WWW Lged Gov BD
WWW Lged Gov BD
WWW Lged Gov BD
The Project Director, MRCP has been allocated public funds from the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (GoB)
towards the cost of the Mithamoin Rest house Construction Project (MRCP) and it intends to apply part of the
proceeds of these funds to payments under the contract for the provision of consultancy services for the Project
by Individual Consultants. The qualification and experience required for the consultants are given below:
The Project Director, MRCP of Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) now invites eligible
applicants to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants are invited to provide
information indicating that he/she is qualified to perform the services.
Consultants will be selected using the selection of individual consultant sub-method in accordance with the Public
Procurement Rules, 2008. It is expected that the services will commence on November, 2021 for 12 months. The
advertisement is also available on LGED and CPTU website (www.lged.gov.bd & www.cptu.gov.bd).
A complete set of “Request for Application” including Terms of Reference may be obtained from the office of the
undersigned during normal office hours. Further information may be obtained at the address below during office
Expression of Interest shall be submitted by 2:00 PM on 13/10/2021 in sealed envelope delivered to the office of
the undersigned on level-11, LGED Bhaban, Agargaon, Dhaka-1207 and be clearly marked “Request for
Expression of Interest for Selection of Junior Construction Supervision Engineer as Individual Consultant”.
The authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all EOIs without assigning any reason whatsoever.