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Executive Post Graduate Programme in Management – Batch 14
2-Year MBA for Working Professionals
The benefits of acquiring and building holistic managerial competencies for career
growth is indisputable and undeniable. Understanding management principles, learning
management techniques and tools, and developing management acumen, are
career-defining imperatives for working professionals seeking role elevation and
recognition as thinkers, influencers, decision-makers, leaders, etc.

This works well for all working professionals at different levels of their careers. The
programme forms a diverse group of participants and builds a knowledge-sharing
platform for working professionals in junior management, middle management, and
senior leadership roles. Of course, learning while continuing to work and acquiring an
MBA degree from a management institute with an impeccable pedigree makes the
proposition irresistible.

Programme Overview
The Executive Post Graduate Programme (EPGP) in Management for Working
Professionals is a two-year programme comprising 750 hours of classroom
instruction delivered over an Interactive Learning (IL) platform, and includes
3 weeks of in-campus modules.

With a curriculum design that reflects the best of management theory and practice,
the objective of the programme is to impart management education with a global
outlook. The innovative curriculum and proven pedagogy will enable participants to
leverage the knowledge and skills gained to enhance their performance in the
real world.

The programme will empower working executives and entrepreneurs seeking to

stay invested in the knowledge economy and take their organisations to the
next level.

Prerequisites for Business Management Professionals 04

Upskilling with a Professional Qualification in Management 05

Programme Highlights 06

Learning Outcomes & Pedagogy 08

Programme Content 09

In-Campus Modules & Programme Delivery 10

Eligibility 12

Fee Structure & Payment Schedule 14

Degree 16

Alumni Speak 17

About Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode 19

About TimesTSW & Times Group 20

Prerequisites for Business Management “


Management is, above all, a practice where art, science, and craft meet.
- Henry Mintzberg
Business management comprises all the activities involved in the functioning of an
organisation – planning, implementation, controlling, monitoring, organising,
optimising, delegating, etc. While the role of a business manager may vary across
organisations, your main objective as a business manager is to build and sustain a
successful organisation.

Companies need top-class management professionals like you in diverse roles, more
so in a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) business environment. As
a business manager you need to focus on six key tasks that serve as the bases of every
general manager’s job.

Shaping Six Basics

the work for General operations

Setting Building the

strategy organisation

Allocating Developing
resources managers
Source: Harvard Business Review

Thus, as a business management professional, you must have cross-functional

competencies and be aware of the management skills required across all business
functions like marketing and sales, finance and accounting, operations, human
resources, etc., to be able to orchestrate various business operations efficiently.

Upskilling with a Professional Qualification
in Management
“Despite the pandemic-fuelled uncertainties, 89% of recruiters say they
would continue to hire MBA graduates in 2021, valuing their ‘strategic
thinking, communication skills and versatility’.”

A professional qualification in management provides a holistic understanding of

management functions helping you gain the necessary knowledge required to handle
various business situations. It will benefit you personally and professionally, throwing
open the doors of opportunity for career advancement and lucrative pay packages.

A professional qualification in management helps in

Personal Gains Professional Gains

Advanced Management Skills |

Self-confidence | Credibility |
People Management | Competitive
Curiosity | Communication |
Edge | Various Career Choices |
Discipline | Time Management |
Extensive Business Network |
Creativity | Knowledge Base |
Attractive Pay Packages |
Strategic Thinking |
Entrepreneurial Skills | Global
Contingency Approach
Perspective | Rejuvenated Career

The average salary of a Business Manager in India,

as of January 2021

The average salary of a General Manager in India,

as of January 2021


IIM Kozhikode’s Executive Post Graduate Programme (EPGP) in Management

provides a thorough understanding of all the areas of business with its comprehensive
programme curriculum and a global perspective. Master key management skills and
emerge as a manager capable of shaping the future of business.

Programme Highlights

The most comprehensive and intensive

Executive Post Graduate Programme
in Management for Working Professionals

Two-year, online, flagship executive

education programme of
IIM Kozhikode – 14th Batch to commence

Leads to a Master of Business Administration

(MBA) degree from IIM Kozhikode

Specifically designed for working executives to

access learning from the nearest learning centre
in their location of stay/work through the
Interactive Learning (IL) platform.

