Composition of Portfolios by Pairs Trading With Volatility Criteria in The Brazilian Market

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ISSN 1808-057X

DOI: 10.1590/1808-057x202110890

Original Article

Composition of portfolios by pairs trading with volatility criteria

in the Brazilian market*,**
Raphael Silveira Guerra Cavalcanti1

Joséte Florencio dos Santos1


Ramon Rodrigues dos Santos1


Anderson Góis M. da Cunha2


Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Departamento de Ciências Administrativas, Recife, PE, Brazil
Centro Universitário UniFBV, Recife, PE, Brazil

Received on 11.22.2019 – Desk acceptance on 11.29.2019 – 5th version approved on 08.27.2020 – Ahead of print on 03.05.2021
Editor-in-Chief: Fábio Frezatti
Associate Editor: Fernanda Finotti Cordeiro

The objective of this study was to understand how the shares’ volatility affects the portfolios’ dynamics formed using the model
of pairs trading in the Brazilian stock market. This article distinguished itself by bringing new evidence about the effects of
volatility in the pairs trading model not covered by previous studies, expanding the sample size analyzed in the Brazilian stock
market. The chosen theme’s relevance is that investors can use pairs trading or long-short models to build their portfolios. The
use of cointegration concepts probabilistically contributes to portfolios’ formation weakly correlated to the market indexes with
superior performance. This article impacts the area by contributing new evidence for better use of the model in the analysis
of investments. From January 2016 to December 2018, the 90 most liquid assets of Bolsa, Brasil, Balcão (B3) were analyzed,
totaling 5,927,400 possible pairs. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller test and subsequent backtesting of the pairs in the proposed
period were used to evaluate the cointegration criteria. Statistical analysis was performed by parametric and non-parametric
tests and Pearson and Spearman correlation analyses. The results found indicated that the formation of portfolios by pairs
trading with dependent assets with the criterion of higher levels of volatility (20 periods) presented a superior performance.
These findings can be justified by a better risk and return ratio for the portfolio, measured by the Sharpe Index of the returns
obtained concerning the portfolio’s volatility, compared to a portfolio formation based on a random selection of the pairs. In
addition, the results also showed a low correlation of returns concerning the market index. Therefore, the application of the
statistical cointegration analysis methodology alone does not guarantee results that are different from the market average.
Keywords: pairs trading, portfolio selection, volatility.

Correspondence Address

Raphael Silveira Guerra Cavalcanti

Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Departamento de Ciências Administrativas
Avenida dos Funcionários, S/N, 1º andar, sala D-1A – CEP 50670-901
Cidade Universitária – Recife – PE – Brazil

*Paper presented at the XXII Seminários em Administração (SemeAd), São Paulo, SP, Brazil, November 2019.
**The authors would like to thank the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), the Coordination for the Improvement of
Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), and the State of Pernambuco Research Foundation (FACEPE) for the financial support in carrying out this research.

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Composition of portfolios by pairs trading with volatility criteria in the Brazilian market


