Technical Volume
Technical Volume
Technical Volume
“An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to VTU
approved by UGC & AICTE
Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade and accredited by NBA”
Shavige Malleshwara Hills, Kumaraswamy Layout
Bengaluru-560078, Karnataka, India
International Conference
New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
Jointly Organized by
Department of Civil Engineering and
Department of Construction Technology & Management
International Conference
Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering-2020
7th to 11th December 2020
Detailed Schedule of the event
Inauguration (7-12-2020)
Time (IST) Particulars
10:00 am to 10:05 am Invocation
10:05 am to 10: 20am DSCE and Department Video
10:20 am to 10: 35am Welcome Address by Dr. C P S Prakash, Principal, DSCE
10:35 am to 10:45am Inaugural address by Mr. Rohan Sagar, Member G C, DSCE,
Joint Secretary MGVPT
10:45 to 11:00 am About the Conference – Dr. H K Ramaraju, Professor and Head,
Civil Engineering Department.
11:00am to 11:45am Key note address by Dr. Vijay P Singh (Texas A&M University USA)
11:45 am to 11:55am Presidential Address by Secretary – Sri Galiswamy
11:55 am to 12:00 pm Vote of Thanks – Dr. P Prakash, Professor and Head,
Construction Technology and Management Department.
12:00pm to 12:15pm Break
Day-1 Structural Engineering and Concrete Technology (7-12-2020)
12:15pm to 1:00pm Keynote Speech by Mr. Kumar Ramaswamy (AECOM, Auckland NZ)
01:00pm to 1:40pm Break
1:45pm to 3:00pm Technical Session-1
Session Chair 1. Dr. N Munirudrappa Session Chair 2. Dr. Jyothi T K
Paper ID Title of the Paper Author/s
10:15am to 10:30am HW-03 A review on the use of piezo electric materials Sidharth R,
on roads Noel Ranjit and
Goutham Sarang
10:30am to 10:45am HW-04 Sustainable Application of Waste Materials in Hemanta K.
Pavement Construction: A review Behera, Sudhanshu
Sekhar Das and
Debabrata Giri
10:45am to 11:00am HW-05 Towards the development of the dust Jiandong Huang, Jia
suppression technology (DST) used for the Zhang, Lin Wang,
roads in the mining area Yuantian Sun, and
Shiva Kumar G.
11:00am to 11:15am HW-06 Strength Characteristics of Silty Soil in Shiva Kumar
Chemical Stabilization for the Construction of Mahto, Sanjeev
Low Volume Roads Sinha and Samir
11:15am to 11:30am Panel Discussion
The definition of bond strength can be expressed as an effectiveness of grip between steel and
concrete. The maximum failure load observed during the pull-out test was termed as bond
strength that can be developed between steel and concrete. Such judgments may be made any
reason, from schedule acknowledgment tests to investigate testing, in as distant as appropriate
to a specific extend. The strategy may moreover be utilized with a few reasonable alterations,
on the off chance that essential, for comparing distinctive concrete blends for their bond
characteristics with steel reinforcing bars. The main usage of steel bars here is HYSD steel
bar and it has been used to find the bond strength between the concrete and steel bar but this
paper in the place of river sand M-sand is used and the tests have been carried out in
Universal testing machine helps to find the slip between the corroded steel and concrete. The
reinforcement corrosion is the factor which affects the bond between steel and concrete and
further cause’s deterioration in concrete it leads to failure mode such as disintegration,
delamination, and spalling. The test is being done in the form of cubes made by 100% fully
M-sand and the corrosion process induced to specimen using accelerated corrosion method
with current density of 250 µA/cm2 as suggested by F.Tondolo [1]used for oxidation
purposes. Confined specimens alone prepared and subjected to pull-out test with corrosion
level up to 15%. The bond strength studied for specimens with different corrosion rate.
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
was increased up to 2% of corrosion rate for unconfined specimens. Then the efficiency of
bond strength was suddenly decreased for higher level of corrosion rate. Hongwei Lin et, al
(2017) [2], this paper deals with study of bond strength of steel bars under corrosion and the
surface crack width. Because of corrosion the crack was developed in concrete cover. The
unconfined specimens were undergone rapid bond strength loss. For confined specimens, the
loss of bond strength was reduced by the presence of stirrups. Yafei Ma et, al (2017) This
paper deals with the study on cracks propagate from bond surface because of the effect of
corrosion. The bond between mild steel bar and concrete is more critical to the corrosion with
the specimen of deformed bar. The bond strength upto 2.4 % of corrosion loss does not show
significant changes in its behavior. Fumin Li et, al (2017) [4], The corrosion-fatigue failure
was observed in split mode. Because of the turning action of the filament embedded in the
concrete. During the fatigue process the stresses were developed in the internal face of the
bond between steel and concrete. It shows that failure slip plane earlier because of
inconsistent of shear flow. After a certain number of cycles, the slip was developed as crack
symptom in concrete. David W.Law et, al (2017) [5], For the initial level of corrosion, the
bond strength of the specimens was increased. Further increase in rate of corrosion the bond
strength was decreased step by step and it majorly shows the spalling mode of failure of
concrete. The rate of corrosion was induced significant amount of hoop stress in the surface
of bond which was leads to crack in concrete. The difference in bond strength between the
embedded bars in concrete was reduced as the increase of cover due to higher compaction,
the volume of voids would be reduced and the corrosion products filling the voids at the
bottom cast bars. Beatriz Sanz et, al (2017) [6], The corrosion depth does not make any
influence on maximum shear stress during the test. For the smaller depth of corrosion, the
residual depth of the specimen was higher than that of non-corroded specimen. Due to
increase of the roughness index of surface, the crack propagation from the bond surface get
minimized for higher rate of corrosion, which may lead to decrement of residual stress in the
An HYSD steel bar of 16 mm diameter and a length of 600 mm. A ordinary Portland cement
grade of 53 was used; the mix proportions by weight of cement, sand, and gravel, were
1:1.469:2.64 with a maximum aggregate size of 20 mm and a water/cement ratio of
0.45.Sodium chloride (Nacl) was used in the molecular weight of 58.44 g/mol for accelerated
corrosion method.
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
hours and immersed in water for 28 days for curing.
The designed (theoretical) mass loss of the reinforcement bars because of corrosion was
calculated using Faraday’s law,
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
{𝑡(𝑆)×𝐼 (𝐴)×55.847( 𝑓 𝑜𝑟 𝑖𝑟𝑜𝑛)}
Mass loss = 2 ×96487 (𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑜𝑚𝑏)
Where t is the time, I is the current, 55.847 (g/mol) is the molar mass for iron and 96487
(coulomb) is the faraday’s constant. The actual corrosion level or percentage mass loss of
each specimen was calculated by,
(𝐺0 − 𝐺1 )
CL = × 100%
Where G0 is the initial weight of the reinforcement bars before corrosion and G1 is the
weight of the reinforcement bars after the removal of the corrosion products.
Where p is the ultimate load, d is diameter of the bar and l is the embedded length of the bar
in the concrete.
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
pull out test bond strength is determined experimentally. Analytical results were given to
compare the bond strength of different samples and to compare the mass loss. Corrosion rate
was calculated with respect to mass loss for each specimen after the pull-out test. From that
specimens were categorized to Group I to Group VII. The mass loss of specimen subjected to
different concentrated NaCl solution and corrosion rate of the respective specimen were
shown below.
Fig. 6 Chart shows mass loss and corrosion rate of different specimens
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
Fig. 6 Group I samples were started corrosion with small amount of mass loss due to
presence of NaCl solution. Group II & III samples were same in both corrosion rate and mass
loss. Group IV samples have higher mass loss than previous groups and the rate of corrosion
was very higher than other group samples. For samples of Group V, VI and VII, the
theoretical mass loss values were kept on increasing with higher concentration of NaCl
solution under accelerated corrosion method. In the case of corrosion rate, it decreased in
descending order. The theoretical mass values were mostly depending upon the concentration
of NaCl solution. The corrosion rate of samples was independent of mass loss of specimen, it
depends upon on the duration and amount current intensity passing through the samples at the
time of acceleration corrosion process. Because of that the values of corrosion rate were not
predictable from the results of the process.
Pull-out test was performed on different specimen groups with or without corrosion.16mm
diameter HYSD bars were used for the specimens. Three numbers of sample specimens were
tested without the effect of corrosion to understand the actual bond behavior of the specimen.
The details of the results are shown below.
Bond Stress (𝜏bd)
Then the seven groups of samples with presence of corrosion were tested with pull-out test.
From the results of both specimens under testing the comparative study have been done. The
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
following results were the obtained during pull-out test. 16 mm diameter HYSD bars were
used for the specimens.
Table 3: Bond stress of corroded specimen
Ultimate load (P) Bond Stress (𝜏bd)
Group No
(kN) (Mpa)
G11 62.4 8.27
GI G12 61.6 8.16
G13 62 8.22
G21 58.4 7.74
G II G22 59 7.825
G23 58 7.69
G31 60 7.95
G III G32 57.6 7.639
G33 58.5 7.76
G41 76 10.07
G IV G42 70 9.28
G43 72 9.549
G51 64 8.48
GV G52 64.8 8.59
G53 64 8.48
G61 60 7.95
G VI G62 64 8.48
G63 56 7.42
G71 56 7.42
G VII G72 56 7.42
G73 52.8 7
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
Fig. 7 shows the bond stress of non-corroded specimen with an average bond stress value of
7.17 Mpa. Fig. 8 shows that the average bond stress value of corroded specimen was more
than 8 Mpa.
The bond behavior of a specimen (using M-sand) with corrosion for different
corrosion rates was performed. These results were compared with the specimens
without corrosion to identify the bond stress between steel bar and the concrete. The
bond strength value increased by 15% for 0.5M NaCl solution when compared with
non-corroded specimens, increased by 8% for 1M NaCl, 8.5% for 1.5M NaCl, 34%
for 2M NaCl, 18.7% for 2.5M NaCl, 10.8% for 3M NaCl, and 1.5% for 3 M NaCl.
From this study, the bond stress values of specimen under different corrosion rate
were increasing for the respective corrosion rates. The initial level corrosion
enhanced the bonding capacity between steel and concrete by initiating metallurgical
bonding ability of steel with the concrete. The study has to be taken for further
corrosion rates to identify the exact bond behavior with corrosion.
[1] Beatriz Sanz, Jaime Planas, Jose M. Sancho., “Study of the loss of bond in
reinforced concrete specimens with accelerated corrosion by means of push-out
tests”, Construction and Building Material 160(2018)598–609.
[2] David W.Law, Thomas.C .K.Molyneaux., “Impact of corrosion on bond in
uncracked concrete with confined and unconfined rebar”, Construction and
building materials155(2017)550-559.
[3] El Maaddawy T, Soudki K. “Effectiveness of impressed current technique to
simulate corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete”. ASCE J Mater
[4] Fang C, Lundgren K,Chen L,Zhu C.“ Corrosion influence on bond in reinforced
concrete”. CemConcr Res2004;34(11):2159–67.
[5] Fib 2001. Bulletin n_10,“Bond of reinforcement in concrete” Lausanne(CH),
[6] Fib 2012. MC2010, fib model code, Bulletin no. 65–66. Lausanne (CH),
[7] Fumin Li, YauxQu, Jianghao Wang., “Bond life degradation of steel strand and
concrete under combined corrosion and fatigue”, Engineering Failure Analysis
[8] F.Tondolo; "Bond behavior with reinforcement corrosion" Construction and
Building Materials 93 (2015) 926-932.
[9] Hongwei Lin, Yuxi Zhao, JoskoOzbolt, Reinhardt Hans-Wolf; “Bond strength
evaluation of corroded steel bars via the surface crack width induced by
reinforcement corrosion” Engineering Structures 152 (2017) 506-522.
[10] ZandiHanjari K, HanjariZandi, Lundgren K, Plos M, Coronelli D. “Three-
dimensional modeling of the structural effect of corroding steel reinforcement in
concrete”. StructInfrastructEng2013;9(7):702–18.
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
Bahaa Eddin GHREWATI1, Mostafa DADA2, Bashar AL-ATTIYAH3, Manas RANJAN DAS4
Department of Structural Engineering, Siksha O Anusandhan University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Department of Civil Engineering, Al-Furat University, Hasaka, Syria
Abstract (SE 05)
Present research objective the is to develop a rubber mixture for HDRB type seismic base isolation system, to
resist local seismic loads, and comparing with international companies’ manuals. Experiments conducted on a
seismic base isolation model with 150 mm diameter and 12 cm height. This model was manufactured locally from
natural rubber and steel sheets and other chemical additives. Load and unload tests were conducted on the model
simulating earthquake loads. The model was loaded with a vertical load simulating the estimated column load. Then
the base moved horizontally with a cyclic motion simulating the seismic load with increasing amplitude till it
reached 125% of the thickness of rubber layers. Vertical stiffness of the system was found to be 58.95 KN/mm and
the horizontal stiffness was found to be 0.446 KN/mm from the experiment. Results were in acceptable ranges of the
parametric values which given in manuals of manufacturing companies specializing in seismic base isolation
Keywords :Seismic base isolation, HDRB, seismic isolator manufacturing, stiffness, high damping rubber bearing
Seismic base isolation is a system positioned under the building, separating the structure from
the movement of the foundations during the construction exposure to an earthquake, adjusting
the force transferred from the foundations to the structure, and absorbing the seismic load by the
properties of the rubber and internal friction Between layers of the seismic base isolation. Thus,
it protects installations in general from earthquake damage, in other words, the function of the
isolator is to prolong the role of the movement of structure, to dissipate the energy transmitted to
it from earthquakes within the isolators, and to give the structure appropriate horizontal
flexibility to be able to resist earthquakes [1,2].
This research aims to develop a rubber mixture for HDRB type seismic base isolation
system and compute horizontal, vertical rigidity values, and the shear factor of rubber used in the
seismic base isolation experimentally, conducting an experiment on the seismic base isolator
mimics earthquake.
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
Table II shows the dimensions of diameter, height, thickness, etc. which chosen by using
mathematical extrapolation of isolators table in this research.
Table 2. Dimensions of the isolator model
Upper and lower metal plate 20*20*2 cm
Thickness of the inner metal plate 2 mm
Thickness of one rubber layer 8 mm
Diameter of the seismic buffer 15 cm
Seismic isolator height 8-12 cm
Number of rubber layers 9
Number of metal layers 8
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
vulcanizing material as shown in Figure 3, in addition to other auxiliary materials (mineral oil,
reaction accelerator, wax acid, zinc oxide).
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
The relationship between applied force with displacement is known as the hysterical
loops, curves that represent energy dissipation, where the vertical axis represents the applied
force and the horizontal axis of the horizontal displacement of seismic isolator [5,6].
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International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
The mimic dynamic load applied to the isolator simulates an increasing cyclic frequency
load, and has been applied at a constant speed and is called quasi dynamic load as shown in fig.5.
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
load which is one of the most important mechanical properties given by the relationship [6]:
Where, F+&F is the greatest horizontal forces of both directions and approvals for the
greatest displacement.
Where, Ec pressure elasticity factor for rubber, Tr total thickness of the rubber layer, Ar
area of the seismic isolator section.
𝐸𝑐 = 6 ∗ 𝐺𝑒𝑓𝑓 ∗ 𝑆 2 (3)
Where S factor of shape for circular seismic isolator and given in the following equation:
𝑆 = 𝑅/(2𝑡) (4)
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
isolator, where it expresses the hardness of rubber used in the seismic isolator and is given in the
following equation:
Where ED: The area of the hysterical loop resulting from the horizontal force and
horizontal displacement, its unit kN.m or kJ.
Damping ratio in conventional fixed buildings could be approximately 5% as a result of
distortions in the structural elements, which contributes to the dissipation of part of the seismic
energy moving to the building. While in isolated buildings this ratio decreases to about 2%, due
to the significantly reduced value of building distortions, dissipating most energy by seismic
isolation system before reaches the building. Seismic isolation systems could have a large
damping ratio up to 25%.
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
The difference between two forces in both negative and positive directions of same loop
refers to the energy absorbed by rubber which means the breakdown of carbon bonds in the
rubber material.
The experimental values for horizontal, vertical rigidity, and shear factor of the
experimental model are logical and close to global standards.
The difference between experimental results and analytical results is explained by several
causes such as reading error and inaccuracy of the pressure measurement (human and laboratory
errors), where adopted available laboratory tools and equipment.
Comparing experiment results with international tables of manufacturing companies was
almost identical, indicating the manufactured rubber mixture in this research is convenient,
giving a great motivation to manufacture seismic isolators locally with acceptable prices.
[1] R.S. Jangid, “Earthquake Resistant Design by Using Seismic Base Isolation”, Powai, IITB,
Mumbai – 400 076 India.
[2] Kelly, E., Trevor, S.E., “Base Isolation of Structures, Design Guidelines”, Holmes
Consulting Group Ltd, Wellington, New Zealand, July (2001).
[3] 4GOM Company, Via Mesero, 12 – 20010 Ossona (MI), Italy, (2008).