# The programme is currently delivered in

Direct-to-Desktop mode due to the pandemic
situation and participants are provided with an
option to attend classes and assessments from
their PC/Laptop till the situation improves

Unique option to choose from two class

timings as per convenience, along with the
provision of taking a temporary break from the
programme for a maximum period of one year
and rejoin to complete the programme

Three in-campus modules of one-week duration.
The first in-campus module is conducted at the
beginning of the first year, second after the
beginning of the second year, and the third is
conducted at the end of the second year

Rigorous selection process: EMAT (Executive

Management Aptitude Test) & Personal Interview

Diverse participant group across functional

areas and industries allowing for rich
peer-learning and networking opportunities

IIM Kozhikode Alumni status giving access

to a network of 6000+ alumni

Global recognition from Association of

MBAs (AMBA), and Business Incubator
and Entrepreneurship Centre support
through IIMK LIVE

Learning Outcomes
Over the course of two years, the programme will equip and empower participants
with transformational knowledge, skills, and capabilities.

Deep understanding Comprehension of A world view of key

of key functions, their economic trends and management issues
purpose, and role regulatory swings and challenges

Use of various analytical tools Actionable knowledge,

and techniques to create strategic thinking, and
business opportunities leadership competencies

The programme’s teaching methodology and approach is designed to leverage
technology and maximise interaction seamlessly and simultaneously across
geographies. The programme follows a tried, tested, and proven pedagogy that is
a blend of lectures, case studies, white papers, lecture-discussions, behavioural and
computer-based simulations, projects, assignments, class presentations, quizzes, etc.

Programme Content
The duration of the EPGP in Management is Two Academic Years, split into Seven
Quarters, and further structured across Three Modules.

1ST YEAR - MODULE 1 - Core Courses

The first year of the programme is divided into 4 Quarters. The first year
contributes towards compulsory core courses covered in 380 hours of
instruction, of which, approximately 30 hours are based on an in-campus
module of one-week duration conducted at the IIM Kozhikode campus, and the
remaining is covered via live lectures over the Interactive
Learning (IL) platform.

2ND YEAR - MODULE 2 - Elective Courses

The second year of the programme is divided into 3 Quarters. The second year
of the curriculum contributes towards elective courses offered by various
academic areas. Participants should choose elective courses accounting for
28 credits in total (all three Quarters put together) from a bouquet of courses
from all subject areas to cover 280 hours of instruction.

2ND YEAR - MODULE 3 – Compulsory Advanced Courses

During the second year, the programme would be covering compulsory

advanced courses such as Leadership and Corporate Accountability,
International Business, Capstone Simulation & Business Plan Project. These
courses are delivered during the second and third in-campus modules. The
successful completion of these modules is essential to be eligible for the award
of the programme degree.

Each course in the programme is structured around the concept of credits.

Each credit represents 10 hours of contact sessions.
The courses are evaluated based on a 13-point letter grading system.

In-Campus Modules
All the in-campus modules are mandatory. The first module is conducted at the
beginning of the first year, the second module is conducted after the beginning of the
second year, and the third module is conducted at the end of the second year.

The three in-campus modules provide all participants a case-based learning

perspective, foundation to analytical thinking, and orient them to the learning
culture of IIM Kozhikode, apart from discussions on contemporary issues in
management practice and trends in the industry and business.

Attending the in-campus modules is a mandatory requirement to complete the


Participants are expected to make their own arrangements for travel and stay during
the in-campus modules. Accommodation within the campus is facilitated, subject to
the availability of rooms during the in-campus modules, on direct payment to the
guest house.

*Conducting the in-campus modules in the campus is subject to adhering to

COVID-19 protocols issued by the Government of India. The Institute reserves the
right to conduct the in-campus modules via the Interactive Learning (IL) platform if
the situation warrants.

Programme Delivery
The Interactive Learning (IL) component forms
the core of the programme. Instructors
facilitate learning via two-way audio/video
synchronous telecommunication mode. The
technology allows instructors to use slide
presentations, video, audio, whiteboards, etc.,
to effectively communicate ideas and interact
with participants.

‘Your Programme, Your Preference’
IIM Kozhikode offers participants an option where working executives from across
India can choose from the two different sessions of delivery available.