The hypothesis of market efficiency (or efficient For the modeling and the study of the patterns between
markets) is based on the statement that the price of a the assets, econometric techniques applied to time series
share reflects the information available about the issuing are used with statistical analysis tools. These tools validate
company, i.e., that new information in the capital market whether their behavior is stationary and, therefore, that
is quickly incorporated and adjusted to the affecting cash do not propagate any harmful shocks to the modeling
flow and investors’ future expectations (Fama, 1970). of future behavior caused, for example, due to changes
Thousands discuss this issue, but without a consensus in the trading conditions of the asset or a substantial
on the matter (Fama, 1998), since only the possibility of reduction in operating liquidity, especially in the post-
capturing inefficiencies in the pricing of assets would opening moment of positions, breaking the condition of
allow systematic profits to be obtained through some historical stationarity in the period under analysis. Thus,
asset trading method (Pontuschka & Perlin, 2015). One an option is the cointegration model, which analyzes the
of the strategies applied would start from the opening of joint movements of asset prices in the long term, aiming
a long position and, at the same time, a short position, to obtain the residuals’ stationary distribution from its
starting from the search to obtain profits from the regression, seeking financial returns when the residual
convergence of the prices of the traded assets. These returns to the long-term average (Gujarati, 2011).
operations, also known as pairs trading or long-short The model’s main advantage is the analysis’ objectivity
strategies, expect the observed divergence to return to and generality between the pairs of shares studied. This
long-term equilibrium, selling the overvalued asset and analysis can be used for most assets, regardless of other
buying the other undervalued one, ending the transaction economic and financial factors, such as assets analyzed
when the divergence between the assets ceases (Santos from the same sector, whether there are good prospects
& Pessoa, 2017). for the sectors in which the assets are inserted, or, even
The development of the statistical arbitrage model in if the indebtedness level is high. Cointegration does
pairs trading is attributed to Nunzio Tartaglia and his not refer to the joint movements of returns but the
working group composed of mathematicians, physicists, joint movements of asset prices (or exchange rates). If
and programmers at Morgan Stanley bank, who applied spreads are reversed to the average, then asset prices are
this strategy in mid-1987 to allow automated entries linked, in the long run, by a common stochastic trend,
and exits in the market by investors, benefiting from the and, in this case, prices can be considered cointegrated
inefficiencies of that market. Since then, it continues to (Alexander, 2005).
spread among hedge funds and institutional investors in Thus, this work is divided into four more sections,
the view of Vidyamurthy (2004), Figueiredo (2017), and in addition to this introduction. The next topic deals
Yoshikawa (2017). with the theoretical framework, addressing a survey
In this context, this article seeks to answer the on pairs trading by cointegration and studies related
following question: How do asset volatility levels affect to the theme. In the third topic, the methodological
the composition of share portfolios by pairs trading in procedures, followed by the results, final considerations
the Brazilian stock market? and references.


2.1 Cointegration-Based Pairs Trading movements of their values according to the market feeling
and exogenous variables, such as political-economic
Market agents are continually looking for an optimal events (Cutler et al., 1990) or fundamental indicators
structure for minimizing uncertainties and allocating their of companies such as price per share, share profit, asset-
resources, balancing their risk relationships with return market risk, among others, in order to margin their
and, consequently, an expected utility (Copeland et al., volatility (Fortuna, 2008).
2005). Therefore, these agents seek to detect opportunities In this context, the quantitative approach by pairs
using historical series of assets that can reflect the random trading with cointegration aims to explore the logic in

274 R. Cont. Fin. – USP, São Paulo, v. 32, n. 86, p. 273-284, May/Aug. 2021
Raphael Silveira Guerra Cavalcanti, Joséte Florencio dos Santos, Ramon Rodrigues dos Santos & Anderson Góis M. da Cunha