[4] Dynamic Isolation System Company, “Seismic isolation system for buildings and bridges”,
USA, (2011).
[5] D. Najar, A. Kadaan, “Development of a numerical model of a rubber isolation support using
the combination of the memory of the form to raise the seismic efficiency of the concrete
facilities armed”, Ph.D. Eng. thesis, Damascus University, Higher Institute for Research and
Studies, Damascus, Syria, (2017).
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
[6] O. Buyukozturk, Duenas, L., Kelly, J., Chieh Wu, T., “Seismic Isolation Project for Mitchell
Hall Istanbul”, (2001).
[7] R. Jakel, “Analysis of Hyperplastic Materials with mechanical-theory and Application
Examples”, Presentation for the 2nd SAXSIM, April 7,(2010).
[8] Habieb A.B., Milani G., Tavio T. “Two-step advanced numerical approach for the design of
low-cost unbonded fiber reinforced elastomeric seismic isolation systems in new ma-sonry
buildings”. Engineering Failure Analysis 2018;90:380-396.
[9] Kelly, J.M. Aseismic base isolation: Review and bibliography. Soil Dyn. Earthq. Eng. 1986,
5, 202–216.
[10] Higashino, M.; Okamoto, S. “Response Control and Seismic Isolation of Buildings”,
SPON Press London, UK, (2006).
[11] J. Enrique Luco, (2014), “Effects of soil–structure interaction on seismic base isolation”,
“ELSEVIER, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 166-167.
[12] Furinghetti M, Pavese A. “Equivalent uniaxial accelerogram for css-based isolation
systems assessment under two-components seismic events”. Mech Based Des Struct Mach
[13] Bahaa Eddin Ghrewati Base Isolation System page (2019),
[14] Todd W. Erickson1 and Arash Altoontash2, ”Base Isolation for Industrial Structures;
Design and Construction Essentials”, ASCE, Structures Congress, (2010).
[15] Buckle IG, Mayes RL. “Seismic isolation: history, application and performance a world
view”. Earthquake Spectra (1990); 6:161-201.
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
Cement is the main constituent for manufacturing of mortar brick, but the manufacturing process of cement has drastically
led to dangerous impacts on our environment by releasing an enormous amount of CO 2 into the atmosphere. Hence the
cement was partially replaced by ground granulated blast furnace slag which is a by-product of the steel and iron industry.
A cement mortar sample of size 70.6 mm x 70.6 mm was casted and compressive strength results were obtained. From the
compressive strength results, the mix proportion was fixed as 1:3 with 12% water content. Optimum results obtained at the
replacement of up to 50% gives more strength compared to other mix combination. Compressive strength value obtained at
70oc in steam curing gives good results than Heat curing. The compressive strength of the Masonry unit was calculated by
using the Empirical relationship suggested by various researchers and Code Books.
Key words: GGBS, Mortar Brick, Heat curing, steam curing, Masonry compressive strength prediction.
The research community around the world has made considerable endeavours to discover
alternative economical building materials with low cost and exceedingly advanced
technologies, resulting in a more sustainable and reasonable construction material that meets
the consolation measures required nowadays. This experimental study investigates the
potential use of industrial waste as a building material for creating a high compressive
resistance composite brick. One of the supplementary cementitious materials to cement is
Ground granulated blast furnace slag. It is produced by heating iron ore and limestone in a
blast furnace at 1500oC. The molten slag contains silicate and aluminates as it has a lower
density so it floats above molten iron and makes it easy to separate from molten iron. After
separated from molten iron, it is cooled down by using a high-pressure water jet which
quenches the slab into crushed particles of size less than 5 mm. such particles dried and
ground in a rotating ball mill to convert it into a fine powder of GGBS. The advantages of
GGBS are long term strength gain and resistance to weathering and chemical action [1-3].
Using GGBS reduces the risk of corrosion. It also reduces the emission of CO2 [13]. GGBS
can react with Ca(OH)2 and reduces the formation of ettringite which reduces the
permeability of cement and concrete structures[1-4]. Many works have been done on the use
of GGBS as Supplementary Cementitious material [1-16] It has been concluded that the
GGBS-supplemented cement shows a lower rate of strength gain compared to ordinary
cement [10-11]. Therefore, GGBS is not preferable in applications where high early strength
is required. However, when GGBS is added in combination with PC, the hydration of GGBS
is accelerated due to the presence of CH, the sulfate compound gypsum in the PC, and also
with the increase in surface area of GGBS [5]. With the increase in GGBS content the water
to binder ratio decreases for the same workability. Up to 55-60% of GGBS in place of cement
binder increases the strength, over this amount of GGBS cannot enter into reaction act as a
fine aggregate [11-13]. Supplementing cement with GGBS reduces porosity thus increases
strength and reduces permeability. It has also been reported that the reactivity of GGBS is
improved at elevated temperatures [16]. Another material used for mortar brick is sand. River
sand is an essential raw material in the construction industry. Especially during monsoon
season, the source of river sand is unpredictable due to the rise in the water table. Also, the
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
government has imposed norms on the mining and utilization of river sand for construction
purposes. Due to these reasons, we are in a position to go for alternate materials. M sand is
free from deleterious materials such as clay and organic substance as river sand contains
these materials. So we can effectively replace M sand in place of river sand. In this study,
River sand was fully replaced with M sand. Finally Curing is the process of controlling the
rate and extent of mortar loss of moisture to ensure continuous hydration of Portland cement
after casting of brick under heat curing condition the strength improvement of GGBS was
increased compared to the ordinary curing condition [10]. This study adopts heat curing
treatment which reduces the free water content and accelerates cement hydration and also
Steam curing treatment which is one of the concrete curing methods especially used in
prefabricated industries, where concrete is cured by steam at atmospheric pressure and with
the minimum amount of time the production rate can be increased.
Many researchers suggested the following empirical relation used to fine the strength
of masonry by using brick and mortar strength. Codes and works of the literature suggested
empirical formula in the following form
f= k (fb)α (fm)β (1)
Hendry and Malek [17] suggested the following relation= 0.317 (fb)0.531 (fm)0.208
Gumaste et al [18] modified the equation given by Hendry and Malek for the Indian
context and suggested the following equation, f= 0.317 (fb)0.866 (fm)0.134
Kaushik et al [19] suggested the following relation , f= 0.63 (fb)0.49 (fm)0.32
Euro code 6(1996) [20] suggested the following relation, f= 0.5 (fb)0.7 (fm)0.3
ACI 530.99(1999) [21] eliminated contribution of mortar strength in masonry
compressive strength and recommended the following relation, f= 2.8 +0.2 fb
Masonry strength for the present study by using all the relations was found.
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
Compressive strength and flexural strength of the specimen incorporated crushed tile and tile
powder with increase in replacement of GGBS was increased. TPGGBS shows more strength
value compared to CTGGBS. TPGGBS shows lower porosity and shows more resistance to
freezing and thawing effect [6]. Tung et al studied the feasibility of large volume GGBS in
architectural mortar. Permeability of the mortar mix was reduced by using GGBS as
compared to the control mix without GGBS. Flexural strength value decrease at early stages
but in later stage of curing it was increased. The presence of GGBS consumes the free water
available for hydration and reduces the drying shrinkage, lowers ASR risk and superior
performance against acid attack [7]. Microstructure of pozzolanic hydrates from GGBS is
rather independent on material w/b ratio and curing condition and GGBS increases the pore
entrapment this indicates the pore structure affected by self-desiccation nature of GGBS [8].
3.1. Properties of Materials
3.1.1 Cement
Cement used for this experimental work was ordinary Portland cement (OPC) 53
grade cement which is confirming to IS12269 [17]. The specific gravity of cement was 3.134,
Bulk density was 1450 kg/m3 with consistency value 32%, fineness of the cement was 5%,
initial setting time was 33 minutes and final setting time was 610 minutes.
3.1.2 GGBS
Chemical properties of Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) were brought
from suppliers. Physical properties are found in laboratory as per IS code specifications. The
specific gravity of GGBS was 2.85, Bulk density was 1454 kg/m3 with consistency value
33%, fineness of the cement was 3%, initial setting time was 32 minutes and final setting
time was 580 minutes.
3.1.3 Fine aggregate
Dry sieve analysis test conducted for both river sand and M sand to ascertain their
properties. Test was conducted as per IS 2386 (Part I) – 1963[18] guide lines and results
obtained were tabulated below.
Table1. Physical properties of M-Sand and river sand
1 Specific gravity 2.67 2.63
2 Bulk unit weight 1692 kg/m3 1685 kg/m3
3 Fineness modulus 3.33 3.01
4 Uniformity coefficient (Cu) 0.88 3.17
5 Coefficient of curvature (Cc) 0.78 5.77
3.2. Mix Proportion
It is the process of selecting appropriate ingredients of cement and sand for cement mortar
brick and deciding the relative extend with the objective of producing cement mortar brick of
desired quality and durability as economically as conceivable. For fixing the cement, sand
ratio and water content, initially the mortar cubes of size 70.6mmx 70.6 mm were casted with
1:3 ratio (1 part of cement and 3 part of sand) and 11% water content (water content
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percentage arrived based on consistency value of cement i.e consistency value of cement
32%(P), water content is P/4+3) as per IS4031 [19]. After that cement and sand ratio was
varied to 1:2 and 1:4. Water content also varied form 11% to 12% to obtain optimum result.
For each cement mortar mix, three cubes samples were casted. After 28 days of water curing
all the samples were tested in compression testing machine with 2000kN capacity and results
obtained were tabulated in table 2.
Table2. 28 days Compressive strength of 70.6x70.6 mm M sand mortar cube sample
Mix Water content Average compressive
Mix ratio
ID (%) strength (N/mm2)
M1 1:2 11 11.23
M2 1:2 12 14.56
M3 1:3 11 11.3
M4 1:3 12 16.96
M5 1:4 11 12.75
M6 1:4 12 13.47
By comparing the compressive strengths of 1:2, 1:3 and 1:4 proportion mortar bricks with
water content 11% and 12%, Mortar brick made with Blend proportion 1:3 and 12% water
content gives higher compressive strength value compared to the compressive strength of 1:2
and 1:4 proportion mortar brick with same water content. Further increase in water content,
this excess water content available as free water content and it increases workability but
reduces the strength. So here it is concluded that the optimum mix is Mix 4 (1:3 cement and
sand proportion with 12% water content). It was used for further study and the results
obtained were presented graphically in below figure 2.
15 12.75 13.47
11.23 11.3
Fig 1. Curing of 70.6mmx 70.6 m Mortar cube samples
Cement:sand :: 1:2 Cement:sand:: 1:3 Cement:sand:: 1:4
Fig 2. 28 days compressive strength values of
70.6x70.6 mm size mortar cube samples
After arriving the mix ratio as 1:3 (one part cement and three part sand) with 12 %
water content cement proportion was varied with GGBS from 10%, 20%,….up to 100%
replacement with 10% interval.
4.1 Compressive Strength Test
4.1.1. Compressive Strength Result under Normal Curing
GGBS percentage was varied form 10% to 100% in place of cement for casting of
mortar brick. Cement mortar mix prepared and placed in chamber brick mould, filled in three
layers. Each layer well compacted by hand compaction. The top layer has been compacted
the surface of the mortar was brought to the wrapped up level with the best of the shape,
employing a trowel. After 24 hours bricks were removed from the mould and kept for curing.
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After 28 days curing three bricks samples for each mix tested by using CTM of 2000 kN
The mould which is utilized for the casting of bricks was made of plywood of the size
230mm x 100mm x 75mm. The measurements utilized are the measure which is utilized in
chamber brick manufacturing. After legitimate curing, cement mortar bricks were tested in
compression testing machine as per IS 3495-part-1. In this way, the results obtained were
tabulated in Table 3.
30 25
compressive strength
20.94 20.6
16.96 18.4
20 14.62 15.04 16.48 15.11
Avg.28 days
11.04 10.17
MIX 1 MIX 2 MIX 3 MIX 4 MIX 5 MIX 6 MIX 7 MIX 8 MIX 9 MIX 10 MIX 11
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With increase in GGBS content strength of bricks were increases gradually up to 50%
replacement of GGBS. After that strength was reduced because after 50% replacement there
is less than 50 % OPC only available. With less than 50 % OPC there is lack of calcium
content available in cement to react with silicates and aluminates present in the GGBS to
form CSH gel so there was reduction in strength. But up to 80% replacement of GGBS in
place of cement the strength of brick was more than first class conventional bricks.
4.1.2 Compressive Strength Test Result under Heat Curing
The improvement of quality may be a work of not as it were time but too that of
temperature. When brick is subjected to higher temperature it quickens the hydration process
resulting in faster development of strength After pouring mortar nix in brick mould it was left
for 24 hours hardening, after that removed from the mould and kept in Heat curing for 8
hours and tested in compression testing machine. The compressive strength result attained for
optimum mix ratio 1:3 for 50% GGBS replacement with 12% water content under heat curing
is shown Table 4.
Table 4. Compressive strength test result of Heat cured mortar brick sample.
Water Temperature
Cement GGBS Time
Sl. No Ratio content (o c)
(%) (%) (hrs)
e strength
1 1:3 12 50 50 80 8 13.27
2 1:3 12 50 50 90 8 13.860
3 1:3 12 50 50 100 8 14.135
4 1:3 12 50 50 120 8 12.44
From the compressive strength result optimum mix (MIX6) under the temperature
range 100oc gave higher compressive strength than other mixes. With increase in temperature
rate of attainment of strength was increased up to100oc after that further increase in
temperature the fine aggregate structure starts to collapse due to increase in temperature that
reduces the compressive strength.
4.1.3 Compressive Strength Test Result under Steam Curing
Steam curing is utilized where early strength gain is required and where heat is
required for hydration, such as in cold climate. In steam curing the volumetric changes will
be avoided. It has the advantage of accelerating the hydration reactions and also it increases
the Compressive strength. After pouring mortar nix in brick mould it was left for 24 hours
hardening, after that removed from the mould and kept in steam curing for 8 hours and tested
in compression testing machine. The compressive strength attained for mix ratio 1:3 for 50%
GGBS replacement with 12% water content under steam curing is shown in table 5.
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Brick sample
Initially curing was started from 60oc after that further temperature was increased to 80oc
and 100oc range. Three samples casted for each temperature curing and tested in compression
testing machine. The rate of strength Specimen kept under 700C yields higher compressive
strength of 16.467 N/mm2 compared to other specimens under different temperature range.
4.2 Water Absorption Test
15 bricks are taken and the bricks are weighed dried and the normal dry weight of 15
bricks was calculated. Bricks are at that point drenched in water for a period of 24 hours.
After 24 hours of drenching, bricks are weighed once more and average of 15 bricks was
Water content Cement GGBS
Mix name Ratio absorption
(%) (%) (%)
MIX 1 1:3 12 100 0 4.65
MIX 2 1:3 12 90 10 1.65
MIX 3 1:3 12 80 20 2.44
MIX 4 1:3 12 70 30 2.90
MIX 5 1:3 12 60 40 3.33
MIX 6 1:3 12 50 50 5.39
MIX 7 1:3 12 40 60 5.64
MIX 8 1:3 12 30 70 5.70
MIX 9 1:3 12 20 80 5.72
MIX 10 1:3 12 10 90 6.19
MIX 11 1:3 12 0 100 7.10
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8 water absorption(%)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Fig 8. Water absorption test for Fig 9. Graph for water absorption
mortar bricks sample
4.3 Soundness value for all the mixes
It is one type of field test where two bricks are made to strike with each other and the
sound produced is absorbed, five bricks were tested and the test result showed good
soundness properties.
4.4 Hardness
It is one of the roundabout strategies to discover out how well the brick is kilned, a
nail is scratched against the surface of the brick and observed for any changes on it, but the
bricks showed no changes due to good hardness properties.
4.5 Soluble Salts
In this test the bricks were allowed to remain in water for 24 hours, then they are dried
by exposing it to the atmosphere. The exposed bricks were observed for the white patches
and those bricks showed no white patches on the surface.
Initial water content chosen was 11% as per IS code and further increased to 12%.For
getting the ideal water content, the mortar cubes of size 50 mm2 was made with 1:4,1:3
and 1:2 ratios. Mortar cubes samples were casted and tested in compression testing
machine. By comparing the compressive strengths of 1:2, 1:3 and 1:4 proportion mortars,
compressive strength of 1:3 proportion cement mortar cube gives higher compressive
strength than the compressive strength of 1:2 and 1:4 proportion cement mortar cube.
Mortars bricks made with 1:3 ratio with 12% water content shows higher compressive
strength of 16.96Mpa.
Hence optimum water content is fixed as 12% and mix ratio is 1:3 for further study.
After that Mortar bricks casted with partial replacement of cement with GGBS with
varying percentage 10%, 20%, 30%...up to 100%.The compressive strength of various
percentage replacement of cement with GGBS 50% gives higher strength compared to all
replacement percentage of GGBS.The brick made with 1:3 ratio 12% water content
shows the higher compressive strength of 25 Mpa which indicates these bricks belongs to
first class.
