Chapter One 1.1 Background of The Study
Chapter One 1.1 Background of The Study
Chapter One 1.1 Background of The Study
1.1 Background of the study
Poultry meat and eggs offer considerable potential for meeting human needs for dietary
animal supplies, (Folorunsho and Onibi, 2005). Poultry products provide high-quality protein
in the diets of rural people whose traditional foods are typically rich in carbohydrate but low
in protein,
Poultry production also known as aviculture in the past was not counted as an important
occupation, but nowadays, poultry production has developed and occupies a place of pride
among livestock enterprises due to its rapid monetary turnover (Laseinde, 1994). Semi-
scavenging backyard indigenous poultry are extremely important in providing income, and
has been used in countries like India and Bangladesh as a tool for poverty reduction. Poultry
are good converters of feed to egg and meat within short periods of time. (frands, 2003;
David, 2017; Kekocha, 1994 ) these reasons amongst others has made the sector attractive
and popular among small, medium and as well large poultry farmers. A major advantage of
eggs and poultry meat as human food is that there are no major taboos on their consumption
as compared to other forms of meat such as pork and beef (David, 2017) Poultry production
has a less detrimental impact on the environment than other livestock, given the productions
systems it operates in, that is, traditional (free-range, scavenging), semi-commercial and
commercial/ industrial systems. Globally, over 70% of chicken meat is produced in industrial
The poultry sector is possibly the fastest growing and most flexible of all livestock sectors.
Driven primarily by very strong demand it has expanded, consolidated and globalised over
the past 17 years in countries of all income levels. Livestock is fundamental to the livelihoods
of about one billion of the world’s poorest people. Rural poultry, in particular, is essential for
the livelihood of many resource-poor farmers often being the only asset they possess. It
makes up about 80 Percent of poultry stocks in low-income food-deficit countries, and
beyond its economic or nutritional importance, is also widely recognized. Poultry production
is carried out in most countries of the world. According to FAO statistics, (2013), around 58
billion chickens are slaughtered for meat in the world each year. Total global chicken meat
production is around 90 million tonnes per annum with the United State of America being
the highest producer of broilers (17,111,240 tonnes) in 2011 thus accounting for 19.0% of
total world production, closely followed by China and Brazil, with 11,550,00 and 11,421,730
tonnes,(12.8% and 12.7%) respectively. Other big poultry producers include, Russia, Mexico,
India, with no African country featuring amongst the top ten producers in the world. The
poultry industry has developed largely in the developed countries to improvements in their
production techniques, prompt medical provision, and automated poultry houses amongst
In Africa, the main components of the poultry sector are the family and rural sectors which
make around 80% of poultry stocks in many African developing countries. Chicken meat
production in Africa as a whole went up from 3,297,000 tonnes in 2005 to 4,592,000 tonnes
in 2011. However, poultry production in Africa is lagging behind than that of other continents
such as Asia (FAOSTAT, 2014), this is due to rising domestic demand with an increasing
population. Imports of poultry products in Africa will continue to increase because of the
spread of the Avian influenza outbreaks in many countries for example Angola, Benin,
Ghana, and Egypt hit by the disease in 2012 (Conway, 2012).The regional dependency on
imports is currently estimated at 24% of the domestic consumption, up from 18% in 2009.
However, production in South Africa will continue to increase due to imposed anti-dumping
duties on US and Brazilian poultry imports. The combination of feed, environmental
constrains, and the low level of technical efficiency because of insufficient and improper
equipment, inadequate training and motivation for operational personnel, has kept the
performance of the poultry farms in Africa low (Adeyeye, 1990).
In Cameroon, Poultry meat represents about 45% of the total meat produced in the
nation and its domestic demand gap from 2008 to 2015 increased from 38,063 tons - 64,867
tons (MINEPIA, 2015). The traditional sub-sector also called rural or backyard production
system largely dominates poultry keeping in Cameroon. The sub-sector is very important for
the livelihood of many Cameroonians as 70% of livestock operators own poultry farms that
are the main source of revenue for about 39.7% of them (MINEPIA, 2015). Thus chicken
remains a significant component of food security and plays an important role in generation of
income and savings of the poorest families (Zaman et al, 2004).
Poultry is the most commercialized of all the Cameroon livestock agriculture. Poultry
contributes 1% of the GDP of Cameroon and it generates a net profit of 15 billion CFA per
year (MINEPIA 2012). The types of poultry that are reared in Cameroon are Chickens,
Ducks, Guinea fowls, Japanese quails, Turkeys and Ostriches (keambou et al, 2016).
