Workshop Manual: Engine Management - Systems Rolls-Royce Bentley Motor Cars
Workshop Manual: Engine Management - Systems Rolls-Royce Bentley Motor Cars
Workshop Manual: Engine Management - Systems Rolls-Royce Bentley Motor Cars
ROLLS Workshop Manual
Engine Management .
TSD 4737
., September 1989
Printed and Published by
ftotla•Royc:o Motor Cars Limited
When obtaining information for a particular model
always refer to the appropriate Chapter and/or Section
contents page.
Chapter A
General information
Fuel injection system
Fuel system
Turbocharging system
Ignition system
(For details of the ignition system fitted to 1989
model year turbocharged cars, refer to Chapter B.
Section 84, K·Motronic)
Chapter F
Exhaust emission control system
Fuel evaporative emission control system
Crankcase emission control system
Air intake system
Throttle linkage
Special torque tightening figures
Workshop tools
Running changes
10/88 TS04737
Printed in England
© Aolte-Rovce Motor Cars limited 1988
Chapter A
General information
Contents Sections
Rolls-Royce Bentley
Silver Silver Corniche/ Eight Mulsanne/ Turbo R Continental
Spirit Spur Corniche II Mulsanne S
10/88 TSD4737
Printed in England
(c) Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1988 A1-1
Issue record sheet
The dates quoted below refer to the issue date of individual pages within this chapter.
Page No.
I A1 I A2
1 10/88 10/88
2 10/88
3 10/88 10/88
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6 10/88
10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
15 - - - - - -- - - - -- - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - - - - -- -
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General information
10/88 TSD4737
Printed in England
(c) Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 19B8 A2-1
present in individual components, but also in the wiring absorbent cloth around the joint and carefully slacken
looms, plugs, sockets, and test connections. the pipe nut to release any pressurized fuel from the
Both primary and secondary circuits are sut>Ject to system. Tighten the pipe nut. Always dispose of the
these high voltages. cloth carefully, in accordance with the prevailing Health
Therefore, whenever the system is switched on do and Safety regulations.
not touch any components/circuits contained within the
ignition system. Cleanliness
Always wear thick rubber gloves and use insulated It is extremely important to ensure maximum
tools when working on the system with the ignition cleanliness whenever work is carried out on the system.
switched on. The main points are.
1. Jn order to prevent the ingress of dirt, always clean
the area around a connection before dismantling a joint.
Workshop precautions 2. Having disconnected a joint (either fuel or air)
Electrical always blank off any open connections as soon as
Always ensure that the battery master switch is turned possible.
to the OFF position or the battery is disconnected, 3. Any components that require cleaning should be
before disconnecting or connecting any electrical washed in white spirit and dried, using compressed air.
components. In addition, note the following. 4. If it is necessary to use a cloth when working on the
Never disconnect the battery or switch off the system, ensure that it is lint-free.
battery master switch when the engine is running.
Always ensure correct polarity when making cable General
connections. Before working on the car, always ensure that the
It is recommended that when carrying out tests on parking brake is firmly applied. the gear range selector
the car wiring, a good quality multi-meter is used. level is in the park position, and fuse A6 is removed from
Never use generator type meters. fuse panel F2 on the main fuseboard.
Do not use a test lamp on circuitry that contains A number of the nuts. bolts. and setscrews used in
electronic components, such as the ignition system. the fuel injection system are dimensioned to the metric
Before using test equipment always read the system. it is important therefore, that when new parts
manufacturer's instructions. become necessary the correct replacements are
Do not pierce any electrical leads or looms with test obtained and fitted.
probes, etc.
Do not remove the high tension lead situated
between the ignition coil and distributor when the Terminology
engine is running. It should be noted that not all of the components listed
Ensure that no arcing takes place between are fitted to any one particular model or model year of
electrical connections. car. This section merely explains the abbreviation and
Do not supply more than 16 volts direct current to operation of the specialist components used in the
the ignition system. systems.
Air pump clutched pulley air intake. Closure of the dump valve allows induction
The air injection system is de-activated whenever the manifold pressure (boost) to build-up during increasing
coolant temperature is above 33°C (91 °F) or engine engine load. to values predetermined by the boost
speed exceeds 3000 + 100 rev/min. This is achieved by control system.
dis-engaging the air pump clutch. The dump valve also acts as a relief valve if the
boost pressure exceeds a preset level.
Air switching valve
The air switching valve comprises a vacuum operated
Electro-hydraulic actuator (EHA)
valve with an integral control solenoid.
Mounted on the fuel distributor, the electro-hydraulic
At coolant temperatures below 33 ° C (91 ° Fl the
actuator replaces the warm-up regulator used on K-
solenoid is energized. The resulting vacuum then
Jetronic systems. A positive increase in current (mA)
applied to the diaphragm chamber opens the v.ilve and
supply to the EHA results in a corresponding increase in
allows injected air to pass to the exhaust manifold.
fuel flow and hence fuel mixture strength.
At coolant temperatures above 33°C (91 °F)
On 1989 model year cars fitted with the
the solenoid is de-energized, the vacuum signal is
KE3-Jetronic fuel injection system, it is also possible to
inhibited and the injected air is re-routed to the engine
have a negative increase in the supply to the EHA which
air intake system.
will 'lean off' the mixture.
Warm-up regulator (WURi
Increases the control pressure as the engine warms-up
so that at normal operating temperature, full control
pressure (which is lower than primary system pressure)
is exerted on the end of the control piston.
10/88 TSD 4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1988 A2-5
Vehicle specification
TSD 4737
Australia, Canada. Japan, Workshop
Specification UK and all countries not listed Norway and Sweden Austria and Switzerland Middle East and Taiwan and USA Manual
Aspirated Turbocharged
Aspirated Turbocharged
Aspirated ITurbocharged
Aspirated Turbocharged
Aspirated ITurbocharged
L410 I 87188/89 - 87/88/89 - 87'88189 - 87 1 88189 - 87188/89 - Chapter E
L410 IT - 87/88 - 87/88 - 87 - 87/88 - - TS04700
L410 ITI - 89 - 89 - [ 89 - 89 - 89
Fuel injection system
Bosch K-Jetronic 87/88/89 - 87/88/89 - 87'88189 - 87/88/89 - 87/88/89 -
Bosch KE2-Jetronic - 87188 - 87188 - 87 - 87188 - - Chapter B
Bosch KE3-Jetronic !electronically controlled by TS04737
K-Motronic engine management system) - 89 - 89 - 89 - 89 - 89
Fuel system
Recirculatory with in-tank and main pumps
With fuel cooler
87188 87/88 87/88 87/88 87188 87 87!88 87188 87/88 - Chapter C
89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 TS04737
Turbocharging system
Boost pressure control system regulating exhaust Chapter D
gas by-passing turbocharger via a wastegate - 87/88/89 - 87!88'89 - 87 and 89 - 87188/89 - 89 TSD4737
Ignition control system
Constant energy type. Lucas 35 DM 8 distributor Chapter E
conventional vacuum and centrifugal advance 87/88/89 - 87!88/89 - 87 88'89 - '87/88/89 - 87/88/89 - TSD 4737
t Japan has excessive exhaust temperature warning tt With mods for boost system
Chapter B
Contents Sections
Rolls-Royce Bentley
Silver Silver Corniche/ Eight Mulsanne/ Turbo R Continental
Spirit Spur Corniche II Mulsanne S
Page No.
101 182 I
B3 184 IPage No. I
1 5/88 2/87 10/88 1/89 55 5/89
2 2/87 5/87 5/88 56
3 2/90 2/87 5/87 1/89 57 10/88
4 10/88 10/88 5/88 58 1/89
5 10/88 10/88 5/88 59 1/89
6 2/87 5/87 4/89
7 2/87 5/87 5/88
8 2/87 5/87 10/88
9 2/87 5/87 5/88
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11 2/87 10/87 5/88
12 2/87 10/87 6/88
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23 10/87 11/87 7/88
24 2/90 11/87 7/88
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26 11/87 10/87 7/88
27 10/87 10/87 2/89
28 10/87 10/87 2/89
29 2/90 10/87 5/89
30 10[87 10/87
31 10/87 10/87 2/89
32 10/88 11/87
33 10/88 11 /87 4/89
34 10/87
35 10/87 2/89
36 10/87 7/88
37 10/87 2/89
38 10/88 7/88
39 1/89 7/88
40 10/88 7/88
41 7/88
42 7/88
43 7/88
44 7/88
45 7/88
46 7/88
47 2/89
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49 7/88
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53 1/89
2/90 TSD4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1990 B1-3
Section 82
2187 TSD4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 82-1
Fig. 82-1 Engine compartment details
1 Idle speed control solenoid 6 Secondary throttle spindle
2 Fuel pressure damper 7 Airmeter
3 Fuel pressure control valve 8 Primary throttle spindle
4 Auxiliary air valve 9 Acceleration enrichment switch
5 Fuel distributor 10 Warm-up regulator
Simultaneously a push valve, integral with the system
pressure regulator closes and prevents leakage
through the control circuit. This retention of fuel
pressure in the system is important because during
'hot soak' conditions it prevents fuel vaporization and
subsequent poor starting. In addition, the sudden
pressure drop at the fuel injectors (causing them to
close) prevents 'dieseling' (i.e. the tendency of an
engine to continue 'running-on' after the ignition has
been switched off).
2/87 TSD4737
Printed in England
@ Roi Is-Royce Motor Cars Limited 198 7 82-3
e G \t
,, - D
- I
Fig. 82·4 Fuel injection system
Key to fig. 82-4 Fuel injection system
1 Thermostat housing
2 Thermal time switch
3 Aircone
4 Air meter
5 Air sensor plate
6 Differential pressure valve
7 Control piston
8 Fuel distributor
9 Anti-suction valve
10 System pressure regulator
11 Warm-up regulator
12 Fuel damper
13 Pressure co ntro I v a Ive
14 Electronic control unit (ECU)
15 Oxygen sensor
16 Exhaust system
17 Fuel pre-pump
18 Fuel pump
19 Fuel pressure damper
20 Fuel filter
21 Fuel cooler
22 Fuel accumulator
23 Fuel tank
24 Throttle body
25 Idle speed adjusting screw Fig. 82·5 System pressure regulator
26 Cold start injector 1 Fuel return to tank
27 Injector 2 System pressure line
28 Auxiliary air valve 3 Fuel return from warm-up regulator
29 Idle speed control solenoid 4 Push valve
A Upper chamber pressure 5 Regulator valve sealing face
B Lower chamber pressure
C Control pressure
D Primary circuit pressure 4
1 2 3
E Injection pressure
F Unpressurized return line
G Pre-pump to main pump supply pressure
10/88 TS04737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1988 82-5
pressure differential is produced by the helical spring
built into the upper chamber. Under these conditions
equilibrium of forces exists at the diaphragm.
If additional fuel flows through the metering slit
into the upper chamber, the pressure rises
temporarily. This increase in pressure will force the
diaphragm downwards until a differential pressure of
0, 1 bar ( 1.5 lbf/in 2 ) again prevails at the metering slit.
At higher rates of fuel flow, the diaphragm opens
a larger annular cross section, so that the pressure
differential remains constant. If the rate of fuel flow
decreases, the diaphragm reduces the amount of fuel
flowing into the injector line.
The total travel of the diaphragm is only a few
hundredths of a millimetre.
Note The fuel pressure in the lower system and
A therefore, the pressure differential between the
two halves of the chamber is affected slightly
by the operation of the lambda control system.
4 3 U268
Description of the components
Injector (see fig. 82-8)
Fig. B2-8 Injector An injector is fitted into the induction system just
1 Nozzle behind each inlet valve. The injector opens
2 Insulating sleeve automatically when the fuel pressure in the injection
3 Fuel supply connection lines reaches 3,6 bar (52.2 lbf/in2 ). It has no metering
4 Filter functions, its purpose being to continually spray finely
atomized fuel under all running conditions. The
injector is supported in a specially shaped moulded 1 2 3
rubber sleeve. it is pressed (not screwed) into
position. The hexagonal section is provided to hold
the injector while the fuel line is attached. A retention
plate is fitted over the injector and secured to the
cylinder head by two small setscrews, each plate
retains two injectors.
In addition to the basic function of the electronic
control unit to evaluate the signal from the oxygen
sensor, it also performs the following additional
Until the oxygen sensor attains its operating
temperature, a control function cannot take place.
Therefore, during this warm-up period the electronic
control unit is switched to the 'internal-signal mode'
('open loop control').
When it is necessary for the engine to operate
under full load conditions it is also desirable to switch
from the 'external-signal mode' or 'closed loop
control'. This is achieved by a throttle position switch.
situated on the side of the throttle housing activating
a micro-switch and thereby. switching the electronic
control unit into the 'internal-signal mode'. Fig . 82-13 Electronic control unit
Simultaneously, the electronic control unit 1 Knee roll sensor (Auto ACU)
modifies the signal to the pressure control valve to 2 Electronic control unit
provide the additional enrichment required for 3 Test lead (black/slate)
satisfactory engine operation at full throttle.
1 2 3 4 5
Oxygen sensor (see fig. 82-141
Fitted to cars with a lambda control system.
The oxygen sensor measures the oxygen content
in the exhaust gas and by means of an electrical signal
transmits the information to the electronic control
The assembly consists of a sintered iirconii,m
dioxide ceramic, impregnated with certain metal
oxides. The surfaces of the tube are coated with a thin
layer of platinum. In addition. a porous ceramic layer
is applied to the outer side which is exposed to the
exhaust gas. The surface of the hollow inner side of
the ceramic tube is in contact with the ambient air.
When in position. the ceramic sensor tube is
subjected to the exhaust gas on the outside, whilst
ambient air is allowed to pass inside the sensing tube.
If the oxygen concentration inside the sensor differs
from the outside, a voltage is generated between the Fig. 82-14 Oxygen sensor
two boundary surfaces due to the characteristics of 1 Two spring contacts for heater
the material used. This voltage is a measure of the 2 Ceramic insulator
difference in the oxygen concentration inside and 3 Heater
outside the sensor. 4 Ceramic sensor body
The ceramic sensor tube exhibits a steep change 5 Protective tube
in signal output (approximately 1000 mV) when 6 Air side
stoichiometric conditions are approached (see fig. 7 Exhaust gas side
82-15). 8 Supporting ceramic
The oxygen sensor will only exhibit this steep 9 Protective sleeve
change in signal output when a certain pre- 10 Contact for sensor
rletermined operating temperature is attained.
Therefore. to reduce the oxygen sensor's dependency control valve operation. If the oxygen sensor fails to
upon exhaust gas to maintain it at operating function. this fixed on-off ratio signal is transmitted to
temperature. the sensor is heated electrically, using a the control valve in addition to illuminating a warning
ceramic heating rod fitted inside the zirconium lamp on the facia.
dioxide tube.
When starting the engine, particularly from cold, Anti-suction valve (see fig. 82-4)
satisfactory 'closed loop control' is not possible. When the engine is switched off it is possible for some
·During these conditions the electronic control unit fuel to vapourize and a depression can then occur
supplies a fixed on-off ratio signal ('internal-signal above the control piston when the fuel condenses.
mode') until the oxygen sensor attains its operating The depression would tend to lift the control
temperature, otherwise driveability would be piston and cause an excessively rich mixture when
impaired at this time without the regulating effect of the engine is started.
2/87 TS04737
Printed in England
© Rolls·Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 82-9
To prevent this, a valve is fitted inside the fuel
Sensor output voltage distributor between the primary circuit and the return
During all modes of operation, primary circuit
pressure holds the valve closed. However, after the
engine has been switched off the primary circuit
pressure drops and the spring loaded anti-suction
valve opens to allow fuel to flow from the return line
into the primary circuit. This prevents a depression
forming above the control piston.
that the mixture is not over enriched when starting a Cold start injector and thermal time switch .
partially warmed-up engine. Pressure control valve, auxiliary air valve,
and warm-up regulator.
Electronic control unit and oxygen sensor.
Auxiliary air valve (see fig. 82-19)
When the engine is cold the auxiliary air valve
supplies a larger volume of air to the engine than is Engine running sensor and fuel pump inhibit
dictated by the position of the throttle butterfly valve. (see figs. B2-21 and B2-22)
The air passes through a hole in a pivoted blocking The engine running sensor is located adjacent to the
plate situated between the inlet and outlet fuel injection system electronic control unit under the
connections. The movement of the blocking plate is facia.
dependent upon an electrically heated bi-metal strip. The purpose of the engine running sensor is to
When starting a cold engine the blocking plate is inhibit the supply of power to the fuel pump unless
in the open position. However, as the bi-metal strip the engine is running. There is however, one by-pass
warms-up it progressively relaxes its force on the to the circuit which allows the fuel pump to operate
plate, allowing the return spring to pull the plate to when the engine is being 'cranked' by the starter
the closed position. This reduces the engine speed to motor. A relay within the engine running sensor
the normal idle speed setting. assembly provides the means of switching on or off
the power supply to the fuel pump.
The supply to the fuel pump is along the pink
Thermal time switch (see fig. 82-20)
cable from the fuel injection system fuse to the
The thermal time switch limits the length of time that
'engine running' sensor and then out to the pump via
the cold start injector remains open. During engine
the white/pink cable. The engine running sensor circuit
cranking the heating coil inside the switch causes the
is fed via the ignition fuse and the white cable. It is
bi-metal contact to open which in turn, switches off
earthed through the black cable. When the engine is
the cold start injector.
being cranked, a 12volt feed on the brown/black cable
The switch is mounted in the thermostat housing
and inhibits operation of the cold start injector above causes the relay in the sensor to be 'pulled in' and
thus the fuel pump is switched on. Once the engine is
a predetermined coolant temperature.
running the ignition pulses from the coil primary are
fed to the engine running sensor through the white/
Electrical circuit and System warning device black wire and the pump relay remains energized.
Electrical circuit (see figs. B2-21 and B2-22) If the engine speed falls below 150 rev/min the
The electrical components associated with the fuel time between the ignition pulses is too long to hold
injection system comprise the following main circuits. the relay in the energized state and therefore, the
Engine running sensor and fuel pump inhibit. power to the fuel pump is switched ott.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Diagram A Diagram B
2/87 TS04737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 82-11
Cold start injector and thermal time switch
(see figs. 82-21 and 82-22)
When the engine is being 'cranked' (i.e. the key in the
switch box is held in the START position) power will
be supplied via the white/red cable from the starter
relay to the thermal time switch, situated in the
thermostat housing and the cold start injector. The
injector will therefore, operate whenever the engine
is being 'cranked', unless the earth is interrupted by
the thermal time switch due to either the temperature
of engine coolant or the length of operating time.
flowing to the injectors. and weakens the mixture. The idle mixture is controlled by an adjusting
The bi-metal of the auxiliary air valve screw which acts directly onto the air sensor plate
progressively relaxes its force on the blocking plate, lever, altering its position relative to the control
allowing the return spring to pull the plate to its closed piston. Turning the screw will either raise or lower the
position. This reduces the engine idling speed lo its control piston for a given idle speed position of the air
normal setting. sensor plate, this will either richen or weaken the idle
Engine idle speed Note The idle mixture is pre-set at the factory and
When the engine attains normal operating sealed. No further adjustment should be
temperature it will adopt its normal idle speed. This is necessary.
initially set during the manufacture of the vehicle by When the transmission selector is moved from
adjusting screws that act directly on the throttle the neutral position, the additional load of the
mechanism. The screws are then made tamperproof transmission would normally reduce the idle speed.
to prevent further adjustment. This is overcome by the idle speed control solenoid.
After the engine has settled or 'run-in' minor This solenoid allows air to by-pass the throttle plates,
corrections to the idle speed setting can be achieved thereby restoring the idle speed to the optimum
by bleeding air around the throttle butterflies, using setting.
the bleed screw situated on the side of the throttle
body. This bleed screw has a limited range of Engine part load operation
adjustment. As the engine speed and load a,e increased the air
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Fig. B2·21 Theoretical wiring diagram {cars not fitted with a catalytic converter)
1 Fuel injection system fuse 9 Cold start injector
2 Ignition, starter, and fuel pump fuse 10 Fuel pump
3 To alternator 11 Fuel pre-pump
4 Engine running sensor 12 Throttle position switch
5 From starter relay 13 Kick-down solenoid
6 From ignition coil 14 Heaters inhibit relay
7 From starter 15 Warm-up regulator
8 Thermal time switch 16 Auxiliary air valve
.. '"
L -.
Fig. B2·22 Theoretical wiring diagram (cars fitted with a catalytic converter)
Key to fig. 82-22 Theoretical wiring diagram Fuel pressure
(cars fitted with a catalytic converter) The fuel injection system contains fuel that may be
1 Instruments and warning lamps fuse under high pressure approximately 5,2 bar to 5,8 bar
2 Fuel injection system fuse (75.4 lbflin' to 84.1 lbf/in'). Therefore, to reduce the risk
3 Ignition, starter, and fuel pump fuse of possible injury and fire. always ensure that the
4 To alternator system is depressurized by one of the following
5 Engine running sensor methods before commencing any work that will entail
6 From starter relay opening the system.
7 From ignition coil 1. Clean the inlet connection to the fuel filter. Wrap
8 From starter an absorbent cloth around the joint and carefully
9 Thermal time switch slacken the pipe nut to release any pressurized fuel
10 Cold start injector from the system. Tighten the pipe nut.
11 Fuel pump 2. Allow the pressure to fall naturally by switching off
12 Fuel pre-pump the engine and allowing the vehicle to stand for four
13 Pressure control valve hours before opening the system.
14 Heaters inhibit relay
15 Warm-up regulator Health risk
16 Auxiliary air valve Fuel may contain up to 5% of benzene as an anti-knock
17 Oxygen sensor and heater additive. Benzene is extremely injurious to health
18 Kick-down relay (being carcinogenic) therefore. all contact should be
19 Acceleration enrichment temperature switch kept to an absolute minimum, particularly inhalation.
20 Acceleration enrichment switch Fuel has a sufficient high vapour pressure to allow
21 Fuel injection electronic control unit a hazardous build-up of vapour in poorly ventilated
22 Kick-down solenoid areas. Fuel vapour is an irritant to the eyes and lungs, if
23 Throttle position switch high concentrations are inhaled it may cause nausea,
24 Oxygen sensor warning lamp (other than headache, and depression. Liquid fuel is an irritant to
Japan) the eyes and skin and may cause dermatitis following
25 Test connection prolonged or repeated contact.
26 Emission control temperature switch When it becomes necessary to carry out work
27 Exhaust gas recirculation solenoid involving the risk of contact with fuel, particularly for
28 Air diverter valve prolonged periods, it is advisable to wear protective
29 Evaporative loss control solenoid clothing including safety goggles, gloves, and aprons.
Any work should be carried out in a well ventilated
blocking the 'closed loop' system and providing If there is contact with fuel the following
additional enrichment by modifying the fixed signal emergency treatment is advised.
to the pressure control valve.
Ingestion (swallowing)
Do not induce vomiting. Give the patient milk to drink
Workshop safety precautions (if none is available water can be given). The main
General hazard after swallowing fuel is that some of the liquid
Always ensure that the vehicle parking brake is firmly may get into the lungs. Send the patient to hospital
applied, the gear range selector lever is in the park immediately.
position and the gearbox isolator fuse is removed from
the fuseboard. Eyes
A number of the nuts, bolts, and setscrews used in Wash with a good supply of clean water for at least 10
the fuel injection system are dimensioned to the metric minutes.
system, it is important therefore, that when new parts
become necessary the correct replacements are Skin contact
obtained and fitted. Immediately drench the effected parts of the skin with
water. Remove contaminated clothing and then wash
Fire all contaminated skin with soap and water.
Fuel is highly flammable, therefore great care must be
exercised whenever the fuel system is opened (i.e. Inhalation (breathing in vapour)
pipes or unions disturbed) or the fuel is drained. Always Move the patient into the fresh air. Keep the patient
ensure that 'no smoking' signs and foam. dry powder. warm and at rest. If there is loss of consciousness give
or CO, (carbon dioxide) fire extinguishers are placed in artificial respiration. Send the patient to hospital.
the vicinity of the vehicle.
Always ensure that the battery is disconnected Cleanliness
before opening any fuel lines. It is extremely important to ensure maximum
Jf the fuel is to be drained from the tank, ensure cleanliness whenever work is carried out on the system .
that it is siphoned into a suitable covered container. The following points should always be observed.
Refer to
Possible cause procedure
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Vacuum system leaks 1
- - - Metering unit lever sticking
- - 2
- - - - - - - - - - Incorrect position of air flow sensor
- -
plate 3
- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - Incorrect operation of the auxiliary
air valve 4
- - --- - - - - - - - - - - Faulty primary fuel circuit 5
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Incorrect control pressure 6
- - - - - - - - - - - - - Leaks in the fuel system 7
- --- - - - - - - - ·- - - Faulty injectors 8
--- - - - - - - - - - - Unequal fuel delivery from distributor 9
- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - Incorrect idle speed adjustment 10
- - - -- -- -- --- - -- - - Incorrect idle mixture strength 1,
- - --- - - - Throttle plates not opening correctly 12
-- - - - - -- - - - Blocked air filter or ducting 13
- - - - - -- -- -- - - - - - - Faulty cold start system 14
- - - - - -- - - --- - - Faulty engine running sensor 15
- - - - - - --- - -- - - Fuel accumulator diaphragm burst 16
- - Incorrect operation of idle by-pass
solenoid 17
- - - - -- - Pressure control valve damper failure 18
- - - - - - - Faulty acceleration enrichment switch 1 9
1 - - - - - -- - -- Faulty exhaust gas recirculation system.refer to Chapter F
- - - - - - - -- - Faulty· closed loop· system - see appropriate flow chan
Workshop procedures 1 to 1 7 inclusive apply to all cars. A combination of the remainder also apply to cars
produced to an Australian. Japanese. or North America specification.
( Figure 82·24
10/87 TS04737
Printed in England
® Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 82-17
Before commencing work. run the engine for three minutes, switch off the ignition and allow to cool.
Ensure that
1. The test meter is connected (see illustrations)
2. The starter relay has been removed
3. The electrical feed to the cold start injector has been disconnected
4. The ignition is switched on
Hold the ignition key in the crank position for all the following operations
Can the vibration of the pressure control Check the supply to the electronic control
valve be heard? unit pin 8 and continuity from pin 16 to Faulty wiring loom or contacts
earth. Are these satisfactory?
Check the electrical plug to the control valve. Pressure control valve faulty
One contact is a 12v supply. One contact is
to electronic control unit pin 1 5 (Cheek for
continuity) is th is test satisfactory?
NO . . - - -- --'
Check the test meter connections. Test meter Disconnect the oxygen sensor. Test meter
reads 45% to 55% NO reads 45% to 55% NO
Continued on she3t 2
(. Figure B2•24
10/87 TSD4737
Printed in England
<:> Rolls•Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 82--19
Continued from $h&et 1
Fully depress the accelerator pedal. Test Ensure the throttle position switch is set Reset the throttle position switch
meter reads 60% to 70% correctly
Increase the engine speed to approximately Disconnect the oxygen sensor cable
Connect the oxygen sensor cable 1500 rev/min the CO reading should fall Does the engine idle speed become Pressure control valve has failed mechanically
Is the CO value unchanged? regular and increase?
below the idle speed value
Check the engine idle speed and adjust if Check for exhaust gas leaks at the exhaust Oxy{1en sensor is faulty
necessary manifolds and oxygen sensor
1. To prevent the ingress of dirt. always clean the Before carrying out any tests. ensure that the
area around a connection before dismantling u joint. battery is in a fully charged condition.
2. Having disconnected a joint (either fuel or air) It should be noted that all components of the
always blank off any open connections as soon as system (except the injectors) can be tested on the
possible. vehicle.
3. Any components that require cleaning shou Id be
washed in clean fuel and dried, using compressed air. Procedure 1 Induction system air leaks
4. Jf it is necessary to use a cloth when working on Visually check all vacuum hoses. pipes. and clips for
the system, ensure that it is lint-free. damage or looseness that may allow an air leak into
the induction system.
Fault diagnosis Check the entire induction system for air leaks with
This fault diagnosis section includes. the engine running. Use a suitable length of rubber
Basic system test procedure. hose as a listening aid. The leak will often be heard as a
Electrical and Electronic components fault diagnosis. high pitched hiss or whistle.
Mechanical components fault diagnosis.
It is important that fault finding is carried out in the Procedure 2 Metering control unit lever sticking
sequence given. Electrical and electronic faults can 1. Ensure that the engine temperature is above 20°c
exhibit symptoms similar to mechanical faults. (68°F).
Therefore an incorrect diagnosis may be made which 2. Remove the air intake elbow from the inlet to the
could result in both lengthy and costly repairs. control unit.
Often, a mechanical fault has sufficiently well 3. Apply control pressure to the control piston in the
defined symptoms to enable a very rapid diagnosis to fuel distributor for approximately 10 seconds (refer to
be made. page 82-32).
The basic fault finding procedure is as follows, 4. Press the air sensor plate slowly downwards to its
noting thal any faults found in one system should be ml'lximum open position. The resistance to this
rectified before movinu on to the next stage of the movement should I.le uniform over the whole range of
procedure. travel. Allow the air sensor plate to return to its rest
1. Carry out a compression test on the engine position and repeat the operation.
cylinders (to inhibit the operation of the system during If the resistance to the air sensor plate movement
this test, remove the fuel injection fuse). is uniform over the whole range of travel. the metering
2. Check that the ignition system is operating unit is not sticking.
satisfactorily (refer to Chapter E). Note Whenever the airflow sensor plate is depressed
3. Ensure that the vacuum system is free from leaks fuel will be sprayed into the engine. Therefore,
(see fig. 82-23). the sensor plate should only be depressed the
4. Ensurn that the E.G.R. system is free from leaks minimum number of times to carry out this
(refer to Chapter F). operation.
5. Ensure that all auxiliary air hoses and crankcase 5. Should the resistance to air sensor plate movement
breather system hoses are free from leaks. be greater in the rest position, it could be due to the
6. Check that the solenoid valves and their thermal plate being either out of position or bent.
switches are working correctly. 6. If the condition described in Operation 5 is
7. Test the basic K-Jetronic system for correct confirmed, depressurize the fuel system (refer to
operation (see fig. 82-23).
page 82-15). Then, press the plate fully downwards and
8. Test the 'closed loop' system for correct operation allow it to spring back to the rest position. It should
(refer to Fault diagnosis flow chart). return freely and bounce downwards slightly from the
Note Procedures 1. 2. 3. 5. and 7 apply to all cars. In spring loaded stop at least once.
addition. a combination of procedures 4, 6, and 7. Should a resistance be confirmed in Operation 6,
8 also apply to cars produced to an Australian. remove the air sensor plate and repeat the operation, If
Japanese. or North American specification. this alleviates the resistance, the air sensor plate is
fouling the sides of the air funnel and should be
Before commencing any fault diagnosis or work centralized (refer to Procedure 3) or the air funnel may
on the fuel injection system ensure that the workshop be deformed.
safety precautions are fully understood. 8. If there is still a resistance to the movement of the
During manufacture, the components of the fuel lever, it could be due to contamination within the fuel
injection system are precisely adjusted in order to distributor barrel or occasional binding in the lever
comply with the relevant emission control regulations. mechanism.
Therefore, alterations to any of the settings should not 9. Contamination within the fuel distributor can be
normally be necessary. checked by separating the fuel distributor from the
control uni I and withdrawing the control piston for
Diagnosing and correcting faults inspection.
The workshop procedure number refers to the fault Remove the screws situated on top of the fuel
diagnosis chart for the basic K-Jetronic system given in distributor. Lift off the fuel distributor (resistance will
figure 62-23. be felt due to the rubber sealing ring). bend back the
8. If the blocking plate does not close, check the
electrical power supply to the auxiliary air valve. The
minimum vollage at the connector should be 11.5 volts.
9. Finally, using an ohmmeter, check the heating coil
in the auxiliary air valve for an open circuit. Should the
coil prove faulty, fit a new air valve.
891 670
the correct warm control pressure at the corresponding
test site altitude.
/ 1/ / 918 690
, ) / I 6. If the pressure is incorrect, check that there is an
V / /, 944 710 electrical feed to the warm-up regulator. If the electrical
/ 1/ / / / 971 730 feed is correct the warm-up regulator is faulty and
3.5 · should be replaced.
,v I )/ J /, 984 740
V V II , J '/
J I/ I~
., II,
7~ .I
(_ .._
Procedure 7 Checking the fuel system for leaks
1. Fit the pressure tester RH 9612 (Bosch Number
KDEP 1034).
3 Atmospheric
I V I/ V'
J ~ 7 i/ JV .'
/ pressure Ensure that the valve(s) on the pressure tester
valve block is open .
C. / , /
2. Ensure that the engine temperature is between
ec J I/ I/ I/ Ill V
30°C and 50°C (86"F and 122°F).
8 J I I/~ 7
V ., J ,• )
3. Apply control pressure to the system (refer to page
- ~
., I YI l/ /-
- 4. Allow one minute for warm control pressure to be
~ ·1 1/
registered on the gauge of the pressure tester.
I I/ V /) / 5. Switch off the ignition.
r V
·1 I /,
, 6. Note the time taken for the pressure to fall to zero
and compare this time with the data given in figure
J 7. If the pressure drops too quickly, repeat the test
with the control pressure circuit disconnected. To carry
i- t-- ,_ - ,_ ,_ out this test, close the valve on the pressure tester valve
I/ block (adjacent to the warm-up regulator connection
B- on the two valve type) and repeat the test given in
Operations 2 to 6 inclusive.
1o·c 2o·c Jo·c 4o·c Should the pressure loss now be acceptable, there
1so·F1 (68°F) (86°F) (104.FJ is a leak either
Ambient temperature a. Externally from the control circuit pipes and/or
A2153 pipe connections.
b. At the push valve situated within the primary
Fig. B2-27 'Cold' control pressure system pressure regulator. This indicates that the
A Cars with altitude compensation rubber sealing rings are defective and should be
B Cars without altitude compensation changed.
Opening pressure .. 5 II -
3. Bleed the discharge tube by moving the operating :,.,
J. -~
lever several times with the union slackened. Tighten ~ ~
i, -
0. 4.5
the union.
2 y -
4. Check the injector for dirt by operating the lever c0
u 4
-· ,. ~. ,-
;., -
slowly at approximately one stroke per two seconds,
with the valve on the pressure gauge open.
~ ~"· .. J ..- . - -~
l .......-
If the pressure does not rise to between 1,0 bar and
- -
1,5 bar (14.5 lbftin' and 21.75 lbf/in 2 ) the valve of the l l
injector has a bad leak. possibly caused by dirt. Attempt
to flush the valve by operating the lever rapidly several
rnbar1050 1000 950 900
Il 850 800 750
. ·f·
times. If the injector valve does not clear, the injector mm
should be discarded. Hg 788 750 713 675 638 600 563 525
Atmospheric press,ue
5. Check the opening pressure of the injector by
closing the valve of the test equipment and bleeding ----------------~
.. ... ""- .,.+ . 'l
:± approximately 6,7 ml/min.
/ · ·i -I=
+ I
one has the lowest fuel delivery.
/ .... ~
i,,,"' '{:LI I I 11
Tolerance band
8. Press the switch of the outlet with the lowest fuel
delivery. Using the adjusting device. adjust the height
of the air flow sensor plate until the reading on the
~~ 11
,,-' rotameter is 6,7 ml/min.
v ,," · 9. Measure the fuel delivery from each outlet. noting
- ~-. 1, l,,e
1,o"' Stan 1emperatu,e 2o·c (68. FJ
With atlitude compensauon that none of them should exceed 7,7 ml/min.
Atmosphere pressure 944 m bar
I- "' I I I 11 1 1 I I Ii I 111 1 I j I I
10 20 30 40 50 60 Part load conditions
T ,m., in seconds 10. Repeilt Operations 6 to 9 inclusive, moving the air
flow sensor plate downwards. until a fuel delivery of
Bar 3.5
- ..
-i 1,
... nl--
20,8 ml/min is measured (on the large rotameter) from
the fuel outlet with the lowest delivery.
11. Measure the fuel delivery from each outlet, noting
!J -
1~ .. ,
. 1;.i.. "'ti',, lf
Tolerance h~nd
that it should not exceed 22,4 ml/min.
. - Full load conditions
_ I,\ - 12. Repeat Operations 6 to 9 inclusive, moving the air
flow sensor plate further downwards until a fuel
delivery of 94 ml/min is measured from the fuel outlet
,,! 1-- H, .
... ~ -,, ,_ with the lowest delivery.
2 .0 "' I.L. !. I I
13. Measure the fuel delivery from each outlet, noting
~ Stan temperature 2o•c (68. F)
- ::: Without altitude com~;n{~ that it should not exceed 99 ml/min.
If the fuel delivery exceeds the limits quoted. a new
10 20 30 40 so 60
fuel distributor should be fitted.
Time in seconds
Procedure 10 Checking the engine idle speed
Refer to Idle speeu - To set.
Fig. B2-31 Time taken from 'cold' to 'warm' control
pressure Procedure 11 Checking the idle mixture strength
The idle mixture strength should be checked and
adjusted in accordance with the instructions given
under the heading idle mixture strength - To set.
The idle mixture strength should always be
checked if either a new warm-up regulator or fuel
distributor have been fitted .
., 2 H-H--H-H-H'-l-l+-i-+-l-+-Ht-H-l-l4-14-H-+.;..-I-I--H~
ll '"' Procedure 12 Checking the operation of the throttle
1. Depress the accelerator pedal fully and observe
.,E - .
the position of the throttle levers.
~ 2. Ensure that the throttle levers are fully open (i.e.
2. Examine the condition of the element and fit a new
one if necessary.
3. Inspect the filter housing assembly. Particular
attention should be given to the intake 'scoop' that
diverts air from behind the front bumper into the filter /
hose to the connection on the fuel accumulator.