financial markets out of balance, culminating in a trading yields, the latter having expanded its performance as
or investment strategy arising from long-short operations. a predominant approach in time series econometrics,
This strategy deals with the purchase of undervalued mainly based on studies by Murray (1994), Hamilton
assets and, simultaneously, selling overvalued assets; more (1994), and Hendry (1986, 1995).
specifically, of pairs of financial assets with historical series Given its evolution in worldwide research, this study
and similar movements in order to verify short-term combines pairs trading with cointegration in the Brazilian
deviations and the influence on the long-term equilibrium stock market. Thus, this article’s evidence focuses on
of their prices (Pucciarelli, 2014; Yoshikawa, 2017). observing the behavior of assets given the long-short
Granger (1981), Granger and Weiss (1983), Granger strategy signed with assets traded in Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão
and Engle (1985), and Engle and Granger (1987) started (B3), which justifies the econometric model adopted in
applying the concept of cointegrated vectors, proposing terms of estimation and validation.
the connection between error correction models and
cointegrated systems. The concept also considered 2.2 Related Studies
the studies by Johansen (1988) and additions by other
authors, with the properties of the least-squares method It is then possible to identify recent works that explore
in cointegration (Stock, 1987) and aspects of trends of the scientific production on pairs trading by cointegration
variables in time series (Davidson & Hall, 1991; Stock, in the Brazilian market, in different segments, groups, and
1987). periods. It is worth mentioning that there are still gaps in
This last correction of errors allowed us to observe the academic literature that deals with the relationship
that the short-term time series behaves dynamically between asset volatility and the composition of stock
and flexibly; in another perspective, long-term series portfolios based on pairs trading since national studies
obey some restrictions so that the model under analysis analyze the behavior of one of these attributes isolatedly.
reaches a satisfactory regressive balance. According to Statistical arbitrage strategies by pairs trading and their
Murray (1994), the concept is probabilistic, and the generalizations depend on the construction of stationary
regressions that involve changes in the cointegrated spreads with a certain degree of predictability. The work of
variables must present these lag levels and the restrictions Caldeira and Moura (2013) applied cointegration tests to
of their relationships, supporting the work of Engle identify assets to be used in pairs trading strategies with
e Granger (1987). However, Philips (1989) makes daily data on the 50 most liquid assets of Bovespa, between
comparisons to the Engle-Granger model, proposing January 2005 and October 2012. The authors’ idea was to
a new error correction mechanism and signaling that estimate the long-term balance and model the resulting
his analysis dealt with linear cointegration parameters, residues, with the selected pairs of shares were based on
diverging, in some aspects, from the Engle-Granger a profitability indicator to compose a portfolio of pairs.
model that deals with non-linear aspects parameters, The empirical analysis showed that the proposed strategy
and that, based on a single model, may involve bias and obtained excess returns of around 16.38% per year, a
lose the optimization of its applicability. Sharpe index of 1.34, and a low correlation with Ibovespa.
On the other hand, advances in its application bring The authors also applied cointegration with maximum
pairs trading strategies and the cointegration technique. stationarity and minimum variance tracking error for the
This strategy goes back to Lucas’ (1997) effort to pair strategy, noting deviations and adherences concerning
observe the generation of scenarios from the behavior the benchmark, the latter with a higher incidence resulting
of multivariate time series-based models. The author in a low volatility level.
sought to show the correlation of the scenarios with past Pontuschka e Perlin (2015) sought to analyze
results of the analyzed time series, with the notion of the the performance of the pair strategy at different data
correction of its errors and describing its effects on short frequencies in the Brazilian stock market, extending the
and long-term financial decision making. range of frequencies and entering the intraday universe
Another contribution to the cointegrated model is with sampling frequencies in 1, 5, 15, 30, 60 minutes
based on Alexander (1999), who highlights the importance and daily one, between 2008 and 2011. The database
of differentiating results from correlation and cointegrated composition used the 20 assets with the highest number
models. By highlighting that, when managing portfolio of contracts traded in the period, applying the training
risk, the analysis of the correlation of its expected returns and negotiation techniques, comparing the information
is related; when it involves the precept of cointegration, indexes of pairs strategy in the different data frequencies.
it is based on raw data on the price of assets and their The survey results confirmed the primary hypothesis

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Composition of portfolios by pairs trading with volatility criteria in the Brazilian market

that the higher the sampling frequency, the greater the various economic and political crises in Brazil. Unlike
evidence of market inefficiency. the vast literature that seeks more complex models that
Sampaio (2016) focused his research on a simple can act in pairs trading strategies, this study focused
method centered on two main phases: the first is the only on the distance method, without the incidence
choice of pairs over the 12-month horizon; and the second, of transaction costs, in this more recent horizon not
the strategy of investing in pairs in a monthly cycle, with yet studied, becoming necessary, then, understand its
successive repetitions later, until the use in its entirety of behavior in crises. The methodology used was extracted
the study data, collected in Economática® – closing prices from the articles by Gatev et al. (2006), and Rad et al.
and daily volume of all assets traded in Ibovespa (50 stocks (2016), with only one change in closing positions’ criteria.
with a higher volume, excluding the sector classification As a result, the studied strategy did not present statistically
criterion in the analysis) between 2006 (test period) and significant losses in crisis periods.
2015. The results with the returns between the years 2007 Santos and Pessoa (2017) investigated pairs trading
and 2015 showed a total of 108 studied monthly windows, performance using the cointegration tests for shares
of which, of a total of 1,225 pairs, 130 of them showed traded on Bovespa from 2003 to 2014. Different opening,
cointegration, outlining an accumulated net profit of closing, and stop bands were tested. From these results,
46.3% in the analyzed period. The author highlights the three different strategies for performance analysis were
results found concerning the market, noting, however, separated. Strategies 1, 2, and 3 obtained an average net
that the expected returns become uninteresting in the return of 5.24%, 5.1%, 8.29% per year, and an average
face of other factors, such as inflationary movements and annualized Sharpe Index (IS) of 0.33, 0.31, and 0.54,
interest in the period. respectively. Therefore, the portfolio’s performance
Oliveira (2017) sought to verify the distance method’s composed by strategy 1 was superior to the others,
performance of the strategy of pairs trading in the Brazilian confirming the hypothesis of the optimal deviation of
market between 2004 and 2017, identifying whether Vidyamurthy (2004) and reinforcing the importance of
these strategies brought consistent returns, despite the using cointegration in pairs trading strategies.