Weekend Session Combined Session

Saturday: 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM Thursday: 7:00 PM to 9:45 PM

Sunday: 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM Saturday: 7:00 PM to 9:45 PM

Sunday: 3:00 PM to 8:30 PM

The above schedule is for the first year of the programme. Classes of elective courses
in the second year are conducted on the following days for the respective elective

Elective Area Class Schedule

Marketing Monday: 7:00 PM – 9:45 PM and Sunday: 3:30 PM – 6:15 PM

Strategy Thursday: 7:00 PM – 9:45 PM and Sunday: 12:15 PM – 3:00 PM

Operations Friday: 7:00 PM – 9:45 PM and Sunday: 9:00 AM – 11:45 AM

Finance Wednesday: 7:00 PM – 9:45 PM and Saturday: 7:00 PM – 9:45 PM

Human Resources Wednesday: 7:00 PM – 9:45 PM and Saturday: 3:30 PM – 6:15 PM

Information Systems Tuesday: 7:00 PM – 9:45 PM and Sunday: 3:30 PM – 6:15 PM

Note: Class schedule mentioned is subject to change and IIMK reserves all rights to change
the schedule as per the programme requirement.

There will be various assessments and evaluations for each course, including
end-term examinations (after each quarter), quizzes, assignments, projects, etc.
For each course, the instructor awards Letter Grades to participants based on the
academic performance and evaluation scheme. IIM Kozhikode follows a grading
scheme of 13 levels ranging from A+ to F as given below.

Letter A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F

Grade 4.33 4 3.67 3.33 3 2.67 2.33 2 1.67 1.33 1 0.67 0


(a) A Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent in any discipline with minimum 50%
aggregate or equivalent CGPA. (45% for the women candidates and 40% for
SC/ST/PwD candidates).
(b) Three years of managerial/entrepreneurial/professional experience** after
successful completion of graduation as on the deadline of submitting the application
**Work experience before completion of graduation will not be considered for eligibility. An
experience certificate issued by the current employer dated after the online application
submission date is necessary in the case of candidates who have exactly
3 years of work experience while applying for the programme. In the case of candidates
with more than 3 years of work experience while applying for the programme, the latest
experience certificate along with other experience certificates justifying the 3 years will be

Selection & Admission Procedure

Eligibility of participants to enrol for the programme is ascertained
based on information provided in the application form, verification
of original academic/experience records, aptitude test score
(EMAT), and personal interview.

EMAT (Executive Management Aptitude Test)
EMAT* is designed and evaluated by IIM Kozhikode. This one-hour test constitutes
a total of 40 questions on logical reasoning, numerical data interpretation and
verbal skills.

The test and interview will be conducted online, and the details will be communicated
to the shortlisted candidates after the registration closure date.

(a) EMAT score is considered only as a preliminary screening process
for selection of applicants.

(b) The selection will be based on the interview marks of applicants

satisfying EMAT requirements. Marks of the interview process will
be standardised to offset panel differences.

Admission will be based on a merit list prepared with applicants

fulfilling the above criteria (a) & (b). For more information about the
selection process, please visit the IIMK website.

Fee Structure & Payment Schedule
Application Fee
All candidates applying for the EPGP in Management for Working Professionals are
required to pay a non-refundable application fee of `2,000/- online, using Net
Banking, Credit Card or Debit Card. Payment through any other mode is not
acceptable. The application fee, once paid, is not refundable or adjustable under any
*Applications received without payment of application fee will be rejected.

Programme Fees
The total fee for the programme is `13,00,000/- (Rupees 13 lakhs) payable in
7 instalments as per the following schedule.


Instalment No. Instalment Amount (in `) Due date of payment

First Instalment 2,00,000/- December, 2021

Second Instalment 2,00,000/- February, 2022

Third Instalment 2,00,000/- May, 2022

Fourth Instalment 2,00,000/- August, 2022

Fifth Instalment 2,00,000/- February, 2023

Sixth Instalment 1,50,000/- June, 2023

Seventh Instalment 1,50,000/- October, 2023

Total 13,00,000/-

Additionally, contribution towards Student Welfare Fund (Non-Refundable) of `2,000/- is payable along with the 1st
instalment of the programme fee during the admission. Alumni Fee (Non-Refundable) of `10,000 is to be paid along with
the 5th instalment. During the offer acceptance process, participants are required to remit part payment of the first
instalment of `1,00,000/- by 18th November, 2021, towards offer acceptance & enrolment confirmation. Balance payment
of the first instalment to be remitted by 3rd December, 2021.

