to resolve it. At most universities, writing
a proposal specifying his or her plans before a student conduct a project or a study to
write a thesis is a must. Despite its high importance, many students encountered
difficulties in comprehending and meeting the necessities of writing a good proposal.
Some of them found it hard to organize proper content for specific sections of the
proposal and to position arguments in relation to those of the literature. Some others
seemed to have problems to critically evaluate theories, methods, and models; to
develop arguments and counter-arguments, and to use evidence to support arguments.
This article discusses the nature and anatomy of the research proposal.
Discussions are focused on what to put in each chapter/section (i.e. Introduction,
Literature Review, and Method) and subsection of the proposal. Suggestions on how to
put the materials are also provided. To make the explanations more realistic and easier
to perceive, real examples taken from real researches are provided. A better
understanding of what and how to write in each section of the proposal will hopefully
able to help the readers overcome the problems while writing a proposal.
Last but not least, it is worth noting that the writing of a research proposal is a
process involving a series of steps to go through. Drafting, editing, rewriting,

Proceeding of EED Collegiate Forum 2015-2018 │ ISBN: 978-623-7256-25-0

proofreading, revising, and rewriting are the steps everyone should follow in order to
produce a sound research paragraph.

Creswell, J.W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating
quantitative and qualitative research. (4th Ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
McGaghie, W. C.; Bordage, G.; and J. A. Shea (2001). Problem Statement, Conceptual
Framework, and Research Question. Retrieved on March 2014 from
Nazara, S. (2015). The Effect of Using Short Stories on Secondary School Students’
Critical Reading. A paper presented at UKI English Education Department
Collegiate Forum held on Friday, June 12, 2015. Retrieved April 2015 from
Pardede, P. (2015). Pre-Service EFL Teachers’ Perception of Edmodo Use as a
Complementary Learning Tool. A paper presented at UKI English Education
Department Collegiate Forum held on Friday, June 12, 2015. Retrieved August
2015 fromhttps://eeduki.com/2015/06/20/pre-service-efl-teachers-perception-of-
Pardede, P. (2011). Short Stories Use in Language Skills Classes: Students’ Interest
and Perception. In Zacharias, N.T. and Manara, C. (Eds.) Bringing Literature and
Linguistics into EFL Classrooms: Insights from Research and Classroom Practice.
Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 101-108.

Proceeding of EED Collegiate Forum 2015-2018 │ ISBN: 978-623-7256-25-0

Appendix 1
A Sample of Introduction Section (Adapted from Pardede, (2015).