3.1 Research Sample 2016 and December 2018, according to the cointegration
criteria for each day of the proposed interval, selecting the
This article consists, briefly, in obtaining the closing cointegrated pairs and observing their behavior after the
prices of the initially proposed quantity of the assets day of analysis, as a historical simulation (backtesting),
in the period from January 2015 to December 2018, performing the data acquisition for later demonstration
performing the analysis of the pairs between January of the results of each proposed model variation.

Table 1
Analyzed assets

Source: Prepared by the authors.

276 R. Cont. Fin. – USP, São Paulo, v. 32, n. 86, p. 273-284, May/Aug. 2021
Raphael Silveira Guerra Cavalcanti, Joséte Florencio dos Santos, Ramon Rodrigues dos Santos & Anderson Góis M. da Cunha

The daily historical quotations of the assets’ closing β0

prices will be used, obtained through files made available B = ( X ′X ) ( X ′Y ) = β1
on the B3 website, with adjustments for the earnings, β2
groupings, and developments in the past. All calculations
were performed with Python language algorithms for data The number of pairs will be given by the simple
collection and treatment, the study of statistical criteria, arrangement of the number of assets, considering that,
and evaluation of entry and exit of positions, for each pair due to the coefficients changing when the order of tssets
of assets evaluated and storage of regression parameters, is changed, they will be considered distinct operations.
cointegration tests, volatilities, and operational results For example, the ITUB4 (Itaú Unibanco S/A) and
of portfolios in Microsoft Excel with the help of SPSS VALE3 (Vale S/A) pair will have different coefficients
Statistics to carry out the final statistical tests. from VALE3 and ITUB4. Therefore, for the 90 assets,
The choice of assets will be defined based on the 8,010 pairs were analyzed. Once the pairs are identified,
average daily liquidity presented at the end of the interval, and their performance is calculated, parametric or non-
proposing the choice of the 90 most liquid assets, which parametric statistics will evaluate them to identify the
have sufficient historical data for the proposed assessment. possible relationships between their returns and the
Daily liquidity is essential for a pairs trading strategy, as the volatility calculated on the standard deviations of daily
shortage represents a high risk for operations (Pontuschka returns for 20, 60, 120, and 252 periods in an annualized
& Perlin, 2015; Santos & Pessoa, 2017). format, for dependent and independent assets.

3.2 Pair Analysis 3.3 Time Series Modeling and Criteria for
Opening and Closing Positions
The assets will then be evaluated in pairs, without
restrictions related to the same sector’s assets. According to A stationary series has a temporary effect, but it
Equation, all possible pairs will be evaluated with samples gradually disappears without affecting a series over a long
of the previous 252 days’ closing prices, including the day time. However, when this shock is not quickly dissipated,
studied, to estimate multiple linear regression parameters some tests and transformations can be applied to verify
by Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) for time series 1. these components’ presence, such as the presence of
unit roots or stochastic tendencies (Gujarati, 2011).
𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑_𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎� � �� � �� 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖_𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎� � �� 𝑎𝑎 � �� 1
Therefore, the finding of stationarity in time series is
where dep_asset
are the prices of the dependent asset at similar to testing a unit root’s existence. If the series is
time t; ind_assett , the prices of the independent asset at stationary at level, it is integrated with order zero or I
time t; β0 , the linear coefficient between prices; β1 , the (0). If it is necessary to transform the series to park it
hedge coefficient; β2 , the time coefficient; t, the time, and in the first order, the series becomes integrated with
εt , the residual that will be analyzed from the regression. order one or I (1).
The composition of the equations for each daily Thus, the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) (Dickey
closing price for the period of 252 trading sessions forms & Fuller, 1979), Phillips-Perron (Phillips & Perron,
matrices of the values of Y, X, β and from εit residuals, 1988), and KPSS (Kwiatkowski et al., 1992) statistical
according to Equation 2. tests were applied in this research, conventionally
indicated to check stationarity in time series, highlighted
𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑_𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎� 1 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖_𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎� 1 𝜀𝜀�
𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑_𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎� 1 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖_𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎� 2
𝛽𝛽� 𝜀𝜀� during this analysis. The ADF test’s null hypothesis
� ��� � � �𝛽𝛽� � � � … � (2)
… … … …
�𝛽𝛽� 2 is that the time series has a unit root, therefore, not
�� ���������� 1 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖_𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎��� 252
�� ����������������� 𝜀𝜀���
𝛽𝛽 stationary. Thus, at a level of 5% of significance, the
p-value must reject the null hypothesis of the ADF test,
After the next matrix multiplication, we can estimate accepting the alternative hypothesis of stationarity of
the values of the β matrix that result in the coefficients, the analyzed series.
β0 , β1, and β2, using them to estimate the residuals and The Phillips-Perron test is also used to verify the
perform the stationarity tests, where ∑ε i2 , presented in existence of a unit root in time series. The PP test is
Equation 3: i =1
similar to the ADF test, but this test deals with the

