Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Civil, Geological, and Mining Engineering, Ecole
Polytechnique, Montréal, Canada. Email: pangyutaoyy@gmail.com
PhD Candidate, State Key Laboratory of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Tongji
University, Shanghai 200092, China. Email: 10_xiaoweiwang@tongji.edu.cn
PhD Candidate, State Key Laboratory of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Tongji
University, Shanghai 200092, China. Email: 0725shangyu@tongji.edu.cn
Professor, Faculty of Engineering, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China.
Email: lwu@cug.edu.cn (Corresponding author)
In last decades, cable-stayed bridges have been popular not only in China but also
around the world due to appealing aesthetics, full and efficient utilization of structural
materials, increasing stiffness over suspension bridges and efficient and fast mode of
construction (Ren and Obata 1999). Nowadays, China has more than 400 cable-stayed bridges.
Some of these are located in moderate and high seismic zones according to the current
seismological intensity map of China. Cable-stayed bridges are sensitive to earthquake
because of their high flexibility and low inherent damping (Pacheco et al. 1993; Chang et al.
2004). If a cable-stayed bridge collapses in an earthquake, it can cause tremendous loss of life
and property. Therefore, seismic fragility of cable-stayed bridges should be evaluated to
ensure the safety.
Seismic fragility, which defines the probability of physical damage as a function of
seismic intensity measures (IMs), is used to develop vulnerability information for bridges
(Shinozuka et al. 2000a). Three main methods are used for development of fragility functions:
(1) damage data of structures from past events (Basoz and Kiremidjian 1999); (2) expert
opinion; and (3) analytical methods (Hwang and Jaw 1990; Mander and Basoz 1999;
Shinozuka et al. 2000a,b). Nevertheless, when past damage data are absent and appropriate
analytical tools are available, the analytical method is the proper method for fragility
development of engineering and special structures (Padgett and DesRoches 2008). For the
past decade, maximum likelihood method, the cloud method and IDA have become three
main popular approaches for estimating seismic fragility on bridges and other structures, such
as maximum likelihood method (Shinozuka et al. 2000a,b), cloud method (Choi et al. 2004;
Nielson and DesRoches 2007), and incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) (Feng 2008;
Vamvatsikos and Fragiadakis 2010). With regards to the seismic fragility analysis of
cable-stayed bridges, few studies (Casciati et al. 2008; Pang et al. 2014) have been published.
Thus, it needs more studies to evaluate the fragility curves of a cable-stayed bridge within a
probabilistic framework.
The primary objective of this work is to perform seismic fragility analysis of a typical
two-pylon cable-stayed bridge in China using different fragility methods. Few fragility
analyses have so far been conducted for this structure. The highlights of these fragility
analyses are: demand estimations based on nonlinear response-history analysis, the use of
various as-recorded ground motions, and the use of different seismic intensity measures and
the use of different fragility methods. Seismic fragility is estimated from the seismic demands
data using: (a) IDA method and nonlinear regression based method (Ellingwood et al. 2001),
(b) a maximum likelihood based method (Shinozuka et al. 2000a), (c) cloud method and
regression-based method and (d) a modification of the regression-based method proposed in
this work. The emphasis is on a comparative study of the fragility estimates from these four
methods and their effectiveness.
c) pylon height
Fig 1 statistical results of cable-stayed bridge in China
The finite element model of the cable-stayed bridge is built using OpenSees (McKenna
et al. 2006) as shown in Fig. 2. The OpenSees can perform nonlinear time history analysis
considering large geometric effects, local nonlinear geometric effects, and element distributed
plasticity due to material nonlinearity, which have been proved to be crucial for analysis of
cable-stayed bridges by Ren and Obata (1999). A distributed plasticity fiber element is used
for piers and pylons to account for the axial force-moment interaction and the material
nonlinearity. The nonlinear beam-column element is integrated numerically at five integration
points along its length. The cross-section of each beam-column element is divided into
200-400 fibers. The elastic beam-column element is used for the superstructure. The cable
element was modeled as a large-displacement truss element using the Ernst method due to the
easy usage and the capability to account for the sag effect. The cables were assumed to be
straight line element without the distributed mass to neglect the local dynamics (Caetano et al.