The water absorption of brick was found to be less than 8% for all the mortar bricks
sample casted with replacement of GGBS. Up to 50% replacement of GGBS water
absorption value is moderately low compared to other mixes. More than 50% of GGBS
replacement the water absorption value was increased because upto 50% replacement of
GGBS calcium hydroxide react with GGBS form CSH gel. After that further increase in
GGBS its reactivity with calcium hydroxide and it act as fine aggregate. So water
absorption value increased. Because that excess water not used for hydration.
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Mortar brick also then casted with 50% GGBS replacement and kept in both heat curing
and steam curing for time period of 8 hours under different temperatures.The maximum
compressive strength attained on heat curing is 14.135 N/mm2 at 1000C.
Same optimum mix sample MIX6 (i.e. 50% GGBS replacement) kept in steam curing for
8 hours under distinctive temperature range. The maximum compressive strength attained
on steam curing is 16.467 N/mm2 at 700C.
Compressive strength of standard building brick and first-class brick is 3.5 N/mm2 and 10
N/mm2 respectively whereas GGBS mortar brick exhibit compressive strength up to 25
N/mm2 with 50% GGBS replacement under ordinary curing. With 100% replacement of
GGBS in place of cement compressive strength is more than 10 MPa.
All the samples tested for soundness, hardness and soluble salts test also gave good result.
6. Strength of masonry as function of Brick and Mortar strength
Strength of masonry bricks were calculated by using the empirical relations suggested by
researchers and code books and it was tabulated in table 11. Masonry strength was calculated
based on soft brick and stiff mortar concept. The strength of mortar used for calculating
masonry strength was 16.96 N/mm2 (mortar mix containing 1:3 ratio with 12% water
Minimum strength of masonry unit as per IS 2185 code is 4 Mpa. Masonry strength
achieved by Mix 6 satisfies the minimum strength criteria except the relation suggested by
Hendry et al.
Chemical composition of GGBS is almost same compared to cement. It contains nearly 50%
of calcium oxide content compared to cement. Partial substitution of cement with GGBS 50%
substitution gives higher compressive strength. The substitution of GGBS contains a quick
setting time beneath elevated temperature. In case of the load bearing structure this type of
brick is very use full & effective one, because strength of brick is more compared to
conventional one. The cost of brick is also moderate. These bricks have very low water
absorption capacity. Under elevated temperature both in steam curing and Heat curing it
gives compressive strength is more than 10 MPa. . So, it high compressive strength
composite bricks can be produced by replacing GGBS partially in place of cement. Hence it
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[1] R. Siddique, R. Bennacer,(2012) “Use of iron and steel industry by-product (GGBS)
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Mortar and Concrete Incorporating GGBFS”. Asian Journal of Civil Engineering
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[3] Ishwar Chandra Thakur , Prof.Sheo Kumar , Prof.J.P.Singh(2016) “Assessment of
the Properties of Cement & Mortar using GGBS” Vol. 5, Issue 8, August 2016
[4] Hiroshi Higashiyama, ManoteSappakittipakorn , MutsumiMizukoshi , Osamu
Takahashi “Efficiency of ground granulated blast-furnace slag replacement in ceramic
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Das, S.P. Mehrotra (2008) “Mechanical activation of granulated blast furnace slag
and its effect on the properties and structure of Portland slag cement”, Cement and
Concrete Composites Vol-30 Page No.679–685.
[6] Burak Is Kalag “The effect of ground granulated blast furnace slag on properties of
Horasanmortar”Construction and building materials 40 (2013) 448–454.
[7] TUng-Chai ling “Feasible use of large volumes of GGBS in 100% recycled glass
architectural mortar”.Cement&Concrete Composites 53 (2014) 350–356.
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“Binary and ternary effects of ground dune sand and blast furnace slag on the
compressive strength of mortar” Cement & and Concrete Composites Vol-34 Page
No. 734–738.
[10] G. Babu, S.R. Kumar, Efficiency of GGBS in concrete, Cement and Concrete
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[11] A. Oner, S. Akyuz, An experimental study on optimum usage of GGBS for the
compressive strength of concrete, Cement & Concrete Composites 29 (6) (2007) 505–
[12] Performance of reinforced concrete beams cast with different percentages of
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FakherdineFardmanesh, PoyaShahsana, AbdolrezaKhalili, Archives of Civil and
Mechanical Engineering,Volume 17, Issue 3, May 2017, Pages 511-519.
[13] Performance of reinforced concrete beams cast with different percentages of
GGBS replacement to cement, Rami A.HawilehJamal, A. Abdalla,
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Keywords: mining road, dust suppression technology, dust phenomenon, road pavements, road materials, pavement design
Pavement materials are prone to dust. Most of the open-pit mine transportation roads are
unpaved, mostly dirt or gravel roads with insufficient road strength, and the frequency and
ground pressure of mine transportation roads are relatively higher than ordinary roads, so the
road surface is easily destroyed, forming potholes in the road surface, resulting in muddy rainy
days and dusty sunny days [1-5]. Production generates dust, and there is a lot of dust in the
environment. In the production process of open-pit mines, the perforation, blasting, mining,
transportation, crushing, transloading, and abandonment of mining operations all generate dust,
which is dispersed by the wind and is the main source of dust on open-pit mine roads. Also, the
process of open-pit mining destroys the original surface, and during the dry season, the exposed
rocky soil forms dust under the action of wind [6-10]. Most of the dust falls to the ground
undisturbed for a period of time and is raised again by cars and wind, another major source of
dust from open-pit mines.
The main roads for mining transportation are generally gravel pavements, while most of
the roads for excavation faces and earth discharge yards are properly leveled and compacted soil
pavements [2, 11-15]. Due to the poor quality of the pavement, under the load of the wheels of
the heavy-duty dump truck, the pavement deforms, and the wheels embed and squeeze the
ground, causing the ground to crumble and form loose soil and dust [8, 9, 16-22]. At the same
time, the rotational motion of the tires and the ground friction, resulting in a strong friction,
shear, and scraping effect, which further contributed to the increase in the size of the crushed
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powder, and the fine dust particles. Also, due to frequent vehicle operation and soil erosion
caused by water sprinkling, the road surface is uneven, resulting in increased vibration of vehicle
transportation, on the one hand, the dust adhering to the wheel rim and carriage mineral rock
scattering; on the other hand, the ground texture vibration caused by soil and dust lose, and
broken and dusty under the repeated crushing and friction of the wheels. As a result, the dust
accumulates thicker and thicker, the particle size becomes smaller and smaller, and the weight
and inter-granule bonding force also becomes smaller, so it is easy to overcome the inter-granule
bonding force under the external anchor load and raise the dust.
The dust anchoring load is the force that overcomes the gravitational force of the dust
particles, the gravitational force between the particles, and the bonding force to make the dust
rise. The critical load that causes the dust to lift is called the ultimate anchoring force. It is
determined by the following formula [23]:
Fa0=C+W+G (1)
where Fa0 is the ultimate anchoring force; C is the bonding force between dust particles;
W is the dead weight of dust particles; G is the gravitational force between dust particles.
The inter-particle bonding force C is related to the dust material composition, charge
polarity, water content, and whether there is a filling medium between the particles, and so on. If
the charge of the dust particles is known, the charge attraction between the dust particles is
determined by the equations of physics [7, 24-28]. The weight of the dust particles W depends on
the size of the particles, the composition of the material, and the size of the water content. The
gravitational force G between particles is universal and is determined by the equations of
physics, knowing the mass of the dust particles and the distance between the centers of the
particles. The gravitational force between particles is negligible due to the small size of the
gravitational force [12, 29-32]. Therefore, the critical anchoring force is mainly determined by
the inter-particle bonding force and the self-gravity of the dust particles. The critical condition
for dust lifting is:
Fa≥Fa0 (2)
Depending on the dust generation mechanism, the dust suppression principle can be
considered in three ways to enhance the rolling resistance of soil surfaces to reduce dust sources.
Increasing the weight of dust particles to reduce dust emissions. To improve the road condition
to reduce vibration and at the same time, to treat the truckload of mineral rocks to reduce
spillage. To enhance the rolling performance of soil pavement, the hardness and strength of the
soil surface need to be improved [33-38]. However, the hardness and strength are limited by the
characteristics of mining operations and the soil pavement itself. Zhao Xingguang found that the
ability of dust suppressants to resist the oversized load of heavy vehicles is very limited.
Therefore, the only way to improve the anti-crushing performance is to increase its flexibility or
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plasticity under the condition of meeting certain strength and hardness. For the soil body,
especially clay, when the water content is below the liquid limit, the appropriate increase in
water content will enhance its plasticity, which can reduce the chances of crushing dust [39-42].
At the same time, it increases the weight of the dust particles, thus increasing their ultimate
anchoring force, which makes them difficult to lift by external forces. Increasing the diameter of
dust particles requires the aggregation of small dust particles into larger particles, which in
essence increases the weight of the dust particles, which is the same as increasing the bulk
density of the dust particles. The simplest and most effective way to increase the bulk density is
to increase the moisture content. Also, paving the soil pavement with crushed gravel, limestone
base and industrial waste materials improves the strength of the pavement and enhances the anti-
rolling performance of the soil pavement, which reduces the damage of the pavement to the
heavy load of the car, fundamentally reducing the dust source [43]. The idea of integrated dust
suppression with bonding, coagulation, moisture absorption, and water retention is thus
proposed. Bonding is the dust particles through the dust suppressant bonding effect with the
pavement, and through the penetration of bonding so that it is integrated with the pavement soil,
thereby improving the strength of the pavement [22, 44]. Coagulation is the polymerization of
small dust particles on the transport pavement into larger diameter dust particles, the original
dust only internal friction into dust with cohesive force to resist the dynamic pressure of moving
objects on the road surface, friction, shear, condensation, and stretching of the destructive effect
of factors, to reduce the dust source [45, 46]. Moisture absorption absorbs moisture in the air,
improves the moisture content of the dust and soil on the pavement, maintains a certain amount
of moisture for a longer period, increases the bulk density, and enhances the flexibility of the
pavement and the weight of the particles, reduces fragmentation and inhibits the raising of dust.
Water retention is to inhibit the evaporation of water in the dust so that the water stays in the dust
or on the ground for a longer period to achieve a better dust suppression effect.
In the study of dust control for open-pit mining roads, many factors should be considered,
including dust suppression effect, applicability, durability, construction method, cost,
environmental protection, requirements of the construction itself, etc. Each method has its own
advantages and disadvantages, and each is applicable to a specific situation. Each dust
suppression method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and each is applicable to a
specific situation. Therefore, at the present stage, the following recommendations are made for
the dust control of open-pit mine roads.
(1) Pay attention to the research of various types of dust suppressants to complement their
strengths and weaknesses. Based on guaranteeing the original advantages, the direction of
research should focus on gradually eliminating defects. Based on a deep understanding of the
dust suppression mechanism and construction process, we should improve and innovate in a
targeted way. Based on realizing the complementary advantages, we can comprehensively
consider how to reduce the cost and simplify the construction. Efforts should be made to improve
the all-round effect of dust suppressants in terms of evaporation resistance, abrasion resistance,
and water resistance.
(2) Increase pavement strength and dust suppression layer thickness. A major feature of
open-pit mining roads is that the pavement is heavily loaded, and the pavement in mining areas
is generally compacted by rollers, and the slopes are reinforced by curing agents, and the slopes
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can meet the waterproof and dustproof effects, but the pavement has to meet the requirements of
the dust suppressants for transporting vehicles, which have a certain role in soil strengthening,
but the strength does not reach the requirements. Inorganic salt dust suppressant can be used with
electrochemical reinforcement of the soil body, and on rainy days can do rapid drainage. It is
believed that electrochemical reinforcement will play a bigger role in the future of mining roads,
and has a good application prospect.
(3) Laboratory road dust simulation. To evaluate the effect of improved dust suppression
under a combination of factors, many scholars choose field simulation. However, the field
simulation is more sensitive to the influence of the weather, and the various experimental
variables are difficult to grasp, the accuracy is lower, and the time and economic cost are higher.
The existing research on dust suppressant laboratory effect, the experimental conditions are
crude, can not simulate the real scene, such as speed, pressure, and a variety of external factors
of the simulation is difficult to complete in the existing conditions, to solve the existing problems
in the existing technology, to make up for the shortage of field and laboratory simulation test,
this proposed a laboratory simulation of road dust production and detection device, this device is
based on the rutting test machine modified With the addition of a variable speed fan, dust
concentration monitor, dust collector, and other devices, the device simulates road dust with easy
operation, adjustable wheel speed and pressure, adjustable temperature and humidity, improving
experimental efficiency, reducing the difficulty of experiments, and easy to control variables. In
the actual application process, the feedback information can promote the improvement and
update of the road dust simulator. As we continue to conduct in-depth research on the
mechanism and characteristics of road dust in mining areas, this device, as a new type of road
dust simulator, has good performance and great potential for development in the engineering
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[28] Su Hong Jie. Research on dust suppression technology for open-pit mining roads[J]. Safety,
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Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Patna, Bihar India; email:
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Patna, Bihar, India; email:
Research Scholar, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Patna, Bihar India; email:
Abstract (HW 06)
A lot of potential material has been playing a predominant role in enhancing the strength and durability of various
types of soils by the stabilization process. The locally available material within the vicinity plays a major role in the economic
cost of road construction. Thus an attempt was made by making use of river sand locally available in the stabilization process
with a combination of cement-sand at various contents and evaluated for the series of laboratory experiments by conducting
Atterberg limits, Optimum Moisture Content (OMC), Maximum Dry Density (MDD), Unconfined Compressive Strength test
(UCS) and California Bearing Ratio (CBR). The results revealed the performance of cement-sand at 5-5% was stupendous in the
stabilization process with silty soils as compared to lime. Also, the value of California Bearing Ratio with this technique was
found to be significantly higher thus the technique may lead to a significant reduction in the cost of construction due to a
decrease in the requirement of pavement thickness.
Keywords: Silty soil, Lime stabilization, Cement Stabilization, UCS and CBR.
In recent days the depletion of good quality materials for the rural roads construction is a
great challenge for the engineers. Though the availability is there but may not be in near place
and it may impede to increase the cost for haul and other costs such as labour, military operations
etc. Thus engineers are enforced to integrate the low-quality materials and aggregates for the
construction of pavements which are sometimes desirable to have less potential to demonstrate
the geotechnical properties.
Silty sand is typical type of soil which exist some sort of poor quality of material and
unsuitable for the construction of pavement. Thus there emerges a need of stabilization technique
with some other material, despite having different traditional methods such as Lime, fly ash,
cement and bituminous materials still there is a need of proper additive and its combination
which enhances the performance in a better way such as reducing the curing time, increasing
material strength and highly durable with the perfect stabilization technique.(Santoni et al.
2002) .
1.1 Background
Large number of research has been completed on the use of traditional methods such as lime,
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cement and fly ash (Achour et al. 2014; Brown et al. 2011; Horpibulsuk et al. 2010, 2012;
Kampala et al. 2014; Rothhämel and Laue 2020; Santoni et al. 2002; Zhang et al. 2020).
However, there is a lack of good material which can enhance all engineering properties at an
optimum level and utilizes the use of locally available materials and which in turn leading to a
reduction of construction cost. Thus emerging the use of local material which can improve the
performance in terms of strength and durability.
Role of lime and cement in Soil Stabilization
(Oldham et al. 1977) worked with a different type of materials such as acids, cement, asphalts,
silicates, salts, resins and various products proved to be potential stabilizers in terms of
performance for different soil types by attaining a various degree of success although
performance differs for soil types. It is observed that the mechanism used in the stabilization for
specific agents such as salts were suited for particular climates and condition of the environment.
(Deboucha and Hashim 2011) found that the unfired bricks consume less energy and also the
CO2 emission is around 80% less in the atmosphere as compared with the fire bricks. It is seen
that the CO2 can be controlled and even the confrontational effect on the environment is
abridged when cement stabilized earthen blocks were used, additionally, it was estimated the
manufacturing cost of unfired bricks were less in comparison with fired bricks. (Walker 1995)
described that most of the soils has been lacking with different engineering properties such as
strength, durability and stability in various environmental conditions and thus recommended to
incur mechanical and chemical stabilization to improve properties of the soil. Mechanical
stabilization is to reduce the air voids and the chemical one to add stabilizers in the soil. The
various stabilizers are used in the soil such as cement, lime, asphalt, chemical binders,
waterproofing agents, industrial byproducts and natural available materials. Lime and cement are
the most preferable one among the various materials (Lang et al. 2020; Santoni et al. 2002; Yao
et al. 2020).
(Rahman et al. 2016) worked with the cement, lime and combination of lime and cement
for stabilization of clayey silty and sandy soil. It is seen that the mixture of clay silt stabilized
with cement performed better and gained higher strength as compared to other combinations and
stabilization technique. However keeping in view for the economic considerations the
amalgamation of lime and cement has been better as compared for cement alone. (Lemaire et al.