R. Cont. Fin. – USP, São Paulo, v. 32, n. 86, p. 273-284, May/Aug. 2021 277
Composition of portfolios by pairs trading with volatility criteria in the Brazilian market

serial correlation in the error terms without adding the equals the proportion of the standard deviation defined
lagged difference terms (Gujarati, 2011). The test’s null for the exit.
hypothesis is that the series has a unit root, therefore, not
stationary, as in the ADF test. Finally, the third proposed 3.4 Formation of Portfolios and Evaluation of
test, the KPSS, is an alternative to the ADF and PP tests Results
since its null hypothesis is stationarity. Therefore, there
is no unit root in the time series. Then, the statistical relationship between the returns
Then, as a criterion for carrying out the operations, of the pairs and the volatility level will be evaluated,
the value of the observed residual on the studied day proposing the formation of portfolios with a criterion
will be checked whether it exceeds the value calculated of choice based on volatility, evaluated, and adjusted daily.
as a deviation band (σ) to ±2σ (more or less twice the The maximum exposure restriction on a single asset of
standard deviation), added and subtracted from the the pair is proposed, limited to a maximum of 80% of the
average residuals. If the residue exceeds the upper or two assets’ total financial value, and cannot exceed this
lower limit of the standard deviations studied, this will proportion, avoiding too much concentration on a single
be considered an entry signal in the pair operation. If asset of the pair maintaining hedge balance.
the upper limit of the average band is exceeded, the Other restrictions can be assessed, aiming at greater
dependent asset (Y) will be sold and, consequently, diversification of the portfolio, and exposure to a single
the independent asset (X) will be purchased, in the asset may be limited as a proportion to the total portfolio.
proportion indicated by the parameter of the linear Its gross result will evaluate the portfolio’s performance,
beta coefficient (β1) of the regression of period 252. It risk, IS, correlation, and Ibovespa performance. The IS, or
is worth noting that pairs with negative values of the return per risk, will be calculated according to Equation 4.
linear coefficient β1 will not be considered. Pairs that
IS =
c − Rf ) 4
show stationarity in at least 2 of the 3 tests indicated σc
above will be considered. where Rc will be the portfolio’s daily return; Rf will be the
The operating margin will be calculated based on daily CDI return for the period, divided by the standard
current market parameters with a factor of 60% for deviation or risk.
the purchased asset’s financial volume and 140% for The results will be organized in tables and diagrams,
the financial volume of the sold asset. All operations noting the behavior of each operation performed individually.
that require margin, or not, will be considered for the Each pair’s gross return will be considered as the sum of
formation of portfolios. Considering that the β1 of the the results of the long and short parts of the position. Also,
regressions will be considered to determine the proportion the period elapsed from the operation, portfolio results,
of purchase and, respective, sale of the pair’s assets, they profitability compared to the market portfolio, risks, and
may be considered pairs in which the financial relationship correlation of returns with those observed in the market
will not necessarily be cash neutral. In proportion to the will be demonstrated. Finally, the criteriat make it possible
residuals’ standard deviation, the exit criteria will initially to obtain superior results, for the proposed period of study,
be 0%σ (or equal to the average of the residuals). The of the model of pairs trading by statistical cointegration in
exit point will be given when, during the days following the Brazilian stock market will be evaluated analytically,
the operation’s entry signal, the residual value exceeds or individually, and in a combined manner.