2000). The large geometric effect of cable-stayed bridge was considered by a P-Δ geometric
nonlinearity that modified the lateral resistance by the axial load (P) acting through the
displacement (Δ). Rigid links were used to connect the cables to the tower. Since the bridge
was supported by bed-rock, the soil–structure interaction effects were neglected. The
constraints of the supports were set to be fixed. The cable-stayed bridges had low structural
damping, so 3% modal damping matrix was applied in the analysis. The first 10 numerical
natural vibration periods of the evaluation FE model were 6.58s, 2.91s, 2.81s, 2.70s, 2.47s,
2.31s, 1.50s, 1.24s, 1.16s, 1.09s. The ground motion at each support is input uniformly.
Fig. 2 the overall bridge structural finite element model
In the present paper, the basic assumption is that the uncertainty of ground motions far
supersedes any other uncertainties that affect the fragility of cable-stayed bridge. This
assumption is made due to the good quality and strict control of cable-stayed bridges. Four
methods of fragility, namely IDA and regression method, cloud method, maximum likelihood
method and proposed regression-based method, are used and compared to test their efficiency
to estimate the fragility of components of cable-stayed bridge. 200 far-fault as-recorded
ground motions are selected for nonlinear time-history analysis (NLRHA) to obtain the IDA
curves. Table 1 provides basic information on the 200 records. All ground motions are treated
as independent records and each one of them is used for seismic response analysis. For IDA
analysis of each record, NLRHA of the structure is performed at various scales (e.g. 10 scales)
of the intensity measure (IM). Fig. 3 shows the PGA vs. maximum pylon curvature multi-IDA
plot. These IDA curves are used as reference for fragility estimates. From these IDA curves,
the probability of failure can be calculated in a simple way at each IM level by counting the
number of IDA curves that cross the vertical line corresponding to the limit state under
consideration. The ratio of these IDA curves to the total number of IDA curves (200 in this
case) is the probability of failure at that level of IM, which is also the fragility. This method is
called direct IDA method.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Fig. 3 IDA curves of pylon curvatures using 200 ground motions
where ∅(. ) is the standard normal CDF. 𝛽 should include both uncertainties of demand and
capacity. IM could be PGA, PGV and Sa(T1) etc. This method is labelled as ‘IDA and
regression’ method.
These two parameters are used to generate the fragility functions. This method can
include the response data of random samples. In this paper, 200 samples using 200 ground
motions are adopted. This method is labelled as “maximum likelihood’ method.
in which Sc is the median capacity, Sd is the median demad, 𝛽! is the capacity dispersion. In
this paper, 𝛽! is set to 0.1 to get a small variation of capacity. This method is labelled as
“cloud and regression” method.
where a1, a2,…, an are regression parameters, n is the order value (in this paper, the value is
set to 3), 𝛽! ′(.) is a function of at IM. This method is labelled as ‘proposed method’.
Results of fragility analysis are presented and discussed from three perspective. In
Section 5.1, the selection of proper IM is discussed. In Section 5.2, the fragility curves are
compared in terms of their closeness to the direct fragility method. The effect of sample sizes
on the fragility curves are also evaluated based on the proposed method in Section 5.3.
Selection of proper IM
To conduct the seismic fragility analysis of cable-stayed bridges, the primary work is to
study which seismic parameters can be used to reasonably express the fragility. Thus, in this
paper, a correlation coefficient is firstly applied between the seismic demands and intensity
measures to test the effectiveness of IMs. The Pearson's correlation (Gibbons and Chakraborti,
2003) is applied in the case of the paper. The Pearson's correlation coefficient between the
two variables X and Y is defined as following
!!!(!! !!)(!! !!)
ρ= (11)
! ! ! !