2013) use the lime and cement for stabilization of plastic silt with the implementation of multi-
scale approach for the mechanical, microstructural and physicochemical changes in the
investigation. It was seen that the mechanical properties of the treated soil were affected by the
microstructural organization and improved the performance and showed significant strength after
cement has played a great role in enhancing strength and different engineering properties. It has
been extensively described that a stabilizing agent will increase the effective cohesion. While
some of the researchers believe that stabilization with cement has an insignificant effect on the
silty clay and recommended to have a mixture of lime and cement. In the present study soil
samples from a road stretch in rural area of Motihari district, Bihar which is typically found silty
in nature has been taken into account by making use of locally available material deposited on
river banks i.e sand for treatment in stabilization. The motto for using sand is because of locally
available and other materials for long distances may increase in the cost.
1.3 Objectives
The key objective is to evaluate the silty soil by combining sand (available locally)
with cement in different contents in the stabilization process and also lime stabilization with
same soil type were used for comparison.
The following were some specific objectives
To assess the physical properties of the soil, Sand and Cement.
To conduct unconfined compressive strength test and California bearing ratio for
strength parameters.
To conclude with the optimum material content and recommend the better one for the
road construction.
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Figure 1.,+Bihar/@26.6361719,
2.1 Methodology
Soils from a road stretch has been taken from the road named T04 to Balganga, Motihari,
Bihar for which the type of soil is found to be silty. Lime has been used for stabilization of the
samples collected by varying the content from 1 to 7 % and subjected to Unconfined
Compressive Strength (UCS) after knowing the engineering properties such as Atterberg limits,
Optimum Moisture Content, Maximum Dry Density, California Bearing Ratio and UCS value.
Further the stabilization with the combination of cement and sand was used by adding 5% of
sand and varying cement content from 1-5% the process of stabilization and the results were
compared with the lime stabilized value.
O.M.C. 16%
M.D.D. 1.666
C.B.R. 5.62%
U.C.S. N/mm2 0.35
Table 2 UCS value for varying lime content used for stabilization.
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1% Lime 3% Lime 5% Lime 7% Lime
Lime at various Contents.%
1% Cement 3% Cement 5% Cement
5% Sand 5% Sand 5% Sand
Cement-Sand Content,%
Lastly samples from the road stretch were stabilized with Cement-Sand and subjected to CBR
test in order to know the bearing capacity percentage at maximum cement content. The test
results have been reported higher CBR value and tabulated as below in table 4.
It is clearly evident from the results of various test which were carried out for different
soil samples on the road stretch of Motihari, is found to enhance higher strength with the
stabilization technique of cement-sand combination. The following are the points to be
The normal soil sample results to Atterberg limits such as liquid limit, plastic limit and
plasticity index was 27.56%, 20.12% and 7.43% respectively and type of soil was falling
under Silty soil classification as per the code classification.
The OMC and MDD value for the normal soil sample was 15.5% and 1.666 gm/cc with
the CBR value of 5.62% and UCS test value of 0.35 N/mm2.
The 7 days UCS test was conducted to the normal soil by stabilizing with lime at
different content varying from 1%-7% and the maximum strength attained was at 5%
lime content with the UCS value of 0.50N/mm2.
The 7 days UCS test was conducted for the stabilizing technique with cement-sand
combination by keeping 5% sand constant and varying cement content from 1-5%. The
peak strength value of 1.16 N/mm2 attained at 5% sand and 5% cement as compared
with the maximum strength of 0.5 N/mm2 attended with lime content. The graph below
represents the comparison of UCS values for both the stabilization technique.
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UCS, N/mm2
1% Lime 3% Lime 5% Lime
Lime and Cement Content, %
Figure 4. Comparison of UCS test values between both the stabilization techniques.
It is noticed that there is a tremendous increase in the value of CBR i.e from 5.62% value
of normal soil to 18.6% cement-sand stabilized soil.
The cement-sand stabilization technique has found to be predominant technique by
attaining the maximum strength as compared to lime in the stabilization process. The unconfined
compression strength test value using this cement-sand technique were observed to increase with
increase in percentage of cement. The CBR value also drastically increased from 5.62%
(Pavement Thickness=325mm) to 18.6% (Pavement Thickness=275mm) which indicates that the
thickness of the sub base layer can be decreased to a depth of more than 50mm conforming to
IRC SP 72-2015 code specifications. Thus it is recommended to use cement-sand technique with
the optimum content at 5% cement and 5% sand when worked with silty soils for the low volume
road construction.
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[1] Achour, R., Abriak, N. E., Zentar, R., Rivard, P., and Gregoire, P. (2014). “Valorization of
unauthorized sea disposal dredged sediments as a road foundation material.” Environmental
Technology (United Kingdom), 35(16), 1997–2007.
[2] Brown, T., Sancio, R. B., and Bray, J. D. (2011). “Errata Erratum for ‘ Use of SPT Blow
Counts to Estimate Shear Strength Properties of Soils : Energy Balance Approach ’ by
Hiroshan Erratum for “ Closure to ‘ Assessment of the Liquefaction Susceptibility of Fine-
Grained Soils ’ by Jonathan D . Bray Erratu.” Journal of Geotechnical and
Geoenvironmental Engineering, 0241(APRIL), 451–452.
[3] Deboucha, S., and Hashim, R. (2011). “A review on bricks and stabilized compressed earth
blocks.” 6(3), 499–506.
[4] Horpibulsuk, S., Phetchuay, C., and Chinkulkijniwat, A. (2012). “Soil Stabilization by
Calcium Carbide Residue and Fly Ash.” Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 24(2),
[5] Horpibulsuk, S., Rachan, R., Chinkulkijniwat, A., Raksachon, Y., and Suddeepong, A.
(2010). “Analysis of strength development in cement-stabilized silty clay from
microstructural considerations.” Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier Ltd, 24(10),
[6] Kampala, A., Horpibulsuk, S., Prongmanee, N., and Chinkulkijniwat, A. (2014). “Influence
of wet-dry cycles on compressive strength of calcium carbide residue-fly ash stabilized
clay.” Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 26(4), 633–643.
[7] Lang, L., Li, F., and Chen, B. (2020). “Small-strain dynamic properties of silty clay
stabilized by cement and fly ash.” Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier Ltd, 237,
[8] Lemaire, K., Deneele, D., Bonnet, S., and Legret, M. (2013). “Effects of lime and cement
treatment on the physicochemical, microstructural and mechanical characteristics of a plastic
silt.” Engineering Geology, Elsevier B.V., 166, 255–261.
[9] Oldham, J. C., Eaves, R. C., and White, D. W. (1977). “Materials Evaluated as Potential Soil
Stabilizers.” 274.
[10]Rahman, M., Rashiduzzaman, M., Akhand, F., and Kabir, K. (2016). “Compressed
Stabilized Earth Block: A Green Alternative for Non-load Bearing Building Block in
Developing Countries like Bangladesh.” American Chemical Science Journal, 12(3), 1–10.
[11]Rothhämel, M., and Laue, J. (2020). “Influence of cold curing temperature and freeze-thaw
on the UCS of stabilised silty sand.” Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers -
Ground Improvement.
[12]Santoni, R. L., Tingle, J. S., and Webster, S. L. (2002). “Stabilization of silty sand with
nontraditional additives.” Transportation Research Record, (1787), 61–72.
[13]Yao, K., An, D., Wang, W., Li, N., Zhang, C., and Zhou, A. (2020). “Effect of nano-MgO on
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Most contracting companies face common difficulties in managing engineering projects
that take place simultaneously and is summarized by the inability to implement them within the
budget and the timetable set for it as there is no effective central administration supervising the
work of these projects [1, 2]. Management of multiple projects demands coordinating among
them in terms of distributing resources optimally, obtain funding on time, and giving priority to
one project over the other according to the importance. The absence of the unified reference for
tracking the reports of these projects within the company causes a loss of time, difficulty in
returning to projects and knowing the real causes of the problems encountered. This negatively
affects the outputs of these projects and results in the dissatisfaction of the project parties [3,4].
Project Management Office offers a solution to these problems facing the projects, and it has a
well-known role in managing various projects due to its increased benefits [5]. This research
aims to design a database for the Project Management Office in a contracting company for the
implementation phase. This will help to manage the group of projects under the supervision of
one department and follow them in an effective manner. It will facilitate to obtain all information
in real-time through detailed reports (bi-monthly, monthly, and annual) to track the
implementation phase of the multiple projects during a specific time in a tabular and graphical
manner for those in charge and supervisors of these projects at the required administrative level.
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The purpose and benefit of establishing the central Project Management Office in a contracting
company will be presented. The information obtained from the planning and follow-up offices in
the company will be uploaded using a computer program. This research has shown effectiveness
of the database for PMO based on the real information taken from general contracting
The research is based on the descriptive and analytical approach through which the real
problems of the engineering companies were examined and the difficulties they faced during the
implementation phase. Previous studies and research were revised and the concept of the Project
Management Office was explained. The appropriate type of database was designed according to
the company's need and the tasks required to be performed by it. A computer program is created
through which all the required data about the projects is entered and tested on real world
examples. The results are compared and followed up in terms of time and cost using the earned
value methodology.
Several researchers have proposed PMO models that can be summarized in table 1.
Table 1. PMO models
PMO model Typologies Reference
1-Project Support Office. “1-Provides internal consulting for project 6
2-Project Management management activities
Center of Excellence 2-assuring up-to-date methodologies and skills in
(PMCOE). project management
3-Program Management
Office. 3-promotes complete authority over the projects
and responsibility for recruiting and developing
project managers, project selection, and alignment
of priorities with the work strategies”.
1-Project Repository “1-emphasizes tools and data. 7
2- Project Coaching 2-provides training, mentoring, and other
Model assistance to project managers
3- Enterprise PMO 3-oversees the project management and function
4-provides focus on the total project portfolio
4- Deliver Value Now linked to the organization’s goals and assets”.
1-Consulting PMO “1-responsible for day-to-day management of 8
2- Knowledge (Strong) 2-central project and program management body
PMO in the organization
3- Standard (Blended) 3-provides consulting services, training, and
PMO standards-setting activities”.
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For the project management offices to be successful, their role must be clearly defined
and what type of office the company wishes to establish to benefit from in the application of
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global methodologies in projects, and choosing a type of project management office is influenced
by the size, culture, and nature of the technical and administrative structure of the company, and
the goal of choosing any of these patterns, which varies in the degree of control and influence on
The aim of designing the database is to migrate the existing information to a new system
that is automated using one of the programming languages and enter the data we get from the
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planning and follow-up office in the company and analyze them to obtain all the necessary
information within a certain time through reports. Data can be shown within the base in several
forms, including the so-called relational display (Figure 2), in which the databases appear as a
group of tables (columns and lines) that are linked with each other by relationships in different
forms [15]:
• One-to-one relationship: one record from the first table is linked with only one
record from the second table, and vice versa, Figure (2-a).
• One-to-many relationship: each record from the first table has a relationship with
at least one record from the second table, while each record in the second table has a relationship
with one record from the first table, Figure (2-b).
• Many-to-many relationship: each record from the first table is linked to multiple
records from the second table, and vice versa.
Figure 2. (2-a) The relationship of linking the implemented agenda with the planned
agenda, (2-b) The relationship between the employee table and the salary scale
The executed agenda is connected with the planned agenda in a (1:1) relationship, thus
every executed work can be subordinate to one planned work, and every planned work can only
follow the work of one executor. The employee table is related to the salary table with a (1: N)
relationship so that each employee can have several salaries according to the project in which he
works, while each salary belongs to one employee.
Through the Java program, using SQL as a programming language [16-19], and by
applying all the aforementioned steps and after collecting all the information from the reality of
projects and companies, work was done to design an electronic program for PMO to manage
projects through it, control the movement of materials within the company's warehouses,
achieve the optimal distribution of resources between projects, and follow-up and know the
completion rates and compare them with the planned and find appropriate solutions and issue
periodic reports to the higher management.
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Figure 3. the program interface (how to enter project data and follow it through the main
After the contract between the owner and the implementing and designer of the project,
determining the contract period and its cost, and setting general and special conditions, the
project data is entered (name of the project, owner, supervisor, designer, implementing, project
location and type, project description ... etc.), and contract data for the project (contract number -
date - value - period - justified period - theoretical completion date - method of
implementation ... etc.) according to Figure 4.
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material data (bringing) to the project warehouse (material name - code - quantity - individual
price - supplier - invoice number - transportation fees - date) with an indication of the imported
quantities, withdrawn quantities, and the available balance for each material within the
warehouse. Then temporary monthly work statements for the work performed monthly or
according to the agreed date (statement number - its date - its value - annexation/deduction ratio -
suspensions and deductions - disbursement order number and the net value of the check ... etc.).
And finally, we enter the items of the estimated disclosure (work - statement - individual price)
according to the agreed contract, and then the monthly planned and executed works and the date
of implementation of each work.
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Through the Earned Value management system, the Project Management Office regularly
monitors the performance of projects, as it is considered an effective tool for linking the actual
completion of the planned work within the project with the time that has elapsed and the cost that
was spent compared to the project's time and financial plan. Therefore, important questions must
be answered related to the level of performance achieved starting from the first day of the project
and the extent of the quality of the performance achieved, and the anticipation of the impact of
this performance on the project in the future until its completion, and knowing if there is a
deviation in the time or cost of the project and the percentage of that [21,22].
1- What is the current status of the project regarding the time plan and budget?
2- What is the cost required to complete the project?
3- When will the project end if achievement continues at the same rate?
4- What are the potential problems that must be solved now?
5- What are the reasons for the delay, if any?
6- What is the amount of work that was accomplished versus what was spent?
7- If the spending is more than the budgeted so far, can the spending be controlled by the
end of the project?
The earned value methodology is based on the calculation of three values (planned value
PV, earned value EV, actual cost AC), which express the difference in the implementation of the
project from its plan in time and financially. After knowing the values of each of the PV-EV-AC
at any period of the project’s life, depending on the completed and planned works, the project's
earned value equations can be calculated, each of which has a specific significance according to
Figure 8.
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By comparing the results in Figure 11. (SV<0, SPI<1 & CV<0, CPI<1) with the
significance of the performance indicators in Table (3), we find that the project is late in time
than planned and exceeded the budget that was allocated contractually.
The relationship between (PV-EV-AC) can be illustrated graphically through the diagram
shown in Figure 9.
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According to the results mentioned above about the status of the project (exceeding the
cost and the planned time), the project manager must read and analyze them carefully, know the
causes of the problem and whether it is critical or not, apply corrective measures to his project
and discuss possible options to restore the project on its correct path (increasing or decreasing
the number of shifts in the project, modifying the scope of the project, introducing more
experienced human cadres, making a correction to the previous study, making some amendments
to the clauses in a way that does not conflict with the terms of the agreed-upon contract), and
recording all the problems occurring and how to solve them within Record lessons learned to
avoid falling into later projects.
1-The earned value methodology can be considered the best monitoring system as it relies
on reliable data and offers many benefits that distinguish it from the traditional method of
monitoring projects during the implementation phase, including:
An integrated program to objectively control project elements (cost and time) and
anticipate their future trends and potential risks with corrective changes to
Integrates scope, schedule, and cost based on the Work Breakdown Structure
SPI and CPI provide an early warning indication of the current project time and
Ease of extracting periodic reports (weekly - monthly - quarterly), which represent
a good tool for communicating with those involved in the project.
Helping to identify the types of problems the project is going through, giving the
management the ability to take the necessary corrective actions early.
2-The presence of comprehensive computer programs for all project phases within the
project management offices secures access to the required information as quickly as possible and
in a more attractive graphical manner while saving time and effort, as well as imparts a sense of
organization and accuracy to the project and all the teams behind it.
3-The benefits of PMO can be summarized in the following points:
Accuracy: It contributes to increasing the accuracy of project implementation in
terms of budget, resources, and project timelines.
Costs: achieving cost savings and expenses. When accuracy is present in the
performance equation, the cost savings will be very evident.
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1-Project Management Institute (2017), A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge,
6th ed. PMI.
2-S. Keoki Sears, Glenn A. Sears, and Richard H. Clough (2008), “Construction Project
Management, A Practical Guide to Field Construction Management 5th Edition”, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.
3-B. J. Jackson (2010), “Construction Management JumpStart, Second Edition”, Wiley
Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana.
4-Albert Lester (2006), “Project Management, Planning and Control 5th edition”, Elsevier
Science & Technology Books, ISBN: 075066956X.
5-Crawford, J. K. (2010), “The Strategic Project Office: A Guide to Improving Organizational
Performance, Second Edition.” Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
6-Englund, R. L, Graham R. J. & Dinsmore P.C., (2003). “Creating the project office. A
manager’s guide to leading organizational change.” San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
7-Kendall, G. I. & Rollins, S. C. (2003). “Advanced project portfolio management and the PMO:
multiplying ROI at warp speed.” Florida: J. Ross Publishing.
8-Letavec, C. J. (2006). “The Program Management Office: Establishing, Managing and
Growing the Value of a PMO.” J. Ross Publishing, Fort Lauderdale, FL.
