Research Report Writing
Research Report Writing
Research Report Writing
A report is a written document on a particular topic, which conveys information and
ideas and may also make recommendations. Reports often form the basis of crucial
decision making. Inaccurate, incomplete and poorly written reports fail to achieve their
purpose and reflect on the decision, which will ultimately be made. This will also be the
case if the report is excessively long, jargonistic and/ or structureless. A good report
can be written by keeping the following features in mind:
All points in the report should be clear to the intended reader.
The report should be concise with information kept to a necessary minimum and
arranged logically under various headings and sub-headings.
All information should be correct and supported by evidence.
All relevant material should be included in a complete report.
Framework of a Report
The various frameworks can be used depending on the content of the report, but
generally the same rules apply. Introduction, method, results and discussion with
references or bibliography at the end, and an abstract at the beginning could form the
Structure your writing around the IMR&D framework and you will ensure a beginning,
middle and end to your report.
I Introduction Why did I do this research? (beginning)
M Method What did I do and how did I go about doing it? (middle)
R Results What did I find? (middle) AND
D Discussion What does it all mean? (end)
Essentials of a Good Report: Good research report should satisfy some of the following
basic characteristics: STYLE Reports should be easy to read and understand. The style
of the writer should ensure that sentences are succinct and the language used is
simple, to the point and avoiding excessive jargon. LAYOUT A good layout enables the
reader to follow the report's intentions, and aids the communication process. Sections
and paragraphs should be given headings and sub-headings. You may also consider a
system of numbering or lettering to identify the relative importance of paragraphs and
sub-paragraphs. Bullet points are an option for highlighting important points in your
report. ACCURACY Make sure everything you write is factually accurate. If you would
mislead or misinform, you will be doing a disservice not only to yourself but also to the
readers, and your credibility will be destroyed. Remember to refer to any information
you have used to support your work. CLARITY Take a break from writing. When you
would come back to it, you'll have the degree of objectivity that you need. Use simple
language to express your point of view. READABILITY Experts agree that the factors,
which affect readability the most, are: > Attractive appearance > Non-technical subject
matter > Clear and direct style > Short sentences > Short and familiar words REVISION
When first draft of the report is completed, it should be put to one side atleast for 24
hours. The report should then be read as if with eyes of the intended reader. It should
be checked for spelling and grammatical errors. Remember the spell and grammar
check on your computer. Use it! REINFORCEMENT Reinforcement usually gets the
message across. This old adage is well known and is used to good effect in all sorts of
circumstances e.g., presentations - not just report writing. > TELL THEM WHAT YOU
ARE GOING TO SAY: in the introduction and summary you set the scene for what
follows in your report. > THEN SAY IT : you spell things out in results/findings > THEN
TELL THEM WHAT YOU SAID: you remind your readers through the discussion what it
was all about.
Essentials of a Good Report: Good research report should satisfy some of the following
basic characteristics: STYLE Reports should be easy to read and understand. The style
of the writer should ensure that sentences are succinct and the language used is
simple, to the point and avoiding excessive jargon. LAYOUT A good layout enables the
reader to follow the report's intentions, and aids the communication process. Sections
and paragraphs should be given headings and sub-headings. You may also consider a
system of numbering or lettering to identify the relative importance of paragraphs and
sub-paragraphs. Bullet points are an option for highlighting important points in your
report. ACCURACY Make sure everything you write is factually accurate. If you would
mislead or misinform, you will be doing a disservice not only to yourself but also to the
readers, and your credibility will be destroyed. Remember to refer to any information
you have used to support your work. CLARITY Take a break from writing. When you
would come back to it, you'll have the degree of objectivity that you need. Use simple
language to express your point of view. READABILITY Experts agree that the factors,
which affect readability the most, are: > Attractive appearance > Non-technical subject
matter > Clear and direct style > Short sentences > Short and familiar words REVISION
When first draft of the report is completed, it should be put to one side atleast for 24
hours. The report should then be read as if with eyes of the intended reader. It should
be checked for spelling and grammatical errors. Remember the spell and grammar
check on your computer. Use it! REINFORCEMENT Reinforcement usually gets the
message across. This old adage is well known and is used to good effect in all sorts of
circumstances e.g., presentations - not just report writing. > TELL THEM WHAT YOU
ARE GOING TO SAY: in the introduction and summary you set the scene for what
follows in your report. > THEN SAY IT : you spell things out in results/findings > THEN
TELL THEM WHAT YOU SAID: you remind your readers through the discussion what it
was all about.
FEEDBACK MEETING It is useful to circulate copies of your report prior to the
feedback meeting. Meaningful discussion can then take place during the feedback
meeting with recommendations for change more likely to be agreed upon which can
then be included in your conclusion. The following questions should be asked at this
stage to check whether the Report served the purpose: > Does the report have impact? >
Do the summary /abstract do justice to the report? > Does the introduction encourage
the reader to read more? > Is the content consistent with the purpose of the report? >
Have the objectives been met? > Is the structure logical and clear? > Have the
conclusions been clearly stated? > Are the recommendations based on the conclusions
and expressed clearly and logically?