Cameroon is not among the leading poultry producers in Africa (FAOSTAT, 2012)., this
underperforming nature is caused by many factors including: limited access to institutional
services, high cost of poultry farm inputs, limited access to the market, high rate of disease
attacks, socio cultural factors etc. The effect of these is that many farmers including Nazareth
centre cannot generate sufficient income from this activity.
Since poultry contributes just about 1% of the GDP of Cameroon. Adopting appropriate
innovation in this sector is a means of increasing both production and productivity, for the
benefit of all the stakeholders of the poultry sector.
Methods of poultry production are somewhat different amongst the various poultry farmers
in the Bamenda. It will be of great help/benefit not only to the farmers and the consumers, but
also to the economy as a whole if improved process and market innovative poultry practices
are assessed and made known to other farmers who have not yet adopted such innovations.
Thus, the following research questions were derived for the study.
To Identify the Socio-economic profile of people practicing poultry farming and the
rate of innovation adoption in Bamenda III sub-division.
To find out the existing innovations, the extent of adoption and its effects on the
production rate of poultry farmers in this area.
To identify the problems farmers faced in the adoption of innovations.
This research will provide a clear understanding of problems inherent in adopting innovations
in poultry sector, and may be used as a reference document for policy makers, poultry
farmers, consumers of poultry products and students carrying out their research work in
similar areas.
There are several theories one can draw upon to study the adoption process, amongst others
is, Bounded Rationality, Diffusion Theory, Extension Theory, the Theory of Reasoned
Action and Consumer Behaviour Theory. As many as these theories are, (Neels and Kris,
2005) found that these different frameworks don‘t contradict each other and when combined
into a conceptual framework they offer very useful constructs for studying the adoption
process. The researcher has found the Extension theory appropriate for use in this study, for it
has been tested and accredited in other production fields such as in crop production.
Poultry production systems in tropical Africa are mostly based on the scavenging
system (Dwinger et al, 2003). Approximately 80% of the chicken populations in Africa are
reared in this system (Gueye 1998) and their motivation for such system is based on several
factors for example small-scale enterprises are found mostly in the rural villages where
production inputs are difficult to obtain and marketing outlets are not well organised
According to Shaner et al (1982), the term “small-scale'' refers to those operations in which
the farmers frequently have difficulty obtaining sufficient inputs to allow use of the
technology available to medium-scale and large-scale farmers and in contrast, large-scale
enterprises are concentrated along the railway line and in urban centres where there is access
to production facilities and marketing outlets. Intensive production systems are mainly
practiced by commercial poultry farmers in Africa like Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa, and
their contribution to the total output cannot also be undermined.
Compatibility – the degree to which the innovation is seen as being consistent with
past practices, current values and existing needs.
Complexity – the extent to which the innovation can readily be understood and easily
Trial-ability – new ideas that can be tried out at low cost before wholesale adoption
are more likely to be taken up.
Observability – the degree to which the use and benefits of the innovation are visible
to others, and therefore act as a further stimulus to uptake by others.
In addition to these classic innovation characteristics identified in early work, other attributes
have also been identified as being potentially important, such as: adaptability, centrality to
the day-to-day work of the organisation, and little requirement for additional visible resources
(Wolfe, 1994).
Adopter categories have been developed, which are classifications of members of a social
system on the basis of their innovativeness – that is, the extent to which an individual or other
unit of adoption is relatively early in adopting new ideas. The S-shaped curve is reproduced
in many descriptive accounts of diffusion, although the time over which the innovation
diffuses varies, as does the percentage of the population who ultimately adopt the innovation.
The S-shaped curve becomes a normal curve when plotted as the incidence of people
adopting at various points in time rather than the prevalence of people who have adopted up
to that point. The normal curve is used to delineate five different categories of adopters
according to (Rogers, 1995).they are:
Early adopters,
Early majority
Credit is the overall arrangement through which inputs in kind and in cash are made
to farmers who repay such inputs at a later date as stated in the repayment schedule.
Agricultural credits encompasses all loans and advances granted to a farmer to finance
activities relating to the agricultural sector, in this case poultry.
The access to credit is expected to have a positive effect on the adoption of various village
poultry technologies, because the introduction of new technologies often requires short-term
or long-term investments. The main problem, however, is that measuring access to credit is
not an easy task. Doss (2006).