9-Desouza, K. C. &, Evaristo J. R. (2006). “The Project management offices: A case of
knowledge-based archetypes.” International Journal of Information Management. 26, 414–423.
10-Kerzner, H. (2009). “Project Management – A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling
and Controlling, 10th ed”. John Wiley Sons Inc.
11-Crawford, J. K. (2010). “The Strategic Project Office: A Guide to Improving Organizational
Performance, Second Edition.” Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
12-Unger, B. N., Gemünden, H. G. & Aubry, M. (2012). “The three roles of a project portfolio
management office: their impact on portfolio management execution and success.” International
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Sathvik S 1 , L. Krishnaraj 2
1, 2
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, SRM Institute
of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur – 603203, Tamil Nadu, India.
*Corresponding Author: Dr. L. Krishnaraj, Mail Id –
The purpose of this study is developing a prediction model using the CRM (Customer Relationship Management)
analysis approach that identifies the potential impacts of sleep deprivation to the construction labourers. Based on the data
collected from the most populous city, Bengaluru Karnataka, India that employs nearly 800,000 to 1 million laborers in the
construction industry, a dataset can be created to establish a relationship of the sleep deprivation consequences on the
labourers. Upon describing the datasets, the CRM methods using mathematical expressions and designs inside the Solutions
Box of Microsoft CRM helps in deriving major variables that leads to the result. This analysis method indicates that the
sleep cycle disturbance on a daily basis and the hours of work are the most influential factors followed by age, gender,
service length, quality of work, nature of work etc. The results obtained can contribute to creating awareness among the
construction labourers and contractors about the consequences of sleep deprivation on health and work productivity of the
workers. Thus, incorporating safety measures not only improves the health of the labourers but also indirectly contributes to
the growth of the construction industry and the country’s economy.
Keywords: Sleep Deprivation, Customer Relationship Management, Workflow, Dashboard, Azure cloud services, Bayesian
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the construction sector contributes highly to the country’s economy with the highest number
of sleep deprived labourers.
According to the International Labour Organisation(ILO)’s report, the probability of
developing countries’ construction labourers are more prone to sleep deprivation with not
even an average sleep of 8 hours than advanced countries[13]. 7% of the global employment
is occupied by the construction workers contributing to be a profession of highest number of
sleep deprived people[14]. In the majority of countries, the construction industry being the
major employment have high number of construction labourers who are worst affected by
sleep namely, Japan and South Korea with only 5 hours 59 min, India with 6 hours 20 min,
Great Britain with 7 hours 24 min and least affected being New Zealand with 7 hours 30 min
sleep shown in figure 1 [15-19]. This clearly shows how sleep affects the labour market
engagement. Hence, finding the suitable solution to the problem is a pressing issue.
In India, construction is one of the fastest growing industries with a Composite
Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 15.9% to the economic growth of the country due to
continuous urbanisation and upcoming infrastructure projects [20]. The number of
construction workers in India is estimated to be 50% of the total workforce. With over 35
million people engaged, women occupy nearly 30% of the workforce. Though women
labourers are less in number yet they are more prone to sleep deprived effects than men. As
per National Commission for Enterprises in the Unorganised Sector(NCEUS), labourers are
most affected by hazardous environmental conditions and its consequences on health. They
are exploited by the contractors with no specified time limit frame making them work for 10
hours per day. It is necessary to improve the safety awareness by empowering the contractors
to appropriately inform each and every employee of the risks faced by sleep deprivation.
Japan South Korea India Great Britain Neatherland New Zealand
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To study the effect of the sleep cycle of construction labours on work patterns. A
study was conducted at Pramuk Meridian construction site. Nearly 450 construction
labourers installed sleep applications in their mobile to track the sleep cycle which relates to
their productivity and health.
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Dashboards are the visual compilation of the data which is similar to a chart. This
graphic representation of data from multiple records of entities shows the interaction with
each other. It gives an at-a-glance snapshot of performance indicators to be followed giving
information of the functions at the required moment. A powerful ‘drill-down’ capabilities
are given with charts and dashboards. The above tools of CRM aids in creating a graphical
representation that leads to a clearly analysed sleep deprivation impacts on labour
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The algorithm used in CRM is Bayesian Network. This algorithm being one of the
data mining techniques gives a clear insight on the relationship between different variables of
the domain under the study. Learning algorithms incorporate prior information to compare
and generate a process which led to be called as parametric learning algorithms. As the
Bayesian network is a directed acyclic graph that has nodes that can automatically determine
the link from the given data for tasks of prediction, anomaly detection, diagnostics, reasoning
and decision making under uncertainty. The figure 2.3 shows a Bayesian network with nodes
related to the labour productivity as outcome and the other factors as nodes.
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This formula explains the probability of an event or factor like labour productivity,
where P(A|B) is the probability of event A when B occurs. P(B|A) means the probability of
event B under the condition of known event A. P(A) and P(B) are the likelihood that A and B
would occur independently. Here, A could be labour productivity, B could be sleep
deprivation or sleep pattern. Therefore, this formula provides a desirable relationship that is
essential for decision making i.e., the amount of actual sleep required for the labourers to
work at their maximum productivity.
In this study, the collected data is uploaded in the CRM Dynamics 365 to derive a
graphical representation that is shown in the Dashboard and Workflow. Many factors like
sex, age, sleeping pattern, working hours, service length, labour productivity of the
construction labourers are used to collect the data. Nature of work in the construction
industry and quality of work done is also considered to perfect representation.
Labour P 2 24 72 8 7 10 79
Labour P112 21 78 7 6 8 84
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B. Female
Table 2: Data collected from female labourers
Labour P 13 22 74 7 6 7.5 81
Labour P144 29 85 7 7 8 92
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After collecting the required data, the researcher will use the above mentioned tools
of Microsoft CRM Dynamics 365 and the algorithms in the visual studio. The bar graph
shown below is the result of the analysis of the sleep cycle of labourers compared with the
actual required sleep to get the maximum productivity of the labourers. The number of days
considered is a week to analyse. Each day, the labourers show a decline in their sleep time.
Consequently, it is followed by a depressing day. Thus, the dashboard clearly shows that the
labourers do not get sufficient sleep i.e., they get less sleep than required to maintain their
productivity of work.
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Fit-Bit Sleep Data REM Sleep Awake Sleep
The bar graph shown below is a dashboard showing the labour performance of the
work assigned for 10 days. It clearly shows that the more the sleep deprived the labourer was
the lesser was his/her efficiency towards the work. The labourers were assigned with a
particular number of days for task completion but they took longer time to finish the assigned
work than the allotted time. Thus, the dashboard graph helps us to predict the efficiency and
the measures to be taken in case of sleep deprived labourers.
Labour Productivity vs Sleep Efficiency Series2 Series1
Sleep Effciency
Labour Productivity
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The CRM workflow of this study is obtained by downloading the required files and
packages to the Dynamics 365 as shown in figure 3.3. In CRM, workflow shown in figure
3.4 is used as a representation tool to analyse and manage the process of the study and obtain
the required result. This result can then be used as a predictive analysis for decision making
purposes. In this case, the sleep cycle of the labourers data will help us to predict the labour
efficiency in work and diagnose the workers regarding the sleeping pattern to improve the
labour productivity. Thus, the workflow diagram below shows the process of acquiring the
outcome of this study.
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Although the construction sector is a high yielding economy among various industries
yet the labourers of this industry are particularly sleep deprived. It affects their personal life
as well as their workplace productivity and relationship. Thus, increasing the stress level
which will consequently exacerbate their sleep issues.
This study analysed and gathered the data from nearly 450 construction industry
labourers from mid of year 2018 to 2020. Various factors were considered like age, sex,
nature of work, quality of work, service length to reach the purpose of this study i.e., the
labour productivity. CRM techniques have been applied to the collected dataset to devise a
relationship between the sleep deprivation and labour productivity.
The Bayesian network used in this study, also called as the probabilistic analytical
algorithm, provides a good foundation to derive the labour productivity out of the given
dataset. The formula used in this algorithm evaluates the probability of getting maximum
productivity for the number of hours slept by the labourers. Being one of the data mining
techniques, a large amount of data can be used to extract the result from anywhere as the
cloud services are used.
After the analysis of this study, it is clearly understood that adequate sleep is the most
essential part of life. The first step towards eradicating this issue is to inform the employee
about the side effects of sleep deprivation and diagnose them. This way most sleep disorders
can be corrected at an early stage, improving the health condition of labourers and their work
productivity. If strictly measures are followed, a mutual benefit between the labourers and
the country’s economy will shape the construction industry to another level.
[1] M€uller, T., Apps, M.A.J., 2019. Motivational fatigue: a neurocognitive framework for
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[2] Massar, S.A.A., Lim, J., Sasmita, K., Chee, M.W.L., 2019. Sleep deprivation increases
the costs of attentional effort: performance, preference and pupil size.
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[3] Massar, S.A.A., Csatho ́, A ́ ., Van Der Linden, D., 2018. Quantifying the motivational
effects of cognitive fatigue through effort-based decision making. Front. Psychol. 9,843.
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[4] Lowe, C.J., Safari, A., Hall, P.A., 2017. The neurocognitive consequences of sleep
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[8] Opp MR, Krueger JM. Sleep and immunity: a growing field with clinical impact. Brain
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[9] Prather AA, Janicki-Deverts D, Hall MH, Cohen S. Behaviorally assessed sleep and
susceptibility to the common cold. Sleep 2015;38(9):1353–9.
[10]Laugsand LE, Strand LB, Vatten LJ, Janszky I, Bjorngaard HJ. Insomnia symptoms and
risk for unintentional fatal injuries—The HUNT study. Sleep 2014;37(11):1777–86.
[11]American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM). In: Darien IL, editor. International
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[13]Mullin, B.C., Phillips, M.L., Siegle, G.J., Buysse, D.J., Forbes, E.E., Franzen, P.L.,
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Flood inundation mapping is done to identify the important areas that are inundated to help decision-makers to take action
that would mitigate the effect of floods or implement adaptation measures to avoid similar floods in the future, if possible.
The creation of flood maps is usually performed using a combination of hydrologic and hydraulic models that are
particularly challenging in the case of small and ungauged basins. In the present study, flood inundation mapping was done
for the Thiruvananthapuram city of Kerala state using the HEC-RAS model for different return period flood hydrographs.
Return period flood hydrographs were derived using rainfall frequency analysis and synthetic unit hydrograph. Rainfall
frequency analysis was carried out by L.Moment’s method and a synthetic unit hydrograph was developed using the Central
Water Commission (CWC) flood estimation report. 2-Dimensional unsteady flow analysis was performed using HEC-RAS
software to obtain the flood inundation map. The present study can be useful to identify flood-prone areas, the spatial extent
of flooded zones and help us plan to reduce the effect of flood or avoid future floods.
Keywords: Flood inundation mapping; synthetic unit hydrograph; Rainfall frequency analysis .
Urbanization and globalization of different countries have been increasing rapidly. Common
consequences of urban development include the removal of vegetation and an increase in
impervious surfaces and drainage networks, all of which increase precipitation runoff into
streams and rivers. This may result in more flooding.
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The study area is Thiruvananthapuram city of Kerala state which is located between 8° 20’N
76° 50’E and 8° 35’N 77° 05’E. The area of Thiruvananthapuram city stretches over the low
lying coastal belt and undulating terrain of midland sandwiched between the high land
comprising green mountain forests of the Western Ghats and Lakshadweep Sea. Trivandrum
city corporation has an area of around 214.86 km² with almost 1.7 million inhabitants as per
the 2011 census. It is one of the most populous cities in Kerala, with a population density of
4,454 /km², as against 860 /km² for Kerala, and 368 /km² for India.
Karamana river is the major river, which flows entirely through the Thiruvananthapuram
district. This river originates from the Western Ghats at Agasthyakoodam and is the main
source of the water supply of Thiruvananthapuram city. The total stretch of the river is about
61 km out of which 21 km flows within the city and 40 km is at the upstream side. The main
tributary of the Karamana River is KilliAr, which originates at Panavur in Nedumangad taluk
of Thiruvananthapuram district. The river enters Thiruvananthapuram city at Vazhayila and
flows through Jagathi, Killippalam, Attukal, Kalady, South, and merges with Karamana
River at Pallathukadavu. The Killi river has a total length of 33 km out of which 14km flows
within the city.
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The data related to the study area has been collected/generated which includes:
SRTM DEM data of 30m resolution is obtained for the study area.
Rainfall data to be used for rainfall frequency analysis is collected from the Indian
Meteorological Department.
Catchment characteristics such as the length of the longest stream, equivalent slope,
etc. have been calculated as these are used in the preparation of synthetic unit
hydrograph as recommended by Central Water Commission.
Rainfall data is collected from the Indian Meteorological Department of Grid wise (0.25 x 0.25
degree high spatial resolution) daily data for the duration 1960 to 2015. For better representation
averaging of rainfall data is done. For Karamana, rainfall data with coordinates 8° 45’0” N 77°
15’0” E, 8° 30’0” N 77° 0’0” E, and 8° 30’0” N 77° 15’0”E was obtained and the average was
found out. Similarly, for Killi Ar rainfall data with coordinates 8° 45’0” N 77° 0’0”E and 8°
30’0” N 77° 0’0”E was used and average rainfall was obtained. For each year from 1960 to 2015,
peak rainfall during southwest and northeast monsoon was obtained. This peak rainfall series was
then arranged in descending order for rainfall frequency analysis.
L moments are defined as a linear combination of probability weighted moments of the time
series (Hosking and Wallis 1993). The first four L moments are as follows:
L1= β0 (1)
L2=2β1−β0 (2)
L3= 6β2−6β1−β0 (3)
L4= 20β3−30β2−12β1−β0 (4)
where βo, β1, β2 and β3 are the first four probability weighted moments. L moment
ratios(LMR) were calculated using Eq. 5.
λ2 = L2/L1
λ4 =L4/L2 (5)
where λ2 is the L coefficient of variation (Lcv), λ3 is the L coefficient of skewness (Lskew),
λ4 is the L coefficient of kurtosis (Lkurt). The first moment λ1 is considered as the average of
the observed flood series. These formulae are used to find out return period rainfall for return
period 5,10,25,50,100 years for both Karamana and Killi Ar rivers.
Central Water Commission (CWC) along with the Indian Meteorological department (IMD) and
Research Design and Standard Organization (RDSO) unit of the Indian Railways have classified
the country into 7 zones and 26 hydro-meteorologically homogeneous sub-zones. Flood
hydrograph estimation guidelines have been published for each of these 26 regions. For
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the present study, the guidelines from the CWC report 5a and 5b, have to be referred to.
According to Central Water Commission (CWC) flood estimation report for region 5a and 5b
the steps involved in developing unit hydrograph are:
a. Estimation of Physiographic Parameters of synthetic unit hydrograph which includes
location of the catchment area in the toposheet, catchment area ,length of the longest
stream ,and equivalent slope of the basin
b. Estimation of Synthetic Unit Hydrograph parameters using the Central Water
Commission Estimation Report by selecting the subzone in which the catchment falls.
c. Plotting synthetic unit hydrograph
d. Estimation of Design Storm for the catchment with its critical duration and sequence
e. Estimation of point rainfall and areal rainfall for the design storm duration and to
obtain areal rainfall increments for unit duration intervals.
f. Estimation of effective rainfall increment by subtracting the prescribed design loss
rate from the annual rainfall increments
g. Estimation of Base flow and Finding design flood peak and design flood hydrograph
3.3 Analysis In HEC-RAS Software Using Flood Hydrograph To Get Water Levels
Rainfall frequency analysis was carried out for both Karamana and Killi Ar rivers.using L.
Moment’s method to obtain return period rainfall value which is tabulated below(Table 1)
5 90.09872041 116.5708242
10 103.043212 135.7704233
25 119.3986115 160.0291675
50 131.5319811 178.0256899
Table No. 1: Return period rainfall(in cm) for Karamana and Killi Ar
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Synthetic unit hydrograph was prepared for Karamana(Figure No. 2a) and Killi Ar(Figure
No. 2b)using the Physiographic Parameters for both rivers .The Physiographic Parameters for
both rivers are tabulated below (Table No.2)
Table No.2 : Physiographic Parameters for Karamana River and Killi Ar river
Figure No.2 : Synthetic unit hydrograph of Karamana(a) and Killi ar(b) River
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Synthetic unit hydrograph and return period rainfall values are used to plot the design flood
hydrograph for both Karamana and Killi Ar river for a return period of 5,10,25,50 and 100
years.(Figure No. 3 and 4)
100 YEAR
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (hrs)
Figure No.3 : Design Flood Hydrograph for Karamana River for different return period
100 YEAR
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (hrs)
Figure No.4 : Design Flood Hydrograph for Killi Ar River for different return period
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After obtaining design flood hydrograph analysis was performed in HEC-RAS. A flow area
consisting of both Karamana and Killi Ar river was obtained. Boundary condition was
applied and design flood hydrograph for both Karamana and Killi Ar river was used as
unsteady flow data. The co-ordinates where variation of depth, velocity and water surface
elevation is plotted(Figure No.6 and 7) are : 1. 8° 30’37.303” N 76° 59’46.268”E
2. 8° 28’43.094” N 76° 57’59.516”E
3. 8° 26’9.283” N 76° 57’19.308”E
-Water spread
Figure No.5: Water spread for flow area consisting of both Karamana and Killiar river
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23
Time (Hrs)
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8° 30’37.303” N 76° 59’46.268”E
8° 30’37.303” N 76° 59’46.268”E
8° 28’43.094” N 76° 57’59.516”E 24 8° 28’43.094” N 76° 57’59.516”E
0.025 20
0.005 8
3 7 11 15 19 23 3 7 11 15 19 23
Time (Hrs) Time (Hrs)
(a) (b)
Figure No.7: Variation of (a) velocity and (b) water surface elevation with time
Around the globe every year the frequency of floods has been increasing and the impact of it
on life, economy, infrastructure has been a cause of concern. Proper planning, management,
and implementation are needed to avoid or minimize the effect of floods. From the study
flood inundation maps for Thiruvananthapuram city of Kerala state were obtained which can
be used for identification of flood-prone areas and help us plan and implement proper
mitigation and management activities. Inundation map was obtained using the rainfall data,
synthetic hydrograph, topographic data, and by applying HEC-RAS in a GIS environment.
