Concept Matrix - Literature Review

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Title of the Political Corruption: Political Corruption: The Mechanism of The Visual Politics of Why corruption matters:
research An Introduction to the An Introductory Corruption: Interest Corruption understanding causes,
paper/journal/new Issues Study on vs. Cognition effects and how to address
s articles Terminology and them

Author/s of this Amudsen (1999) Aktan (2015) Rothstein, B., & Hellmann (2019) Department for
paper as in-text Tegnhammar, M. (2006) International
citation Development (2015)

Author/s of this Amudsen, I. Aktan, C. (2015). Rothstein, B., & Hellman, O. (2019). The Department for International
paper as in (1999). Political Political Corruption: Tegnhammar, M. (2006). visual politics of Development. (2015,
Reference List Corruption: An An QOG Working Paper corruption. Third World January). Why corruption
Introduction To The Introductory Study on Series. The Mechanism of Quarterly, matters:
Issues. 7th ed. Bergen, Terminology and Corruption: Interest vs. 40(12), 2129-2152. understanding causes,
Norway, pp.1-33, Typology (Vol. 7). Cognition, 6(1653– https://doi.ord/10.1080/014 effects and how to address
ISSN: 0804-3639. Izmir, Turkey: 8919), 1–50. 36 597 them.
International Studies of Publishing.Service.Gov.Uk.
Social Sciences and https://assets.publishing.ser
Humanity Studies. vic e/ -
ISSN: 1309-8063 O5Rn8Qfwo_OmCv6CTI7Nm

What is/are the The objective of the The research paper does The paper aimed Through the theoretical The study was
objective/s of the study is to further not aim to provide cures about identifying lens of post-colonialism, commissioned by the
research? define corruption, the as to political problem in the said research paper Department for
causes of it, the corruption, but only contemporary research takes a first step toward International Development
consequences of it, tries to diagnose the about political developing an (DFID) to assess the existing
and the curtailing of disase. corruption. understanding of the body of evidence in
corruption. visual representation of corruption.
What is the The purpose of the The goal of the research The purpose of the said The purpose of the research The study acts as a key
hypothesis, if any. study is to provide a study is to provide the research study is to is to provide a source of synthesize
rigid terminology and figure out what types of photographic imagery of knowledge for staff,
framework for especially typology of political and economic corruption given that the helping inform policy
Rationale/Purpose researches who wish political institutions that relates visual evidence of narratives and programme
of conducting the to study corruption. corruption. to low corruption is generally design.
study corruption. sparce.

Methodology A data survey was The methods used in The empirical analysis is The research paper applies The study developed specific
used in establishing the research study based on policy semiotic and iconographic research sub-questions for
- Survey the was documents and on methods to two each of the three questions
- Interview casualty of two Knowledge thirteen interviews with photography competitions outlined on the basis of a
- Respondents variables: income Discovery Data persons in these run by Conceptual Framework
and corruption. A (KDD) by agencies who are Transparency elaborated in the inception of
- No. of the study.
table formulating definitions responsible for anti International – the major
respondents and situational events non-governmental player
between the corruption policy.
correlation between that altogether correlates in the anti-corruption
democracy, with political corruption industry.
measured according by also citing the works
to the Freedom of
House’s Country previous authors who
Index 1998 established research
which includes a studies that are related to
number of indicators it like Friedrich
on Nietzche.
democracy, and
according to
Perception Index for
1998 was also

