C4ISR Architecture Framework Mapping To The Zackman Enterprise Architecture
C4ISR Architecture Framework Mapping To The Zackman Enterprise Architecture
C4ISR Architecture Framework Mapping To The Zackman Enterprise Architecture
Ayman Nassar
President & Principal Consultant
December 2005
Intercontinental Networks, LLC
“Linking Technology, Business and Intellect”
The reduced Zachman framework presented in Table 1 has 9 cells (these cells are identified by a grid naming convention
for brevity purposes) - A1 through C3 – as illustrated in Table 1.
A brief overview of each of the cells in the reduced framework matrix is provided, it is then followed by an illustration of the
possible CAF products mapping to each of the 9 cells, and finally the most appropriate CAF product along with a brief
rationale for the CAF product selected.
Cell A1 models the usability constraints of the functional arguments of the BRND system, such as the ability to bill the user
per unit of usage. This translates to the business activities and operational capabilities and limitations of the BRND, which
from an enterprise perspective will include workflow or process flow diagrams, activities and the functions of these
activities including input and output to these activities. Given the assumption of the problem where the service is a
commercial, the output will be from the perspective of the end user which could be a municipal authority or city
Cell B1 models the business interfaces and communications between the activities and functions modeled in cell A1. It
also models the operations information exchange between the various functional components modeled in A1.
Cell C1 models the human interface and the roles of the various human resources involved in the operation and usage of
the BRND system, such as the detection team and the staff at the fusion center.
Cell A2 models the design constraints for realizing the BRND functions from the designer’s perspective, which includes
translating operational and business needs to system functions and logical representations.
Cell B2 models the communications between the various system components and the logical interface representations,
including information exchanged, attributes of the information and source and destination information.
Cell C2 models the human interface and the various human resources from the designer’s point of view which translates
into activity modeling and activity dependency on human responses or interaction, as well as relationships among various
human resources involved in the BRND system usage. Examples would include the modeling of the communication
modes, system level communication requirements, logical representations of information transmitted between the
detection team and the fusion center staff and the human-machine interface to receive and send these logical
Cell A3 models the implementation constraints to realize the functions offered by the BRND system from the builder’s
perspective. Examples would be hardware and software limitations of the various system interfaces in the BRND system,
or processing limitations at the fusion center or other detailed technological constraints.
Cell B3 models the details of the communications between the various components and the logical communication
interface representations. Examples are the details of the interfaces handling the exchange of information defined by the
designer in cell B2.
Intercontinental Networks, LLC
“Linking Technology, Business and Intellect”
Cell C3 models the human interface and the various human resources from the builder’s point of view which translates into
modeling of human interface specifics. Examples are the details of the fusion center geo-situational display, or the
detection team geo-situational awareness display used in the field, which could have different capabilities and hence
human interfaces.
Table 2 summarizes some of the possible CAF views than could be mapped to the various cells of our reduced Zachman
matrix. In this table I illustrate why I chose the particular CAF view presented in Table 1. The priority column shows the
relative appropriateness of the CAF view to be mapped to the cell in Table 1 where 1 is most appropriate and 3 least
Table 2 Rationale for selecting the CAF views in each of the 9 cells of Table 1.
Table CAF Product mapped Rationale Priority
1 Cell to Cell in Table 1
A1 Activity Model (OV-5) Provides information on the activities and their relationships, I/O, 2
constraints and mechanisms to perform the business or user tasks. This
can be a good view of the end user’s view of the activities that should
occur to implement the needed capabilities and functions.
Operational Rules Contains information regarding responses and behavior/functionality of 3
Model (OV-6a) the BRND to certain events occurring during the usage of the BRND
Operational State system.
Transition Model (OV-
Operational Graph Contains information about operational nodes, high level functionality, 1
Concept (OV-1) information flow, configuration, connectivity and missions – in our
commercial case - this could be high level description of modes of
usage, scope of usage, service packages and features of each service
package. This is an excellent representation from the end user’s
perspective of the functional aspects and needs of the BRND system
since it does not have too much detail about the activities to be
performed such as OV-5 which makes it more suitable from a
user’s/owner’s perspective.
