Midterm Quiz 104
Midterm Quiz 104
Midterm Quiz 104
Discount Rate
Fair Value of Plan Assets, beginning 4,650,000
Defind Benefit Obligation, beginning 3,590,000
Prepaid Benefit Cost - surplus 1,060,000
Asset Ceiling, beginning 590,000
Effect of Asset Ceiling, Jan. 1 470,000
Discount Rate (7.25% - SQUEEZED) 0.0725
Interest Cost on the effect on asset ceiling 34,075
Fair Value of Plan Assets, beginning asset ceiling 590,000
Debit Adustment - Prepaid Benefit Cost during the year 126,425
Prepaid Benefit Cost - December 31 716,425
Remeasurement Gain on Plan Assets 313,500
Increase in DBO due to change in assumption (154,700)
Remeasurement Gain on Asset Ceiling 219,050
Net Remeasurement Gain - OCI 377,850
Discount Rate
Fair Value of Plan Assets, beginning 4,650,000
Defind Benefit Obligation, beginning 3,590,000
Prepaid Benefit Cost - surplus 1,060,000
Asset Ceiling, beginning 590,000
Effect of Asset Ceiling, Jan. 1 470,000
Discount Rate (7.25% - SQUEEZED) 0.0725
Interest Cost on the effect on asset ceiling 34,075
Fair Value of Plan Assets, beginning 4,650,000
Actual Contributions to plan Assets 580,000
Payment to retired employees (336,900)
Interest Income on FVPA 337,125
Actuarial Gain on Plan Assets 313,500
Settlemet Price (487,700)
Fair Value of Plan Assets, ending 5,056,025