GE 104 MODULE 1 (Answer Sheet)
GE 104 MODULE 1 (Answer Sheet)
GE 104 MODULE 1 (Answer Sheet)
Course: BSBA – 1B
1. B
2. C
3. B
4. C
5. B
1. B 3. D
2. D 4. C
1. 14 4. 27
2. 49 5. 21
3. 25 6. 49
GE 104 – MODULE 1
1. A stripe is a line or band that has a different hue or tone than the surrounding region. It's also
the most typical pattern we find in our neighborhood. Particularly in our home, because I have a
lot of cats with stripes on their fur. I, too, donned striped clothing from time to time.
2. Because I believe that arithmetic and nature are inextricably linked, I believe that all natural
patterns have some connection to numbers and math.
* Design - Algebra and geometry are primarily used. Graphic designers utilize math all of the
time. To build anything, whether it's a web page, gum packaging, or a billboard, you'll need to
know dimensions or scale. Math is a tool that designers use every day. It may not be as difficult
as calculus or more complicated math, but it is an important tool for them.
* Economics - Economists can utilize mathematics to build accurate models from which exact
conclusions can be drawn using mathematical logic, which can then be evaluated using statistical
data and used to create quantified forecasts about future economic activity.
* Law - Percentages are one of the most prevalent ways that lawyers use math. They may, for
example, need to figure out what their chances are of winning a trial. Lawyers also employ
percentages in settlements to guarantee that their clients receive fair recompense for the actions
of others.
* Music - Experts in different fields, including music theorists, use mathematics to develop,
express, and explain their ideas. Many musical phenomena and notions can be described using
mathematics. Sound waves are used to express mathematical frequencies, and mathematics
explains how strings vibrate at certain frequencies.
GE 104 – MODULE 1
1. E 4. E
2. D 5. C
3. A 6. A
1. 756 6. 188
2. 68 7. 343
3. 210 8. 346
4. 299 9. 52
5. 99 10. 10080
1. Mathematics is a science that deals with numbers in its broadest sense. It entails numerical
operations, and it also aids you in calculating the product price, the amount of reduced rewards
available, and how quickly you can compute if you're excellent at arithmetic.
2. Because of counting, calculating, measuring, and the systematic study of the shapes and
motions of physical objects evolved into mathematics through abstraction and logical reasoning,
mathematics is everywhere. Math is all around us, in everything we do.
3. With the Pythagoreans in the 6th century BC, the Ancient Greeks began a systematic study of
mathematics as a separate science. The axiomatic approach, which consists of definition, axiom,
theorem, and proof, was introduced by Euclid around 300 BC and is still used in mathematics
D. Math is the queen of all sciences since every discipline of study requires proof, which we may
obtain through mathematics. Assume we use mathematics to calculate age in biology. We use
mathematics to calculate chemical equations in chemistry, and we use equations to prove the
reason in physics, which is comprehensive mathematics.
GE 104 – MODULE 1
Fib ( n+1 ) √5+1
E. Golden Ratio is exactly equal to = , which approximately equal to 1.618. The
Fib ( n ) 2
Golden Ratio has the interesting property that its reciprocal (or inverse) is equal to itself minus 1.
So, the inverse of the golden ratio is approximately equal to 0.618 or exactly equal to
Fib ( n ) 2 2 ( √ 5−1 ) 5−1
= = =√ . This inverse ratio may lead into a wrong answer to
Fib ( n+1 ) √5+1 ( √ 5+1 )( √ 5−1 ) 2
what is asking in a problem and it may be even complicate things, unlike to its original ratio.
F. Flower petals, Seed heads, Pinecones, Tree branches, and Shells are the examples of items and
objects that shows the golden ratio.
G. Patterns in nature are visible regularities of form found in the natural world. Some of them
When you move a shape in any way, such as turning, flipping, or sliding it, it becomes
symmetrical. To be symmetrical, two items must be the same size and shape, but one must be
oriented differently than the other. Symmetry is not found in every object.
A spiral is a curve that radiates from a point and moves away from it as it rotates around it.
A meander is a series of sinuous curves, bends, loops, turns, or windings in a river's, streams, or
other watercourse's channel. A stream or river that swings from side to side as it travels across its
floodplain or adjusts its path inside a valley produces it.
A wave is an energy-transfer disturbance that occurs in matter or space with little or no
concomitant mass motion. Waves are oscillations or vibrations in a physical material or a field
that occur at relatively constant intervals. Water ripples are visible in surface waves.
Foam is created by encasing pockets of gas in a liquid or solid. Foams can be found in the form
of a bath sponge or the head atop a glass of beer. The volume of gas in most foams is enormous,
with thin liquid or solid coatings separating the gas regions. Suds are another term for soap
GE 104 – MODULE 1
Submitted to: Mr. Alex Buenafe
GE 104 – MODULE 1