Elementary Band Rubrics
Elementary Band Rubrics
Elementary Band Rubrics
Reporting Standard 4 3 2 1
Reads and performs Rhythms are Rhythms are Rhythms are Rhythms are
rhythm accurately performed with high performed with performed with performed with
accuracy and accuracy in inconsistent limited accuracy
fluently in melodies, melodies accuracy
and at increased Beat is steady Beat is not steady
Foot taps correctly
Plays music Notes are performed Notes are performed Notes are performed Notes are
accurately with high accuracy with accuracy in with inconsistent performed with
and fluently in melodies accuracy. limited accuracy.
melodies, and at Notes sound at the Not all notes are at Unable to play the
increased speed correct pitch level the correct pitch piece beginning to
level end
Plays instrument with Tone is performed Tone is performed Tone is performed Tone is performed
correct posture and with excellent quality with High quality with basic quality with limited quality
technique Winds: Winds: Winds: Winds:
Tonguing and Tonguing and Tonguing and Tonguing and
slurring performed slurring performed slurring performed slurring are
with high accuracy with accuracy with inconsistent performed with
Percussion: Percussion: accuracy with limited accuracy.
Buzz is performed Buzz is performed reminders Percussion:
consistently clear clear and even; Percussion: Marked sticking
and even; marked sticking Buzz is (alternate) is not
marked sticking (alternate) is used inconsistently used
(alternate) is used with accuracy performed
with high accuracy marked sticking
(alternate) is used
with inconsistent
accuracy with
Understands music Identifies notes, Identifies notes, Identifies notes, Identifies notes,
notation terms, and symbols terms, and symbols terms, and symbols terms, and symbols
with high accuracy with accuracy with inconsistent with limited
accuracy accuracy