Chapter I
Background context
A. Background covering the impact of
The exponential growth of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) technological
during the past three decades has been revolutionizing education. development on
Innovations in ICT provide an expanding range of possible solutions for learning used to clarify
improving teaching and learning inputs, processes, and outcomes (Pardede, the problem and its
2012). ICT now offers plentiful devices for developing and conveying audio- significance. See how
visual products, multimedia presentations, visual materials and end-user the context is supported
software which could be easily applied to create new learning and teaching with a summary of
practices. Those tools have offered an authentic learning environment, previous research.
making classes more motivating, pleasant and appealing to students and
promotes learner interaction by engaging them in a wide variety of
communicative tasks (Elliot, 2009). They also offer a variety of tools for
educators who are looking to extend learning beyond the classroom
(Haygood, Garner, & Johnson, 2012). As a result, more and more ICT tools
have been incorporated into the classrooms to create a varied learning
environment to enhance teaching and learning process and to address
students’ individual differences.
One of the most widely used online learning sites employed to More specific context to
complement English classes is Edmodo, a free and secure learning platform the study used to
that is structured as a social network. Edmodo looks similar to Facebook but identify the research
is much more private and safe for a learning environment because it allows topic, i.e. “the use and
only teachers to create and manage accounts, and only their students, who effectiveness of
receive a group code and register in the group, can access and join the group Edmodo as a
(Majid, 2011). Edmodo provides teachers the opportunity to communicate complementary learning
with their students via private and public messages, send alerts and tool in EFL classes”. The
announcements, award badges, post assignments, discussions, polls, and topic identification is
quizzes, assign grades, share resources, layout course calendar and create also supported with a
small groups for projects. Via Edmodo, students can connect easily to their summary of previous
teachers, send questions, upload files and links to their backpack (e-library), research.
submit assignments, take quizzes, collaborate, share, discuss, and participate
in polls. Edmodo use depends heavily on the teachers and on the features
they utilize in their teaching process.
Various studies have been conducted on various aspects of Edmodo use Showing the
in education. Enriquez (2014) focused on the introduction and usage of research gap and why
Edmodo in education; Balasubramanian, Jaykumar & Fukey (2014) dealt with the present study is
student’s preference and determination in the use of Edmodo; Batsila, beneficial to conduct
Tsihouridis, Vavougios (2014) focused on teacher opinions; and Looi & Yusop
(2011) investigated the benefits of using Edmodo to the teaching and learning
of reading. Yet, studies focusing on students’ perception of its usage and
effectiveness in EFL teacher education is very rare. This study will be carried Using future tenses
out as an attempt to fill in the gap. The results of this study will hopefully give since this proposal is a
language teachers or educators insight on learners’ attitudes toward a plan
technology-embedded instruction and valuable information to advance new
practices and methodologies containing social networking tools for making a
difference for learning in today’s pre-service EFL teacher education.

Proceeding of EED Collegiate Forum 2015-2018 │ ISBN: 978-623-7256-25-0

B. Research Problem Stating the research
Based on the discussion above, for the purpose of this study, the following problem and
questions will be addressed: the specific research
1. Are the pre-service EFL teachers ready to use Edmodo as a questions
complementary learning tool in their English classroom?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Edmodo as
complementary tool for learning?
3. What is the pre-service EFL teachers’ view on experiences in using
Edmodo as a complementary learning tool in their English classroom?
C. Research Objectives
The goal of this study is:
1. To examine the pre-service EFL teachers’ readiness to use Edmodo as a
complementary learning tool in their English classroom.
2. To investigate the advantages and disadvantages of using Edmodo as
complementary tool for learning from the participants’ viewpoint.
3. To investigate pre-service EFL teachers’ view on experiences in using
Edmodo as a complementary learning tool in their English classroom.

D. Significance of the study

The researcher wills this study could give useful information and contributions
to the lecturers, and other researchers.
1. To lecturers, the results of this study will hopefully provide information
about students’ perception and readiness in the use of Edmodo as a
complementary learning tool in their English classroom.
2. To other researchers, the results of this study can provide a basis for
conducting further studies on the same area.

E. Research Scope
This study is set to discover and examine the students’ perception on the use Scope
of Edmodo as a complementary learning tool in their English classroom.. Due
to the researcher time and budget constraints, the participants in this study Limitation
will be limited to students of the English Education Department of UKI only.
The data to be collected are limited to attitudinal information. In addition, the
data will be collected through a survey and interview at one point in time
(cross-sectional study Therefore, the findings may be valid only to students in Possible drawback /
the single study program. It cannot be generalized to other students in other quality degradation

Proceeding of EED Collegiate Forum 2015-2018 │ ISBN: 978-623-7256-25-0

Appendix 2
A Sample of Literature Review Section (Adapted from Nazara, 2015)