4. Withdraw the hose from the connection.
5. Apply electrical power to operate the fuel pump
(refer to page 82-33) and pressurize the fuel
6. Ensure that no fuel flows from the open connection
on the fuel accumulator during the test.
7. If fuel does flow from the open connection, the
accumulator diaphragm is leaking and a new fuel
accumulator must be fitted.
8. Connect the fuel pipe and remove the clamp.
at this point. the fuel injection system can be checked
a. Cold and warm control pressure.
b. Fuel system leakage (internal and external).
c. Primary system fuel circuit operation and pressure.
TSD 4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 B2-31
4. Fit the automatic couplings on the ends of the test Connect the main brown !feed) cable to a known
equipment, to the special adapters in the fuel 12 volts supply and the green/yellow cable to a good
distributor outlets. earth point. For convenience, it is suggested that the
Note Outlet one from the fuel distributor shou Id cables be fitted to an adapter that will fit into the cigar
always be nearest to the fuel inlet connection. lighter socket.
Figure 82-40 indicates which test line and switch
of the test equipment are connected to which Two volts output cable
engine cylinder. Disconnect the oxygen sensor, three pin cable
5. Route the fuel return pipe across the engine. along connector. This is situated in the rear right-hand corner
the side of the car and into the filler for the fuel tank. of the engine compartment. Fit the test cable to the
6. Disconnect the electrical plug from the warm-up light green cable in the connector plug to the ECU.
regulator and the auxiliary air valve. 3. Withdraw the starter relay.
7. Connect the battery. 4. The test meter is now ready to be used.
Note The condition of the battery is critical for this 5. Use the test meter by turning and holding the
test. Therefore, always check the state of charge ignition key in the switchbox to the START position.
of the battery.
8. Apply electrical power to operate the fuel pump Apply control pressure to the system
and build-up pressure in the system (see page 82-33).
1989 model year (4 door cars)
9. To bleed the test equipment, remove the air intake
1. Raise the bonnet and remove the relays cover.
elbow from the mixture control unit and push the air
2. Locate the right-hand valance to engine 7 -way
flow sensor plate downwards to its fully opened
socket (only connected on turbocharged cars).
position. Press each key on the flowmeter one after the
3. Produce a test cable incorporating a micro-switch.
other, whilst simultaneously operating the three-way
4. Bridge the 3.0 pink cable and the 3.0 white/pink
tap. Continue this operation until there are no bubbles
cable at the socket (see fig. B2-42J.
in the two rotameters.
5. Operate the micro-switch. The fuel pump will run
10. Allow the air flow sensor plate to return to the zero
and pressure will build-up in the system.
position and switch off the ignition. The test equipment
6. Always remove the bridging cable immediately the
is now ready for use.
test is complete.
11. To remove the test equipment, depressurize the
system and reverse the procedure. 1987/88 model years (2 and 4 door cars)
1989 model year (2 door cars)
'Closed loop' system test meter RH 9615 1. Withdraw the starter inhibit relay (see fig. 82-42).
(Bosch Number KDJE-P600) 2. Produce a bridge cable of suitable length.
1. Fit the two test cables into the side of the test 3. Bridge the green cable in the windscreen washer
meter. reservoir motor and the white/pink cable connection on
2. Fit the other ends of the cables to the vehicle as the starter inhibit relay mounting block.
follows (see fig. 82-41 ). 4. Switch on the ignition.
Five pin, three core cable 5. The fuel pump will run and pressure will build-up
Locate the black/slate test cable situated above the side in the system.
scuttle trim pad on the right-hand side of the vehicle. 6. Always remove the bridging cable immediately the
Attach the small test connection to the Lucar connector. test is complete.
Apply electrical power to operate the fuel pump and
build-up pressure in the system
1. Carry out the operations listed under the heading,
Apply control pressure to the system.
Fig. B2-44 Regulating plunger sealing ring 9 uicle housi 119 is i nstal Ied correctly {1101 kinked, etc.).
1 Crimped retaining ring Note Whenever a hose or an electrical plug is
2 Sealing ring disconnected, it is advisable to attach an
3 Regulating plunger identification label to facilitate assembly.
In addition. any open connections should be Warm-up regulator - To remove and fit
blanked as soon as possible, to prevent the (see figs. 82-1 and B2-47J
ingress of dirt. 1. Disconnect the battery and depressurize the fuel
system (refer to page 82-15).
Throttle body - To service 2. Detach the electrical plug(s) from the warm-up
To remove, fit, and overhaul the throttle body refer to regulator and the acceleration enrichment switch {if
Chapter K. fitted).
® I
Always coat the threads of the switch with a 1. Disconnect the battery and de pressurize the fuel
suitable sealant (e.g. Loctite 572). system ( refer to page 62-15).
Do not overtighten the switch. 2. Free the loom rail from the respective side of the
engine. Manoeuvre the rail away to gain access to the
Injector - To remove and fit (see figs. 62-8 ond 62-451 injectors.
The removal and fitting procedure given below is for 3. Unscrew the union connecting the fuel line to the
one injector but the instructions apply equally to all of injector.
the injectors. 4. Unscrew the two setscrews securing the injector
5. Ensure that the engine is at normal operating
6. If the complete tuning procedure is to be carried out.
the following sequence of operations is recommended.
a. Check the ignition timing (refer to Chapter E).
b. "Check the purge flow rate (refer to Chapter G).
c. Check the idle mixture strength.
d. • Check the operation of the E.G.R. system and the
air injection system (refer to Chapter FJ.
e. Check the engine idle speed.
Note The asterisk denotes a system only fitted to
certain cars.
Two methods of tamperproofing the mixture strength
adjusting screw are used.
On cars fitted with a catalytic converter a metal
plug is carefully driven into the access hole for the
mixture strength adjustment screw.
On cars not fitted with a catalytic converter a smal I
screw is inserted into the mixture strength adjustment
access hole. A black plastic plug is then pressed into
the hole.
Section B3
The KE2-Jetronic fuel injection system is fitted to The weight of the air sensor plate and connecting
turbocharged engines. This is necessary due to the lever are balanced by a counterweight on the fuel
added complexity and increased power output of the distributor side of the lever.
engine. The system provides a higher degree of Movement of the control piston and its horizontal
mixture strength control than that provided by the control edge (see fig. 83-8) either increases or
K-Jetronic system. decreases the open area of the eight metering slits
The KE2-Jetronic system is based upon the (one for each engine cylinder) in the fuel distributor.
mechanical and hydraulic functions of the K-Jetronic Differential pressure valves (one for each
system (fitted to naturally aspirated engines) but cylinder) located within the fuel distributor, maintain
incorporates electronic control of the air/fuel mixture. a constant pressure drop across the metering slits.
When the engine is operating the accelerator Since the air flow sensor plate and the control
pedal controls movement of the throttle plates, piston are operated by the same lever, the rate of
regulating the amount of air drawn into the engine. basic fuel discharge is proportional to the deflection
An air flow sensor fitted upstream of the throttle of the air sensor plate within the calibrated cone as
plates, monitors the air flow entering the system. governed by throttle plate opening.
Basic engine fuelling requirements are directly related Idle CO (idle mixture strength) is adjusted at the
to air flow sensor position. Precise fuel flow is engine idle speed setting during manufacture.
distributed to each cylinder by means of a fuel Adjustment is achieved by removing a blanking plug
distributor. and rotating the idle mixture screw. The blanking
The air flow sensor and the fuel distributor are plug is then replaced and no further mixture
combined into one assembly known as the mixture adjustment should be necessary.
control unit (see fig. 83-2). This basic adjustment alters the relationship of
Metered fuel is continuously sprayed from the the air flow sensor plate position to the control piston
injectors, in a finely atomized form, into the inlet port in the barrel of the fuel distributor.
behind each engine inlet valve. The air/fuel mixture is
then drawn into the engine cylinders during inlet Fuel circuits
valve opening periods. Fuel pressures within the KE2-Jetronic fuel circuit are
Engine sensors provide the KE2-Jetronic as follows.
electronic control unit (ECU) with information relevant Primary pressure 5, 7 bar to 5. 9 bar
to coolant temperature, throttle position, manifold (82.65 lbf/in' to 85.55 lbfiin 2 !
pressure, engine speed, and the rate of air sensor Differential pressure
plate movement. valves (lower chambers) 5,2 bar to 5,4 bar
The KE2-Jetronic ECU processes incoming (75.4 lbflin2 to 78.3 lbfiin')
signals from the sensors in order to calculate the Fuel injector pressure 3,8 bar to 4,0 bar
current supply in milliamps (mA) to the electro- (55.1 lbf/in2 to 58.0 lbf/inl)
hydraulic actuator (EHA).
The necessary variations in the air/fuel ratio for Primary fuel circuit
cold start enrichment, boost pressure enrichment, Primary fuel pressure is controlled by the fuel
etc., are achieved by control of the current supply to pressure regulator (see figs. 83-4 and 83-9).
the EHA. Air/fuel ratio is inversely proportional to the· Fuel is supplied to the fuel distributor from the
current supply (i.e. an increase in rnA supplied to the main filter line and enters the centre chamber of the
EHA will reduce the air/fuel ratio (thereby enrichening barrel.
the mixture). Movement of the control piston within the barrel
allows metered fuel to pass through the fuel
Air flow sensing distributor slits. to the upper side of the diaphragm in
The air flow sensor consists of a calibrated air cone in each differential pressure valve (see fig. 83-5).
which moves an air flow sensor plate mounted on a The fuel entering the upper chamber of a
pivoted lever (see fig. B3-4). When the engine is differential pressure valve. deflects the diaphragm
operating the sensor plate is deflected into the air cone; away from the open end of the injector fuel Iine and
the deflection being dependent upon'the volume of air thereby allows fuel to flow to the injector.
passing through the cone (i.e. throttle plate opening). The fuel injectors have an opening pressure of
The air deflects the sensor plate until a state of between 3,8 bar and 4,0 bar (55.1 lbf/in 2 and
hydraulic balance exists. This being due to the force of 58.0 lbf/in2 ) and are designed to spray finely atomized
air p~essure acting across the air sensor plate area and fuel under all operating conditions.
the primary fuel pressure acting over the control piston The primary fuel circuit also feeds fuel to provide
area. the hydraulic force that is applied above the control
10/88 TSD4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1988 83-1
10 9 8 7 6
piston. This provides the balancing force for the air
1 2 3 4 5
load acting on the air sensor plate.
Primary fuel pressure is supplied to !he cold start
injector and to the EHA.
When the engine is stopped, the fuel pressure
regulator allows system pressure to drop rapidly to a
pressure governed by the fuel accumulator. This is
just below fuel injector opening pressure.
The retention of the fuel at this pressure during
'hot soak' conditions prevents fuel vaporization and
subsequent 'hot starting' difficulties.
A sudden drop in fuel pressure when the engine
stops prevents dieseling (the tendency of an engine
to continue 'running-on' after the ignition has been
switched off).
Fuel distribution 10 9 8
Fuel is distributed uniformly to the cylinders via an
accurately machined control piston and barrel
assembly (see figs. 83-4 and 83-8). This assembly Fig. 83·2Mixture control unit
operates by controlling the open cross sectional area 1 Air meter
of the metering slits machined in the barrel. 2 Air intake
The barrel has one rectangular metering slit for 3 Fuel supply to distributor
each cylinder. 4 Fuel return to tank via pressure regulator
Depending upon the position of the piston in the 5 Fuel feed to cold start injector
barrel, the metering slits are opened a corresponding 6 Injector pipe
amount. This allows fuel to flow through the openings 7 Hydraulic system pipes
to the differential pressure valves. 8 Electro-hydraulic actuator
Each metering slit has a differential pressure 9 System pressure regulator
valve. 10 Fuel feed to pressure regulator
If the air flow sensor plate travel is small, the
control piston will only be raised in the barrel a small
amount. This only allows a small section of the
metering slits to be opened for the passage of fuel.
A hydraulic fo'rce is applied on top of the control
piston and acts in opposition to the movement of the
air flow sensor plate, lever, and control piston. A
constant air/fuel pressure drop at the sensor plate is
the result. This ensures that the control piston always
fol lows the movement of the sensor plate lever.
A spring is fitted to assist the hydraulic force. It
prevents the control piston being drawn upwards in
the barrel due to a vacuum effect when the engine is
stopped and the system cools down. If the control
piston was drawn up i.n the barrel it could cause an
excessively rich mixture when the engine is started
11 10 9 8 7 Al999
When the engine is switched off, the control
piston sinks until it rests on the axial sealing ring. This
position is set during manufacture and ensures
Fig. 83-3 Air flow sensor and fuel distributor
complete closure of the metering slits when the piston
(mixture control unit)
is in the rest (zero lift) position. When the piston is
1 Air flow sensor plate
resting on the sealing ring and the engine is switched
2 Fuel line to injector
off, the seal prevents primary system fuel leakage
3 Fuel distributor
past the piston. This would otherwise al low fuel
4 Fuel line to cold start injector
accumulator pressure to be lost too quickly.
5 Control piston
Differential pressure valves 6 Electro-hydraulic actuator (EHA)
There is a differential pressure valve for each engine 7 Fuel return line to pressure regulator
cylinder (see figs. 83-4 and 83-5). 8 Fuel supply line
These valves are a diaphragm type consisting of 9 Counterbalance weight
an upper and lower chamber with the diaphragm 10 Differential pressure valve
separating the two halves (see fig. 83-5). 11 Pivot
5/87 TSD4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 83-3
- D
Fig. 83·4 Fuel injection system
Key to fig. B3·4 Fuel injection system
1 Idle speed control solendid
2 Auxiliary air valve
3 Cold start injector
4 Idle speed adjusting screw
5 Throttle body
6 Air flow sensor plate
7 Differential pressure valve
8 Throttle position switch
9 Air flow sensor potentiometer
10 Control piston
11 Fuel distributor
l2 Electro-hydraulic actuator (EHA)
13 Fuel pressure regulator
14 Electronic control unit (ECU)
15 Air pressure transducer (APT)
16 Thermostat housing
17 Temperature sensor
18 Thermal time switch
19 Fuel pump and pressure damper
20 Fuel pre-pump
21 Fuel accumulator
22 Fuel tank
23 Fuel filter
24 Injector
A Upper chamber pressure
B Lower chamber pressure
C Primary circuit pressure
D Injection pressure
E Unpressurized return line
F Pre-pump pressure
right-hand side. Fuel returning from the fuel
distributor enters the regulator via the connection on
the left-hand side. The fuel return line (to the tank) is
situated at the bottom of the assembly.
The fuel pump generates pressure in the system
which forces the regulator control diaphragm
upwards. The pressure of the counter-spring forces
the valve body to follow the diaphragm until it abuts a
stop. This enables the pressure control function to
The fuel returning from the fuel distributor
(comprising the fuel flowing through the pressure
actuator plus the control piston leakage} can now
flow back through the open valve seat to the fuel tank,
together with any excess fuel supplied.
When the engine is switched off, the fuel pump
stops and the system pressure drops. The plate valve
moves downwards pushing the valve body
downwards against the force of the counter spring
until the seal closes the return to the tank. The
pressure in the system then falls rapidly to just below
the injector valve opening pressure, with the result
that the injectors close.
The system pressure then increases again to a
value determined by the fuel accumulator.
10 9 8 7 6 A2000
Anti-suction spring
When the engine is switched off and starts to cool, it Fig. B3·9 System pressure regulator
is possible for some fuel to vapourize. This can cause 1 Diaphragm
a depression above the control piston as the fuel Control spring
condenses. The result being a tendency for the piston Valve plate
to be drawn upwards in the barrel by the vacuum
4 Valve body
effect. In these conditions an excessively rich mixture 5 Inlet
would be fed to the engine when it is again started.
6 Seal
To prevent this a spring is fitted into the fuel
7 Adjustment screw
distributor above the control piston. The applied force
8 To fuel tank
of the spring on the piston, prevents it being drawn Counterspring
upwards in the barrel.
10 From fuel distributor
5/87 TSD4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 83-7
Auxiliary air valve (see figs. B3· 1 and 83-12) pivoted blocking plate orifice situated between the
To compensate for the richer mixture and increased inlet and outlet connections of the valve. The
friction when the engine is cold, an auxiliary air valve movement of the blocking plate is dependent upon an
is fitted. This valve supplies a larger volume of air to electrically heated bi-metal strip.
the engine than is dictated by the position of the When starting the engine the initial position of
throttle butterfly valves. The air passes through a the blocking plate is determined by ambient
temperature. However, as the bi-metal strip warms-up
it progressively releases its force on the plate,
allowing the return spring to pull the plate to the
closed position. This gradually reduces the engine
speed to the normal idle setting during the warm-up
corresponding signal is transmitted to the EHA, to 1 2 3 4
momentarily richen the air/fuel mixture.
Modes of operation
The basic operation of this system is similar to the
K-Jetronic system. However, the KE2-Jetronic system A2004
has the added refinement of electronic control over
the air/fuel mixture. Fig. B3-14 Coolant temperature sensor
The fuel injection system ECU evaluates the 1 Thermostat housing outlet
signals it receives from the various sensors. From this 2 Resistor
data it calculates the compensation instructions [in 3 Housing
milliamps (mA)J for the EHA. It then conveys this 4 Plug connector
information to the actuator via a 2-way plug.
lncreasi ng the mA compensation to the EHA
increases the exhaust CO concentration (i.e. it reduces
the air/fuel ratio thus enriching the mixture).
The mA correction for the various engine
operating modes are as follows.
Basic compensation
With the engine coolant temperature at S0°C (176"F)
or above, the EHA is supplied with a basic
compensation value of between 5.5 mA and 6.5 mA.
Correct idle mixture strength (CO setting) is
achieved with the mechanical adjustment to the fuel
mixture control unit and the basic mA compensation. A1968
5/87 TSD4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 198 7 83-9
injector stabilization. The afier start mA compensation
value is coolant temperature dependent and is in
addition to the warm-up and basic compensation
An example of this is given after this section and
a service graph is provided in the system checking
Warm-up enrichment
This feature is solely coolant temperature dependent
and is in addition to the after start and basic
An example of this is given after this section and
a service graph is provided in the system checking
Acceleration enrichment
Fig. B3-16 Air flow sensor potentiometer During the warm-up phase acceleration enrichment is
present dependent upon the rate of air flow sensor
plate movement, until a coolant temperature of 70°C
(158°F) is exceeded.
Enrichment takes the form of mA compensation.
It is added to all other warm-up and after start features
except start enrichment.
Once the maximum rate of air sensor plate
movement has been reached, an increase in mA
corresponding to acceleration enrichment reaches its
peak value and fades away within one second.
Examples of cold start and warm start are as follows.
The information is taken from the graphs provided in
the system checking procedure.
Cold start
1 Cold Start at -10°c (14°Fl
Start enrichment= 150 mA for 1.5 seconds
2 Engine starts
Fig. B3-17 Electro-hydraulic actuator
After start enrichment = 29 mA
Warm-up enrichment = 39 mA
Basic compensation = 6 mA
Tolal 74mA
Total 4SmA
Warm start
1 Warm start at above 80°C (176°F)
Start enrichment = 150 mA for 1.5 seconds
A2010 2 Engine starts
After start enrichment = Nil
Fig. 83-18 Electronic control unit (ECU)- right-hand Warm-up enrichment = Nil
footwell Basic compensation = 6mA
1 Ignition system ECU
2 Knee roll sensor (left-hand drive cars) Total 6mA
3 Fuel injection system ECU
Engine speed limiting The description of the circuit provides service
A feature of the KE2-Jetronic fuel injection system. is personnel with the basic knowledge necessary to
that it limits the maximum speed of the engine. This it identify the possible areas of faults.
achieves by the ECU intermittently reversing the pin Electrical feeds to the engine running sensor
polarity of the EHA. (item 5) are from the starter along the brown/black
At a maximum engine speed of between 4500 cable, from the fuel injection fuse (item 4) along the
rev/min and 4700 rev/min, the ECU intermittently pink cable, and from the ignition fuse (item 6) along
reverses the current flow through the EHA. Whilst the the white cable. The assembly senses whether the
current is reversed. the EHA drops the fuel pressure in engine is stationary, cranking, or running.
the differential pressure valves which results in the The white cable also feeds the fuel injection relay
valve diaphragms closing the injector line outlets. windings (item 7), so that whenever the ignition is
The overall effect. is that the maximum speed of switched on the relay is energized. A 12 volts feed is
the engine is limited by the injectors only spraying then allowed along the brown cable. through the fuse
fuel intermittently. and relay, to the whitetpurple cable on terminal 1 of
the electronic control unit (item 10).
Electronic components The electro-hydraulic actuator (item 8) and the
The theoretical wiring diagram (see fig. 83-19) air sensor potentiometer (item 9) are powered by and
provioP.s hasic details of the electrical components feed information to the electronic control unit along
within the fuel injection system. their resf)ectivc colour coded cables.
,• ~
0 8 8 0 f2 FI
.,: G
SJ •B3
0 ••+':
8 + ~
• •
- X·
l:'.t R1 i i
-~ ....,.
10/87 TSD4737
Printed in E n!llanci
© Rolls-Royce Molor Cars Limited 1987 83-11
Asimilar situation applies to both the air pressure Fire
transducer (item 15) and the throttle position switch Fuel is highly flammable, therefore great care must
(item 13). Both components exchange electrical be exercised whenever the fuel system is opened (i.e.
information with the electronic control unit along their pipes or unions disturbed) or the fuel is drained.
respective cables. However. these two components Always ensure that 'no smoking' signs and foam, dry
are also involved in the operation and control of the powder. or CO 2 (carbon dioxide) fire extinguishers are
boost control system (knock sensing) and the ignition placed in the vicinity of the vehicle.
system (timing mapping). Always ensure that the battery is disconnected
The coolanttemperatute sensor (item 17) is a before opening any fuel lines.
variable resistance. Therefore, as the coolant If the fuel is to be drained from the tank. ensure
temperature increases, it alters the value of the that it is siphoned into a suitable covered container.
electrical signal transmitted to the electronic control
unit. The ignition system is also affected by this Fuel pressure
sensor. The fuel injection system contains fuel that may be
The main fuel pump (item 18) and the pre-pump under high pressure approximately 5,7 bar to 5,9 bar
(item 19) are both energized along the white/pink (82.65 lbf/in 2 to 85.55 lbf/in'). Therefore, to reduce the
cable from the engine running sensor. risk of possible injury and fire, always ensure that the
The auxiliary air valve (item 21) is also fed by the system is depressurized by one of the following
white/pink cable, through the heater inhibit relay methods before commencing any work that will entail
{item 23), and along the white/yellow cable. However, opening the system.
during engine cranking, the white/red cable energizes a. Clean the inlet connection to the fuel filter. Wrap
the inhibit relay which interrupts the feed to the an absorbent cloth around the joint and carefully
auxiliary air valve. slacken the pipe nut to release any pressurized fuel
The white/red cranking feed also supplies power from the system. Tighten the pipe nut.
to the cold start injector ( item 24} and to the thermal b. Allow the pressure to fall naturally by switching
time switch (item 22). The earth for these two off the engine and a!lowing the vehicle to stand for
components is interrupted whenever the temperature four hours before opening the system.
of the thermal time switch is above a predetermined
setting. This cranking feed is also supplied to the Exhaust gases
electronic control unit. In addition to the usual dangers associated with
The idle speed control solenoid (item 25) receives exhaust gases, the following should also be noted.
its signal along the green/blue cable whenever the Whenever it is necessary to run a turbocharged
gearchange actuator is in any forward position. engine within the confines of a workshop for any
length of time {i.e. to carry out certain tests). always
ensure that the exhaust gases are suitably piped to
Workshop safety precautions the outside.
General Under no circumstances should exhaust gas
Always ensure that the vehicle parking brake is firmly extraction units be applied directly to the tailpipes.
applied, the gear range selector lever is in the park
position and the gearbox isolator fuse is removed Health risk
from the fuseboard. Fuel may contain up to 5% of benzene as an anti-knock
A number of the nuts, bolts, and setscrews used additive. Benzene is extremely injurious to health
in the fuel injection system are dimensioned to the (being carcinogenic) therefore, all contact should be
metric system, it is important therefore, that when kept to an absolute minimum, particularly inhalation.
new parts become necessary the correct Fuel has a sufficient high vapour pressure to
replacements are obtained and fitted. allow a hazardous build-up of vapour in poorly
ventilated areas. Fuel vapour is an irritant to the eyes
Additional information when working on the KE2- and lungs. if high concentrations are inhaled it may
Jetronic system cause nausea, headache, and depression. Liquid fuel
1. Do not start the engine unless the battery is an irritant to the eyes and skin and may cause
connections are securely fastened. dermatitis following prolonged or repeated contact.
2. Do not disconnect the battery from the vehicle When it becomes necessary to carry out work
electrical system when the engine is running. involving the risk of contact with fuel, particularly for
3. Do not charge the battery whilst it is installed in prolonged periods. it is advisable to wear protective
the vehicle. clothing including safety goggles. gloves, and aprons.
4. Always remove the KE2-Jetronic ECU before Any work should be carried out in a well ventilated
carrying out any electrical welding work. area.
5. Always ensure that all wiring harness plugs are If there is contact with fuel the fol lowing
securely connected. emergency treatment is advised.
6. Do not disconnect or connect the wiring harness
25-way multiple plug of the KE2-Jetronic ECU with the Ingestion (swallowing)
ignition switched on. Do not induce vomiting. Give the patient milk to drink
(. Figure B3·20
10/87 TS04737
Printed in England
© Rolls·Royce Motor Cars Limited 1 987 83--13
Bosch KE2·Jetronic fuel injection system
electrical test programme Coolant
Sensor I I
Resistance I
Electro-hydraulic actuator {EHA) -
measuring internal resistence
Test for continuity or an earth fault in the
cables from pins 10 and 12 in the loom fl I '
Remove the multiple plug from the fuel socket to the electro-hydraulic actuator 2 pin 6000
'l -1
injection ECU and measure the resistance
between pins 10 and 12 (white/orange and
plug. If the wiring is found to be satisfactory. I
' I I I I'
18 and 22 ohms I I I
Is the reading within specification? I I I I I
I I l
If the resistance measured is 'infinity'. test for I
an open circuit in the cables from pins 15
I' I\. I
Coolant temperature sensor - measuring and 21. If ·o· ohms. check for an ean:h fault I
I j
internal resistance between pin 21 and the temperature sensor. I I I I
I'\: I I
Remove the multiple plugs from the fuel
injection and ignition system electronic
If the resistance measured is outside the 3000 '
' I
specification given in illustration A. the I I ). I I I I I
I I. I I I I
control units. Measure the resistance coolant temperature sensor is faulty. I I '). I
between pins 1 5 and 2 l ( black/pink and Note If the 2-way connector to the I j '- I I I I I I
yellow/blue on the fuel injection system ECU I I
plug (see illustration A for the correct
coolant temperature sensor becomes
disconnected, this will cause the mA
I "I ' i'-.. I
Check for an open circuit in the white/black Power supply for the air flow sensor
lead from pin 16 c,n the ignition system ecu potentiometer
to pin 25 on the fuel injection ECU. If no Ensure the ignition is switched off. Re· With the multiple plug connected, test for
fault is found. the i:1nition system ECU is connect the multiple plug to the fuel injection between 7.5 and 8.0 volts directly at the fuel
faulty system ECU. Switch on the ignition. Remove injection ECU pins 1 4 and 18 (blue/yellow
the 3 pin electrical connection to the air flow and blue/pink). If the reading is now
sensor potentiometer. Measure the voltage satisfactory, test for an open circuit in the
across pin 1 (blue/yellow) and pin 3 leads from the ECU to the potentiometer. If
(blue/pink) on the connector. The reading the reading is still outside the specification.
should be between 7.5 and 8.0 volts the ECU is faulty
Is the reading within specification?
Continued on sheet 2
( Figure 83·20
10/87 TSD4737
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© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 B3-15
Continued from sheet 1 3S I I I I
30 I I I I I I I
Signal from the air flow sensor potentiomet er
Re-connect the multiple plug to the fuel injection ECU. Switch on the ignition. Re-connect the 3 ' I
" ,,.' (Including
pin connector to the air flow sensor potentiometer. Using probes, measure the voltage across pin
' Full Load Correction
- LL -
1 (blue/yellow) and pin 2 (blue/brown). With the air duct to the airmeter removed, depress the NO
~ ~r
l C,
basic compensation
air flow sensor plate. The voltage reading should progressively increase from a baseline of zero I and boost pressure correction) :i --
volts (with increasing air sensor plate deflection) up to a maximum of between 7.5 and 8.0 volts I I I/ 1" 1 I I I I 0
la the reading within specification7 I l I I I, 1 'i' I I I I
20 r::;
·-- l
I I .,
{mA) I I
g t
Test for an open circuit in the leads from the fuel injection ECU to the 3 pin potentiometer
connector. If no fault is found. test the potentiometer for an open circuit directly at the 3
15 I I
~fu ..
·5: I
connection pins as follows. Remove the 3 pin connector from the potentiometer. With the ignition I ,_
' ' ~ t:tt~
off. measure the resistance across the following leads 10
I '' '
I l
Cable colour Sensor plate Resistance I
position If the readings are outside ,he given - Ill
' I
Blue/yellow - blue/pink Closed (idle) 4.2 to 4.4 k/ohms specification. the potentiometer is faulty 5 I I I
Blue/brown - blue/pink Closed (idle) 4.9 to 5.2 k/ohms I I l
Blue/brown - blue/pink Closed (idle) 4.9 to 5.2 k/ohms I I I
Blue/yellow - blue/pink Fully open 4.2 to 4.4 k/ohms I
Blue/brown - blue/pink Fully open 0.8 to l .O k/ohms 500 1000 1500 2000 2SOO 3000 3500 4000 4500
Are the readings within specification? _,
Engine speed (rev/min)
Normal operating conditions - 'hot idle' If the reading is outside the given
With the engine idling at 580 rev/min and a specification, (and alt the preceding tests in
coolant temperature of so·c {176°F) i.e. fully this programme have been carried out), the
warmed·up, check that the milliamp supply to fuel injection ECU is faulty. If no reading is
the electro-hydraulic actuator is 6 mA ± 0.5 obtained. check for an open circuit or an
mA earth fault in the leads from pins 10 and 12
Is the reading within specification? (white/orange and orange/yellow) on the fuel
injection ECU to the electro-hydraulic actuator
It is extremely important to ensure maximum
cleanliness whenever work is carried out on the
The main points are.
1. To prevent the ingress of di rt, always clean the
area around a connection before dismantling a joint.
2. Having disconnected a joint (either fuel or air)
always blank off any open connections as soon as
3. Any components that require cleaning should be
washed in clean fuel and dried, using compressed air.
4. If it is necessary to use a cloth when working on
the system, ensure that it is lint-free.
Fault diagnosis
This fault diagnosis section includes.
Basic system test procedure.
Electrical and Electronic components fault
-··--- - Mechanical components fault diagnosis.
Al 9)5
It is important that fault finding is carried out in
the sequence given, otherwise, as electrical and
electronic faults sometimes exhibit symptoms similar
Fig. B3·22 Throttle position switch electrical to mechanical faults, an incorrect diagnosis may be
connection made which could result in both lengthy and costly
Ohen, a mechanical fault has sufficiently well
defined symptoms to enable a very rapid diagnosis to
be made.
The basic fault finding procedure is as fol lows,
noting that any faults found in one system should be
rectified before moving on to the next stage of the
1. Carry out a compression test on the engine
cylinders. Inhibit the operation of the fuel injection
system during this test by removing the fuel injection
fuse. Also, isolate the ignition system by
disconnecting the flywheel sensor.
Note Do not disconnect the HT king lead for this
2. Check the integrity of all hose and electrical
connections, tighten where necessary.
3. Check the condition of the spiJrking plugs.
4. Ensure that the vacuum system hoses and
pressure pipes are free from leaks.
5. Ensure that any auxiliary air hoses and the
crankcase breather system hoses are free from leaks.
6. Carry out the basic system checks to ensure the
correct functioning of the ignition and fuel system
Fig. B3·23 Multimeter connected in 'series' with maps.
the EHA During manufacture, the components of the fuel
injection system are precisely adjusted in order to
comply with the relevant emission control
regulations. Therefore, alterations to any of the
settings should not normally be necessary.
Before commencing any fault diagnosis or work
on the fuel injection system ensure that the workshop
safety precautions are fully understood.
2/90 TSD4737
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© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars limited 1990 83-19
3. Set the engine speed to 3000 rev/min ± 50. If the ignition timing or the fuel injection system
Check that the ignition timing is 21• ± 1° btdc and mA reading is incorrect. refer to the fault diagnosis
that the multimeter reading is approximately 8.5mA flow chart on pages 83-13 and 83-15.
It should be noted that the mA reading will Diagnosing and correcting faults
fluctuate unless the engine speed is extremely stable. The workshop procedure number given before the
title of the operation refers to the fault diagnosis chart
for the basic KE2-Jetronic system given in figure 83-
Before carrying out any tests, ensure that the
battery is in a fully charged condition.
It should be noted that all components of the
system (except the injectors} can be tested on the
centralized (refer to Procedure 4) or the air funnel may
be deformed in some way.
8. If there is still a resistance to the movement of the
lever, it could be due to contamination within the fuel
distributor barrel or occasional binding in the lever
9. Contamination within the fuel distributor can be
checked by separating the fuel distributor from the
control unit for visual inspection.
Do not attempt to remove the control piston.
Remove the retaining screws situated on top of
the fuel distributor. Lih off the fuel distributor
(resistance will be felt due to the rubber sealing ring).
10. Examine the distributor for contamination.
11. Fit the fuel distributor by reversing the
dismantling procedure. Ensure that the rubber sealing
ring is in good condition and is lubricated with a
suitable grease.
Ensure that the retaining screws are evenly
12. If a resistance is still noticeable, a new assembly A2202
should be fitted.
13. After fitting the fuel distributor check the idle
Fig. 83-27 Fuel distributor removed
mixture strength.
8. Fit a new main fuel filter.
9. Check the fuel lines for blockage. 8ar 3TT-,-,--r-rTT-r-r-r-r-r-r-rr-r-r-r,-,-;rr,rr,r,-r-,-r-,-rrT"T"1
10. Fit a new fuel pre-pump.
... ,__,_
11. Fit a new fuel pump.
12. After establishing that the fuel delivery is correct, ... -
remove the test equipment.
13. Connect the fuel return pipe. ~ 2++++H-++t+t+++++++-tt--H--H-t-t--H-H-HH---t-H
Primary system pressure i5.
To carry out this test, tit the pressure tester RH 9612
(Bosch Number KOEP 1034) as shown in figure B3-34.
1. Apply electrical power to operate the fuel pump
(refer to page 83-27). The pressure gauge will show ... I- ~·
• -t-+-+-t-+-t
primary system pressure which should be between
5, 7 bar and 5.9 bar (82. 7 lbf/in 2 and 85.6 lbf/in 2). - t-
2. Jf the primary fuel pressure is too high. H - •
Prinled in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 83-23
4. Check the injector for dirt by operating the lever Leakage test
slowly at approximately one stroke per two seconds, 6. Open the valve on the test equipment and slowly
with the valve on the pressure gauge open. operate the lever until the pressure reading is 0,5 bar
If the pressure does not rise to between 1,0 bar (7.3 tbf/in 2 ) below the previously determined opening
and 1,5 bar (14.5 lbf/in 2 and 21.8 lbf/in 2 ) the valve of pressure.
the injector has a bad leak, possibly caused by dirt. 7. Hold this pressure constant by moving the lever.
Attempt to flush the valve by operating the lever 8. No drops should appear from the injector forthe
rapidly several times. If the injector valve does not next 15 seconds.
clear the injector should ll~ discarded.
5. Check the opening pressure of the injector by Evaluation of spray and ·chatter' test
closing the valve of the test equipment and bleeding 9. Operate the lever of the test equipment at one
the injector by operating the test equipment lever stroke per second. As this is done. the valve in the end
rapidly several times. Open the valve and move the of the injector should be heard to 'chatter'.
lever slowly at approximately one stroke per two 10. The injector should produce an even spray with an
seconds, note the pressure at which the injector approximate spray angle of 35°. If drops form at the
begins to spray. mouth of the injector valve or if the spray is excessively
The correct pressure for the injector to commence one-sided. the injector should be discarded.
spraying is between 3,5 bar and 4.1 bar (50.8 lbf/in' The various spray formations and angles are
and 59.5 lbf/in 2 ). If this is not correct fit a new injector. shown in figure 83-32.
Repeat Operations 1 to 10 inclusive on the
remaining injectors noting that only new test fluid
must be used to replenish the reservoir of the test
,, , ..
Note The test equipment rotameter scale may read
' ,, either ml/min or cm 3/min. Whichever scale
is used, the flow figures are identical
(i.e. 1ml/min=l cm 3 /min).
Idle conditions
6. Press switch number one on the test equipment
and move the air flow sensor plate downwards (using
the adjusting device shown in figure 83-33) until the
reading on the small rota meter indicates a flow of
approximately 6,7 ml/min.
7. Test the remaining outlets and determine which
one has the lowest fuel delivery.
8. Press the switch of the outlet with the lowest fuel
E A2203
delivery and using the adjusting device, adjust the
height of the air flow sensor plate until the reading on
Fig. 83-32 Injector spray patterns the rotameter is 6,7 ml/min.
Unacceptable spray patterns 9. Measure the fuel delivery from each outlet, noting
A Drop formation that none of them should exceed 7, 7 m I/min.
B Cord spray
C Spray in strands Part load conditions
Acceptable spray patterns 10. Repeat Operations 6 to 9 inclusive, moving the air
D Good spray formation flow sensor plate downwards, until a fuel delivery of
E Single-sided but still a good spray 20,8 ml/min is measured (on the large rotameter)
formation from the fuel outlet with the lowest delivery.