Results & Discussion: Corruption studies do Political corruption The result is that To sum up, this The result of the evidence
not differ basically includes all kind of corruption is reproduced triangulation exercise has paper revealed the
What was the result from other problem- power abuse by all over time due to bolstered the findings of evidence gaps in the
of the study? oriented social science political resistance from strategic the previous section. All literature on
What did they find studies. The actors (politicians, interests and due to the three forms of visual corruption and provided
out from the methodology of bureaucrats, special self fulfilling character of communication—the an area for further
survey? corruption studies will interest group, voters.) expectations about photographs, the map, research.
have to reflect the corruption. The and the logo—reinforce
Any factors terms of reference (the researchers end the paper
‘othering’ myths that
for…? frame of by discussing the relative
understanding), the represent the South as
Implications? weight of
scope of the study cognitive vs. interest ‘irrational’ and ‘awaiting
(narrative, based explanations in salvation.’ Moreover, all
explorative, 27 institutional analysis. three analyses have
explanatory, shown that TI pushes
hypothesizing), and ideas of ‘oneness,’ which
the specific variety absolves the North of
of any blame and guilt.
corruption one is
focusing on.
What do they Even when the effect In general, corruption Forces aiming at reforms The preceding As the Introduction
conclude from the of democratization in refers to abuse of against corruption usually analysis scrutinized discussed, this Evidence
study? curtailing corruption is power for personal do not have power to act a small, Paper is not intended to
not too strong gain. In its narrow in a way that changes theoretically produce new
Did the study according to the meaning, people’s expectations informing sample of knowledge, but rather to
support the statistics available, corruption is an about the these images provide an authoritative
hypothesis? and remain debated in illegal payment to a power and endurance through semiotic and assessment of the existing
the discourse on public of corrupt networks. iconographic literature on corruption. On
What corruption, the servant to obtain frameworks, thereby the other hand, in the
recommendations/ practical argument benefit. But, “political taking a first step process of reviewing the
here is that corruption” is broader available
toward gaining a better
corruption can only concept than
be “corruption”.

suggestions did reversed by understanding of the evidence on corruption, the

the authors democratizing the state. visual politics of analysis in this study has
provide? corruption. identified a few gaps and
potential areas for further
research. These include the
following: policy research
that is disaggregated by
type of corruption, better
understanding of the
interdependency of
different types of anti-
interventions, and more.
Synthesis 1. Amudsen 1. Aktan (2015) 1. According to the 1. The study of 1. According to the
(1999) cited in revealed in his study conducted by Hellman 2019 Evidence Paper by the
his study study: “Political Rothstein et al., revealed that the Department of
that entitled Corruption: An (2006) “The key to control International
“Political Introductory Study Mechanism of corruption is to design Development (2015), it
Corruption: An on Terminology Corruption: Interest institutions in such a is of advantage to seek
Introduction to and Typology” that vs. Cognition” they way that minimizes the incentives that drive
the Issues” that all actions and argue that if there is the agent’s control actors to support or
corruption is behaviors a significant political and discretion over work against anti
generally defined constituting will for change public resources, and corruption reforms for
as the misuse of bribery, among citizens maximizes the risk the better understanding of
public authority, embezzlement, and/or political elite of being found out the political economy
and political favoritism are a corrupt system can and punished for of corruption.
corruption is generally used to be changed from engaging in corrupt
defined as mean the concept within. The agents at acts.
corruption in of corruption. the bottom nor the
which the 2. Political agents at the top as
political decision Corruption: An individuals have
makers are Introductory Study reason for changing
involved. on Terminology the system if they do
2. The study and Typology, a not believe that most
conducted by research study by other agents are
Amudsen (1999) Akta. (2015) willing to change,
highlighted that showcased that the reason is that
the fight for corruption is corruption can be
corruption and included in seen as a social trap
the struggle for a political corruption type of situation.
clean and acting as an
accountable umbrella concept.
should therefore
be seen as a part
of a broader

What is the It discusses the definition of corruption, the many different kinds of corruption. Providing a further overview of corruption its causes and effects.
unifying theme of
the five

Title of the Grand corruption Students’ Attitude Big Government, Big The Political Economy Decentralization and
research scandals in the toward Corruption and Corruption? Examining of Corruption: A Corruption in the
paper/journal/new Philippines their the Relationship Philippine Illustration Philippines
s articles Behavioral Intention to between
Corrupt or not to Corrupt Government Size and
in the Future: The
Philippines’ Context Public Corruption in the

Author/s of this Batalla (2020) Abun, D., Magallanes, Magtulis, P. P., & Poquiz, Roumasset (2008) Azfar, O., & Gurgur,
paper as in-text T., Foronda, S. L., & J. L. (2016) T. (2000)
citation Encarnacion, M. J. (2020)