Chapter II

A. LITERATURE REVIEW In this section,

Critical Reading the author evaluated
Critical reading is essentially a reading process involving critical thinking. To and synthesized the
perceive the nature of critical reading, therefore, necessitates an understanding information related to
of the meanings of reading and critical thinking. Current theories indicate, that the research variables
in addition to the notion that views reading as a process of extracting meaning (critical reading and
from a text, reading is also seen as a process of connecting information in the short story reading)
text with the knowledge the reader brings to the act of reading. In this obtained from several
perspective, reading is “a dialogue between the reader and the text” (Grabe, current studies and
1988, p. 56) which necessitates the reader to analyze and evaluate information link them to the topic
and ideas. In other words, the reader reads critically. to be addressed.
That idea is supported by Kurland (2000), who defined critical reading as a This places the
careful, active, reflective, analytic reading which involves reflecting on the research on the stage
validity of what one has read in light of his prior knowledge and understanding of what is already
of the world. It is also in line with Huijie’s (2010) definition which describes known about a topic
critical reading as “a high-level reading process which entails the ability to read and what others had
with analysis and judgment” (p. 40). In addition, Pardede (2011) define critical done in the research
reading as “an active and purposeful process of comprehending, questioning, area.
and evaluating printed material and in order to react intelligently to the writer’s
ideas”. Synthesizing these definitions, critical reading can be understood as an
active process of constructing meaning from the texts by involving
interpretation, making inference, analysis, giving judgment, and evaluation. To make the
literature review easy
Short Stories to read, the author
Short Stories, or the ”narrative that can be read at one sitting of from one-half divided it into
hour to two hours, and that is limited to ‘a certain unique or single effect,’ to subsections that are
which every detail is subordinate” (Abrams, 1970, p. 158) seems to be the most relevant with the
suitable literary texts to use in EFL classes. Since it is short and aims at giving research variables:
a ‘single effect’, there is usually one plot, a few characters; there is no detailed critical reading, short
description of the setting. So, it is easy for the students to follow the storyline of stories, and method
the work. for teaching critical
According to Khuankaew (2010), integrating literary works into classes can reading using short
develop critical thinking. This is due to the fact that the exposition in literary texts story.
is not directly expressed that to get the texts meaning, readers should make an
inference. Hall (2005) posited that the process of reading literary texts is a
‘bottom-up’ process which activates readers’ prior knowledge and incorporates The sources
novel information with existing knowledge. Such process encourages thoughtful included in this
and critical thinking. While reading a literary work, students are also involved in literature review are
problem-solving tasks of literary texts via resolving conflicts. They also need to quite recent. A few
apply their analytical skills to relate different elements of a literary work, sources were
including the themes, setting, characters, plot, allegories, symbols, motifs, and published below
points of view. 2005, however, they
In addition, integrating literary works into classes to develop critical thinking are acceptable
is also supported by the fact that literary works can have more than one because those “old”
meaning. This makes literature tough resources for reflective analysis. Hall sources concern with
(2005) added that the process of reading literary texts is slower than others as topics rarely

Proceeding of EED Collegiate Forum 2015-2018 │ ISBN: 978-623-7256-25-0

readers are more attentive and more reflective. Reading literary works promotes restudied, such as
critical thinking because the readers of literary texts are often trying to definition of short
understand something beyond the text, and they tend to speculate on potential story (Abrams, 1970)
future developments (Langer, 2000). Fisher (1999) hypothesized there are and definition of
strong pedagogical reasons for developing thinking skills through the use of reading (Grabe,
literature. Based on the results of studies comparing more able, literate children 1988).
with less able ones, he stated that successful learners have: (1) knowledge of
literary forms, purposes, and genre, including meta-linguistic knowledge; (2)
skills and strategies for processing literary knowledge, including the ability to
question, interrogate and discuss narrative texts; and 93) ability to apply and
transfer their learning and knowledge to other contexts.

Method for Teaching Critical Reading Skills Using Short Story.

