Health Education Perspective
Health Education Perspective
Health Education Perspective
Biological factors
- related to an individual’s health are his/
her genetic composition, internal
homeodynamics and his or her
homeostasis, and external factors like
microorganisms, injury etc. along with
this factor natural process aging is
obviously influence his/her health.
Psychological factors
HEALTH EDUCATION The development of an individual, group,
OBJECTIVES institutional, community strategies in the
Define health education. improvement of their health knowledge, skills,
Discuss the importance of health education in attitude & behavior.
the improvement of health behavior. Combination of learning experience designed
Explain the role and functions of the nurse as a to facilitate voluntary action conducive to
health educator. health. (Green & Kreauter)
Concerned with people at all stages of health &
OBJECTIVES illness to maximize each person’spotential for
Describe the various strategies of community healthy living.
empowerment in the three level of care. Objective of Health Education/Health
Explain the importance of communication, Empowerment
networking and collaboration in community As a preventative measures .
empowerment. Facilitate strategies for change.
Differentiate between health education &health Dissemination of health information to those
promotion who need help.
Define health education The empowerment of the community with
HEALTH EDUCATION health information.
Health education is any combination of Change the health behavior of the community.
learning experiences designed to help Community to be able to care forthemselves.
individuals and communities improve their Why Health Education?
health, by increasing their knowledge or For the improvement of the health status of
influencing their attitudes. individual, families, communities, society &
Process of providing information and advice nation.
related to healthy lifestyle and encouraging the It enhance the quality of life for everyone.
development of knowledge, attitudes and skills Focus on prevention, help reduce the health
aimed at behaviour change of individuals or costs both for the individuals & nation spend on
communities. medical treatment.
Enables and influences controll over own´s
health leading to optimalization of attitudes and Health Education Main principles
habits related to lifestyle and increasing quality Supported by the latest knowledge from
of life.( WHO ) research (medicine, sociology, psychology).
HEALTH EDUCATION A systematic, comprehensive and consistent
It is a social science that draws from activity.
the biological, environmental, psychological, Adapted to age, gender, education and
physical and medical science to promote particular health, mental or social problems of
health, prevent disease, disability and an individual or community (school, entreprise,
premature death through education –driven city).
voluntary behavior change activities. Encourages personal investment of an
Health education is concerned with a range of Respects environment of an individual.
goals, including giving information, attitude Health Education in Communities
change, behavior and social change. Strategies
It is concerned with helping people to help Building collaborating team (physician, PH
themselves and helping people work towards officer, health counsellor, NGO, schools,
creating healthier conditions for everybody municipality, entreprise)
( “making healthy choices easier choices” Partnership and national networks (Healthy
Ewles& simmets 1985 –Wass200) Cities, Healthy Schools), EU projects
HEALTH EDUCATION? Providing regular information – media, bulletins
Motivation actions related to days Cost
acknowledged by WHO – Health Day, Global Availability of resources
Day without Tobacco, Mental Health Week, Culture
International Day of Fight against HIV/AIDS, Problems In Health Education.
etc. Health Facilities
Health Facilitators
Community Mobilization Client –provider Attitudes both clients and educators
interaction Methods, message/material
Medtechs as a Health Educator Educators or officials who carry out the task
The medical technologist is an AGENT for The tools use for demonstration
change by helping identify and solve health Health Literacy
related problems by : Illiteracy & Literacy –impact on health
Informing Health information
Advising Health Literacy : application of literacy skills to
Help in the acquisition of skills health& health care .
Clarifying beliefs and values Being able to participate individually, publically
Enabling the adaptation of life styles about health prevention and promotion &
Promoting change in the structure treatment , preference.
&organization which promote health. Able to intergrade new information and
Provide a model of values and belief related to understand process require to improve
health. health ,have access to health resources
Medtechs as a Health Educator Health literacy Levels
Empower CLIENT about: Function level literacy : receiving sufficient
Disease process sign& symptoms level of factual information on health risks&
How to live with their health problem and live to services available that they can participate in
their full potential illness prevention and health protective
Diagnostic and treatment procedures activities.
Preventative & promotive measures Communicative &Interactive Health
FORMAL OR INFORMAL Literacy: develop personal skills – developing
Activities of A Health Educator capacity to influence social norms & helping
Assess individual & community needs others . Understanding how organization work
Plan health education being able to access services they need
Develop health education program .Critical Health Literacy
Coordinated health program POST QUIZ.
Implement health education programs
Evaluate health education programs
Write proposal for health education
Build coalitions
Identify resources
Organize & mobilize communities for action.
Advocate for health related issues
Develop Mass media campaign .
Conduct research
Encourage healthy behavior