Author/s of this Batalla, E. V. C. (2020). Abun, D., Magallanes, Magtulis, P. P., & Poquiz, James Roumasset, 2008. Azfar, O., & Gurgur,
paper as in Grand corruption T., Foronda, S. L., & J. L. (2016). Big "The Political Economy of T. (2000).
Reference List scandals in the Encarnacion, M. J. Government, Big Corruption: A Decentralization and
Philippines. Public (2020). Students’ Corruption? Examining Philippine Corruption in the
Administration and Attitude toward the Relationship between Illustrationa," Working Philippines, 2–19.
Policy, 23(1), 73–86. Corruption and their Government Size and Papers 200805, University https://www.researchgat Behavioural Intention to Public Corruption in the of Hawaii at Manoa, e.
pa p-11-2019-0036 Corrupt or not to Corrupt in Philippines. International Department of Economics. net/publication/2421212
the Future:The Philippines’ Journal of Public 25
Context. Journal of Social Administration, _Decentralization_and_
Sciences, 23(01), 77–92. 40(11), 954–967. Co rruption_in_the_Philippi
G.2 .2.33752.65285 00 692.2016.1229676 ne s?
xt FileContent

What is/are the This paper aims to The study intends to Unlike corruption, The research paper This study divulge on
objective/s of the contribute to research determine the correlation government size has not explores the nature, local level corruption in
research? on grand corruption between students’ been studied in the causes, and the Philippines highly
involving the executive attitudes toward Philippines despite consequences of corruption relevant in a specific
corruption and their numerous literature as it pertains to entire context.

What is the branch in the behavior plan to corrupt suggesting relationship Such studies as this
hypothesis, if any. Philippines, or not to corrupt in the between the two. This one might have
particularly in the future. study fills that gap by global
Rationale/Purpose procurement of looking at state spending relevance in terms of
of conducting the large, foreign- and how it relates to the the increasingly
study funded enduring important question of
government projects. political issue of public the
It examines corruption. determinants of local
allegations of government
improprieties in performance and the
government project effect of
contradicting and the corruption on health
politics resolving service delivery.
corruption scandals
through the justice system.

The purpose of the

article is to analyze the
weakness of the
institutions in
constraining grand
corruption arising from
the government
procurement of large
funded infrastructure
projects in the Philippines.
Methodology The research employs a The study used a The aim of this study is to The research study Data is based on eight
historical and descriptive correlational examine the relationship employed an illustrated surveys undertaken in
- Survey comparative case research design. To gather between public corruption theory with a stylized 80 Philippine
- Interview approach to explore the data, and government size using account of corruption in municipalities in the
- Respondents patterns of grand questionnaires were used vector autoregression. the three Philippine Spring of 2000. The
corruption and their and the data were treated The empirical models for administrations, from researchers surveyed
- No. of
resolution. Primary using Pearson r or Product this research undertaking 1973- 1998. Policy 1100 households, 80
respondents and secondary Moment Correlation would take off from the implications are discussed, municipal
sources Coefficient to determine findings of earlier studies including the role of the administrators, health
including court the correlation between suggesting a economist in making officials and
decisions, two variables and corruption less attractive. education officials, 19
congressional records,
journal articles and Weighted mean was used positive relationship provincial
newspaper reports to determine the level of between the two variables. administrators, health
are used to cognitive, affective officials and education
construct the attitude and their officials, 160
narrative for each case. behavioral government health
intention. facility workers and 160
school principals –some
private (49) and some
public (111)-. The
sample of households
represents 19 provinces,
80 municipalities within
them, and 301
barangays within those
80 municipalities.
Households can be
matched to either
schools or health
facilities at the barangay