As previously indicated, in addition to the reading materials, another key factor
causing the students’ low capacity of critical reading is the teaching method.
Wallace (1992) suggested that to effectively teach reading, including critical
reading, in EFL classrooms, the activities should be divided into three stages:
pre-reading, during reading, and post-reading stages. In the pre-reading stage,
the students are encouraged to form and write their own questions, predictions,
and hypotheses concerning the story they will read. This aim is to let the
students to think about the story rather than to answer the given questions that
control the way of reading the text. They could be asked to make their own
statements for supporting or refusing what the story is about before reading.
This stage can also encourage the students to predict, for instances, what will
happen and how the story will end, make hypotheses for predicting a text.
The during-reading stage aims to provide the students the opportunity to
interact with the text. During this stage, the teacher guides the students to take
notes about the events, ideas, feelings, values, cultures presented in the story;
summarize information; and record their reactions and opinions. Therefore, the
activities in the while-reading stage should aid the students to aware of,
characters, incidents, time, and cultural perspectives in the story. Teachers can
help by placing the text in its historical, biographical, and cultural context.
In the post-reading stage, teachers help students to think critically by
providing each of them chances to evaluate his/her adequacy of questions,
predictions, and hypotheses formed in the pre-reading stage and to reflect the
interpretation formed in the while-reading stage. In short, the post-reading
activities focus on a wide range of questions that allow for different
interpretations (Pardede, 2010).

Various current researchers and educators have revealed that literary texts can The research
be an effective means of promoting students’ critical reading skills, and due to variables, i.e. reading
its shortness, short stories are the most suitable literary genre to use in EFL short story and critical
classes. Reading short stories, students can develop their critical reading skills reading skills are
because these texts encourage them to think analytically, logically and identified.
reflectively. Analytical, logical and reflective thinking are needed to infer the
indirect expressions commonly used in short story, to solve the problems The connection of the
presented in the conflicts, to relate the different parts of a literary work, including variables are clarified
the themes, setting, characters, plot, allegories, symbols, motifs, and points of
view for fully understanding the story, and to evaluate authors biases. However, Further contribution if
to get empirical data concerning the effectiveness of using short stories to the study is conducted
develop students’ critical reading skills, studies are needed to conduct. is stated.

Proceeding of EED Collegiate Forum 2015-2018 │ ISBN: 978-623-7256-25-0

Referring to the discussions in previous sections, the question to address in this
study is: “Does the use of short stories significantly affect students’ critical
reading skills?”
Based on the research question, the hypotheses of this study are formulated as
Ho,: The use of short stories does not significantly affect students’ critical
reading skills.
Ho,: The use of short stories significantly affect students’ critical reading skills.

Proceeding of EED Collegiate Forum 2015-2018 │ ISBN: 978-623-7256-25-0

Appendix 3
A Sample Method Section (1) (Adapted from Pardede, (2011).

Chapter III

A. Research Purpose
This study will be conducted to in to investigate the interest and perceptions of the teachers training
students majoring in English on the inclusion of short story in language skills classrooms. The results are
hopefully provide insights to help policy makers and educators in designing more appropriate programs
in relation to the incorporation of literature in the EFL programs for English teachers’ training students.

B. Research Design
This study will employ an explanatory mixed method design, which, according to Creswell et al. (2003)
enables us to gather qualitative input to explain and extend quantitative results, in order to gain a
comprehensive insight of the research. The quantitative input will be obtained using a questionnaire and
qualitative data will be obtained through a semi structured open-ended interview.

C. Participants
The participants in this study will be the 53 sixth-semester students of the English Education Department
of UKI who are active in the even semester of Academic Year 2009/2010. They are purposively selected
by considering that they had passed all language study skills classes and almost finished Literature II
class (which deals with short stories as a literary genre). Since they had experienced the use of short
story in all language skills classes and had got sound knowledge on short stories as a literary genre, they
are expected to find no difficulty to properly respond to the questionnaire.