11. Measure the fuel delivery from each outlet. noting
that it should not exceed 22.4 ml/min.
Fig. B3-34 Pressure tester equipment - testing Fuel delivery quantity comparison tester
for leaks or primary system pressure If there is any discrepancy in the quantity of fuel
1 Pressure gauge assembly delivered by the individual fuel distributor outlets, it
RH 9612 or RH 9873 can be measured by a comparison test, using the test
2 Special adapter equipment RH 9613 (Bosch Number KDJE 7455), refer
RH 9881 to figure 83-37.
The test equipment is designed in such a way 1 2
that the tests can be carried out without removing the
fuel distributor from the engine.
Ideally, the tester should be set permanently on a
mobile trolley, so that once it is levelled-up, only the
trolley needs to be manoeuvred to the test site.
However, the tester can be set up on a table close to
the test vehicle and the test equipment is levelled-up
for each test using the levelling screws and spirit level.
The test equipment should be fitted to the vehicle
as follows.
1. Disconnect the battery.
2. Unscrew the unions securing the fuel injector
lines to the fuel distributor outlets.
3. Screw the special adapters supplied with
accessory kit RH 9960 into the fuel distributor outlets.
4. Fit the automatic couplings fastened on the ends
of the test equipment to the special adapters in the
fuel distributor outlets.
Note Outlet one from the fuel distributor should
always be nearest to the fuel inlet connection.
Figure B3-36 indicates which test line and
switch of the test equipment are connected to
which engine cylinder.
5. Route the fuel return pipe across the engine,
along the side of the car and into the filler for the fuel
6. Disconnect the electrical plug from the auxiliary
air valve.
7. Connect the battery.
Note The condition of the battery is critical for this
test. Therefore, always check the state of charge
of the battery.
8. Apply electrical power to operate the fuel pump
{ refer to page 83-27). Fig. 83-35 Pressure tester equipment- testing
9. To bleed the test equipment remove the air differential (lower chamber) pressure
intake ducting from the mixture control unit and push Pressure gauge assembly
the air flow sensor plate downwards to its fully RH 9612 or RH 9873
opened position. Press each key on the flowmeter 2 Special adapter
one aher the other, whilst simultaneously operating RH 9881
the three-way tap. Continue this operation until there
are no bubbles in the two rota meters.
10. Allow the air sensor plate to return to the zero Apply control pressure to the system.
position. The test equipment is now ready for use.
11. To remove the test equipment. depressu rize the Apply electrical power to the heater in the auxiliary
system and reverse the procedure. air valve
1. Carry out the operations Iisted under the heading,
Apply control pressure to the system Apply control pressure to the system.
1. Withdraw the starter inhibit relay (see fig. B3-38).
2. Produce a bridge cable of suitable length. Removal and fitting of components
3. Bridge the green cable in the windscreen washer Before dismantling any connections and removing
reservoir motor and the white/pink cable connection any components always depressurize the system.
on the starter inhibit relay mounting block. Always blank off any open connections to prevent the
4. Switch on the ignition. ingress of dirt.
5. The fuel pump will run and pressure will build-up
in the system. Mixture control unit (see figs. 83-39 and B3-40)
6. Always remove the bridging cable immediately The mixture control unit comprises the air meter and
the test is complete. the fuel distributor.
The fuel distributor can be removed separately
Apply electrical power to operate the fuel pump and from the mixture control unit. however. in the process
build-up pressure in the system of general dismantling the components would be
1. Carry out the operations listed under the heading, removed as one assembly.
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© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 83-27
Fuel distributor-To remove and fit intake hose to the cast elbow. Free the joint.
1. Disconnect the battery and depressurize the fuel 3. Unscrew the worm drive clips securing the dump
system ( refer to page 83-12}. valve flexible hose to the return pipe. Free the joint.
2. Unscrew and remove the following connections 4. Free the small diameter pipes to the dump valve.
on the fuel distributor. 5. Unscrew the two nuts retaining the long reach
a. Fuel supply to the fuel distributor. studs to the mixture control unit.
b. Fuel supply to the cold start injector. 6. Withdraw the intake elbow.
c. Small diameter pipe between the fuel distributor 7. Disconnect the electrical plug to the auxiliary air
and the pressure regulator. valve.
3. Unscrew the unions from both ends of the eight 8. Unscrew the worm drive clips and free the two
injector pipes and carefully withdraw the pipes. hoses to the auxiliary air valve and the smaller
4. Using a screwdriver, unscrew the securing screws diameter hose to the rear of the idle speed control
situated on top of the distributor. solenoid.
5. Lift the fuel distributor from the mixture control 9. Unscrew the injector pipe nuts from on top of the
unit and collect the rubber sealing ring (resistance fuel distributor. Free the pipes.
will be encountered due to the rubber sealing ring). 10. Unscrew and remove the following connections
6. Do not remove the control piston from the fuel on the fuel distributor.
distributor. a. Fuel supply to fuel distributor.
7. Fit the fuel distributor by reversing the removal b. Fuel supply to cold start injector.
procedure, noting that the rubber sealing ring fitted in c. Small diameter pipe between the fuel distributor
between the fuel distributor and mixture control unit and the pressure regulator.
must be in good condition. If in doubt, fit a new 11. Unscrew the pipe nut securing the fuel return
seating ring. When installing the sealing ring ensure pipe to the bottom of the pressure regulator.
that it is lubricated with a suitable grease and that it 12. Unscrew the setscrew clam ping the fuel pipes to
does not become trapped when the fuel distributor is the bracket at the rear of the mixture control unit.
fitted. This could cause a subsequent air leak which 13. Unscrew the two mounting setscrews, one at the
may be difficult to detect. Check the idle mixture front and one at the rear of the unit.
strength. 14. Detach the electrical cables to.
a. The electro-hydraulic actuator.
Mixture control unit assembly- To remove and fit b. The air flow sensor potentiometer.
(see figs. 83-39 and B3-40) c. The dump valve solenoid valve.
1. Disconnect the battery and depressurize the fuel d. The dump valve vacuum switch.
system (referto page B3·12). 15. Free the small diameter signal hoses to the
2. Unscrew the worm drive clips securing the air solenoid and vacuum switch.
16. Unscrew the rear mounting nut (situated under
the dump valve solenoid) and the front mounting
setscrew (situated under the dump valve).
1 7. Carefully lift the assembly from the engine with
the ancillary units still attached.
18. Remove the upper section of the mixture control
unit from the lower half (air outlet duct) by
unscrewing the cap nuts situated around the face joint.
19. Fit the assembly by reversing the procedure given
for removal, noting that the face joint between the
two halves of the assembly should be clean and
coated with Wellseal.
20. Ensure that any rubber sealing rings that have
been disturbed are in good condition.
Note Whenever a hose or an electrical plug is
disconnected, it is advisable to attach an
identification label to facilitate assembly.
In addition any open connections should
be blanked as soon as possible to prevent the
ingress of dirt.
2. Unscrew the worm drive clips securing both of
the rubber hoses.
3. Unscrew the two rnounti ng setscrews.
4. Withdraw the auxiliary air valve.
5. Fit the auxiliary air valve by reversing the removal
..-:::::::::::::::===~-~----~ ~ - --
lQ j
/\22 9
screws and withdraw the actuator. Engine running sensor - To remove and fit
5. Fit the actuator by reversing the removal 1. Discormect the battery.
procedure, noting the following. 2. Locate the main fuseboard, the engine running
Always ensure that the rubber sealing rings are in sensor is located directly behind the fuseboard on the
good condition. right-hand side.
Always use the special non-magnetic screws to 3. Follow the cables that emerge from the top of the
secure the actuator in position. assembly, to the cable connector situated
pass screw (see fig. 83-11 ).
Note To avoid rev/min fluctuations due to the air
conditioning compressor cycling in and out; it
is permissible to bridge out the system
thermostatic switch located in the evaporator
by using a length of cable and suitable
con nectars.
Ensure that the air conditioning function
switch is set to high and both temperature
selectors are on full cold. Open all windows/
doors. Only keep the thermostat bridged for a
maximum of 10 minutes, then remove the
bridge for at least five minutes.
Do not fot~et to remove the bridge cable
when the CO has been set.
3. Check that the CO concentration is within the
range 0.8% to 1.0%.
4. If the CO reading is outside the specified limits,
remove the tamperproof plug and blanking screw
from the fuel metering unit (see fig. B3-42).
5. Insert the mixture adjusting tool RH 9608 and
adjust the mixture strength as follows.
Turn the mixture adjusting tool clockwise to
richen the mixture (increase CO%) or anti-clockwise
to weaken the mixture (reduce CO%).
Note Always approach the final setting from the
lean/weak side.
After making an adjustment, remove the
adiusting tool and replace the blanking screw. Failure
to replace this screw will result in an incorrect CO
6. If necessary reset the idle speed to 580 rev/min
using the idle by-pass screw. Briefly accelerate the
engine and re-check the idle CO% reading.
Repeat Operations 5 and 6 until the correct CO%
reading is achieved.
Fig. 83-42 Adjusting the idle mixture strength
When correctly set, remove the sample probe
and fit a new tamperproof plug to the fuel metering
Connect the purge line if applicable. the restrictor fitted into the hose to the engine (refer
Note Accurate setting of the idle CO is critical to to Chapter G).
ensure satisfactory engine performance. 3. Ensure that the gear range selector lever is in the
Because of this, it is recommended that a park position.
final idle speed and CO check is carried out 4. Ensure that the automatic air conditioning system
immediately after road testing the motor car. is switched off.
This is always the best time to take accurate CO 5. Open the engine oil filler. Set the engine idle speed to
readings. 580 rev/min by turning the adjustment screw situated on
the side of the throttle body (see fig. B3-11 ).
Idle speed-To set 6. Finally, check the operation of the idle speed
Note It is important that the test equipment used to set solenoid (refer to Workshop procedure 17).
the idle speed meets the following specification. 7. Stop the engine and connect all necessary hoses
Accuracy - Rotational speed within ± 10 rev/min. and cables.
1. To set the idle speed, ensure that the engine has Tamperproofing
stabilized at its normal operating temperature. This Tamperproofing of the mixture strength adjusting
can be achieved by allowing the engine to run at idle screw is carried out by screwing a small blanking plug
speed for at least 15 minutes after the thermostat has into the mixture strength adjusting screw access hole
opened. The opening of the thermostat can be (see fig. 83-42). above the actual adjusting screw.
detected by a sudden rise in the tern peratu re of the A small black plastic plug should then be pressed
thermostat elbow pipe. into position to complete the operation. If the plug is
2. If a fuel evaporative emission control system is fitted onto the end of a guide rod and then inserted, it
fitted, disconnect the purge line at the restrictor, leave will assist in the fitting operation.
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© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 83-33
Section 84
With the introduction of the 1989 model year mixture control unit, comprising an air meter and a
specification, turbocharged cars are equipped with a fuel distributor (see fig. 84-2).
Bosch K-Motronic engine management system. Multi-point, mechanical fuel injectors are fitted.
The K-Motronic system brings together the Electronic correction of the air/fuel ratio is
benefits of digital• fuel injection and ignition control provided for start and warm-up phases of engine
systems into a single electronic control unit (ECUl. operation.
Other features of the system include cold start and To achieve compliance with strict emission
warm-up enrichment, idle speed regulation, and control regulations, cars fitted with catalytic
automatic correction of any long term mixture converters require adjustment to the air/fuel ratio
strength deviations. during part load engine operation. This is achieved by
On cars fitted with catalytic converters the K· using a 'closed-loop' (lambda) control system. In this
Motronic system also provides an 'on-board' self system a heated oxygen sensor measures the oxygen
diagnostic facility. content of the exhaust gases and continuously
Note * Digital refers to an electronic data system adjusts the fuel flow to maintain a stoichiometric
where the information used is in discrete or air/fuel ratio.
quantized form (data in the form of digits), not Note Components within the system may look similar
continuous as with an analogue system. to those used on other systems. However,
The exhaust emission control systems (if fitted! visual inspection should not be used to identify
include three catalytic converters (one warm-up replacement parts, as internal calibrations may
converter and twin main converters), and air injection. be different.
The fuel evaporative emission control system (if
fitted) includes a charcoal absorption canister which Air flow sensing
is purged during specific engine operating modes. The air meter consists of an air venturi (cone) in
A crankcase emission control system is fitted to which moves an air flow sensor plate mounted on a
all cars. pivoted lever (see fig. 64-3).
This section contains service information relating When the engine is operating the sensor plate is
specifically to the K-Motronic digital system. Details deflected into the air cone; the deflection being
for the other emission control systems are provided dependent upon the volume of air passing through
within their respective chapter (refer to the Contents the cone (i.e. throttle plates opening). The air deflects
page!. the sensor plate until a state of hydraulic balance
exists; this being due to the force of the air pressure
K-Motronic digital engine management system acting across the sensor plate area and the primary
The engine is equipped with several sensors that fuel pressure acting over the control piston area.
continuously monitor operating parameters such as The weight of the air sensor plate and
engine speed. coolant temperature. and load (see fig. connecting lever are balanced by a counterweight on
B4-19). The sensors are connected to a digital ECU the fuel distributor side of the lever.
which is programmed with characteristic data for the Any movement of the air sensor plate and lever
following functions, mixture strength control, ignition about the pivot pin is transmitted to the control
timing, idle speed control, purging of the evaporative piston in the fuel distributor and the ECU by a
emission control canister. and operation of the air potentiometer.
injection system. The movement of the control piston and its
A separate electronic control unit is used for the horizontal control edge (see fig. 84-51 either
boost pressure control system. increases or decreases the open area of the eight
metering slits (one for each engine cylinder) in the
Fuel injection system fuel distributor.
The Bosch KE3-Jetronic continuous fuel injection Differential pressure valves (one for each
system incorporates certain components from the cylinder) located within the fuel distributor, maintain
KE2-Jetronic system. In addition to digital electronic a constant pressure drop across the metering slits.
correction of the air/fuel mixture, the system also The air flow sensor plate and the control piston
incorporates electronic regulation of the idle speed. are operated by the same lever. Therefore, the rate of
When the engine is running in the naturally basic fuel discharge is proportional to the deflection
aspirated mode, fuel delivery is directly proportional of the air sensor plate within the calibrated cone, as
to intake air flow. During turbocharged modes of governed by throttle plate opening.
operation, electronic correction factors provide boost Idle CO (idle mixture strength) is set during
pressure compensation. manufacture. Adjustment should not be necessary
Control of the air/fuel ratio is provided by a but can be achieved by removing the tamperpronf
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© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1989 84-1
10 9 8 7 6
plug and rotating the idle mixture screw. The
tamperproof plug should then be replaced and no
further mixture adjustment should be necessary.
This basic adjustment alters the relationship of
the air flow sensor plate position to that of the
control piston in the barrel of the fuel distributor.
Fuel circuits
Fuel pressures within the KE3-Jetronic fuel circuit are
as follows.
Primary pressure 6,2 bar to 6.4 bar
(89.9 lbf/in 2 to 92.8 lbf/in2 )
Differential pressure
(lower chambers} 5,7 bar to 5,9 bar
(82.65 lbf/in 2 to 85.55 lbf/in2 1
Fuel injector pressure 4,0 bar to 4, 1 bar
(58.0 lbf/in 2 to 59.4 lbf/in2 ) Fig. B4-2 Mixture control unit
1 Air meter
Primary fuel circuit 2 Air intake
Primary fuel pressure is controlled by the fuel 3 Fuel supply to distributor
pressure regulator (see figs. 84-4 and 84-9). 4 Fuel return to tank via pressure regulator
An electrically driven pre-pump, mounted inside 5 Fuel feed to cold start injector
the fuel tank, supplies fuel to the inlet of the main 6 Injector pipe
pump. Fuel delivery to the fuel distributor is then via 7 Hydraulic system pipes
a pressure damper, a fuel accumulator, and a fine 8 Electro-hydraulic actuator
mesh filter. 9 System pressure regulator
Fuel initially enters passages in the fuel 10 Fuel feed to pressure regulator
distributor where the pressure is held constant
(primary system pressure) by means of a pressure
regulator. Excess fuel from the regulator flows
through a fuel cooler (incorporated with the vehicle's
automatic air conditioning system) and a one-way
valve as it returns to the tank via the fuel return line.
In the fuel distributor, movement of the control
piston within the barrel allows metered fuel to pass
through the fuel distributor slits, to the upper side of
the diaphragm in each differential pressure valve
(see fig. 84-51.
The fuel entering the upper chamber of a
differential pressure valve. deflects the diaphragm
away from the open end of the injector fuel line and
thereby allows fuel to flow to the injector.
The fuel injectors have an opening pressure of
between 4,0 bar and 4,1 bar (58.0 lbf/in2 and 59.4
lbf/in2 ) and are designed to spray finely atomized fuel
under all operating conditions.
11 10 9 8 7 A2462
The primary fuel circuit also feeds fuel to provide
the hydraulic force that is applied above the control
piston. This provides the hydraulic balancing force for Fig. 84-3 Air flow sensor and fuel distributor
the air load acting on the air sensor plate. (mixture control unit)
Primary fuel pressure is supplied to the cold start 1 Air flow sensor plate
injector and to the electro-hydraulic actuator (EHA). 2 Fuel line to injector
When the engine is stopped, the fuel pressure 3 Fuel distributor
regulator allows system pressure to drop rapidly to a 4 Fuel line to cold start injector
pressure governed by the fuel accumylator. This is 5 Control piston
just below fuel injector opening pressure. 6 Electro-hydraulic actuator tEHAI
The retention of fuel at this pressure during 'hot 7 Fuel return line to pressure regulator
soak' conditions minimizes fuel vaporization. 8 Fuel supply line
A sudden drop in fuel pressure when the engine 9 Counterbalance weight
is stopped closes the injectors and prevents dieseling 10 Differential pressure valve
(the tendency of an engine to continue 'running-on' 11 Pivot
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1989
~ ay 11 111
~ p
- D
Fig. B4-4 Fuel injection system
Key to fig. B4-4 Fuel injection system
1 Fuel tank
2 Fuel pre-pump
3 Fuel pump
4 Fuel accumulator
5 Fuel pressure damper
6 Fuel filter
7 Fuel distributor
8 Control piston
9 Electro-hydraulic actuator IEHA)
10 Electronic control unit (ECU)
11 Differential pressure valve
12 Air cone
13 Air meter
14 Air sensor plate
15 Air flow sensor potentiometer
16 Throttle body A
17 Throttle position switch
18 Idle speed actuator
19 Injector
20 Cold start injector
21 Fuel pressure regulator
22 Fuel cooler
23 Non-return valve
24 Heated oxygen sensor
25 Warm-up catalytic converter
26 Air pressure transducer (APT)
27 Temperature sensor
28 Thermostat housing
29 Engine speed sensor
30 Crankshaft reference sensor
A Upper chamber pressure
B Lower chamber pressure
C Primary circuit pressure
D Injection pressure
E Unpressurized return line
F Pre-pump pressure Fig. 84-5 Differential pressure valve
A Low flow rate
Note Items 24 and 25 are only fitted B High flow rate
to cars with catalytic converters
Idle ignition
sensor - - -i-1 Processor
Engine and
speed - - - i - 1 comparator
Air flow Part load
(engine lead) ignition map
temp - - - i - 1
sensor Full load
ignition map
Group 1
-.. - 1
r- - - -.._-~ -.
Group 2
Group 1 Group 2 I
l - -- - amplifier
Low voltage outputs
to ignition amplifier
Manifold r I
pressure I I
Air flow potentiometer sensor I I
K-Motronic : I
____ :!JI
engine _ _ _ _ _ ::::!.J
management Group 1
_ _ ___.system ECU coif
speed sensor
This position is set during manufacture and ensures sparking plugs in two groups, via a twin rotor
complete closure of the metering slits when the distributor assembly (four cylinders per rotor).
piston is in the rest (zero lift! position. When the Part load ignition timing is dependent upon
piston is resting on the sealing ring and the engine is engine load and speed and is generated from a
switched off, the seal prevents primary system fuel characteristic map. Engine load is sensed by the air
leakage past the piston. This would otherwise allow meter potentiometer and engine speed by the engine
fuel accumulator pressure to be lost too quickly. speed sensor. mounted adjacent to the segment
wheel at the rear of the engine.
Differential pressure valves The potentiometer is attached to the air flow
There is a differential pressure valve for each engine sensor plate lever and reflects any change in the
cylinder (see figs. B4-3 and B4-5J. amount of metered air entering the induction system.
These valves are a diaphragm type consisting of The electrical signal generated within the
an upper and lower chamber with the diaphragm potentiometer by the movement of the sensor plate is
separating the two halves. then transmitted to the K-Motronic ECU to become a
The purpose of these valves is to maintain a measure of engine load.
given pressure drop at the metering slits. The The timing wheel fitted to the rear of the
pressure differential between the two halves of the crankshaft, has four segments of equal length at its
valve is maintained irrespective of the fuel flow_ periphery, separated by four gaps which are also of
The difference in fuel pressure between the equal length but longer than the segments. Rotation
upper and lower chambers (and therefore the of the four segment timing wheel generates a fixed
metering slits) is approximately 0,2 bar (3 lbf/in2 1. duty cycle which is sensed by the engine speed
Basically this is determined by the helical spring sensor and transmitted to the K-Motronic ECU.
operating in the lower chamber of each valve. The K-Motronic ECU also receives a signal from
The lower chambers are connected to one the crankshaft reference sensor located at the front
another by a ring main. of the engine. As a reference pin rotating with the
The upper chambers are completely sealed from crankshaft. passes the sensor it triggers Al ignition
one another but are connected to the metering slits. and the subsequent firing order for the eight engine
Each chamber contains a valve seat and is connected cylinders. Co-ordination with the segment wheel
to its respective injector line. ensures the correct ignition timing.
If an increased fuel flow enters the upper Ignition angles for operation at idle and at full
chambers. the pressure is increased and the throttle are dependent upon engine speed. They are
diaphragms are deflected downwards. This opens the governed by separate characteristic curves
outlet end of the injector lines allowing the fue1 flow programmed into the ECU.
to increase until the preset differential pressure is Ignition timing during cold starting and warm-up
restored. is also dependent upon engine coolant temperature.
If the fuel flow decreases, the pressure in the
upper chambers will fall allowing the diaphragms to Sparking plugs
lift. This reduces the fuel flow to the injectors until NGK BPR 4EVX sparking plugs are used. The
the pressure differential again prevails. sparking plugs comprise a precious metal centre
The total travel of the diaphragm is only a few electrode surrounded by a ceramic insulating material
hundredths of a millimetre. whose relative positions are located by a metal
By varying the fuel pressure in the lower housing. The central electrode and insulator are
chambers of the differentia.1 pressure valves, fine designed to project beyond the end of the metal
control of the fuel flow rate (mixture strength) can be housing to improve combustion efficiency. The
achieved. ground electrode, attached to the leading edge of the
In addition to the helical spring, the fuel pressure housing, is extended to form an air gap across which
in the lower chambers is further affected by the the spark is induced to jump.
operation of the EHA attached to the side of the fuel
distributor. This is used to vary the fuel pressure in 'Closed-loop' mixture control system (lambda control
the lower chambers in response to signals from the system)
ECU. In general, the mixture strength becomes richer Cars fitted with catalytic converters also have a
with increasing ·current to the EHA. 'closed-loop' lambda control system.
An additional fuel filter incorporating a separator The lambda control system is an addition to the
for ferromagnetic contamination is fitted in the fuel KE3-Jetronic fuel injection system and is fitted to
line to the EHA. give increased control of the air/fuel ratio about the
stoichiometric value.
Ignition system With an ideal (stoichiometric) air/fuel mixture the
The ignition system is an integral part of the engine air factor is identified by the value ",\ (lambda) = 1
management K-Motronic system and consists of two (under boost and at full load = 0.83 to 0.95).
driver stages which amplify ECU signals to the tow
tension side of the ignition coils. The coils generate Actual air intake
high tension outputs which are distributed to the
A =
Theoretical requirement
Air/fuel Air
control unit 1--------~ Fuel
converter Control signal
K·Motror:,ic engine management system ECU
Exhaust A2829
stoichiometric air fuel ratio). If the average correction
factor over a predetermined time period is different
from the initial value, then the factors are stored in
random access memories in the ECU and are
subsequently used and updated during the next
period of engine operation.
Lambda pre-control is active in two areas of
engine operation, which are defined by air flow rate
and engine speed thresholds. At low engine speeds
and low air intake flow rates (i.e. at idle and small
throttle openings) permanent additive corrections are
made. In this area, malfunctions such as an induction
system air leak or an incorrect idle mixture setting
would be detected and necessary correction factor
At higher engine speeds and loads (but not at
full throttle) permanent multiplicative corrections are Fig. B4-8 Diagnostic button
made. In this area corrections are made for variations
in air and fuel density and for gradual changes due to
engine wear. fuseboard for a minimum of four seconds (see fig.
If the K-Motronic ECU is disconnected for any 84-8). This provides a ground connection for ECU pin
reason (i.e. removal or battery isolation) it results in a 13 which initiates a read-out programme. causing the
loss of ECU stored memory. When the engine is stored fault codes to be sequentially displayed as
started the ECU will have to go through its learning blink codes on the engine check lamp. If there is
process again. more than one malfunction the system continues to
Lambda pre-control is only active during the display the first registered fault code until either the
engine o~erating modes described in the proceeding fault has been cleared or the system has been reset.
paragraphs, when the 'closed-loop' mixture control Each blink code begins with a start signal of 2.5
system is functioning. It does not operate during a seconds lamp on, 2.5 seconds lamp off. The lamp
period of open loop fuelling control, such as a period flashes on for 0.5 seconds and off for 0.5 seconds in
following a cold start or when the engine accordance with the stored code. There is a lamp off
management system is in failure mode. When the period of 2.5 seconds between each digit.
evaporative emission control canister is being purged, Examples of blink codes are shown in the
lambda pre-control is active but the correction factors servicing section of this chapter.
are not stored. If faults are not corrected and the vehicle
continues to be used, the system can be returned to
On-board fault diagnosis capability its monitoring role by raising the engine speed above
Cars fitted with catalytic converters also have an 3000 rev/min. The check engine lamp will continue to
engine fault warning lamp on the vehicle instrument be illuminated.
panel to alert the driver to a possible engine related When a fault has been corrected, raising the
fault. The lamp displays the message CHECK ENGINE engine speed above 3000 rev/min will extinguish the
and remains illuminated. whenever the ignition is warning lamp.
switched on, until the malfunction has been When all fault codes have been shown during
diagnosed and corrected. · diagnosis, the output end code 1-1-1-1 is displayed. If
The engine management system ECU no faults are detected then the code 4-4-4-4 is given.
continuously monitors the inputs from sensors critical
to emission control system operation. If a signal is Engine speed limiting
outside the specified limits programmed into the ECU. Engine speed is limited by interrupting the fuel flow
the engine check lamp is illuminated and a fault to the injectors.
message (in the form of a four digit code) is stored The engine management system ECU senses
within the ECU and subsequently used to inform engine speed, by means of a signal from the
workshop personnel of the faulty component or inductive sensor at the rear of the engine.
system. When the speed of the engine reaches
The warning lamp is not always illuminated when 4600 rev/min the signal triggers an ECU function
a fault is identified. In these instances however, the which causes the current to the EHA to oscillate at a
fault code is still stored in the ECU and can be constant frequency between a fixed negative value
retrieved in the usual manner during workshop and the last known positive value.
diagnosis. The negative EHA correction has the effect of
Diagnosis in the workshop can be made either increasing the pressure in the lower chambers of the
with the engine idling or with the engine stationary fuel distributor. This raises the diaphragm of each
and the ignition switched on. It is carried out by differential presRure valve and stops the fuel flow to
depressing a diagnostic button located on the vehicle the injectors.
A precision machined edge on the control piston
uncovers the fuel metering slits in the fuel distributor
barrel. This controls the amount of fuel injected into
the engine cylinders.
Fuel pressure regulator (see fig. B4-121
When the engine is operating primary fuel pressure is
maintained by the fuel pressure regulator.
Fuel from the main fuel pump and via the fuel
distributor enters the regulator through the port on
the right-hand side. Fuel returning from the fuel
distributor differential pressure valve lower chambers
enters the regulator via the connection on the left·
hand side. The fuel return line (to the tank) is
situated at the bottom of the assembly.
High pressure fuel returning from the fuel 5
distributor cnlcrs the fuel pressure rngulator via the
inlet port. This fuel pressure pushes the diaphragm
up against control spring pressure. This relieves the A200S
downward pressure on the valve body. The valve
body will now be pushed upwards by the Fig. B4-l1 Fuel distributor barrel and c~ntrol piston
counterspring until it reaches its mechanical stop. 1 Fuel distributor barrel
This action opens the return line and allows fuel 2 Fuel metering slits
from the differential pressure valve lower chambers 3 Piston control edge
and control plunger fuel leakage to return to the fuel 4 Fuel inlet ports
tank via the return port. 5 Control piston
A 11 10 9 8 7 B /\2 468
body on the primary throttle spindle, the switch
identifies idle, overrun, part load, and full load engine
operation. This information is signalled to the engine
management system ECU to help compute the
correction factors for the ignition timing and the fuel
injection system EHA, etc.
sensor Idle ignition
sensor Processor
Air flow comparator
(engine load)
Group 1 Group 2
e output
Low voltag 1·t·ers
. . amp,,
to ignition
. . -
K-Motronic ECU - Ignition t1m1ng control
Fig. 84~-1~8~== ~ -- - - - --
( Figure B4-19
_Control unit . Output stages
Input stages
Impulse former control
Impulse amplitudes
and shapes are
converted so that
they can be
processed by the
(Central unit)
( Random-access
:, ( F:ead-only memory) Q.
Q. Arithmetic-logic unit (ALU) memory)· +'
C { Calculator) Here. all programmes (soft· Here. data delivered by the 0
The ALU performs arithmetic ware) and all characteristic sensors is stored until
(addition, subtraction. multiplication. curves, theoretical values. summoned by the micro-
division) and logical operations (and, etc. are stored processor or superseded by
or; no) with stored data. permanently. They are more recent data. Data is Idle
Analogue-digital Necessary programmes and "burned" into the ROM·IC erased when the system is speed
converter (AID) theoretical values are delivered by ccinnot be altered and are switched off and must actuator
the fixed-value memory, measured designed for the specific be continuously updated
data (operating data) by the application. during operation.
Most sensors deliver operating data memory. Intermediate storage of
(. signals that are calculated values for
'-. analogous to the subsequent processing
measured data Accumulator Logic
also occurs here. Ignition
(analogue). AKKU
Instantaneous Controls the coils and
intermediate processing amplifier
however. can only
values from the sequence, modules
process digits. Thus
the analogue signal ALU are stored orders the steps,
must be convened in the AKKU. reads necessary
into a digital one. data and
Example: voltage controls input·
measurement A output.
sawtooth voltage Electro-
(analogue quantity) hydraulic
increasing with time actuator
is counted with
pulses; the number
of pulses is the
digital value.
Input-output unit (VO) Handles data traffic with the environment. Input signals are On·board
read with the required frequency; output signals are given fault
a, processing speed and in the optimum sequence or stored diagnosis
u 11il being read. capability
thin layer of platinum. In addition, a porous ceramic differs from the outside, a voltage is generated
layer is applied to the outer side which is exposed to between the two boundary surfaces due to the
the exhaust gas. The surface of the hollow inner side characteristics of the material used. This voltage is a
of the ceramic tube is in contact with the ambient measure of the difference in the oxygen
air. concentration inside and outside the sensor.
When in position. the ceramic sensor tube is The ceramic sensor tube exhibits a steep change
subjected to the exhaust gas on the outside. whilst in signal output (approximately 1000 mV} when
ambient air is allowed to pass inside the sensing stoichiometric conditions are approached
tube. If the oxygen concentration inside the sensor (see fig. 84-231.
Engine Engine
inlet side outlet side
Engine speed
-- Input stage -- Oxygen sensor
pressure sensor Part Full
'Closed loop
- p load load
Coolant t emperature - map map
•Ir [ coolant temp
sensor >45°c 1113°F)J
positionswitch '>--= 1
Comparator - I
I Integrator -
• '~
>-= 1
After-start 'Open loop'
I enrichment [coolant temperature
> 45°C (113°F})
I enrichment control -- Lambda pre-control
and basic adaption
I enricbment
Boost pressure
{engine speed> 3000 rev/min) -
' r 1~
Output to
t Zero
electro-hydraulic actuator
5/88 TS04737
Printed in England
© Rolls· Royce Motor Cars Limited 1988 84-17
The oxygen sensor will only exhibit this steep
cl1ange in signal output when a certain pre·
determined operating temperature is attained.
Therefore, to reduce the oxygen sensor's dependency
upon exhaust gas to maintain it at operating
temperature, the sensor is heated electrically, using a
ceramic heating rod fitted inside the zirconium
dioxide tube.
Following engine starting, particularly from cold.
it is not possible to exercise satisfactory 'closed-loop'
control. During these conditions the ECU provides
start, post·start, and warm-up signals until the sensor
reaches its operating temperature.
The ECU continually monitors the internal
resistance of the oxygen sensor. After starting a
warm engine. the ECU immediately operates in the
'closed-loop' mode, if the sensor resistance is less
than a specified threshold resistance.
If, during normal engine operation, the sensor
resistance does not oscillate about a check threshold
Fig. B4·21 Location of the engine management within a specified time period the ECU switches to
system K-Motronic ECU open loop mode. The output to the EHA is zero and
fuelling is controlled mechanically by the mixture
control unit. The 'CHECK ENGINE' warning lamp will
also illuminate.
Sensor output voltage
Electronic components
The theoretical wiring diagram shown in figure B4-30,
provides basic details of the electrical components
Fig- B4-28 Ignition distributor assembly within the digital fuel injection and ignition control
1 Group 1 systems.
2 Group 2
Modes of operation
The K-Motronic engine management system combines
both the KE3 - Jetronic digital fuel injection system and
the EZ 58F digital ignition system into one common
electronic control unit (ECU).
External pin parameter coding enables the use of a
common K-Motronic ECU for all turbocharged cars,
regardless of whether or not they are fitted with
catalytic converters.
( Figure 84·30
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© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1989 B4-21
o e 0 0 0
3VK )0 K
2o •w 20 1\W
~ ~
cc I 11
"' "'::;;
"'..; e .,s ,1
0 0
- ~
, ,,
11 I
, 1I
:-:-~ I
,::- ::,i.n ""0
-------- i---- --- -- __ J
~ 05"'~ 1 OYP
11 I
I I 0 5 UP
I 1 0 VVY
I ; 0 Kllv I
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"'",., ·""' ,,
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"' ,.,e z
0 0
~ ~ e G)
1 O YG I OYG I O YG 1 O v~
I II l l ..2624
Specification A B A B A B
,- -......
:, so·c (140°F} 100 100 0 0 0 0
0. ;;;
~ throttles.
o·c (32°FJ 100 100 44 44 30 30
-16°C (3.2°F) 100 100 61 61 38 38
Ignition on feature
Nominal mA characteristics are highlighted in the above table and a tolerance band is not specified. Under most field/service
conditions precise engine coolant temperatures will not be measured, hence starting and warm-up characteristics will be
calculated from interpolated values. Stand current is an · ignition on' feature and has a tolerance of 100±2 mA.
Identification of enrichment factors should form the basis of fault diagnosis for engine starting and warm-up difficulties.
Specification A - Cars fitted with catalytic converters Specification 8 - Cars without catalytic converters
Start enrichment b. With throttle plates open.
Start enrichment which is additional to 'after start' Time constants for modes a and bare 1.0 second
enrichment, is present during cranking and continues and 2.6 seconds respectively.
until the engine speed exceeds 430 rev/min. It consists The total starting enrichment consists of one fixed
of two basic modes. and two variable factors as follows.
a. With throttle plates closed. 1. Initial start enrichment current element fixed at
90 1-----1
Graphical breakdown of
90 1-----1 enrichment features at a
simulated temperature
of 20°C (68°F)
-E _,
C Start enrichment
E 50
.g Throttle plates open
30 1--- - --.- --
After start Warm-up
-.- -
I Plateau Decontrol
, time time
20 1-~ ~~'-~~~L:~~~-l--~~I
·------- ---------,....
I I , 't.........
I I I ,/ I
~ .........
: : :,/' : ~
0 •
Time period , -
dependent 1 .0 sec
20 mA (which is added to the 'after start' enrichment) finishes differ for cars with or without catalytic
for either 1.0 or 2.6 seconds. converters.
2. 'After start' enrichment· variable and dependent The engine coolant temperature at which cars
upon coolant temperature. fitted with catalytic converters revert to 'closed loop'
3. Warm-up enrichment - variable and dependent operation is 40°C (104°F).
upon coolant temperature. Figures B4-31 and 84-32 show details of the
Figures B4-31 and 84-32 show details of the enrichment factors.
enrichment factors.
Cold start injection operation
'After start' enrichment The cold start injector has three basic modes of
When the engine speed exceeds 430 rev/min the K- operation which are as follows.
Motronic engine management system proceeds into its
'after start' enrichment mode. This ensures smooth 1. Conventional cold start injector operation
engine running during the initial fuel injector Digital control enables precise cold start injector
stabilization period. 'After start' enrichment can be operation for all ambient temperatures. Engine coolant
further sub-divided into two basic elements, the temperature is the most accurate method of
magnitude and duration of which are solely dependent determining the additional increase in mixture strength
upon engine coolant temperature. required from single point injection during cold starting
a. Plateau time !i.e. the cold start injector). Hence cold start injector
b. Decontrol time operation is controlled by the K-Motronic ECU via inputs
Figures 64-31 and 64-32 show details of the from the engine coolant temperat11re sensor.
enrichment factors. Rates of cold start injection are preset and
dependent upon four engine coolant temperature sites.
