Discipline and Ideas in Social Sciences: Quarter 2: Week 12
Discipline and Ideas in Social Sciences: Quarter 2: Week 12
Discipline and Ideas in Social Sciences: Quarter 2: Week 12
The rational choice theory believes that the behaviour and social life of a person
as a whole can be formulated through the person’s rational choices. As you go on with
the lesson, you will understand the basic concepts and principles of rational choice
The pandemic crisis which led to lockdowns of different places are examples
of the formal constraints or regulations that need to be followed by the people. All of
these scenarios we are experiencing at this time show how “Institutionalism” works
and employs in our society. The connection at large has an impact on the political
system, shaping political policy and social constraints that people experience.
The Rational Choice Theory or RCT emerged during the behavioral revolution
in American Political Science between 1950s and 1960s (Ward 2002). Positivists
greatly influenced this theory, specifically Auguste Comte (1798-1857) on his works in
the 19th century and the Vienna Circle of logical positivism in 1920s.
Rational Choice affirmed that the behavior and social life of a person as a
the whole can be explained through a person’s rational choices. This approach can be
used to know why a person behaves or acts the way he or she does. The rational
choice fundamental assumption is that an individual action is based on their conduct
on logical process. They act with reason when making choices. Their choices
are intended for their pleasure or gain.
These are interactions between the human social system and (the “rest”) of the
ecosystem. Human-environment systems are both complex and adaptive. These
systems combine both human and natural components to show complex interactions
and added feedback between them.
● Related Concepts on the Study of Human Environment Systems
1. Environmental Change – caused by a perturbation to the landscape
system as a result of internal or external natural disturbance or
human-induced disturbance.
2. Environmental Threshold – refers to the point whereby the
environment changes from one phase or trajectory to another. It can
be reached after a period of slow accumulation of natural capital or
human imposed catastrophe, disturbs the existing trajectory.
Learning Competencies
Analyse the basic concepts and principles of the major Social Science ideas:
a. psychoanalysis
b. rational choice
c. institutionalism
d. feminist theory
e. hermeneutical phenomenology
f. human-environment systems
Activity 1
Directions: Read each sentence and rearrange the letters to reveal the
words/terms being described. Write the answers on the space provided.
1. A N T I O S I L M I N S T I T U
An approach aligned to methods and approaches in
political science that has significance in society, implied
________________ as the regulations, orders and systems.
2. A N L A Y S S S I O P C H
________________ characterized as therapeutic techniques and set of
psychological theories initiated by Sigmund Freud
3. O T R L A N I A O C C I E H
________________ an individual action is based on their conduct on logical
4. L R F M O A I O N S I N S T I T U T
________________ These are institutions that are officially established
in one way or another
________________ This focuses on the rights and freedoms for women and
girls of all ages in the society.
6. I C R M E E H N T S E U
________________ The primary concern of this social science is the
philosophy of understanding (Geanellos, 1998).
Activity 2
Situation 1
While walking towards the school canteen, you saw a student bullying another
student. He took the eyeglasses of another student and ran away. The bullied
student left crying in the corner. What will you do? Why?
Situation 2
You are a new student on campus. You like to be friends with some popular students
in your class. You approached one of them and introduced yourself. The leader of
the group told you that you have to prove to them first that you truly belong to their
company. Then, he gave an initiation task for you to do. You need to hang out with
them in the bar every night and drink hard liquor. What would you do if you were in
this situation? Why?
Situation 3
Your teacher gave the scope of topics included in the second quarterly examination
to the students ahead of time but you forgot to study the lessons the night before
the exam. You are not prepared to take the test and you cannot afford to fail because
you have already failed in the first quarter. Your seatmate offered you to copy some
of his/her answers for the test. What will you do? Why?
Rubric for Open-ended Activities
Score Criteria
▪ All parts of the question are correctly answered.
4 ▪ An explanation stating the reason behind the answer is provided.
▪ Complete sentences are used.
▪ All parts of the question are correctly answered.
3 ▪ No explanation stating the reason behind the answer is provided.
▪ Complete sentences are used.
▪ Some parts of the question are correctly answered.
2 ▪ No explanation stating the reason behind the answer is provided.
▪ Complete sentences are used.
▪ One part of the question is correctly answered.
1 ▪ No explanation stating the reason behind the answer is provided.
▪ Sentences are incomplete.
0 ▪ No parts of the question are answered.
Activity 3.
Directions: Examine the constitutive nature of formal and informal institutions. Put a
check in the column okay or not okay about the work done by the
government and other institutions. Provide your reasons on the space
provided below.
Activity 4.
Directions: Put yourself in the given situations and think of your decisions based on
the given options and its consequences. Use a separate sheet of paper
for your answer.
Activity 5.
Directions: Making a Position Paper. You will be tasked to write a position paper using
the concepts they learned on Human-Environment Systems. The theme of the paper
will be “Why should man be responsible for his environment?” Use a short bond paper
for this activity.
Content 20 points
Relevance to the Theme 15 points
Organization of Ideas 15 points
Total 50 points
Directions: Put a check on the blank which corresponds to how well you
learned the lesson.
Adams and Sydie (2003). Functionalism and Parsons. Retrieved from October 15,
2020 http://uregina.ca/~gingrich/250m3103.htm
Brendon T., (2019) “What are the goals of Counselling?” Accessed August 20, 2020.
http://owlcation.com/social-sciences/What-are-the-goals-of counseling
Durkheim, E. 1961. Elementary Forms of Religious Life. Bk. 2. Chap. 5 & 7. Trans.
by J.W. Swain Collier. New York: Macmillan. Retrieved on August 20, 2020
from https://journals. library.ualberta.ca/cjs/index.php/CJS/article/.../17856/
Liberto, Daniel (2020). Marxian Economics. Retrieved on August 20, 2020 from
https://www. investopedia.com/terms/m/marxian-economics.asp
Lumen Sociology. Module 12: Work and the Economy. Retrieved from Retrieved on
August 20, 2020 https://courses.lumenlearning.com/alamo-
sociology/chapter/readingtheoretical- perspectives-on-economics/
Answer Key:
Activity 3. Answers may vary based on the Activity 4. Answers may vary based on the rubrics
rubrics provided provided
Activity 5. Answers may vary based on the rubrics provided
Prepared by:
Dennis Z. Bonifacio
Teacher II