Results & Top-level executive The study found that there The findings presented here Grand corruption is The researchers
Discussion: agreements that do not is no significant are the first of its kind in modeled as a type of finding were that
require competitive correlation between the Philippines, where unproductive rent-seeking voting in local
What was the public bidding provide cognitive and public corruption has at the highest levels of elections and reading
result of the an affective attitude and consistently been on the government. The economic national newspapers
study? opportunity for students' behavioral agenda, while the effect of costs of corruption are appeared to act as
What did they find grand corruption. intention to corrupt or not the size of the assumed to increase in the effective corruption
out from the Such to corrupt in the future. government on corruption decentralization (and reducing
survey? agreements encourage However, there is a has not been explored. The relaxation) of its disciplines on local
the formation of correlation between empirical results suggest governance, increase governments. Reading
Any factors corrupt rent seeking cognitive and affective that, ceteris paribus, convexly in the percentage local newspapers
for…? relationships attitudes. The next study is government extracted, and appeared to have the
involving the selling firm, paradoxical

brokers, politicians and recommended to focus on spending (Coefficient: decreasing in the effect of increasing
top-level government other aspects such as 0.05066), per capita opportunities for corruption.
executives. Closure of social context and norms income(0.00004), and rule productive rent-seeking. Adjustability or
cases of grand to predict the corrupt of law (11.03) all have Combining these discretion at the local
corruption is a serious behavior of significant positive assumptions with the level appeared to be
problem that involves students in the future. relationship with benefits of corruption related to more
an incoherent and corruption perception as yields the results that corruption as theory
politically vulnerable measured by both CCI optimal corruption predicts, but the effect
prosecutorial and and FCI. revenues are increasing in was barely
justice system. greed of the regime and in perceptible.
economic opportunities but
that the economic costs of
corruption may be highest
in the least avaricious
regime. The theory is
illustrated with a stylized
account of
corruption in three
Philippine administrations,
from 1973- 1998.

What do they At best, high- The hypothesis of the study The investigation First, corruption should be The results on the
conclude from ranking officials was based on Ajzen and yielded significant centralized under the consequences of
the study? accused of Fishbein’s (1977, 2000,) positive highest level of corruption showed
corruption have and Allport’s (1968) theory relationship between government. This will clearly that corruption
Did the study been shamed and that attitude is a key government spending, per dramatically lower the undermines the delivery
support the predictor of human capita GDP, and rule of costs of corruption and set of health
hypothesis? behavior. But the result of law and corruption the stage for the second services knowledge of
Some senators the current study does not step. Next, the per unit
including Juan Ponce support the perception. price of corruption should required
What Enrile, hypothesis. In the be reduced. This will immunizations,
recommendations/ Ramon Revilla Jr Philippines context, However, the study did promote mechanisms of household assessments
su g gestions did and Jose Ejercito Jr corruption may not be not find any two-way corruption that are more of the quality of health
the authors were jailed in caused by their attitude but causal relationship, services, improvements
provide? inasmuch as corruption in immunization rates,
connection with the
perception may and
Napoles pork barrel
scam but have
been either released it can be caused by other influence the three other conducive to growth reduction in specific
on bail or acquitted factors such associal variables back. The without even necessarily diseases. In each case,
of context and norms. guidance laid out in this reducing the “take” of high the researchers found
plunder charges. The paper should provide officials. A third step corruption had the
failure of closure of The result of this study impetus for the involves expected negative
contributes to the government to liberalizing those policies effect on the quality
past scandals
controversy that was raised continuously use its whose enforcement of health services,
encourages corrupt fiscal power to boost increases corruption. The
by previous researchers and the effect was
practices by top such as Wicker economic growth. fourth step involves often significant.
officials, who regard (1969).Several social auditing systems that
government as a psychologists have denied While there were indeed render government The results on the
lucrative source of the relationship between arguments of increasing enforcement incentive education were similar
private wealth and attitude and behavior. They corruption as higher compatible. but slightly weaker. The
power. The have recommended spending occurs, the researchers used two
scandals provide a studying social context and researchers did not see that measures for the quality
constant norms as a determinant in the Philippines, and in of education: test scores
reminder of the long factor in fact, found the and household
unattended predicting behavior or opposite. This should assessment of the
human action (De Fleur show that despite quality of education.
opportunity of numerous
effectively reforming & Westie, 1958, Corruption have
Deutscher, 1969). corruption cases in appeared to have a clear
the political system. recent years, the negative impact on
The author inclines to government household
follow the continues to play an assessments of quality,
recommendation, that important role in the and perhaps as a
instead of studying the economy. consequence the effect
correlation between of corruption on test
attitude and behavior, one sores, while negative
can study social context was not significant.
and the culture of the place
to determine the behavior
of a person.
Consequently, the school
should provide
curriculum and seminars
that discuss