Warm-up enrichment Values of coolant temperature experienced in service
This gradual decay of enrichment factor commences between the four sites are calculated l>y direct
upon completion of 'after start' enrichment. Engine interpolation. Coolant temperatures beyond site four
coolant temperatures at which warm-up enrichment -26°C (-14.8°FI which is shown as the last site, are
0 Mode 1
Cold start
injector duty - Mode2
z~ § [~ Mode 3
..- r/l
O> (I)
~ 'ci
C: C:
,._ (I)
-------- (.) ~
C> C:
C: ::i
-~ Q.)
:J ::i
-0 C
8 -ro oc:
~ o
Duration of (/) :-=
cold start -g ~ z
6 0 Q.)
~ ~ z
;. J:1 (.)
,- ~
c ::i
<( -o
-40°c -Jo·c -2o·c -1 o·c o·c 1o·c 2o·c 9o·c lOO"C I lO"C
(-40°F) (-22°F) /-4°F) ( 14"FJ (32°F) j50'F) (69"F) (194°F) (212"FI (230°F)
Engine coolant temperature
A26 7G
extrapolated at the -26°C (-14.8°FI site value. acceleration response (cars not fitted with catalytic
Duty cycle control of the cold start injector voltage converters).
supply provides additional flexibility, matching cold start An instant functional check can be achieved by
injection much closer to engine starting requirements. 'blipping' the throttle with the vehicle stationary. This
should result in corresponding pulses in mA readings
over the following range of engine coolant
Coolant Duration of cold start Duty temperatures.
temperature sites injector operation cycle On cars fitted with catalytic converters,
16°C 160.8°F) 4 seconds 50% acceleration enrichment commences at an engine
0°C (32°F) 8 seconds 50% coolant temperature of 16°C 13.2° F). coolant
-16°C 13.2°Fl 8 seconds 80% temperatures below this result in higher levels of
-26°C (-14.8°F) 9 seconds 100% acceleration enrichment.
On cars not fitted with catalytic converters. a small
Note For this mode of operation the cold start injector amount of acceleration enrichment is present at engine
only functions whilst the engine is cranking coolant temperatures above 60°C (140° Fl.
2. Cold start injector function for 'hot' engine starting Below this value acceleration enrichment factors
When the engine coolant temperature approaches increase with decreasing engine coolant temperatures
100°C (212 °Fland an engine cranking period exceeds in a similar manner on all cars.
1.8 seconds, the cold start injector is energized and
provides fuel injection into the induction manifold at a Effect of engine coolant temperature on the digital
10% duty cycle rate. This fuel flow supplements fuel ignition system
from the main injectors resulting from air sensor plate During the engine warm-up phase improved combustion
deflection. efficiency is achieved with additional ignition advance.
This feature provides hot engine starting assistance Refer to the ignition control system section for details.
during adverse operating conditions.
. - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - Engine fails to start or starts with difficulty when cold
. - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- Engine fails to start or starts with difficulty when hot
, - -- - -- -- - - - - - - -- - - Uneven idle quality during the warm•up phase
r-- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - Poor throttle response
. - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - Engine misfires during high speed/load operation
Unsatisfactory engine performance (is 'boost'
restricted to 'base pressure characteristic' complete
control system functional check)
, - - - - - - - - -- Engine runs on
, - - - - - - - - - Fuel consumption too high
, - - - - - - - Flat spot during acceleration
, - - - - -- Idle CO concentration too high
- - -- Idle CO concentration too low
~ Idle speed outside limits
...- Engine starts then immediately cuts out
Refer to
Possible cause
- • -• -• - -• - -•- • - • - ,- , - , -, - Fuel pump and/or pre-pump not
operating correctly 1
-1=-1-1=1-~l==-_,- 7
- - -
-- --- - - _t__ -
- - --- - -
lncorr~ct differential fuel pressure
- Leaks m fuel system
- - -- -- - - - - Faulty injectors 11
Unequal fuel delivery from distributor 12
- - - -1- Throttle plates not opening correctly 13
Fuel accumulator diaphragm burst 14
- ,--,- - , - - -1 I
Blocked air filter or ducting
- Incorrect 'starting enrichment' function
- 1- - 1 - - 1 - - - 1 I _ _ _ _._ Incorrect electrical connections at EHA programme
- - -,---,
- -- -- • - •
Faulty engine coolant temperature sensor
Faulty air pressure transducer
(refer to
fig. 84-35)
2/89 TSD4737
Printed in England
1$1 Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1989 84-27
the risk of possible injury and fire, always ensure that 6. Allow the engine to fully warm-up, whilst noting the
the system is depressurized using the following following.
method. before commencing any work that will entail a. Check the fuel injection system for leaks.
opening the system. b. Check that the vacuum system hoses and pressure
1. Clean the inlet connection to the fuel filter. pipes are free from leaks.
2. Wrap an absorbent cloth around the joint. c. Check that the crankcase emission control system
3. Carefully slacken the pipe nut to release any hoses are free from leaks.
pressurized fuel from the system. d. Check the entire induction system for audible air
4. Tighten the pipe nut. leaks, paying particular attention to components
5. Discard the absorbent cloth in accordance with downstream of the air flow sensor plate.
health and safety regulations. This is particularly important on cars fitted with
catalytic converters. in view of the systems ability to
Exhaust gases learn and provide limited air leak compensation.
When running turbocharged engines for prolonged 7. Ensure that the idle CO is correct by checking the
periods within enclosed working areas, always ensure idle mixture strength.
that the exhaust gases are removed safely. 8. Ensure that the idle speed actuator stabilizes the
Whilst direct exhaust gas ventilation is available in engine idle speed at 580 ± 20 rev/min regardless of
some workshop areas, it is inevitable that extraction load.
hoses will have to be used in certain circumstances, 9. Carry out basic engine management system checks
particularly when the vehicle is 'ramp bound'. In these to ensure that the fuel injection and ignition control
specific instances, the large flexible exhaust adapter systems are functioning correctly.
shrouds must be fitted to prevent a high level of During manufacture, components of the fuel
depression being applied to the exhaust turbine seal in injection system are precisely adjusted in order to
the turbocharger. comply with the relevant emission control regulations.
Under no circumstances should high depression Therefore, alterations to any of the settings should not
exhaust gas extraction units be applied directly to the normally be necessary.
tailpipes. Before commencing any fault diagnosis or work on
the fuel injection system, ensure that the workshop
Fault diagnosis safety precautions are fully understood.
This fault diagnosis section includes.
Basic system test procedures Fuel injection and ignition system functional checks
Electrical and electronic components fault diagnosis The following series of functional checks are necessary
Mechanical components fault diagnosis to ensure the correct definition of the ignition and fuel
'On-board' fault diagnosis coding (cars fitted with systems ·maps'.
catalytic convertersl. Always use a good quality digital multi-meter to
It is important that fault finding is carried out in the carry out the tests.
sequence given to prevent incorrect diagnosis which Note The checks must be carried out with the engine
could result in both lengthy and costly repairs. stabilized at its normal operating temperature.
Often, a mechanical fault has sufficiently well
defined symptoms to enable a very rapid diagnosis to be Throttle position switch • continuity check
made. 1. With the engine switched off. disconnect the four
The basic fault finding procedure is as follows, way electrical plug to the throttle position switch
noting that any faults found in one system should be (see fig. 04-371.
rectified before moving onto the next" stage of the 2. Always ensure that movement of the throttles is
procedure. controlled by the accelerator pedal for these tests.
1. Check the integrity of all hose and electrical
connections. Tighten where necessary. Idle
2. Check the condition of the sparking plugs. 3. Using the multi-meter, carry out a continuity test
3. Carry out a compression test on the engine across the black/pink and blue/purple cables from the
cylinders. Inhibit the operation of the fuel injection and switch as follows.
ignition systems during this test by removing the 4. With the throttles ctosed the multi-meter buzzer
respective fuses. should sound.
4. Start the engine. 5. With the throttles fully open the buzzer should
On cars fitted with c.:italytic converters. turn the not sound.
ignition key from the LOCK to the RUN position and 6. The switching point should be just off the idte
observe that the 'Check Engine' warning panel is position and confirmed by an audible click.
illuminated. Continue to turn the key to start the engine.
As the engine starts check that the warning tamp Full load
extinguishes. If the tamp remains illuminated, refer to 7. Using the multi-meter. carry out a continuity test
the 'on-board' diagnostic listing (see fig. B4-361. across the black/pink and yellow/purple cables from the
5. Ensure that the engine is running on all eight switch as follows.
cylinders. 8. With the throttles closed the multi-meter buzzer
( Figure B4-35
5/89 TSD4737
Printed in England
~ Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1989 84-29
Bosch KE3-Jetronic fuel injection system
electrical test programme
Remove the multiple plug from the >to the EHA 2 pin plug. If the wiring is found Resistance I I I I I I I I I I I I I
I I I I I I I I apply.
K·Motroni::: ECU. Measure the resistance to be satisfactory, the EHA is faulty. .n I
! I
I I 1. The usual workshop safety precautions
I l
between pins 4 and 5 (yellow/orange and ; I 1 I I I i I ' I are carried out.
white/orange). The reading should be 6000 : It I
I I I 1 I' I 2. The battery is in good condition.
between 18 and 22 ohms. I I I I i I I I 3. Any cables or connections disconnected
Is the reading within specification? \ I I I I I I I
for a test must be re-made before
If the resistance measured is 'infinity' test for
I ' I I I I
..!_YES~ an open circuit in the cables from pins 3 and I I I I I I I I I proceeding to the next operation
I I ' I I i 4. Always ensure that any faults are
8. If zero ohms. check for a short circuit
I I I I I I. l I!
Coolant temperature sensor - measuring across the coolant temperature sensor. If the I I corrected before moving on to the next
internal resistance resistance measured is outside the 4000
I I I\' I
I test.
Remove the multiple plug from the K· specification given in illustration A, the I I r,. I I. I I I
Motronic ECU. Measure the resistance , coolant temperature sensor is faulty. i 'I. ,, I I
I I ' I I
between pins 3 and 8 (yellow/blue and Note If the 2 way connector to the coolant ' I I
See illustration A for the correct reading.
temperature sensor becomes either
disconnected or short circuit the 'Check
3000 I
1, 1 I
!\_ I
I 1'.
•I I
I I'
. i
' II
Is the reading within specification? Engine· warning panel on the facia will I 'I I
I I I I• I I '
" I I
...J,_YES1,. illuminate and the K· Motronic engine
management system will resort to its
limp home mode(see blink codings).
2000 . I
I I I'..
Operation of the throttle position switch - I • I I I I I i I I I I
Idle mode I .... I I I I I I
I ~
Remove the multiple plug from the K· 1000 I I I I I I I
Motronic ECU. Carry out a continuity test I ,_ I I I
I ,..__
between pins 28 and 35 (black/purple and I
black/ pink). ............ I I I I I I I
Throttle platet closed · buzzer is audible 0 20 40 60 80
Throttle plates open - buner stops Coolant Temperature •c
(switching point just off the idle position and
idemified by an audible 'click'). L-..\ >Test for continuity directly at the throttle A A22$4
Are the readings within specification? NO position switch. If the switcl) is still
.r-.1 outside the specification, it is faulty or
..J. YES~ or incorrectly adjusted. Also check the
throttle linkage for sticking. If the switching
Operation of the throttle position switch - 1-.J\ function is satisfactory. test for an open
Full throttle mode ~ >circuit in the cables.
Remove the kick·down relay (to prevent feed
back). Remove the multiple plug from the K·
Motronic ECU. Carry out a continuity test
between pins 31 and 35 (yellow/purple and
Throttie plates closed · no buzzer Using the multi-meter probes measure the
Throttle plates open · buzzer is audible voltage across pin 1 (black/slatei and pin 2
(switching point at 72° throttle plate (blue/pink) with the ignition switched on.
rotation no audible 'click'). Slowly depress the airflow sensor plate. The
Are the readings within specification? voltage reading should progressively increase
..J. YES~
K·Motronic ECU permanent voltage feed
Voltage supply for the airflow sensor
y from a base line of zero volts (with increasing
airflow sensor plate deflection) up to a ---1\
K-Motronic ECU ignition feed
Remove the multiple plug from the K·
Motronic ECU. Measure the voltage between L Remove the multiple plug from the K·Motronic
ECU. Measure the voltage between pins 19
and 35 (pink and black/pink) as follows.
Remove the 3 pin connector from the
potentiometer. Swit~h on the ignition and
\ measure the voltage across pin 1
YES maximum of between 4.5 and 5.0 volts.
Is the reading within specification?
...t_ NO~
Continued on sheet 2
YES >(black/slate) and pin 3 (blue/yellow) in the
pins 14 and 35 (pink/blue and black/pink).
Briefly operate the starter motor. The reading
YES >Ignition off - 1 2 to 1 5 volts
Ignition on - 1 2 to 1 5 volts I
r connector. This should be between 4.5 and
should be between 8 and 1 5 volts. Cranking - 8 to 15 volts If the reading is outside the specification,
5.0 volts.
Is the reading within specification? Are the readings within specification? Is the reading within specification? replace the airflow sensor potentiometer
Staning, after start, and warm-up 1500 20 00 2500 3000 3500 4000 4600
enrichment If the reading is outside the specification land Engine speed ! r~v/ m111)
Connect a digital multi-meter in series with all preceding tests in the programme have
the EHA using the special adapter RH 9893. been successfully carried out). the C "2733
Start tt,c engine whilst observing the multi· K·Motronic ECU is faulty.
meter reading. Consult the enrichment If no reading is obtained, check for an open
factors charts (fig. B4·31 ). Cross check the or short circuit in the leads from pins 4 and 5
stan, after stan, and warm-up factors with (yellow/orange and white/orange) on the Full load enrichment (wi:hout boost
the vehicle's coolant temperature. K·Motronic ECU to the EHA correction)
Note Refer to note regarding coolant Rectify leads and/or replace the Due to plausibility constraints within the
temperatures at the bottom of figure K·Motronic ECU K·Motronic ECU. if loss of iull load enrichment
B4·31. is suspected it must be ch•!::ked during actual
Are readings within specification? vehicle operation. Fit an analogue mA meter
YES ~~~~~_. such that the meter reading can be observed
by a front seat passenger. Using extension
leads and the adapter RH £1893 connect the
Stabilized engine operating conditions - meter in series with the EHA. Disconnect the
hot idle K·Motronic air pressure transducer (APT) see
With the engine running at idle speed (580 illustration D. Complete a lull throttle standing
± 20 rev/min) and an engine coolant start acceleration and monitor the mA to the
temperature of at least 80°C (176°F). check EHA along with engine sp~ed indicated by tlie
the supply of milliamps to the EHA. vehicte tachometer. Cross r.heck the results of
Cars not fitted with catalytic converters YES the test against the appropriate full load mA
Disconnect the multiple plug from the
Supply is fixed at a nominal value of OmA K·Motronic ECU. Check for throttte postion
map, see illustration B.
± lmA. switch integrity. black/pink - pin 35.
Due to the slow response of an analogue yellow/purple - pin 31, and blue/purple - pin
Cars fitted with catalytic converters meter only consider the salient numerical
Supply should oscillate about a median of 28. Also check the operation of the throttle
points on the full load characteristic curve. position switch by using the accelerator pedal
OmA with a band width of± 3mA. Is the range of values within specification?
Is the reading within specification? to operate the linkage. Ensure full load and
idle map actuation.
Trace both the blue/purple and the yellow/
purple leads beyond the K·Motronic engine
(. management system for possible failure
Full load enrichment (with boost
correction) ·· modes refer to TSD 4848.
Ensure that the pipe has bgen re-connected to Is a failure confirmed? YES
the K·Motronic air pressure transducer (APT).
Repeat the previous test Characteristic
curve should now include boost correction,
full load enr,cnmem 1w1thou1 boost correction) see illustration C. Check for continuity of cables from the air
.-.:::::,---- - - - , - - ~ - , -, -~ , ,--:,-
, ;"
~,~, , ~l~---,----1---------ii Is the range of values within specification?
pressure transducer to the K· Motronic ECU
(with both plugs disconnected)
12 ---- - ---.
·. I
,.' '
Cable colour
K·Motronic ECU
Pin 35
Rectify as
',,, , ',,, f ~ ~
101 - - - - -:- - -~,,..,- .- ,~
' ----,-
• - - - -;:.;.-I'-\-,_- ---+-'\-
\ ----, j Pin 2
Pin 3
green/slate Pin 6
purpie/brown Pin 21
Are they continuous?
81----___,.!:__ _ __ J-- - - -;-- ---i-~ ---t--~'t-
\ -~ I YES
mA S\l"ply
to EHA
61 - ~ - i -~ - - f ~ ~- ; . - ~- ; - ~ ~ - t -~
I \ \
[ Check the boost control system
\ ~ Refer to the appropriate flow chart in
4 ~ -----<~- - ---1------;..-----+----~,- +- - -,-, -, ~,:"Pi
, ·~
Chapter D. NO
Does the system function correctly?
' , ,,,, .. ,""' w
2 ~ - ---!-- ---+1----+-
1 ----1-----1....:....-----1 YES
( 1500 .2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 To complete this test programme check the
idle mixture strength and the operation of the
Engine speed (rev/mini idle speed actuator. Refer to the appropriate
B A2732
pages of Chapter B.
( Figure 84-36
l. 4/89 TS04737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1989 84-33
·on-board' diagnostic check Fault codes
( This procedure should be followed if
a) The 'Check Engine' warning panel situated on the 'Check Engine'
facia. illuminates during normal engine operation. Blink code panel illuminated Fault description System method of recognition Limp home facility
b) A routine 'on-board' diagnostic check is required. Yes Coolant temperature sensor output outside Coolant temperatures less than -46°C K·Motronic ECU provides EHA with mA
Note There are four possible faults in the K·Motronic
engine management system that are not
operating range (-50.S"F) or more than+ l 86°C compensation equivalent to+ so·c
(+ 366.8°F) (176°FJ coolant temperature for all
externally registered by the illumination of the
operational modes other than staning
'Check Engine· warning panel. These faults will
which is set to+ 20°C (68°F)
however, be revealed by a blink code during an
'on-board· diagnostic check. Yes Incorrect air flow signal Volumetric air flow rate outside pressure Ignition and fuelling switched to full load
Procedure upper and lower threshold limits (i.e. map
Initiate an ·on-board' diagnostic check to reveal any of less than 5m3/hr or more than 1200
m3 /hr)
the listed fault codes that have been stored within the
K·Motronic ECU buffer RAM (random-access
memory). No Idle switch fault. Idle control maps not Idle switch closed. Air flow greater than Ignition and fuelling switched to part load
1. Ensure that the usual workshop precautions are recognised 166m3/hr with switch closed for more map
carried out. than 0.3 seconds
2. Turn the ignition key to the RUN position on the
switchbox. so that the 'Check Engine· warning panel 2.1 .2.3. Yes Full load switch fault Full load switch closed but ECU Ignition and fuelling switched to part load
illuminates (see illustration A). Full load control maps not recognised recognises part load engine operation map
3. Depress the 'on·board' diagnostic button (see for more than 0.3 seconds
illustration BJ for a minimum of 4 seconds and then
release. . Yes Engine speed sem.or and/or connection to Ignition switched on, volumetric air flow None
4. Monitor the blink code on the 'Check Engine· rate more than 5m3hr but no engine
the ECU defective. Air sensor plate
warning panel. after the initial period of 2.5 seconds speed signal
mechanism or fuel distributor plunger
tamp on and 2.5 seconds lamp off. Refer to illustration
C for an example of the initial period of 'Check Engine'
warning panel operation, followed by the blink code . No Idle speed actuator connecting plug open End stage within K-Motronic ECU Engine idle speed may drift from 580 ± 20
5. Once a blink code has been initiated. it will keep or short circuit rev/min. Normal engine operation under all
repeating the information (with initiation periods conditions except idle mode
identifying blink code commencement). until the ·on·
board' diagnostic button is depressed for another 4 Yes Lambda sensor and/or connection failure End stage within K-Motronic ECU Resort to 'open loop' engine operation
seconds period.
This procedure must be repeated until all stored . Yes Lambda control outside threshold limits EHA current is less than - 1 4 mA or Once threshold limits are exceeded. further
blink codes have been extracted from the K·Motronic
more than + 21 mA for more than compensation/correction is not available
ECU buffer RAM.
2 minutes and engine control system effectively
6. If there are no more fault codes stored, the
resorts to 'open loop'.
condition is identified by the unique code 1. 1 .1.1.
Warning panel on/off periods for this code are of 2.5
seconds duration. . No Basic idle mixture strength adjustment on Adaptive Lambda pre-control increases Engine management system will continue
\·. 7. To reset the buffer RAM following fault extraction mixture control unit set to its lean limit EHA current more than 10 mA to compensate until threshold limit of
and/or rectification, isolate the vehicle battery using + 21 mA is exceeded
the master switch located in the vehicle luggage
compartment (see illustration D). To ensure complete No Basic idle mixture strength adjustment on Adaptive Lambda pre·control reduces Engine management system will continue
K·Motronic ECU buffer RAM reset. the battery should mixture control set to its rich limit EHA current more than - 5 mA to compensate until threshold limit of
be switched off for at least 4 seconds. - 1 4 mA is exceeded
8. If there are no faults stored, then the blink code will register on the 'Check Engine' facia . Yes Engine reference tensor and/or its Synchronisation lost Dependent upon ECU data update prior to
warning panel. connection to the ECU defective engine reference sensor failure
4. 4. 3. 1.
LAMP ON - - -
should not sound.
9. With th e throttles fu lly open th e m utli-meter buzzer
should sound.
10. The switching point should be at approximately
7 2 ° of throttle plate rotation.
Fig. 84-39 Air flow sensor plate position Procedure 5 Checking the operation of the idle speed
A 1,0mm (0.40inl free play with fuel actuator
system pressuri2.ed It is important that the test equipment used to check
B Sensor plate inclination 4.5° the idle speed meets the following specification.
Accuracy· Rotational speed within ± 10 rev/min.
1. Start and run the engine until normal operating
temperature is attained.
2. Disconnect the 2 way electrical plug connection
from the front end of the actuator. The engine speed
may drift from the controlled 580 ± 20 rev/min.
3. Hold the actuator body and reconnect the electrical
plug. 1f the ac'.uator is functioning correctly a pulse of
armature movement should be felt and the engine idle
speed should return to 580 ± 20 rev/min.
Note The return to this idle speed range will not be
immediate. A certain amount of incremental
engine speed stabilization will take place.
4. If the idle speed actuator control is outside the
specifications, refer to the appropriate fault diagnosis
flow chart on page 84-49.
Opening pressure
4. Bleed the discharge tube by moving the operating
lever several times with the union slackened. Tighten
the union.
5. Check the injector for dirt by operating the lever
slowly at approximately one stroke per 2 seconds with
the valve on the pressure gauge open.
If the pressure does not rise to between 1,0 bar and
1,5 bar (14.5 lbf/in2 and 21.8 lbf/in2 I the valve of the
- ... injector has a bad leak, possibly caused by dirt.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Attempt to flush the valve by operating the lever
Time-minutes rapidly several times. If the injector valve does not clear
the injector should be discarded.
6. Check the opening pressure of the injector by
Fig. 84-42 Fuel system 'leak down' closing the valve of the test equipment. Bleed the
injector by operating the test equipment lever rapidly
several times. Open the valve and move the lever slowly
at approximately one stroke per 2 seconds. Note the
pressure at which the injector begins to spray.
The correct pressure for the injector to commence
spraying is between 3,9 bar and 4,1 bar 156.5 lbf/in2 and
59.4 lbf/in2 ).
Leakage test
7. Open the valve on the test equipment and slowly
operate the lever until the pressure reading is 0,5 bar
(7.3 lbf/in2 ) below the previously determined opening
8. Hold this pressure constant by moving the lever.
9. No drips should appear from the injector for the
next 15 seconds.
Idle conditions
6. Press switch number one on the test equipment
and move the air flow sensor plate downwards (using
the adjusting device shown in figure B4-45) until the E A220J
reading on the small rotameter indicates a flow of
approximately 6, 7 ml/min. Fig. 84-44 Injector spray patterns
7. Test the remaining outlets and determine which one Unacceptable spray patterns
has the lowest fuel delivery. A Drop formation
8. Press the switch of the outlet with the lowest fuel B Cord spray
delivery and using the adjusting device. adjust the C Spray in strands
height of the air flow sensor plate until the reading on Acceptable spray patterns
the rotameter is 6,7 ml/min. D Good spray formation
9. Measure the fuel delivery from each outlet, noting E Single-sided but still a good spray
that none of them should exceed 7,7 ml/min. formation
7/88 TSD4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1988 B4-39
Part load conditions Full load conditions
10. Repeat Operations 6 to 9 inclusive, moving the air 12. Repeat Operations 6 to 9 inclusive. moving the air
flow sensor plate downwards. until a fuel delivery of flow sensor plate further downwards, until a fuel
20,8 ml/min is measured (on the large rotameterJ from delivery of 94 ml/min is measured from the fuel outlet
the fuel outlet with the lowest delivery. with the lowest delivery.
11. Measure the fuel delivery from each outlet, noting 13. Measure the fuel delivery from each outlet, noting
that it should not exceed 22.4 ml/min. that it should not exceed 99 ml/min.
If the fuel delivery exceeds the limits quoted, a new
distributor should be fitted.
satisfactory completion of the tests.
The fuel distributor can be removed separately from 2. Unscrew and remove the following connections on
the mixture control unit, however, in the process of the fuel distributor.
general dismantling the components would be removed a. Fuel supply to the fuel distributor.
as one assembly. b. Fuel supply to the cold start injector.
c. Small diameter pipe between the fuel distributor
Fuel distributor· To remove and fit and the pressure regulator.
1. Carry out the usual workshop safety precautions. 3. Unscrew the unions from both ends of the eight
including disconnecting the battery and depressurizing injector pipes and carefully withdraw the pipes.
the fuel system. 4. Using a screwdriver. unscrew the securing screws
: I
3. Unscrew the worm drive clips securing the dump Cold start injector • To remove and fit
valve flexible hose to the return pipe. Free the joint. (see figs. 84-10 and B4-52l
4. Free the small diameter signal hoses to the dump 1. Carry out the usual workshop safety precautions.
valve. including disconnecting the battery and depressurizing
5. Unscrew the two setscrews retaining the cast the fuel system.
intake elbow via its mounting brackets to the mixture 2. Detach the electrical plug from the cold start
control unit. i11jector.
6. Withdraw the intake elbow and rubber sealing ring. 3. Unscrew the union connecting the fuel feed pipe to
7. Unscrew the injector pipe nuts from the top of the the injector.
fuel distributor. Free the pipes. 4. Unscrew the two small setscrews retaining the
8. Unscrew and remove the following connections on injector in position. Collect the washer from each
the fuel distributor. setscrew.
a. Fuel supply to fuel distributor. 5. Withdraw the injector and collect the rubber sealing
b. Fuel supply to cold start injector. ring.
c. Small diameter pipe between the fuel distributor 6. To fit the cold start injector reverse the procedure
and the pressure regulator. given for removal.
9. Unscrew the pipe nut securing the fuel return pipe
to the bottom of the pressure regulator. Injector· To remove and fit (see figs. 84-9 and 84-52)
10. Unscrew the two mounting setscrews. one at the There are eight injectors fitted to the engine one for ech
front and one at the rear of the unit. cyinder. The removal and fitting procedure given below
11. Detach the electrical cables to. is for one injector but the instructions apply equally to
a. The electro-hydraulic actuator. all of the injectors.
b. The air flow sensor potentiometer. 1. Carry out the usual workshop safety precautions,
c. The dump valve solenoid valve. including disconnecting the battery and depressurizing
d. The dump valve vacuum switch. the fuel system.
12. Free the small diameter signal hoses to the 2. Free the loom rail from the respective side of the
solenoids and vacuum switches. engine. Manoeuvre the rail away to gain access to the
13. Unscrew the rear mounting nut (situated under the injectors.
dump valve solenoid) and the front mounting setscrew 3. Unscrew the union connecting the fuel line to the
(situated under the dump valve). injector.
14. Carefully lift the assembly from the engine with the 4. Unscrew the two setscrews securing the injector
ancillary units still attached. retaining plate to the cylinder head.
15. Remove the upper section of the mixture control 5. Remove the plate and withdraw the injector.
unit from the lower half (air outlet duct) by unscrewing 6. Fit the injectors by reversing the procedure given for
the cap nuts situated around the face joint. removal, noting that the rubber insulating sleeve must
16. Fit the assembly by reversing the procedure given be in good condition.
for removal. noting that the face joint between the two It is essential to check the spray patterns of the
halves of the assembly should be clean and coated with injectors before they are fitted.
Wellseal. New injectors must be thoroughly flushed out
17. Ensure that any rubber sealing rings that have been before they are tested.
disturbed are in good condition.
Note Whenever a hose or an electrical plug is Fuel pressure regulator· To remove and fit
disconnected, it is advisable to attach an (see figs. 84-12 and 84-511
identification label to facilitate assembly. 1. Carry out the usual workshop safety precautions,
In additon any open connections should be blanked including disconnecting the battery and depressurizing
as soon as possible to prevent the ingress of dirt. the fuel system.
2. Unscrew the pipe nuts of the three connections to
the assembly.
Throttle body· To service
3. Unscrew the small setscrew retaining the regulator
To remove. fit, and overhaul the throttle body refer to to its mounting bracket.
Chapter K.
4. Withdraw the assembly.
5. Fit the regulator by reversing the removal
Idle speed actuator· To remove and fit procedure.
(see figs. B4-24 and B4-51l
1. Carry out the usual workshop safety precautions. Electro-hydraulic actuator - To remove and fit
2. Disconnect the electrical plug. Isee fig. 84-171
3. Unscrew the worm drive clips securing the two 1. Carry out the usual workshop safety precautions,
hoses to the actuator. Free the joints. including disconnecting the battery and depressurizing
4. Carefully slide the actuator from its rubber the fuel system.
mounting. 2. Remove the fuel pressure regulator.
5. Fit the idle speed actuator by reversing the removal 3. Unscrew the two special (non-magnetic)
procedure. retaining screws and withdraw the actuator.
I m. Tamperproot the mixture adjustment screw.
'· n. Remove all test equipment.
Note The asterisks denote a system only fitted to
certain cars.
Check the operation of the idle speed Check for a blockage in the idle by-pass Remove the idle speed actuator, Visually
actuator. refer to the appropriate hoses and/or the hose connections from the inspect and test th? assembly for damage Replace the idle speed actuator
Workshop procedure. air guide housing to the induction and malfunction. Ensure that the motor
If the idle speed is incorrect or the manifold/cold stan injector housing spindle can be manually rota1ed such that the
operation of the actuator is suspect Is there a blockage or restriction? spool valve closes :rom its basic aperture
proceed as follows setting (see illustration AJ
Idle speed Is the idle speed :1ctuator functioning Replace the K·Motronic ECU
too high correctly?
Remove blockage
Disconnect the 2 way plug from the idle Disconnect the 2 way plug from the idle
speed actuator. Check the voltage at the speed actuator. Trace the pink/white cable
pink/white cable in the plug back to fuse B3 ( 1 5 amp) on fuseboard 1.
Is it 12 volts? Refer to TSO 4848 and rectify as necessary
Basic aperture
A A2735
Before carrying out a test ensure that the following 5 Always remake any connections immediately a
conditions apply test is complete
1 The battery is fully charged 6 Ensure that the fuse listed is intact
2 Use a multi-meter to carry out the tests 7 Ensure that the battery is fully charged
3 The ignition is switched off when either 8 Always ensure a test is satisfactory before
disconnecting or connecting electrical moving to the next test
A'tm11mmm11111 IIIIIIUlilllWWJ
_J \..../1
1.0 SIC
0 000©©0©@®®@@@®® 1
1 h1
0 0 0
t --1.0_ l(_W_ _ _ _ _2_
.0_K\_~_ ____,.__ _2_0_~
_ _-l IS IS LO SK
A2 A2
A2 736
- -- - - -- - - - -- Engine misfires
- - -- Engine backfires
Possible cause
- - - -- --- - -- --- --- --- --- -- Faulty air sensor plate
Faulty power supply to K-Motronic
- - -- - - -- -- -- -- - - - Faulty crankshah sensor/wiring
- - -- -- -- -- - - --~ -- - - Incorrect K-Motronic ECU output
signal A2147
( 5. Always ensure that the wiring harness plugs are stroboscope lamp to the engine in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions. These two functions can
securely connected.
6. Do not disconnect or connect the wiring harness be accomplished by fitting a compact tester (e.g. Bosch
35-way multiple plug of the K-Motronic ECU with the MOT 21) to the engine.
ignition switched on. Always use a good quality digital multi-meter to
7. If repeated or extended engine cranking periods are take any electrical measurements and ensure
required for a particular engine/vehicle diagnosis, the equipment suitable for testing high tension (HT) is
electrical plug should be disconnected from the cold available.
start injector. Note It is important that the test equipment used to
8. Always ensure correct polarity when making cable check the ignition timing meets the following
connections. specification.
9. Always use a good quality digital mutti-me!er when Accuracy· Ignition timing within ± 1°
carrying out tests on the system. Rotational speed within ± 10 rev/min.
10. Do not pierce any electrical leads or looms with test When carrying out any work on the system it is
probes. etc. essential that all workshop safety precautions are
11. Do not remove the high tension lead situated between observed.
the ignition coil and distributor. when the engine is
running. Basic fault diagnosis
12. Ensure that no 'arcing' takes place between electrical The basic ignition system fault diagnosis chart given in
connections. figure B4-56 provides a list of basic symptoms and
possible causes.
( Exhaust gases Some of the symptoms described could also be
When running turbocharged engines for prolonged caused by a fuel system failure or a boost control
periods within enclosed working areas. always ensure system failure.
that the exhaust gases are safely removed.
Whilst direct exhaust gas ventilation is available in Detailed fault diagnosis and test procedure
some workshop areas, it is inevitable that extraction The information contained in figure 84-5 7 provides
hoses will have to be used in certain circumstances, detailed procedures for testing the ignition control
particularly when the vehicle is on a ramp. In these system and where necessary the appropriate remedial
instances, large flexible exhaust adapter shrouds must steps to be taken when any rectification is required.
be fitted to prevent a high level of depression being The various components of the system are shown
applied to the exhaust turbine seal in the turbocharger. in their locations on sheet 1, together with a wiring
Under no circumstances should hig~ depression diagram.
exhaust gas extraction units be applied directly to the Sheets 2 and 3 provide the step by step procedure
tailpipes. for checking the system.
If any electrical fault is traced back beyond the
Danger· high voltage levels engine loom plug and socket (see fig. 64-57, item 7).
Dangerously high voltage levels are present in an always refer to the Electrical Workshop Manual
electronic ignition system. Thei.e levels are not only TSD4848.
present in individual components. but also in the wiring
looms, plugs, sockets, and test connections. Removal and fitting of components
The primary as well as the secondary circuit are Before dismantling any connections and removing any
(. subject to these high voltages. components. ensure that any special precautions
Therefore. whenever the system is switched on necessary are understood and the usual workshop
ensure that you do not touch components/circuits safety precautions are carried out.
contained within the ignition system.
Always wear thick rubber gloves and use insulated K-Motronic electronic control unit (ECUI •
tools as an added precaution. To remove and fit
To remove and fit the K-Motronic ECU refer to
Fault diagnosis page B4-46.
This fault diagnosis section includes.
Basic system test procedures Ignition driver module(sl • To remove and fit
Electrical and electronic components fault diagnosis (see fig. B4-581
It is important that prior to commencing any fault Always take care when commencing any work on a
diagnosis work on the digital ignition control aspect of driver module. If the engine has been running, sufficient
the K·Motronic engine management system it must be time must be allowed for the module to cool before
established that the mechanical functions of the engine commencing work.
are operating correctly, that the KE3 • Jetronic fuel 1. Carry out the usual workshop safety precautions.
injection side of the K-Motronic engine management 2. Label the cables to the two driver modules. This will
system is operating correctly. and that the battery is in a facilitate identification upon assembly (see fig. B4-29J.
good state of charge. Withdraw the four cables.
Connect an impulse tachometer and an ignition 3. If only the upper driver module is to be removed, this
10/88 TSD4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1988 84-51
Figure 84·57
\l I t" ' t I 'I It .,_
0 ~ B•
20 :!,r,
W Scfe,en
1 K-Motronic ECU
2 K·Motronic ECU multiple plug Right-hand drive cars
3 Parameter code socket (link only required 0 05KW
on cars not fitted with catalytic converters)
20 ~w ,O KW
4 Fuse B3. fuse board 1 ( 1 5 amp)
5 Splice A 0 0 2.0 KW 1,0 KW
_ _ _;2:...C;...~
I ;;..;"_;_
•· _ _ _ M,'L 1----..a.2.a..O-"K""'W-----i VEL
6 Main loom to valance loom plug and 7~ 7R
20 KW
socket 7-way - right-hand ·A' Post
7 Valance loom to engine loom plug and 0
socket 7-way - right-hand side
Splice B
[;]::: - : :. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~-
- - - - ·- - - , 1
Left-hand drive cars
0.5 K\'11
9 Ignition driver module - group 1 I o.s t(\",'
B >------,
10 Ignition driver module - group 2 E) O.S t.W
11 Earth 0 2 0KW
1.5 KW
20 KW
12 Ignition coil - group 2 10KW
13 Ignition coil - group 1
14 Sparking plugs
15 Ignition distributor - group 2
16 Earth-crankcase
17 Ignition distributor - group 1
18 Ignition reference sensor 3-way plug and
19 Crankshah reference sensor (ignition)
20 Earth
21 Engine speed sensor 3-way plug and
socket RS t1'!\
22 Engine speed sensor 3PS ""' Group 1 Group 2
23 Splice C HT HT
24 Earth
20KW 0.6 KW
lOKW 20 KW
20 KW
05 1(11', RB
2.0 KW RB
Figure 84-57
1189 TSO 4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1989 84~53
High tension {HTI system check Ignition coil(s) checklist complete.
