Robot Arm
Robot Arm
Robot Arm
essential part of the robotic arm which are used to build robot arm
task the robot must interface with in the industry over thirteen
people. program.
d.) Fourth generation:- When shoulder which allows for
control beyond the plc is upward and downward
required, a microcomputer movement of the arm; while the
may control the entire last stepper motor at the wrist
system, including other allows for the picking of objects
programmable machinery in by the magnetic hand.
a robot workcell. 2. MICROPROCESSOR
e.) Fifth generation:- Robot A microprocessor is an entire
controller will involve computer manufactured on a
complete artificail single chip. Micropro-cessor are
intelligence (AI), miniatured usually dedicated devices
sensors, and decision making embedded within an application.
capabilities. For eg: As engine controllers in
automobiles and as exposure and
focus controllers in cameras. In
order to serve these applications,
they have a high concentration of
on-chip facilities such as serial
ports, parallel input/output ports,
timers, counters, interrupt
control, analog-to-digital
converters, random access
In constructing a robot arm, we
memory, read only memory, etc.
generally made use of three
The I/O, memory, and on-chip
stepper motors and gears since
peripherals of a microcontroller
our structure is a three
are selected depending on the
dimensional structure. A typical
specifics of the target application.
prototype that we employed is as
Since microcontrollers are
shown in Fig.1. There is a stepper
powerful digital processors, the
motor at the base, which allows
degree of control and
for circular movement of the
programmability they provide
whole structure; another at the
significantly enhances the capabilities. Real-time operation
effectiveness of the application. refers to the fact that the
Embedded control applications embedded controller must be able
also distinguish the to receive and process the signals
microcontroller from its relative, from its environment as they are
the general purpose received. Multitasking is the
microprocessor. Embedded capability to perform many
systems often require real-time functions in a simultaneous or
operation and multitasking quasi-simultaneous manner.
by the MCU or MPU (or other current and makes the magnetic
digital device). Each pulse drives coil turn into magnet. Then any
of one revolution, called the step picked (by attraction) and then
This is the control panel of the 45° forward. Then the stepper
The MCU 8051 or MPU 8086 of button pressed, causing the whole
the control unit acts as the brain structure to turn from right to
the other devices. When power The magnetic coil resting on the
unit, the MCU started off by immediately the last gear on the
The MCU 8051 or MPU 8086 from left to right (or vice versa)
then sends signal to the stepper and then the 8086 demagnetizes
motor which moves 9° per step. the magnetic coil thereby making
The stepper motor (M3) at the the hand to drop the metallic