Important Dates

Online Application Start Date 04th May, 2021

Last Date to Apply Online 16th August, 2021

Date of EMAT & Interview 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, & 26th September, 2021

Declaration of Selection List 18th October, 2021

Last Date for Offer Acceptance 18th November, 2021

Due Date of First Instalment Payment 03rd December, 2021

Registration Date 13th December, 2021

Dates of 1st In-Campus Module 13th-18th December, 2021

Platform Session Start Date December, 2021


On successful completion of the two-year programme, participants would be
awarded the Master of Business Administration degree by IIM Kozhikode.

Alumni Speak

Ashish Gupta Puranam Prakash

Vice President, Accenture Chief Manager-Maintenance,
Doing my postgraduation from IIM
Kozhikode was a dream experience. The two-year course has given me
I remember visiting the campus for a completely different perspective.
the first time and breathing in deeply Challenges are approached from
of the atmosphere of positivity. The a different dimension and resolved
yen for learning, knowledge, and without fear of failure. Great
gaining perspective, was incredibly improvement in interactions. Became
infectious. Looking forward to the a mentor and guided juniors.
learning sessions and burning the Successfully developed and tested
midnight oil to make good grades; all a new product, thus replacing an
came to fruition on Convocation Day existing imported additive under cost
when the degree was conferred. leadership initiatives. Finally, got
promoted from Chief Manager to

Alumni Speak

Saugata Das Raheel Ahmed

Associate Consultant, TCS Deputy Manager, Biocon

The depth and breadth of the The learning from this course is
world-class course curriculum has immense. I felt like I was back in school
enabled me to stay ahead in my peer as I joined a class of 180 at IIM
group. The concepts and framework Kozhikode. The in-campus modules
taught by IIM Kozhikode faculty have were a truly great experience, while
real-life business applications. It has the campus itself elevated the whole
aided my transition from a experience. It was fun, and those
delivery-centric project management late-night submissions at 11.59 p.m.
role to a business strategy consultant. will always be a cherished memory.
As well as earned me the appreciation I just miss it now. Love IIMK. Branded
of my company’s top management. for Life.

About Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode
Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode has a beautiful campus sprawling over
112.5 acres of land, located on two hillocks at Kunnamangalam in Kozhikode, Kerala.
It showcases its reputation as one of the most spectacular and oxy-rich campuses in
the country, with world-class infrastructure that includes air-conditioned
classrooms, guest-care areas, and LAN/WAN connectivity that enables every IIMK
resident to be exposed to a wholesome experience.

Going down memory lane, IIMK started with a batch of 42 students in 1997 and has
grown tremendously over the years into one of the best and the fastest growing
B-Schools in the country.

IIMK pioneered the Interactive Learning (IL) programme for working executives in
India. Executive Management Education Programme (EMEP), the trail-blazing
interactive learning programme started with 300 class contact hours in 2001-02, is
the most rigorous two-year MBA programme available in the country today with
around 750 class contact hours.

About TimesTSW

The Second Wind (TSW) is an

initiative by Times Professional
Learning for working
professionals who are keen to
hone their skills to add value to
their work for a more rewarding
About Times Group

The Times of India Group began its

TSW's passion for excellence and a
operations in 1838 and is India's
brief that "Executive Education
oldest and largest media house.
Empowers", work hand-in-hand
The Times of India is the world's
with the organisation's aim to
largest-selling English newspaper
impart knowledge to business
with over 5 million copies sold
professionals nationwide.

The Economic Times is the world's

2nd largest English business
newspaper, second only to The
Wall Street Journal, with over
800,000 copies sold daily.

The Times Group is also India's

most diversified media
conglomerate with assets across
Publishing, Radio, TV, Out of Home
(OOH), and Online Media.

Office No. G-02, 1802, Lotus Corporate Park,
Off WEH, Geetanjali Railway Colony, Laxmi Nagar,
Jogeshwari (E), Mumbai, Maharashtra 400063.


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