Remove a suitable sparking plug connector Continue with Ignition driver module
from a cylinder in both Group 1 and Group 2. Replace the sparking plugs. (amplifier) checks
Fit each connector to a slave sparking plug Ensure engine sta11s and runs
and earth the plug electrode to a suitable s&tisfactorily
point on the engine (i.e. exhaust manifold).
Crank the engine
Is an HT spark present 7
Check for continuity of the light green cable
from the K-Motronic ECU pin 11 to the centre
connection of the Group 1 ignition amplifier. Remake connections
The digital ignition system has two primary Repeat the continuity test on the light green or replace light green
cable from the K-Motronic ECU pin 24 to the screened cable as
and two secondary stages. For clarification
the two systems are designated Group 1 and centre connection of the Group 2 ignition necessary
Group 2. amplifier
Group 1 controls cylinders A 1, 83, B2, and A4 Are the cables continuous?
YES _ _ __ ___.
Group 2 controls cylinders A3, A2. B1. and B4
Layout of ignition distributor caps and HT Rectify as necessary.
leads allows Group 1 and Group 2 to fire Ensure engine starts and runs
sequentially. sa1,sfac1orliy Replace defective
Crank the engine ignition driver (amplifier)
Firing order A 1. A3, B3, A2, B2, Bl. A4, B4 Is high tension (HT) present in either Group 1
Check condition and route of HT harness to module(s) and repeat
or Group 2 sparking plug combinations? test
both 'A' and 'B' bank of cylinders. Also check
the integrity of the HT leads from the ignition YES YES NO
coils to the 2 x 4 ignition distributors
Are these in a satisfactory condition? Re-fit sparking plugs and attempt to start
YES engine
Replace K-Motronic
Check the series resistances for interference ECU
suppression and/or excessive internal Engine speed and reference sensors
resistance Without specialist measuring equipment
Rotor arm 1K!l ± 100n there is no direct method to measure or
Ignition distributor towers 1K!l :! 100!1 Replace faulty components. display either crankshaft reference or engine
High tension (HT) leads o. n -
1 Ensure engine starts and runs speed signals. The sensors are mounted at
Sparking plug connector 5KD ± 1oon sa.1isfac1orily the front and rear of the engine !items 19 and
Sparking plugs SKD z 100H 221.
Take into account the internal resistance of Check for continuity ot the blue cable from
test leads/probes when carrying out the pin 29 and pin 30 of the K-Motronic ECU to
above tests each respective 3-way plug (items 18 and 21 J
Are the readings within specification? sensor connections
YES Are the cables continuous?
YES - - - - - - - '
Primary ignition system check Check the internal resistance of both ignition External check of both ignition coils
Disconnect the round 4 pin connector from coils Visually inspect the sealing plug located Check for continuity of the black.'pink earth
Group 1 ignition amplifier. Connect a digital Primarv coil internal resistance across adjacent to termin~l 4 identification NO cables via splice C (item 23)
multi-meter across pins 15 and 31. Switch on terminals l and 15 = 0.55 n to 0.65 n Is plug in position or has sealing compound Are the cables continuous?
the ignition and measure the voltage. Secondary coil internal resistance across escaped? YES..-------i Rectify cables
Repeat the test across pins 15 and 31 of terminals 1 and 4 = 7.75 K ll to 1 l.75 K !l and connections
Group 2.4 pin connector.
Specification is 8 to 15 volts
Are the readings within specification?
NO ....__________
Are the readings within specification?
_., Check the general condition of the earth and
the screen cables
as necessary
continued on sheet 3
Check for continuity of the pink/white cable
from the 7-way plug and socket to fuse B3 Rectify the cable/connections Pin 1 = +ve
(15 amp) on fuseboard 1 (item 41 a; necessary Pin2=-ve
Is it continuous? Pin 3 = .!. screen
5/89 TS04737
Printed in England
® Aolls•Royce Mot0r Cers Limited 1989 B4-55
continued from sheet 2 Voltage supply for the airflow sensor Switch on the ignition and test for between
potentiometer 4.5 and 5.0 volts directly at the K-Motronic
Remove the 3-pin connector from the ECU pins 8 and 26 {black/slate and
potentiometer. Switch on the ignition and yellow/bluel. lfthe reading is now satisfactory,
Crankshaft reference sensor
measure the voltage across pin 1 (black/slate) test for an open circuit in the cables between
Check the crankshaft reference sensor air gap Rectify as and pin 3 (blue/yellow) in the connector. This the potentiometer and ECU.
(see fig. B4·61) necessary should be between 4.5 an<l 5.0 volts If the reading is still outside the specification
Is this gap within the specification? Is the reading within specification? the ECU is faulty
YES {_ _ _ _ __,
Engine speed sensor Using the rnulti-meter probes measure the
Check the engine speed sensor air gap at voltage across pin 1 (black/slate) and pin 2
each of the four timing wheel segments Rectify as (bluetpink) with the ignition switched on.
jsee f1g.lB4-62) necessary Slowly depress the airflow sensor plate. The Check ignition timing- Idle map
Is each gap within the specification? voltage reading should progressively Both primary and secondary throttle plates
increase from a base line uf zero volts (with closed and engine coolant stabilized at
increasing a:rflow sensor plate deflection) up normal operating temperature.
If the resistance measured is 'infinity' test for to a maximum of between 4.5 and 5.0 volts Ignition should be
Coolant temperature sensor-measuring an open circuit in the cables from pins 3 and Is the reading within specification? Cars fitted with catalytic converters
internal resistance 8. If zero ohms, check for a short circuit across NO ..-----__. 8°± 1" btdc at 580:::: 20 rev/min
Commence by checking that the correct the cool antte m peratu re sensor. If the Cars not fitted with catalytic converters Check ignition timing - Part load map
sensor is fitted. 1989 model year cars have resistance measured is outside the 6°± 1' btdc at 580±20 rev!min Disconnect the throttle position switch 3-way
the electrical connector on the end of the If the reading is outside the specification. ls this correct? electrical connection. the engine
specification given in illustration A, the
( sensor colour coded light blue. replace the airflow sensor potentiometer management system will resort to its part
coolant temperature sensor is faulty.
Remove the multiple plug from the Note If the 2-way connector to the coolant load map.
K-Motronic ECU. Measure the resistance temperature sensor becomes either Parameter code socket Ensure that the engine coolant has stabilized
between pins 3 and 8 (yellow!blue snd disconnected or short circuit the 'Check Check parameter coding pin across at its normal operating temperature.
black/slate). Engine· warning panel on the facia will K·Motronic pins 9 and 18 for continuity Ignition timing should be
See illustration A for the correct reading illuminate and the K-Motronic engine Note Cars fitted with catalytic converters
Is the reading within specification? management system will resort to its Cars fitted with catalytic converters, open 27°± 1" btdc at 2000±20 reVimin
YES~~~~~--' limp home mode (see blink codings) circuit no link (not continuous) Cars not fitted with catalytic converters
Cars not fitted with catalytic converters. earth 14°± 1° btdc at 2000± 20 rev/min
Operation of the throttle position switch - continuous link fitted (continuous) Is this correct?
Idle mode Is this correct?
Remove the multiple plug from the K·
Motronic ECU. Carry out a continuity test
between pins 28 and 35 (black/purple and Cars not fitted with catalytic converters,
black/pink). The readings should be as
carry ou: a con1inuity check on the individual
follows. cables as follows.
Throttle plates closed - buzzer is audible Check the black/purple cable from pin 9 to the
Throttle plates open - buz2er stops parameter code socket.
(switching point just off the idle position and Check the black link cable.
Test for continuity directly at the throttle
identified by an audible 'click')
position switch. If the switch is still outside Check the black earth cable from the socket
Are the readings within specification? to the right-hand valance earth (item 11 ).
the specification, it is faulty or incorrectly
YES adjusted. Also check the throttle linkage for Rectify as necessary. Replace K-Motronic
Test completed
sticking. If the switching function is Repeat parameter code socket continuity test ECU
Operation of the throttle position switch - satisfactory, test for an open circuit in the Is this now correct?
Full throttle mode cables
Remove the kick·down relay (to prevent feed
back). Remove the multiple plug from the K· Coolant
Motronic F.CU. Carry out a continuity test Temperature
Sens.or I I I I ! l
between pins 31 and 35 jyellow/purple and Resistance I I I ~ ~
black/pink). The readings should be as
.n '
I I ;
I \
Are the readings within specification? I ~
between pins 14 and 35 (pink/blue and Ignition off- 12 to 15 volts " "' I
Ignition on - 12 to 15 volts YES I
Briefly operate the starter motor. The reading
should be between 8 and 15 volts
Cranking- 8 to 15 volts
Are the readings within specification1
. I
I "- I I
Is the reading within specification? NO JI I 11 1
• I I I
NO . - - - - - - - - ' 1000 I
1 I I
Trace the pink cable back from pin 19 in the I
Trace the pink/blue cable back from pin 14 K-Motronic ECU plug.
in the K-Motronic ECU plug and check for an Check for an open circuit [including fuse B5 I I 'I
open circuit. on fuse board 2 (20 amp)). Check the vehicle 0 20 40 60 so
\ Check the over voltage relay for correct isolator switch and the battery (state of Coolant Temperature °C
functioning. Check for fuse integrity charge etc.)
A A2 25•
can be achieved by unscrewing the mounting screws
and lifting the module from the mounting bracket.
If however, the lower driver module or both modules
are to be removed, this is best achieved by removing the
screws that retain the mounting bracket to the
bulkhead. The mounting bracket with both modules
attached can then be withdrawn as an assembly.
4. Fit the modules by reversing the procedure, noting that
each module should be fitted with the thin clear film still
in position on the base of the unit.
Non-silicone heat transfer compound (HTC 700G)
should be applied across the back face of the mounting
sensor (see fig. 84-621.
10. Using stainless steel feeler gauges measure the
air gap between the end of the sensor and the collar/
plate assembly on the setting tool. This gap should be
between 0,89 mm and 1,27 mm (0.035 in and 0.050 in).
Adjust the gap as necessary by means of shim washers
fitted between the sensor and its mounting bracket.
11. Repeat the air gap measuring technique on all four
12. Ensure that the rubber grommet fitted into the
bottom cover is in good condition.
13. Fit the sensor (and any shims) to the mounting
bracket. Ensure that the sensor fits correctly through
the rubber grommet.
14. Check the route of the sensor cable. Note that the
cable should be reasonably taut. Any free play in the
cable must be clipped at the top of the engine.
15. Check the sensor and the ignition timing, making
reference to figure 84-57, Electrical test programme.
1/89 TS04737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1989 84-59
Chapte r C
Fuel system
Contents Sections
Rolfs-Royce Bentley
Sliver Silver Corniche / Eight Mulsanne/ Turbo R Continental
Spirit Spur Corniche II Mulsanne S
Contents and issue record
sheet c, C1 c, C1 C1 C1 C1
Page No.
1 5/88 4/89
2 5/88
3 4/89 5/88
4 5/88
5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _.:::5/..::.88:::...__ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _
6 10/88
7 5/88
8 10/88
10 - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - -
15 - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - - - -
20 - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - -
25 - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - -
30 ~ - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - -
36 ~--------=------- - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
40 ~ - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -
46 - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - -
51 ~ - - -- - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - -- - - - - ~
4/89 TSD4737
Printed in England
@ Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1989 C1-3
Chapter C
Fuel system
The fuel system is of the recirculating type as shown the special tool RH 9928.
in figure C2- 1. Excess fuel not required by the engine d. Ensure that the lug on the locking ring just
is returned to the fuel tank. contacts the stop on the tank outlet. Do not
For information relating to the fuel evaporative overtighten.
emission control system, refer to Chapter G. e. Do not connect the electrical leads to the pre-
pump (ensure that the leads are insulated).
Depressurizing the fuel system 10. Detach the hose from the main fuel pump inlet
The fuel in the system may be pressurized, except for connection.
the fuel tank and return lines. Therefore, it is Connect a length of hose, approximately 2 m (6 ft)
recommended that the fuel system be depressurized in length to the fuel pump inlet. Place the other end of
before dismantling any parts of the system. the hose in a suitable clean container of at least 2 3
litres (4 Imp pt, 4.8 US pt) capacity. '
To depressuriie the system proceed as follows.
1. Clean the inlet connection to the fuel filter. 11. Connect another length of hose, approximately
2. Wrap an absorbent cloth around the joint and 2 m (6 ft) in length to the fuel distributor return pipe
carefully slacken the pipe nut to release any disconnected in Operation 1. Place the free end of the
pressurized fuel from the system. hose into an empty container of at least 5 litres ( 1. t
3. Tighten the pipe nut. Imp gal, 1.3 US gal) capacity.
4. It should be noted that the system will still contain 12. Fit a new fuel filter assembly.
unpressurized fuel. 13. Remove the fuel injectors and fuel injection lines.
5. After working on the system, run the engine and 14. Remove the air intake ducting (refer to Chapter J ).
check to ensure that there are no leaks. 15. Detach the electrical plug from the pressure
control valve (if fitted).
Water contamination of the fuel 16. Connect the eight auxiliary plastic fuel fines from
If the fuel system becomes contaminated, it is the fuel delivery quantity comparison tester RH 9613
recommended that the fol lowing procedure is adopted (Bosch No. KDJE 7455) to the fuel injection line
to remove the water. connections on the fuel distributor. Place the free ends
1. Detach the fuel return pipe from either the fuel of the plastic fuel lines into the empty container.
distributor (naturally aspirated cars) or the lower 17. Pour at least 2,3 litres 14 Imp pt, 4.8 US pt) of
connection of the fuel pressure regulator mineral spirit into the container feeding the fuel pump.
(turbocharged cars). 18. Operate the main fuel pump (refer to the
2. Blow compressed air into the fuel return line to appropriate section within Chapter B). Do not allow
force any fuel into the tank. the fuel pump to run dry.
3. Slfghtly jack-up the car on the right-hand side and 19. Press the air flow sensor plate downwards to its
siphon the fuel from the fuel tank. Lower the jack. maximum open position.
4. Pour 4,5 litres ( 1 Imp gal, 1.2 US gal) of 20. Continue to flush the system through until the
Exxonvarsol or Shell Mineral spirit 135 (white spirit} mineral spirit runs clean.
into the fuel tank and rock the car from side to side. 21. Test the fuel injectors (refer to Chapter Bl.
This will thoroughly mix the spirit with any water 22. Fit the fuel injectors and injector lines.
remaining in the tank. 23. Fit a new fuel filter assembly.
5. Slightly jack-up the car on the right-hand side and 24. Remove the two auxiliary hoses, refer to
siphon the fuel tank. Lower the jack. Operations 10 and 11.
6. Repeat Operations 4 and 5 until all the water has 25. Fit the fuel return pipe, refer to Operation 1.
been removed from the fuel tank. 26. Fit the hose from the fuel tank to the fuel pump
7. Disconnect and insulate the electrical leads from inlet connection.
the fuel tank pre-pump. Unscrew the worm drive clip 27. Connect the electrical leads to the fuel tank pre-
securing the fuel feed hose and detach the hose. pump.
8. Remove the locking ring from the base of the fuel 28. Add fuel to the tank and test the engine.
tank using the special tool RH 9928. Withdraw the
pre-pump assembly and discard the sealing ring. Removal and fitting of components
9. Fit a new pre-pump assembly, noting the Before dismantling connections and removing
following. components always depressurize the system. Ensure
a. Ensure that the pre-pump filter sock is not that any open connections are blanked off to prevent
deformed in any way and ensure that the sock support the ingress of dirt.
spring is fitted.
b. Ensure that a new sealing ring is fitted. Fuel tank (see figs. C2-1 and C2-6)
c. Secure the assembly with the locking ring using The fuel tank is fitted at the forward end of the luggage
1 2 3 4 5
10 9 8 7 6 A2483
it lies on the luggage compartment floor. luggage compartment floor.
13. Unlock and unscrew the half-nut from each of the 5. Fit the rubber matting to the luggage
tank retaining strap bolts. compartment floor.
14. Unscrew the full nut from each of the two tank 6. Fit the moulded rubber insulating pieces around
retaining strap bolts. the suspension pots and wheel arches.
15. Withdraw the bolts and the crossmember (if 7. Fit the two compriband pads around the large
fitted). Collect the four bridge pieces from the ends of holes in the luggage compartment floor.
the retaining straps. 8. Fit the compriband covered wooden strip on the
16. Bend the retaining straps and carefully withdraw luggage compartment floor where it joins the rear seat
the fuel tank assembly. panel.
Note The fuel tank may prove difficu It to move due to Note The position of all pads and strips are illustrated
the bonding effect that can take place between in figures C2-2 and C2-3. All pads and strips
the rubber mountings and the tank aher a should be secured in position using an
period of time. appropriate adhesive {refer to TSD 4700,
If an extra effort is required to free the tank, Chapter SJ.
ensure that it will not be damaged by the force 9. Fit the fuel tank upper securing straps into
used. position.
10. Fit the rollover tube, ensuring the uprights are
Fuel tank - To fit turned to lie flat on the luggage compartment floor.
1. Ensure that the battery is removed and the 11. Ensure that the evaporative loss control hose (if
necessary workshop safety precautions carried out fitted), is positioned correctly through the luggage
(refer to Chapter A). compartment floor. Also, ensure that it is clipped
2. Clean the forward area of the luggage above tank level in the left-hand luggage compartment
compartment. hinge area.
If blanking plugs, nuts. washers, etc., remain in 12. Fit the long metal pipe and short hose across the
this area when the fuel tank is fitted, they could top of the fuel tank, securing in position with clips.
become the cause of noise which may prove difficult 13. Fit the fuel tank into position ensuring that the two
to eradicate once the fuel tank is in position. bosses in the base of the assembly are positioned in
3. Fit the fuel tank cushioning pad to the rear seat the body holes.
panel. 14. Connect the vent hoses from both sides of the fuel
4. En:.ure that the rubber blanking grommets are tank to the filler assembly and tighten the retaining
fitted, one into each of the forward corners of the clips.
Fig. C2-2 Fuel tank mounting pads and straps (4 door cars)
5188 TS04737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Moto, Cars Limited 1 988 C2-3
15. Rotate the rollover tube into the upright position. 27. Remove the end screw from the battery master
Clip the tube to the hydraulic connector blocks on switch (if fitted) and remove the knob and special ring
either side of the tank. using lnsulok plastic clips. nut.
16. Connect the hose that passes through the luggage 28. Locate the base of the carpet covered panel
compartment floor to the left-hand upright pipe. against the two brackets and clips; on 4 door cars
Connect the right-hand upright pipe via a hose to the secure with two screws. On 2 door cars connect the
centre vent connection on top of the fuel tank. Secure luggage compartment lamp and centralized door
the hoses with retaining clips. locking switch electrical cables. Secure the top of the
Note A restrictor is fitted into the right-hand hose panel with Pozid riv screws, ensuring the panel locates
which connects to the fuel tank centre vent. over the battery master switch (if fitted).
On 4 door cars the right-hand hose is fitted 29. Fit the battery master switch special ring nut and
into the rear quarter panel. knob. Secure the knob with the centre screw.
17. Fit the two lower fuel tank retaining straps, 30. Connect the battery.
together with their panel brackets.
18. Fit the two compriband strips around the fuel tank. Fuel filler - To remove and fit (4 door cars}
19. Bend the retaining straps around the fuel tank, 1. Disconnect the battery.
ensuring that they seat onto the compriband strips·. 2. Unscrew and remove the Pozidriv screws securing
20. Fit a bridge piece to the end of each securing the carpet covered sealing panel at the forward end of
strap. Secure the fuel tank in position by fitting the the luggage compartment. Remove the centre screw
long bolt. downwards, through the crossmember (if from the battery master switch (if fitted) and remove
fitted). upper and lower securing strap bridge pieces the knob. Remove the special ring nut.
and straps. Screw a full nut onto the bolt. 3. Withdraw the carpet covered sealing panel to
21. Repeat Operation 20 to the second set of securing reveal the fuel tank assembly.
straps. 4. Unscrew and remove the self-tapping screws
22. Tighten the full nut of each set of securing straps securing the toots stowage tray. Withdraw the
and lock into position by fitting an additional half-nut stowage tray.
to each of the two bolts. 5. Remove the clips securing the two rubber hoses
23. Fit the rubber intake pipe to the fuel tank neck and to the two outer vents on the top of the fuel tank and
secure the end of the hose with a worm drive clip. withdraw the hoses. One hose fits directly on to a vent,
24. Connect the fuel feed hose and return pipe. while the other fits to a metal pipe which extends
Connect the electrical cables to the fuel tank pre-pump. across the width of the fuel tank.
25. locate the fuel gauge sender unit electrical loom 6. Unscrew the worm drive clip securing the fuel
{see figs. C2-4 and C2-5). There are three cables in the inlet hose to the fuel tank; detach the hose and blank
loom and these are coloured black, green/orange, and ott the fuel tank inlet.
green/slate. 7. Unscrew and remove the fuel filler cap.
Tape the cables across the fuel tank until they are 8. Using a screwdriver, unscrew and remove the six
adjacent to the fuel sender unit. screws securing the fuel filler head to the body.
26. Connect the cables to the fuel gauge sender unit. Collect the washers from the retaining screws and
Fig. C2·3 Fuel tank mounting pads and straps (2 door cars)
withdraw the fuel filler head assembly downwards screws securing the fuel filler head to the body, collect
into the luggage compartment. the washer from beneath the head of each screw.
9. Fit the fuel filler assembly by reversing the Withdraw the assembly.
procedure given for removal, noting that when fitting 6. Fit the fuel filler assembly by reversing the
the fuel filler head to the body the restrictor should be procedure given for removal.
in its lowest position.
Fuel pump/fuel accumulator assembly- To remove
Fuel filler - To remove and fit (2 door cars) and fit (see figs. C2-6 and C2-7)
1. Remove the carpet covered sealing panel from 1. Disconnect the battery.
the forward end of the luggage compartment. 2. Depressurize the fuel system (refer to page C2- 1).
2. Disconnect the two rubber hoses from the outer 3. Disconnect the electrical cables from the fuel
vents on top of the fuel tank. pump, identify each to facilitate assembly.
3. Unscrew the upper and lower worm drive clips 4. Clamp the flexible fuel hose connecting the fuel
from the fuel filler neck assembly. Withdraw the tank to the fuel pump.
assembly and blank off the fuel tank. 5. Unscrew the worm drive clip securing the fuel
4. Open the fuel filler flap. Remove the fuel filler cap. supply hose to the fuel pump inlet connection. Blank
5. Using a screwdriver, unscrew and remove the off the fuel pump connection.
A A2834
the removal procedure, ensuring that the fuel pump Fuel lines (see fig. C2-6)
outlet adapter is tight in the fuel pump. Also, ensure The fuel lines consist of metal bundy tubing and
that the sealing washers are in good condition and reinforced fuel resistant rubber hoses.
fitted one on each side of the outlet pipe banjo Metal piping is used where possible and is
connection. attached to the body and inner longeron by metal clips
(with rubber inserts) and self-tapping screws.
Fuel filter - To remove and fit (see fig. C2-6) Rubber hoses are used where there is a joint or
1. Disconnect the battery. flexibility is required.
2. Oepressu rize the fuel system ( refer to page C2-1 ). Joints in the fuel line on the pressurized (feed)
3. Unscrew the filter inlet and outlet pipe unions and side of the system are usually made by a threaded
blank the open connections. adapter and union. However. on the unpressurized
4. Slacken the worm drive clip securing the filter (return) side of the system a joint is usually effected by
assembly to the mounting bracket; withdraw the filter a rubber hose and worm drive clip.
assembly. Always depressurize the fuel system before
5. If a new filter is to be installed, unscrew the inlet removing any parts connected into the fuel feed line.
and outlet unions from the ends of the assembly and A non-return valve (inset A) is situated in the fuel
fit them into the new assembly. return line in the vicinity of the final drive unit. This
Ensure that the sealing washers are in good valve is fitted to prevent the back-flow of fuel. The
condition. valve is a non-serviceable unit and if its operation is
6. Fit the fuel filter by reversing the removal suspect a new assembly should be fitted.
procedure. Note that the rubber insulating strip fitted
around the body of the filter is in good conditon and Fuel return line non-return valve - To remove and fit
the arrows on the side of the filter are pointing in the 1. Clamp the rubber fuel pipe before and after the
direction of flow. valve.
A24 IO
Chapter D
Turbocharging system
Contents Sections
Rolls- Royce Bentley
Silver Silver Corniche / Eight Mulsanne/ Turbo R Continental
Spint Spur Corn,che II Mulsanne S
Page No.
I 01 I02 I 03
1 5/88 10/88 5/88
2 12/86 5/88
3 2/90 12/86 5/88
4 12/86 5/88
5 10/87 5/88
6 10/87 5/88
7 10/87 5/88
9 10/88 5/88
11 10/88 5/88
13 2/90 2/90
15 10/87 5/88
17 10/87 7/88
18 10/87 5/88
19 2/90 2/90
20 10/87 5/88
TSD 4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1990 D1-3
Section 02
Turbocharging system
Basic principle of operation (see fig. D2-2) At a pre-set pressure the wastegate opens and
The turbocharger is designed to increase the power allows a proportion of exhaust gas to by-pass the
and torque of the engine under certain operating turbocharger. Th is ensures that the power of the
conditions. This is achieved by utilizing energy from engine is limited to a safe level.
the exhaust gases to pump additional air into the To prevent surging of the turbocharger
engine at wide throttle openings. When this occurs, compressor when the th rattles are suddenly closed, a
the turbocharger is applying 'boost' to the induction dump valve is fitted into the cast air intake elbow. This
system. assembly allows the inlet air to be recirculated from
The size of the turbocharger has been chosen to the air intake system to the compressor and relieves
ensure a substantial increase in torque at low engine the boost pressure when the throttles are closed.
speeds. However, if not correctly controlled this would When the throttles are opened the dump valve is
result in excessive boost pressure and power output closed and boost pressure is rapidly applied to the
at high speeds. engine.
To overcome this situation a wastegate is fitted
into the e~haust system between the engine and the Description of the components
turbocharger. Three systems form and control the turbocharging
Operation of the wastegate is controlled by an system. These are the air flow system (both inlet and
electronic control unit (ECU). This unit receives exhaust), the fuel system, and the ignition system. All
information from the two knock sensors (detonation}, have their various control systems (some of which are
the ignition system (engine speed). and the air interrelated) to ensure that they function properly and
pressure transducer (comparing boost and manifold at the correct time.
pressure). This section relates to control systems and
When certain conditions are sensed by the ECU, it components that operate the basic turbocharging
signals to close the boost control valve. The resultant system and comprise the following.
build-up of signal pressure is then applied to the Turbocharger assembly
wastegate diaphragm. Wastegate
.____ __,.,___ _ _ (O
12 86
unit (ECU) the solenoid valve closes and allows 1 2 3 4
pressure to build-up in the wastegate.
as a relief valve at approximately 0,59 bar (8.5 lbf/ini,
439,50 mm Hg, 17.30 in Hg).
In abnormal conditions, as the engine overcomes
the load imposed upon it. it may be possible to detect
detonation momentarily before the knock sensing
system takes control.
The system comprises a knock sensor fitted to
each bank of engine cylinders. The sensors produce a
~mall signal when detonation is detected. This signal
1s fed to the electronic control unit for processing.
If detonation is present the electronic control unit
signals to the boost control solenoid valve to close.
This allows boost control signal pressure to be
exerted on the wastegate diaphragm, to open the
The speed of the turbocharger turbine and Fig. D2-7 Air pressure transducer
compressor is therefore limited by the operation of
the wastegate.
Turbocharger assembly - To remove and fit
Servicing 1. Slacken the worm drive clip securing the air intake
The information contoined in this section includes hose to the turbocharger intake assembly. Free the joint
Basic system fault finding chart. by twisting the hose.
System test procedures flow charts. 2. Unscrew the worm drive clip and detach the
Mecl;anical components assembly sequence. crankcase breather pipe from the air dump pipe.
Components removal and fitting procedures. 3. Slacken the worm drive clips situated at the flexible
If a fault cannot be clearly defined, it is suggested section of both the air feed and air dump pipes. Free the
that the following procedure is carried out before any joints by twisting each rubber hose.
involved fault diagnosis work is undertaken. 4. Unscrew the nut retaining the intake assembly to
The procedure should be adhered to otherwise, an the turbocharger; collect the washer and withdraw the
incorrect diagnosis may be made which could result in intake assembly.
both lengthy and costly repairs. 5. Unscrew the banjo bolt from the pressure tapping
on the end of the turbocharger compressor casing.
Procedure Free the joint and collect the aluminium sealing washer
1. Check the ignition system and fuel injection from either side of the pipe joint faces.
system. carry out the functional checks detailed in 6. Unscrew the two setscrews retaining the large
Chapter B. heatshield to the top of the turbocharger assembly.
2. If a fault is apparent, refer to Chapter E for ignition 7. Unscrew the nut and collect the washer from the
system faults and Chapter B for fuel injection system lower timing cover stud that retains the large heatshield
faults. lower mounting bracket. Withdraw the heatshield.
3. Ensure that the exhaust emission CO reading is 8. Unscrew the two Allen screws securing the oil feed
correct, refer to Chapter B. pipe flange to the top of the turbocharger. Free the joint
If the exhaust CO reading is incorrect, carry out a and discard the gasket.
compression test on the engin!'! cylinders before 9. Unscrew the two setscrews securing the oil return
adjusting the mixture strength. pipe flange to the bottom of the turbocharger. Free the
Note Inhibit the operation of the fuel injection system joint and discard the gasket.
during this test by removing the fuel injection 10. Unscrew the exhaust clamp ring, securing the
system fuse. Also isolate the ignition system by turbocharger assembly to the exhaust downtake pipe.
disconnecting the flywheel sensor. Do not 11. Unscrew the four nuts retaining the turbocharger
disconnect the HT king lead for this purpose. assembly to the exhaust mounting flange, collect the
distance washers and withdraw the assembly.
Engine cylinder compression pressure 9,66 bar Take care not to damage the machined faces of the
(140 lbf/in 2 ) minimum@ cranking speed turbocharger to manifold joint.
12. Fit the turbocharger by reversing the removal
Variation between cylinders must not exceed procedure, noting the following.
1.034 bar (1 5 lbf/in 2 ) 13. Ensure that the face joint surfaces between the
turbocharger and exhaust manifold are clean and
4. Carry out the turbocharging system flow chart test undamaged.
procedures. 14. Torque tighten the retaining nuts to the figures
given in Chapter L.
Removal and fitting of components 15. Before connecting the lubrication pipes. the
When removing any parts always blank off the open turbocharger must be primed with clean engine oil in the
connections immediately to prevent the ingress of dirt. following manner.
10/87 TS04737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 02-5
....--- - - - -- - - - - - Excessive oil consumption and/or blue smoke in exhaust
, - -- -- - - - - - -- Lack of power
....-- - - - - - - - - Misfire
- - - - - - - - - - - Intake system ·spitback'
....--- - - - - - Power hang on
. . . . - - - - - - Excessive induction noise on overrun
....----- Excessive induction noise on boost
~ - - - Excessive top speed
Excessive detonation
Possible fault
- - - - - - - Excessive mixture leaness - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Insufficient ignition advance - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . .
- Excessive ignition advance---- - - -- -- - - - -- - ~
- - - - - - - - - Insufficient boost------ - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
- - - - - - - - Excessive boost--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .
-- - -- - - - - - Turbocharger oil leak - - - - - -- - -- - -- ~
- - - - - Turbocharger compressor surging----- - -----.
- - Ignition electronic malfunction - - - - - - - - - - - . .
- - Pressurized system air leak - - - --------..
- - - Limiter electronic malfunction - - - - -~
Possible cause
Ignition system ECU faulty - - - -- --•
Distributor mechanism faulty------ ,
Boost control system faulty -------1
Incorrect CO level - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - -
Dump valve faulty - - - -
Dump valve solenoid faulty - - - - -
Dump valve vacuum switch faulty - - - - -
Wastegate valve sticking -- - - -
Wastegate diaphragm faulty -- -
Wastegate signal pipe blocked or leaking - - - -
Turbocharger compressor intake
restricted or blocked - - - - - - - - - - -
Turbocharger compressor/turbine faulty - -- -- -
Turbocharger seals faulty -- --
Faulty APT and/or signal pipe -- - -
Faulty fuel injection system ECU - - - -- ,-- --
Faulty EHA - - - - -- - - - - - -
Faulty crankcase breather - - - - - - - - - -- -
F_igure 02·9
10/87 TSD4737
Printed in England
C Rolls•Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 D2-7
Preliminary checks and conditions
Important Symptoms
Boost control, EZ 58F digital ignition, and - - - -- - - - - - - - - - Poor performance (general)
KE2-Jetronic are 'stand alone' systems. . - - - - - -- - -- - - - Poor performance ( intermittent)
Consult the respective fault diagnosis to - - - - - - -- -- Poor performance (up to 3000 rev/min - full throttle)
identify a possible fault and the system to - - - - - - - - - Excessive performance
which the fault relates ,--- - - - - - Misfire
1. Unless a fault is absolutely obvious it is
recommended that the complete fault .---- - - Overboosting
finding procedure is carried out . - - - -Detonation
2. Ensure that the battery is fully charged Surging 11 13 km/h to 1 44 km/h ( 70 mile/h to 90 mile/h))
3. Always use a digital multimeter to carry
out electrical circuit tests Possible cause
4. Always switch off the ignition when • - • --,--,-- r - -r---r---t-- Knock sensors
either disconnecting or connecting • • -• Air pressure transducer
electrical connections
•-• - • - • -• - • --t-----t- Boost control valve
5. Always remake any connection(s) before ' I
Disconnect the electrical plug from the boost Check the cables to the boo:it control solenoid
Switch on the ignition
control valve valve
Wait for approximately 10 seconds
Switch on the ignition and measure the
Does the boost control valve 'click'
voltage at the loom connector
Is it 10 to 13 volts?
Note The valve may 'click' briefly for between
5 and lO seconds when the ignition
is switched on
Check the voltage on the purple/brown cable Check the boost control valva
Is it 4.9 to 5.3 volts?
C Figure D2-9
10/88 TSD 4737
Printed in England
·f' Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1988 D2-9
Boost control syste~ air pressure transducer (APT)
Identify the boost control APT (see item Al
Carefully withdraw the rubber moulding from
tlie APT electrical plug (see item A) for the
duration of the test
Do not remove the plug
Connect a multimeter between the
.purple/brown cable in the plug and earth
Is the reading zero volts?
Switch on the ignition and measure the
Is it 4.9 to 5.3 volts? Replace the KE2·Jetronic fu<d injection system
Withdraw the plug from the APT
Check for cable continuity between the
purple/brown cable in the plug and pin 16 in
the fuel injection ECU plug (see item D)
Withdraw the plug from the APT Is it continuous?
Check for cable continuity between the black
cable in the plug and the body earth (see
item B)
Is it continuous? NO
Do not remove the plug from the APT Rectify faulty cable
Start and run the engine at idle speed
Measure the voltage between the green/state
cable in the plug and earth
Is it 0.7 to 1.0 volts?
Disconnect the metal manifold feed pipe from Check for a 'crimped· or blocked signal hose Check that the metal signai pipe is not blocked
the APT from the induction manifold to the APT or leaking YES Replace the boost control ECU
Do not remove the plug Is it satisfactory? la it satisfactory?
Switch on the ignition and measure the
voltage between the green/slate cable in the
plug and earth Switch on the ignition
Is it 2.2 to 2.8 volts? Wait for approximately 10 seconds System operating satisfactorily
Is the boost control valve 'clicking·
Clean out or replace the hose Rectify the pipe continuously?
10/88 TSD4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1988 02 .. 11
Boost control solenoid valve
Remove the two hoses from the adapter on
the boost control solenoid valve
Connect a clean hose to one of the hose
connections on the adapter (see item A)
Blow down the hose
Does air only escape from the open
connection on the adapter end not from NO
the screened vent port?
Identify the boost control system air Disconnect the electrical c:onnections to the
( pressure transducer (APT) (refer to sheet Withdraw the plug from the air pressure air pressure transducer. 1he boost control
2 of 5) transducer ECU (see item C), and th~ KE2·Jetronic ECU
Withdraw the plug from the APT NO Sw itch on the ignition NO (see item 0) Rectify faulty cables
Switch on the ignition Is the voltage on the green/slate cable Check for cable continuit~ between pin 2 on
Is the boost control solenoid valve more than 3.6 volts? the air pressure transducer and pin 1 9 on the
'clicking'? KE2·Jetronic ECU, and pin 10 on the boost
control ECU
Are these continuous?
Boost control solenoid valve working Change the boost control system ECU and
satisfactorily retest the system
Measure the resistance of the boost control
solenoid valve Change the boost control solenoid valve
Is it 26 to 27n?
~~2 :, z :,
"'d "'6
"'3: ~
l :,
.,,"" "'d
d ; ~ f 0
"' "'d
@@ @ 2
s @0®®
o.s w
"' o.s w 0
0 & GS
- ~ i - - -- ()
' Jt.\819
10/67 TSO 4737
Printed in England
@ kolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 D2-15
Brake lamps, Cruise control, and Knock sensors
The boost control system switches to base
pressure and hence naturally aspirated
performance if
1. The brakes are applied (stall torque
limiting function)
2. The cruise control is activated
Start the engine Disconnect the knock sensor connectors. one Check the condition and :ontir.uity of the
Check the operation of the boost control at a time (see item C) knock sensor cables. Note the polarity
Start the engine NO Replace ECU
valve (see item 8) Are they continuous and in good
Is it •clicking' at random? Measure the voltage on the pink/green cable condition?
at the boost control valve plug
Is it greater than 9 volts and is the valve
not 'clicking'?