The conclusions from the present study are as follows:
• From the Rainfall Frequency analysis, it was found that the maximum rainfall for
Karamana was 223.46 cm whereas the minimum rainfall was 13.52cm. Similarly, for
Killi Ar it was found that maximum rainfall was 214.82 cm whereas minimum rainfall
was 14.85 cm.
• For Karamana river assuming 0.15 cumec per sq. km as base flow, it was found that
base flow was 45.767 cumecs. For Killi Ar river assuming 0.15 cumec per sq. km as
base flow, it was found that base flow was 11.45 cumecs.
• It was found that the maximum depth of water obtained in the water spread was 7.85
m. The maximum velocity obtained was 0.0225 m/sec and the maximum water
surface elevation was 24.358 m.
• The results also include a variation of depth, velocity, and water surface elevation
along the flood-affected region The variation of depth with time can be useful in
finding out the risk zones(where the depth of water is more) and hence proper
mitigation measures can be adopted in these zones.
The authors are grateful to the National Institute of Technology Karnataka Surathkal and
National Institute of Hydrology Hard Rock Regional Center, Belgavi for providing the
necessary facilities for carrying out the study work.
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Kerala is situated towards the southwest of India. It lies between the Arabian Sea to the
west and the Indian state of Tamil Nadu towards its east. Its topography consists of gradually
rising high hills and mountains of the Western Ghats to the descending coastal plain and
farmlands. Kerala’s climate is mostly wet, and it is heavily influenced by the monsoon and its
heavy rains. The rivers of Kerala are small, in terms of lengths, breadth and water discharge. The
rivers flow faster, owing to the hilly terrain and as the short distance between the Western Ghats
and the sea. Because of which Kerala is one of the most flood prone states of India. Rainfall in
Kerala are frequent with longer duration and high intensity. Floods have caused huge damage to
the humankind and it is necessary to create a pathway that enhances to avoid the damage to the
lives and the property (Varma, 2019).
- Estimation of river water discharge during rainy season.
- Comparison of estimated discharge with observed discharge using an excel sheet.
- Probability of flood occurrences would be assessed by using previous rainfall records.
- Hypothetical flood warning system would be implemented using IOT.
Data Collection
The rainfall and discharge data of these worst affected districts of Kerala state were
collected. The list of rain gauge stations and river gauge stations of Idukki, Ernakulam and
Wayanad district are shown in the following table (see Table 1).
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Table 1. List of rain and river gauge stations of Idukki, Ernakulam and Wayanad districts
Idukki Dam Vandiperiyar
Periyar Idamalayar Dam
Thekkadi Manikal
Vandiperiyar Idukki Dam
Myladumpara Periyar
IDUKKI Peermade TO
Kalampur Pallippady
Neeleswaram Ramamangalam
Paravur Kalampur
Piravom Neeleswaram
ERNAKULAM Ramamangalam
Kalladi Muthankera
Makkiard Baveli
WAYANAD Muthankera
Discharge Calculation
With the collected data, estimated discharge was calculated using Curve Number method.
Q = Runoff in mm
P = Rainfall in mm
Ia = Initial abstraction
S = Potential maximum retention after runoff begins
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Figure 1. Scatter plots of estimated runoff vs. observed runoff for Idukki district
Figure 2. Scatter plots of estimated runoff vs. observed runoff for Ernakulum district
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Figure 3. Scatter plots of estimated runoff vs. observed runoff for Wayanad district
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distanceInch = duration*0.0133/2;
lcd.setCursor(0,0); // Sets the location at which subsequent text written to the LCD will
be displayed lcd.print("Distance: "); // Prints string "Distance" on the LCD
lcd.print(distanceCm); // Prints the distance value from the sensor
lcd.print(" cm");
lcd.print("Distance: ");
lcd.print(distanceInch); lcd.print(" inch"); delay(100);
if (distanceInch <= 7) {
lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("Threshold Cross
lcd.print("SMS ALERT SENT.."); SendSMS();
void SendSMS() {
Serial.println("Sending SMS...");
sim800l.print("AT+CMGS=\"+*********\"\r"); //Your phone number don't forget to include
precautions."); //This is the text to send to the phone number, don't make it too long or you have
to modify the Software Serial buffer
sim800l.print((char)26);// (required according to the datasheet) delay(500);
Serial.println("Text Sent.");
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- Hypothetical values are considered as the better threshold value for the functioning of
flood warning system.
- Development of flood warning system enlightens the confidence to provide an alert
system through SMS to overcome the flood risk.
- This system will be able to send an alert via SMS when the water rises to the pre-
determined level.
- SMS is an effective alert communication tools that can disseminate the information to
floods victim in a particular area.
- Flood warning system act as a precautionary action for the victims in preventing loss of
lives, trauma from disaster and property from damage.
- Flood warning system is a promising technique in flood prone areas where they lack an
alert system.
[1] Chanderki. U, Shaikh. S. (2018). “Integrated Automatic Flood Warning and Alert
System using IOT”, IRJET, Vol-6 Issue-3.
[2] Labo. J. J, Floresca. E, Larry E. and Gracilla. (2016). “Development of Flood Warning
System”, Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, Vol-6, Issue 1, (part 6).
[3] Myvizhi. R. and Indira. S (2018). “Low Cost Embedded based Flood Detection and
Warning System”, IJITEEE, ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8 Issue-252.
[4] Ponce, V. M. and R. H. Hawkins. (1996). “Runoff curve number: Has it reached
maturity?” ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol. 1, No. 1, 11-19.
[5] Rathode. A, Shinde. R, Hilalpure. R, and Prof. Fymdar. A. (2018). “Design of Arduino
based Flood Detection System using Barometric Pressure Sensor”, Vol-6,Issue 2,67-
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[6] Supani. A, Andriani. Y. and Tagwa. A. (2017). “Design of Flood Early Warning System with
Wi- Fi network based on smartphone”, AIP Conference Proceedings.
<> (November 21, 2017).
[7] Varma. S, E. Esha Preethi, M. Ramesh Kumar and Tenali. R. K (2019). “Internet of
[8] based Smart Flood Monitoring and Detecting System”, IJRTE, ISSN; 2277-3878, Vol-7,
Issue 6, 101-147.
[9] Wahidah. Md. Shah, F. Arif, A. A. Shahrin and Aslinda Hanan (2018), “The
implementation of an IOT based Flood Alert System”, IJACSA, Vol. 9. 11.
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Vishwanatha Bhat1
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute of Technology-Ujire, Karnataka
Corresponding email: , +91-7204167771
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et al., 2018).
Of late, water indices have developed to highlight water bodies, such as normalized
difference water index (NDWI; MCFeeters,1996), and modified NDWI (mNDWI; Xu,2006).
The normalization applied to the indices provides a way to threshold values within a range of
-1 to +1 range. It is, therefore, based on the reflectance characteristics of water, NDWI and
mNDWI values for water are usually greater than zero. Contrastingly, pixels for some water
bodies may have NDWI values close to land.
It is a well-established fact from the synthesis of several investigators that NDWI is the
choice of most to yield out the best results related to surface water. To illustrate a few, flood
problems due to excessive inundation in a catchment of Bihar have been mapped using IRS-
1C LISS - III and Landsat TM data (Jain et al., 2005), a stretch of river Narmada using IRS
P6 LISS - III (Naiman et al., 1993). Recently, a technique that identifies newly inundated
areas based on the differences in the NDWI or MNDWI values in the pre- and post-flood
images using Landsat imageries have successfully inferred (Sivanpillai et al., 2020) the
inundation extents. Landsat imagery is the most popular data source among the remotely
sensed imageries for calculating water indices, due to its appropriate spectral bands, as well
as its medium spatial resolution.
This communication concentrates on identifying riparian flood extents of a river, named
Mruthyunjaya, caused due to flashy responses of rainfall in the year 2019. Objectives
addressed in this course of study are to demark the riparian zones of Mruthyunjaya River,
and to understand the inundation effects using multitemporal data analysis. The land
transformations befell in the Charmadi-Kakkinje belt of the said river are presented in the
following sections with a great concern.
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Figure 4.2 Recent image of Kolambe, a flood-affected part of the study area
Data is obtained from satellite imageries of Landsat7 and 8 downloaded from the public
domain of USGS ( The secondary data is obtained from
Google earth. Imageries are preprocessed for geometric errors. For this study, imageries of
years 2015, 2017 and 2019 are selected. Presence of cloud patches made intermediate 2018
data unsuitable for considerations.
3. The methodology
The method adopted in this study involves satellite imagery driven NDWI. The data used
here are the satellite imageries of Landsat-7 and Landsat-8 for cloud-free images. NDWI is
known to be the most appropriate water index. The calculation is applied to the shortwave
infrared and green region.
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Change in the target area can be identified by comparing NDWI calculated temporal data of
the study area. The water and Non-water regions can be differentiated. The calculated NDWI
temporal data is given to an open-source program-Multispec. Each cell data or DN value of
each pixel are utilized for the change detection process.
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Riparian zones of Mruthyunjaya river near Kolambe village affected the major changes along
the zone. The Landsat-7 and Lansat-8 satellite imagery, having less cloud cover, have been
utilized. The NDWI uses shortwave-Infrared wave and green bands for the calculation of
water index. It represents -1 to 0 values as non-water region and 0 to +1 as water region.
The NDWI images were generated for 2015, 2017 and 2019 respectively. Blue color
represents water areas in various shades. NDVI for the 1km-buffer as well as the enlarged
view of Kolambe is given in Figure 4.1a, b and c.
Results from change detection are represented in the chart given in Figure 4.2. It is a
histogram that plots the number of cells against the digital number values for the years
2015, 2017, and 2019 respectively. The change in the pixel values in the range 0.20-.299 is
substantially evident from the plot. This range of cells, even though exist as paramount in
the region for every year, have occupied largely in space withing the said 1 km buffer
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specifically for 2019. This clearly shows that the inundation extents have reached their
maximum in 2019 flood.
The non-water region change has occurred in the time 2017-2019 to a degree of 33.33
percent. Whereas the 2015-2019 scale has seen a change, it is more drastic in 2015-2017
amounting to -29.41%. The overall effect of non-water region change is negative which
indicates that reduction has occurred. Among the positive pixel values, rapid change may be
visible in the 0.2-0.299 range. There is a vigor positive change in the span of 2015 to 2019.
The overall change is 13.90 %. The processed data also infers about the mild change in 2015-
Table 4.1 Change detection
DN Values 2015-2017 2017-2019 2015-2019
Figure 4.2 a &bRiver Banks subjected toflood, c. Google Earth view of flood hit
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The conflicts in the riparian zone are ever-increasing as they house salable activities including
grazing, plantation and allied activities at climaxing rate like elsewhere. The NDWI, being the
widely accepted water spread index, is employed to demark the riparian zones for the
Mruthyunjaya River and to understand the inundation effects using multitemporal data analysis.
The major conclusions elucidate the large inundation occurred during 2019 deluge is around
10 % water pixel gain for which 2017 acting as base year. There are at least ten new cells on the
water course at Kolambe, Anthara, and Parlani individually have been added or converted into
water area. Contrarywise, change has been evident in the non-water region which have
contributed the most to silt zone in 2019 is about 33.33. Subsequently renovation works have
certainly underwent. Identification of silt spread area would be a next level act that can be taken
up with the help of high-resolution imageries. Perhaps, one can see a glimmer of light at the end
of the tunnel only when regional specific riparian area laws are constituted and enacted.
This work is the outcome of a student project headed by Mr. Girish and sponsored by Karnataka
State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST). The author would like to acknowledge
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[7] Jain, Sanjay K., R. D. Singh, M. K. Jain, and A. K. Lohani. (2005)."Delineation of flood-
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[17]Xu, Hanqiu. (2006)."Modification of normalised difference water index (NDWI) to enhance
open water features in remotely sensed imagery." International journal of remote sensing 27,
no. 14: 3025-3033.
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Keywords: bearing capacity; square foundation; model test; rigid rough base; eccentric load.
Foundation is an essential part of a structure, whether it is building, bridge, retaining wall and
dam, etc. All civil engineering structure has a superstructure and a foundation. The function
of the foundation is to receive the loads from the superstructure and transfer it safely to the
soil or rock below it. Bearing capacity refers to the ultimate, i.e., the maximum load the soil
can bear or sustain under given circumstances. foundation must be safe against shear failure
of the supporting soil and must not settle beyond an acceptable limit to avoid damage to the
structure. General bearing capacity theories are related to the footing on soil layer extending
to a great depth. In many circumstances, the soil layer is underlain by a rock layer. The
presence of rock layer within a limited depth below the footing may influence the ultimate
bearing capacity. In many circumstances, a thin layer of soil may be underlain by bedrock. In
these circumstances, the ultimate bearing capacity of a shallow foundation resting on the soil
layer is influenced by the lower rigid boundary. (Salençon & Mandel, 1972) have studied this
problem analytically. Milovic and Tournier (1971), Meyerhof (1974), and Pfeifle and Das
(1979) have performed small scale model tests to study the problem. (Cerato & Lutenegger,
2006) have also performed small-scale and large-scale model tests. The ultimate bearing
capacity of a foundation resting on the surface of a cohesionless soil extending to a great
depth and loaded by a centric vertical load can be expressed in the following form:
q u=0.5γ BNγ 𝜆𝛾 1.1
where qu = ultimate bearing capacity, 𝜆𝛾 =shape factor, γ=unit weight of soil, B= width of
foundation and 𝑁𝛾 =bearing capacity factor. The shape factor is given by the following
relation (DeBeer 1965):
𝜆𝛾 = 1 − 0.4( ) 1.2
Where L=length of the foundation.
In a homogeneous soil ranging to a great depth, when the ultimate load is applied to a
foundation, the failure surface will develop up to a certain depth D depending on the internal
friction angle of soil and the roughness of the foundation (Lundgren and Mortensen 1953). In
compare, if a rigid boundary is located at a depth H < D, the development of a failure surface
will be rather revised, In such a case, the ultimate bearing capacity of the surface foundation
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Where 𝑁𝛾∗ and 𝜆∗𝛾 are modified bearing capacity factor and modified shape factor,
respectively. Mandel and Salencon (1972) established a theoretical solution for 𝑁𝛾∗ based on
the theory of limit equilibrium as a function of ϕ and H/B. In that study, it was assumed that
the (Lundgren and Mortensen 1953) solution of Nγ is correct. When the depth of the rigid
rough base, H, is equal to or greater than D, 𝑁𝛾∗ = 𝑁𝛾 .The changes of 𝑁𝛾∗ achieved from the
above solution are shown in fig.1.3. Apart from that modification of the bearing capacity
factor from 𝑁𝛾 to 𝑁𝛾∗ , Meyerhof(1974) recommended that the shape factor , 𝜆𝛾 , is also
affected by the presence of Rock layer at a limited depth and proposed a modification. The
modified shape factor 𝜆∗𝛾 Can be expressed as:
𝜆∗𝛾 = 1 − 𝑚( ) 1.4
Property Value
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3.1 Introduction
Total fifty-two model tests have been conducted with embedment ratio (Df /B) varying from 0
to 1 and eccentricity ratio (e/B) varies from 0 to 0.15 with raise of 0.05B.