In total, 5,927,400 pairs were analyzed in backtesting To achieve a better hedge balance of the total number
throughout the proposed period – from January 2016 to of cointegrated signals, the pairs that had a financial
December 2018 – or, still, 8,010 pairs daily during 740 relationship between the assets greater than five times were
trading sessions. The necessary condition of cointegration disregarded for statistical analysis and portfolio formation
was obtained by the ADF test, identifying 126,350 pairs - calculated by the ratio between the gross financial value
cointegrated throughout the analysis. The daily average of the dependent asset position, on the gross financial
of the number of cointegrated pairs was 139 signals, value of the independent asset position for each pair and,
varying to a maximum of 410 and at least one pair over respectively, of the independent on the dependent. Pairs
the period. with a β1 coefficient below 0.05 were also disregarded.

278 R. Cont. Fin. – USP, São Paulo, v. 32, n. 86, p. 273-284, May/Aug. 2021
Raphael Silveira Guerra Cavalcanti, Joséte Florencio dos Santos, Ramon Rodrigues dos Santos & Anderson Góis M. da Cunha

The relationship between the elapsed operational measured with the definition of a stop criterion for the
periods and the observed returns of the 126,350 pairs operational time elapsed since the beginning of each
cointegrated individually was analyzed, measured by operation, defined by the observed value of the third
Spearman’s correlation test with ρ = -0.46, p < 0.001, quartile of the terms initially obtained without stopping
α = 0.01. The pairs’ returns showed a slight significant criteria of 69 days.
negative correlation, i.e., the longer the operational term, A stop criterion was also adopted due to variations
the lower the observed returns. While Pearson’s correlation in the spread of the regression residues, defined in four
shows a slightly higher degree, ρ = -0.375, p < 0.001, standard deviations (4σ) from the mean, in order to
α = 0.01, due to the change in behavior observed in the minimize movements contrary to the operational signal
data, in particular, in the operational terms over 23 trading of the model, which, possibly, due to adverse price shocks,
sessions that remained strongly negative, we consider the changed the relationship statistic observed historically
Spearman coefficient to be more robust for measuring the in the adopted regression period of 252 days before the
observed non-linear relationship, between the individual evaluated day. The percentage returns from operations
returns of the pairs and the operational deadlines. showed a non-normal, leptokurtic distribution with
The performance of pairs in backtesting was also kurtosis > 15.64 (high), according to Table 2.

Table 2
Descriptive statistics of the backtesting of the cointegrated pairs

Gross result (%) Gross result (%) Gross result (%)

(No stop) (With a stop in time) (With a stop in spread)

Mean -0.0112 -0.0073 -0.0026

Median 0.0427 0.0405 0.0360
Standard deviation 0.2183 0.1789 0.1566
Minimum -2.7492 -2.3326 -2.5123
Maximum 1.2043 1.2043 1.2043
Statistics 0.186 0.153 0.112
p-value < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001

KS = Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test.

Source: Prepared by the authors.

Mann-Whitney U non-parametric tests showed operating terms for the dependent assets with volatility
significant differences between the observed returns more significant than the median of the assets on the
from operations with annualized volatility (20 periods) same day (Z = ­5.435, p < 0.001).
of the dependent asset higher than the median daily Thus, verifying whether the returns remain when
volatilities (Z = -18.509, p < 0.001). In the remaining operationalized systematically through the formation
periods suggested for assessing annualized volatilities of long-term portfolios, the performance was evaluated
for 60, 120, and 252 periods, no significant differences between a portfolio randomly composed by any of the
in returns were identified. unrestricted pairs and another portfolio composed of
In the comparison of the elapsed operating terms pairs that presented annualized volatility (20 periods) of
between the pairs of the highest volatility of the dependent the dependent asset, higher than the median volatility of
asset, with a significantly more significant difference of the the other pairs for the day of the operation.