Stan the engine with the transmission in park Check the integrity of knock sensor cables at
Increase the engine speed to between 3000 the pin connectors
i and 3500 rev/min Check pins. substitute knock sensors, and
Measure the voltage of the pink/green cable ensure protective sleeves are securely
at the boost control valve plug fastened
Is it less than 5 volts?
a. Slowly pour the engine oil into the feed port on top
of the turbocharger and manually spin the compressor
blades. Exercise care to ensure that the blades are not
b. Once the oil drains from the port on the bottom of
the turbocharger, clean the joint face and fit both the
gasket and oil return pipe.
c. Fill the turbocharger through the feed port and then
clean the joint face and fit both the gasket and oil feed
2. Collect the rubber sealing ring.
3. Unscrew the two Allen screws retaining the circular
end plate to the assembly. Collect the gasket.
4. Unscrew the two through setscrews from the base
of the dump valve. Collect the washer from each
5. Withdraw the valve from the casting.
6. Unscrew the four setscrews situated around the
diaphragm retaining ring.
7. Unscrew the nut from the centre through bolt.
Collect the washer.
8. Lift ott the seal assembly. diaphragm. spring guiue,
spring, and base washer.
9. Withdraw the through bolt, guide, and washer from
the v<1lve housing.
1 0. Clean the parts and examine the rubber diaphragm,
body sealing ring, and the valve seal assembly plate.
1 1. Assemble the components by reversing the A2219
dismantling procedure.
Air dump valve vacuum switch and solenoid - To Fig. D2- 14 Dump valve signal hoses
remove and test (see fig. 02-5)
This solenoid and switch are fitted adjacent to the oir
pctentiometer on the mixture control unit. Take care 6. If the operation of the switch is suspect. it should
when identifying these components on cars produced to be renewed.
a Middle East specification. as the purge control system
solenoid and switch are also fitted in this area (refer to Solenoid valve - To remove and fit
Chapter G). 1. Disconnect the inlet and outlet hoses from the
solenoid valve.
Vacuum switch - To remove and fit 2. Disconnect the electrical connections to the
1. Unscrew the vacuum signal hose clamp screw solenoid valve at the 2-way connection block. This block
situated adjacent the switch. Twist the hose to free the is situated between the air potentiometer (mixture
joint. control unit) and the solenoid valve.
2. Disconnect the electrical connections to the switch. Note The connection block is usually clipped together
at the 4-way connection. This block is situated between with the connection block for the vacuum switch.
the air potentiometer (mixture control unit) and the 3. Remove the two nuts, washers, and bolts fitted on
dump valve solenoid. either side of the solenoid valve.
Note The connection block is usually clipped together 4. Withdraw the solenoid valve from the mounting
with the connectbn block for the solenoid valve. bracket.
3. Carefully prise the shakeproof securing washer from 5. Fit the solenoid valve by reversing the dismantling
the cylindrical body of the switch, below the mounting procedure.
4. Lift the switch from the mounting bracket. Solenoid valve - To test
5. Fit the switch by reversing the dismantling 1. Disconnect electrical connections to the solenoid
procedure. valve at the 2-way connection block. This block is
situated between the air potentiomer (mixture control
Vacuum switch - To rest unit) and the solenoid valve.
1. Locate the switch electrical connection block a~d Note The connection block is usually clipped together
connect a digital multimeter between the brown cable with the connection block for the vacuum switch.
and earth. 2. Slacken the hose clamp screws on the solenoid inlet
2. Slacken the vacuum switch signal hose clamp and outlet connections. Twist each hose to free the joint.
screw and withdraw the hose. Connect the Mityvac Withdraw the two hoses.
pump RH 12495 to the connection on the switch. 3. Connect a suitable length of hose to the front
3. Switch on the ignition noting that the reading on connection on the solenoid and blow down the open end
the multimeter is between 8 volts and 15 volts. of the hose. It should be possible to blow through the
4. Operate the vacuum pump and apply a vacuum to solenoid valve.
the switch. The meter should read zero when the 4. Connect a 12 volt supply to the solenoid. Note that
reading on the gauge is between 317.50 mm Hg and it should not be possible to blow down the hose when
38 1,0 mm Hg ( 1 2.50 in Hg and 1 5 in Hg). the solenoid is energized.
5. Slowly release the vacuum. noting that the meter Note If the solenoid valve is fitted to the car for this
again reads between 8 volts and 15 volts before the test, exercise care to eliminate the possibility of an
vacuum drops below 317.50 mm Hg (12.50 in Hg). electrical spark.
Section D3
Turbocharging system
Basic principle of operation (see fig. D3-2) open. The resultant build-up of signal pressure is then
The turbocharger is designed to increase the power applied to the wastegate diaphragm. Any reduction of
and torque of the engine under certain operating induction manifold pressure required by the boost
conditions. Increased engine load and throttle plate control ECU is achieved by wastegate control.
opening, increases exhaust gas flow rate. The At a pre-set pressure the wastegate opens and
turbocharger turbine utilizes this energy and allows a proportion of exhaust gas to by-pass the
generates a positive induction manifold pressure turbocharger. This ensures that engine power output
(boost) via the turbocharger compressor. is safely regulated under all operating conditions.
Increased air density which results from To prevent surging of the turbocharger
compressing the inlet charge produces higher engine compressor when the throttles are suddenly closed, a
power and torque. dump valve is fitted into the cast air intake elbow.
The size of the turbocharger has been chosen to This assembly allows the inlet air to be recirculated
ensure optimum torque at low engine speeds. from the air intake system to the compressor and
However. without accurate control this would result relieves the boost pressure when the throttles are
in excessive boost pressure and subsequent engine closed.
damage under certain operating conditions. When the throttles are opened the dump valve is
To overcome this situation a wastegate is fitted closed and boost pressure is rapidly applied to the
into the exhaust systerp between the engine and the engine.
Operation of the wastegate is controlled by the Description of the components
boost control ECU. This unit receives information This section relates to control systems and
from the two knock sensors (detonation), the K- components that operate the basic turbocharging
Motronic ECU (engine speed). and an air pressure system and comprise the following.
transducer (monitoring induction manifold pressure). Turbocharger assembly
When certain conditions are sensed by the boost Wastegate
control ECU, it signals the boost control valve to Dump valve
.__~-.-,--- - -ell
----- - (I)
' -- -- - G) A2429
Fig. 03·2 The turbocharging system
Knock sensor 8 Dump valve vacuum switch
2 Wastegate 9 Air intake filter housing
3 Warm-up catalytic converter 10 Boost control solenoid
4 lntercooler 11 Boost control ECU
5 Dump valve 12 K-Motronic ECU
6 Air pressure transducer 13 Braking system
7 Dump valve solenoid 14 Speed control system
The boost pressure is taken from a tapping at 1 2 3 4
the end of the turbocharger compressor volute and
acts on a diaphragm connected to the wastegate
valve. As the boost pressure rises. the diaphragm
acts against a spring and at a predetermined pressure
the valve lifts off its seat, controlling exhaust gas
flow and thus limiting the boost pressure.
The boost pressure signal to the wastegate is
vented to atmosphere by the boost control valve. This
solenoid valve is unenergized in the closed position.
When it receives a signal from the electronic control
unit {ECU) the solenoid valve opens and allows
pressure to build-up in the wastegate, by venting
signal pressure to atmosphere.
Modes of operation
This section comprises a brief description of the
operating modes for the system.
activates the solenoid which vents the dump valve to
atmosphere. closing the valve.
Boost pressure from the turbocharger builds-up in
the induction manifold and the turbocharging effect is
evident with increased engine power.
The turbocharger boost pressure is also fed to
the exhaust gas wastegate assembly. As the signal
pressure increases the valve is lifted further from its
seat and allows more exhaust gas to by-pass the
turbocharger turbine. This limits the boost pressure.
If a malfunction of a component results in
excessive boost pressure. the dump valve will operate
as a relief valve at approximately 0.59 bar
{8.5 lbf/in7 • 439,50 mm Hg. 17.30 in Hg).
A knock sensor is fitted to each bank of engine
cylinders. The sensors produce a signal which is fed
to the boost control ECU for processing.
If detonation is present the ECU signals to the
boost control solenoid valve to close. This allows
boost control signal pressure to be exerted on the
wastegate diaphragm, to open the wastegate.
The speed of the turbocharger rotor is therefore
limited by the operation of the wastegate. Fig. D3-7 Air pressure transducer
ThP. information contained in this section includP.s 3. Carry out the turboc:harging systP.m flow chart
Basic system fault finding chart. test procedures.
System test procedures flow charts.
Mechanical components assembly sequence. Removal and fitting of components
Components removal and fitting procedures. When removing any parts always blank off the open
If a fault cannot be clearly defined, it is connections immediately to prevent the ingress of
suggestP.d that the following procedure is carried out dirt.
before any involved fault diagnosis work is
undertaken. Turbocharger assembly - To remove and fit
The proceciurc should be acihcre<1 to otherwise. 1. Ensure that the usual workshop safety
an incorrect diagnosis may be made which coL1ld procedures are carried out.
result in both lengthy and costly repairs. 2. Drain the coolant and remove the top hose. refer
to TSO 4 700. Chapter L.
Procedure 3. Remove the air injection pump [if fitted), refer to
1. Check the K-Motronic controlled ignition system Chapter F.
and fuel injection system, carry out the functional 4. Remove the air dump valve lrecirculationl pipe,
checks detailed in Chapter B. refer to this chapter.
If the car is fitted with catalytic converters, carry 5. Locate the air hose connecting the turbocharger
out an 'on-board' fault diagnosis check (refer to to the intercooler assembly. Unscrew the worm drive
Chapter BJ. The resulting blink code will assist any clip securing this hose to the turbocharger. Free the
diagnosis work. joint.
2. Ensure that the exhaust emission CO reading is 6. Unscrew the banjo bolt from the pressure tapping
correct, refer to Chapter B. on the end of the turbocharger compressor casing.
If the exhaust CO reading is incorrect, carry out Free the joint and collect the aluminium washer from
a compression test on the engine cylinders before both sides of the pipe joint faces.
adjusting the mixture strength. 7. Unscrew the two setscrews retaining the large
Note Inhibit the operation of the fuel injection and heatshield to the top of the turbocharger assembly.
ignition control systems during this test by 8. Unscrew the nut and collect the washer from the
disconnecting the multi-plug from the lower timing cover stud. that retains the large
K-Motronic ECU. heatshield lower mounting bracket.
9. Carefully withdraw the heatshield.
Engine cylinder compression pressure 10. Unscrew the two Allen screws securing the oil
9,66 bar (140 lbf/in 2 1 minimum @ feed pipe to the top of the turbocharger.
cranking speed 11. Unscrew the banjo bolt securing the bottom joint
t-- -·- -- -- - - - - - - -- - - - ----1 of the oil feed pipe to the crankcase.
Variation between cylinders must not
exceed 1.034 bar 115 lbl/in 2 J 12. Free the oil feed pipe.
13. On cars fitted with catalytic converters, unscrew
TSD 4737
Pr,nreri Engl,rnd
© Rolls· Royce Motor Cars llmitP,rl 1 988 D3-5
, - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Excessive oil consumption and/or blue smoke in exhaust
. - - - -- - - - - Power hang on
. - - - - -- - Excessive induction noise on overrun
Possible fau It
- - - - - - - Excessive mixture leaness - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -~
- - - - - - - - - Insufficient boost - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ~
- - - - - - - - Excessive boost - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
-- - -- - - - - - Turbocharger oil leak - - - - - - - - - --------.
- - - - Turbocharger compressor surging - -- - - - - - - ,
Possible cause l
K-Motronic ECU faulty •- -
Distributor mechanism faulty - - - - - -
Boost control system faulty - - - -- - - ,
Incorrect CO level - - - - - - -- - - , - - - - - - 1----
Dump valve faulty - - - -
Dump valve solenoid faulty - - - - -
Dump valve vacuum switch faulty - - - - -
Wastegate valve sticking -- - - -
Wastegate diaphragm faulty -- -
Wastegate signal pipe blocked or leaking - - - -
Turbocharger compressor intake
restricted or blocked - -- - - - - - - - -
Turbocharger compressor/turbine faulty - -- -- -
Turbocharger seals faulty -- - -
Faulty APT and/or signal pipe -- -- --
Faulty EHA - - - - - - - - - - -
Faulty crankcase breat h e r - - - - - - - - - - - --
Figure 03-9
5/88 TSO 4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1 988 D3-7
Preliminary checks and conditions
~ - -- - - -- - - - - - Poor performance (general)
- - - -- - - - - - - Poor performance (intermittent)
- - - - - - - - - hcessive performance
- - - - -- - Misfire
1. Unless a fault is absolutely obvious it is
recommended that the complete fault · - - - - -Overboosting
finding procedure is carried out ..-- - - Detonation
2. Ensure that the banery is fully charged Surging [ 113 km/h to 144 km/h (70 mi',e/h to 90 mile/h))
3. Always use a digital multimeter to carry
out electrical circuit tests Possible cause
4. Always switch off the ignition when • - - Knock sensors
either disconnecting or connecting • ,-• Air pressure transducer
electrical connections
• - - • - • - • --+--+-- Boost control valve
5. Always remake any connection(s) betore
proceeding to the next test • Stall torque limiter - brakes
• • - • Wastegate
•---•---~-• Turbocharger
• •---•-Dump valve
Visually inspect the electrical connections to
the components illustrated below. Detach the
muttiplug from the boost control ECU and
( check the integrity of the 1 5 connections in 1. Remake the connections
the plug NO 2. Replace the cables
Are these satisfactory?
Disconnect the electrical plug from the boost Check the cables to the boost control solenoid
Switch on the ignition
control valve valve
Wait for approximately 10 seconds
Does the boost control valve 'click' Switch on the ignition and measure the
voltage at the loom connector
Is it 10 to 13 volts?
Note The valve may 'click' briefly for between
5 and 10 seconds when the ignition
is switched on
Check the voltage on the purple/brown cable Check the boost control valw
Is it 4.9 to 5.3 volts?
5/88 TSD 4737
Printed in England
© Rolls• Royce Motor Cars Limited 1988 03-9
Boost control system air: pressure transducer (APT)
Carefully withdraw the rubber moulding from
the APT electrical plug (see item A) for the
duration of the test. This plug has four
Do not remove the plug.
Connect a multimeter between the
purple/brown cable in the plug a.nd earth Is the reading zero volts?
Switch on the ignition and check the voltage
Is it 4.9 to 5.3 volts?
Replace the fuel injection system ECU
Withdraw the plug from the APT
Check for cable continuity between the
purple/brown cable in the plug and pin 9 in
the boost control ECU plug {see item C)
Withdraw the plug from the APT Is it continuous?
Check for cable continuity between the black
cable in the plug and the body earth (see
item B)
Is it continuous?
Do not remove the plug from the APT Rectify faulty cable
Start and run the engine at idle speed
M~asure the voltage between the green/slate
cable in the plug and earth
Is it 0.7 to 1 .0 volts?
Disconnect the metal manifold feed pipe from Check for a ·crimped' or blocked signal hose Check that the metal signal pipe is not blocked
the APT from the induction manifold to the APT or leaking Replace the boost control ECU
( Do not remove the plug Is it satisfactory? Is it satisfactory?
Switch on the ignition and measure the
voltage between the green/slate cable in the
plug and earth NO NO Switch on the ignition -
Is it 2.2 to 2.8 volts? Wait for approximately 10 seconds System operating satisfactorily
Is the boost control valve 'clicking'
Clean out or replace the hose Rectify the pipe continuously?
Figure D3·9
5/88 TSO 4737
Printed in England
® Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1988 03-11
Boost control solenoid valve
Remove the two hoses from the adapter on
the boost control solenoid valve
Connect a clean hose to one of the hose
connections on the adapter (see item A)
Blow down the hose
Does air only escape from the open
connection on the adapter and not from
the screened vent port?
Withdraw the plug from the boost control Disconnect the electrical connections to the
Withdraw the plug from the air pressure air pressure transducer. ttH boost control
system APT (see item BJ transducer ECU (see item C) and the EGA ECU (see
Switch on the ignition Switch on the ignition NO Rectify faulty cables
item D).
Is the boost control solenoid valve Is the voltage on the green/slate cable Check the cable continuity between pin 2 on
'clicking'? more than 3.6 volts? the air pressure transducer and pin 7 on the
EGR ECU 10 way plug and socket. and pin
10 on the boost control ECU
Ate these continuous?
Boost control solenoid valve working Change the boost control system ECU and
satisfactorily ~
retest the system
Measure the resistance of the boost control
solenoid valve Change the boost control solenoid valve
Is it 26 to 27n?
YES ,.
Figure 03·9
2/90 TSO 4737
Printed in England
~Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1990 D3-13
Wastegate Dump valve
Ensure that there is no blockage of the
following Disconnect the vacuum hose to the dump
1. Wastegate signal pipe valve vacuum switch, Connect the M ityva c
2. Compressor to boost control valve signal pump RH 12495 to the vacuum switch.
Eliminate the blockage or replace the
pipe Start the engine.
3. Compressor signal pipe tapping on the respective component
Is the dump valve closed?
turbocharger compressor
Are these components free from
3. Dump valve
e 0 0
0 ~ ~8
~ s:0 "
., 05 KW a)
:> z :, "' <;) It>
I 0
0 12L 0
·. 0 B
,:; ! C:
.·: "
~ "'
0 0
(l ;,_
5 .:::
S _.:.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,· o - 1 OB
0 5 PN I
: L _ _ _ _ _ J i - - - - -- 0
- ... -. '--- --
1 'A' bank knock sensor 8 Boost control solenoid 14 Dump valve vacuum switch 1 Knock sensor 8 Dump valve vacuum switch
2 ·s· bank knock sensor 9 Right-hand valance 7 way plug 15 Air pressure transducer 2 Wastegate 9 Air intake filter housing
3 Braking system and socket 16 EGR ECU 3 Warm-up cataly,ic converter 10 Boost control solenoid
4 Left-hand valance 1 2 way plug 10 Dump valve solenoid 2 way plug 17 EGR ECU 4 I ntercooler 1 1 Boost control ECU
and socket and socket
( 5 Left·hand valance single 11 Dump valve solenoid
18 Boost control ECU 5 Dump valve 12 K·Motronic
19 K·Motrcnic ECU 6 Air pressure transducer 13 Braking system
connecticn 12 Left-hand valance 12 way plug 20 Parameter code socket (!ink 7 Dump valve solenoid 14 Speed control system
6 Speed control system and socket required on cars fitted with
7 Boost control solenoid 2 way 1 3 Dump valve vacuum switch cataly,ic converters)
plug and socket 4 way plug and socket
( Figure D3·9
5/88 TSD4737
Printed in England
~ Rolls-Royce M~tor Cars Limited 1988 D3-15
Brake lamps, Cruise control, and Knock sensors
The boost control system switches to base
pressure and hence naturally aspirated
performance if
1. The brakes are applied (stall torque
limiting function)
2. The cruise control is activated
Start the eng i n6 Disconnect the knock sensor connectors, one
Check the condition and continuity of the
Check the operation of the boost control at a time (see item C)
knock sensor cables. NotE- the polarity
valve (see,item BJ Start the engine NO Are they continuous and in gooci YES Replace ECU
Is it 'clicking' at random? Measure the voltage on t~1e pink/green cable
at the boost controi valve plug
Is it greater than 9 volts and is the valve
not 'clicking'?
Start the engine with the transmission in park Check the integrity of knock sensor cabies at
Increase the engine speed to between 3000 the pin connectors
and 3500 rev/min Check pins. substitute knock sensors. and
Measure the voltage of the pink/green cable ensure protective sleeves are securely
at the boost control valve plug fastened
Is it less than 5 volts?
the CO measuring pipe from the main exhaust pipe
below the turbocharger.
14. Unscrew the two setscrews securing the oil drain
pipe to the bottom of the turbocharger. Free the joint.
15. Unscrew the exhaust clamp ring, securing the
turbocharger assembly to the exhaust downtake pipe.
16. Unscrew the four nuts retaining the turbocharger
assembly to the exhaust manifold mounting flange.
Collect the distance washers.
17. Carefully withdraw the turbocharger assembly,
taking care not to damage the machined mating
faces of both the turbocharger and the exhaust
18. Fit the turbocharger by reversing the removal
procedure, noting the following.
19. Ensure that the face joint surfaces between the
turbocharger and exhaust manifold are clean and
20. Torque tighten the retaining nuts to the figures Fig. D3-10 Turbocharger and inlet pipes
given in Chapter L.
21. Before connecting the lubrication pipes, the
turbocharger must be primed with clean engine oil in
the following manner.
a. Slowly pour the engine oil into the feed port on
top of the turbocharger and manually spin the
compressor blades. Exercise care to ensure that the
blades are not damaged.
b. Once the oil drains from the port on the bottom
of the turbocharger, clean the joint face and fit both
the gasket and oil return pipe.
c. Fill the turbocharger through the feed port and
then clean the joint face and fit both the gasket and
oil feed pipe.
4. Fit the pipe assembly by reversing the procedure,
ensuring that the hoses are in good condition.
Air dump valve - To dismantle. inspect. and connect a digital multi-meter between the brown
assemble (see fig. D3-5) cable and earth.
1. Remove the dump valve from the cast air intake 2. Slacken the vacuum switch signal hose clamp
elbow. screw and withdraw the hose. Connect the Mityvac
2. Collect the rubber sealing ring. pump RH 12495 to the connection on the switch.
3. Unscrew the two Allen screws retaining the 3. Switch on the ignition noting that the reading on
circular end plate to the assembly. Collect the gasket. the multi-meter is between 8 volts and 15 volts.
4. Unscrew the two through setscrews from the 4. Operate the vacuum pump and apply a vacuum
base of the dump valve. Collect the washer from to the switch. The meter should read zero when the
each setscrew. reading on the gauge is between 317,50 mm Hg and
5. Withdraw the valve from the casting. 381.0 mm Hg (12.50 in Hg and 15 in Hg).
6. Unscrew the four setscrews situated around the 5. Slowly release the vacuum. noting that the meter
diaphragm retaining ring. again reads between 8 volts and 15 volts before the
7. Unscrew the nut from the centre through bolt. vacuum drops below 317,50 mm Hg (12.50 in Hg).
Collect the washer. 6. If the operation of the switch is suspect, it
8. Lilt off the seal assembly. diaphragm. spring should be renewed.
guide, spring. and base washer.
9. Withdraw the through bolt, guide. and washer Solenoid valve - To remove end fit
from the valve housing. 1. Disconnect the inlet and outlet hoses from the
10. Clean the parts and examine the rubber solenoid valve.
diaphragm, body sealing ring, and the valve seal 2. Disconnect the electrical connections to the
assembly plate. solenoid valve at the 2-way connection block.
11. Assemble the components by reversing the 3. Carefully slide the solenoid from its rubber
dismantling procedure. mounting.
4. Fit the solenoid valve by reversing the
Air dump valve vacuum swhch and solenoid - To dismantling procedure.
remove and test lsee fig. D3-5)
This solenoid and switch are fitted adiacent to the air Solenoid valve - To test
flow sensor potentiometer on the mixture control unit. 1. Disconnect the electrical connections to the
solenoid valve at the 2-way connection block. This
Vacuum switch - To remove and fit block is situated between the air potentiomer
1. Disconnect the vacuum signal hose from the !mixture control unit! and the solenoid valve.
switch. Note The connection block is usually clipped together
2. Disconnect the electrical connections to the with the connection block for the vacuum
switch, at the 4-way connection. switch.
3. Carefully prise the shakeproof securing washP.r 2. Slacken the hose clamp screws on the solenoid
from the cylindrical body of the switch, below the inlet and outlet connections. Twist each hose to free
mounting bracket. the ioint. Withdraw the two hoses.
4. Lift the switch from the mounting bracket. 3. Connect a suitable length of hose to the front
5. Fit the switch by reversing the dismantling connection on the solenoid and blow down the open
procedure. end of the hose. It should be possible to blow
through the solenoid valve.
Vacuum switch - To test 4. Connect a 12 volt supply to the solenoid. Note
1. Locate the switch electrical connection block and that it should not be possible to blow down the hose
Chapter E
Ignition systems
Contents Sections
Rolls-Royce Bentley
Silver Silver Corniche/ Eight Mulsanne/ Turbo R Continental
Spirit Spur Corniche II Mulsanne S
Page No.
I E1 I E2 I
E3 I
E4 I
E5 I E6 I E7
Danger - Exhaust gases 4. Never remove the high tension lead situated
To ensure adequate ventilation, always open garage between the ignition coil and distributor when the
doors fully before starting the car in a garage. or any engine is running.
confined space. 5. Ensure that no arcing takes place between
The exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide electrical connections.
(CO), which is odourless and invisible, but very 6. Never supply more than 16 volts direct current to
poisonous. the ignition system.
Operating the air conditioning system in a
confined space increases the danger of these gases
entering the car.
General precautions
Whenever possible ensure that the battery master
switch (if fitted) is turned to the OFF position or the
battery is disconnected. However, it is essential that
when disconnecting or connecting electrical
components, either the battery master switch is turned
to the OFF position or the battery is disconnected.
When carrying out operations that require the
battery master switch to be in the ON position and the
battery connected always ensure that the following
procedures are carried out.
The parking brake is firmly applied.
The gear range selector lever is in the park
The gearchange isolatil')g fuse (fuse A6) on the
main fuseboard F2 is removed.
In addition, the following points should be noted.
Never disconnect the battery or switch off the
battery master switch when the engine is running.
Always ensure correct polarity when making
cable connections.
It is recommended that when carrying out tests
on the car wiring, a good quality multi-meter is used.
Never use generator type meters.
Do not use a test lamp on circuitry that contains
electronic components, such as the ignition system.
Special precautions
1. Always wear thick rubber gloves and use insulated
2. Before using test equipment always read the
manufacturer's instructions.
3. Do not pierce any electrical leads or looms with
test probes, etc.
2/87 TSD4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 E2-1
Section E3
A constant energy ignition control system is fitted.
The system utilises a variable reluctance electronic
distributor incorporating an integral amplifier module
together with a high energy coil. The system also
incorporates resistive type sparking plugs.
Component description
Ignition distributor (see fig. E3- 1)
The ignition distributor assembly is situated at the
rear of the engine and is driven from the crankshaft via
a skew gear.
Contained within the distributor body is an
assembly incorporating a permanent magnet and
coil; the assembly being linked to an amplifier module.
Also contained within the body is a rotor arm and
reluctor wheel; the wheel incorporating eight teeth,
one per cylinder. Each time a tooth of the reluctor
wheel passes close to the coil pole piece (during
rotation of the distributor shaft) a small voltage is
induced within the coil. The voltage is then passed to
the ignition amplifier module. This in turn controls the
primary current in the ignition coil.
The advance characteristics of the ignition
distributor are controlled by centrifugal weights
together with the vacuum advance capsule.
Except during idle speed or at small throttle
openings, a gated orifice vacuum signal is applied to
the ignition distributor capsule from the throttle
body. This ensures smooth running of the engine
under all operating conditions and therefore improves
fuel economy.
Ignition coil
The ignition coil is situated in the engine compartment,
mounted on the right-hand inner wing valance (see
fig. E3-2). -
When the ignition amplifier, located on the
distributor body, interrupts the current to the primary
winding of the ignition coil a high voltage is induced \
in the secondary winding. The high voltage is
distributed via the distributor rotor arm and high
tension leads to the sparking plugs.
TSD 4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 E3-1
Fig. EJ-2 Ignition coil
Diagnostic socket
The diagnostic socket is situated on the engine
adjacent to the alternator as shown in figure E4-4.
Section E4
Ignition timing
Ignition timing condition and that the gap settings are correct.
Ignition timing settings vary, dependent upon the 3. Move the battery master switch (if fitted) to the
country specification of the car. Therefore, prior to OFF position. Alternatively, disconnect the battery.
commencing work, reference must be made to one of 4. Connect suitable diagnostic test equipment
the following ignition timing data charts. (e.g. Bosch MOT 201) to the diagnostic socket !see fig.
Figure E4-1 Cars conforming to an Australian, E4-4). Refer to the manufacturer's instructions when
Japanese, or North American specification. connecting this equipment.
Figure E4-2 Cars conforming to a Middle East If diagnostic test equipment is not available
specification. connect a stroboscope and tachometer in accordance
Figure E4-3 Cars other than those conforming to an with the manufacturer's instructions.
Australian, Japanese, Middle East, or North American 5. Disconnect the vacuum advance hose at the
specification. reducer connection (see fig. E4-5). Blank off the
exposed hose leading to the throttle body.
Ignition - To time 6. As necessary move the battery master switch to
Ignition timing is carried out on A1 cylinder, the front the ON position or re-connect the battery.
cylinder on the right-hand side of the engine when 7. Start and run the engine until the coolant
viewed from the driver's seat. thermostat has opened.
Note It is importnnl tlrnl the lest eciuipmcnl used to Continue to run the engine for a minimum of 15
lime the ignition meets lhP- following specification. minutes after (he thermostat has opened.
Accuracy - Ignition timing within ± 1° 8. As engine speed and ignition timing settings
Rotational speed within± 10 rev/min. vary, dependent upon the specification of the car,
1. Ensure that the parking brake is firmly applied, reference must be made to the appropriate ignition
the gear range selector lever is in the park position. timing data chart (see fig. E4-1, E4-2, or E4-3), prior to
and the gearchange isolating fuse (fuse A6) removed carrying out Operations 9, 10, 11, 14, and 18.
from fuseboard F2 at the main fuseboard. 9. Operate the primary throttles by use of the
Also ensure that the air conditioning function accelerator pedal until the required engine speed is
switch is in the OFF position and any non essential obtained (see fl1 in fig. E4-1, E4-2, or E4-3).
electrical loads are off. When selecting this speed ensure that it is
2. Check that the sparking plugs are in good approached from a higher range.
1400± 25 20° btdc± 1° Vacuum advance hose disconnected and exposed hose leading
to throttle body blanked off.
Approach engine rev/min from a higher speed.
580 (idle speed) 6° btdc to 14° btdc Air conditioning function switch in LOW position.
Ensure that the compressor clutch is in the engaged position
580 (idle speed) 10° to 14° Initial Vacuum of 635 mm Hg (25 in Hg) applied using Mityvac
further advanced pump RH 12495, then reduce to 508 mm Hg (20 in Hg).
than the figure Ensure that the compressor clutch is in the engaged position
recorded in III when taking ignition timing figure. Ignition timing figure should
be between 16° bide and 28n btdc.
Fig. E4-1 Ignition timing data Cars conforming to an Australian, Japanese, or North American specification
2/90 TSD4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1990 E4-1
10. Check the ignition timing read out on the fig. E3· 1) and rotate the distributor body in the
diagnostic test equipment. Alternatively, direct the appropriate direction until the correct setting is
timing light from the stroboscope onto the crankshaft obtained.
damper timing marks and timing pointer (see fig. Clockwise rotation of the distributor body
E4-6). Check the timing. advances the ignition and conversely anti-clockwise
11. If the reading is outside the specified limits. rotation retards the ignition.
slacken the ignition distributor clamp setscrew (see After adjustment, tighten the distributor clamp
Middle East
2000 Vacuum advance hose disconnected and exposed hose leading
25° btdc± 1°
to throttle body blanked off.
Taiwan Approach engine rev/min from a higher speed.
ti 30° btdc± 1°
Middle East
580 (idle speed) Air conditioning function switch in LOW position.
3° atdc to 5° btdc
Ensure that the compressor clutch is in the engaged position
m 2° btdc to 10° btdc
and record ignition timing figure.
580 (idle speed) 12°1016° Initial Vacuum of 635 mm Hg (25 in Hg) applied using Mityvac
further advanced pump RH 12495, then reduce to 508 mm Hg (20 in Hg).
than the figure Ensure that the compressor clutch is in the engaged position
recorded in EJ when taking ignition timing figure. Ignition timing figure should
be between 9° btdc and 21° btdc.
Fig. E4·2 Ignition timing data Cars conforming to a Middle East or Taiwan specification
2000 30° btdc±1° Vacuum advance hose disconnected and exposed hose leading
to throttle body blanked off.
Approach engine rev/min from a higher speed.
580 (idle speed) 2° btdc to 10° btdc Air conditioning function switch in LOW position.
Ensure that the compressor clutch is in the engaged position
580 (idle speed) 12°10 16° Initial Vacuum of635 mm Hg (25in Hg) applied using Mityvac
further advanced pump RH 12495, then reduce to 508 mm Hg (20 in Hg).
than the figure Ensure that the compressor clutch is in the engaged position
recorded in~ when taking ignition timing figure. Ignition timing figure should
Fig. E4-3 Ignition timing data Cars other than those conforming to an Australian, Japanese, Middle East, Nonh
American, or Taiwan specification
Fig. E4-4 Diagnostic socket Fig. E4-6 Crankshaft damper timing marks
Fig. E4-5 Vacuum advance hose reducer connection Fig. E4-7 Idle speed adjustment screw
setscrew (finger tight plus h·alf a turn) and check to If the figure is outside the specified range, this
ensure that the reading is still within the specified indicates that the distributor is faulty and a new unit
limits. must be fitted.
12. Select LOW position on the air conditioning 15. Stop the engine.
function switch and ensure that the compressor clutch. 16. Locate the exposed hose from the vacuum
situated in the engine compartment. has engaged. advance capsule and connect a Mityvac pump
With the switch in LOW position the compressor RH 12495 lo th is hose.
clutch will cycle in and out. Therefore, when carrying 17. Start the engine and apply an initial vacuum of
out Operations 13. 14, and 18 ensure that the 635 mm Hg (25 in Hg). Then, reduce the vacuum to
compressor clutch is always in the engaged position. 508 mm Hg (20 in Hg).
13. Set the engine idle speed to 580 rev/min by 18. Adjust the engine idle speed to 580 rev/min. Note
means of the adjustment screw on the throttle body the ignition timing figure obtained in Operation 14
(see fig. E4-7}. Clockwise rotation of the screw reduces and check that the timing has further advanced by the
the rev/min; anti-clockwise rotation increases the amount specified in the relevant chart (see~ in fig.
rev/min. E4-1, E4·2. or E4·3).
14. Check the ignition timing to ensure that it If the figure is outside the specified range, this
corresponds with the timing figures quoted in the indicates that the distributor is faulty and a new unit
relevant chart (see IE) in fig. E4- 1, E4-2, or E4-3). must be fitted.
Record the figure obtained. 19. Stop the engine. As necessary move the battery
2/90 TS04737
Printed in England
©Rolls-Royce Mo1orCars Limited 1990 E4-3
master switch to the OFF position or disconnect the
20. Remove the test equipment and re-connect the
vacuum advance hose.
21. As necessary move the battery master switch to
the ON position or re-connect the battery.
22. Check the engine idle speed and adjust if
necessary, as described in Chapter B.
Section E5
To provide optimum ignition timing a digital
electronic ignition control system is fitted.
The system (see fig. E5-3) incorporates engine
sensors. an EZ 58F electronic control unit. group 1
ignition amplifier and coil, group 2 ignition amplifier
and coil, a two times four-way ignition distributor, and
resistive type sparking plugs.
Ignition timing is pre-programmed and is not
adjustable. Under no circumstance must any attempt
be n,ade to rotate the ignition distributor housing.
Component description
Engine sensors
The sensors located at various positions on the
engine, monitor operating conditions. The
information obtained from the sensors is transferred
to the EZ 58F electronic control unit providing a
constant indication of engine operating conditions.
This enables the EZ 58F to provide optimum ignition
- -
Group 1 Group 2
amplifier amplifier
~ Jl
/~ ;;
1,~ I~
lI ••
Group 1 Group 2
'• coil coil
12v + ign
Al 2 x 4-way distributor Bl
,? ,?!)
B3 ~ A4 B4 A2
.. I
I t
A1 •
A3 B3
Sparkmg plugs
!.. !•
=i i.
EZ 58F digital electronic control unit (see fig. E5-4)
The electronic control unit incorporates four pre-
programmed ignition advance maps. These maps are
designated -cranking and low engine rev/min, idle
speed/overrun. part load. and full load.
Sparking plugs
The sparking plugs are NGK BPR 5 EV with the gap set
to 1,0mm (0.040in).
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© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 E5-3
Section E6
10/88 TSD4737
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~) Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1988 E6-1
displaced or sealing compound has escaped, fit a new plug ensure continuity between the blue/black cable at
coil. pin 3 and the red cable at pin 5. Also ensure continuity
Using the multi-meter and taking into account the of the white/black cable at pin 1 to its coi I connection.
resistance of the test leads, ensure the resist a nee of Re-connect the amplifier plugs. Carry out
the primary and secondary windings at each ignition Operations 1. 2. and 3. If the ignition coils fail to
coil a6 follows. generate HT replace the ignition amplifiers as
Between terminals 1 and 15 0.4 H to 0. 7 !l necessary.
Between terminals 1 and 4 4.9 K n to 8. 7 Kn
Crankshaft sensor
If a reading is outside the Ii mits fit a new coi I.
9. Disconnect the three-way plug and socket to the
Ignition amplifiers crankshaft sensor. Using the multi-meter ensure the
8. Remove the ignition amplifier plugs and at each following.
. - - - - - - - -- - - - - Engine misfires
. - - - - - Engine backfires
\ '
2000 " ~
~ r---..