(Akinrinola & Okunola, 2014) showed that there was an increase in the investment level of
farmers and that was attributed to their accessibility to farm credits during the Nigerian
Agricultural Insurance Scheme in ondo state.
The positive effect of access to credit on the adoption of village poultry improvement
technologies is consistent with Feder et al. (1985) who argue that access to credit is an
important determinant for the adoption of new technologies. Indeed, access to credit
facilitates the acquisition of technology by small farmers who, in general, have limited
financial liquidity. This implies that improving producers’ access to credit will increase the
adoption of new and improved poultry techniques.
Credits are required to expand the scale of production and increase levels of production for
poultry farmers, thus it needed to break the vicious cycle of poverty.
It occupies a key position in agricultural development with support in resource and input use,
harvesting of water resources, marketing channels, storage facilities, distribution channels,
value addition, market information and a regular monitoring network system. Cooperatives
are also engaged in economic activities like disbursement of credit, distribution of
agricultural inputs (seeds, fertilizers, and agrochemicals), etc. Cooperatives have inherent
advantages in tackling the problems of poverty alleviation, food security and employment
generation (Virendra et al, 2015)
The advantages of cooperative marketing were increased bargaining strength of farmers,
direct dealing with consumers, credit availability, cheaper transport, storage, grading and
processing facilities and market intelligence.
Despite some recent research on the economic performance of farmer cooperatives which has
shown promising results in improving their livelihood (Babb and Lang, cited by Ralph D.C.
1987), most farmers are still reluctant to join these cooperative societies.
Access to reliable and accurate market information is often another challenge that does not
allow poultry producers to identify and target markets that offer more opportunities and better
profits (martin et al, 2011). Thus, membership to farmer cooperatives facilitate easier access
to inputs like feed supplements, improved chicks, drugs and vaccines, technical advice,
credit, training, transportation and marketing of chicken products (Branckaert et al., 2000).
Organising poultry farmers into groups has not been easy especially among free range
chicken keepers since flock sizes are small and chicken are maintained with minimal labour
and capital inputs. Nevertheless, it is essential that farmers are encouraged to initiate chicken
farming using medium sized flocks (Branckaert et al., 2000).
Agricultural Insurance, in its widest sense may be defined as the stabilization of income,
employment, price and supplies of agricultural products by means of regular and deliberate
savings and accumulation of funds in small installments by many, in favourable time periods
to defend some or few of the participants in bad time periods (Arene, 2005). The term
“insurance” In recent times, insurance has been seen as part of an overall risk management
strategy. (UNCTAD 1994)”. The primary motive of any agricultural insurance policy is to
serve as a security for losses resulting from natural disasters. It also serves as collateral for
agricultural loan to the farmers from banks. (Arene, 2005).
Patrick (2010), in his study, discovered that the respondent poultry farmers agree to the
following statements: agricultural enterprise is faced with risks and uncertainties; agricultural
insurance is beneficial; agricultural insurance reduces farmers’ worries and stress. It then
implies that the respondents had a favourable attitude towards agricultural insurance. He
further found that farmers recognized the fact that poultry enterprise being an agricultural
activity is faced with risks and uncertainties, and that one way to overcome such risks and
uncertainties is through insurance cover.
o Agricultural insurance empowers the farmers to obtain farm credit. Since insurance
guarantees protection against crop and/or livestock failure, the insured farmer has
greater confidence in obtaining loans
o It facilitates better planning and project implementation since there is a high level
assurance for continuity in business;
o It serves as an assurance to banks and other financial institutions who grant loan for
agricultural purposes as loans given will be repaid;
Torres (2001) defines Record keeping as the keeping of detailed records by a farmer of his
farm’s daily operations, income and expenses.
In the face of the recent global economic crunch and the rapid pace of the farming industry, it
is impossible for producers to manage a farm enterprise the way their parents did 30 years
ago (Arzeno, 2004). Henderson & Gomes (1974) noted that one possible approach to
improving small-scale farming is through the use of farm records. Without farm records, a
farmer will not make it very far in today’s business environment. This is because a farmer
who maintains an adequate set of records can usually handle problems better than the one
who does not (Poggio, 2006).
There are various types of farm records (Poggio, 2006) classified them under four basic
types. They include;
Production records; mortality, breeding, bird performance, feed information, laying and
Financial records; income from sale of eggs and birds and expenditure from feed, vaccines,
labour and maintenance of farm equipments.