Table 3
Portfolio performance
Accumulated returns Standard deviation Sharpe index
Portfolio with volatility > Medians 85.20% 0.0430 0.50
Random portfolio 0.66% 0.0424 0.19
Ibovespa 108.56% 0.0144 0.78
CDI 33.26%

R. Cont. Fin. – USP, São Paulo, v. 32, n. 86, p. 273-284, May/Aug. 2021 279
Composition of portfolios by pairs trading with volatility criteria in the Brazilian market

The proposed portfolio with a volatility criterion random portfolio. However, the average returns observed
higher than the daily medians presented, at the end of between the portfolios did not show statistically significant
the period, a performance superior to that of the random differences (Mann-Whitney U: Z = -0.522, p > 0.60 and
portfolio of the asset pairs, obtaining a Sharpe Index of Kolmogorov-Smirnov: Z = 0.764, p > 0.60). Figure 1
0.50 against 0.19 of the random portfolio. Also, with a shows the performance of the proposed portfolios and
greater number of transactions, 154, against 107 in the the Ibovespa.





CDI Vol Portfolio > Median Random Portfolio Ibovespa

Figure 1 Portfolio Performance vs. Ibovespa and CDI
Source: Prepared by the authors.

The proposed portfolios showed lower results than the returns for 100 days, which is characteristic of pairs
Ibovespa in the period studied. However, the portfolios trading operations, as shown in Figure 2.
showed a low Pearson correlation with the Ibovespa





Vol Port. Correlation > Median vs Ibovespa
Random Port. Correlation vs. Ibovespa

Figure 2 Pearson’s correlation (100 periods) between portfolio return vs. Ibovespa
Source: Prepared by the authors.

During the formation of the portfolio with the highest response to market variations. Figure 3 shows the daily
volatilities, pairs with volatilities higher than the medians medians of dependent assets, measured according to the
of 20 periods were considered, as they presented the fastest volatilities of 20, 60, 120, and 252 periods.

280 R. Cont. Fin. – USP, São Paulo, v. 32, n. 86, p. 273-284, May/Aug. 2021
Raphael Silveira Guerra Cavalcanti, Joséte Florencio dos Santos, Ramon Rodrigues dos Santos & Anderson Góis M. da Cunha





Vol Median (252 per) Vol Median (120 per) Vol Median (60 per) Vol Median (20 per)

Figure 3 Median asset volatility.

Source: Prepared by the authors.

Through the individualized analysis of the cointegrated assertiveness index above 90% of the signs with positive
pairs throughout the proposed period, some pairs returns between each period of operation. In contrast,
showed more frequent signs of cointegration and fit the a total of 1,804 pairs, or 22.52% of the total, showed no
operational criteria than others – in some cases, with an operational sign according to entry criteria in the period.

Table 4
Frequency distribution of cointegrated signals as a function of returns
Percent range of Average operating term Average operating term
Frequency Percent frequency
success of signals* (Positive returns) (Negative returns)
0.00 |— 0.10 1.211 19.51% 2.6 49.5
0.10 |— 0.20 231 3.72% 28.0 51.0
0.20 |— 0.30 334 5.38% 28.9 51.7
0.30 |— 0.40 308 4.96% 29.2 46.7
0.40 |— 0.50 333 5.37% 30.5 47.4
0.50 |— 0.60 539 8.69% 30.2 46.9
0.60 |— 0.70 508 8.19% 28.8 43.5
0.70 |— 0.80 462 7.44% 30.7 48.0
0.80 |— 0.90 511 8.23% 31.2 44.2
0.90 |— 1.00 1.769 28.50% 34.2 7.7
Total 6.206 27.4** 43.7**

*Calculated by the percentage of signals with positive returns concerning the total number of signals cointegrated per
cointegrated pair. **Average operating terms.
Source: Prepared by the authors.

In Table 4, it is possible to observe that, of the total the delay of the pair returning to the long-term average
number of cointegrated pairs, operations with positive of the residuals.
returns had lower average operating terms compared to However, the pairs did not present a statistically
operations that resulted in financial losses. This way of relevant relationship concerning the operational terms
observing corroborates the weakly observed degree of when analyzing in a grouped way. Regarding the volatility
correlation between the pairs’ returns concerning the levels, no other causal factors were identified when crossed
operational deadlines, with decreasing results due to with the operational terms.