3.2 Placing the rigid base at different H/B ratio for surface and embedded footing
The range of the parameters for the model tests were as follows:
• H/B = 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0
• e/B = 0, 0.05, 0.1, and 0.15
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2 2
Load intensity qu(H/B,e/B)kN/m Load intensityqu(H/B,e/B)kN/m
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
0 0
1 1 H/B=1
2 2 e/B=0.05
3 3 e/B=0.15
4 4
5 5
6 6 qu(H/B,e/B)
qu(H/B,e/B) 7
8 8
Load intensityqu(H/B,e/B)kN/m
0 50 100 150 200 250 2
Load intensity qu(H/B,e/B)kN/m
0 50 100 150 200
H/B=2 0
2 e/B=0.05 2
e/B=0.10 e/B=0
e/B=0.15 e/B=0.05
4 e/B=0.15
8 qu(H/B,e/B)
10 qu(H/B,e/B)
10 12
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2 2
Load intensity qu(H/B,e/B)(kN/m ) Load intensity qu(H/B,e/B)(kN/m )
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 100 200 300 400
0 0
10 8 qu(H/B,e/B)
Df / B=0 Df / B=1
e/B=0 e/B=0
450 e/B=0.05 e/B=0.05
1500 e/B=0.1
u (H/B,e/B)(kN/m )
u(H/B,e/B)(kN/m )
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 10 to 11 show the variation of qu(H/B,e/B) with H/B for e/B = 0, 0.05, 0.10, and
0.15,respectively. It is seen that from these plots for given e/B, the ultimate eccentric load per
unit area falls and reaches a minimum value at around H/B' = 3 (where B' = B − 2e).
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0 1 2 H/B 3 4 5 6
The variations of NY* with H/B have been obtained and shown in Figure 12, along with the
experimental results provided by Cerato and Lutenegger (2006). The results appear to be
3.5.2 Comparison of experimental results of sethy et al. with present experimental results
at surface footing
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Terzaghi’s(1943) bearing capacity equations which indicate that a square footing will have a
bearing capacity approximately 0.8/0.6=1.33 larger than a circular footing of the same width
for surface condition. In this study, it is seen that ultimate bearing capacity of square footing
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greater than a circular footing with a mean value of 1.34 times greater.
The experimental value of circular footing is adapted from that report published by Sethy et
al. (2018).
Extensive laboratory model test were carried out to determine the ultimate load per unit area
on a square foundation on dense sand layer of limited thickness underlain by rigid rough base
subjected to eccentric load. During the test, the load eccentricity ratio (e/B) varied from 0 to
0.15, and the depth of embedment (Df/B) was varied from 0 to 1. Based on extensive modal
test results, the following conclusion may be drawn:
Based on modal test results, it is seen that the modified bearing capacity factor
𝑁𝛾∗ is dependent on the H/B ratio. As the H/B ratio increases 𝑁𝛾∗ decreases.
From the results of extensive modal test, it is seen that bearing capacity factor 𝑁𝛾∗
becomes nearby beyond H/𝐵 ′ ≥ about 3.
Based on modal test results, it is seen that with increase in eccentricity load
bearing capacity and total settlement decrease.
It is seen that at any eccentricity, the bearing pressure increases with increase in
depth of embedment at any level of settlement. furthermore, at any level of
bearing pressure, the settlement of the footing decreases with increase in depth of
[1] Cerato, A. B., & Lutenegger, A. J. (2006). Bearing Capacity of Square and Circular
Footings on a Finite Layer of Granular Soil Underlain by a Rigid Base. Journal of
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 132(11), 1496–1501.
[2] DeBeer, E. E., 1965, “Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Foundations on
[3] Bearing Capacity and Settlement of Foundations, A. S. Vesic, Ed.,
DukeUniversity, Durham, NC, pp. 15–33.
[4] Mandel, J. and Salencon, J., 1972. Force portante d'un sol sur une assise rigide (étude
théorique. Geotechnique, vol. 22(1), pp.79-93.
[5] Meyerhof, G.G., 1974. Ultimate bearing capacity of footings on sand layer overlying
clay. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, vol. 11(2), pp.223-229.)
[6] Milovic, D.M. and Tournier, J.P., 1971. Comportement de fondations reposant sur une
couche compressible d’epaisseur limitée. In Proceedings of Conference Le
comportement des sols avant la rupture, Paris, France (pp. 303-307).
[7] Pfeifle, T.W. and Das, B.M., 1979. Bearing capacity of surface footings on sand layer
resting on a rigid rough base. Soils and Foundations, vol. 19(1), pp.1-11.
[8] Rao, P., Liu, Y., & Cui, J. (2015). Bearing capacity of strip footings on two-layered
clay under combined loading. Computers and Geotechnics, 69(May), 210–218.
[9] Salençon, J., & Mandel, J. (1972). Force portante d’un sol sur une assise rigide (étude
théorique. Géotechnique, 22(1), 79–93.
[10]Sethy, B.P, Patra, C.R., Das, B.M., 2018.” Bearing capacity of circular foundation on
sand layer of limited thickness underlain by rigid rough base subjected to
eccentrically inclined load”. Geotechnical testing journal, vol. 42(3).
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[11]Terzaghi, K., 1943. Theoretical Soil Mechanics. JohnWiley & Sons. New York, pp.11-
[12]Vesic, A.S., 1973. Analysis of ultimate loads of shallow foundations. Journal of Soil
Mechanics & Foundations Div, 99(sm1).
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SE 02
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Structural engineering is vital for successful project execution, and both researchers and practitioners
continually seek ways to improve construction processes. Fuzzy logic is the way of organizing belief
or idea that cannot be defined precisely but which depends upon their contexts. From the standpoint of
fuzzy logic, uncertainties and ambiguities can be classified into several kinds of uncertainties. Here,
they are divided into two types of uncertainties; randomness and fuzziness. The analysis based on
fuzzy logic is described with emphasis on the probability of fuzzy events and fuzzy probability. This
review denotes the usage of fuzzy logic approach in structures. The fuzzy expert system provides the
advantage of allowing assessments to be made in linguistic terms, which suits the way in which
experts express themselves and captures heuristic knowledge of the experts in assessing the quality of
a project at the conceptual cost estimating stage.
Pre-stressed Concrete (PSC) bridges nowadays have become the most widely used amongst all other
bridges. They are widely adopted for National highways and State highways, especially for long
spans. Different systems used for pre-stressing are Freyssinet system, Magnel Blaton system, Gifford
Udall system & Lee McCall system. This paper aims to understand the concepts involved in the
analysis and design of PSC bridges subjected to different loadings namely IRC Class A, IRC Class
70R wheeled and tracked, 40T Bogi loading etc. The different codes of design will be used in this
paper are IRC 5-2015, IRC 6- 2016, IRC 112-2011, IRC 21-2000, SP 013 and SP105-2015.
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
In construction industry maintenance should be given utmost importance and focus. For continuous
monitoring of maintenance, Internet of Things (IoT) can be used. IoT can be used to monitor the
structure from anywhere. Structural health monitoring using IoT is the latest technique employed all
over the world, especially the buildings exposed to harsh environments. Sensors are used to collect the
data from the structure from which we can identify the deterioration and suggest the method to rectify.
Cloud computing technique is also employed in this regard. A simple signal processing technique
helps to interact with buildings. This paper presents the state of art survey about current research and
implementations put into practice.
Concrete filled steel tube having more popularity now-a-days in structural engineering. Concrete
filled steel tube gives good performance in confining effect with steel and concrete and suitable with
design codes. Concrete filled steel tube with cross-sectional shapes like square, rectangular and
circular hollow sections gives good results in structures. This paper presents experimental study on
axial loading, cyclic loading, fire resistance. A comprehensive summary of various analytical and
numerical studies on modelling of CFST members is portrayed in this paper. The design
specifications and standards by CECS, Eurocode-4, ANSI, AISC and LRFD are addressed.
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
Whenever a road embankment or a railway line crosses natural flow of water, it is necessary to
provide a drainage system. Box culvert is a monolithic structure best suited for road embankments of
lower heights, medium soil and are more economical than bridges. Depending on the number of cells,
culvert may be single celled or multi-celled. Box culverts are used for highway culverts, storm drains,
extension of existing box culvert etc. As box culvert is part of the road, loading considered is same as
that for roads. The size and type of box culvert have to be chosen based on site conditions and
hydraulic considerations. Box culvert may be constructed with or without cushion. Bottom slab of the
culvert acts as footing. Aim of this paper is to understand and analyses codal provisions for loads,
structural design considerations such as effective earth pressure, braking force, effective width, impact
factor etc.
Dakshata B1 , C K Sushma2
PG Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bengaluru,
Karnataka; email:
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering,
Bengaluru, Karnataka; email:
For high rise buildings, the R.C.C framing system is not economical because of increased dead load,
hazardous formwork, span restriction, and poor performance in Earthquake conditions. Hybrid
construction is suitable for a high rise structure. Seismic analysis is a tool for the estimation of
structural response in the process of designing. In this paper, an attempt has been made to review the
work in the area of hybrid structures in a high seismic zone and understand the concept of analysis.
Static nonlinear analysis (pushover analysis) and dynamic nonlinear analysis (elastoplastic time-
history analysis) are performed to evaluate the seismic performance of the hybrid structure. The
overall review is been done in terms of understanding base shear, story stiffness, story shear,
displacements, and plastic hinge parameters.
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
Ambati Supraja1
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, BVRIT, Narsapur, Medak. Telangana.
Transmission lines are constructed to evacuate electric power generated in power stations over long
distances across the country to substations for further transmission and distribution to various load
centers. Transmission Line Towers represent approximately 28 to 42 percent of the cost of the
transmission line. The growing demand for electrical energy can be met more economically through
developing exceptional mild weight configurations of transmission line towers. The towers are
required to be designed for single circuit, double circuit and or multi circuit as per the required
technical specifications. The objective of our project is to analyze the transmission tower that can
withstand the wind and cyclonic forces in worst conditions. Our project focuses on the study of the
response and displacement of the tower in static and dynamic analysis with and without cyclonic
effect. Force coefficient method is used for static analysis and Gust factor method is used for dynamic
analysis. The Analysis of the tower is done in STAAD.Pro V8i. The code used for the wind loads is
IS 875 (part-III).
As catastrophic bridge collapse accidents not only cause significant loss of property, but also have a
severe social impact. Therefore, the structural health monitoring of bridges for damage detection and
damage analysis get’s more attention. Masonry arches and Reinforced concrete bridges are the most
common and extended structures present in the worldwide. These structures are often characterized by
Piers, Abutments, deck slabs. This paper deals with a comparative study among the different
vibration-based damage detection methods: fundamental model examination, local diagnostic method,
non probabilistic methodology and the time series method. This paper looks on the work of analysis
and modelling of bridge on software and the specific bridge model is taken of a particular span. It is
subjected to calculate Young’s modulus, Moment of Inertia, Mode shapes in order to obtain
maximum bending moment and shear force. From the analysis it is observed and understand the
behaviour of bridge deck under damage detection and comparing the result. The different codes of
design will be used in this project are IRC 6-2016, IRC 21-2000.
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
Sandesh N S1 , Sudeep Y H2
Student, M. Tech in Structural Engineering, Dayananda Sagar college of Engineering, Bengaluru,
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Dayananda Sagar college of Engineering,
Bengaluru, Karnataka
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
In any steel structural analysis, the performance of steel structures under increased temperature is very
important. The performance is considered on the basis of external environmental conditions like
water, fire, air etc. The strength and performance of steel structure depends on many different
conditions like material degradation at elevated temperature and restraint stiffness of member. In
order to face minimal damage fire resisting studies and implementation is to be performed on the
structure for which structural behaviour studies are very important. Since the experimental study on
actual steel structure is not always feasible as it requires time, money, space and controlled fire, finite
element software like ANSYS is the best alternative. The behaviour of these steel beams are studied
under different temperature conditions, for both healthy/original/undamaged and damaged steel
structures. This study gives an overview of material behaviour and tells us how to design and
construct steel structures.
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
Pre-stressed Concrete (PSC) bridges nowadays have become the most widely used amongst all other
bridges. They are widely adopted for National highways and State highways, especially for long
spans. Different systems used for pre-stressing are Freyssinet system, Magnel Blaton system, Gifford
Udall system & Lee McCall system. This paper aims to understand the concepts involved in the
analysis and design of PSC bridges subjected to different loadings namely IRC Class A, IRC Class
70R wheeled and tracked, 40T Bogi loading etc. The different codes of design will be used in this
paper are IRC 5-2015, IRC 6- 2016, IRC 112-2011, IRC 21-2000, SP 013 and SP105-2015.
Gomasa Ramesh1
Structural Engineering,Vaagdevi College of Engineering, Warangal, India,
Every structure is constructed to serve a particular service, after the service structure is
subjected to repairs. In order to keep the structure in good condition such that it fulfills its desire
purpose, the maintanance and repairs are necessary. The maintanance of structure is done
properly and periodically to prevent the structure from defects and hence prevent any repair
works. Reinfoced concrete is widely used for the construction material for different types of
construction of structures. the major failure of rcc structures is due to distress and
deterioration. Generally the minor defects in structures such as cracks and leakages are
removed with the help of various repair techniques. However, if the defects extend to a
considerable damage, rehabilitation is necessary. To keep the building in such a condition so
that it provides it intended purpose of construction. To improve the strength of the building
and service of a building. The purpose of this paper is economical structure rather than the
reconstruction of the structure and to avoid various types of repairs, cracks, distress and
deterioration in the structure.
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
Suresh Sahu1
Hon. Doctorate in PMC, B.E. (Civil), F.A.C.C.E., M.P.E.A.T.A., M.A.C.I., M.I.S.S.E., M.I.E.,
M.I.I.B.E.,M.I.G.S., M.P.V.A., M.I.I.I.D., M.I.S.N.T.,
The main objective of this work is to overcome the fatigue caused by outdoor surveying of high-rise
buildings, especially in metropolitan cities. The cost of reviewing and monitoring vertical structures is
increasing and remains a very risky process when using current methods such as scaffolding and
anchor wire that are sometimes hundreds of feet high. The use of Drone Based Survey may improve
methodology and techniques for investigation, inspection, analysis or monitoring of high-rise
structural conditions. However, this method may also lead to the planning of anomalies in the high-
rise building model and the organization of life cycle assessment and maintenance. The research
focuses on the capabilities of the drone, from the physical engineering process, including altitude,
proximity to the structure, latitude, longitude, and flight modes, to the image capture process,
including the camera, sensors, axis, axis and payload. This research developed the unmanned aircraft-
based orthoimaging method for building site survey, which can automatically identify defects and
determine building heights more accurately. It will determine the overall data structure, data flow,
related processing techniques and systematic approach. The proposed research work will support the
detection and rectification of high-rise buildings and aid decision-making for maintenance of these
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
A dark spot or a black spot incidents have traditionally been concentrated in road traffic control. It
may have taken place on a number of reasons like a steep drop or corner, so the continuing circulation
is covered up, a hidden cross roads on a quick street, bad or hidden warning signs on a transverse
lane. The location on a road where more accidents happen is referred to as the black spot. The latest
report shows that the maximum number of accidents or black spots occurred mainly on Kadur
Mudigere street (KM road) NH-173 in the chikmagalur district. The main purpose of this study is to
determine the highest number of black spots incidents by obtaining data from government
departments such as police stations. The ASI method is to define the black spot according to its
number and also to identify the seriousness of the accident in that specific area. It has been found that
the most of the accident black spots occurred due to speed of the vehicle, negligence of the driver and
also due to the geometric condition of road. In order to reduce the black spot some remedial measures
like road markings, sign board, humps, traffic signals, width of the pavement and other geometric
improvement should be taken. It shall also discuss that the Geographical Information System
Software (QGIS 3.14) is used for the mapping of the accidents at that particular location.
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
Waste management has become an issue of increasing concern worldwide. These products are
filling landfills and reducing the amount of livable space. Leachate produced from landfills
contaminates the surrounding environment. The conventional incineration process releases toxic
airborne fumes into the atmosphere. Researchers are working continuously to explore sustainable
ways to manage and recycle waste materials. Recycling and reuse are the most efficient methods in
waste management. The pavement industry is one promising sector, as different sorts of waste are
being recycled into asphalt concrete and bitumen. This paper provides an overview of some promising
waste products like high-density polyethylene, marble quarry waste, building demolition waste,
ground tire rubber, cooking oil, palm oil fuel ash, coconut, sisal, cellulose and polyester fiber, starch,
plastic bottles, waste glass, waste brick, waste ceramic, waste fly ash, and cigarette butts, and their use
in asphalt concrete and bitumen. In this paper, the outcomes from some significant research have been
analyzed, and the scope for further investigation is discussed.
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
Dr.R.Sivarethinamohan1 , Dr.S.Sujatha2
Department of Professional studies, CHRIST (Deemed to be University),Bangalore,
Karnaktaka, email:
Department of Civil Engineering, K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology, Trichy,
Due to the repeated alterations in the lifestyle and demands of humans the regular life of the
buildings is decreasing whereas the demolition or renovation of the buildings increases. Building
materials and components ingest nearly 40 percent of world-wide energy annually in their life phases
such as production and procurement of building materials, construction, and demolition. The
development of the construction industry completely relies on the depletable resources. To abate the
consumption of construction materials in current years, the construction industry has established an
environmental track, which wishes to use naturally available materials. Reviving such technology,
further developing this technology green building materials are paramount for constructing green
buildings. Such a green-building constructional model does not require energy contributions
frequently for production. Benefit of reducing the energy used in manufacturing, increases strength &
decreases shrinkage. Green Building material is one which uses less water, optimizes energy
efficiency, preserves natural resources, generates less waste, produces less carbon dioxide emissions
and provides healthier space for occupants as compared to conventional buildings. It includes
environmental, economic, and social benefits as well. This paper aims to provide knowledge about
some of the green building materials that help for sustainable living. These elucidations can obligate a
significant influence in contemporary construction owed to the escalation in the prices of traditional
construction materials.