Supplementary records; survey map, the farm layout (map) and the legal documents of the
According to (Devonish et al., 2000), 84% of the farmers interviewed kept records on
production (feed, egg production, labour, mortality, birth and breeding). Okantah et al.,
(2003) also found that majority of farmers (96%) kept production records (weight of birds
sold, the amounts of feeds and drugs or vaccines administered). These high percentages prove
that most farmers are more concerned about the productivity of their farm business.
According to (Devonish et al., 2000 cited by Patrick 2010), it was found that majority of
farmers (76% and 95%) kept financial records respectively. These show the importance
farmers attach to their financial needs.
Essentially, accurate written farm records are very helpful, (Devonish et al., 2000), reported
that farmers were interviewed in the district and 57% of them confirmed that they obtained
credits due to the fact that they were keeping farm records, thus a farmer who has a well-kept
farm record is in a more favourable position to borrow needed funds than one who has no
farm records.. According to Johl & Kapur (2001), when farmers keep records, they
continuously give the needed information for state and national farm policies such as land
and price policies. This further helps in research works which will require precise and correct
data which is possible only if proper records are maintained on the farms and included in the
study. Farm records therefore serve as a helpful tool in obtaining the correct data for
examining and developing sound policies. Farmers must maintain proper farm records in
order to receive subsidies from government. This was stated by Rolls (2001 cited by Patrick
2010) that records of building and machinery linked to farm registration in Hungary are
essential for access to government subsidies.
Also, in Lithuania, farmers are also obliged to keep farm records to obtain state support.
Farm record keeping is often seen as a mundane task by farmers (Poggio, 2006). Obviously,
farmers are faced with constraints which cause their inability to keep farm records. (Minae et
al., 2003, cited by Patrick 2010) noted that the lack of keeping farm records is more
pronounced due to the high levels of illiteracy. Another constraint faced by farmers is that,
most of them engage in several enterprises and mixed farming systems, and thus farm record
keeping requires much of their time. They are therefore faced with time constraints which
hinder them from keeping farm records (Johl & Kapur, 2001).
(Johl & Kapur, 2001) further stated that the subsistence nature of farming does not produce
any incentive for keeping the farm records. Farmers therefore cannot engage separately
trained accountants for helping them in farm accounting. Singh (2001) commented that the
small farmers know that because of the small size of their farm holdings they will not be able
to effect economies of scale hence do not show interest in farm record keeping. Minae (2001)
noted that lack of sensitisation on the importance of farm record keeping on the performance
of farm businesses by extension agents or enumerators is a constraint. (Johl & Kapur, 2001)
further stated that sufficient numbers of trained specialists in farm management are not
available who could help farmers maintain records of their business. (Johl & Kapur, 2001)
stated that farmers are always afraid of new taxes and so they fear that if they maintain
records and their incomes show up high in their record books, some sort of high tax may be
levied on them.
This is a production system where birds are kept in open house spaces and various bedding
materials such as sawdust, wood shavings, straw and groundnut and rice hulls
The deep litter system ensures good stocking of birds. It is essential that meat birds have
adequate room, whether they are housed in small groups on village farms or in larger semi-
commercial or commercial sheds. Lack of space can lead to leg problems, injuries and
increased mortality (Sainsbury, 1988). This is often noticed in the cage system of production.
As they approach market weight, an approximate maximum stocking density for fully
confined birds on deep litter is 30 kg of bird per square metre of floor area.
This system eases and facilitates the removal of litter. Litter removal takes place after about 2
months after the bedding materials are put, thus the routine activity of removing litter daily is
Another variable that must also be considered is access to information. Farmers must have
information about new technologies before they can consider adopting them. Since extension
services are one important means for farmers to gain information on new technologies,
variables about extension services are often used as a measure of access to information. Since
the origins of organized extension services in second half of the 19th century, the aim of
extension has been to accelerate the adoption of improved practices, and application of new
technologies in agriculture (Davis et al., 2004). For more than a century, extension worldwide
primarily followed a linear transfer-of-technology approach, involving adoption of science-
based technologies (Rogers, 1995). In this role, extension functions on the basis of an expert
consultant, offering the presumed best solution. The roles of extension services as outlined by
(Akinnagbe et al, 2013) includes:
Improving the linkages between public and private sectors involvement in agricultural
Developing the appropriate mechanisms to transfer the research findings on
agricultural technologies
Involvement of end-users (farmers) to participate in issues relating to biotechnology
research and development.