Different Parts of a Report Generally different parts of a report include: 1. Cover Page
/ Title Page 2. Introductory Pages ( Foreword, Preface, Acknowledgement, Table of
Contents, List of Tables, List of Illustrations or Figures, Key words / Abbreviations used
etc.) 3. Contents of the Report (which generally includes a Macro setting, Research
Problem, Methodology used, Objectives of the study, Review of studies, Tools Used for
Data Collection and Analysis, Empirical results in one/two sections, Summary of
Observations etc.) 4. References (including Appendices, Glossary of terms used, Source
data, Derivations of Formulas for Models used in the analysis etc.)
Title Page: The Cover page or Title Page of a Research Report should contain the
following information: 1. Title of the Project / Subject 2. Who has conducted the
study 3. For What purpose 4. Organization 5. Period of submission
Introductory Pages: Introductory pages generally do not constitute the Write up of the
Research work done. These introductory pages basically form the Index of the work
done. These pages are usually numbered in Roman numerical (e.g., i, ii, iii etc). The
introductory pages include the following components: Foreword, Preface,
Acknowledgements, Table of Contents, List of Tables, and List of Figures / Charts.
Foreword is usually one page write up or a citation about the work by any eminent /
popular personality or a specialist in the given field of study. Generally, the write up
includes a brief background on the contemporary issues and suitability of the present
subject and its timeliness, major highlights of the present work, brief background of the
author etc. The writer of the Foreword generally gives the Foreword on his letter head.
Preface is again one/two pages write up by the author of the book / report stating
circumstances under which the present work is taken up, importance of the work,
major dimensions examined and intended audience for the given work. The author gives
his signature and address at the bottom of the page along with date and year of the
Acknowledgements is a short section, mostly a paragraph. It mostly consists of
sentences giving thanks to all those associated and encouraged to carry out the present
work. Generally, author takes time to acknowledge the liberal funding by any funding
agency to carry out the work, and agencies which had given permission to use their
resources. At the end, the author thanks everybody and gives his signature.
Table of Contents refers to the index of all pages of the said Research Report. These
contents provide the information about the chapters, sub-sections, annexure for each
chapter, if any, etc. Further, the page numbers of the content of the report greatly helps
any one to refer to those pages for necessary details. Most authors use different forms
while listing the sub contents. These include alphabet classification and decimal
classification. Examples for both of them are given below: Example of content sheet
(alphabet classification)
List of Tables and Charts: Details of Charts and Tables given in the research Report
are numbered and presented on separate pages and the lists of such tables and charts
are given on a separate page. Tables are generally numbered either in Arabic numerals
or in decimal form. In the case of decimal form, it is possible to indicate the chapter to
which the said table belongs. For example, Table 2.1 refers to Table 1 in Chapter 2.
Executive Summary: Most Business Reports or Project works conducted on a specific
issue carry one or two pages of Executive Summary. This summary precedes the
Chapters of the Regular Research Report. This summary generally contains a brief
description of problem under enquiry, methods used and the findings. A line about the
possible alternatives for decision making would be the last line of the Executive
BODY OF THE REPORT: The body of the Report is the most important part of the
report. This body of report may be segmented into a handful of Units or Chapters
arranged in a sequential order. Research Report often present the Methodology,
Objectives of the study, Data tools, etc in the first or second chapters along with a brief
background of the study, review of relevant studies. The major findings of the study are
incorporated into two or three chapters based on the major or minor hypothesis tested
or based on the sequence of objectives of the study. Further, the chapter plan may also
be based likely on different dimensions of the problem under enquiry. Each Chapter
may be divided into sections. While the first section may narrate the descriptive
characteristics of the problem under enquiry, the second and subsequent sections may
focus on empirical results based on deeper insights of the problem of study. Each
chapter based on Research Studies mostly contain Major Headings, Sub headings,
quotations drawn from observations made by earlier writers, footnotes and exhibits.
Use of References: There are two types of reference formatting. The first is the 'in-text'
reference format, where previous researchers and authors are cited during the building
of arguments in the Introduction and Discussion sections. The second type of format is
that adopted for the Reference section for writing footnotes or Bibliography.
Citations in the text The names and dates of researchers go in the text as they are
mentioned e.g., "This idea has been explored in the work of Smith (1992)." It is generally
unacceptable to refer to authors and previous researchers etc.
The reference section: The report ends with reference section, which comes
immediately after the Recommendations and begins on a new page. It is titled as
'References' in upper and lower case letters centered across the page.
Published Journal Articles Beckerian, D.A. (1993). In search of the typical eyewitness.
American Psychologist, 48, 574-576. Gubbay, S.S., Ellis, W., Walton, J.N., and Court,
S.D.M. (1965). Clumsy children: A study of apraxic and agnosic defects in 21 children.
Brain, 88, 295- 312.
Authored Books Cone, J.D., and Foster, S.L. (1993). Dissertations and theses from start
to finish: Psychology and related fields. Washington, DC: American Psychological
Association. Cone, J.D., and Foster, S.L. (1993). Dissertations and theses from start to
finish: Psychology and related fields (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological
APPENDICES: The purpose of the appendices is to supplement the main body of your
text and provide additional information that may be of interest to the reader. There is
no major heading for the Appendices. You simply need to include each one, starting on
a new page, numbered, using capital letters, and headed with a centered brief
descriptive title. For example: Appendix A: List of stimulus words presented to the