D. Materials
The data will be collected in the English Education Department of UKI at the end of the even semester of
Academic Year 2009/2010, i.e., in February 2010. A “25 item questionnaire‟ was administered to obtain
quantitative input. The questionnaire was constructed to gauge the perceptions, attitudes and the
perceived needs of the participants towards the incorporation of short story in language skills classes.
The questionnaire was constructed in accordance to the following dimensions: interest, perception, and
perceived needs. The participants will be asked to indicate their agreement or disagreement to each
statement on a 5-point Likert scale that ranged from strongly disagree, score 1, to strongly agree, score
5. (Please refer to Appendix A for the items of each dimension).. To examine the questionnaire’s
reliability, it was tested using the Cronbach’s Alpha test, and the result showed that the overall Cronbach
Alpha Coefficient of the questionnaire is (r=0.81) indicating the instrument is reliable.
Focused semi structured open-ended interviews were conducted to gather qualitative input. The
themes that emerged during the interview sessions were coded in accordance to the quantitative
dimensions from the questionnaire. 20-25 minute interview sessions were conducted with 5 volunteers,
who were respondents to the questionnaire administered. The rationale for using focused semi structured
open-ended interviews was to understand the respondents‟ point of view rather than make
generalizations. As in all such interviews, the researchers set the focus of the interview (see Appendix B
for the interview questions).

E. Procedures
The data will be collected after having the permission from the English Education Department chief
person. To analyze the obtained data, SPSS version 17.0 will be employed to run frequency analysis, to
cross tabulation of the data, to determine the correlation of interest and perception, and to conduct the
regression analysis in this study.

Proceeding of EED Collegiate Forum 2015-2018 │ ISBN: 978-623-7256-25-0

Appendix 4
A Sample Method Section (2) (Adapted from Nazara, 2015)

Chapter III

A. Research Purpose
Various current researchers have revealed that short stories are an effective means for promoting
students’ critical reading skills This study will be conducted to investigate the effect of literary texts on
developing EFL students’ critical reading skills. For the purpose of this study, the research question to
address is formulated as follow: “Does the use of short stories in reading class significantly affect the
students’ critical reading skills?

B. Research Design
This study will employ a quasi-experimental research design.

C. Participants
The participants in this study will be the 64 tenth-graders of a vocational school in Jakarta. The
participants will be selected the convenience sampling technique due to administrative restrictions. They
will be grouped using non-random sampling technique, i.e. by treating X MIA-1 the experimental group
and X MIA-2 the control group. Each group will consist of 32 students.

D. Materials
The study will be conducted in the even semester of the 2014/2015 academic year. Short stories will be
used to teach reading to the experimental group, whereas the control group will be taught by using non-
literary texts. Although the groups are taught using different texts, the method of teaching is the same,
i.e. the method of teaching adapted from the framework proposed by Wallace (1992) which is divided into
three stages: pre-reading stage, while-reading stage, and post-reading stage. The activities in the pre-
reading stage include previewing, questioning, anticipation guide, pictorial context, and pre-reading
vocabulary. The while-reading stage covers the activities of annotating and analyzing. The post-reading
stage includes summarizing and reflecting activities.
Prior to the experiment, students in both groups will be asked to do the pretest to measure whether
the students in both groups have the same level of critical reading skills. After seven sessions of teaching
(each session will last in 100 minutes), both groups will take the posttest to measure the effects of the
use of short stories and non-literary texts to the participants’ critical reading development. Each test is
designed to test four main elements of critical reading skills, i.e., distinguishing facts from opinions,
making inferences, drawing conclusions, and recognizing an author’s purpose. Based on two passages,
two types of questions are provided: multiple choices questions, and open-ended questions. The multiple
choices consisted of 20 questions (4 points for each correct answer), whereas the open-ended questions,
designed to ask students for sharing their opinions regarding the passages, consisted of 2 questions (10
points each). To determine the reliability, both tests will be tested with some students who are not the
participants of the study. The results will be measured using the reliability coefficient Cronbach’s alpha
for its reliability.

E. Procedures
The study will be conducted after having the permission from the headmaster of the school. To
analyze the obtained data, SPSS version 22.0 will be employed to run frequency analysis, to cross
tabulation of the data, and to determine whether there are any differences between the critical reading
skills of participants in the experimental group and that of the control group.

Proceeding of EED Collegiate Forum 2015-2018 │ ISBN: 978-623-7256-25-0


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