not only the cognitive and

affective aspects of
students toward
corruption but the
students should be invited
to a deeper discussion and
evaluate the social practices
they are involved in if
those practices should be
abandoned or sustained.
Therefore solving
corruption is a multifactor
Synthesis 1. According to the 1. The result of the 1. It is noted in the 1. The research study 1. The result of the
research study research study study conducted by entitled as “The study conducted by
conducted by entitled: “Students’ Magtulis et al., (2016) Political Economy of Azfar et al., (2000)
Batalla (2020) Attitude toward entitled “Big Corruption: A in their research
entitled “Grand Corruption and their Government, Big Philippine study entitled
corruption Behavioral Intention Corruption? Illustration” “Decentralization
scandals in the to Corrupt in the Examining the Roumasette (2008) and Corruption in
Philippines”, Future: The Relationship between disclosed that free the Philippines”
stated that the Philippines’ Context” Government Size and press and a demand revealed that
Philippines deeper which was conducted Public Corruption in for investigative corruption
problems in by Abun et al., (2020) the Philippines” that journalism is one of undermnines the
politics and society found that though the the public gives equal the most effective delivery of health
is caused by the students know that hat importance to rule of weapons against and education. This
constancy of grand corruption is law and how itis bribery and rent complements
corruption everywhere, and is imposed on various seeking generally. cross-country
scandals. For the done by everyone, it segments of society, The government can findings on the
reason that the does not necessarily including the be more proactive subject, and adds to
negative external lead them to corrupt bureaucracy itself. by improving the expanding i
influences remain in the future. The And their demand for auditing and
malleable to the same is true with public account-ability reporting
government their feelings toward increases as the requirements so as
institutions. corruption or economy grows as to render the nature
affective attitude shown by rule of and consequences of
2. Batalla (2020) toward corruption. law’s correlation with government
research study Even though they per capita income. programs, policies,
entitled “Grand feel sad about and projects more
corruption corruption, it does 2.The research study by transparent to the
scandals in the not mean that they Magtulis et al., public.
Philippines” will follow the same (2016)
revealed that the path in the future. entitled “Big 2. Roumasette (2008)
leack ofboth The result of this Government, Big research study: “The
capacity and study suggests that Corruption? Political Economy of
autonomy in the corruption is not just Examining the Corruption: A
bureaucracy has caused by their Relationship between Philippine
long been attitude but it can be Government Size and Illustration”
“subordinated to caused by other Public Corruption in eemphasized the
particularistic elite factors in the society the Philippines” nature of the
interests”. such as the culture. revealed that the more political regime as a
The fact that they information there is cause of corruption.
disagree and are not available to the Other causes have
happy with public, the more it and will be explored
corruption, but they helps on building in the future as
still do it. confidence in the statistical patterns
government. The regarding the
2. Abun et al., (2020) system of checks and correlates of high and
research study entitled balances, a component low corruption
“Students’ Attitude of rule of law, emerge. One example
toward Corruption reinforces this. that may apply to the
and their Behavioral Philippines regards
Intention to Corrupt in the role of religion.
the Future: The

Philippines’ Context”
stated that Corruption
has been the main
culprit of the
underdevelopment of
many countries. Not
giving attention to
corruption will mean
poverty and
bankruptcy. However,
solving corruption
needs a multifactor
investigation. Youth is
the future of society
and if they are not
educated about the
danger of corruption,
they can follow the
same path and society
will never go away
from corruption.
Therefore, other
factors need to be
investigated as other
causes of corruption.
What is the It specifies more on local corruption, the adamant political corruption in the Philippines caused by the previous administrations.
unifying theme of
the five

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