!!!(!! !!) !!!(!! !!)
in which, 𝑥 and 𝑦 are the mean values of Xi, and Yi. In this study, Xi represents the seismic
responses of components of the cable-stayed bridge while Yi represents the intensity
1 1
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
Correlation Coefficients
Correlation Coefficients
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
Seismic Parameters Seismic Parameters
(a) (b)
1 1
0.9 0.9
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
Correlation Coefficients
Correlation Coefficients
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
Seismic Parameters Seismic Parameters
(c) (d)
Fig 4 Correlation between maximum demands of four components and intensity measures: (a)
curvature at the bottom section; (b) tower displacement; (b) bearing displacement and (d)
cable forces
Eight seismic parameters are selected to test the effectiveness of IMs, namely PGA,
PGV, Arias Intensity (Ia), Characteristic Intensity (Ic), Velocity Spectrum Intensity (VSI),
Sustained Maximum Velocity (SMV), spectral acceleration at the fundamental period T1
(Sa(T1)) and Housner Intensity (HI). Fig 4 shows the correlation coefficients of four different
components. For sectional curvature, it is demonstrated that the strongest correlation are PGV
and VSI. SMV is at the second position. For bearing displacement, Ia is the best and VSI is
the second. For the tower top displacement, the Sa(T1), PGV and VSI show good correlation.
The next two parameters are SMV and HI. For cable forces, the Sa(T1), PGV and VSI ranked
firstly, secondly and thirdly. In general, among the 8 available intensity measures, PGV and
VSI are the proper IMs for the section curvature of pylon, cable forces, bearing displacement
and the top displacement of tower. Thus, due to convenience, PGV is selected as IM to
generate the fragility curves of cable-stayed bridge.
1.0 1.0
Cloud and regression
Maximum Likehoods
0.8 IDA and regression 0.8
Proposed method
IDA direct method
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
Cloud and regression
Maximum Likehoods
IDA and regression
Proposed method
IDA direct method
0.0 0.0
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
PGV(cm/s) PGV(cm/s)
Fig 5 fragility curves of two components using four different method (a) pylon section
curvature; (b) bearing displacement
Fig. 5 shows the fragility curves obtained for two components using four different
method. The fragility plots in the Fig. 5 demonstrate that the ‘proposed’ regression based
method can provide the good accuracy of fragility curves, while the ‘IDA and regression’ and
‘maximum likelihood’ method also show good results overall (very close to ‘proposed’
fragility curves). The ‘cloud and regression’ method results in impractical fragility plots
compared to the other three methods. The fragility curve from ‘cloud and regression’ method
gives higher fragility values due to the calculation of larger dispersion 𝛽! comparing to other
method. A numerical comparison of these curves, considering the direct IDA discrete data as
reference, are performed using three quantities: sum squared error (SSE) averaged over the
total number of intensity levels (Eavg), coefficient of determination (R2), and Pearson’s
correlation coefficient (ρ). This comparison is summarised in Table 2, which shows clearly
that the proposed method provides the good fragility curves. In terms of computation, the IDA
and regression method is found to be the most demanding, followed respectively by the
maximum likelihood method and the proposed method.
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 50 samples 0.4 50 samples
120 samples 120 samples
200 samples 200 samples
0.2 300 samples 0.2 300 samples
0.0 0.0
0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400
PGV(cm/s) PGV(cm/s)
Fig 6 fragility curves of two components at different sample sizes, namely 50, 120, 200, 300:
(a) pylon section curvature; (b) bearing displacement
This paper has investigated the seismic fragility of a typical cable-stayed bridge by
comparing different fragility methods, namely IDA and regression method, maximum
likelihood method and the cloud method using regression method. Among these, a new
regression-based method and high-order polynomial are proposed in this work in order to
compare the results with the existing methods to see whether it is better. The significant
conclusions from this study are:
(1) PGV, VSI and Sa(T1) gives a better correlation (than PGA) with the demand
parameter and should be used if the fragility is estimated independently.
(2) The ‘Proposed’ method of fragility analysis gives the best estimates of the fragility
function. But the cloud and regression method fails to provide realistic estimates of the
fragility function.
(3) The ‘maximum likelihood’ method of fragility analysis gives very good estimates of
the fragility values, while the IDA regression based method estimates fragility values quite
(4) The increasing sample size can get more accuracy results of fragility. The sample
size 200 can get convergent fragility of cable-stayed bridge
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