Educating the end users to adopt the new innovation in order to achieve food security.
Encouraging the development of positive attitudes amongst scientists of the
knowledge, experience and capabilities of the local people in research and
development process.
Encouraging the development of receptive attitude in farmers or local people to accept
technological changes in their farming practices.
Equipping the farmers with managerial skills through informal education and
demonstrations to sustain proven technologies.
Technology financing through donor agencies and procurement of essential
Linking farmers to the source of farm credit
Provision of accurate, unbiased, objective and research-based information on
agricultural technologies.
Provides specialists and researchers with information on farmer’s needs.
Provides feedback on the effectiveness of technological innovations
Developing the appropriate mechanisms to transfer the research findings on
agricultural biotechnology
Increasing farmer household productivity through dissemination of improved
desirable traits of biotechnology products
Helping farmers to identify and analyze their production problems.
Making the farmers to be aware of the opportunities to obtain increased income and
attain a better standard of living.
Informing the public about the development of innovations using different
communication channels
Overall improvement of the quality of life of the rural people within the frame work
of the national economic social policies as a whole.
Provision of incentive to farmers through extension delivery systems provided with
good information and government support
This is one of the highly used bio-security measures to prevent livestock infections in animal
Many poultry farmers do not yet still see the importance of these measures and because of
negligence, suffer untold losses. Another measure is the restricted access to poultry houses.
The centre began with rabbit production in that same year of its creation and poultry
production soon followed where it had 1000 broilers and 1500 layers ( Nazareth Centre,
In 2003, the centre was properly created and recognized by the Cameroon government and
was granted a lot of subventions from the government which led to an increase in the centre’s
production capacity where the number of broilers increased from 1000 to 1500, and the layers
also increase from 1500 to 2000 and the piggery unit also came up (Nazareth centre, 2003).
In the year 2012, there was a drastic shoot of the piggery unit which affected the whole centre
negatively and led to a drop in the production capacity of the poultry unit because the piggery
unit produces most of the finances used in running the centre such as paying employees and
payment of the centre’s bills. With the collapsed of the piggery unit, the poultry unit was now
the only unit which could generate finances for the payment of workers and bills and due to
the high level of consumption of the poultry unit finances, it led to a drop in the number of
broilers purchased from 1500 to 500 due to limited finances (Nazareth centre, 2012). In the
year 2015, there was another drastic drop in the number of layers from 2000 to 1000 because
of lack of veterinary control (Nazareth centre, 2015). Presently, the centre has 1000 layers
and is aiming to improve the number of layers from 1000 to 2000 in 2018 and has a long term
strategic plan to have 3000 to 4000 layers in the year 2020 (Nazareth centre, 2017). But the
centre’s poultry farm productivity has not been the best as was expected (Nazareth centre,
2016). Thus carrying out this study will be beneficial to this institution as the findings will
direct the center towards new innovations in the poultry sector.
3.1. Research design
The study was done using a descriptive survey design to investigate the benefits of adopted
innovation of poultry farmers in Bamenda III. This was in an effort to ensure that poultry
farms became meaningful in terms of reward and as a source of income to the famer and the
society at large. Descriptive survey designs are used in preliminary and exploratory studies
(luck & Reuben, 1992) to allow researcher gather information, summarize, present and
interpret for the purpose of education and clarification (Orodho, 2002).
Bamenda is known for its cool climate and scenic hilly condition, with an average annual
rainfall of 2145mm and an annual temperature of 21.5 degree centigrade, The city has a
population of about 1,500,000 people and a majority of the inhabitants do business for a
living which is the main source of their income followed by agriculture, with a majority of
people in this city farming just for family consumption (MINEPIA, 2012). The main crops
cultivated include maize, beans, yams and vegetables. A majority of farmers often do mix
farming (MINEPIA, 2012).The main type of poultry practiced in this part of the country is
broiler production followed by layers. The poultry production here is dominated by small
scale production for both house hold consumption and commercial purposes, but in times of
feast such as the December, January and February periods of the year, were demand for birds
and egg is very high, many people go into poultry production and some that were already
existing in the business increase their production capacity in other to meet the market demand
of poultry product consumption.
Figure 2: The map of Bamenda city.
Questionnaire validation was done through the scrutiny the supervisors. That is, the first copy
was presented to the supervisor who cross checked it and made the necessary corrections to
ensure the questions would lead to the attainment of research objectives, before the final copy
was then printed.