60 (1401 80 (1761
Coolanl temperature •c (°Fl
a. The continuity of the blue cable at pin 1 of the the sensor resistance characteristic graph given in
loom connector to pin 7 of the EZ 58F electronic figure E6-3.
control unit. Note Under service conditions it may not be practical
b. The continuity of the brown cable at pin 2 of the to gauge precise engine coolant temperature.
loom connector to pin 19 of the EZ 58F electronic Therefore carrying out the test with a cold
control unit. engine (e.g. after the car has stood overnight)
c. The internal resistance of the crankshaft sensor, would mean that coolant temperature and
measured between pins 1 and 2 of the sensor ambient air temperature would be similar.
connection, is between 0.6 KO and 1.6 KO.
Throttle position switch
If the measurement is outside these Ii mits fit a
11. The throttle position switch provides information
new sensor. Re·rnake all connections.
to both the EZ 58F electronic control unit and to the
Engine coolant temperature sensor KE2-Jetronic fuel injection system electronic control
10. The sensor provides information to both the unit.
EZ 58F electronic control unit (via the green/blue Disconnect the plug from the EZ 58F electronic
cable) and the KE2-Jetronic fuel injection system control unit and from the KE2-Jetronic electronic
electronic control unit (via the yellow/blue cable). control unit.
Disconnect the plug from both the EZ 58F Using the multi-meter and referring to the wiring
electronic control unit and from the KE2-Jetronic fuel diagram in Section E7 ensure the following.
injection system electronic control unit. a. Continuity of the blue/purple cable at pin 4 of the
Using the multi-meter ensure the following. EZ 58F electronic control unit plug to its connection at
a. Continuity of the black cable at pin 10 of the the throttle position switch.
EZ 58F electronic control unit plug to its earth b. Continuity of the yellow/purple cable at pin 17 of
connection. the EZ 58F electronic control unit plug to its
b. Continuity of the green/blue cable at pin 23 of the connection at the throttle position switch.
EZ 58F electronic control unit plug to the engine c. Continuity of the black cable at the throttle
coolant temperature sensor. position switch to its earth connection.
c. Resistance measured between pins 10 and 23 of d. With the throttle plates closed only switch
the EZ 58F electronic control unit plug compares with contacts 2 and 18 are connected {see fig. E6-4).
7187 TSD4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 E6-3
e. With the throttle plates just off the idle position
(confirmed by an audible click) switch contacts 2, 3.
and 18 are open circuit i.e. not connected (see fig. E6-5) .
f. With the throttle plates fully open (the switching
point is just before full throttle and there is no audible
click). only switch contacts 3 and 18 a reconnected
(see fig. E6-6).
g. Restore all connections.
EZ 58F ignition electronic control unit
12. With the operation of both the engine coolant
temperature sensor and throttle position switch
proved correct. the following check is sufficient to
confirm the correct ignition/engine coolant
temperature response of the EZ 58F electronic control
a. Start and run the engine. With the engine coolant
at normal operating temperature i.e. above 80°C
(176°F) disconnect the two-way plug from the electro
Fig. E6-4 Throttle position switch - idle speed
hydraulic actuator (see fig. E6-11 ).
Note It is necessary to disconnect the electro
hydraulic actuator (EHAJ to prevent over-
fuelling when the engine coolant temperature
sensor is disconnected. However.
disconnecting the EHA will cause some
deterioration of engine idling quality.
b. Disconnect the throttle position switch plug and
Using a length of cable with suitable connections
bridge the EZ 58F electronic control unit to initiate the
ignition idle speed map.
The bridge should be made at the black and blue/
purple connections on the control unit side of the
~ ~
throttle position switch plug and socket.
c. Partly open the engine throttles to set a stabilized
engine speed at approximately 700 rev/min. Using a
-~ ·
---~--o,., _,'___....__----'1-0-~·
~ I
stroboscopic timing light, connected in accordance
with the manufacturer's instructions, measure the
A2 149 degree of ignition advance at the crankshaft damper
timing marks !see fig. E6-, 2).
Fig. E6·5 Throttle position switch - part load
d. Disconnect the two-way connector from the
engine coolant temperature sensor. Check that the
ignition timing has advanced by 2° btdc.
Should this check not prove satisfactory renew
the EZ 58F electronic control unit.
Restore all plug and socket connections to return
the system to basic engine settings.
Ignition timing
13. All ignition timing checks must be carried out with
the engine speed stabilized and with the engine
coolant at normal operating temperature i.e. above
Note Although engine settings are carried out with
the air conditioning system switched on and
with the compressor clutch engaged, it will
prove more convenient to carry out the
following checks with the air conditioning
system switched off. However, it is essential
that when re-setting the engine idle speed at
A2150 the conclusion of these checks, the air
conditioning system is switched on and the
Fig. E6-6 Throttle position switch - full load
compressor clutch is engaged.
(Degrees btdc)
12· '
1 \
I \
. I
I \
\ \
advance - ' \
.,,,,,, ,,
. I
I I \
- J
4• V
2· I Increasing engine rev/min
- - - ... - -Decreasing engine rev/min
Ide 0°
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Engine speed {rev/min)
(Degrees btdc)
35 - ·-·-
30 .
25 .
. /
/ :z:
20 ::,
/ <.>
. / -
V .,
. / ..
/ '6,
5 •
7/87 TSD4737
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© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 E6-5
m bar mm Hg
255 191 36 34 26 24 22 16 12 10 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
340 255 36 34 30 26 24 20 16 12 10 B 8 6 6 6 6 6
425 320 41 43 40 34 34 30 26 22 20 18 14 10 8 6 6 6
510 382 44 46 46 46 44 44 38 32 28 24 18 16 12 10 8 8
595 446 44 46 46 44 44 44 40 34 30 26 22 16 14 10 8 8
675 506 44 46 46 44 42 42 40 34 30 26 24 18 16 12 10 8
760 570 44 44 44 43 40 41 40 36 28 24 24 20 17 13 12 10
845 633 40 40 42 42 38 38 36 32 26 24 22 18 17 14 14 12
930 697 35 34 36 36 36 34 33 28 24 22 20 18 17 15 15 13
1015 791 32 32 34 34 32 30 28 2622 23 18 16 16 15 15 13
1100 825 27 27 28 28 28 28 26 2421 23
18 16 16 15 15 13
1185 889 27 24 23 23 23 24 23 2220 22
18 15 14 14 15 13
1270 952 27 24 22 22 22 23 22 2018 20
17 14 13 13 14 12
1355 1016 26 25 22 21 21 21 21 1814 16
13 12 11 10 10 8
1440 1080 24 22 20 20 20 18 16 1410 12
10 10 9 8 8 8
1525 1144 12 16 18 18 18 16 14 12 8 10
8 8 8 8 8 8
4000 3500 3000 2750 2500 2250 2000 1750 1500 1300 1100 900 744 598 500 430
Engine speed (rev/min)
!Degrees btdc)
30 .-
25 .- -
20· ~
----V -0
.:, : . . -
Ignition -.,
15 . .2
10 • ~-
- w
Connect a stroboscopic timing light and a
tachometer in accordance with the manufacturer's
Using the idle speed adjustment screw (see fig.
E6· 13) set the engine idle speed to 580 rev/min ± 10
rev/min. Clockwise rotation of the screw reduces the
rev/min, conversely anti-clockwise rotation increases
the rev/min.
Check that the ignition timing is 7° btdc ± 1° btdc.
Using the idle speed adjustment screw. reduce
the engine idle speed to 500 rev/min± 10 rev/min.
Check that the ignition timing is 10° btdc ± 1° btdc.
If the ignition timing is outside the specified limits
it will be necessary to renew the EZ 58F electronic
control unit.
Return the engine idle speed to the basic setting
of 580 rev/min with the air conditioning system
switched on and with the compressor clutch engaged.
Switch off the ignition.
Fig. E6·11 Electro hydraulic actuator Ignition system Piezo resistive pressure transducer
14. Disconnect the vacuum hose from the EZ 58F
electronic control unit at the induction manifold. Blank
off the manifold tapping. Connect the Mityvac pump
RH 12495 to the hose from the EZ 58F electronic
control unit.
Start the engine and allow to idle. Apply a
vacuum of 508mm Hg (20in Hg) to the ignition hose.
This should result in a decrease in engine speed of
approximately 100 rev/min.
If no decrease occurs, check the induction
manifold hose for leaks or blockage between the
vacuum pump and the EZ 58F electronic control unit.
If no leaks or blockage are present, the Piezo resistive
pressure transducer within the EZ 58F electronic
control unit is faulty. Renew the unit.
Switch off the ignition. Remove all test equipment
and restore all connections.
15. For more detailed information concerning the
EZ 58F electronic control unit ignition maps refer to
Fig. E6-12 Crankshaft damper timing marks figures E6-7 to E6-10 inclusive.
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© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1990 E6-7
Section E7
Ignition circuits
Contents Pages
Rolls-Royce Bentley
Silver Silver Corniche/ Eight Mulsanne/ Turbo R Continental
Spirit Spur Corniche II MulsanneS
2/87 TS04737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 E7-3
Oti W OS W OS W 0 !) W
B ,--------
u !'---
, ~ ·\·B' - - - - - - - - - 1 C
e 8 0
0 I
l------- - - - - - - - - 05 W _____ I
sl "'0
05 W RVE 05 w HT
I 9
0 0
05 W
05 W
s 9
( "'
I e
A ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . :0...=.
5 ....:..
W:.....__ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __,c..:....:..:.....__
Ou W
-· !I "'
01 0
s z
"'0 >--
:I: ;::;
05 we 05 WB 0 S WB
a, > z
F1 I
!.= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O; NS DP
$4 "'
IO ti OP
IJ f)
... IZI
0 ~ Wfl
1 Switchbox plug and socket 18-way
2 'Other than Europe' plug and socket
3 Splice A
0.5W 0.5W (1
0.5 W o.sw
0.5W CD
l oaaoaooooo
0 J
4 Right-hand valance to engine loom plug and
socket 9-way
5 Right-hand main to valance loom plug and socket A1~87/G
6 Splice B 111mo,oo1n1mmm1mom1r
_...;.;.;_..;.;___~~ - -- -o-.s _w_ _
0.5W ~
7 Ignition coil
8 12 volts positive supply from battery master
switch connection
9 Splice C
- - - - - - ~ , _ __ _ 0_.5_W_8_ _
0.5W8 ~
10 Starter motor
11 Speedometer connection - positive
12 Engine running sensor plug and socket
13 Distributor suppressor
14 Fuseboard F1, fuse B3, 10 Amp
15 Distributor assembly
16 Engine crankshaft sensor
17 Diagnostic plug and socket 4-way
18 Diagnostic socket
19 Splice D
sw _ e_ _~ ~ - - - - - - -
~- 0.5W8
20 Alternator connection
21 Fusible link (at alternator)
22 Splice E
4.5 N
_ _F_
u s_ib_le_Li_nk--~ - - - -
4._5 N
- --
~ 1.0N
2/87 TSD4737
Printed in England
@ Rous-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 E7-5
Ignition circuit
Wiring diagram
Turbocharged engines
0~ W RMV 0 ~ \,\• us w AVE Ot. Vv 05 W 0 s W IAI
12 C 9 p
CD ~ G> G e
0© ti>
3: I s s s
G) "' "'
0 e a,
- • "'
05 w
~ W
CD - &
( s "'::, ~
<} ,,
::, PS4
,- I-
:r :r - -
st 8
~ ~ ~
~ c=,
~ ~
I c=,
1I> <]
I IO II 10 ll
I 10 8
I I•$
,--02~--..J 1 o ua IO UB
cs G) z
M G 05
0 S yp yp
;: Cl)
::, a:)
s 0
05 UP
OS W "'
0 H
, -
• E) "'
0 ©
, ~~ !-.I ~
1U ft
"z 0~ W
3 0 NW RAM
0 J(I NW
or, we
0 IN
11 '-, 1,,,
" •,u
e os we
...., circuit
Component location
Turbocharged engines
2/87 TSD4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 E7-7
0.5 UP
socket 5-way
9 Engine coolant tern perature sensor 41 Splice J
( 10 Fuseboa rd F1, fuse 83, 10 Amp 0.5 YP 0.5 VP
11 12 volts positive supply when engine is cranking
12 Turbo ignition link connection O.S VP 0.5 yp
o.s w 1.0 B 10B
osw 1.0 B
Contents Sections
Rolls-Royce Bentley
Silver Silver Corniche/ Eight Mulsanne/ Turbo R Continental
Spirit Spur Corniche II Mulsanne S
Page No.
Fl I
F2 F3 I F4 F5 I I I
F6 F7 I I
Fa I
1 10/88 11/86 11/86 11/86 11/86 10/88 10/88 10/88
2 5/87 10/88 11/86 10/88 10/88 10/88
3 10/88 5/87 11/86 11/86 10/88 10/88
4 10/88
5 _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...:....::...:..__ _ _ ____;....:.._:_
11/86 10/88_ _ .;_;__;:_..::....__ _ __ _ __
7 10/88
10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -
16 - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -
21 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -
26 - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - -
30 - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -
36 - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - --
41 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - --
46 - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- -
51 - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- -
The contents of this Chapter apply to cars conforming a proportion of the exhaust gas from 'B' bank exhaust
to an Australian, Japanese, or North American pipe, through a vacuum operated metering valve into
specification. All have naturally aspirated engines. the induction manifold.
The exhaust emission control system (see fig. The recirculation of exhaust gas lowers the peak
F2-1) is designed to reduce the carbon monoxide, combustion temperature and therefore, reduces the
hydrocarbon. and oxides of nitrogen content in the oxides of nitrogen content of the exhaust gas.
exhaust gases. The air injection system comprises a belt driven
To comply with current exhaust emission control pump, that during the warm-up period passes air via
regulations, cars produced to these specifications are an air switching valve and check valves to the exhaust
fitted with a three-way catalytic converter in place of manifolds.
the conventional front silencer. The injected air combines with the exhaust from
In order to achieve maximum efficiency the the combustion chambers to promote oxidation of
catalytic converter requires very accurate control of the gases and reduce the catalytic converter warm-up
the engine air/fuel ratio. This is accomplished by the time.
use of a continuous fuel injection system with 'closed Whenever the coolant temperature is above 33°C
loop' mixture control (refer to Chapter BJ. (91°F), the air switching valve vents the output from
Dependent upon the specification of the vehicle the air pump into the engine air intake system.
the following additional systems are fitted to improve For details of the servicing and maintenance
the control of exhaust emissions. requirements of the exhaust emission control system.
The exhaust gas recirculation system recirculates refer to the Service Schedules Manual TSO 4702.
1 2
l 1/86 TS04737
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© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 F2-1
Section F3
11;86 TSD4737
Printed in England
© Rolls· Royce Motor Cars Limited 198 7 F3-1
1 2 U854
Fig. F3·2 Exhaust gas recirculation valve Fig. FJ-3 Exhaust gas recirculation valve
(exhaust pressure below operating {exhaust pressure above operating
value) value}
1 Ambient air 1 Exhaust gas to induction manifold
2 Air filter 2 Exhaust gas from exhaust manifold
3 Air bleed Ambient air ~
4 Restrictor Exhaust gas .. , .
Ambient air <}:::::::J
Exhaust gas .. •
condition and that the sealing ring in the top feed pipe fitted into a portable drill. Take care not to damage
joint is clean. the valve seating area.
3. Thoroughly 'blow out' all components with dry
EGR valve feed pipe- To remove and fit compressed air before they are fitted to the engine.
(see fig. F3-1)
The main feed pipe connects the EGR valve assembly EGR valve - To check
to the 'B' bank exhaust pipe. Checks to ensure the correct operation of the valve
1. To free one end of the flared pipe, unscrew the are only required under no load conditions as follows.
two securing nuts, collect the washers, bolts, and 1. Ensure that there is no exhaust tailpipe restriction
both halves of the split clamp. or extraction.
2. When the joint is freed, remove the sealing ring 2. Ensure that the ACU is !lWitched off.
located inside both adjoining pipes. 3. Start and run the engine until normal operating
3. Repeat Operations 1 and 2 to free the joint at the temperature is attained (approximately 15 minutes
opposite end of the pipe. after the thermostat has opened).
4. To connect the pipe reverse the dismantling 4. Raise the engine speed slowly and observe the
procedure. Always ensure that the sealing ring, pipe movement of the EGA valve diaphragm. The throttle
flares, and split clamp mating faces are thoroughly control must be opened slowly to avoid a false
clean and free from scale. If necessary the mating reading.
faces may be lightly dressed with fine emery cloth. 5. Note the speed at which the diaphragm starts to
move, indicating that the valve is opening. This
should be between 1250 rev/min and 1750 rev/min.
EGR components - To clean The speed at which the valve commences to
Whenever components are removed for cleaning the move and then continues to move until open, is
following guidelines should be adhered to. considered the EGA valve opening speed. Any slight
1. Use a scraper to clean the worst of the carbon fluttering of the diaphragm prior to the valve opening
deposit from the valve, joint flanges, and feed pipes. should be discounted.
2. Remove the remaining carbon using a wire brush
C Figure F3·4
Stan and run the engine et id1e speed Eltcesswe e~heust gas tail p1c,e eJ<tra<:non Diodes 10 test
Valve begin• to open Hrly Check fo, retatded ignition timing refer to
1nct11ase the engine speed. noting the ttt,,s test is beSt cam~ct out without any
Chapter E•on al the EGR valve tailptpe r~stnct,on or e.xtr..lction;
Th• valve ehould open at b<ttw••n Tempenrtu,.. switch circuit diode (see item F and 5)
1250 rw/min and 1750 rev/min 1 Disconnect the temperature switch plug
(see item B and 2)
Valv• eilher tail• to open or op•ns late Incorrect or faulty thtonle body auembly 2 Fully open the thronles
3 Measure the voltage on the slate/blue cable in the
E:xcessrve e:ch8USt back. pres.sure tth1s te.s1 1s
plug. This should be zero
leak or bloekege in the vacuum signal pipe Ch9Ck for advanced ,gnmon timing 1eler to best carried out without and te11p1pe Throttle position switch circuit d iO<le
faulty electncel control circuit to tile EGR valve Chapter E testnet,on or ex:ue:ct,on; (see item G and 6)
1 Disconnect the temperature switch plug
(see item £! and 2)
2 Bridge the cables in the plug
Oe1ach the hose from the EGR v•lve lnYest,gate and rectify bloc~ed hoses to the Check the vollage on the whtte cable rn the 01sconr,ect the 12 way plug aM socke: 3 Measure the voltage on the yellow/purple cable in
Ignition ott thronle body or renew the control solenoid tempera,u1e switch plug 01soonnect the temi,erature switch plug (see the thronle position switch plug and socket 4 way.
Can you blow down the hose and through Check the YOhage on the slate/blue cable at ilem Band 3)
1soier101d t>.low connectot see Rem A) Is it 12 vntts? This should be zero
the solenoid? the ,emperature switch plug 12 way plug Check the slate/blue cable for cor,tinuity
and soc1<e1 rsee item D and 2)
16 it, 2 volu>
Check the tempertrture awitch circuit
leaye the temperature switch b'<dged Cneek the voltage on the whne cable in the Reier to TSO 4701
( Ens1Jre that the engine is fully warmed-up Measure the voltage on tM whne/blue cable temperature switch plug an~ socket 12 way Check ttie 19rn1ion feed white cable tC> fuse
Dellch thE temperature swnch plug (see ,tem a, tne solenoid plug itnd soeket tsee item :J and 2) B3 on fuseboa,d
B and 3J. Bridge the e.tbles ,n the plug (s&e item A •nd ?) Is it 12 votts?
Ignition on Is it 12 volts? Du,eonneet the 1 2 way plug end socket
YES O,soonneet the solenoid plug and socket
Can you blow down the hoae end through Check to, conunuity from item 2 to item 7
the solenoid?
NO D,seonnett the 1 2 W.ty plug and socket (item
Disconnect the solenoid plug and socket
D and 21
Ch9Ck the black cable to eanh for cont,nurty. YES Replace lhe solenoid D1sconnec1 the temperature switel"i plu9
h, it continuoua?
(see 11em O and 3)
Check the white cable for continuity
Check for eol\tinuity of tht white/green and Replace tt,e solenoid Important
System functions s.ttisiac:torily the white/bl1Je cable between items C and
10. and A end 7 Before carrying out a 1est ensure that the following
conditions appty
1. The battery is fully charged
2. The engine is fully warme~up
3. Use a multimeter to carry out the electrical
c,rcuit tests
4. The engine is switched off when either
disconnecting or connecting electrical
5. Always remake any connection immediiltely a
test is complete
6. Ensure that fuse 83 on fuseboard 1 1s mtact
7, Ensure that the test is carried out in a well
ventilated area ( preferably outside) and without
any exhaust extraction or restriction
Section F4
Air injection pump
The rotary vane pump is mounted at the front of the
engine; and belt driven from the refrigeration Al827
compressor pulley._Air is drawn into the pump,
through a centrifugal filter and exits from a Fig. F4-1 Air injection system
connection on the rear of the pump. 1 Air pump
2 Vent hose to air cleaner
3 'A' bank check valve
Air switching valve (see fig. F4-2)
4 Relief valve
The air switching valve comprises a vacuum operated
5 'A' bank exhaust manifold connection
valve with integral control solenoid.
6 'B' bank exhaust manifold connection
When the coolant temperature is below 33"C
7 Vacuum hose
(91 "Fl the solenoid is energized th us applying inlet
8 Air switching valve
manifold vacuum to the diaphragm chamber. This
9 'B' bank check valve
causes the injected air to be re-routed to the exhaust
When the solenoid is de-energized lat a coolant
temperature above 33''C (91°F)] the manifold vacuum
1 2 3
signal is inhibited and the diaphragm chamber vented
to atmosphere. This causes the internal spring to
return the valve to the rest position, routing the
injection air to the engine air intake system.
Check valves A B
A check valve is fitted into the air injection pipe to 7 6 5 4 W995
each exhaust manifold.
Each valve assembly consists of a spring and Fig. F4-2 Air switching valve
one-way disc. The assembly prevents the flow of 1 Inlet
exhaust gases back to the air switching valve if either 2 Outlet to engine air intake
the exhaust back pressure exceeds the pump delivery 3 Outlets to exhaust ports
pressure, or the pump belt fails. 4 Inlet manifold vacuum
5 Solenoid valve
Air pump drive belt 6 Diaphragm chamber
Before commencing to adjust the drive belt inspect it 7 Atmospheric air bleed
for signs of wear or cracking. If the belt is found A Solenoid dP.-energized
unsatisfactory it should be renewed. B Solenoid energized
1 li86 TSD4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 F4-1
The belt tension must be checked at a point from the system. When the coolant temperature
midway between two pulleys (see fig. F4-3l by use of increases to approximately 33°C (91°F) the air will be
a belt tension meter. switched from the exhaust manifolds towards the air
Belt dressing must not be applied to prevent belt cleaner. This change can be detected by the noise the
slip. air will make as it leaves the open connection of the
air switching valve.
Refrigeration compressor to air pump 4. If an air leak is suspected coat the suspect
Load may be applied on either side of the belt run. component with a soap solution; soap bubbles wilt
confirm an air leak.
New belt and retensioning load 5. Fit the disconnected hose to the air cleaner.
Belt tension meter 24,9 kgf to 29,4 kgf
(55 lbf to 65 lbfJ
Figure F4·4
1 l/86 TSD4737
Printed in England
© Rolls·Aovce Moior Cars Limited 1987 F4-3
( 1. Disconnect the air injection vent hose at the Key F'
air cleaner !see item A) , : • .. '?" _ _ _ _:.,:>O:.;:',;,,.'- - - + {
Switch on the ignition 1 Fuse
2. Disconnect the plug from the front 2 Temperature switch plug
temperature switch in the thermostat Check the air-switching valve vacuum hose Rectify the leaks and socket ( 1 2 way)
housing. Bridge the white and slate/blue and connections for air leaks (see item BJ 3 Temperature switch plug
cables in the plug Are there any leaks? 4 Temperature switch
Start the engine, ensure that it is running 5 Air switching valve link
on all eight cylinders
Is air flowing through the vent hose
(see item A)i>
loom plug and socket
(2 way)
6 Air switching valve plug
7 Air switching valve C
Stop the engine Rectify the fault on the link loom cables
Remove the hose from 'A' bank check valve
Before carrying out a test ensure that the
(see item G) following condition apply
Start the engine
1 The battery is fully charged
Is there a flow of exhaust gas from either
2 The engine is cotd
of the following?
3 Use a multimeter to carry out the tests
1. 'A' bank check valve or 4 The ignition is switched off when either
2. The disconnected hose (it is still disconnecting or connecting electrical
connected to ·a· bank check valve) YES Replace the appropriate check valve
NO .--~~ ~~~~-,, 5 Always remake any connection
immediately a test is complete
6 Ensure that the fuse B3 on fuseboard 1
System functions satisfactorily is intact
Section F5
Unleaded gasolene
Use unleaded gasolene only 87AKI (91 RON)* Min. 3 2 X631
The use of leaded gasolene will result in a substantial
reduction in the performance of the catalyst. Fig. FS-1 Catalytic converter
Under no circumstances add fuel system cleaning 1 Stainless steel mesh retaining rings
agents to the fuel tank for induction into the engine, 2 Stainless steel mesh
as these materials may have a detrimental effect on 3 Monolithic catalyst (1 of 3 blocks)
the catalytic converter.
Engine malfunction
If the engine misfires or suffers from a lack of power
that could be attributed lo a malfunction in either the
ignition system or fuel system, operation of the
vehicle should be discontinued. Driving the vehicle
with a malfunction could cause overheating and
consequP.nt damage to the catalytic converter.
Fig. FS-2 Catalytic converter in position
1 Oxygen sensor
2 Exhaust joint clamps
Do not allow the vehicle to run out of fuel. A warning
lamp situated on the facia illuminates to warn the
driver of a low fuel level in the fuel tank. Jf the vehicle
located below the catalytic converter.
runs out of fuel at high speed, possible damage to the
Note Take care when removing the shield(s) as any
catalytic converter could result.
sharp edges could cause injury to the
operator's hands.
Starting the engine
2. Ensure that the weight of the catalytic converter
The vehicle must not be pushed or towed to start the is temporarily supported.
engine. Failure to observe this warning could cause
3. Support the weight of the downtake pipes.
overheating and consequent damage to the catalytic
4. Unscrew and remove the oxygen sensor.
5. Unscrew the nuts from the exhaust clamps
forward and rearward of the catalytic converter.
Exhaust emission control system Collect the washers and bolts, then free the
It is important that the vehicle is maintained in its clamps.
correct operating condition. Failure to do so will result 6. Discard the temporary support and withdraw the
not only in loss of fuel economy and emission control catalytic converter.
but could also cause damage to the catalytic converter 7. Collect the sealing rings from the joints as the
due to overheating. converter is removed.
8. Fit the catalytic converter by reversing the
Catalytic converter - To remove and fit (see fig. F5-2} removal procedure, noting the following points.
1. Remove the screws retaining the grass-fire shieldls) 9. The sealing rings and pipe flares must be
11/86 TSD4737
Printed in England
© Rolls- Royce Motor Cars Limited 198 7 F5-1
thoroughly clean and free from scale. They may be To check that the warning panel bulb is operating
lightly dressed with fine emery cloth if required. satisfactorily, ensure that the panel illuminates during
10. Apply Never-seez anti-seize compound to the engine cranking (i.e. starter motor engaged).
clamp bolt threads before assembly.
11. The sealing rings, pipe ftares, and grooves in the Exhaust system
spherical joint clamp brackets should be lightly For information relating lo the remainder of the
smeared with either graphite lubricant or Never-seez exhaust system refer to TSO 4700 Chapter Q, Exhaust
compound. This will assist al_ignment of the parts system.
upon assembly.
12. The parts should be loosely assembled and then
manoeuvred to give the best alignment, before the
joints are tightened.
13. Smear the threads of the oxygen sensor with
Never-seez assembly compound. It is important that
the Never-seez is applied only to the threads of the
unit. Care must be taken to ensure that the compound
does not contact the slotted shield below the threaded
Torque tighten the oxygen sensor to the figures
given in Chapter L.
Do not allow the assembly compound to enter
the exhaust system, particularly up stream (in front)
of the catalytic converter, otherwise damage to the
converter assembly will result.
Oxygen sensor
For details relating to the oxygen sensor refer to
Chapter B.
( Figure F5· 3
11.'86 TS04737
Printed in England
© Rolls•Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 F5-3
Before carrying oul a full diagnostic inspection lmportnnt Overheat warning
ensure that the vehicle did not run out of fuel. Before carrying out a test ensure that the If an overheat condition is indicated, stop the
If the overhea1 warning lamp illuminates following conditions apply vehicle as Quickly as possible in a safe and
for reasons other than the above. a fauh has 1, The battery is fully charged orderly manner.
occurred in 2. The engine is cold Switch off th e ignition.
a. The various systems that lead ·into the 3. Use 3 multimeter to carry out the After three minutes the engine may be
eKhaust (fuel system, air intake. e1c.) or in electrical circuit tests staned again and providing the overheat
the eKhaust itself parTicularly the catalytic 4. The engine is switched off when either warning lamp remains extinguished, the
convener. discc,nnecting or connecting electrica l vehicle may be accelerated gently up to a
Any fauh.s in these ar eas can be connections speed of 30 km/h (1 B miles/h).
determined as system faults 5. Always remake any connection This speed must not be exceed ed until
b. The overheat warning circuit (faulty immedi ately a test is co mplete the cause of the overheat warning has been
converter the rmocouple, electronic control 6. Always exercise extreme care when corrected.
unit. wiring connections, etc.) cau sing the carrying out investigations around the
tamp to illuminate although the system is exha1Jst and catalytic converter. as
operating satisfactorily. the se components may be very hot.
These faults can be determined as
c ircuit faults.
11186 TSD4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Rovce Motor Cars Limited l 987 F5-5
( Key l Olfl!'Clltt,;n osairl. 8 ,uw,
1 Diode board 10 way plug
2 Warning lamp
3 Other than Europe plug
and socket
l ,~ .. '9ft
4 Engine running sensor 1 ONl O<w 0.6W
Right-hand 'A' post earth
Thermocouple probe :01
9 Engine compartment plug
and socket
10 Catalyst overheat warning
-.. 0
2 way plug and socket
11 Electrical control unit "
12 Catalyst overheat warning C60inf'C'N1.fCI
4 way plug and socket "' ' t.., J.'
I ntrodu ct ion
The contents of Sections F6, F7. and F8 apply to In order to achieve maximum efficiency the
1989 model year turbocharged cars fitted with an catalytic converters require very accurate control of
exhaust emission control system. the engine Dir/fuel ratio. This is accomplished by the
The exhaust emission control system (see fig. use of a continuous fuel injection system with 'closed
F6-1) is designed to reduce the carbon monoxide, loop' mixture control (refer to Chapter Bl.
hydrocarbon, and oxides of nitrogen content in the The following additional system is also fitted
exhaust gas. to improve the control of exhaust emissions.
To comply with exhaust emission control The air injection system comprises a belt driven
regulations that apply in certain countries, cars pump, that during the warm-up period passes air via
destined for these countries are fitted with a warm- check valves to the exhaust manifolds. The injected
up catalytic converter and two main catalytic air combines with the exhaust from the combustion
converters mounted in parallel. The converters are of chambers to promote oxidation of the gases and
the three-way catalyst type. reduce the catalytic converter warm-up time.
1 2 3
7 6 5 4 A2835
TSO 4737
Printed in England
© Rolls·Royce Motor Cars Limited 1988 F6-1
Whenever the coolant temperatuse is above 33°C
(91.4°F), a switch in the thermostat housing opens,
thus deactivating the clutch on the air pump pulley.
An overspeed limiting device also deactivates the
pump clutch at engine speeds in excess of
3000 rev/min. Whenever the clutch is deactivated,
the air pump is disengaged and there is no air
For details of the servicing and maintenance
requirements of the exhaust emission control system,
refer to the Service Schedules Manual TSD 4 702.
Section F7
The air injection system comprises a belt driven air The air injection system only operates
pump which delivers air via check valves to the immediately after a cold start. It is switched off
exhaust manifolds during the warm-up phase of when the engine coolant temperature rises above
engine operation. This air combines with the exhaust 33°C (91.4°F) via a relay connected to the air pump
from the combustion chambers and promotes clutch.
oxidation of the gases and faster warm-up of the The relay is operated by a temperature switch
catalytic converters. situated in the thermostat housing and switches off
1 2 3 4 5
8 7 6 ~62S
r- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1
Engine management 1O Digital to
system ECU I analogue converter
Inductive voltage
speed sensor
12v 9
I Threshold
I switch
I Air injection ECU
- 6
Coolant temperature
Air injection
Air pump
-. A2626
pumped to the exhaust manifolds from the second
port on the rear of the pump assembly.
Check valves
Check valves are located in the air injection pipes
between the pump and the exhaust manifolds. Each
check valve operates as a one-way disc valve to
prevent the flow of exhaust gases back to the air
( Figure F7·6
10188 TSO 4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited l 988 F7-5
1 Fuse A4 (10 amp). fuseboard 1
2 Fuse B5 (20 amp). fuseboard 2 At the rear of the air pump locate the hose
3 Fuse B3 (15 amp), fuseboard 1 that supplies air to the check valves.
4 Fuel pump relay Detach the hose. NO
S Thermostat plug and socket 1 2 way Start and run the engine at idle
Is air pumped from the outlet port?
6 Coolant temperature switch plug
7 Coolant temperature switch YES
8 Air injection pump clutch
9 A:r injection pump plug and socket 2 way
10 Air injection relay
20~W l OK\\
11 K-Motronic ECU
1 2 Air injection ECU ~
• Splice "
..~ "C !
C, "'
! ell i ~J With the engine running disconnect the air
Before carrying out a test ensure ttia: the
following conditions apply
. . . . - - - - - - - --'c..::(l:..:;O;:..
L' - ___J t injection pump plug and socket 2 way (see
item 9) NO
l The battery 1s fully charged
2 The engine is cold
e! Does the clutch disengage so that no air
~c~ is pumped from the outlet?
3 Use a multi-meter to carry out the tests
4 The ignition is switched off when either 1 oou
YES ~~~~~--'
disconnecting or connecting electrical
connections Stop the engine.
Always remake any connection
immediately a test is complete
Ensure that the fuses listed are ,n:act -... Connect the outlet hose to the pump.
Connect the plug and socket 2 way.
Stan the engine and carry out a leak check
Is this satisfectory?
A.2<125/8 System functions satisfactorily
Figure F7-6
10/88 TSO 4737
Printed in England
Cl Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1988 F7-7
l Stop the engine.
Check the voltage on the blue/black cable in
Check the 11oltage on the black/blue cable at
the engine/thermostat plug and socket 12
Check the voltage on the pink/white cable at
Refer to TSD 4848
the engine/thermostat plug and socket l 2
the air injection pump plug and socket 2 way way (item 5J NO way {see item 51 Check the ignition feed pink/white cable 10
(s~ item 9) Is it 12 volts? fuse B3 on tusboard 1
Is it 12 volts?
h, it 1 2 volts?
The catalytic converter system uses two main Warm-up catalytic converter assembly - To remove
converters mounted in parallel and a warm-up and fit
converter which houses a heated oxygen sensor in its 1. Unscrew and remove the oxygen sensor.
outlet cone. A three-way catalyst is used in each 2. On cars produced to the Japanese specification,
converter. unscrew and remove the exhaust thermocouple
The warm-up converter is positioned downstream probe.
of the turbocharger and close to the engine. This is 3. Unscrew the clamp nut from the three joints
to minimise the time taken to reach its operating situated adjacent to the warm-up converter assembly.
temperature. 4. Free the joint clamps and manipulate the
To further reduce warm-up time, the warm-up assembly to release the joints. Collect the olive from
converter and the pipe leading from the turbocharger the rear joint and the restrictor from the by-pass pipe.
are lagged with a thermal insulating material. 5. Support the weight of the downtake pipes.
When the engine is running under boost 6. Unscrew and remove the nuts and clamps from
conditions a proportion of the exhaust gas is diverted the rear of the downtake pipes. Free the joints and
around the warm-up converter. The diverted gases withdraw the downtake pipes.
by-pass both the turbocharger (to limit boost 7. Unscrew the setscrew securing the warm-up
pressure) and the warm-up converter (to limit converter bracket to the crankcase.
converter temperature). 8. Withdraw the warm-up converter assembly.
The twin main catalytic converters are situated in 9. Fit the assembly by reversing the procedure.
the central under floor area. The connecting pipes noting the general fitting instructions.
between the warm-up converter and the main
converters are partly lagged with thermal insulating Twin main catalytic converter assembly - To remove
material to retain exhaust heat for optimum catalytic and fit
conversion. 1. Remove the screws retaining the grass-fire
Each three-way catalytic converter promotes shield(s) that are situated below the two catalytic
reactions between the hydrocarbons, carbon converters.
monoxide, oxides of nitrogen and residual oxygen in Note Take care when removing the shield(sl as any
the exhaust gas. Optimum catalytic conversion sharp edges could cause injury to the
efficiency is achieved when an essentially operator's hands.
stoichiometric air/fuel mixture is present. This 2. Ensure that the weight of the converter assembly
condition is achieved by means of the 'closed loop' is temporarily supported.
mixture control system (see Chapter BJ. 3. Support the weight of the exhaust system before
( u_--r____,____(\
- - - - ' -~
1 2 A26'-7
C Figure F8-2
" 10/88
Primed in England
10/88 TSO 4737
Pr-inted 11, England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1988 F8-5
( Key
1 Diode board 10 way plug
i~Wl!.t'Pnl"' .... 0~ 'A·
2 Warning lamp
3 Other than Europe plug
and socket
4 Engine running sensor 11... - 7 · o, .. 0!.V.' o,"
plug and socket
5 Speedometer connection
6 Fuse
7 Right·hand 'A' post earth
8 Thermocouple probe
9 Engine compartment plu!}
and socket
10 Exhaust temperature
-. 0
warning 2 way plug and
socket '
11 Electrical control unit (i)
12 Exhaust temperature ,, .~,"t.•'"'
warning 4 way plug and 0
Contents Sections
Rolls- Royce Bentley
Silver Silver Corniche/ Eight Mulsanne/ Turbo R Continental
Spirit Spur Corniche II Mulsanne S
Page No.