R. Cont. Fin. – USP, São Paulo, v. 32, n. 86, p. 273-284, May/Aug. 2021 281
Composition of portfolios by pairs trading with volatility criteria in the Brazilian market

Table 5
Pairs with the highest number of cointegrated signals in the entire analysis period (25 largest)

Number of Signs with Signs with Percentage of Average term Average term
Cointegrated pairs
signs positive returns negative returns success of signs* (Positive signs) (Negative signs)

MULT3 x CYRE3 103 18 85 17.48% 21 80

MULT3 x BRML3 102 51 51 50.00% 33 56
MULT3 x EZTC3 86 44 42 51.16% 41 70
TIMP3 x ALUP11 84 44 40 52.38% 20 39
BBDC4 x BBDC3 83 82 1 98.80% 29 52
MULT3 x BBDC3 82 51 31 62.20% 40 57
BOVA11 x ALUP11 82 64 18 78.05% 36 40
VIVT4 x EZTC3 81 56 25 69.14% 16 54
CVCB3 x VIVT4 80 50 30 62.50% 29 50
BOVA11 x ITUB4 79 68 11 86.08% 37 32
ALUP11 x SBSP3 78 45 33 57.69% 22 24
RAPT4 x ALUP11 78 49 29 62.82% 29 52
PETR4 x PETR3 78 48 30 61.54% 33 75
TIMP3 x BRSR6 78 35 43 44.87% 20 76
BBDC4 x BOVA11 76 65 11 85.53% 27 32
B3SA3 x RAPT4 75 57 18 76.00% 13 28
EZTC3 x CYRE3 75 71 4 94.67% 29 24
MULT3 x ALUP11 74 35 39 47.30% 47 35
TIMP3 x ITSA4 74 59 15 79.73% 19 143
ITSA4 x BBAS3 73 59 14 80.82% 43 38
EQTL3 x EZTC3 72 36 36 50.00% 26 27
ECOR3 x ARZZ3 71 39 32 54.93% 24 68
MULT3 x B3SA3 71 42 29 59.15% 32 58
MULT3 x DTEX3 71 35 36 49.30% 28 43

*Calculated by the percentage of signals with positive returns concerning the total number of signals cointegrated per
cointegrated pair.
Source: Prepared by the authors.


This article aimed to evaluate the effects of asset something considered atypical in the Brazilian market.
volatility on the performance of statistical arbitrage Thus, the analysis of the statistical significance of this
operations by pairs trading, proposing the composition relationship corroborated, showing that the greater the
of a portfolio using volatility as a decision criterion. volatility, the shorter the operational terms, and the
It performed wide backtesting of the 5,927,400 pair greater the observed returns. The adoption of stop criteria
combinations over the study period, identifying the based on the operating term and the spread of residuals
cointegration relations of the price series, according to increased the average returns from the sample of pairs
the assumptions of the statistical model of arbitrage by used to form portfolios.
pairs trading with shares. The pair trading arbitrage model provides a variety
The results indicated that the portfolio made up of of strategies to obtain neutral returns concerning market
assets with the highest volatility obtained a result of 85.2% returns, with an objective proposal for the analysis
in the period, or 22.8% annualized, thus surpassing the of decision criteria for choosing assets and forming
portfolio made up of random pairs without defining portfolios, which can be replicated at any time. We found
criteria for volatility. However, it did not exceed the results highlighting the low correlation characteristic of
Ibovespa’s accumulated return of 108.56% in this period,

282 R. Cont. Fin. – USP, São Paulo, v. 32, n. 86, p. 273-284, May/Aug. 2021
Raphael Silveira Guerra Cavalcanti, Joséte Florencio dos Santos, Ramon Rodrigues dos Santos & Anderson Góis M. da Cunha

portfolio returns and the market index for most of the aspects that affect the model’s statistical balance to mitigate
proposed period. the market risks of the strategy, especially those related to
However, we found limitations in the data processing operating deadlines. Regarding the factors that interfere
capacity due to many pairs identified daily and the with the stationarity of the pairs’ statistical relationship,
portfolios’ subsequent possible combinations. The we recommend using, as a criterion, different periods
observed results’ dispersion and consistency and the for analyzing the stationarity of the pairs, in addition to
possibility of replication in other periods aside from the considering a more extended period of analysis and a more
sample were also limitations. significant amount of liquid assets. Studies performing a
The ad hoc arbitrage model’s application without variation of the entry and exit criteria of the operations,
complementary analyses of the long-term equilibrium such as deviation bands due to the paper’s volatility, or
relationships of the assets evaluated does not guarantee even limiting the operational term to shorter horizons,
results that are different from the market average. As a can contribute to the assertiveness of the model and the
suggestion for future work, it is essential to analyze the improvement of the adjusted returns to market risks.


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