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
Shashank V B1 and Karthik M2
M. tech Student Dept. of construction technology & management, DSCE, Bengaluru, India.
Assistant Professor, Dept. of construction technology & management, DSCE, Bengaluru,
This article is aimed at mapping out the recent research trends in incorporating waste plastics
as a replacement to natural coarse aggregates and to identify its uses and effects on concrete as Plastic
due to its various uses and advantages is widely being used worldwide without worrying about its
hazardous consequences. Plastic waste is serious threat to the environment and possess a grave
concern as its disposal is a major problem in solid waste management. The present study is a
systematic review of literature which consists of research papers from peer reviewed journals only.
The words used for searching relevant literatures are Waste Plastic generation + Concrete + Plastic
coarse aggregate. This paper discusses about the various literature reviews in which the waste plastic
generation, its incorporation with the concrete and impingement on the various properties of concrete
when partially replacing with waste plastic. The study concludes that the optimum percentage for
replacement by plastic aggregates is 15% -20%. Strength and bonding enhancing techniques may be
used to further increase in the replacement percentage. The plastic aggregates replaced concrete
produces light weight concrete which can be used in non-load bearing structures, back filling etc. This
study shall help the policy makers to consider the utilization of waste plastic as aggregates, the
researchers to concentrate in this field and try to make further improvements.
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
Study aims to evaluate the SWAT model’s performance and capability in simulating the runoff over
the study area. Single site manual calibration method was used to calibrate the model. The
performance of the SWAT model was evaluated using Statistical indicators such as coefficient of
determination (R2 ) and Nash– Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE). Study results show that the model is
performing well with R 2 as 0.82, the NSE as 0.78 for calibration for the period of 1997-2002 and
0.797 and 0.77 respectively for validation for the period of 2003-2005 on monthly time step. A
comparison of monthly average Streamflow, Precipitation and Evapotranspiration has been shown
using swat output results for the calibration period 1997-2002
The current climate change threat by green house gas emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels
has necessitated a search for alternative non-polluting, reliable, renewable and sustainable sources of
energy such as solar energy and it’s derivatives. The present work focuses on power generation by
Plant-Microbial Fuel Cell using Phragmites australis (Reed plant). The plants were grown in fuel-cell,
graphite as anode and carbon felt as cathode, separated by protonexchange-membrane. During
anaerobic microbial metabolism of carbohydrates in the roots, protons and electrons are released, the
electrons are donated to the anode by the microbes. These electrons can be channeled through a circuit
bearing a load to the cathode. In this work, carbon granules as substratum (control), red soil and
carbon granules mixture (30:70) as substratum in varied condition was considered. For control
substratum, the max.voltage measured was 0.327V and power density of 2.06x10-3mW m-2 was
obtained. When red soil mixed with carbon granules in the ratio 30:70, the voltage measured was
0.6V and the power density was found to be 3.78x10-3mW m-2 . When graded red soil (0.0018m)
mixed with carbon granules in the ratio 30:70, the voltage measured was 0.623V and the power
density was found to be 3.98x10-3mW m-2 . The result proves that the plant microbial fuel cell can be
used for generating electricity and is a promising renewable energy technology.
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
The aim of this study was to evaluate the Langelier Saturation index and the Ryznar
stability index for Bommanahalli area ground waters in Bangalore, India. Thirty ground water
samples were collected for both pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons from the area and
subjected to physico-chemical analysis, and the results of the study were used to determine
both indices. Based on Langelier index, 36.67% of the samples were found to be scale
forming, 40% slightly scale forming, 20% were slightly corrosive and 3.33% indicated
serious corrosion, while based on Ryznar stability index, 17% of the samples were found to
little scale or corrosive, 7% indicated significant corrosion and only 2% of the sample
showed heavy corrosion. It is quite clear that the findings of LSI are fairly comparable with
the RSI values and the samples show the same property more or less with respect to the two
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
The analysis of historical trend in the characteristics of climate variables will unfold the valuable clue
for future. The study aims to assess the trend in the characteristics of climate variables such as
precipitation, maximum and minimum temperature during historical period in the Ghataprabha River
Sub-basin, India. A non-parametric Mann-Kendall (MK) test was used to analyze the historical trends
in the climate variables for the each individual station of the study area to show the spatial variation of
the changes in precipitation, maximum and minimum temperature. The detailed analysis of data over
the study area indicated (1) slightly decreasing trend in annual rainfall series (1951-2016) over the
basin. It is observed that the trend is inconsistent that is some grids have increasing trend, while some
others have a decreasing trend. (2) Consistent increase in the average daily maximum temperature
series (1969- 2005) over the sub-basin. (3) Slightly increasing trend in the average daily minimum
temperature series (1969-2005) over the sub-basin. Further the variations in the annual mean rainfall
and the average daily maximum and minimum temperature during historical period were also shown.
Plastic pollution is the accumulation of plastic objects and particles in the earth’s
environment. It affects the wildlife, their habitat, and humans. It has been rising intensively across the
world in past few years. Plastics engaged in various human health risks has also been discussed here.
The term non-biodegradable describes polymers that do not break down to a natural, environmentally
safe condition by biological processes. Most plastics are nonbiodegradable and are mainly used
because of its reduced cost, versatility and durability. With increasing global consumption and their
natural resistance to degradation, plastic materials and their accumulation in the environment is of
increasing concern. This review aims an outline of the problems associated with plastic pollution, a
description of the properties and effects of plastic in environment, an overview of the plastic
biodegradation and plastic waste management
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
Kiran D A1 and Kavitha H2
Research Associate, Department of Information Science and Engineering (ISE), Siddaganga Institute
of Technology (SIT), Tumakuru, India, Email:
Project Director, Department of Information Science and Engineering (ISE), Siddaganga Institute of
Technology (SIT), Tumakuru, India, Email:
Solid waste management (SWM) is one of the most severe issues in India's major cities due to variety
of factors such as population growth, inadequate technology, lack of maintenance etc. Recycling,
Reuse and Recover plays a very vital role in any waste management process. For sustainable
development of the society, the efficient SWM acts as a key issue. India is one of the most religious
countries in the world because of diverse temples located in the region. A large volume of flower
waste generated daily is improperly disposed of in open places or in many cases they are released to
the water bodies. This may cause foul smell when they degrade as well as they pollute the water body
causing serious problems. As floral waste contains adequate nutrients and other lignocellulosic
materials, it can be utilized for various purposes like compost making, biofuel and bio energy
production, extraction of dyes and essential oils and also to produce valuable eco-friendly products
like incense sticks, soaps etc. In this paper, the different ways in which the floral waste can be used
and handled to obtain valuable outputs and thus conserving the environment are explained.
Asha G1, Achyuth K N2 and Manoj B R3
Asha.G, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Maharaja Institute of
Technology Mysore, India. email:
Achyuth K.N and 3Manoj B.R, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
Maharaja Institute of Technology Mysore, India. email:,
Coffee growing estates use water for various pulping activities and the wastewater generated is
normally discharged to the nearby water bodies. The effluents from the coffee industry are
characterized by high concentrations of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biochemical Oxygen
Demand (BOD), nutrients and suspended matter. As a result it is very essential to treat coffee pulping
wastewater before its disposal. Initial studies were done in anaerobic-aerobic sequencing batch reactor
operated for 126 days. Coffee pulping wastewater was characterized by low pH 3.92, high COD
concentration in the range 8320 mg/L to 10400 mg/L, ammonia nitrogen concentration was ranging
from 50 mg/L to 54 mg/L, nitrate nitrogen concentration ranged from 32 mg/L to 52 mg/L and
phosphorus concentration was in the range 60 mg/L to 94 mg/L, respectively. The performance of the
anaerobic-aerobic Sequencing Batch Reactor (ASBR) was not appreciable when raw coffee pulping
wastewater was fed until day 63 as the results was fluctuating in nature. From day 72 onwards to
improve the performance, the ASBR was fed with diluted coffee pulping wastewater (1:4). After
dilution on day 126, the end anaerobic COD concentration was in the range of 630 mg/L to 1750
mg/L. At the end of the aerobic phase COD concentration was between 232 mg/L to 550 mg/L. The
COD removal during these days observed was 69 % to 83 %. The end anaerobic ammonia nitrogen
concentration was 11 mg/L and at the end aerobic phase ammonia nitrogen concentration was 12
mg/L. The end anaerobic nitrate nitrogen concentration was less than 10 mg/L and at the end aerobic
phase nitrate nitrogen concentration was less than 12 mg/L. The end anaerobic phosphorus
concentration was 19 mg/L and at the end aerobic phase phosphorus concentration was 5 mg/L. The
improvement in the removal efficiency was evident after dilution but still complete removal was not
observed with reference to COD. This is because, performance of ASBR was fluctuating in nature
since the BOD5 to COD ratio was around 0.125 which was very less for biological treatment.
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
Sriram Mustapure1 , Tejashree B. Maddodi2, Dr. Sriram A.V3 ., Dr. Shivanna S4 . and H.P.
M.E.-WRE, Department of Civil Engineering, UVCE, Bengaluru
Professor, Department of Civil engineering, UVCE, Bengaluru
Associate Professors, Department of Civil Engineering, SIR MVIT, Bengaluru Email Id.:
Groundwater is an important natural resource and play an important role in recent years in the
irrigation activities in Chikkaballapur district of Karnataka state. Due to continuous drought situations
bore well water is the main source for their irrigation needs. Groundwater is the most dependant
source of water for the day to day requirement for various needs in the absence of alternate sources of
water supply. Chikkaballapur district lies between North latitude 13˚ 13’ 04” to 13˚ 58’29” and East
Longitude 77˚ 21’ 52” to 78˚ 12’ 31”. It is falling in Survey of India Toposheet No. 57 G/12. There
are no perennial rivers in Chikkaballapur district .The district is drained by three river basins namely
Palar, Ponnaiyar, and Pennar. All these rivers and their tributaries are small and carry water only
during rainy season. Geologically the area is underlined by massive granites and gneisses intruded by
magmatic intrusions of different dimensions. Water quality is directly related to the physical,
chemical, biological and radiological property of water. These properties of water are affected
because of the pollution of water due to various human activities. There are various parameters which
can be assessed for measurement of quality of water but when consideration of all parameters may be
generates complexity towards quality. So, development of Water Quality Index (WQI) is the quite
popular method in water quality assessment. This will explain the whole story of water in single
scoring number and it is calculated using different methods. It is helpful to decide appropriate
treatment technique to meet the concern issue. In this paper, WQI and its development methods are
discussed. The quality of irrigation water depends primarily on the presence of dissolved salts and
their concentrations. Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR), Kelly’s Ratio (KR), Magnesium Absorption
Ratio (MAR), Sodium to Calcium Absorption Ratio (SCAR) and Soluble Sodium percentage.
Moreover, the poor-quality water causes impairment in crop growth as high salt concentration in
irrigation water results in osmotic stress and ion toxicity in plants. This may be due to over
exploitation the groundwater. Fluoride and nitrates have already crossed the permissible limits in most
of the groundwater samples analyzed in the study area.
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
AMPs (Anti-Microbial Proteins) form a part of the immune system. They have the ability to cause
apoptosis in microorganisms without damaging the host cells. AMPs derived from bacterial sources
are potential novel therapeutic agents and have been of great interest to medical, pharmaceutical and
food industry. Hence, these studies suggest AMPs as an alternative to conventional antibiotics.
Pathogens in form of biofilms have been developing an increasing resistance to pharmaceutical
antibiotics and other drugs while also being associated with various pathological conditions in
humans. The rapid increase in drug-resistant infections has presented a serious challenge to
antimicrobial therapies. The solution to the problem is to perform extensive research about the
resistance mechanisms so that new drugs can be developed from various therapeutic agents. In this
study, the objective is isolation and screening of AMPs from different microorganisms that work
against multidrug resistance and biofilm formation and are considered as a human threat.
Mrs. G.Hemalatha1
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology,
Ramapuram Campus
In recent years, water pollution has become one of the most serious environmental problems of
mankind. With rapid development of many industries, wastes containing pollutants are directly or
indirectly being discharged into the environment. Wetland is a technique which helps to treat the
water economically at a core level. With the advanced technology we can get good results for the
wetland technique. While other technologies have proven to be uneconomical this has edge on this
point. Also with the rapid increasing population it is necessary to treat water at the smallest level. A
constructed wetland is an organic wastewater treatment system that improves the effectiveness of the
process, and help to purify water similar to naturally occurring wetlands. The system usually uses
water, aquatic plants, naturally occurring microorganisms and a filter bed (usually of sand, soils
and/or gravel). Constructed wetlands are used for either secondary or tertiary wastewater treatment
After treatment in a constructed wetland, water can be safely released into surface waters or used
various purposes.
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
Jagadeesha Chinagudi1
Former Scientist, Indian Space Research Organisation, Bangalore and Adjunct Professor,
Department of Civil Engineering,Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore email:
The sustaianble development engineering principles, design and implementation are growing
phenomenally in the industry 4.0 regime. In informal markets of natural resources
engineering of land use land cover, water, mining, forests,disaster
managemnt,ecosystems,they are yet to gain momentum.The phenomenal growth of
data,information, communication technology with data centers,cloud computing,sensor
technology,space technology based big geodatabases are paving way for smart
governance.Concurrently the research in curriculum developement for sustaianbility has
taken new peadgogies of understanding-by-design and teaching-learning sequences based
iterative-process modelling. It weaves all stakeholders:teachers-students-researchers-citizens
of society-industries,in life cycle frameworks of natural resources.The normative policy
analysis of environment and econmomy gets a great fillip by adopting these iterative process
based pedagogies.An example of how famine mitigation policies can be made generic under
global changes to arrive at inclusive economic philosophies is discussed. The geospatial
knowledge infrastructure capabilities using Engineering Bases encompassing multi-
disciplinary approaches can become a new normal in professional education under new
education policy of India.
Kiran D A1 , Kavitha H 2
Research Assistant, Department of Information Science and Engineering (ISE), Siddaganga Institute
of Technology (SIT), Tumakuru, India, Email:
Project Director, Department of Information Science and Engineering (ISE), Siddaganga Institute of
Technology (SIT), Tumakuru, India, Email:
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
region. A large volume of flower waste generated daily is improperly disposed of in open
places or in many cases they are released to the water bodies. This may cause foul smell
when they degrade as well as they pollute the water body causing serious problems. As floral
waste contains adequate nutrients and other lignocellulosic materials, it can be utilized for
various purposes like compost making, biofuel and bio energy production, extraction of dyes
and essential oils and also to produce valuable eco-friendly products like incense sticks, soaps
etc. In this paper, the different ways in which the floral waste can be used and handled to
obtain valuable outputs and thus conserving the environment are explained.
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Maharaja Institute of Technology Mysore,
India,Phone : 9538344745,
UG Scholars, Department of civil Engineering, Maharaja Institute of Technology, Mysore, India;
email : ,,
The sequence of pollution has paved up significant impacts on the water bodies especially on lakes
and its ecosystem. The study mainly focused on kukkarahalli lake pollution, where incoming sources
were identified and sampled at both lake site and wastewater inlet were collected and subjected to
water quality analysis. Based on the analysis of Physico-chemical characteristics of the wastewater,
Decentralized Wastewater treatment units were designed and scaled up a prototype working model in
the laboratory. The outcome had an efficient reduction in the nutrient as well as BOD, COD, as well
as turbidity content removal rate pollutant of this type of treatment. Thus, it was observed type of
treatment systems with slight more modifications helps in the rejuvenation option for the treatment
plant in Kukkarahalli Lake and thereby helps in the abatement and control of pollution.
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
International Conference on Sustainability and New Paradigms in Civil Engineering
7 to 11th December 2020
Assitant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Engineering College, Kovilpatti-
628503; Ph: 9486640174; email:
UG Student, Department of Civil Engineering, National Engineering College, Kovilpatti;;
Reinforced soil construction is gaining popularity in the area of ground improvement during the past
decades by using geosynthetics to improve the load carrying capacity of the subgrade material. This
study aims to bring out the improvement in CBR value and load carrying capacity of the weak
subgrade soil by using a modified form of geogrids with anchors. The CBR tests are carried out with a
single layer of reinforcement to determine the optimum depth of reinforcement. Based on the test
result, a newly modified geogrid with anchors is placed at the optimum depth of reinforcement to
study the enhancement of CBR value. From the test results, it is found that the inclusion of anchors in
the geogrid results in the enhancement of CBR values. The total thickness of flexible pavement for the
unreinforced reinforced and anchored reinforced cases are arrived based on the CBR values from IRC
37 – 2001
Jointly Organized by Department of Civil Engineering and Department of Construction Technology &Management, DSCE
KS Layout, Bangalore-78, Karnataka,INDIA
Organizing Committee