IG1 IG2 G3
A fuel evaporative emission control system is fitted left-hand front wing. When the canister is purged, the
on all cars conforming to the following specifications. stored fuel vapours are extracted from the charcoal
and burnt in the engine.
The fuel tank is located at the forward end of the
luggage compartment, behind the carpet covered
Middle East
North American
An expansion tank situated within the fuel tank
inhibits complete filling and provides fuel expansion
The system eliminates direct venting of the fuel volume to cope with extreme temperature conditions.
tank and therefore, prevents the release of A combined pressure/vacuum relief valve is
hydrocarbons into the atmosphere. located in the fuel filler cap.
Fuel vapours from the fuel tank are collected and A rollover tube with a restrictor is incorporated in
stored in a charcoal filled canister situated under the the vent line from the fuel tank to the control canister.
1 2
3 A11H9
Note The purge connection to the engine varies connection is to the the air guide housing (as
slightly depending upon the specification of illustrated above).
the vehicle. On cars conforming to the Australian.
On cars conforming to either the North Middle East, or Taiwan specifications the purge
American or Japanese specifications the purge connection is to the throttle housing.
10/86 TSD4737
Printed in England
© Rolls· Royce Mo1or Cars Limi1ed 1987 G2-1
2 3 This prevents fuel from reaching the canister during
harsh manoeuvres or in the event of vehicle
i nversion.
For details of the servicing and maintenance
requirements of the system, refer to the Service
Schedules Manual TSO 4702.
7. Ensure that the canister is in the correct position
relative to the mounting bracket.
8. Fit the assembly to the vehicle by reversing the
procedure given for removal, noting that a new hose
securing clip should be used.
5/87 TS04737
Printed in [ngland
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 G2-3
Fig. G2-6 Connecting the flowmeter
A Turbocharged engines
B Naturally aspirated engines
4. Increase the engine speed to 2500 rev/min by 6. Check that the purge flow rate is between 20 ft' /h
opening the throttles. and 40 ft3 /h (9.4 litres/min and 18,8 litres/mini.
5. Check that the purge flow rate complies with the
following chart. All cars
If the flow is less than the minimum, check for the
Specification Flow rate following.
tt3/h litres/min 1. Air leak in hoses/pipes.
2. Blockage in hoses/pipes.
Japanese 3. Control system malfunction.
15.3·0 7.1-14, 1
North American 4. Incorrect ignition timing.
If the flow is in excess of the maximum, check for the
Middle East 20-40 9.4-18.8 following.
Taiwan 1. Excessive lean mixture strength.
2. Incorrect ignition timing.
3. Air leak between the throttle body and the
Turbocharged engines induction manifold.
1. Fit a flowmeter RH 8725 between the hose from
the canister and the adapter (see fig. G2-6).
2. Disconnect the hose from the purge control
vacuum switch.
3. Connect the Mityvac pump AH 12495 to the
vacuum switch.
4. Start the engine and apply a vacuum of 381 mm
Hg (15 in Hg) to the vacuum switch.
The control solenoid should now open and the
flow through the system register on the flowmeter.
5. Increase the engine speed to 2500 rev/min.
10,86 TSD 4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 G2-5
Check the purge flow rate Important Key
,~~ . ~· _ _ _ _..,.,~,;;'::.:.'---H
Before carrying out a test ensure that the 1 Fuse
following conditions apply. 2 Temperature switch plug
1. The battery is fully charged and socket !12 way)
2. The engine is cold 3 Temperature switch plug
Detach the hose from the wing valance pipe 3. Use a multimeter to carry out the tests 0
4 Temperature switch
isee item A) 4. The ignition is switched off when either 5 Diode
Fit an additional hose to the valance pipe Investigate and rectify a blocked pipe and/or
canister disconnecting or connecting electrical 6 Solenoid plug and socket
Can you blow down the hose and through connections (2 way)
the canister? 5. Always remake any connections 7 Solenoid valve
immediately a test is cc,mpleted 8 Engine eartti point
6. Ensure that fuse 83 on fuseboard 1 is 9 Throttle position switch
Investigate and rectify blocked hoses to the
intact plug and socket {4 way)
throttle body or renew the control solenoid
Ignition off (see item 7) 7. Visually inspect the hoses for deterioration 1 0 Throttle position switch
Can you blow down the hose and through plug
the solenoid? 1 1 Throttle position switch
Check a. Throttle pos,tion switch and • Splice :
YES .. r;I) ~ 0
Measure the voltage on the white/purple cable
at the solenoid plug and socket
b. Temperature switch and circuit
-. 0 I t.ti vl
.,, ~ .•. ~
':' ,•··=
-·· · .
:•,:, .:.
2190 TSO 4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1990 G2-7
Check the purge flow rate
Section G3
The fuel evaporative emission control system differs A combined pressure/vacuum relief valve is
between turbocharged and naturally aspirated cars located in the fuel filler cap.
and also. between naturally aspirated 4 door saloons A rollover tube with a restrictor is incorporated in
and 2 door convertibles (see figs. G3·1 and G3-2). the vent line from the fuel tank to the control
With all systems however, the principle of canister. This prevents fuel from reaching the canister
operation is to eliminate direct venting of the fuel during harsh manoeuvres or in the event of vehicle
tank and therefore. to prevent the release of inversion.
hydrocarbons to the atmosphere. For details of the servicing and maintenance
Fuel vapours from the fuel tank are collected and requirements of the system. refer to the Service
stored in a charcoal filled adsorption canister situated Schedules Manual TSD 4 702.
under the front left-hand wing of the vehicle. When
the canister is purged, the stored fuel vapours are Naturally aspirated cars
extract~d from the charcoal and burnt in the engine. The principle of operation for both 2 door and 4 door
The fuel tank is located at the forward end of cars is identical. however, the emission control
the luggage compartment, behind a carpet covered canister fitted under the front left-hand wing, is
panel. installed forward of the wheel arch on 2 door cars
An expansion tank situated within the main fuel and behind the wheel arch on 4 door cars.
tank inhibits complete filling and provides fuel Fuel vapour that accumulates in the top of the
expansion volume to cope with extreme ambient fuel tank is routed from the centre vent, around the
temperature conditions. tank and to the inlet connection on the control
A B 1 A2489
Ensure that the hoses are secure in the mounting withdrawing the valve as the assembly shown in
clips. figure G3-7 (item 3).
7. When the system has been satisfactorily Servicing of the valve is not required. The
checked, detach the test equipment and connect the following general performance from the valve is
hose to the control canister. acceptable, otherwise it should be replaced.
Fuel tank pressure control valve Restriction flow and valve leakage test
The fuel tank pressure control valve is situated in the 1. The flow through the valve (from the tank to the
fuel tank vent line just prior to the emission control canister) to be between 300 cm3/min and
canister. 500 cm3/min with 3,1 .±_ 0.1 kPa (4,5 mbar .±_
Its purpose is to seal the majority of the fuel 0.01 mbar) applied to the tank tube.
vapours in the fuel tank and vent line until the vapour
pressure rises above a predetermined level. Diaphragm leakage
The valve is situated between two rubber hoses 2. Diaphragm leakage not to exceed 30 cm 3 /min
and should be removed by freeing the hose clips and with 3,1 kPa 14,5 mbar) applied to the tank tube.
1 2 3 9
12 11 10 A2623
Engine speed
system Engine load
speed sensor
Air pressure
temperature Dump valve
switch vacuum switch
Air control
connection valve
canister Purge
( Figure G3·5
5/88 TSO 4737
Printed in England
® Rolls-Royce Mo1or Cars Limited 1988 G3-5
( FI
Check the purge flow rate Important Key
Before carrying out a test ensure that the 1 Fuse
· : • • 'II" - - - --=-'"'"'""'--....JJ
following conditions apply. 2 Temperature switch plug
1. The battery is fully charged and socket ( 12 way)
2. The engine is cold 3 Temperature switch plug
Ignition off. 3. Use a multimeter to carry out the tests 4 Temperature switch
Working under the front left•hand wing 4. The ignition is switched off when either 5 Diode
remove the rear section (4 door cars) or front disconnecting or connecting electrical 6 Solenoid plug and socket
sectior. (2 doo; ca;s) of the underwin; sheet. connections 12 way)
This will reveal the canister assembly. 5. Always remake any connections 7 Solenoid vatve
Detach the hose from the bottom of the immediately a test is completed 8 Engine earth point
solenoid. 6. Ensure that fuse B3 on fuseboard 1 is 9 Throttle position switch
Investigate and rectify blocked hoses to the
Fit an additional length of hose to the base of intact plug and socket (4 way)
throttle body or renew the control solenoid
the solenoid. 7. Visually inspect the hoses for deterioration 1 0 Throttle position switch
(see item 7)
Can you blow down the hose and through plug
the solenoid? 11 Throttle position switch
Check a. Throttle position switch and • Splice
YES CITCUlt • ._.-:;•C,...,.....,..)Wl',CI
:. ~ :.,,..,,..p 'l'·•\
b. Temperature switch and circuit
Measure the voltage on the white/purple cable
at the solenoid plug and socket
(see item Band 6J
Ignition on Is it 1 2 volts?
Replace the solenoid
Can you blow down the hose and through
Disconnect the solenoid plug and socket
the solenoid?
C Check the black cable to earth for continuity.
Is it continuous?
Check the temperature switch circuit
Rectify the fault on the black earth cable
Leave the throttle position switch
Disconnect the temperature switch plug Check for continuity of the slate/blue cable
(see item D and 3). from the diode to the temperature switch plug
Disconnect the throttle position switch at the Bridge the cables in the plug. Unbridge the temperature switch plug
Measure the voltage on the slate/ blue cable as (see item D and 5).
plug and socket (see item C and 9) Ignition on Measure the voltage on the white cable in the
it enters the diode isee item F and 5) This will include the 12 way connector
Ignition on Can you blow down the hose and through temperature switch plug.
Is it 1 2 volts? (see i1em E and 2)
Can you blow down the hose and through the solenoid? Is it 12 volts?
the solenoid? NO
Measure the voltage on the white/purple cable
Replace the diode
Replace the temperature switch as it exits from ttle diode N0
Detach the temperature swi1ch plug Is it 12 volts?
(see item O and 3)
Ignition on Refer to TSO 4848
Can you blow down the hose and through Check the ignition feed white cable to fuse B3 Check for continuity of the white/purple cable
Check the throttle switch circuit from the control solenoid plug and socket
the solenoid? on fuseboard l
leavl! 1he temperature switch plug (see item B and 6) to either
disconnec1ed. Measure the voltage on the white.lpurple cable Temperature switch circuit - The diode
Measure the voltage on the white cable at the (see item F and 5)
at the solenoid plug and socket
throttle position switch plug and socket The throttle switch circuit - The switch plug
Detach 1he temperature switch plug (see item Band 6)
(see item C and 9). Ensure that the throttles are closed
(see item D and 3) Measure the voltage on the blue/purple cable Is it 12 volts? and socket (see item C and 9)
Is it 12 volts?
l Ignition on
Partially open the throttles
at the throttle position switch plug and socket
Is it 1 2 volts?
Can you blow down the hose and through
the solenoid? Disconnect the solenoid plug and socket. Rectify the fault on the black earth cable
Check for continuity on-the black cable from
Cars produced to a Middle East and this plug to the engine earth point
Taiwan specification do not have a Replace the throttle position switch
(see item G and 8)
temperature switch Is it continuous?
Control sys1ems function satisfac1orily Replace the solenoid
( -.. A26Jl 8
( Figure G3·6
7/88 TSO 4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1988 G3-7
Check the purge flow rate (see page G3· 12) YES Purge control system functioning
Does this operate com,ctty? satisfactorily
NO ,_~~ ~~....r-~ v L~~~~ ~~~~~~~---'
Leave conditions as in previous test Disconnect the throttle position switch 4 way Leave condition i3S in previous test
Open thronles Disconnect the electrical plug from the duty Leave the plug disconnected.
plug and socket Check the voltage on the blue/purple cable in cycle valve and check for continuity across
Doefi the wiring through the switch 90 YES Check the voltage on the pink/white cable in
Disconnect the K·Motronic ECU multi-plug. the back of the m1ilti·plug (se1, item F) the valve the plug YES
•open circuit'? Check the voltege on the blue/purple cable in Is it 1 2 \lolts7 Is it continuous? Is it 12 volts?
the thronle position switch plug (see item E)
ls it 1 2 voltl?
Investigate faulty switch or link loom Check for continuiiY of the cables bet\veen Fit a new duty cycle valve Rectify faulty pink/white cable between the
the engine/valance 12 way plug and socket. solenoid and the duty cycle plug
Check for continuity of the cables between and the multi-plug.
the engine/valance 1 2 way plug and socket. Rectify as necessary
and the throttle position switch 4 way plug
and socket
Rectify as necessary
( Fi gure G3-6
7/88 TSO 4737
Printed in England
e:> Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1988 G3-9
Check the voltage on the yellow/black cable Withdraw the plug from the thermostat
Check the voltage on the blue cable in the Check continuity of the slate and the blue
at thermostat/engine 12 way plug and
thermostat/engine 12 way plug and socket housing temperature switch. cables between the thermostat/engine
Is it 1 2 votu? Bridge the plug contacts and then again NO 12 way plug and socket and the thermostat
Is it 12 volts?
check the voltage on the blue cable in the switch plug
tl1ermostat/engine 12 way plug and socket
Is it 12 volts?
Check for continuity of the yellow/black and Check the black earth cable for continuity and
the black/yellow cable between the rectify as necessary
engine/valance 12 way plug and socket, and
the thermostat/engine 12 way plug and
Replace thermostat hour,ing switch
Rectify the faulty cable(s) and diode es
Oioo• / IOI
Only finad tours
conforming to• Middle Ent
&rtd T•M•an speeifieetion
Position the multi-meter in the white/blue ' - - -- - - '..::
0.:;. s -
~·::... - -l ~ 1 - - - --'0:..:~c;;WV
Disconnect the K·Motronic ECU multi-plug.
Disconnect the plug from the duty cycle
cable line from the duty cycle valve to the
K·Motronic ECU.
oS 0 0
Disconnect the plug from the temperature in
Check for continuity of the white/blue cable the thermostat housing.
between the duty cycle valve plug through 1 Fuse 1 5 amp B3 F1
the engine/valance 1 2 way plug and socket
Start and run the engine above idle speed. YES System is functioning satisfactorily
Check to ensure that the reading on the 2 Engine/Valance 12 way plug and socket
to terminal 1 5 in the back of the ECU multi· 3 Purge cut•off solenoid 2 way plug and socket
mufti-meter indicates that the ECU is
plug 4 Purge cut•off solenoid valve
Is it continuous?
operating the duty cycle valve approximately
in accordance with the phases quoted in 5 Vacuum switch 4 way plug and socket
Purge flow rate - To check 6 Dump valve vacuum switch
Does this happen? Important
7 Thermostat/Engine loom plug and socket 12 way
Before carrying out a teSl ensure that the 8 Temperature switch plug
following conditions apply.
Rectify faulty cables or connections as 9 Temperature switch
1. The battery is fully charged
necessary Replace the ECU 2. The engine is cold
10 Purge duty cycle control valve plug
11 Purge duty cycle control valve
3. Use a multi•meter to .::arry out the tests
4. The ignition is switch~d off when either
12 Throttle position switch plug and socket 4 way
13 Throttle position switch plug 3 way
disconnecting or connecting electrical
14 Throttle position switch
15 Dump valve plug and socket 2 way
5. Always remake any connections
16 Dump valve solenoid
immediately a test is completed
17 K·Motronic ECU
6. Visually inspect the S;/stem hoses for
7. Ensure fuse 83 on fuseboard 1 is intact
collects the stored fuol vapolirs. T his mixture then 1 2 3
passes c1Jon\:l a hose rro,n the µurnr. connection on
the cani ster vic1 a cut-o ff solenoid and restrictor
(naturally aspirated cars} or dut y cycle purge control
valve (turbocharged cars} into the induction manifold.
Operation of the purge system is controlled by
the soleno id valve th at cuts out the purge flow until a
predetermined coolant tempera wre is reached . On
turbocha rg ed cars the soleno id also cuts out the
purge flow under boost operating conditions. On
naturally aspirated cars and turbocharged cars
(without ca talytic converters) th e solenoid also cuts
out the purg e flow at idle.
All cars
If the flow is less than the minimum, check for the
1. Leak in hoses/pipes.
2. Blockage in hoses/pipes.
3. Control system malfunction.
If the flow is in excess of the maximum, check for
the following.
1. Excessively lean mixture strength.
2. Air leak between the throttle body and the
induction manifold.
Chapter H
Contents Sections
Rolls-Royce Bentley
Silver Silver Corniche / Eight Mulsanne/ Turbo R Continental
Spirit Spur Corniche II Mulsanne S
Page No.
1 5/88 5/88
2 5/88
3 5/88 5/88
5 5/88
6 - - - - - ---=--=.:::.--- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
11 - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - - - - -
16 - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -
21 - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
26 - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -
31 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - ~
36 - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - ~
41 - - - -- -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - ~
46 - -- - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - ~
51 - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - ~
All cars
1. Withdraw the starter relay.
2. Slacken the worm drive clips or remove the
securing bands on the hoses leading to the breather
housing. Label each hose for identification and free
each joint.
3. Unscrew the two setscrews securing the breather
housing to the engine. Withdraw the assembly.
4. Slacken the remaining four worm drive clips or
remove the securing bands, free the joints and
withdraw the hoses. Examine the hoses for
serviceability and clean as necessary using either
soap and water or methylated spirit. If the hoses
have covered a high mileage and/or show signs of
A2492 deterioration they should be discarded and new parts
Fig. H2-3 Crankcase breather {naturally aspirated 5. Unscrew the setscrew retaining the inlet elbow
cars) to the housing. Ease the flange from the housing,
noting that a slight resistance may be encountered
due to the rubber sealing ring situated on the spigot.
6. Insert a small pointed instrument into the gauze
and carefully lever the flame trap from the housing.
Turbocharged engines
7. Repeat Operation 5 on the connection to the
induction manifold.
8. Collect the metal disc valve situated behind the
9. Unscrew and remove the five small setscrews
situated around the top of the assembly.
10. Withdraw the top and collect the spring, guide
washer, and diaphragm.
11. Collect the metal disc valve from the smaller
chamber located above the aperture for the flame
All cars
12. Wash all parts in clean methylated spirit and
examine them for serviceability, particularly the
rubber sealing ring(s) and diaphragm (if fitted).
1f the rubber parts have covered a high mileage
and/or show signs of deterioration, they should be
A2493 renewed.
13. Assemble the breather housing and fit it to the
Fig. H2-4 Crankcase breather (turbocharged cars) engine by reversing the dismantling procedure.
(. Figure H2·5
5/88 TSD 4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1988 H2-3
(. Note Airflow at idle and low power output
Engine An internal drilling Under these conditions a large depression in the valve disc (2) and combine with the crankcase blow-
air intake connects the lower induction manifold draws blow-by gas from the by gas. Thus the mix or ratio of intake air to blow-by
passage to above the crankcase via a calibrated restrictor. This signal is gas maintains the correct crankcase depression.
' - - -- - ~diaphragm also communicated via internal drillings to the A summary is that disc valve 3 is fully open, disc
- I\ chamber above the diaphragm valve (1). valve 2 is fully closed and diaphragm valve 1 does
When the crankcase depression increases to a not oscillate but stabilizes during steady state engine
predetermined level [101,60 mm (4.0 in) H2 0] the conditions at a position where it maintains the
signal raises the diaphragm from its seat. This opens correct manifold depression.
a passage for filtered engine intake air to by-pass the
Airflow at intermediate load
Airflow at high load
At high loads the induction manifold is under boost the crankcase depression is solely controlled by the
l conditions hence valve disc 3 is forced to close off depression after the air filter.
the restrictor passage. At crankcase depressions greater than 101.60
Valve disc 2 is sucked open due to the. mm (4.0 in) H2 0 the diaphragm lifts off its seat and
depression behind the air filter. provides an additional minor route for the blow-by
The engine breathes by drawing the blow-by gas gas to pass on its way to the engine air intake
from the crankcase through the breather housing and ducting.
Crankcase into the engine air intake ducting. In this condition
3 _____,~ Flame
_ / trap
Crankcase depression - To check
1. Remove the engine dipstick.
2. Connect a water manometer via a suitable hose
to the dipstick tube.
3. Start and run the engine at idle speed.
4. Check the reading on the manometer which
should be as follows.
Naturally aspirated engines - manometer reading
showing a slight
Turbocharged engines - manometer depression
reading should be
between 101,6 mm H2 0
and 152.4 mm H20 (4.0 in
H20 and 6.0 H20).
Contents Sections
Rolls-Royce Bentley
Silver Silver Corniche/ Eight Mulsanne/ Turbo R Continental
Spirit Spur Corniche II Mulsanne S
Page No.
I J1 IJ2 I J3
1 5/89 10/86 5/88
2 10/86 5/88
3 5/89 10/86 5/88
4 10/86
6 - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -
11 - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -
16 - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - -- -
21 - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
26 - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -
31 - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
36 - - - -- -- ~ - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- ~
41 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- -- - -
46 - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - -- - -- - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -
51 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - ~ ~ ~- - ~
10i86 TSD4737
Printed in Engl,ind
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 198 7 J2- 1
stem an d •
) components
. J2·3 Air
Fag. intake sy
(Naturally asp1·rated engines
This operation is not required on Corniche/ Intake ducting - To remove and fit
Continental cars. The ducting can be divided into two sections, namely
3. If the engine is fitted with an air injection system, the engine compartment ducting and the underwing
detach the vent hose from the side of the housing. ducting.
4. Slacken the nuts retaining the mounting brackets If work is necessary to the engine compartment
to the housing. ducting, removal and fitting is straightforward as it is
5. Unscrew the setscrews securing the mounting retained by worm drive clips.
brackets to the wing valance. If work is required on the underwing section, note
6. Withdraw the filter housing. that the top of the plastic moulding is secured by a
7. Fit the filter housing by reversing the removal worm drive clip and that the bottom clips through the
procedure. noting the following. front wing.
8. If an air injection system is fitted, ensure that the Removal of the underwing section (see fig. J2-4)
small blank in the side of the housing is removed. will depend upon the condition of the front wing.
9. Ensure that the two mounting grommets situated
in the valance are in good condition.
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1987 J2-3
However, it will normally be necessary to remove the
snow tray, flasher lamp, front bumper and on
turbocharged cars the air dam. Finally, it will be
necessary to remove the headlamps washer reservoir
securing nuts and bolts, so that the assembly can be
moved sideways to accommodate the movement of
the ducting.
On Corniche/Continental cars, the underwing
section is a convoluted hose secured by worm drive
clips. To gain access, remove the front underwing
Section J3
The air intake system comprises an air filter element !dirty side of the element will be facing downwards)
which is installed in a housing on the top of the and passes along flexible ducting to the turbocharger
right-hand front inner wing (see fig. J3-1). compressor inlet.
Ambient air is ducted from behind the front Compression of the intake air results in an
bumper lnto the bottom of the filter housing. The air increase in air temperature. Therefore, a charge air
is then drawn upwards through the filter element intercooler has been incorporated to reduce the
1 2 3
5 4 A24 !14
cl Small diameter signal hoses to the dump
valve (see fig. J3-3).
di Hose from the breather housing pipe to the
connection under the dump valve.
2. Free each hose from its connection.
3. Unscrew the two setscrews securing the intake
elbow to the mixture control unit (see fig. J3-41.
4. Withdraw the elbow.
5. To fit the elbow, reverse the dismantling
procerlure, noting that the rubber sealing ring inside
the elbow is in good condition.
Throttle linkage
Contents Sections
Rolls- Royce Bentley
Silver Silver Corniche/ Eight Mulsanne/ Turbo R Continental
Spmt Spur Corniche II Mulsanne S
5/88 TSO 4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1988 K1-1
Page No.
1 5/88 5/88
2 5/88
3 5/88 5/88
4 5/88
5 _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __
10 ~ - -- - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - -- - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - -
16 - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- - -- - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - --
21 ~ -- -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - - -
- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - -- - -
31 ~ -- -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - - -
36 - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- -
41 ~ - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - -
46 - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -
51 - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -- -- - -
5/88 TSD4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1988 K1-3
Section K2
Throttle linkage
Intermediate linkage
The intermediate linkage is very similar for all cars.
the only minor differences being in the length and 2
shape of the long rod and lower jaw connecting the
mechanism to the underfloor linkage.
Underfloor linkage
This linkage is similar for the various models but
naturally differs between left-hand drive and right-
hand drive. A1621
---------- E
5.08mm - 7.62mm '
(0.20in - 0.30in)
C A14ll>
13. Clean all parts. the fully open position the switch contacts close
14. Examine the throttle spindles and bearings for (circuit continuous).
wear and excessive play. 25. Unscrew (openl the idle speed setting screw five
15. Ensure that the throttle butterflies and their complete turns from the fully closed position.
respective seating areas are not damaged. Note On 1989 model year turbocharged cars this
16. Before fitting the butterfly shaft bearings, ensure screw should remain fully closed.
that the outer surface of each is coated with an 26. The throttle body and linkage are now complete
approved sealant (i.e. Wellseal). as a sub-assembly with all the basic settings carried
17. Examine the linkage mechanism and springs for out.
damage or breakage. 27. Fit the throttle body and linkage assembly to the
18. Assemble the throttle body by reversing the induction manifold.
procedure given for dismantling, noting that a new
gasket should be fitted between the throttle housing Throttle linkage - To assemble and set (see fig. K2-21
and the manifold. Also note the following basic All bearings and ball joints should be lubricated with
settings that must be carried out. Molytone 265 grease prior to assembly.
19. Check the throttle stop screws, to ensure that When adjusting a ball joint, always screw the
there is a gap of 0,0381 mm (0.0015 inl between the adjustable pad fully in and then gradually slacken it
raised edge of the secondary butterfly disc and the until there is free movement of the joint. without
throttle body, with the throttle body linkage resting free play.
against the secondary throttle adjustment screw. If 1. Set the accelerator pedal off-stop screw to an
there is any discrepancy between the gaps on each initial length of 30.38 mm 11.20 in). This dimension
secondary butterfly disc it is the larger gap that should be taken from the top of the boss on the lever
should comply with the dimension quoted. to the top of the adjustment screw. Tighten the
To adjust the gap, first unscrew and remove the lock-nut.
original locking screw (without a headl. A new Right-hand drive cars
locking screw will then be required. 2. Fit the right-hand mounting bracket (item 11
If new parts are to be fitted the gap should be for the accelerator cross-shaft.
set by rotating the adjustment screw. Screw in the 3. Insert the cross-shaft !item 21 through the
new locking screw until it just contacts the top of longeron. Fit the accelerator pedal lever !item 3) and
the adjustment screw. Do not tighten to break off the insert the cross-shaft into the bush in the right-hand
head. mounting bracket.
20. Repeat Operation 19 on the primary throttle 4. Mount the control operating lever (item 41 on the
butterfly discs. opposite end of the cross-shaft. but do not fit the
21. If necessary (i.e. when new parts have been pinch bolt.
fitted) tighten the primary throttles locking screw 5. Fit the left-hand mounting bracket (item 51 onto
until '.he head of the screw breaks off. Ensure that the cross-shaft. Screw the bracket to the underside
the adjustment screw situated below the locking of the body.
screw has not moved by checking that the gap 6. Tighten the accelerator pedal lever pinch bolt.
between the primary throttle butterfly discs and their 7. Fit the accelerator pedal to the lever. Check that
respective bore is still 0,0381 mm (0.0015 in!. the pedal fits centrally in the rubber boot. Tighten the
If movement has occurred. adjust by filing the pinch bolt. ensuring that the pedal lever assembly still
underside of the adjusting screw. rotates freely.
Note If new parts have been_ fitted, do not break 8. Adjust the cross-shaft end-float to between 0,13 mm
the head off the secondary locking screw. This and 0,38 mm (0.005 in and 0.015 in) bending the
is carried out during the engine tuning sequence mounting brackets if necessary.
given in Chapter 8. Check that the cross-shaft rotates freely.
22. Fit the throttle position switch, setscrews, and 9. Fit the return spring (item 6) using the hooks.
washers. Lightly clamp the switch. Rotate the switch 10. Slide the control operating lever into its correct
to a position where the switch 'clicks' closed as the position. Fit the pinch bolt and tighten the nut. ,
primary throttle lever touches its stop. Tighten the Note Cars produced to an Australian or Japanese
switch securing screws and then check that the specification should have the operating lever
switch does not prevent the primary lever from positioned in the groove nearest to the longeron.
resting against its stop. All other cars should have the levers fitted in
23. Connect a multi-meter across the pins marked 2 the other groove.
and 18 on the switch and carry out a continuity test. Left-hand drive cars
Ensure that the switch contacts are closed !circuit 2. Build a sub-assembly of the accelerator pedal
continuous) with the throttles closed and that the lever !item 71. the pivot bolt and mounting brackets
switch opens as the throttles just begin to move !item 8). Check that the lever moves freely between
open. the brackets.
24. Connect the multi-meter across the pins marked 3 3. Fit the accelerator pedal lever assembly to the
and 18 on the switch and carry out a continuity test. body and check that the lever moves freely.
Ensure that when the primary throttles are moved to 4. Fit the accelerator pedal to the lever. Check that
5/88 TSD 4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1988 K2-3
the pedal fits centrally in the rubber boot. Tighten the long rod to the fulcrum lever and connect the ball
pinch bolt, ensuring that the pedal lever assembly still joint.
rotates freely. 21. Ensure that the entire throttle linkage operates
5. Fit the accelerator cross-shaft (item 9) into the smoothly.
mounting brackets and fit the mounting brackets 22. Check that full throttle and kick-down are
(items 10 and 11) to the body longerons. available. If not, adjust the ·length of the long rod.
6. Adjust the cross-shaft end-float to between 23. Ensure that the throttles close fully when the
0,13 mm and 0,38 mm (0.005 in and 0.015 in) by accelerator pedal is released.
bending the brackets. Check that the cross-shaft 24. With the engine at normal operating temperature
rotates freely. but not running, repeat Operations 21 to 23 inclusive.
7. Using the rod Ii tern 12) connect the pedal lever 25. Carry out the engine tuning procedure given in
to the cross-shaft. Use the lowest hole. Lock the split Chapter B.
pins and check that the rod moves freely.
Dimension Model year
8. Fit the cross-shaft return spring !item 13) using
the hooks. A 52,07 mm-53,34 mm (2.05 in-2.10 in) 1987/88
9. Fit the heatshield (item 14) to the cross-shaft A 54,36 mm-56,90 mm (2.14 in-2.24 in) 1989
mounting bracket. B 78,74 mm-81,28 mm (3.10 in-3.20 in) 1987/88
10. On cars built to a Canadian and USA B 64,26 mm- 66,80 mm (2.53 in- 2.63 in) 1989
specification, fit the spring anchor (item 1 5) to the C 434,34 mm (17.10 inl 1987/88
upper rear engine mounting and fit the additional C 485,14 mm (19.10 in) 1989
return spring (item 16) between the anchor and the D 441,96 mm (17.40 in) 1987/88
pedal lever as shown in inset B. D 492.76 mm (19.40 inl 1989
All cars
11. Check that the brake pedal is correctly set lthe
accelerator pedal is set relative to the brake pedal).
Ensure that there is a minimum clearance of
99.44 mm (3.915 in) between the seal housing and
the underside of the brake pedal.
Note Full instructions for setting the brake pedal are
given in Workshop Manual TSO 4 700, Chapter
G-Hydraulic systems.
12. Check that the accelerator pedal lies between
5,08 mm and 7,62 mm 10.2 in and 0.3 in) below the
brake pedal as shown in inset C. If not, reset of the
off-stop screw.
13. Assemble the bellcrank (item 171 and trapeze
isolator (item 18) levers.
14. Using the control rod (item 19) connect the
bellcrank lever to the ball joint on the throttle body
linkage. Set the length of the control rod to
dimension A between the inner faces of the
15. Fit the throttle body linkage return springs !items
20 and 211 using the hooks. ·
16. Fit the isolator bracket (item 22) to the body
17. Using the control rod (item 23) set the length to
dimension B between the inner faces of the
Connect the bellcrank lever to the fulcrum lever
!item 24) on the trapeze isolator mechanism using
the control rod.
18. Fit the jaw (item 25) situated at the lower end of
the long rod (item 26) to the control operating lever.
19. Set the length of the long rod to a nominal
dimension between the inner faces of the lock-nuts.
as follows.
Right-hand drive cars to dimension C.
Left-hand drive cars to dimension D.
20. Offer the upper end ball joint (item 271 on the
Chapter L
Contents Sections
Rolls-Royce Bentley
Silver Silver Corniche/ Eight Mulsanne/ Turbo R Continental
Spirit Spur Corniche II Mulsanne S
5/88 TSD4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1988 L 1-1
Section l2
5188 TS04737
Printed in England
© Rolls·Royce Motor Cars Limited 1988 L2-1
ChapterC Ref. Component Nm kgfm lbf ft
Chapter D
Issue record sheet
The dates quoted below refer to the issue date of individual pages within this chapter.
Page No.
1 5/88 5/88
2 5/88
3 5/88 5/88
6 - -- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - -
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16 - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -
21 - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - -- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -
31 - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -
35 _ _ _ _ _ _ ___:__ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _
41 - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -
46 - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- --
51 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Workshop tools
Contents Sections
Rolls-Royce Bentley
Silver Silver Corniche/ Eight Mulsanne/ Turbo R Continental
Spirit Spur Corniche II Mulsanne S
Section$ M1 M2
Page No.
1 10/91 10/91
3 10/91
s______________________________________ _
10_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
- -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
20~-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - --~- ---~
Workshop tools
RH 8090 f-'liers
RH 12210 K- Motronic ECU interrogator
RH 8725 Flowmeter (for use on turbocharged cars
without the on - board fault
RH 9607 Adapter diagnosis capability)
(for use with pressure tester}
RH 12211 Atlas Copco belt tension meter
RH 9608 Mixture adjusting tool
RH 12495 Mityvac vacuum/pressure pump
RH 9609 G~1ide ring and gauge assembly
RH 9881 Adapter
(fuel distributor)
RH 9893 Adapter
(electrical connection to EHA)
Running changes
Contents Sections
Rolls·Royce Bentley
Silver Silver Corniche/ Eight Mulsanne/ Turbo R Continental
Spirit Spur Corniche II Mulsanne S
Contents and issue record
sheet N1 Nl N1 N1 Nl N1 N1
Sections I N1 I N2 I N3 I N4 N5
Page No. I I I
1 1/89 5/88 1/89 1/89 1/89
2 1/89 1/89
3 1/89
6 ---------------- - ---- ------------- - -
11 - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - -
16 - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - --
21 - -- - - - - -- - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
26 - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
31 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- ~
36 - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - ~
41 - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- ------
46 - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - -~
51 - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - ------------~
Running changes
No 1 The fitting of two air pressure transducers
5/88 TSD4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1988 N2-1
Section N3
Running changes
No 2 1988 Model year changes
Running changes
No 3 K-Motronic ECU interrogator RH 12210
1/89 TS04737
Pri11ted i11 England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1989 N4-1
4. 4. 3. 1.
LAMP ON - - - - - - - - - - - -
...._ ~
.__ ...._ L-- '-- L-- ....___
Blink code Fault description System method of recognition Limp home facility No faults stored Engine reference sensor and/ Synchronization lost Dependent upon ECU data update
or its connection to the ECU prior to the engine reference
defective sensor failure Coolant temperature sensor Coolant temperature less than K-Motronic ECU provides EHA with
output outside operating -46°C (-50.8°F) or more than mA compensation equivalent to
range 186°C (366.8°F) ao•c I176°Fl coot ant temperature
for all operational modes other
than starting which is set to
20°C(68°F) Incorrect air flow signal Volumetric air flow rate Ignition and fuelling switched to
outside pressure upper and full load map
lower limits
2. l.2.1 . Idle switch fault. Idle Idle switch closed. Air sensor Ignition and fuelling switched to
control maps not recognised plate voltage ratio greater than part load map
0.56 for more than 0.3 seconds Full load switch fault. Full load switch closed but ECU Ignition and fuelling switched to
Full load control maps not recognises part load engine part load map
recognised operation for more then 0.3
2.1.l.3. Engine speed sensor and/or Ignition switched on, volumetric None
connection to the ECU air flow rate more than 9m 3thr
defective. Air sensor plate but no engine speed signal
mechanism or fuel distributor
plunger stuck . Idle speed actuator connecting End stage within K-Motronic ECU Limp home engine id Ie speed of
plug open or short circuit 900 rev/min. Normal engine
operation except idle mode No more faults stored in ECU Blink lamp on/off periods for
memory this code are of 2.5 seconds
code will register on the test box indicator The cable connectors must not be allowed to contact
lamp. other components.
17. Upon completion of the tests. switch off the 20. Insert fuse B5.
ignition, withdraw fuse B5 from fuse panel F1 on the
main fuseboard, and remove the test box
18. Connect the cable to the fuseboard illumination
19. Insulate the green/yellow and the black cables.
Tape them back to the loom behind the fuseboard,
ensuring that they are safe but accessible for future
The importance of correctly insulating and
stowing these two cables cannot be over emphasized.
Section N5
Running Changes
No 4 Atlas Copco belt tension meter RH 12211
1/89 TSD4737
Printed in England
© Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Limited 1999 N5-1
di the belt tensioning figures quoted io Operation 14,
apply equally to replacement or existing drive belts.
e) if a new belt has been fitted and tensior.led, the belt
tension must be checked after·the erigine has run for
15 minutes.