B1 Operational Node OV-2 is more suitable to represent the communication capabilities 3
Connectivity between the various nodes from a user’s perspective. It is more high-
Description (OV-2) level that OV-3 and it focuses on identifying the operational nodes that
Intercontinental Networks, LLC
“Linking Technology, Business and Intellect”
B2 System SV-2 provides description of the various nodes and their related 1
Communications communication laydowns. This can offer a reasonable model for the
Description (SV-2) designer’s view of the network.
System Information SV-6 contains more detailed information than SV-2. This is due to the 2
Exchange Matrix (SV- fact that it contains SV-2 information and details about information
6) exchange among the various system elements, applications and
hardware. We will map SV-6 to the builder’s perspective.
System Interface SV-1 links together the operational and systems architecture views by 3
Description (SV-1) identifying the interfaces to the nodes and the needlines. It is not detailed
enough from a designer’s view as it doesn’t have enough design
constraint information as SV-2
C2 System Interface Although SV-1 focuses on the interfaces between the identified systems, 3
Description (SV-1) it can contain useful information or can be realized in a representation
that also shows the various groups involved, but the main focus is
interfacing between the system components.
Intercontinental Networks, LLC
“Linking Technology, Business and Intellect”
C3 Activity Model (OV-5) OV-5 is the most appropriate CAF view which contains information to be 1
used by the builder to decide the detailed roles of the detection team and
the fusion center staff during the operation and the specific actions they
will be performing, such as pressing certain buttons, or completing
certain forms. In cell C2 the designer might only specify that the user fill a
form, however the builder will define the form in more detail and will
define how the user fill it out and which tools and resources are used to
fill it out.
CAF Views for the selected CAF products representing the 9 cells in the reduced Zachman
This section illustrates various graphical representations for some of the above CAF views.
Intercontinental Networks, LLC
“Linking Technology, Business and Intellect”
Airborne Platform
Area of Interest
Earth Station
Intercontinental Networks, LLC
“Linking Technology, Business and Intellect”
Detects & Measures Biological & Radiological Receives data from UAP
agents Info Exchange – IE01 Sends data to earth station
Detects & Measures X-rays & Gamma-rays UAP Control info & Sends atmosphere images to ground station
Transmits 1 data message/min commands
Info Exchange – IE02
Unmanned Bio., Radiologic., X & Gamma levels &
Airborne measurement values
GPS Satellite
Platform Weather data (humidity, temp, wind,
(UAP) pressure, etc..)
Location information
Info Exchange – IE02 Measurement times information
Bio., Radiologic., X & Gamma levels & measurement values
Weather data (humidity, temp, wind, pressure, etc..)
Location information IE01:
IE06: Measurement times information UAP Control info &
Field Information Activities: commands Earth
Status reports Receives sensor data from UAP Station
Receives weather data from UAP & Satellite
Combines sensor and weather data Activities:
Detection Synthesizes information Signal Reception
Team Displays results on a map Signal Processing
Provides spatial resolution Control & Manage
Sends geo-situational info to detection team Satellite
Controls UAP (location, configuration, maint..)
Data analysis
Data analysis
Assist the population Wireless
Fusion Telecom
Center Network
Data transmission
Data security
Data transmission
Data security IE02:
Mobility Bio., Radiologic., X & Gamma levels & measurement
IE05: Weather data (humidity, temp, wind, pressure, etc..)
Processed data UAP Location information
Geo-situational awareness data Measurement times information
Intercontinental Networks, LLC
“Linking Technology, Business and Intellect”
Upper Client
Management Management
Fusion Detection Reporting
Center Team Team Reporting & Control
Control (Fusion center, earth station) - not explicitly mentioned in the problem set, but understood from cell A1.
Measure (UAP)
Collect Data (UAP)
Transmit Data (Fixed telecom network, wireless network, satellite and earth station)
Process Data (Fusion center
processed data
Collect Measurements Transmit
Measure (geo-situational)
Data Data data
Process Data
Status Information
Real-time processed data
(geo-situational) data
Status Information
Intercontinental Networks, LLC
“Linking Technology, Business and Intellect”
Internodal Perspective
GPS Satellite
Switching Elements,
communication links
Center Intranodal Perspective for the Fusion Center
Processor Storage
Server Server
Intercontinental Networks, LLC
“Linking Technology, Business and Intellect”
Fusion Center Assist the population
Detection Team
Intercontinental Networks, LLC
“Linking Technology, Business and Intellect”